November 22, 2012 Wayne & Garfield County Insider

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INSIDER Panguitch • Panguitch Lake • Hatch • Bryce • Tropic • Antimony • Henrieville • Cannonville • Escalante • Boulder • Fremont • Loa • Lyman Bicknell • Teasdale • Torrey • Grover • Fruita • Caineville • Hanksville

Thursday, November 22, 2012 • Issue # 971

Holiday Traditions:

Garkane to Refund Half a Million Dollars to Members

LOA - Garkane Energy’s Board of Directors has announced that a $500,000 Capital Credit Refund will be made to the cooperative’s membership in December. Current members will see their share of the refund as a credit on the power bill they receive in the month of December, while former members who were still eligible for capital credit refunds will receive their checks in the mail. The refund is a result of the strong financial performance of the cooperative. Capital Credit refunds are part of what makes a cooperative unique. When Garkane’s revenues exceed expenses, the excess revenues become a Capital Credit to the members of the cooperative, who are the customers who purchase the electricity. When cash flows allow, the cooperative issues a refund. Garkane also received a wholesale power rebate from its power supplier, Deseret Power. Garkane is one of six cooperatives, which own

and direct the operations of Deseret. Deseret provides power to Garkane and others from its Bonanza Power Plant near Vernal, Utah, and the Hunter II Plant in Castledale, Utah, as well as administering members’ contracts with the Western Area Power Administration, the federal power marketing agency, which delivers power to Garkane from Glen Canyon Dam. Deseret enjoyed a successful year, so Garkane, as one of its cooperative owners reaped the benefits and passed them along to its members. Carl Albrecht, Garkane’s CEO, stated that he hoped “a smaller December electric bill will help make our members’ holiday preparations a bit easier in these tough economic times.” He went on to say, “Capital Credit Refunds should serve as a reminder of the benefits of being a cooperative member.” Albrecht went on to say that Garkane’s Capital Credit refunds over the past years have totaled over $8 Million. —Garkane Energy

Deadline to Apply for Daniels Scholarships is November 29

DENVER, CO - High school seniors in Utah who demonstrate Character, Leadership, and Service are encouraged to apply for the Daniels Scholarship Program by the Nov. 29 deadline by visiting “In establishing the Daniels Scholarship, cable pioneer Bill Daniels wanted to seek out outstanding young people who possess tremendous strength of character, the passion to succeed, a willingness to work hard, and a commitment to giving back to the community,” explained Linda Childears, president and CEO of the Daniels Fund. Each year, approximately 250 new Daniels Scholars are selected from among thousands who apply. They go through a rigorous application, interview, and selection process. The reward of being selected for the program is the opportunity to obtain a 4-year college education at any nonprofit college or university in the United States, complete with financial and personal support throughout the college journey.

To be eligible to apply for a Daniels Scholarship students must be current high school seniors graduating during the 2012-2013 academic year from a high school in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, or Wyoming. They must be a current resident of one of those states and at the time of application be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States. They must also demonstrate financial need and other requirements of the scholarship. The Daniels Scholarship is not “full ride”, but is supplemental to all other financial aid resources, including Pell Grants, available to the student. After other financial resources have been applied, the Daniels Scholarship covers all required tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and a variety of other miscellaneous expenses. Students also receive a laptop computer and a printer. Visit www.danielsfund. org for more information. —The Daniels Fund


LOA weather

Angel Tree Volunteer Helps Santa Make Deliveries to Wayne Residents, Aged Eighty

Diane Borgerding puts the finishing touches on Wayne County’s Angel Tree in the lobby of Royal’s Food Town in Loa.

LOA - Wayne County resident Diane Borgerding says she has “a very large closet.” And this large closet comes in especially handy this time of year, as Ms. Borgerding serves as the primary coordinator for the Angel Tree programs for both children and seniors throughout Wayne County. The Angel Tree program for youth provides Christmas gifts to kids in low-income families, and, in this case, there is an actual tree involved. How Angel Tree programs work is if you see an Angel Tree in any community, you may select a tag from the tree representing a particular child and their desired gift, obtain the item, and deliver the gift to a drop-off location. This year’s Wayne County Angel Tree is located in the lobby of Royal’s Food Town in Loa. Gift tags are for many different kinds of items, like board games, remote control cars, pajamas, and winter coats, hats and gloves. Gift items are all valued at $25 or less, and conventiently, many (though not all) of the gift items may be obtained at Royal’s. Once obtained, gifts may

be dropped off at the Wayne County Community Center in Bicknell until December 16. Drop off times are Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 10am and 2pm, and Saturdays from 11am to 3pm. Last year’s gift donations through Angel Tree provided three gifts each to more than 83 kids in the county, totaling donations of more than $10,000. The Senior Angel Tree program works a little differently. Each senior in the county over 84 years of age receives a gift package of 3 or 4 items, and donations are coordinated by calling Diane directly, at 491-0135. In the case of the senior Angel Tree program, cash donations are also particularly helpful. This year, more than 70 seniors are expected to receive gift packages. Donations of wrapping paper, boxes and tape, as well as volunteers to wrap gifts and accept gifts as they arrive at the community center are a big help to making some Christmas wishes come true! If you’d like to help in any way, call Diane at 491-0135. —Insider Report

Garfield County’s Little-Known Namesake: President James Abram Garfield by Jerry Roundy

On March 9, 1882, Utah Territorial Governor Eli H. Murray signed an act of the territorial legislature that created Garfield County from territory taken from part of Iron County. The new county was named for President James A. Garfield who had recently been assassinated by a deranged, disappointed office seeker, Charles J. Guiteau. Recently I asked several people what they knew about James A. Garfield, the namesake of Garfield County, and the reply from most of them was, “not much.” Some didn’t even know he was a president of the United States, and had no idea how Garfield County got its name. I have since wondered how many other people in Garfield County know very little about the man for whom the County is named. James A. Garfield was a deeply religious man, and a man of great integrity. We should be proud that Garfield County bears his name. Garfield was born November 19, 1831, in Moreland Hills, Ohio to Abram and Eliza Garfield, who were honest, hard working people. James’s father died at age thirty-three when James was but seventeen months old. Even by the standards of the hardscrabble rural area in which they lived, Garfield was raised in desperate circumstances. His mother was left with debts that forced her to sell much of their land, but she and James’s older brother were determined that James would get an education. In the fall of 1851 Garfield was enrolled in a preparatory school in northern Ohio called the Western Reserve Eclectic Institute. Garfield later wrote that this was his “chance to become an educat-

President James A. Garfield ed man.” He paid for his tuition by doing janitorial work, chopping wood, building fires and ringing the school bell. Garfield soon learned that he was a gifted student and “the more he learned the more ambitious he became.” He was such a vigorous student that by the second year the school promoted him from janitor to assistant professor. The subjects he was asked to teach were literature, mathematics and ancient languages. Garfield became fluent in several languages. In 1854 Garfield enroled in William College in Williamstown, Massachusetts. After graduating with honors he returned to teach at Eclectic Institute. Two years later, at age twenty-six, he became the school’s president.

A year later Garfield joined the Republican Party after campaigning for the antislavery platform in Ohio. He married Lucretia Rudolph in 1858, and in 1860 was admitted to practice law while serving as an Ohio State Senator (1859-1861). Garfield opposed Confederate secession, and when the war broke out he was commissioned a Lt. Col. in the Union Army. He was soon promoted to Colonel and when the war came to a close he was a Major General. In the fall of 1862 Garfield was elected to the U.S. Congress, receiving nearly twice as many votes as his opponent, although he had done nothing to promote his candidacy. Technically he was still a member of the military and did not take his seat in Con-

President Garfield Cont’d on page 2

Wayne Phone: 435-836-2622 Garfield Phone: 435-676-2621 Fax 1-888-370-8546 PO BOX 105, Escalante, Utah 84726

The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. — Herbert Spencer English philosopher (1820 - 1903) THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER is owned and operated by Snapshot Multimedia, LLC and is distributed weekly to all of Wayne and Garfield Counties, Utah. Its purpose is to inform residents about local issues and events. Articles submitted from independent writers are not necessarily the opinion of Snapshot Multimedia, LLC. We sincerely hope you enjoy the paper and encourage input on ideas and/or suggestions for the paper.

gress until Abraham Lincoln personally asked him to. He wrote home from Washington that he had resigned his commission in the army with “. . .regret, for I had hoped not to leave the field till every insurgent state had returned to its allegiance.” The Republican National Convention was held in Chicago early in June of 1880. Presidential candidates were not chosen like they are today but names were placed in nomination at the convention and then a vote was taken. Sometimes it took days and multiple votes before a candidate was chosen. On the fourth day of the convention Garfield had agreed to place in nomination the name of John Sherman, of whom he was not terribly fond, but did so because Sherman had asked him to. As Garfield made his way to the podium the crowd was chanting Grant, Grant, Grant, meaning General President Ulysses S, Grant who had served two terms as President following the Civil War, but was now being asked to serve a third term. At the end of his nominating speech the hall was silent, impressed with his eloquence. He then asked a simple question. “And now, gentlemen of the Convention, what do we want?” From the midst of the crowd came an unexpected, and for Garfield, unwelcome answer. “We want Garfield.” Garfield had no desire to be president. On the first ballot Grant received 304 votes, James E. Blaine, 284 and John Sherman 74. Little changed on the second ballot, but on the

ALL content for THE WAYNE &GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY before 5:00 pm to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER

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Thank you, Wayne and Garfield Counties

Thank you for the 29 votes I received for the District 2 Congressional seat. I placed 4th in a field of 5. I ran as an unaffiliated, independent candidate with the goal of asking tough questions, challenging obsolete assumptions, and promoting common sense and realitybased solutions. I ran against money in politics and against fear, fantasy, and ideology. My one year Experiment in Democracy ended on midnight Nov. 6. I lost, but winning was not the objective. The objective was to experience the process and work towards changing the conversation. That objective was successful. The experiment and its analysis will result in a short e-book, The Run - #2 in an E Book Trilogy: #1 - The Call - the call for active involvement and participation; #2 - The Run - my one year Experiment in Democracy; #3 - The Plan - what I would have tried to do had I been elected. This Trilogy is designed

as a guide and handbook for others who want to get involved in active Democracy. It will be available, free and on line, in early 2013. Although my campaign web site has been archived for historical and research purposes, I will continue to use the same site URL (2andrade. org) for an ongoing blog (Substantive Politics) and for other political commentary, critique, and input -with an emphasis on Utah and energy/climate/ environment issues and topics. Those 29 of you who voted for me, thank you - the future really is in your hands. Please run yourself - or strongly support and help candidates who work towards restoring our Democracy. I will not run again. Please express your voices and positions loudly, clearly, and often to your new Congressman and to our State government. If enough of you speak up, you will be heard. The times are indeed changing. Joseph Andrade Former candidate for Congress, District 2, Utah

The MAC and Monument Management A recent opinion article by Steve Westhoff, was confusing and inaccurate with regards to membership on the Monument Advisory Committee (MAC) of the Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument (GSENM). It was finally determined that Steve is upset that an official of a state organization was requested to serve on the ad hoc science sub-committee, not the MAC. The sub-committee is assigned to gather information and input from all available sources, so recommendations can be presented to the full MAC committee for consideration. As explained in the following information by Larry Crutchfield, the Monument’s Public Affairs Officer, MAC recommendations are then considered and evaluated

by the Monument Manager and his staff as to their value for implementation in management of the Monument. That is all! The MAC has no authority for making Monument policy. It is an advisory committee, and contrary to Steve’s wishes, all available sources of information are important, whether he or any of the other members of the subcommittee totally agree with each other or not. His attempt to discredit the MAC, its leaders and other BLM personnel, is not a helpful way to get positive management actions to occur on the Monument. Larry’s recap of the October meeting explains the operating procedures of the MAC and its transparency to the public. Norm McKee Panguitch

The MAC and Monument Management GSENM MAC Meeting Recap Submitted by Norm McKee

KANAB – The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Advisory Committee held its fall meeting in Kanab, Utah, at the Bureau of Land Management Complex October 16 and 17. The Monument Advisory Committee is a discretionary advisory committee established under Section 309 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). The MAC is chartered “To develop recommendations for the Monument on issues pertaining to science and other management issues, and the achievement of objectives set forth in the Management Plan.” The MAC is comprised of 15 members, seven of which are scientists representing the areas of archaeology, paleontology, geology, botany, wildlife biology, social science and systems ecology. In addition to the scientists, there are eight other Committee members: one local elected official from both Kane and Garfield Counties, one from State government, one from Tribal government, one from the environmental community, one educator, one from the outfitter and guide community operating within the Monument, and one from the ranching community operating within the Monument. To obtain MAC members, GSENM announces a 45-day open “Call for Nominations” period in the Federal Register. News releases are sent to all major media outlets throughout the state to solicit nominations. The Call for

Nominations is also posted on the BLM-Utah and GSENM websites. The GSENM Manager, with input from the Associate and Assistant Monument Managers, selects the nominees. The recommendations are forwarded to the Utah State BLM Director and Governor of Utah for concurrence. The recommendations are then forwarded to the BLM Director, before being sent on to the Department of the Interior (DOI) and DOI White House Liaison for vetting and approval. Committee members are appointed by the Secretary of the Interior. MAC members normally serve three-year terms, and can be re-nominated to serve additional terms. The 2012/2013 MAC members (representing) are: * Robert Blackett (Geology) * Gordon Bosworth (Botany) *James Bowns (Systems Ecology) * Steven Burr (Social Science) * Don Lofgren (Paleontolgy) * Norman McKee (Wildlife Biology) * Jerry Spangler (Archaeology) * C. Dirk Clayson (Kane County) * Michael Friedman (Outfitter/Guide) * Phillip Hanceford (Environmental) * Kevin Heaton (State of Utah) * Carmen Martineau (Tribal Interests) * Leland Pollock (Garfield County) * Keith Watts (Education) * Stephen Westhoff (Livestock Grazing)

President Garfield Cont’d from page 1

third ballot two new names suddenly appeared—a single vote for Benjamin H. Harrison, a senator from Indiana who would become president of the United States nine years later, and another for James A. Garfield. Voting continued for two more days and support for Garfield, against his protest, began to mount. On the 37th ballot he received the number of votes necessary to make him the Republican nominee for President. Garfield didn’t go on the stump for votes like candidates do today. Traveling from town to town and asking for votes was considered undignified for a presidential candidate. Abraham Lincoln had not given a single speech on his own behalf during either of his campaigns, and President Rutherford B. Hayes advised Garfield to do the same. “Sit crosslegged” he said, and “look wise.” However, he did get a chance to give one speech. While sitting on his front porch in Mentor, Ohio a group of German immigrants gathered in the yard and asked him to speak to them. He did so in fluent German. This was the first speech given by a presidential candidate in a foreign language. Garfield was sworn into office March 4, 1881. His term of office would last but 200 days. It was not uncommon for office seekers to have free access to the White House, and time was set aside for the president to meet with each of them. One persistent office seeker was Charles J. Guiteau, who felt sure Garfield would appoint him to the Paris Consulship. So frequent were his visits to the White House and the State Department that the chief clerk informed the appointment clerks to leave him sitting in the outer office. Guiteau finally came to the conclusion that God was telling him he should kill the President, that it would unite the Republican Party and he would become a hero. He bought a gun and began stalking Garfield. Since there was no Secret Service, Guiteau had ample opportunities to shoot the President. Twice he

The October 16th meeting was called to order a little after 1 p.m. by Monument manager Rene Berkhoudt and MAC chairman Steve Burr. The Utah BLM state director, Juan Palma, started with an update from Washington, D.C., and the Utah state office. “As you know, BLM director Bob Abbey retired and Mike Pool is now in the acting role. Since the BLM director is a political appointee, we probably will not have a new director named until after the elections. By law, a new director cannot move state directors for four months after taking the job…so what that means to you is, I’m going to be here for a bit longer,” said Palma. Palma stated that, “Here in Utah, oil and gas is an important part of our BLM portfolio…but so is recreation… billions of dollars in fact. Our public lands are a major source of recreation revenue for Utah.” Palma also addressed grazing on the Monument. “Grazing is in the Presidential proclamation and will remain. We do; however, need to do an environmental impact statement to bring our grazing management practices into the Monument management plan. I do not expect that planning effort to begin before late next spring or early summer. We are looking at using a third party contractor to help develop the document. And we are looking at a collaborative effort.” Following Palma’s remarks and questions from the MAC, Monument division chiefs Matt Betenson (Planning and Support Services), Richard Madril (Resources) and Carolyn Shelton (Science and Visitor Services) gave up-

stood outside the window of the church Garfield attended weekly and could easily have shot him, but seeing his wife, Lucretia, looking so thin and pale after an extended illness, Guiteau said he didn’t have the heart to shoot her husband in front of her. Guiteau followed the President’s calender very closely and learned that on a certain morning he would be

November 22, 2012

Joseph Listor had, for several years, tried to convince the medical profession the critical importance of antisepsis—preventing infection by destroying germs. But Listor’s work was considered almost heretical. One doctor said “The whole theory of antisepsis is not only absurd, it is a positive injury.” Another said that Listor’s “methods would be a return to the dark-

the doctors killed him” President James A. Garfield died September 19, 1881. His presidency was from March 4, 1881, to September 19, 1881. His term of office is the shortest of any president other than William Henry Harrison, who died just one month after being sworn in. Although he was not in office very long, he advocated a bi-metal system, agricul-

The Inauguration of President James A. Garfield. boarding a train at the Baltimore and Potomac station to join his wife for a short vacation. Garfield was accompanied by his Secretary of State, James E. Blaine, and several other State Department members, but, of course, no Secret Service personnel. Guiteau, who was waiting inside the station, had no trouble getting close to the President. Two shots were fired into Garfield’s back and the President fell to the floor. Guiteau was easily captured. By today’s standards Garfield’s wounds were not fatal. The first doctor to arrive on the scene was Dr. Smith Townsend who did what would be unthinkable to day: he thrust an unsterilized finger into Garfield’s wound. When other doctors arrived on the scene they thrust unsterilized probes into his wounds introducing an infection that was far more serious than Guiteau’s bullets. In fact, at his trial Guiteau frankly admitted he shot the President, but said “it was the doctors who killed him.”

est days of ancient surgery.” Modern medicine would have had Garfield back on the job in a month. The doctor who took care of Garfield was Willard Bliss, who had been a friend of the family. Dr. Bliss almost refused to have any other doctors do anything at all for Garfield, even when it was clear that his body was racked with infection. Bliss was absolutely opposed to Joseph Listor’s theory that patients should be kept in a germ free area and that attending doctors and nurses should be sure their hands had been sanitized before attending to a patient. Garfield bore his illness well, rarely uttering a complaint even when his body was being probed to find the bullet and puss bags were being lanced. After his death the autopsy showed Garfield’s body was completely filled with puss bags, and the bullet Bliss was constantly probing for was on the opposite side of the body. Perhaps Guiteau was right after all---“I shot him but

dates on the project their respective divisions were working. In its April meeting, the MAC formed two ad-hoc subcommittees – the science plan review subcommittee, chaired by Kane County Commissioner Dirk Clayson, tasked with review and comment of the Monument’s draft science plan; and the Hole-In-TheRock corridor strategy subcommittee, chaired by Garfield County Commissioner Leland Pollock, tasked with developing ideas and recommendations for the corridor. Following the Monument division briefs, the MAC broke into subcommittee working groups. The MAC reconvened as a group for the 5 p.m. public meeting. While the entire MAC meeting is open for the public to observe, this public meeting offered non-MAC members to directly address the committee with their concerns. Six members of the public spoke, most about the need to conduct a grazing EIS openly using the best science available. A member of the Grand Staircase Escalante Partners explained some of that group’s efforts in promoting education and interpretation on the Monument; and a representative from the Hole-In-The-Rock Foundation stressed their support for the HITR corridor work. The next day’s meeting included presentations by Monument archaeologist Matt Zweifel on survey work done in the Paria River corridor, and introductions of the Arizona State University team partnering with the BLM and communities surrounding the Monument to develop an ap-

preciative inquiry study of tourism development in rural areas. The MAC also received subcommittee reports. During the meeting, the MAC discussed and voted on several recommendations: * Recommendation from the science plan review subcommittee to increase priority and time available for specialists to improve the technical level of the science plan was passed unanimously. * Recommendation from the HITR corridor subcommittee that Monument management to take the steps necessary to identify and preserve the original HITR trail and its associated sites passed unanimously. * Recommendation from the HITR corridor subcommittee that Monument management develop vault-style restroom facilities at Dance Hall Rock passed unanimously. * Recommendation from the MAC to write a letter to the Monument management supporting the third-party concept to develop the EIS and willingness to provide other support as necessary to keep MAC members’ constituency groups informed of the EIS process passed unanimously. The next meeting of the MAC is scheduled for May 7 and 8, 2013, at the Interagency Visitor Center in Escalante, Utah. Minutes from previous MAC meetings and other committee information are available at http://www.blm. gov/ut/st/en/fo/grand_staircase-escalante.html. Persons interested in serving on the MAC or one of its subcommittees can call Larry Crutchfield at 435-644-1209. —GSENM

tural technology, an educated electorate, and civil rights for African-Americans, referred to as Negroes then. He wanted to get rid of the “Spoils System” and proposed substantial civil service reform, eventually passed by Congress in 1883 and signed into law by his successor, Chester A. Arthur, as the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act. He didn’t serve long enough for anyone to judge whether he was a good president or a bad president. Since was shot on July 2, 1881, and from that time until his death he was incapacitated, his true term of office was only four months. It has been said that “If you want to know what a man will do in the future, look at what he has done in the past.” Had he lived, Garfield may not have been judged as a great president, but he would certainly be on the “good” side of the ledger.

Garkane’s 2012 Property Taxes Total Over $520,000 LOA - Garkane Energy paid $520,105 in 2012 property tax assessments to counties in Utah and Arizona, according to Stan Chappell, Garkane’s Finance Manager. Taxes paid to each county are as follows: UTAH: Garfield - $147,592, Kane - $220,230, Piute - $11,040, Sevier $18,038, Washington - $7,759, and Wayne, $37,425, ARIZONA: Coconino - $21,339, and Mohave - $56,682. “Many people are under the false impression that cooperatives do not pay taxes, ”stated Chappell. “Nothing could be further from the truth. We are an important part of the community tax base, paying real estate and personal property taxes, sales and excise taxes, motor vehicle and gasoline taxes; generally all taxes paid by a for-profit corporation. Most cooperatives, however, do not pay federal income taxes because they allocate all their net income and pay it back to their member/ owners in the form of a patronage capital credit. In fact, Garkane will be refunding a half-million dollars in Capital Credits to its’ members on their December power bills. Chappell noted that Garkane is not in business to make a profit for outside shareholders. Revenue earned in excess of the cost of service is eventually returned to Garkane’s member/consumers. —Garkane Energy

The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER

November 22, 2012

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Wayne County Page The Wayne Theatre Wayne School District Board Report

Wayne School District Held its regularly scheduled board meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012 at 7:00p.m. The regular monthly business of approving the minutes, and reviewing the financial information was conducted. A substantial crowd attended, but no comments were offered during the citizen comment portion of the meeting. There were citizen comments made during the regular business portion of the meeting relating to various topics as they were discussed. Superintendent Torgerson shared some follow-up information on Highway 24. Discussions with County Commissioners, School Board members, and UDOT officials have been held regarding serious road conditions particularly from Mile markers 85 to 94. A substantial amount of UDOT maintenance money has been paid the last three years to try to help the situation. UDOT acknowledged the problem, but shared statistics to show that it ranked seventeenth of thirty-three projects statewide of roads in this particular category needing attention. UDOT will continue to monitor and try to allow a portion of their yearly budget to continue to try to upgrade this section. Supt. Torgerson noted the important accomplishment of three baseball team students and three cross country team students who had earned their academic all-state in these sports. These students included, Ty Rees, Jamen Brindley, & Drue Fivecoat, and Lauren Jackson, Jocee Morrell, and StevieRee Barney, respectively. Mr. Nathan Woodward and the cast of the school play were also commended for their very successful school play. Business items included: 1. Changes to Policy DED, regarding compensation for teachers who must get certification or endorsements for their new assignments. The second reading was approved with changes. 2. Bids were opened to replace/rekey existing locks at the high school. This was tabled after a discussion to get more information on installing keyless outside entry locks for greater security. 3. The UCA (Utah Consolidated Application) Plan was briefly reviewed. This plan outlines goals, strategies, and action steps necessary to expend “special program” funding for maximum student benefit. Supt. Torgerson discussed the success of Language Arts instruction district wide, but expressed concern for lower scores in Math, Science, and general ACT scores. The plan was approved pending minor changes. 4. A decision was made to cooperate with the Utah State Office of Education in offering services for the “Youth In Custody” program at the High Top Ranch School in Koosharem, Utah. Wayne District’s association would offer administrative services for their program, using specific funding from USOE. 5. It was decided to advertise for a nineteen-hour paraprofessional to help with the counseling department at WHS, and also help with some student discipline/detention issues. 6. Mr. Steve Hill presented a proposal to advertise and build storage sheds based on customized orders and customer preference. The board was positive about his presentation, and approved his proposal. 7. There has been concern over the “Informed Consent” policy adopted earlier by the board. A discussion was held with citizen comments, as to specific requirements, and/or changes that may be considered. State Risk Management requires parent signature as their minimum requirement, with other specifics determined by each local school board. The decision was made to send the discussion back to the High School teachers and administration to review, and make recommendations. 8. Discussion was held on the pros and cons of the program allowing students and advisors to clean the gym after activities as a fund raising project. The board also sent this discussion back to the High School for their proposal. 9. A satisfactory agreement was reached and approved between Mrs. Wendy Potter and the School Board regarding a Due Process Hearing request. An executive session was held to discuss personnel.

WAYNE SPORTS by Lauren Jackson

Basketball and wrestling have begun! Last weekend the girl’s basketball team competed in the GBB 1A preview. Friday they played against Tabiona and beat them 53 to 19! The next day the played Monument Valley and scored 60 to 39. Way to start of the season with two wins, Lady Badgers! On Tuesday the 20th, the badgers hosted a 4-school tournament at the high school. The basketball boys also played a JV game against Cross Creek. Results on that will be posted next Thursday.

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11 East Main • Bicknell, UT 84715

Loa Elementary Snippets by Lisa Stevens “Over the river and through the woods… ” to music class we go! The students of LES are having a great time learning and singing Thanksgiving songs this month. Mrs. Lori Chappell, the music specialist, has had the students singing songs about turkeys, getting together with loved ones, things to be thankful for, pumpkin pies, and the Mayflower. The classes have also been listening to wonderful musical selections by classical composers. The 4th and 5th grade classes started learning to play instrument, the 4th graders are playing recorders while the 5th graders are beginning their ukulele unit. Mrs. Chappell has also started a “Talent Share Day” once a month. “Students have the opportunity to share a talent with their class. This has been a special experience as students find the courage to stand before their classmates and share a talent. We have learned respect for someone performing, courage to share something and awareness of talents that they have. Loa Elementary is full of great talent. Lots of great music comes from the stage everyday!” said Mrs. Chappell. Mrs. Stephanie Williams’ third grade class is working hard on mastering cursive writing and multiplication facts. They are currently working on 4 and 6’s and have already passed off the 1,2,3 and 5 facts. In science they have started their space unit; focusing on the planet earth, and learning why there are seasons; the moon and its phases, as well as, the sun. Mrs. William’s class has also been working on Thanksgiving themed writing assignments; here are two examples of the assignment how to cook a turkey. SHALEEN- How to Cook a Turkey, step one, you shoot a turkey. Step two, cut off all the skin or feathers. Step three, cut all the fat off. Step four, put spices on that may taste good with your turkey. Step five, put the turkey in a pan, put it in the oven for about 1½ hours and set it for about 100 degreeze. Step six, take it out, put it on the table, and eat it. Step nine ingoy the turkey. Yum! GRETA- How to Cook a Turkey, First, you go catch a turkey. Second, you throw a rock at the head. Third, you pluck the feathers. Fourth, you rip the neck off, where the neck was cut a hole. Fifth, you stuff it. Sixth, you grease a 2’ pan. Steventh, you skin the turkey. Eighth, DATES TO REMEMBER…! you drop it on the pan. Ninth, you put the • Nov 30- (F) Midterm oven to 350°. Tenth, set the oven for 30 min. • Dec 21- (F) Minimum Day Eleventh, put the turkey in. Last, wait for • Dec 24-Jan 1 CHRISTMAS VACATION the timer to beep 2 times. Next, take it out. Finally, you eat it! The third grade classes are also ‘buzz’-ily preparing for their play; “To BEE or not to BEE”, that will be held sometime next week. The third grade students, teachers, and Mrs. Chappell have all been working very hard to get ready. “The kid have been learning their songs bee-utifully!, said Mrs. Chappell. In fourth grade news Mrs. Trena Barlow’s class is continuing with their weather unit and has built a barometer to measure air pressure out of a glass jar, a balloon and straws. “We are watching it closely to predict the weather.” They have studied cold and warm fronts, studied weather around the state and made a weather glyph, and had an opportunity to be weather forecasters for a day! “This year is going by so fast. We are almost to midterms of 2nd Quarter. We are having lots of fun learning in our class.” said Mrs. Barlow, “We love using the ipads to practice our spelling words! We have also created short animated stories on the ipads using the app toontastic! The ipads are such a fun way to learn.” In math they made Galloon-Bots constructed from a gallon, 4 quarts, 8 pints and 16 cups. Poetry is the focus right now in writing; to celebrate Thanksgiving the students in Mrs. Barlow’s class wrote an acrostic poem and colored turkey pictures, they are also working on a mural. Loa Elementary would like to announce the Star Students for November; Kindergarten, Ayla Deakin, in the morning session and Shayla Barlow in the afternoon session; first grade, Brylee Brown, in Mrs. Brinkerhoff’s class and Savannah Williams in Mrs. Potter’s class; second grade; Braxton Pembleton is Ms. Davis’ class and Kate Torgerson is Mrs. Liz Torgerson’s class; third grade, Colton Jeffs in Mrs. Libby Torgerson’s class and Mizuki Ito in Mrs. Williams’ class; fourth grade, Kali Maw in Mrs. Barlow’s class and Trevor Barlow for Mrs. Ekker’s class; and fifth grade; Grace Giles in Mrs. Brown’s class and Grayson Christensen in Mr. Ellett’s. Great job students. Also congratulations to the Elks Hoop Shoot winners! These four students will be privileged to represent Loa Elementary in Richfield on December 1st. In the 8-9 year old category will be Abby Stevens and Jesse Webb, and in the 10-11 year old age group will be Paxton Davis and Ty Brian. The Loa Elementary Community Council would like to thank all of you for supporting our Halloween Carnival last month; because your support and participation, we raised $2,000 for the students at Loa Elelmentary. We’d like to take this opportunity to say a special thank you to our School Principle, Cherie Blackburn, and to all of the teachers for their support and to all our dedicated volunteers. Thank you to Mary Sorenson for the use of the Cotton Candy machine and her time running it. Thank You JoDee and Chris Harker for running the kitchen, thank you Jolene Johnson for all your endless help. Thank you Leisa Hilton for the wonderful cupcakes, thank you to Equine Journey for the fantastic spook alley, and thank you, Brian Farm and Blackburn Propane for the drink refills. We truly appreciate all your time and efforts during this fundraising drive. We’d also like to thank Royals Foodtown for providing quality products and valuable services during the fundraiser. Thank you again for all of your generous support. We could not have done it without you!

The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER

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Garfield County Page

Bryce Valley Elementary News

Escalante Elementary Recognized by the Utah State Office of Education The Utah State Office of Education recently recognized Escalante Elementary as a High Performing and High Progress Title 1 School. To earn this award, a school must achieve progress in both language arts and math tests given to all students at the end of the school year. They must also qualify by successfully passing the language arts and math test for at least two years. In addition, the school must achieve at or above the Utah state average in both subjects on the most recent set of tests. From the requirements listed above, you can see this is a very prestigious recognition for Escalante Elementary. The Garfield School District appreciates the dedicated service of teachers and staff who work hard with parents and students to achieve these high levels of student performance. On behalf of the Garfield County School Board, I would personally like to commend the students and faculty for their academic accomplishments. School

Proposed Recognition

Escalante School

High Performing School

UCAS Achievement 2-year average

UCAS Growth 2-year average

UCAS Overall Score 2-year average

Language Arts/Math Percent Proficient 2-year average





by Mack Oetting The Lady Cats got the season off with a bang at the Richfield open season tournament. The Cats are made up of two Seniors, two Sophomores and eight Freshmen and are they fun to watch. They have some height this year and boy are they fast and play a killer defense. Friday night they beat Wendover 59 to 29 and the next morning it was more of the same, with the JV team beating Rich’s JV 66 to 26. In these two games I would have liked to have known how many turn over the Cats caused, their defense really shut down their opponents. All the girls got into these games and had a lot of fun. On Saturday afternoon they played Duchesne, and came away losing this game 36 to 31. If the Cats would have made ½ of their shots they would have won by 20 points. Again their defense resulted in a lot of turnovers. The shots that were falling in during the two previous games just wouldn’t go down. This is what is so good about these early tournaments, it give the players an idea were they stand. By the end of the seasons these girls are going to be contenders for State, trust me. Region 20 is going to be really tough this year, with Milford, Piute, Wayne, Bryce Valley and Panguitch all showed well at this tournament. The Ladies don’t play again till Nov. 29 down in Kanab. Their first home game is Dec. 6th against a very good Wayne team. The Bob Cats had their first game here last night, (21st) against North Sevier, hope to see you there. The Cats don’t have another home game till Dec. 13 against Cross Creek’s JV team. Coach Matt Houston, the wrestling coach is very optimistic this year with a possible six wrestler contending for State this year, if all goes well. The Panguitch Invitational will be held at the Triple C Arena on Nov. 30 thru Dec. 1 and they are expecting 30 teams this year.

Are you searching for a Financial Advisor? Are you unhappy with your current advisor? Are your accounts receiving the service they deserve? Are you struggling to manage your portfolio on your own? Has your portfolio not lived up to your expectations?

by Maren Stewart, Fifth Grade Preschool has been learning about the letter O and have made owls . We have had lots of fun. 1st grade: parent /teacher conferences went very well. We’ve been learning about the first thanksgiving with the Pilgrims and Indians. We are getting really good at subtraction and are getting excited for Christmas all ready! 2nd grade: In preparation for thanks giving we made turkeys out of paper and painted another turkey! Decorations for thanksgiving dinner! This week was parent teacher conferences so we got out of school a little early. My brother likes the different reading groups that are in his class and how they all help with something different to become a better reader. 4th grade: We’ve had fun in math collecting, organizing and interpreting data with graphs. We are also each researching a Utah county. What an awesome state to live in!! On Veterans Day we had a patriotic assembly with the high school. Mr. David Pollock spoke to us on his war experience. He challenged us to fulfill our duties. Thank you Mr. Pollock and ALL the Veterans! The BVHS choir also sang. They did great. 5th grade: We have been learning how to make improper fractions to proper fractions. We have also been working with magnets and have found out some cool stuff! 6th grade. We have learned the Moon phases and why the moon appears to be changing it’s shape. We had successful Parent teacher conferences and and wanted to thanks the PTA, again, for a fun Halloween carnival. I want to say Thank you to all the Veterans that have served our country. I love America, our freedom and living in Bryce Valley. I’m also thankful for the programs that I am in, Cheer, Dance, and Gymnastics and that the teachers are able to continue teaching us. I hope you all had/ have a great Thanksgiving and a great holiday season!!

Garfield County Toys for Tots Brig Gig

—Superintendent Ben Dalton


November 22, 2012

The Marine Core requires each area who receives toys in the Toys for Tots program to complete a fund raiser. This year the Garfield County Toys for Tots will be holding a BRIG GIG. In this fund raiser a person will sponsor another person to be “arrested” on frivolous charges and that person will be cited/arrested and detained until he/she raises the set amount of money the judge imposes on him/her. In order to keep anticipation high the date of this event will not be revealed. The Brig Gig will take place in Panguitch, Tropic and Escalante on separate days. The cost to nominate someone to be arrested will be $50.00. When the person’s name is submitted, please list the charge you want the person to be arrested/ cited for. I hope this fund raiser will be fun for all involved. Some of you may have noticed drop locations for brand new unwrapped toys at H and R in Panguitch, the Hospital Thrift Store and Griffins Grocery Store in Es-

calante. In addition a person may donate a dollar by buying a paper Toys for Tots train car at Joe’s Main Street Market, Garfield Memorial Thrift Store, Clark’s Grocery store and Griffin’s Grocery Store. Paper Train cars are also available to buy in some of our schools (we hope soon to have all the schools involved). If your students would like to donate, we have left small tokens of appreciation. We hope that this will give even the smallest children the chance to feel the joy of giving to their friends and peers, who may not be as fortunate. Garfield County Toys for Tots has received some names of families who are going through a difficult time. However we are able to assist more families. Names of families can be received until the week before Christmas. Applications may be accessed at Or can be submitted at holbrooktherapy@gmail. com. The Garfield County Toys for Tots has joined with

the three Angel Tree Foundations throughout Garfield County in helping families. If you are aware of a family who is going through a difficult time and want to make sure their children receive something for Christmas, you may fill out an application on behalf of that family. The purpose of the Garfield County Toys for Tots is to help the families who live in the County and who are going through a difficult time. We hope families who could benefit from the program will receive assistance. We also hope that other families may “catch the spirit of Christmas” by donating a new, unwrapped gift, buying a train car or participating in the Brig Gig. To “throw someone in the Brig”, you will need to have their name and $50 turned in to Garry Holbrook by December 1st. For more information, call 676-8232 —Garry Holbrook, Garfield County Toys for Tots Coordinator

Bryce Valley High School News

Experience the Wells Fargo Advisors difference. If you are looking for a Financial Advisor that stands apart from the crowd, come and see what makes us different. We offer comprehensive investment advice, a broad range of investment choices and dedicated personal service.

by Erin Hayden

Hey everyone. First of all I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who’s actually reading this. I know I sometimes forget to put things in or don’t write everything that is going on because I didn’t know at the time, but thank you for reading my article. J. Brody Orton, CRPC® Financial Advisor I want to congratulate the girls basketball team for their hard efforts in their first tournament. 12660 South Fort Street The girls lost their game on Friday to Rich, but beat Green River on Saturday night. Congrats girls Draper, UT 84020 on your first games and good luck to all your up coming games. Tel: 801-369-2893 • 800-944-2710 Wrestling has their first meet on Tuesday the 20th in Wayne. They will also have no practice during Thanksgiving Break. Their Panguitch Invitational starts on the 30th. Boys basketball has their first game on the 28th against Kanab here in Bryce Valley. Come Investment and Insurance Products: NOT FDIC Insured NO Bank Guarantee MAY Lose Value out to support, I know the boys put a lot of time and effort into basketball. They also play Beaver Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2010 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0112-2887 [74034-v3] A1293 at home on the 30th. During the week most of the seniors went to Dixie 2012 GARFIELD COUNTY ELECTION RESULTS State College for a career day. It was a nice day to get out Garfield County of school and learn about the Precincts Counted 11 100.00% ATTORNEY GENERAL different careers that they’re interested in. Registered Voters 2,942 Dee W, Smith (DEM) 330 15.65% The seventh graders went Ballots Cast 2,224 75.59% John Swallow (REP) 1709 81.07% on a tour of both of the Snow W. Andrew McCullough (LIB) 68 3.23% College campuses. They had PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES a lot of fun and enjoyed the day. 10 0.46% STATE AUDITOR Jill Stein/Cheri Honkala (GRN) That’s all I have this Gloria LaRiva/Filberto Ramirez Jr (UNA) 0 0.00% Mark Sage 357 17.32% time. I’ll try to find out more Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan (REP) 1832 83.50% John Dougall 1579 76.61% for next week’s article. Have Barack Obama/Joseph R. Biden Jr (DEM) 308 14.04% Richard Proctor 124 6.02% a happy Thanksgiving and Gary Johnson/James P. Gray (LIB) 17 0.77% hope you have an excellent time with your family. See ya Virgil Goode/Jim Clymer (CON) 4 0.18% STATE TREASURER next week. 11 0.50% Christopher Stout 355 17.25% Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson/ 

Luis J. Rodriguez (JUS)

Vincent C. Marcus III Richard K. Ellis

83 1619

4.03% 78.67%

US SENATE Shaun Lynn McCauslan (CON) Scott Howell (DEM) Orrin G. Hatch (REP) Daniel Geery (JUS) Bill Barron (UNA)

71 366 1672 15 19

3.31% 17.07% 77.99% 0.70% 0.89%

UTAH STATE SENATE, DIST 24 Ralph Okerlund (REP) Trestin Meacham (CON)

Chris Stewart (REP) Jay Seegmiller (DEM) Charles E. Kimball (UNA) Jonathan D. Garrard (CON) Joseph Andrade (UNA)

79.41% 16.35% 1.14% 2.19% 0.71%

GOVERNOR Peter S. Cooke/Vincent C. Rampton (DEM) Ken Larsen/J. Robert Latham (LIB) Kirk D. Pearson/Tim Aalders (CON) Gary R. Herbert/Greg Bell (REP)


Ty Markham (JUS)

1,666 343 24 46 15

333 27 35 1753

15.50% 1.26% 1.63% 81.57%

86.55% 12.90%

Christmas Mass



1738 259


St. Sylvester Catholic Church

1590 485

76.52% 23.34%



251 171

55.53% 37.83%

Sunday December 23 at 5 PM. Father Bob Bussen, celebrant Potluck dinner immediately following St. Sylvester Catholic Church Corner of Center St. and Hwy 12, Escalante

November 22, 2012

The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER


tHe lAuGhiNg pOiNt!!

Never Let Someone Be Alone

By Cynthia Kimball As we gather around the Thanksgiving table, expressing gratitude for all our blessings, let’s be sure and think of those who will not have a Thanksgiving meal and call and invite them over. And if Thanksgiving’s passed by the time you read this, invite them over for leftovers and dessert. There are many who are alone (and not just during the holidays). Invite them over for every Sunday meal (or every meal). Make them a part of your family. I will be forever grateful to the late Bishop Roger Hansen and his wife, Letha. They took me in like one of their own when I had no place to go. I became part of their family and it did not matter that I was not their blood. I became a part of every family activity including family reunions. I will never forget how they made me feel. I will never forget the differences they made in my life. I will

never forget how they loved me unconditionally. I will never forget how they taught me about the Savior through their Christlike behavior. Is there someone you know who may be without a home? Someone you know who may need a phone call? Someone you know who may need a visit? And what about at church? Is there someone who always sits alone? Invite them to sit with you or go sit with them. There’s this really special woman I know where I attend church. We call her Grandma K. She’s amazing. She’s adopted me as her granddaughter. I love her. She’s beautiful. She’s had a hard life --her husband left her for a younger woman and she ended up raising her kids on her own-- yet, you’d never know she had any adversity in her life. She’s full of the spirit, loving and kind, but she

lives alone. However, members of our church give her rides, invite her to dinner, look over her, etc. Never ever let someone be alone. There’s no excuse for it. Make them a part of your family. Think of what you’ll teach your children and grandchildren. Think of what your new “family member” will teach you and your family. Think of the differences your invitation will make (even for generations to come). After all, Mother Teresa did say, “There is more hunger in the world for love and appreciation than for bread.” But still feed them regardless. Cynthia Kimball is a professional speaker and trainer through her company Every1Counts, LLC, and a doctoral student in Workforce Education Leadership. She also writes frequently through Deseret Connect. E-mail:

Ask a Specialist:

How Can I Become More Grateful?

LOGAN – Being grateful is a habit that needs to be developed, then nurtured on a regular basis. There are many benefits of being grateful and having a good attitude. One study found that grateful people are more likely to help others, exercise and complete their personal goals. They also tend to be more determined, optimistic, more alert and have energy and enthusiasm. Consider these tips for cultivating gratitude. • Say thanks. It’s not too late to change if you haven’t been as good as you could be about expressing gratitude. Even if you have to make a note and stick it in several places as a reminder, people in your life need to know you appreciate them and notice their efforts. A sincere compliment to someone who looks like they may be having a bad day can help you feel grateful you are looking out for others in addition to giving them a boost. Complimenting a difficult person can bridge a communication gap or at least increase a

level of civility. • Show thanks. Even though you may still have car payments, a mortgage, the stress of the holidays ahead and less in your 401K today than you did last month, don’t forget those who are less fortunate. Find ways to donate time, money or service to ease the burdens of those who have less than you. During the holidays, there are ample opportunities to help those in need. Whether you take food to a local food pantry, offer to put up Christmas lights for a neighbor who is disabled or participate in sponsoring a family through a local charitable organization, reach out and do something. Helping others is a great way to show you are grateful for what you have and that you want to share it. • Write thanks. Keep a journal or notebook where you can record those things you are grateful for every day. Even after a stressful day, it can be soothing to review the day in your mind and write down the

positive things that happened. Not only will you feel more at ease after a long day, but it will likely give you an improved ability to keep things in perspective. • Think thanks. Maybe writing in a journal isn’t a motivation for you. If not, spend a few minutes sitting in a quiet place and gazing out the window. Find the beauty in what you see and appreciate those things around you. No moment should be taken for granted, and pleasure and happiness can be found in being grateful for the simplest joy or the most challenging time of your life. • Remember that if you live a positive, grateful, successful life, you will attract other positive, grateful and successful people. Making your life full of gratitude can only bring happiness. Direct column topics to: Julene Reese, Utah State University Extension writer, Logan, Utah, 84322-4900; 435797-0810; julene.reese@usu. edu.

My Parent Died With a Trust …Now What Do I Do?

Many people are familiar with Trusts. In recent years, a Trust has become a popular Will substitute. Many people have decided to use a Trust as opposed to a Will in doing their Estate Planning. The primary purpose is to avoid probate and maintain privacy at the time of one’s death. However, many people after doing their planning have the question, “What do I do when someone dies and I am named as a Successor Trustee?” First, although the Trust avoids probate and makes estate administration easier, it certainly does not avoid all headaches. When someone dies, even if there is a Trust, there is work that must be done. One of the first things needed in administering a trust

By Jeffery J. McKenna estate is a Death Certificate. In fact, for most estate administrations it is advisable to obtain many Death Certificates. You may find it necessary to have an original Death Certificate for each asset owned by the Trust. Very often, the institution with the record of ownership for the asset wants an original Death Certificate to show that the Successor Trustee is now in authority. The good news is that if the asset is titled in the name of the Trust nothing more than a Death Certificate should be needed to clear title. Upon the death of the Trust maker, the Successor Trustee will need to contact all institutions and show the institutions that they are now the acting Trustee and in control of the assets. In addition to the above directions, the Successor Trustee must be prepared to do an accounting to all beneficiaries. Additionally, the Trustee will be responsible for paying all bills. If the Trustee desires to cut off potential creditor’s claims, the Trustee can publish notice to unknown creditors and mail notice to known creditors. By providing notice to creditors, the Trustee can shorten the creditor’s right to submit a

claim from a one year statute of limitations to 90 days. Eventually, the Trustee will distribute money or assets of the Trust to the beneficiaries. When this time comes, a prudent Trustee should get a receipt and release from each of the beneficiaries. This document acknowledges receipt of the monies and releases the Trustee from any further liability to that particular beneficiary. As a final matter, there may be tax matters that the Successor Trustee must address. Likely, the Trustee will need to obtain a tax identification number for the Trust. This tax identification number becomes the way to identify the Trust for IRS purposes. Upon the death of the Trust maker, the social security number can no longer be used. The Trustee should be prepared to file an income tax return, if necessary, for the Trust, as well as an estate tax return if the Trust exceeds the federal estate tax threshold. Hopefully, this brief article provides some guidance to Successor Trustees. Although a Trust can help significantly the estate administration process, as evidenced by this article, it cannot eliminate all work related to the passing of a loved one. Jeffery J. McKenna is a local attorney serving clients in Utah, Arizona and Nevada. He is a shareholder at the law firm of Barney McKenna Olmstead & Peck, PC, with offices in St. George and Mesquite. If you have questions you would like addressed in these articles, you can contact him at 435 6281711 or

Page 5

A Day at the Races

Sage Advice From Children, Part III

Never do pranks at a police station. —Sam, Age 10 Beware of cafeteria food when it looks like it’s moving. —Rob, Age 10 Never tell your little brother that you’re not going to do what your mom told you to do. —Hank, Age 12 Remember you’re never too old to hold your father’s hand. —Molly, Age 11 Listen to your brain. It has lots of information. —Chelsey, Age 7 Stay away from prunes. —Randy, Age 9 Never dare your little brother to paint the family car. —Phillip, Age 13

A Rabbi is walking slowly down the street when a gust of wind blows his hat from his head. The hat is being blown down the street, but he is an old man, using a cane, and can’t walk fast enough to catch the hat. Across the street a Gentile sees what has happened and rushes over to grab the hat and then returns it to the Rabbi. “I don’t think I would have been able to catch my hat,” said the Rabbi. “Thank you very much.” The Rabbi then places his hand on the man’s shoulder and says, “May God bless you.” The young man thinks to himself, “I’ve been blessed by the Rabbi, this must be my lucky day!” So he goes to the Racetrack and in the first race he sees there is a horse named Stetson at 20 to 1. He bets $50 and sure enough the horse comes in first. In the second race he sees a horse named Fedora at 30 to 1, so he bets it all and this horse comes in first also. Finally at the end of the day he returns home to his wife. When she asks him where he’s been, he explains how he caught the Rabbi’s hat and was blessed by him and then went to the track and started winning on horses that had a hat in their names. “So where’s the money?” she asks. “I lost it all in the ninth race. I bet on a horse named Chateau and it lost.” “You fool, Chateau is a house, Chapeau is a hat!” “It doesn’t matter,” he said, “the winner was some Japanese horse named Yarmulka.”

Never Forget

One day in school..... How do you spell elephant? E-l-l-e-e-f-a-n-t That’s not how the dictionary spells it. You didn’t ask me how the dictionary spells it!

To Play: Complete the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9

Answers for this week

Cross Trainer

I was working out the other day when I spotted a very attractive young lady entering the gym. I asked the trainer, “What machine should I use to impress that gorgeous girl over there?” The trainer looked me up and down and said, “For you, I’d recommend using the ATM in the lobby.”

AG MARKET NEWS Producers Livestock Auction, Salina, Utah Tuesday, November 13, 2012 Receipts: 2,038; Last Week: 2,398. Last Year: 2,696. Feeder Steers: wts under 500 lbs 8.00-10.00 lower; 500-700 lbs 1.00-2.00 lower, over 700 lbs lbs 2.00-3.00 higher. Feeder Heifers: wts under 700 lbs mixed but mostly 1.00-2.00 lower; over 700 lbs 2.00-3.00 higher. Holstein Steers: to few for comparison. Slaughter Cows: 2.00-3.00 higher; Slaughter Bulls: steady on similar kinds. Feeder Steers: Medium and Large Frame 2: 200-250 lbs scarce; 250-300 lbs 158.00167.00; 300-350 lbs 173.00-182.00; 350-400 lbs 155.00-170.00; 400-450 lbs 140.00-156.50; 450-500 lbs 135.50-150.50; 500-550 lbs 133.00-146.00; 550-600 lbs 132.00-146.50; 600-650 lbs 128.00-142.50; 650-700 lbs 130.00-139.50, pkg 144.75; 700-750 lbs 126.00-138.00; 750-800 lbs 128.00-134.50; 800-850 lbs 123.50-134.25; 850-900 lbs 118.50-130.50; 900-950 lbs scarce; 950-1000 lbs 109.00-119.00. Holsteins Steers: Large Frame 3: Bull Calves: scarce; 200-300 lbs scarce; 300-500 lbs scarce; 500-700 lbs scarce; 700-900 lbs scarce; 900-1000 lbs scarce. Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large Frame 1-2: 200-250 lbs 149.00-153.00; 250-300 lbs 145.00-158.00; 300-350 lbs 143.00-155.00, pkg 159.00; 350-400 lbs 137.50-146.00; 400-450 lbs 128.50-140.50; 450-500 lbs 127.50-141.00; 500-550 lbs 123.00-137.50; 550-600 lbs 122.00-136.00; 600-650 lbs 119.50-131.00; 650-700 lbs 115.50-129.00; 700-750 lbs 124.00-128.00; 750-800 lbs 117.50-128.00; 800-850 lbs scarce; 850-900 lbs 117.00-129.50; 900-950 lbs scarce; 950-1000 lbs scarce; Heiferettes: 58.0098.00. Stock Cows: scarce. Slaughter Cows: Boning 80-85% Lean: 60.00-70.00; Breaking 75-80% Lean: 67.25-77.25; Commercial: scarce; Cutter 85-90% Lean: 50.00-59.25. Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1000-1500 lbs scarce; 15002075 lbs 80.25-87.75; Yield Grade 2 1000-1500 lbs 72.2575.25; 1500-1735 lbs 66.5074.25; Feeder Bulls: scarce. Source: USDA-Utah Dept. Of Agriculture Market News , Salt Lake City, UT (435-230-0402.)

The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER

Page 6

November 22, 2012

TORREY News Adus Dorsey

Dr. Scott Andersen, DDS The Tooth Ranch 374 S. 300 E., Bicknell

NEW days/hours

M&F 8:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m. call for appointment 435-425-3391

The imminent demise and disappearance of the Hostess Twinkie has everybody reminiscently licking their lips in Torrey Town and has occupied most of the conversations around the weather rock at the Torrey post office. For the time being local squabbles and water disputes have been forgotten and replaced with thoughts of a world without the Hostess Twinkie. Twinkies were invented in Schiller Park, Illinois in 1930 by James Alexander Dewar, a baker for the Continental Baking Company. Realizing that several machines used to make cream-filled strawberry shortcake sat idle when strawberries were out of season, Dewar conceived a snack cake filled with banana cream, which he dubbed the Twinkie. He said he came up with the name when he saw a billboard in St. Louis for “Twinkle Toe Shoes”. During World War II, bananas were rationed and the company was forced to switch to vanilla cream. This change proved popular, and banana-cream Twinkies were not widely re-introduced. The original flavor was occasionally found in limited-time promotions, but the company used vanilla cream for most Twinkies. In 1988, Fruit and Cream Twinkies were introduced with a strawberry filling swirled into the cream. However, the product was soon dropped. Vanilla’s dominance over banana flavoring would be challenged in 2005, following a month-long promotion of the movie King Kong. Hostess saw its Twinkie sales rise 20 percent during the promotion and in 2007 permanently restored the banana-cream Twinkie to its snack lineup.

Torrey’s beautiful tree-lined Main Street. On 4 May 2012, parent company Hostess filed for Chapter 11bankruptcy protection. Twinkie sales for the year ended December 25, 2011 were 36 million packages, down almost 2% from a year earlier. Hostess said customers have migrated to healthier foods. At 7:00am(EST) On the 16th of November 2012, Hostess officially announced: “Hostess will be winding down operations and has filed a motion with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court seeking permission to close its business and sell its assets, including its iconic brands and facilities. Bakery operations have been suspended at all plants. Delivery of products will continue and Hostess Brands retail stores will remain open for several days in order to sell already-baked products.” No matter how hard an organic farmer tries the carrot will never replace the spongy cream filled taste of a Host-

ess Twinkie. “RIP” Hostess Twinkie! Orange detour signs and the sound of buzzing chain saws on Main Street in Torrey Town should not be confused with the apocalyptic end of days for the iconic 1900’s era cottonwood trees that majestically line Main Street in Torrey. Instead the ongoing tree trimming effort is part of an agreement and a long-term promise to the Torrey Town public to maintain the ongoing health of the massive century old cottonwood trees on Torrey’s Main Street. A comprehensive tree preservation and planting regeneration program has been adopted and implemented by the present Torrey Town Council to ensure that Torrey Town will maintain the hard earned “Tree USA” status. As has been recently reported supplemental funding for Torrey Town’s tree regen-

eration and planting projects has been graciously provided by the “Entrada Nursery” at Sandy Ranch under the direction of Steve Dalton and efforts by Torrey Town Council person Janet Hansen and Urban & Community Forestry & Utah Forestry, Fire and State Lands administration and Acting Deputy Director Meridith McAvoy Perkins. In the year 2012 Torrey has planted in excess of 40 various tree species in and around Torrey Town. To ensure nourishment during the infancy period of the newly planted tree saplings along Main Street Torrey Town is using ownership of 20 shares of Sand Creek shares of piped water to provide water to the newly planted tees. The Cottonwood tree canopy that lines Torrey Town’s Main Street has always been a source of pride for Torrey Town residents.

Bryce Valley Area News by Vicki D. Syrett 679-8687 or

Well can you believe it. Thanksgiving is upon us. Already!! Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy family and friends. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you that take time in your busy life to report your news to me and to the two young ladies doing the school news. We really appreciate it. I would like to express my thanks to our Military folks for their dedication to country and to the people who live in our country. Without them we would not have the rights to do what we do and live free. They are exceptional and we want them to know that we pray for them each day and wish them and their families the very best. We have so much to be thankful for in our lives. How do we begin to thank everyone for everything we enjoy. This country affords us many freedoms that we take for granted and other countries don’t have. Our freedom to believe in our God is on the top of that list and no one can take that away from us. Even those who try to erase Him from our lives by removing His name from everything will never take His presence in our lives away from us. Thanks to the people who worked hard in settling this

wonderful country. To those who are there to help those in trouble for whatever reason. Those who believe that the color of our skin makes no difference in how we live our lives and who we are friends with. I am thankful for my family and friends and I know you are also. Have a beautiful Thanksgiving time. Qwin and Georgia Willis were released as Den Leaders of the Bear Den and Qwin was called to be the Cubmaster. Tim and Cherish Willyard were called as Bear Den leaders In Cannonville. Max Stewart and Bowdie Pollock spoke in church. Bryce and Cherish Syrett spoke. Choir sang a beautiful number. Released from the Primary Presidency were President Teresa Deccio, Counselors Cheryl LeFevre and Kristine Nez, Secretary Dana Courtright. Called to serve as the new presidency is President Lesa Ahlstrom, Amy Fagergren 1st counselor and Judy Frost is 2nd counselor and secretary is Kim Stewart. Thanks to all for serving and doing a great job. Max Alhstrom was ordained a Deacon and graduated from Primary. If you want a Lions Club Calendar find a Lions Club

Member in your community and they will get one to you. The cost is $5.00 per calendar. Also thank you to all those community members who supported those on the rent issue with the schools, either by attendance to the meeting, calls or emails. And thank you to the school board for working with the community and coming to a compromise until we can get something permanent figured out that works for everyone. We love these programs and want to see them thrive and better our children!! Released as Young Woman President was Gayle Moore, Counselors Lyllian Le Fevre and Karin Barker and Secretary Lael Chynoweth with a big vote of thank you. Called was Lisa Chynoweth as President, Counselors were Logann Eagar, Kassidy Floyd, and Secretary Sarah Sorensen. Congratulations to all. Young Men’s Presidency was also released. President Nathan Platt, Counselors Daniel Rose and Travis Shakespear with a thank you for a great job. Called as President was Clayton Johnson, Counselors Chris Mathews and Dee Pollock. Welcome to Young Men. Speakers were Jarom and Carlon Johnson. Carlon

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and his sons, accompanied by Jordan Johnson sang a special number. Bowdie Pollock and Echelle Challis are getting married and we wish them the very best in life. They are two very special folks. David Pollock is getting married and having a reception on the 24th of November. Henrieville Young Women had their evening of Excellence. They made Mormonads and they turned out great. They will be sending them into the New Era for display. Cannonville and Tropic wards both held Thanksgiving Dinners for their Senior Citizens. The food was delicious and there was so much of it in Tropic. Cannonville was the same. Thanks to these young folks for thinking of the older generation and serving them a wonderful evening and a meal. We are excited to see Dustin Leslie and his wife as they come home for the Thanksgiving holiday. They are traveling down from Montana. Please have a safe and happy week. Especially on Thanksgiving. Please call or email your news to me. Thanks VS SENIOR CITIZEN LUNCHES. . .Call by 10:00 A.M. 679-8666...Suggest donation at $3.00 for those seniors and $7.00 for those under 60 years of age. Delicious meals. Milk is also served with the meals. Thursday 29th: Sausage, Country Fried Potatoes, Stewed Tomatoes, Mandarin Oranges, Blueberry Muffin. Tuesday 4th December: Fried Chicken Steak, Potatoes & Gravy, Country Blend, Roll, Peaches, Pudding. Wednesday, 5th: Fried Chicken, Potatoes & Gravy, Carrots, Roll, Pears, Turnover. Thursday 6th: Hamburgers, Green Beans, Fried Potatoes, Apricots, Cake.

The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER

November 22, 2012



by Marlene Haws ~ 826-4859 • 4-H News from Bobbie Griffin sounds like her club is cooking up a storm. In the past 4 or 5 weeks they have made crackers, salsa dip, cucumber dip, sour dough bread, zucchini bread, pineapple-mango smoothie’s, sun dried tomatoes dip and salmon dip. She says they are all really enjoying it and plan to make many more yummy and different things. They had a Halloween Party and Thanksgiving is here so maybe they will have another new recipe for that, and Christmas? Jolene Dodge is the 4-H leader and it sounds like she is doing a great job. Cassie Lyman is still looking for a 4-H sewing leader if someone would like to step up and volunteer for that position. Our girls really need that since they don’t have home economics classes in school any more, and the word is they are starting to want a class like that. We are still hearing about some of our citizens who have had pneumonia. Dean Gledhill and Tyler Lyman have both had it and Donna Chynoweth took a trip to the hospital last week with a case of it. They are all doing okay now so hopefully we won’t have too much more of that. Arnold and Deon Alvey were some of the first to get their Christmas Lights out this year. But it wasn’t easy at first to keep them up. As soon as they put them up the deer

would get tangled up in them and pull them down. Those deer should join with these in the fields across from us and go to the North Pole until Christmas. They frolic in my back yard every night after I go to bed! Sherree Rechtsteiner and DeAnne Coleman have had turns taking their mom, Kathryn Coleman to the doctor for check-ups and shots. They also accompanied Sherree’s husband, Bob, to Montana to take care of some of Bob’s family business recently. Members of the families of DeLane, Lynn, Gene and Cecil Griffin and Vaunie Richins, Jerry and Sheree Roundy went to Santa Clara last Friday for funeral services for their cousin, Shirlee Graf Bray, 70. She is a daughter of Sylvan and Sylva Schow Graf. The day after they got back (Saturday) DeLane had to go to the hospital with a swollen leg. Travel is hard on us older folks, but he was able to talk in church on Sunday so he must be feeling better. Marilee Miller, Stan and Marlene Stowe, Joy Carter and Quinn and Doneen Griffin spent the weekend in Kanab with Ann and Frank Alleman. They said, “Just for some sibling time together, which has been a long time coming.” Knowing that bunch they had a good time with lots of food, fun, laughter and reminiscing. Sharon Dale and Eve

Marsh went to Salt Lake for an early Thanksgiving with some of their family. Johnny and Peggy Meisenbach were here on the weekend checking on cows and property and counting the time until they can come and stay. Lane and Geraldine Liston spent the weekend in LaVerkin with Tyler and Jenifer McLemore and family. They attended the Christmas Festival of Trees where their nine year old great grandson, Carson, sang with the chorus. They said it was very impressive and they had a great time. Lane visited his Dr. and doesn’t have to go back again for two more months. I was not in attendance at either the Veteran’s Day or Christmas Festival festivities, but from all I hear both were very nicely done. A big part of the credit goes to Marty Henry, Leslie Venuti and Camille

Shakespear who all spearheaded it. There were others, as always, who helped with it and we thank each and every one of them for a job well done. Folks, this has been a week when news has been hard to come by. I’ve been told that you like hearing what everyone else is doing, so don’t you think they would like to hear that you are alive and well too? Please call or e-mail me with your news, or drop me a note at the post office. My box number is 202. I’m sure you will all be having company or going somewhere to visit family members during Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays, so PLEASE won’t you partner with me to keep this column going? This is also a chance for us to get acquainted with you folks who haven’t lived here very long. So please feel free to share your news too.

Escalante Senior Citizens Menu TUES. 27th

WEDS. 28th

THURS. 29th

Pizza w/sausage, pepperoni, hamburger, olives, peppers Green salad w/ cukes & tomatoes Tropical fruit Apples w/caramel dip

Tacos w/lettuce, tomato, onions & cheese Chips & salsa Peaches White cake w/ strawberry danish dessert

Sweet & sour chicken w/ noodles Egg rolls Veg. blend Pears Jello popcorn balls

ing the Chocolate Fest. What could be better than Chocolate and Christmas Music? That’s a really big start for December, so keep your calendar open for the fun. I forgot to tell you about the election result concerning the swimming pool. The vote was 2 to 1 in favor of having the City look into the cost and lay out of the pool. This pool will not be a water park, it will be a swimming pool with a wading pool for kids and possibly a hot tub. It will be enclosed, so it can be used year around. The water park in Kanab cost over 2 million and needs multiple life guards to run it. Life guards really put a labor cost that makes it prohibitive. Cedar City’s pool cost over 5 million and has the same life guard costs. Hopefully the City can come up with a cost for the pool, in time for the next election. Nothing will be done on the pool until it is voted on. It would be really nice to have, if it is affordable. The building cost of the pool will go on your property tax and the expense of running the pool will come out of the fee you pay to swim there. Long time City Manager Allen Henrie has announced that he is going to retire after the first of the year. I believe he has been with the City for twenty years. Allen has much to be proud of in his career. Along with the Mayors and City Councils, he has brought Panguitch into the 21 Century. During his tenure, these are some of the events that have made Panguitch a great place

Ron Gates

ESCALANTE - Ronald Leslie Gates, 62, passed away at his home November 18, 2012. He was born July 24, 1950 in Salt Lake City, to Charles Oden and Bonnie Henderson Gates. He married Brenda Watson, November 23, 1998 in Salt Lake City. Ron served in the US Air Force. He worked as a surveyor, a laborer at the Escalante Saw Mill and for Frontier Service in Escalante. Survived by his wife, of Escalante; daughters: Terrelle Thomas and Julie Dornbusch, both of OR; four grandchildren; mother, Bonnie (Jack) Dennis, OR; siblings: David (Becky) Richins, AZ; Phillip (Danielle) Roberts, OR. Preceded in death by father; brother, Curt; sister, Lynette. Graveside services will be held Monday, November 26, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. in the Escalante Cemetery with military rites by the Escalante American Legion Post #0114. Friends may call at the cemetery after 10:00 a.m. Funeral Directors: Magleby Mortuary, Richfield, Salina and Manti. Online guestbook at

All meals are served with milk or juice. If you would like a meal, please call us by 10:00 am. 826-4317. Suggested donation for seniors over 60 $3.00, and under 60 is $7.00

FYI PANGUITCH by Mack Oetting ~ mackoetting Hope you were able to make it to the Lions Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, with the Post Office closed on Thanksgiving I don’t suppose that you will be getting your paper till Friday. Last week’s Veterans dinner went really well, thanks to all that took part. The signing of the Covenants with the National Guard, Captain David Jones was very touching. As we have many local young men in the Guard, and now Panguitch and the County are on board with many cities in the State, backing the Guard. With the winding down of the war in Afghanistan, our Guardsmen will be getting back to looking after the matters of the State and the soldiers will be home at last. Entertainment was supplied by Cheryl Church and the students from PHS with their report on Girls State and a Salute to the Veterans by the Computer Class students. Many thanks to the fine chefs (Senior Citizens Staff) for the great meal and those that decorate the room. With Thanksgiving coming early, not a lot is going on next week; however the following week will keep you busy. Monday the third is the Lions Club Christmas dinner. The fourth is the 1st Ward Christmas dinner and the other wards are putting their Christmas events on the calendar. Saturday the 8th is the 15th annual Christmas in the Country. Starting in the morning with Santa coming to the Social Hall at 10 in the morning and then Santa will go over to Extended Care Center to deliver gifts to those that are there. The Merchants drawing will begin at 1:00 pm, make sure when you buy locally and that you get your tickets for the drawing and good luck with the prizes. In the evening instead of a home tour this year, we will have a Chocolate Fest and program starting at 6:00 until around 8:00 pm.with all kinds of goodies for your pleasure to eat while you are there, all proceeds will go to Sub for Santa. Tickets for chocolate items will be 3 for $5.00; this is a real buy. For those that are concerned calories don’t count during the month of December. There will be A Community Christmas Program dur-

Page 7

to live: A sewer system, natural gas, redoing of the water system, changing the face of Main Street and reviving the businesses on Main, a Fire Station—one of the finest in Southern Utah—a baseball complex, also a first class park and a running track at PHS. The running track was strictly a City action, with funds donated by locals and a lot of local volunteer labor, the County added $50,000 to finish off the facility and the Triple C Arena which Panguitch partnered with the County to name a few of the implementations to the city. Also plenty of events, the Quilt Walk Festival, Balloon Fest, BMW Rally, 4th of July, capped off by the City Fire Fighters fire works display. A Quilt Walk Park and just recently is the ATV Rally at the end of August, this event has the makings of really big deal. In the three years it has been in existent it has doubled in size each year, this year there were about 140 signed up to go on the most scenic rides in the world. About the time when Allen became City Manager, the City lost the saw mill and many well paying jobs. A lot of the workers had to seek work elsewhere and they took their children drawing down the student body and the City was in a bad way. There are almost one hundred more students in our schools than there were at the low point of the nineties. The founding of the Main Street Committee brought about many of the events that go on

Panguitch Senior Center HOT LUNCH PROGRAM

87 N 50 W • 676-2281/676-1140 Suggested donation $3.00 60 & older, $7.00 under 60 Call before 10 AM of the day of attendance to reserve a spot Tues. Nov. 27

Wed. Nov. 28

Thurs. Nov. 29

Potato bar w/h chili, Broccoli cheese Green salad Tropical fruit Cinnamon roll

Pork chop Potatoes & gravy Green beans Applesauce Peanut butter cookie

Meatloaf Potatoes & gravy Peas & carrots Fruit cocktail Ice cream

Meals include milk & bread. NOTE: PLEASE BE COURTEOUS AND CALL AHEAD. The ladies work diligently to prepare a good dinner, and a head count helps them prepare enough to feed everyone.

Holiday Sale

in the summer. We also have a Sub for Santa Program and an Easter Egg Hunt that are made possible by donations by the City. The City embraced the BLM and Forestry workers, who brought their children with them. Many have found Panguitch as a great place to retire, including my family. There a lot of summer homes here, that have been purchased by people from California and Nevada which has increased home prices. Allen Henrie you did well, for all of the people in Panguitch. Thank you, Thank you! Gas prices have gone down through most of the Country however Utah has not falling in with reducing their prices. The National average is $3.45, Utah is at $3.65 and ranks 43rd. Prices up north are running in the $3.40s, Oklahoma is the lowest at $3.08. Than Cooper says that UPS converting their trucks to natural gas is going really well, with some of the converted trucks logging 200,000 miles, in three months, with very little problems. The only complaints were that the fuel tanks weren’t big enough and they have to be refueled twice a day. I hope all went well with you and all of your family this Thanksgiving. Count Your Many Blessings. Living in Panguitch is close to the top of my list. Mack O.

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Patagonia, Prana, Mountain Hardwear, ExOfficio, Filson, T-shirts, Keens Boots, Chaco, Books, Maps, Camping Gear some items in store excluded from sale

Shop Locally 310 W. Main St., Escalante Open Tuesday through Saturday 10 am to 5pm

The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER

Page 8

November 22, 2012


Garfield: 676-2621 • Wayne: 836-2622




HOME FOR RENT IN LOA Nice home for rent in Loa located at 244 S. 100 W. All kitchen appliances are included, 3 BR, Bathroom, Laundry Room, Lg. Family Room. For more info, please contact Stan Chappell at Garkane Energy (435) 836-2795. 11/29

MATTRESS KING - Twins from $79.95, Queens from $139.95, Kings from $349.95. In Richfield. Can deliver. (435) 201-4368. Sofas, Sectionals, Recliners available. *Call me* rtn

ESCALANTE PROPERTY FOR SALE - 1 ac or 2 ac lots, 575 S. Center St., mature trees on frontage. $35,000 for 1 ac, or $65,000 for both lots (2 ac). Highly negotiable. Contact Robert Brown (435) 826-4982

HOUSE FOR RENT IN BICKNELL - 116 S. 400 W. First/last month rent + $600 deposit. 4BR, 2BA, family room, living room, dining room, front room, office space, carport, pellet stove and fireplace w/insert, oil furnace. On 1/2 acre. Call (435) 425-3723 rtn HOUSE FOR RENT - Wayne School District has a house for rent. The house is located at 393 W 200 N in Bicknell, behind the high school. The rent is $400 a month. There is also a $400 security/cleaning deposit, which includes a non-refundable $100 carpet cleaning fee, plus a fee to pay for any heating oil that is in the tank at the time the rental agreement is signed. For more information call the District Office at (435) 425-3813. rtn

GARAGE SALE @ the Taft storage units in Bicknell. Saturday the 24th of november, Starting at 9 am. Tons of misc tools, antique treadle singer sewing machine, antique trunks, bicycle parts, Honda 3 wheeler. Reloader and supplies, lamps, Tons of other stuff! Everything must go! Come and make offers! 11/22 CUSTOM CHOPPER Build in progress, all parts new, 80% complete. Over $20K invested, asking $10K OBO. MUST SEE. Call (435) 425-3858 11/22 1974 BOARDMAN FIRE TRUCK - Good shape, V8 Ford gas engine. 750-1000 gal. capacity. 17,000 miles. Snubnose. Water pump in working condition. Would make excellent manure truck. Minimum bid: $2,000. (435) 836-1300 11/29


HOUSE FOR SALE INTorrey - Sleeping Rainbow Estates 40-50 Native Trees, 3 BR 2 Bath, Incredible Views, 2000 Sq ft. with 2000 sq ft. detached garage. 2 Acres. Call Lowell at 4253824 or cell (435) 896-7092 rtn

3 acres for sale - in Loa. Beautiful views. $23,999 Call (435) 691-0689


Barney Trucking is looking for truck drivers in the Panguitch, UT area. Great pay and benefits. Valid CDL with Doubles endorsement required.To apply, go to or call 435-529-4422.

HELP WANTED PARAPROFESSIONAL WANTED Wayne School District is accepting applications for a Paraprofessional for Wayne High School. This position will require the applicant to work closely with Principal, Counselor, High School Secretary and individual students. This position will be for 19 hours per week without benefits. Four of the 19 hours will be after school hours. Applicant must poses computer processing skills, Applications will be accepted until December 7, 2012. Wayne School District is an equal opportunity employer providing programs and services to all persons on a non-discriminatory basis. Wayne School District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications. Please send applications to: Wayne School District PO Box 127 Bicknell, UT 84715 12/6

POSITION AVAILABLE Edwards Trucking is looking for an OTR flatbed driver. Valid CDL, 3 yrs driving experience and clean MVR required. Call Derik at (435) 691-1169. 11/22

LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF PETITION/INTENT TO ANNEX Please notice that the Town of Hatch Clerk has received, accepted and October 23, 2012 certified, a petition that was filed by the Town to annex the following property: Beginning at the West ¼ Corner of Section 32, T36S, R5W, SLB & M and running thence N 00°13’19” E along the section line 1327.72 feet to the north 1/16 corner of Sections 31 & 32 and the SW corner of the existing town limits as shown on the Sunset Cliffs Annexation map of 2006; thence along the existing Hatch Town limits the following three courses: N 00°13’19” E along the section line 1327.72 feet to the NW Corner Section 32; thence N 00°09’53” E along the West line of Section 29 a distance of 1326.46 feet to the South 1/16 Corner of Sections 29 & 30; thence S 89°58’45” E 2601.84 feet to the Center South 1/16 Corner of Section 29; thence departing the existing Hatch Town limits line N 00°22’09” E 2633.92 feet to the Center North 1/16 Corner; thence N 89°39’18” E 1334.41 feet to the NE 1/16 Section Corner and the existing Hatch Town limits line as shown on the 1984 Hatch Town Annexation #1 Map; thence N 00°17’39” E along the existing town limits 1314.50 feet to the East 1/16 corner of Sections 20 & 29; thence departing the existing town limits line, N 00°29’45” E 1335.95 feet to the SE 1/16 Corner of Section 20; thence N 89°32’15” E 1329.64 feet to the South 1/16 corner Sections 20 & 21; thence N 89°58’30” E 1349.09 feet to the SW 1/16 corner of Section 21; thence N 00°16’03” E 1319.46 feet to the Center West 1/16 corner; thence S 89°29’42” E 1349.56 feet to the Center ¼ corner; thence S 00°16’30” W 2613.94 feet to the ¼ corner of Sections 21 & 28; thence S 00°44’57” W 2660.23 feet to the Center ¼ of Section 28; thence S 00°46’00” W 2702.02 feet to the ¼ corner to Sections 28 & 33; thence N 89°30’22” W 1327.71 feet to the West 1/16 corner said sections; thence S 00°29’06” W 1330.37 feet to the NW 1/16 Corner Section 33; thence N 89°36’53” W 1323.89 feet to the North 1/16 Corner to Sections 32 & 33; thence N 89°42’30” W along the 1/16 section line 1625.56 feet to the Westerly right of way line of Highway 89; thence southwesterly along said right of way line the following three (3) courses: 1228.50 feet along the arc of a nontangent curve to the right (chord bears S 48°11’54” W 1218.34 feet) through a central angle of 25°32’59” and radius of 2754.93 feet; thence S 60°58’14” W 3090.30 feet; thence 58.42 feet along the arc of a curve to the left (chord bears S 60°32’41” W 58.42 feet) through a central angle of 01°51’06” and radius of 3929.83 feet to the West line of Section 32; thence N 00°43’34” E 1025.82 feet to the point of beginning. EXCLUDING THEREFROM the 1984 Hatch Town boundary limits line described as follows: Beginning at a point S 89°51’26” W along the south line of Section 29 a distance of 1323.0 feet and N 00°06’52” W 112.5 feet from the SE corner of Section 29, T36S, R5W, SLB & M and running thence S 86° E 298 feet; thence N 22°04’59” E 343.26 feet; thence S 65°35’12” E 135 feet to the Westerly Boundary of US Highway 89; thence along the curve of said boundary the chord of which bears N 15°43’47” E 126.67 feet; thence S 84°50’12” E 232.45 feet; thence N 04°09’17” E 152.56 feet; thence East 112.29 feet; thence North 23.14 feet; thence East 384.78 feet to the East Line of Section 29; thence East 264.0 feet; thence N 00°06’25” W parallel with the east line of section 29 a distance of 1354.05 feet; thence West 264.0 feet; thence N 00°06’25” W along the east line of Section 29 a distance of 523.30 feet; thence East 150 feet; thence N 00°06’25” W 178.30 feet; thence East 114.0 feet; thence N 00°09’45” W parallel with the section line 2205.42 feet; thence N 87°11’30” W 264.32 feet to the section line; thence N 00°09’45” W 414.71 feet to the NE corner Section 29; thence S 88°52’38” W 1335.50 feet to the East 1/16 section corner; thence S 00°06’52” E 1666.73 feet; thence West 150 feet; thence S 00°06’52” E 933.0 feet; thence East 150 feet; thence S 00°06’52” E 864.94 feet; thence West 225.75 feet; thence S 00°06’52” E 511.5 feet; thence East 225.75 feet; thence S 00°06’52” E 1204.34 feet; thence N 89°51’26” E 14.18 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCLUDING THEREFROM the Sunset Cliffs Annexation of 2006 described as the SW ¼ of the SW ¼, the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ and the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 29 and the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 32, T36S, R5W, SLB & M. The acreage to be added to Hatch Town by this annexation map is 827.69 acres more or less. The complete annexation petition is available for inspection and copying at the Town of Hatch office. The Town may annex the area described unless, a written protest is filed with the County Clerk, and the Town Clerk within thirty (30) days from the date the petition was certified. Deadline to file is November 23, 2012 at the following address: Town of Hatch, 45 East Center, PO Box 625, Hatch, UT 84735, Jacie Torgersen, Town Clerk. Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on NOVEMBER 8, 15, & 22, 2012.

NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A Public Hearing of the Upper Sevier River Water Conservancy District Budget for the calendar year 2013 will be held at 7:00p.m., Monday, December 3, 2012 at the Garfield County Courthouse, Commission Chambers, 55 S. Main St., Panguitch, Utah. Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on NOVEMBER 22 & 29, 2012. Public Hearing The Town of Hatch will be holding a public hearing on Wednesday, December 5, 2012 at 7 pm at the Community Center which is located at 49 West Center. This meeting will be to discuss repealing Ordinance 3-2-1 which states: It shall be unlawful for any person to sell beer within the town. Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on NOVEMBER 22 & 29, 2012. PUBLIC HEARINGS The Boulder Town Council will hold public hearings at the Community Center, 351 N. 100 E., on December 6, 2012, beginning at 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of receiving public comment on 1) The Planning Commission’s recommendation for approval of two requests for minor changes to the sign section of the Zoning Ordinance, and 2) Opening the 2012-13 budget to make necessary changes. Copies of all proposals can be inspected at the town office during regular office hours. Judith Davis, Town Clerk Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on NOVEMBER 22, 2012. NOTICE TO WATER USERS The applications below were filed with the Division of Water Rights in Wayne County. These are informal proceedings per Rule R655-6-2. Protests concerning an application must be legibly written or typed, contain the name and mailing address of the protesting party, STATE THE APPLICATION NUMBER PROTESTED, CITE REASONS FOR THE PROTEST, and REQUEST A HEARING, if desired. Also, A $15 FEE MUST BE INCLUDED FOR EACH APPLICATION PROTESTED. Protests must be filed with the Division of Water Rights, PO Box 146300, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6300, or by hand delivery to a Division office during normal business hours ON OR BEFORE DECEMBER 19, 2012. Please visit or call (801)-5387240 for additional information. CHANGE APPLICATION(S) 61-437(a38561): Danny S. and Neila J. Swapp propose(s) using 0.015 cfs or 3.25 ac-ft. from groundwater (5 miles south of Hatch) for STOCKWATERING; DOMESTIC. NEW APPLICATION(S) 95-5299 (A79507): Cross S Cattle Co. propose(s) using 0.015 cfs. from groundwater (20 miles SW of Hanksville) for STOCKWATERING; DOMESTIC. Kent L. Jones, P.E. STATE ENGINEER Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on NOVEMBER 22 & 29, 2012. PANGUITCH CITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Panguitch City will hold a public hearing to consider potential projects for which funding may be applied under the CDBG Small Cities Program for Program Year 2013. Suggestions for potential projects will be solicited, both verbally and in writing, from all interested parties. The expected amount of CDBG funds for this program year will be discussed along with the range of projects eligible under this program and a review of previously funded projects. The hearings will begin at 7:00 P.M. on November 27, 2012 and will be held at Panguitch City Conference Room, 25 South 200 East, Panguitch, Utah 84759. Further information can be obtained by contacting Allen K. Henrie at 435-676-8585. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during these hearing should notify the Panguitch City Office at 25 South 200 East at least three days prior to the hearing to be attended. Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on NOVEMBER 15 & 22, 2012.

Panguitch City Job Announcement Panguitch City Manager Salary: $35,000 to $40,000 depending on experience, plus a benefits package FLSA Status: Full Time, Exempt Application Deadline: November 26, 2012, 5:00 P.M. Target Start Date: January 7, 2013 Panguitch City, 25 South 200 East, Panguitch, Utah 84759 The City of Panguitch, Utah is accepting applications for the position of City Manager. Panguitch has a six member Council form of government, and the City Manager works under the broad policy guidance and direction of the Mayor and City Council. The City’s population is approximately 1,600. City Manager Position: The City Manager serves as the City’s chief executive officer and manages the day-today operations and internal affairs of the City; carries out policies and programs established by the Council; deals with the citizens of Panguitch; supervises 8 full time, plus part time and seasonal, employees; manages the Council agenda; interacts with the Council to discuss and recommend action on issues, policies and political developments; prepares and oversees the administrations of the City’s budget; attends all meetings of the Council and takes part in its discussions and deliberations; and such other duties as may be assigned. City operations include public works, planning and zoning, water, parks, sanitation and a landfill. The ideal candidate must have a strong leadership, consensus building, interpersonal and financial skills, and proven effectiveness in working with administrative staff,

elected officials and citizens. A degree in public administration, finance, or equivalent experience acceptable by the Council, is required. Applicant must live within the Panguitch City limits or relocate to Panguitch City within 3 months. Applications: Each applicant is required to submit a completed City application form, a full resumé, references and a letter of interest to Panguitch City no later than November 26, 2012 at 5:00 P.M. (Mountain Standard Time). No exeptions. Employment applications are available at Panguitch City Office or Job Service. Questions should be directed to Allen Henrie at 435-676-8585. Selection: Initial applications will be screened by a committee. The Mayor and City Council will select the City Manager, likely following interviews of one or more of the applicants. Notes: Pre-employment drug testing and a background check may be required. Panguitch City is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The City will provide reasonable accommodations for any applicant during the selection process. The City reserves the right to reject any and all applicants, to waive any requirements set forth in this announcement, and to hire anyone as the City Manager deemed to be in the City’s best interest, all subject to legal requirements. Any application in response to this announcement is at the applicant’s sole risk and expense. Although the City anticipates hiring as the City Manager one of the applicants responding to this announcement, there is no guarantee that any responding applicant will be hired. 11/22

LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE WAYNE COUNTY PROPOSED CHANGE FROM RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL TO BUSINESS/COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL INTENDED USE: COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL SHOP & BUSINESS OFFICE ZONING CHANGE REQUESTED BY: JACKSON EXCAVATION INC CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER: ROBERT TANNER A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD DURING THE PLANNING & ZONING MEETING ON: DECEMBER 12, 2012 @ 7:00 PM WAYNE COUNTY COURTHOUSE LEGAL DES: E1/2E1/2SE1/4SE1/4 Section 27 T28S R3E SLB&M Cont 10 ac m-l Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on NOVEMBER 22 & 29, 2012. Budget Hearing Notice On November 8, 2012, the Board of Trustees of the Ticaboo Electric Improvement District reviewed and approved a tentative budget for the fiscal year 2013. On the same date, the Board also scheduled a public hearing regarding the tentative budget to be held on November 29, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. at the Board’s regular meeting place at Hwy 276, Mile Marker 27, PO Box 2140, LDS Church - Ticaboo Branch, Ticaboo, Utah 84533. The purpose of the public hearing will be to give all interested persons in attendance an opportunity to be heard on the estimates of revenues and expenditures or any item in the tentative budget of any fund. After the public hearing has closed, the Board may adopt the tentative budget as the final budget, subject to amendment or revision. A copy of the proposed budget can be examined at the District’s offices located at Hwy 276, Mile Marker 27, Lot 97, Ticaboo, Utah 84533 during normal business hours at any time prior to the public hearing. Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on NOVEMBER 15, 22, & 29, 2012. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Separate and sealed bids from qualified bidders for the Coyote Creek Diversion EWP Project will be received by Garfield County Public Works Department on or before 3:00 P.M., Wednesday, December 5, 2012 at the Commission Chambers of the Garfield County Courthouse in Panguitch, Utah. They will then be publicly opened and read aloud. Garfield County is a tax-exempt local government and reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Contractors may obtain plans and specifications for a cost of $20.00 per copy from the Garfield County Public Works Department located at 55 South Main, P.O. Box 77, Panguitch, UT 84759, phone (435) 676-1101. Prospective bidders may be required to demonstrate qualified status by documenting successful completion of similar type and size work and listing equipment and personnel to be used on the project. Demonstration of the bidder’s qualified status shall be provided upon the County’s request. A pre-bid site showing will be conducted beginning at 10:00 A.M., Wednesday, November 28, 2012. Prospective bidders should meet at the Antimony, Utah Town Hall no later than 9:45 A.M. on that date. Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on NOVEMBER 22 & 29, 2012.

The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER

November 22, 2012

Page 9

This page is a membership service, provided by the Wayne County Business Association

WCBA Board of Directors RayLynne Cooper - President Jessica Alvey - Vice President Amy Jackson - Financial Officer Loreli Anderson - Program Officer West Taylor - Development Officer Ted Winder - Past President Ty Markham - At Large Director LeEllen McCartney - At Large Director Gary Bagley - At Large Director

WCBA Phone: 435-836-3600 email: web: Facebook:




Buy Local

Consider the power of a simple postage stamp When was the last time you received an actual piece of mail that was not 1) a bill or 2) a birthday card? People remember the smallest gestures, so long as they are personal and thoughtful. In these days of 24 hour email marketing, small business owners should reconsider the lowly postage stamp. Keep a stack of thank you and greeting cards, stamped and ready to go with your return address at your desk. The trick is to make the leap from “I should send a note” to an action as painless as possible. Send a thank you to your regular customer for their most recent order. Be specific in your thanks, telling them how much you enjoyed working with them to meet their needs. “I hope you enjoyed your niece’s wedding and I’m sure you looked great

in the dress you chose” has meaning; “thank you for your purchase” does not. Acknowledge personal milestones: did a customers mention a special birthday or anniversary? Send a note of congratulations and appreciation . Did the local newspaper write a story about a customer’s volunteer work with a favorite charity? Send a note. You can thank a colleague for an inspirational idea shared at a networking lunch. You can thank a tradesperson for completing a job on time. You should thank anyone who gives you a good referral to a new customer. Don’t forget to thank your staff and vendors as well. You depend on them for your success, so let them know their efforts are appreciated. Again, be specific: “thanks for

how you handled that difficult delivery” means so much more than “appreciate ya!” Thank you letters are simple to write, since they should be short and to the point. Since you will be writing lots of them, you can invest in a custom card with your company logo. Or buy cards from local artists or photographers. You could even use a signature style postcard, if it fits your branding message (yes for a fly-fishing shop, no for an attorney). Just make sure to differentiate it from your regular marketing materials, so it doesn’t get confused and tossed in the mail. But the reveal of the envelope is probably worth the extra expense. Forget about trying to save a stamp by sticking the card in the shipping box. First, it’s likely to get overlooked. Second, the art of the thank you

is the personalized experience of a special hand-written note, especially when it comes as a surprise. Of course, you can’t send a card if you don’t have an address. Getting into the habit of saying thanks also reinforces another good habit, that of collecting and organizing all the pertinent details of your customers. You want to be

able to write a note in under 3 minutes, reclaiming wasted time between meetings or while on hold into a useful and pleasant, memorable gesture for your business. Your mother was right, but it isn’t just good manners to write thank you notes, it’s a great way to be remembered by the people mostly likely to make your business a success.

Garkane: Giving Members the power to save money As a local power co-op, we live, work, and shop at the same places you do. So we understand the importance of both reliable power and an affordable shopping experience. That’s why we have started offering the Co-op Connections ® Card; it’s a free discount card that provides savings at local stores. Go to for details on the discounts offered locally. New businesses are added each month. Wayne County businesses include Serenity Springs Assisted Living, Linda’s Country

THIS WEEK THURSDAY 11/22 Happy Thanksgiving

FRIDAY 11/23 Plaid Friday!

The Wayne Theatre, Showtimes a t w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / thewaynetheatre. 11 E. Main St. Bicknell.


The Wayne Theatre, Showtimes a t w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / thewaynetheatre. 11 E. Main St. Bicknell.

SUNDAY 11/25

Country Cafe, All You Can Eat BBQ Ribs, Loa. 289 N. Main, Loa. 4 p.m. to closing. $10.95 per person.

Decor, Royal’s Foodtown and Brian Auto Service. If you have lost your card, contact our office for a new one. A replacement card is free. Call (800) 7475403 or (435) 836-2795. At Garkane Energy, we continue to look for ways to give back to the communities we serve and the Co-op Connections Card is just another way we can provide value. This may be unusual for a power co-op , but we do it because it comes down to our core belief in offering Quality Service and Local Control.

UPCOMING The Wayne Theatre, Showtimes a t w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / thewaynetheatre. 11 E. Main St. Bicknell.

MONDAY 11/26

The Wayne Theatre, Showtimes a t w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / thewaynetheatre.

Nov. 28 (Wed) Entrepreneurship Seminar featuring Neal Bosshardt of Redmond Minerals. Weekly series sponsored by the Utah SBDC. 12:30 p.m., Karen H. Huntsman Library, Snow College, Ephraim or live streaming video. Dec. 7 (Fri) Holiday Hoe-down Program. Torrey’s kickoff to the Holiday Season for children of all ages. Christmas sing-along and refreshments. DUP Building on Main Street. 7 p.m.

SPECIAL DEALS Broken Spur Motel has teamed up with Emily Brinkerhoff to open a year round beauty salon, Hair n’ Stuff is located at the Broken Spur Inn. Hours by appointment only, 435-491-0321.. Brian Farm Service Center. Shop Brian Farm Service Center in Loa for all of your holiday needs. Christmas indoor/outdoor decor, lights, poinsettias, trees and tree ornaments, wreaths and more. Lots of toys for the little ones. Also shop and check out our holiday specials on facebook, where we’ll feature a daily special everyday in December. Happy Holidays from all of us at Brian Farm Service. 33 E 300 S Loa.

Grundy Gal’s Honey Taffy is taking Christmas orders for their delicious honey candy. Candy is made from all natural ingredients, with no preservatives. Taffy is home-made and hand stretched, the perfect gift for those “hard to buy for” people on your Christmas shopping list. For an additional shipping fee, we can ship candy to any address. Please call and order right away. Call 435-836-2114

Serenity Springs Assisted Living Senior Care Center. Drop in for a tour and receive a $500 certificate toward admission for your loved ones respite or long term stay. You never know when you might need our services. We hope you choose us. We are not your loved ones home, but we are the next best thing. Loa Utah 435-836-3600

Special membership sale, $25/month. No contract. Limited time.

Tosconos Pizzeria: Any Combination order of $50.00 or more, you get two free smoothies of your choice. Open Monday - Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Call us at 435-836-2500. Located inside the Snuggle Inn on Main Street of Loa.

Brooke’s Country Boutique Cohosting a Christmas Cottage Boutique, Sat. Dec. 1st at New Log Cabin in Lyman at the Mill, 10:00 till 3:00. Paparrazzi Jewelry, Quilts, Wreaths, Barnwood Decor, Pocket Knives, Flutes, Chaps, more! Hourly Prizes. Join us to kick off this Wonderful Holiday Season. Facebook: Christmas Cottage Boutique More info: Brooke 435-749-9322. A Sign For All Seasons Boutique has a wide variety of holiday and home decor. New this year is our yard art priced finished and unfinished - Christmas tree with ornament, reindeer, presents, and a snowman. What a fun addition to your holiday decorations. We also have seasonal yard flags with flag holder. Receive a seasonal shelf sitter with your purchase of $30.00. Let us be your first and last stop for all your holiday and home decor needs. Custom orders are always welcome. 83 W. Center Loa. Power Plant Fitness Center Spin classes Monday and Friday 5:15 am, Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 am, and Saturday 8:30 am. We’ll be adding a night class soon. Bicknell. 425-3331. Members free/$5 drop-in.

Backcountry Outfitters. Black Friday AND Saturday huge SALE! EVERYTHING in the store will be 20%60% OFF! Nov. 23 & 24, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Highways 12 & 24, Torrey. (435) 425-2010. Although we will not be open all winter, we ARE available by phone or email and can arrange to open the store if someone wants to come in and buy something. (435) 4252010,, email: info@ Maria’s Grill is for sale, price reduced. Call 691-2622. CastleRock Coffee & Candy We are open every day 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Come in for a hot breakfast or try our home made soup and sandwiches for lunch. We’re excited about our new bite size nut clusters, really great chocolate and fresh nuts, Yum!

The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER

Page 10

Practical Money Matters


Cut Your Holiday Expenses by Jason Alderman

The closer the holidays loom, the less time harried families have to buy gifts, plan seasonal events and make travel arrangements. Unfortunately, when time is at a premium and you’re forced to make last-minute decisions, it’s usually your budget that suffers. As an occasional procrastinator myself, let me share a few tips I’ve picked up over the years that can help take the expense – and stress – out of holiday planning: Before you start shopping, calculate how much you can afford to spend on the holidays as a portion of your overall budget. If your finances are in good shape, spend no more than 1.5 percent of your annual income. But if you’re deeply in debt, can’t meet your regular monthly expenses or don’t have an emergency fund, this isn’t the time to rack up additional debt. Once you determine an overall amount, tally up expected holiday-related expenses including gifts, decorations, new clothes and accessories, giftwrap, cards, postage, special meals and year-end gratuities. Don’t forget travelrelated expenses if you plan to leave town, and try to recall unanticipated expenses from last year. If you’re looking for ways to cut back, consider: • Arrange gift lotteries

with family members and friends so everyone concentrates their time, effort and money on buying fewer, nicer gifts. • Speak candidly with friends, coworkers and extended family about placing a moratorium on exchanging gifts. They’re probably feeling the pinch too. • If the gift-giving gesture is important to you, suggest pooling resources with others to make a sizeable contribution to a charity you all believe in. Once you’ve determined your overall holiday spending budget – and before you start shopping – make a detailed list that includes: • Everyone on your shopping list. • Spending limits and several gift alternatives for each person. • How much you actually spend on each gift. If you overspend on one present you’ll need to make up for it elsewhere. • What you gave each person – to avoid giving them the same thing next year. • What each person gave you to avoid “re-gifting” disasters later on. • Other expenses (decorations, etc.) Some people relish hunt-

You’ll really Fall for our High Speed Internet

November 22, 2012

ing for bargains; others loathe it. Either way, here are a few money-saving tips: • Clip newspaper and online coupons. Stores often match competitors’ prices even if their own items aren’t on sale. Plus, many consolidation websites post downloadable coupons and sale codes for online retailers. • Mobile shopping apps let in-store smartphone and tablet users scan product barcodes and make on-the-spot price comparisons, read reviews, download coupons, buy products and more. • If you’re traveling for the holidays, note that many airlines charge $25 or more for each checked bag. Many stores and websites ship gifts for free, saving you hassle at the airport. • Carefully read purchasereturn policies for deadlines, exclusions (e.g., for sale or clearance items) and restocking charges. • Keep receipts. Many retailers will refund the price difference if an item goes on sale within a few weeks after purchase. • Check whether your credit card agreement provides free product warranty extensions and/or price protection. And finally, consider the gift of time. Older relatives don’t need more chocolates, but they probably could use help with chores, running errands or rides to doctor’s appointments. Plus, they would probably appreciate your company. Offer to babysit for harried parents so they can run a few errands or simply recharge their batteries. Jason Alderman directs Visa’s financial education programs. To Follow Jason Alderman on Twitter:

If you or a family member (even if deceased) have had cancer or leukemia within the last fifty years and lived in any of the following counties for a period of at least two years between January 21, 1951 and October 31, 1958 or during the entire month of July 1962. In ARIZONA - Apache, Coconino, Gila, Navajo, Yavapai. In NEVADA - Eureka, Lander, Lincoln, Nye, White Pine or the northern portion of Clark. In UTAH - Beaver, Garfield, Iron, Kane, Millard, Piute, San Juan, Sevier, Washington or Wayne you may qualify for $50,000 tax free. Compensation also available for On-Site Participants and Uranium Workers.




4-H Centennial Celebrated Through Service

LOGAN – To mark the 100th anniversary of the Utah 4-H program, 4-H members were issued the “Centennial Service Challenge” to give four hours of service each month during the centennial year. Utah youth exceeded the expectations of staff members across the state by logging in a total of 15,624 hours. “We are very proud of our 4-H members,” said Ann Henderson, Utah State University Extension 4-H agent in Box Elder County. Service projects consisted of a wide range of activities

such as teaching elementaryage students about invasive and native plants and helping them plant native wildflower seeds, trick-or-treating for local food pantries, babysitting, cleaning, gardening, working and judging at county fairs, assisting with Operation Military Kids projects and leading sewing, cooking, science and technology camps at county summer youth programs. The challenge started October 1, 2011, the beginning of the 4-H year, and ran through September 30, 2012. According to challenge totals, 33

youth each contributed 48 or more service hours and 16 contributed more than 100 service hours. County service hour totals include: Weber, 3,817; Juab, 2,939; Wayne, 2,587; Box Elder, 2,457; Utah, 1,399; Millard, 1,300; Uintah, 482; Garfield, 153; Tooele, 128; Summit, 112; Washington, 111; Morgan, 50; Sanpete, 42; Salt Lake, 28; and Grand, 20. Henderson said a grant was given from the state 4-H office to provide four $100 prizes for the youth who met the challenge and contributed 48 or more hours.

Fill Your Home With Beauty... ...this holiday season with a beautiful poinsettia from Brian Farm Greenhouse

4 different sizes and 6 different colors These plants make great gifts for that “hard-to-buy-for” person that has everything!

Come early for the best selection!!

Brian Farm Service Center 33 East 300 South Loa, UT 435.836.2884 find us on facebook

For Your Health Treating Burns in the Pharmacy We depend on our members to make our Cooperative a success, and our community depends on us to deliver high quality, affordable services. This Fall, we’d like to Give the community a few gifts to show our Thanks.

~A Gift of 2 free months of ultra-fast High Speed Internet

~A Gift card for $49, redeemable at Socen’s

~and a Gift of free Anti-virus software

with one year of virus removal support


888-826-4211 *New customers only. After the promotional period of 2 months, internet pricing will revert to the normal contract rates ($34.95 for up to 5 Mbps and $44.95 for up to 15 Mbps). Customer must sign a 12 month contract to receive promotional pricing and free services. Service availability and Internet speed will depend on location. Gift card is redeemable for service and does not apply toward cost of hardware or software purchased. Restrictions apply. For service availability or promotional details, call 888-826-4211.

Thermal Burns and Other Causes Exposure to a source of heat is the most common cause of burns. If the burn is a minor one, you can soak it in cool water for 15 to 20 minutes. You should continue soaking it until it is free of pain when in and out of the water. First aid for a minor sunburn consists of applying a topical nonprescription pain reliever. Thermal burns and sunburns should only be self-treated if they are minor. If they are severe, you will need to visit a physician. Your pharmacist can help you determine whether the burn needs medical care. Generally, you will need to seek physician care for deep second-degree and third-degree burns. If the burn was caused by electricity, you should remove the individual from the electrical source by using a nonconducting object such as a broomstick. While you are making sure the person is safe, have a bystander call 911. Exposure to a dangerous acid or alkali can also cause skin damage that is referred to as a burn. For these chemical burns, remove any clothing containing the chemical and flush the skin for at least 15 minutes with large amounts of clean tap water before seeking emergency care. Is the Burn Painful? A general rule to remember is that self-treatable burns are painful. If the burn looks dark red, yellowish-white, or pearly and is not painful, it may be the more severe second-degree or third-degree type that requires a physician or emergency room visit. Lack of pain does not mean that the burn is minor. Instead, it does not hurt because the nerves have been burned away. Thus, you cannot use the absence of pain in your decision as to whether or not to seek immediate care. Burn Self-Treatment Self-care is not appropriate for those under the age of 2 years. It is also wise to seek care if the burn is on the hand, foot, face, or genital area. However, if your burn is not severe enough to require physician care, there are several things you can do to treat it. You may choose a skin protectant to cover the burn and a lubricant to help the burn feel less dry. Protectants/ lubricants include cocoa butter, glycerin, and petrolatum (Vaseline). You may apply any of these freely as often as needed. Aloe vera has no proven therapeutic value and should be avoided, since it may cause allergies. You may also wish to deaden the pain and itching associated with the burn. Choose products with ingredients such as benzocaine, dyclonine, pramoxine, and benzyl alcohol. Aerosol sprays are convenient and allow you to place a product on the burn without having to rub it on and produce further pain. Examples include Itch-X Spray, Dermoplast Spray, and Americaine Aerosol. If the skin was broken, you may wish to apply an antibacterial product to prevent infection. These products include Polysporin Ointment and hydrogen peroxide. Observe the Burn Closely If your burn looks or feels worse or doesn’t improve after 7 days have passed, you may have a wound infection. You should stop self-care and seek an appointment with a physician. Remember, if you have questions, Consult Your Pharmacist Steve Marshall, Shaunna Rechsteiner-Pharmacists

95 East Center St. l PHONE (435) 676-2212


Panguitch, UT 84759 FAX (435) 676-8850

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