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Thursday, November 24, 2016
Issue # 1178
Escalante Gathers to Support a Local Superhero
CHip sHarpe
Kids smiling at the starting line of the 1k race held last Thursday to raise money to support local kid, Anthony Spencer, with medical expenses.
ESCALANTE - On November 17, over 100 people gathered on a very chilly afternoon, with capes fluttering, to raise funds and support local kid, Anthony Spencer. The event was a superhero costume 1 mile run / walk to raise money for Anthony's upcoming surgery. Anthony chose to dress as Voltron for the race. The high energy race started at 4 o'clock at the high school and ended at the park with almost 50 runners. There were concessions and a great turn out. The event was "very successful" according to Anthony's mom, Malisa. "We are so thankful that this whole town would come out to support Anthony. We didn't ask anyone for anything, people just offered and offered. He is so loved at that school. Thank you." Anthony's surgery is scheduled for Monday November 28th, up north. —Insider
Crook & The Bluff & Candy's River House To Include Escalante Showhouse in Winter Tour
ESCALANTE - In an attempt to escape the seasonal depression brought on by a cold, dark winter, two of Utah’s premier rock bands will be making a short migration to the beautiful landscape of Escalante. Crook & the Bluff, known for their unique blend of psychedelic, blues, and western music, and Candy’s River House, a southern soul trio, will perform at The Historic Escalante Showhouse on Wednesday, December 14th as part of the Winter Blues Tour, Part I. This show begins at 8PM. Tickets are $8 and are available at the door. Equipped with an arsenal of songs depicting lust, love, murder, and malevolence, Crook & the Bluff are known for their commanding aura and high-energy performances. Their unholy joining of western psychedelia and dirty, desert blues creates a musical landscape that is reminiscent of the vast, desolate wilderness of their desert home. Featuring the booming baritone and piercing falsetto of Kirk Dath, heavy doses of
Courtesy Crook & tHe Bluff
Crook & the Bluff is soulful and sooty, like iron-encrusted boots kicked around in the sand until they’re tattered but still barely intact, elation and agony both held in the shreds. Purist blues and squealing harmonica - mixed with slithering, vintage rock n’ roll - sounds like Timothy Leary in the Wild West. —SMUG Magazine fuzz-bass from Kevin Schultz, the bone-cutting lead guitar of Ryan Arnold, and the thunderous drums of Darren Farnsworth, Crook & the Bluff are equal parts mysterious and unpredictable, capable of transitioning from an eerie, ghostly calm to a fiery, fever-inducing storm in an instant.
Those looking to satisfy a vintage rock sweet tooth need look no further than the power trio that is Candy’s River House. Fronted by larger-than-life singer and guitarist Jordan Young, this southern, soul rock outfit resurrects a sound first championed by the likes of Nazareth,
State Board of Regents Approve Bachelor of Science Degree in Software Engineering
Snow College responds to economic need and will enroll students in Fall 2017 to “dream, design, develop” OREM – The Utah State Board of Regents has approved Snow College’s request to offer a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Software Engineering effective Fall Semester, 2017. The degree will include three areas of emphasis which students may choose: Entrepreneurship, Digital Media Design, and Web Development. Snow College officials and economic development personnel within the Col-
lege’s service region proposed that the BS in Software Engineering be offered to meet the needs of rural Utah. The degree is designed to address out-migration and serve as a catalyst to incent computer technology companies to invest in Central Utah as a place to locate operations with a trained workforce. Graduates of the program will possess the practical knowledge and skill of a defined engineering approach; the coursework
A LITTLE SNOW is expected by the end of the month. Temperatures will be highs in the upper 30s and low 40s Thursday to the weekend. Lows will hover around the teens and low 20s decreasing throughout the week. . The chill might drop to 10 degrees on the 30th. Winds are low until Monday, could hit 19 mph.
builds upon computer science fundamentals and mathematical principles to cover the design, analysis, verification, validation, implementation, deployment, and maintenance of software systems. The degree will culminate in a yearlong capstone sequence where students will work in teams to build software systems reflective of current industry practices. Additionally, students will be encouraged to participate in internships. Snow College plans to partner with businesses to develop these Science Degree Cont' on page 2
Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Cream. With dusty throated vocals peeling through heavy layers of blazing guitar and a mean, Crook & Bluff Cont' on page 2
Garfield Memorial Hospital Welcomes New Social Worker
PANGUITCH - Garfield Bachelors in Social Work Memorial Hospital would (BSW) concurrently while belike to welcome and introduce ing in the Advanced Substance Bryant Pearson, CSW to the Use Disorder Counselor community, who joined Gar- (ASUDC) program. He then field Memorial Hospital in went on to receive his Masters in Social Work (MSW) June, 2016. CSW stands for Certified at the University of Utah. He Social Worker, which means grew up in Davis County, that he is state-certified to pro- had been living in Salt Lake vide mental health services, consultation, assessments, diagnosing of mental health, case management and transition planning under the supervision of a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). CSW’s are trained in providing therapy for individuals, couples, families and communities using evidencebased practices, maintaining ethical principles and boundaries, advoCourtesy garfield MeMorial Hopsital cating for human rights, understand- Bryant Pearson, CSW Garfield Memoing human behav- rial Hospital's newest staff member. ior in a social environment and research. They County with his wife, Kelsey, are required to pass a state and 16-month-old son, Levi, licensing exam through the up until he took his career to Association of Social Work Garfield County to serve the Boards in order to practice in population. Pearson and his a clinical environment. He is wife enjoy spending much of now working towards receiv- their time camping, exploring ing full licensure as an LCSW. the great outdoors throughout Social workers, in a med- Utah, rock climbing, being ical setting, work closely with with family and enjoying life. Pearson said, “Although medical and nursing staff in order to provide the best care most of my education was fofor individuals. They conduct cused on mental health, subpsychosocial assessments, stance abuse and providing crisis evaluations and inter- therapy, I am excited that I can ventions, assist patients in de- broaden my scope of practice veloping and implementing a by assisting those who come plan of care and treatment, all through the hospital and still while being sensitive to costs provide therapeutic intervenand resources. They work col- tions through the clinic. I am laboratively with patients, pa- honored to be able to serve tient’s families or significant the great people of Garfield others, healthcare providers, County and surrounding arinsurers, community resources eas. It is one of my greatest while being involved with pa- passions to help people learn tient’s needs and developing how to best help themselves.” —Garfield Memorial transition plans. Hospital Pearson received his
Free 2016 Christmas Tree Permits for Fourth Graders with Every Kid in a Park Pass Available on the Fishlake National Forest RICHFIELD – The Fishlake National Forest will issue a free Christmas tree permit for fourth graders with an Every Kid in a Park pass while supplies last. The Fishlake offers the free tree permit as part of the U.S. Forest Service’s Every Kid in a Park program. The program is part of an interagency call to action to build the next generation of conservationists. All fourth graders are eligible to reBrigitte Werner ceive a fourth grade Snow covered tree with Christmas Every Kid pass that lights. allows free access
Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education. —Franklin D. Roosevelt
to 2,000-plus federal land and water sites across the country for one full year. Instructions on how fourth graders can obtain an Every Kid pass or voucher is available at www. To obtain a free tree permit from a participating Forest Service unit, the fourth grader must be present and show a valid paper voucher or durable pass obtained from the website or participating federal agency. Permits are available at Fishlake National Forest offices in Richfield, Beaver, Fillmore and Loa. A mail-order form is not an option for
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.
Tree Permits Cont' on page 2