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Thursday, December 1, 2016
Worried About the Local Economy? Shop Where You Live!
Issue # 1179
Interfaith Christmas Celebration in Wayne County Sunday, December 11 at the Torrey LDS Church
YOUR TOWN - Wayne and Garfield counties have amazing little shops and family run businesses, from Fly-
our money out of town and spend it 'Up North' and "Ov' ta Cedar' we are taking away from an important component of happy communities, which is a locally supported economy. Shopping locally helps our friends and neighbors weather the tourist off season. This helps people remain employed year round and business to stay open to provide services and things we all need, like dinner. By choosing local and InsIder independent Shopping locally contributes to econimi- businesses for cally vital communities. Above, a shopper your services, visits Blackburn Recreation in Bicknell. shopping, dinfishing companies to deli- ing and other needs, you not cious bakeries. When people only get real value and pervisit these areas, they remem- sonal service, you’re helping ber the scenic beauty but also to build community. The cathe unique character of each sual encounters you enjoy at town. They remember the neighborhood businesses and friendly faces and the gener- the public spaces around them osity of the people they meet. build relationships and comThese attitudes and business- munity cohesiveness. They’re es are important to maintain the ultimate social networking and cultivate to create vibrant, sites. healthy communities that supShop Locally port all of us. When we take Cont' on page 2
Courtesy entrada InstItute
Wayne County Choir preparing for the Interfaith Christmas Program. TORREY - Community members from throughout Wayne County have been hard at work preparing for the annual Interfaith Christmas Program planned for Sunday, December 11 at
Mammoth Creek Fish Hatchery Finishes Raceway Capacity Project
6:00PM. Held at the Torrey LDS Church, this year’s theme celebrates “The Gifts of Christmas” and features musical and theatrical talent from across the county. Bring a plate of cookies to
share and celebrate Christmas as a community. Event organizers include the Interfaith Council, Grace Christian Church, St. Anthony of the Desert Catholic Parish, Two Arrows Zen Meditation
Recognizing the Critical Health Care Provided by Rural Hospitals SALT LAKE CITY Since 2010, 71 rural hospitals across the country have closed, in part due to changes in policies which tend to reward hospitals that do a large volume of business. Fortunately, Utah’s rural hospitals have managed to escape a similar fate. “Utah is one of the states in which a rural hospital has never closed,” said Dr. Don Wood, Director of the Office of Primary Care and Rural Health (OPCRH) Utah Department of Health (UDOH). “The hospitals and providers serving
Utah’s small towns, farming communities, and frontier areas work hand-in-hand to address their health issues, and they provide some of the best medical services in America,” added Wood. Due to the critical services that are provided in Utah’s rural communities, Utah Governor Gary Herbert has declared November 13 - 19, 2016 as Rural Health Week in Utah, and the Office of Primary Care and Rural Health is celebrating with several activities, including its annual Rural Photo Contest
Winter Schedule for Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Visitor Centers Courtesy MaMMoth Creek hatChery
The Mammoth Creek Hatchery spawned about 3 million green eggs in 2016. HATCH - Christmas came early to Mammoth Creek Fish Hatchery this year. The last two months, hatchery staff unloaded and placed 18 large new ponds that increased the capacity of inside raceways from 700 cubit feet to just over 2,000 cubic feet. These longer and larger raceways will replace the smaller round circular ponds that each measured about 40 cubic feet and were situated in the building next to the hatchery office. This
building is used for multiple purposes of storing and hatching green eggs, and raising fingerlings. The installation of the new raceways is about an $85,000 improvement to Mammoth Creek Fish Hatchery. The improvement will enable the hatchery to raise smaller fish to a bigger size before moving them to the outdoor covered raceways. The hatchery harvests green eggs from female Brown Trout and they live to spawn again. MCFH then
SUNSHINE IS BACK thoughout the week. Monday might be a little cloudy with some wind with a 10% chance of snow on Monday and Tuesday. Temperatures will be highs in the mid & upper 30s. Lows will hover around the teens and drop on Tuesday and Wednesday to the single digits.
uses male Brook trout to fertilize the Brown Trout eggs to ultimately create the Tiger Trout. The Brook Trout have to go through a photo light period so that they spawn at the same time as the Brown Trout. The Brook Trout will be treated with photo light by making special covers for the larger raceways. MCFH spawned nearly three million eggs to reach its annual quota of 1.5 million eggs this year. The hatchery must spawn double the number needed due to a fifty percent success rate in the spawning Hatchery
Cont' on page 2
Center, and the Torrey LDS Church. The Entrada Institute encourages all members of the community to come together for this popular annual event. —The Entrada Institute
KANAB - The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument visitor centers has begun shifting to winter season hours of operation. Additionally, all facilities will be closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Winter Operational Hours BLM Kanab Visitor Center is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and closed on weekends. The walk-in lottery for permits into Vermillion Cliffs National Monument at North Coyote Buttes (The Wave) and South Coyote Buttes will be conducted at 8:30 a.m. during days of operation. The walk-in lot-
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. —Margaret Mead
tery for Saturday, Sunday and Monday will be drawn each Friday during this period. Big Water Visitor Center is currently opened intermittently until January 2. When open, the hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please call 435-644-1300 for a current schedule. Cannonville Visitor Center is open from 8:30 to 4:30 p.m. It will close for the winter season December 3 and reopen in March. Escalante Interagency Visitor Center is open on weekdays only, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. —Grand StaircaseEscalante National Monument
(information on the contest can be found at http://health.utah. gov/primarycare/?p=photo) and e-book Utah Community Star Stories. Through the declaration, the Governor calls for increased promotion and enhanced collaborative efforts to continue to improve the health of those who live, work, and play in rural Utah. As part of Utah Rural Health Week, UDOH will recognize three Utah rural hospitals that have ranked nationally for the quality of the services provided during the year. Those facilities include Gunnison Valley Hospital in Gunnison, Utah, Milford Valley Memorial Hospital in Milford, Utah, and San Juan Hospital in Monticello, Utah. They are being recognized for their outstanding patient care.OPCRH offers programs that support the financial stability and improved quality of services in rural areas, particularly among Critical Access Hospitals (hospitals with up to 25 beds), Small Rural Hospitals (hospitals with up to 49 beds), Rural Health Clinics (primary care access points, especially for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries). One of these programs is the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program, which aims to improve quality of care and financial stability of hospitals and prevent closures. For more information about rural health in Utah visit —Utah Department of Health
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.