The Wayne and Garfield County Insider

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Thursday, November 30, 2017

Issue # 1231

Memories of Christmas: A Community-Wide Celebration

Garkane Returns $500,000 To Its Members

Courtesy annette lamb

WAYNE COUNTY - From Christmas carols to family stories, the holiday season evokes memories of Christmases past. The annual Interfaith Christmas Program features something for everyone. On Sunday December 10 at 6:00PM, all members of our community are invited to join in a celebration of Christmas. This interfaith program will be held at the Torrey LDS Church on Highway 24 in downtown Torrey. This year’s theme celebrates the “Memories of Christmas”. Talented singers, musicians, and actors from throughout the county will participate in this evening of stories and music. The program will feature both individual and family entertainment along with community groups and choirs. This event is an opportunity for neighbors and friends to share music and special thoughts about this holiday season. This free program is open to everyone. Bring a plate of cookies to share and celebrate Christmas as a community. Event organizers include the Interfaith Council, Grace Christian Church, St. Anthony of the Desert Catholic Parish, Two Arrows Zen Meditation Center, and Torrey LDS Church. Also, thanks to the Entrada Institute. —Annette Lamb

SUU Launches Community Initiatives with New Office, Programs

Courtesy suu

The founding of Southern Utah University is a story of sheer willpower, courage and the determination of a tight-knit community that would not let the dream of higher education pass Cedar City by. “The preserving of the university was achieved by people who would never attend it,” wrote former SUU President Gerald Sherratt of the university’s founders. “Indeed, some of them had never had the opportunity of attending any school.” CEDAR CITY/LOA - In 2018, Southern Utah University is poised to launch a series of programs designed specifically for the community. Housed in SUU’s School of Integrative and Engaged Learning, the newly created Office of Community and Academic Enrichment (CAE) has been charged to reach out to community members by extending academic experiences beyond campus boundaries to local and regional communities. “Our role at Southern Utah University has always been to extend our reach to our off-campus community,” SUU Provost Dr. Bradley Cook said. “We are in a unique position where we can draw on our on-campus experts to contribute to the continuing education for all residents, and the School of Integrative and Engaged Learning is continually making a concerted push to elevate the lives of others in our community.” Five unique programs have been placed under the direction of new CAE Director Melynda Thorpe to provide cultural, intellectual and skillbased learning opportunities for the entire community


through a variety of interactive outlets. “Work hard, have fun and make a difference in your community — that has always been my motto,” Courtesy suu CAE Direc- Hiking Southern Utah will be one of the tor Melynda classes featured in 2018 when Southern Thorpe said. Utah University launches the community “SUU has education classes. long relied on Community Professional the strength and support of its local community. We feel that Development: Also launching offering new and interesting Spring 2018, participants will courses designed specifically have opportunities to customfor members of the communi- ize professional portfolios by ty is an important way to give earning an SUU Institutional Certificate. back.” Classes are designed to Community Education: Classes begin Spring 2018 increase marketability and for the purpose of creating teach new career-enhancing community partnerships and skills. Both community edugenerating fun, cultural, edu- cation and professional decational opportunities and ex- velopment courses will be ofperiences for those who love fered throughout the year in to learn. Subjects including a combination of boot camps, culinary arts, hiking southern seminars, short-term classes Utah, outdoor photography, and workshops, giving parand blogging will be taught by ticipants several options to fit local professionals for the pur- their schedules. Community on the Go: pose of increasing participant knowledge and developing Safe, affordable travel for the community to international new skills. and domestic destinations. All trips are led by SUU faculty WEATHER FORECAST


THURS. NOV. 30 - WED. DEC. 6

MIGHT BE RAIN ON SUNDAY. Thursday and Friday will be sunny and then the clouds and moisture will come in on the weekend. Temperatures will be dropping towards the end of the week generally mid-30s, with nights generally in the high teens. Wind will pick up towards the weekend to about 18 MPH.


Cont'd on page 3

WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTIES - Garkane Energy Cooperative members will receive $500,000 as part of the organization’s capital credit refund program. Garkane is different from most Utah utilities because investor-owned utilities keep their profits to build their stock value; municipal utilities keep their revenues to fund administrative operations, while Garkane Energy operating as a cooperative, returns its excess cash to its member owners. As a member, as soon as you use your first kilowatt-hour of electricity, you become a member-owner of Garkane Energy. As a not-for-profit Cooperative, whenever revenues exceed costs, Garkane allocates the excess cash to its member owners as equity. Depending on the cooperative’s financial status, the Board of

Directors can return a portion of the members’ equity as a capital credit refund in cash back payments. “Part of the cooperative “difference” is being not-forprofit and returning excess margins back to our memberowners. Garkane’s Board of Directors and I are committed to returning capital to our members,” said CEO Dan McClendon. Garkane had another good year financially, and after reviewing the operating budget for 2017, the Board of Directors approved a capital credit refund in the amount of $500,000. Current Garkane members will see a refund on their December bill. Former members, who are eligible, will receive a refund by check in the mail. The amount reGarkane Cont'd on page 2

Escalante City Council November 21 Meeting

ESCALANTE - Escalante’s city council met during their regular meeting time on November 21, with all members and city attorney Barry Huntington present. The meeting opened up with a public hearing on a number of different items. A few citizens in addition to the council members held discussions on the topics. First up was Escalante’s renewal application to be an Enterprise Zone. Mayor Torgersen explained that the city has had Enterprise Zone status for ten years, and renewals

occur every five years. Under Utah’s Enterprise Zone program, which was established in 1988, certain types of businesses locating to, or expanding in, a town designated as an Enterprise Zone may claim state income tax credits provided in the law. Tax credits for new full time employees and for capital investments are available through the program—with businesses needing to meet various criteria to qualify. Comments from the council as well as citizens

were positive in response to the reapplication, and following the hearing the council approved the Enterprise Zone re-application. The council then heard comment regarding a proposal for an ordinance to prohibit retail tobacco specialty businesses. One business owner stated that the prohibition seemed unnecessary, as it was unlikely that such a business would open in the town due to lack of economic stainEscalante City Council Cont'd on page 2

Jubilee of Trees in St. George November 16th - 20th, Dixie Convention Center ST. GEORGE – At noon on Saturday, November 18, at the Dixie Convention Center something magical will happen among the Jubilee trees. Children of all ages will gather for the annual Jubilee Teddy Bear Picnic. David Ellis and Robert Hawkes are sponsoring and co-chairing the picnic this year. Like most Jubilee events, the Teddy Bear Picnic is constantly evolving to keep it fresh and new, while still retaining enough tradition to make it an annual family favorite event. “The Teddy Bear Picnic has something for everyone,” said David. “Everyone, both children and adults, gets to come, everyone gets a kidfriendly box lunch, and this year everyone gets a teddy bear! It’s a fun event for kids and those who are kids at heart.” As part of this year’s picnic program, Westside Studios will once again be performing “Peter and the Wolf.” They put on a wonderful performance that will be enjoyed by all ages. Every year, children are also invited to participate in a spirited parade around the Jubilee trees with Santa Clause. Scrumptious cupcakes will complete the event. “The kids always have a ball at the Teddy Bear Picnic,”

Art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time. —Lenny Kravitz

Courtesy IntermountaIn DIxIe regIonal meDICal Center

How the Grinch Stole Christmas themed tree from the 2016 Jubilee of Tree in St. George. said David. “We have a magical afternoon planned, complete with bubble shooters for the kids.” Tickets are $15 per person and include lunch, dessert, program, parade, and a teddy

bear. Tables seat 8 and tend to sell out early. Purchase tickets in advance online. Saturday night at the Jubilee of Trees is a special

ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.




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