INSIDER Panguitch • Panguitch Lake • Hatch • Bryce • Tropic • Antimony • Henrieville • Cannonville • Escalante • Boulder • Fremont • Loa • Lyman Bicknell • Teasdale • Torrey • Grover • Fruita • Caineville • Hanksville
Former Garfield County School District Business Administrator Pleads Guilty to Misuse of Public Funds PANGUITCH - On November 29, former Garfield County School District Business Administrator Justin Baugh pled guilty to two third degree felonies of misuse of public funds in Garfield County’s 6th District Court. In exchange for his guilty plea Baugh will be on probation for 3 years and complete the terms of his plea in abeyance (an agreement that allows the court to dismiss the violation upon completion of certain criteria) which includes 30 days in jail and a restitution payment of 15-thousand dollars. He also cannot commit any crime during those 3 years. Jerry Jaeger with the Washington County Attorney’s Office was assigned as the special lead prosecutor for Baugh’s case because Garfield County Attorney Barry Huntington had a conflict of interest in the case (a family member of Huntington’s worked for the school district ). Jaeger says they agreed to the plea in abeyance because Baugh had
Justin Baugh pled guilty to two felony counts. no previous criminal record: “The case has been going on for 3 and a half years now, and so we’re very grateful to finally come to a resolution where justice is served. I’m very thankful for all the help I got from the Garfield County Sheriff’s Department, especially Deputy Kevin Moore and Deputy Eric Houston. They’ve worked very hard on the case, and spent a lot of time over the past few years…and because of their dedication we were able to first of all crack
Thursday, December 6, 2012 • Issue # 973
Unsung But Historic Utah War Explored in “Discovery Road,” Episode 4
the case and get the charges filed. Then, also, they were able to see it all through and I believe that based on their hard work that’s what helped to get the case resolved.” Baugh, formerly of Tropic, Utah, was arrested in May of 2010, after a Utah State auditors’ report found that Baugh had taken Garfield County School District money while working as Garfield County School District Business Administrator from 2008 to 2009. “I’m very thankful for all the help I got from the Garfield County Sheriff’s Department, especially Deputy Kevin Moore and Deputy Eric Houston, “ said Jaeger. “They’ve worked very hard on the case, and spent a lot of time over the past few years…and because of their dedication we were able to first of all crack the case, then, also, they were able to see it all through and I believe that based on their hard work that’s what helped to get the case resolved.” —Garfield County Sheriff’s Office
The Mt. Pleasant Relic House (with accompanying blacksmith’s shop and monuments), built in 1869 and designed by Brigham Young, was also the site of the 1872 peace treaty between Mormon settlers and Native Americans that ended the Black Hawk War. The home and the war are both topics in the next episode of “Discovery Road.” MT. PLEASANT - A visit in Sanpete County. Indeed, it leading to enormous loss in to one of Mt. Pleasant’s most plays an incredibly significant property and human life,” Osiconic historical buildings - yet rather unsung - place in mond narrates. The film explains the leads to the discovery of a clash Utah’s history: It is the place background, context and events of civilizations 150 years ago where the treaty was signed between Mormons who came which ended a seven-year war of the Blackhawk War—and to the Utah Territory to find a between pioneer settlers and not always from the Mormon pioneer settlers’ point of view. land to call their own, and the Native Americans. “In many ways, these culNative Americans who already The Black Hawk War, did. 1865-1872, started and cen- tures were set up for conflict. It’s a finding important tered in Sanpete County, but They were so different,” says enough for a double-length involved skirmishes between Forrest S. Cuch, former direcepisode of “Discovery Road,” Indians and white settlers tor of the Utah Division of Ina television documentary series throughout Utah. It resulted in dian Affairs. Cuch, in the film, gives that explores life, history and the abandonment of many early culture along u.s. Highway 89. Mormon settlements, and only just one example: The Indians Episode Four of the series ended when federal govern- saw the Mormons as overtakwill air in a one-hour broadcast ment forces from Fort Douglas ing their hunting grounds, so on Sunday, Dec. 9 on KJZZ TV were finally called upon to in- the occasional taking of settlers’ cattle was presumably Channel 14 beginning at 7 p.m. tervene. The episode begins with As “Discovery Road” acceptable according to the host/producer James Nelson hosts James Nelson and Gena Indians’ way of life; Mormons and co-host Gena Persinger Persinger go to the Relic House saw such a thing as thievery. stopping at the Relic House to find out more about the Black Trouble was certain to follow. Through the knowledge in Mt. Pleasant, the preserved Hawk War, they are greeted by of historians and tradition, and home of Mt. Pleasant’s first Roxey Washburn, the curator, Courtesy Southwest Wildlife Foundation Bird expert Martin Tyner with his Golden eagle. Mr. Tyner mayor, William Seely, and who takes them through the through the recollections of dewhich served for a time as the home and explains the circum- scendents of the war from both conducts presentations throughout the region on wild birds. Mt. Pleasant City Hall and re- stances of the treaty’s signing sides, “Viewers will better understand how it all happened, prey at Busch Gardens, Cali- bring the whole family and mains as one of the arch-tectur- on Sept. 17, 1872. Apropos to the show, they and why, after seeing the fornia. He worked in the movie come see Tyner’s wild birds al jewels of the city. It is said to and television industry training of prey. For more information, have been designed - and par- “discover” a 1998 documenta- broadcast,” host Nelson says. The documentary is availbig cats, elephants, primates, call 435-826-5499. To learn tially built - by Utah colonizer ry, hosted by Merrill Osmond, able from the MPNHA, and the and Mormon prophet Brigham about the war: more about Tyner’s work with sea mammals, and raptors. video could make an excellent Young himself. “Utah’s Blackhawk War: Tyner founded the South- birds and the Southwest WildChristmas gift for the right perThe home, built in 1869, Cultures in Conflict.” The docwest Wildlife Foundation life Foundation, visit http:// son, says MPNHA Executive is now used as a museum and umentary won a Telly Award (SWF) in September 1997. Director Monte Bona. It can be is one of the most historic sites for excellence in local and —Allysia Angus SWF, located in Cedar City, is a ordered by calling Bona at 801regional television programnon-profit organization providming, and is in the archives of 699-5065, or sending an email ing wildlife rehabilitation and the Mormon Pioneer Heritage to promoting wildlife education. Institute at Snow College, With this focus, the SWF prowhich produces “Discovvides approximately 100 proery Road” in coordination grams annually to more than with the Mormon Pioneer 30,000 people. In addition, the National Heritage Area. SWF cares for more than 50 Our hosts then turn sick, injured, and orphaned nathe time over to a showing tive wildlife each year. of the film. The program is a delight Osmond explains for young and old alike. So, that as the Civil War began winding down with one of its last battles on April 9, 1865 in Appomattox, Va., another war was just beginning—on that very day but a continent A v i d e o produced by away in the Utah pioneer town the Mormon Pioneer NaESCALANTE - Craig Sorenson (left) and Bob Clayton of Manti, when a scuffle betional Heritage Area tells the (right) returned to Escalante after participating in the Utah State tween a Mormon settler and an history —from both sides — Pickleball Championships. Craig finished first and Bob finished Indian brave was the flashpoint of Utah’s Black Hawk War. second in 3.0 singles. Fun was had in doubles, too, but not as that set off a war that would last The video is available from much as singles. several years. the Mormon Pioneer NationEscalante’s Pickleball Club meets at the Old Gym on Tues“Compared to the conflict al Heritage Area, and will be day and Thursday evenings from 7-9 pm. Pickleball uses a pad- now ending at Appomattox shown in its entirety during dle like paddleball, a net like tennis on a modified badminton Court House, this war would be the next episode of “Discovcourt with a wiffleball and you can not volley in the kitchen. minor. But to the men, women ery Road” on KJZZ TV on Give a call to Bob 435-690-1119 or Craig 435-616-4879 to get and children living in Utah, it Sunday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. introduced to Pickleball and how to stay out of the kitchen. would be a relentless tragedy —MPNHA —Bob Clayton
Wild Birds of Prey Expert to Give Talk
ESCALANTE - Master falconer and educator Martin Tyner of the Southwest Wildlife Foundation will present a special Christmas Bird Count edition of his exciting educational program, “Wild Birds of Prey,” on Tuesday, December 11 starting at 6:30 p.m. at the Escalante Interagency Visitor Center, 755 W Main Street, Escalante, UT. Admission is free. In “Wild Birds of Prey,” Tyner will discuss bird identification, hunting, nesting behaviors, and the environment we share. A golden eagle named “Scout” and other live birds will be part of the presentation. A book signing will follow the lecture. Tyner is a federally licensed falconer, eagle falconer, wildlife rehabilitator, wildlife propagator, and wildlife and environmental educator. He has been providing wildlife and environmental programs throughout the western United States, to schools, scouts and community groups for over forty years. At age twelve, Tyner started caring for the sick, injured and orphaned creatures in his home town of Simi Valley, California. At age nineteen, Tyner was hired as curator of birds of
LOA weather
Pickleball Champs Take State in Singles
Wayne Phone: 435-836-2622 Garfield Phone: 435-676-2621 Fax 1-888-370-8546 PO BOX 105, Escalante, Utah 84726
Some national parks have long waiting lists for camping reservations. When you have to wait a year to sleep next to a tree, something is wrong. —George Carlin, US comedian and actor (1937 - 2008) THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER is owned and operated by Snapshot Multimedia, LLC and is distributed weekly to all of Wayne and Garfield Counties, Utah. Its purpose is to inform residents about local issues and events. Articles submitted from independent writers are not necessarily the opinion of Snapshot Multimedia, LLC. We sincerely hope you enjoy the paper and encourage input on ideas and/or suggestions for the paper.
ALL content for THE WAYNE &GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY before 5:00 pm to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.