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Thursday, December 8, 2016
Garfield County Commision Meeting
Highlights: Senate Grazing Bill and GSENM Grazing EIS; New BCNP Superintendent Makes Introductory Visit; Alton Coal Litigation Discussed in Closed Session PANGUITCH - The Garfield County Commission met during their regular meeting time on Monday, November 28, 2016 at 10am in commission chambers. Garfield County Attorney Barry Huntington, Commissioners Leland Pollock, David Tebbs and Dell LeFevre were present. Also present were county employees Camille Moore, Brian Bremner, Falyn Owens and Justin Fischer. Commissioner Pollock mentioned his intent to speak with Kane County commissioners about sponsoring the “habitat restoration bill.” [Senate Bill 365 – A bill to improve rangeland conditions and restore grazing levels within the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, introduced by Senator Orrin Hatch on February 4, 2015] Pollock said that Kane County is “a little bit tentative right now, cost-wise,” but that he intends to speak
with them about hiring a lobbyist. “The restoration bill is the biggest thing we can do on restoration on the monument,” said Pollock. He asked county engineer Brian Bremner to, “Add this to your list to get with Kane County on the Hatch Bill and get that finalized by January 1. We don’t want to waste any time,” he said. Pollock noted that there was a monument grazing meeting to be held in Kanab on the following day, Tuesday. [The GSENM’s administrative draft of the grazing EIS is currently being distributed for review among cooperating agencies. In a separate conversation with Assistant Monument Manager Matt Betenson, Betenson said the GSENM Grazing EIS will be available to the public in spring of 2017.] There are “Absolutely some issues there,” said Pollock, saying they will want to make time to review the Grazing EIS administrative draft. Commissioner Pollock said he also planned to attend Garfield County Cont' on page 3
Garfield County Files New Lawsuit Against Interior SALT LAKE CITY – On Wednesday, November 30, 2016, Garfield and Kane counties and the Rural Utah Alliance filed a new lawsuit against the Dept. of Interior and Bureau of Land Management in US District Court. The lawsuit, a “Complaint for Declaratory Relief,” states that Sally Jewell, “in her capacity as Secretary of Interior, implemented and executed a final agency action, which is arbitrary, capricious, constitutes an abuse of discretion, and is otherwise not in accordance with the law, in violation of the Administration Procedure Act.” The suit is in response
to the Dept. of Interior’s Discretionary Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement to Modernize the Federal Coal Program, issued January 15, 2016, which is referred to generally as the Coal Order and Moratorium. In the Coal Order, the Interior Secretary states that “no new applications for thermal coal leases or other lease modifications will be processed…; and for pending applications, no lease sales will be held, leases issued…,” other than enumerated exclusions. The Secretary identifies her discretionary authority to call for the coal moratorium Coal Suit
Cont' on page 2
Issue # 1180
Monument Open House Offered Warm Welcome
ESCALANTE - BLM Field District, Monument and US Forest Service staff from Escalante and Kanab were on hand to greet visitors who came to learn about the year's accomplishments on the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and the Dixie National Forest, during last Friday's open house at the Escalante visitor center. Guests munched on snacks while circulating with monument staff and examining displays about the numerous studies and activities taking place on the Monument and F.S. Escalante Ranger District related to recreation, artist programs, vegetation management, geology, paleontology, night skies, and the acoustics of the most wild places in the canyons. Even Smokey the Bear wandered in toward the end of the evening to grab some refreshments and mingle with the crowd. Here, Smokey is shown with BLM field staff ranger Deak Dollard, and Aaron Kania, BLM law enforcement supervisor for southwestern Utah. —Insider
Utah Faith Leaders Send Thanks for BLM Methane Rules
SALT LAKE CITY Faith leaders from Utah and across the Southwest signed a letter addressed to President Obama and Interior Secretary Sally Jewell thanking them for adopting new measures to reduce natural-gas waste on publicly owned lands. The letter said the new policies are in sync with church efforts to counter what Pope Francis has called a "throwaway culture." "All of our resources are finite, and they need to be used well and wisely, and that is what being a good steward is. And that is why this ruling is important,"
said Susan Soleil, a board member with Utah Interfaith Power and Light - one of the 25 some groups to sign the letter. President-elect Donald Trump hasn't yet taken a position on methane limits, but he has promised to roll back regulations on fossil fuel development. Soleil said she hopes the faith community's support for the Bureau of Land Management's rules will help convince the in-
coming administration to keep them in place. Gas lost on public lands isn't processed and brought to market, Soleil pointed out, so reducing waste also means more money from royalties going into tax coffers to help pay for schools, roads and other needs. "Lost methane equals lost revenue," she said. "If that money can go back into the schools and the communities that need it, then re-
ally it should be captured and the leaks should be stopped." According to a report by the business consulting firm ICF International, more than $28 million worth of natural gas was wasted in Utah in 2013 alone, and $330 million is lost nationally from public and tribal lands. —Eric Galatas Utah News Connection
2,500 Square Mile Methane Cloud in the Four-Corners Area
Boulder Holiday Market Uses Adorable Children to Sell Handmade Gifts
NASA, JPL-CALteCh, UNiverSity of MiChigAN viA AP, fiLe
Brylee Holladay sells homemade banana bread that received rave reviews from the attendees. Lilian Sanders was selling pinecone bird Children also made wire sculptures and fresh feeders that she made with her dad. made wreathes. Vendors at the Boulder Holiday Market sold everything from beautiful hand carved REGIONAL WEATHER FORECAST FOR SOME BUT NOT ALL REGIONS REPRESENTED wooden bowls to alapaca hats IN OUR NEWSPAPER COVERAGE AREA at last weekend's event. PhotoS MArgAy WitzdAM
CLOUDS, CLOUDS AND SOME MORE CLOUDS throughout the whole week. Temperatures will be highs in the mid & lower 40s. Lows will hover around the low 20s and teens and dropping on Tuesday and Wednesday, with a bit a wind chill coming in. Wind will hit highs of 15 mph. No snow in the forecast.
This handout image provided by NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Michigan, shows the Four Corners area, in the white square, the major U.S. hot spot for methane emissions. This Delaware sized methane cloud hovers over the Four-Corners area. A report, published in August of 2016, in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, said about 250 individual sources — including gas wells, storage tanks, pipelines, and processing plants — appear to account for about half of all methane emissions in the area. Of that, about 50 percent is coming from just 25 individual sources, meaning two dozen points of emission are responsible for about one-fourth of all the methane spewing into the atmosphere in the Four Corners. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory led the study, which aimed to identify the source of a 2,500 square-mile cloud of methane that had first shown up in satellite images in 2014. The tracked points of emission are from venting, flaring and leaking methane. Methane is released into the air from deliberate venting and flaring by the oil and gas operators, as well as leaks resulting from outdated technology and inadequate monitoring and/or regulations. A report by ICF International found that venting, flaring and leaks from oil and gas sites on federal and tribal land in New Mexico, alone, effectively lost $100 million worth of gas in 2013. That, in turn, represents lost royalties to taxpayers of nearly $43 million since 2009. —Insider
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. —Lao Tzu
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.