November 23, 2011 Insider

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Happy Thanksgiving! Panguitch • Panguitch Lake • Hatch • Bryce • Tropic • Antimony • Henrieville • Cannonville • Escalante • Boulder • Fremont • Loa • Lyman Bicknell • Teasdale • Torrey • Grover • Fruita • Caineville • Hanksville

NATURE’S CLASSROOM: THE CAPITOL REEF FIELD STATION Jane Dell, Site Manager, Capitol Reef Field Station

Nestled on a mesa top in the Pleasant Creek Valley of Capitol Reef National Park, the Capitol Reef Field Station (CRFS) provides an amazing opportunity for place-based learning. A mere 3.5 hours from the UVU campus, CRFS welcomes students, faculty and staff alike into the unique region of the Colorado Plateau. Through a partnership between Utah Valley University and Capitol Reef National Park, CRFS promotes interdisciplinary engaged learning, field-based scientific research and environmental ethics through exploration, appreciation and conservation of the Colorado Plateau ecosystem. Two 12-person dorms, a multi-purpose classroom, dining facility and a beautiful kitchen await groups that visit CRFS. In addition, CRFS serves as a model of sustainability with 100-percent solar electricity, water supplied from a nearby well, passive heating and cooling architecture and an unrivaled opportunity for all visitors to learn and practice reduced environmental impacts.

Since CRFS opened in October 2008, numerous UVU courses have taken advantage of all that the field station has to offer. From mathematics to interpretive dance, and from botany to creative writing, CRFS provides an ideal environment for engaged learning, a classroom with reduced distractions, a platform for student/faculty interaction and a breathtakingly beautiful background. Here is just a sample of what students have said after studying at Capitol Reef Field Station: “It felt like a home away from home in an awesome environment.” “The pristine immersion in nature and isolation from the outside world made a great planning/team-building environment.” “This place is awesome.” “The night sky was incredible and I loved the hikes.” “I loved being out in nature, the educational opportunities, the staff, the beautiful surroundings and learning by doing.” We invite you to visit our website at and welcome any questions or comments. Interested in bringing your class to



CRFS? The Spring Semester calendar is filling quickly. Contact us at crfs@uvu. edu.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011 • Issue # 916


Black Friday doesn’t have to lead to black marks on your credit report 2012 holiday shopping to save some of your budShop around. Start your season with tips to man- get for expenses other than holiday shopping early to age holiday spending and gifts, including wrapping give yourself time to comavoid a post-holiday credit paper, cards and postage. parison shop. Take time to hangover. Zions Bank recUse credit wisely. do some research before ommends that customers Your credit card balance you hit the stores by going manage their finances this shouldn’t be a complete online or looking at your loholiday season with the fol- surprise when you open cal newspaper circulars. lowing spending tips: your statement in January. Pay bills on time. Avoid Create a budget and Take only the credit cards missing the due date for stick to it. Take advantage you need when holiday your credit card payments. of Zions Bank’s free on- shopping and try to use the Even if you can only pay line eZ Budget program at card with the lowest inter- the minimum, pay it on to est rate. time. Don’t assume the quickly customize a spendCash in on card re- mail will arrive on time, ing plan and your gift- wards. Utilize credit card especially during the holigiving budget. Set a dollar perk programs such Zions days. Use online bill pay amount based on what you Cash Rewards, which re- to ensure your bills get paid can afford this holiday sea- wards Zions Bank Visa® promptly. son considering your cur- cardholders with up to 50 “Consumers spreading rent savings, income and percent cash back for mak- holiday cheer should keep other expenses. Be sure to ing qualifying purchases at in mind that January bills include a $20 to $100 cush- various local and national are only a couple of months ion for unexpected expens- retail stores, restaurants, away,” says Zions Bank es. and more. See deals at zion- President and CEO Scott Make a list. Write down Anderson. “If consumers the names of the people you Save your receipts. Keep are not budgeting for their plan to buy gifts for and track of your expenses and holiday purchases, people how much you can afford add them up weekly to will find themselves bringto spend on each person. be sure you’re sticking to ing in the New Year with The Gift Planner tab in the your budget. If you’re get- last year’s debt. Holding eZ Budget website allows ting close to your spending true to one’s budget during users to personalize their limit, reevaluate your list, the busy holiday season is lists for each gift recipient, and consider making home- an excellent jumpstart to including estimated and ac- made gifts to keep expenses healthy year-long budgettual expenses. Don’t forget down. ing habits.”

THANKSGIVING IS DANGEROUS ON UTAH ROADS For Utah drivers, the most dangerous holiday of the year is approaching. Thanksgiving weekend has the highest rate of travel during any holiday period of the year with almost 90% of people traveling in motor vehicles. If previous statistics hold true, this Thanksgiving weekend will be a dangerous time on Utah roads. This year, the official 102-hour Thanksgiving holiday period will start at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, November 23RD and run through midnight on Sunday, November 27th. During the past ten years in Utah, 50 people were killed in car crashes over this holiday period and hundreds more were injured. To lessen your chances of becoming one of these statistics, here are a few things to keep in mind: Always wear your seatbelt! Many of the past Thanksgiving holiday deaths and serious injuries could have been easily prevented by the simple act of wearing a seat belt. Keep your-

self safe and ticket free by wearing a seat belt. Make sure everyone buckles up on every ride. Speed Speeding is a major cause of traffic crashes and a leading factor in highway deaths. Higher speeds increase crash forces in a collision as well as reduce the time you have to react to an emergency situation. Make sure you increase following distance and minimize lane changes. Alcohol Don’t let drinking and driving turn a holiday celebration into a tragedy. Even moderate consumption of alcohol can impair a driver’s ability to make proper decisions. Wednesday Most people who are traveling long distances will be leaving after work on Wednesday evening. They will find that the normal rush hour delays will extend throughout the evening and far out into rural areas where traffic is normally light. Tired drivers, who have worked all day and are now facing the

DAVCO BUILDING THE SNUGGLE INN......................................................836-2898 55 South Main, Loa ( ) Conference Rooms - meetings, socials, business, reunions, shower rooms, etc. TOSCONOS PIZZERIA.................................................836-2500 Hours: Open: Mon - Sat: 11-8pm ~ Closed Sundays. Sandwiches, Paninnis, Pizzas,Wraps, Salads, Pastas, Breadsticks, Cin-A-Stick w/Frosting, Smoothies and Specialty Coffees CREATIVE SPIRIT GALLERY & GIFTS..................836-2898 MANE-E-ACS HAIR SALON .....................................836-2602 Kimber Wood (Walk-ins, Hair Cuts, Perms, Colors, Pedicures, and Hair Extensions & Jewelry.) PACE TAX SERVICE.....................................................836-2218 Tax Preparations, Refund Loans, IRS E-Filing, and Tax Planning. THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER is owned and operated by Snapshot Multimedia and is distributed weekly to all of Garfield County. Its purpose is to inform residents about local issues and events. Articles submitted from independent writers are not necessarily the opinion of Snapshot Multimedia. We sincerely hope you enjoy the paper and encourage input on ideas and/or suggestions for the paper. Thank you for your support.

frustration of being stuck in slow traffic for such a long distance, may be tempted to take chances they might not otherwise take. Drowsy drivers may nod off at the wheel and are just as dangerous as drunk drivers. Sunday Most drivers will wait until Sunday afternoon to return home where they will face many of the same driving conditions that they faced on Wednesday evening. Unlike Wednesday, they will face additional dangers due to drivers who

have consumed alcohol or those who waited to hit the road and didn’t give themselves enough time. Plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time to travel to your destination. Thanksgiving is a time to relax and enjoy being with family and friends. Don’t let your holiday be interrupted by a tragic event. Visit for more traffic safety tips and information.

will be closed on November 24th and 25th for Thanksgiving. Clinic will be open on Saturday the 26th as usual. Please be aware that the pharmacy will be closed all four days and plan ahead with any medications. We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! If winter is slumber and spring is birth, and summer is life, then autumn rounds out to be reflection. It’s a time of year when the leaves are down and the harvest is in and the perennials are gone. Mother Earth just closed up the drapes on another year and it’s time to reflect on what’s come before. Mitchell Burgess Wayne Phone: 435-836-2622 Garfield Phone: 435-676-2621 Fax 1-888-370-8546 PO BOX 472, Loa, Utah 84747 ALL content for THE WAYNE &GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE 5:00 PM to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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