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Thursday, December 14, 2017
Issue # 1233
Locals Respond to Proclamation Downsizing GSENM
Courtesy gseP
Supporters of the Grand Staircase Escalante-Escalante National Monument gathered at Escalante Outfitters on Saturday, December 9, 2017 to share information and ideas on how to further their commitment to GSENM’s monument boundaries. Attendees hold a banner thanking people for supporting the GSENM. been challenged court, makESCALANTE – Meet- published on page 3). Scott Berry, a board mem- ing this the first time a legal ings held in Kanab, Boulder and Escalante, organized by ber of GSEP and resident of argument has been made that Grand Staircase Escalante Teasdale, explained that three the Antiquities Act does not Partners, attracted almost lawsuits have been filed in re- include language allowing a two hundred participants who sponse to presidential execu- president to undo what a precame to learn about how to tive order (more recent news vious president has done. “We support the Grand Staircase- reports have stated that this think we have the better side Escalante National Monu- number may have risen to five of the law in these claims,” ment in its larger (1.9 million lawsuits). The suits have been said Berry. Berry stated that the adfiled in Federal District court acre) configuration. ministration has 60 days, or On December 4, 2017, in the District of Columbia. While other monuments until February 3, to respond to Donald Trump issued a Presidential Proclamation Modify- have been previously changed the initial lawsuits. —Insider ing the Grand Staircase-Es- by presidential proclamation, calante National Monument, none of these changes have specifically challenging President Clinton’s establishment of the (then) 1.7 million acre monument. The proclamation reduces the GSENM boundaries by about 47% (861,974 acres) and declares that “the modified monument areas… shall be known as the Grand Staircase, Kaiparowits, and Escalante Canyons units of the monument.” On the heels of this executive order, on December 6, Utah Representative Chris Stewart announced that he would introduce a bill create Utah’s sixth National Park, the Escalante Canyons Park and Preserve, HR 4558 (the language of complete bill is Map depicting proposed new boundaries of the GSENM.
Area Businesses and Leaders Honored for Efforts in Economic and Community Development RICHFIELD - The Six ficials presented a “2017 Busi- Barney, Director, Millard EcoCounty Association of Gov- ness-of-the-Year” recognition nomic Development Agency. ernments (SCAOG) and Six award to a business from their National Vinyl Products County Economic Develop- respective county. Those hon- received Juab County’s busiment District (SCEDD) held ored as county 2017 businesses ness of the year recognition. their Twenty-Eighth Annual of the year include: Brent Boswell, Director, Juab Delta Auto and Appliance County Economic DevelopGeneral Board and Recognition Banquet December 6, 2017. was honored as Millard Coun- ment made the presentation Commissioner Byron Woodland, Juab County and SCAOG Board Chair officiated at the event. Commissioner Rick Blackwell, Piute County and SCEDD Board Chair conducted the economic and community development recognition segment in which businesses and community leaders were hon- Newell Harward, Adus Dorsey, Tina Faddis, Troy Faddis, Ray Barlow, ored for their out- Trena Barlow, Derek Daley, Melissa Daley standing efforts and contributions to the area’s ty’s business of the year. Craig Area Businesses economy and community de- and Lori Sorenson received the Cont'd on page 2 velopment. Local elected of- award presented by Mr. Scott
Celebrate Cultural Heritage with the Spark Squad
Three Year Program to Highlight Wayne County Rural Life WAYNE COUNTY - The Entrada Institute and Wayne County USU Extension/4-H have teamed up for a threeyear project celebrating the cultural heritage of Wayne County. From native peoples and pioneers to ranching and rural life, we're celebrating our rich cultural heritage around six fun themes. It's hoped the project will SPARK an interest in learning more about our rural community and it’s amazing history. Community members of all ages are encouraged to share their family stories and start conversations around local themes connected with universal human experiences. Join the Fun. The themes for 2018 include games and gaming; wood and crafting; baskets, rugs and weaving;
The Newly Adopted Dog
TEASDALE - It was just about ten years ago when Dottie Weaver, founder of Color Country Animal Welfare, rescued a beautiful Border collie mix she saw being dumped on the highway. Dottie knew I had recently lost an Australian shepherd of whom I was very fond. She thought I needed another dog, and she was right—I did. And so I took Mari. I had thought I would never love a dog as much as I had loved the Aussie, but I was wrong. Mari stole my heart despite her worrisome penchant for getting out of the yard and running at top speed all over the countryside. But Mari was never very healthy and lived a mere seven years with me before dying from kidney failure.
Going through the experience of Mari gradually deteriorating and then dying rather horribly made me decide I would never have another dog—their deaths were just too painful. So I limped along for a couple of years without a dog companion, enjoying the greater freedom to pick up and leave home when I felt like it, the monetary savings, and the extra time. However, this summer I began to feel that I should reconsider my pronouncement. (It may have had something to do with the dream where Mari told me I should get another dog.) In any case one day when I went to visit my friend Barb Altum, who volunteers and fosters dogs for CCAW, this engaging dog was at the gate,
THURS. DEC. 14 - WED. DEC. 20
A GREEN SOLSTICE, party cloudy predictions are the only break in the sunshine. Temperatures will be in the mid-50s, with nights generally in the mid & low 20s. Winds will pick up towards the weekend and hover around 15 MPH. No snow or rain in the forecast this week.
Courtesy Bonnie Mangold
What could possibly be better than a new friend? Bonnie Mangold and the new family member that stole her heart. obviously eager for attention. Not wanting to be tempted I paid him no attention, but as I visited with Barb, I kept getting up to look out the window. I couldn’t ignore my response to this dog. Suddenly all my reasons for not getting another dog seemed to vanish, and within days I was willing
to commit to taking this recently rescued dog, but with one condition: the dog had to like music. I’m a cellist, classically trained, and any pet has to be OK with the cello and my kind of music. So I New Dog
Cont'd on page 2
History teaches that war begins when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap. —Ronald Reagan
Courtesy annette laMB
Local historian Steve Taylor and his 4H/FFA cow in the 1950s. chickens: hatching, raising, and consuming; rocks and collecting; and fish and fishing. Additional themes will be introduced in 2019 and 2020 including quilting and beekeeping. Local historian Steve Taylor is one of a growing number of volunteers who are sharing their Wayne County historical photos. We're seeking historical photos of children and families that will bring our themes alive. If you have pre1968 photos taken in Wayne County or the surrounding area that depict everyday life, we'd love to include them in our programs. While lots of portrait photos exist, it's difficult to find century old photos of people chopping wood, baking cookies, or gathering eggs. If you're willing to share digital copies photos (we don't need originals) or volunteer to help with our programs, contact Annette Lamb at 435-4253415 or email at Over the next several months, Annette Lamb, the project's director will be calling for anecdotes, memories, and photos related to the 2018 themes that can be shared in the 4-H program and a community sharing event.
After-School Events. Each theme will include four or five 4-H club meetings. These sessions will be held at the Loa Civic Center after school from 3PM to 5PM replacing the current afterschool program. The format of this project is based on the successful 4-H SET SQUAD program from a few years ago. The first theme focuses on our heritage of games and gaming. Do you remember playing jacks, marbles, runsheep-run, and board games? Or, are you part of the video game generation? Activities for 4-H youth will take place January 9, 11, 16, and 18th. 2018 is the first year of a three-year, special 4-H initiative. Kids can receive Utah 4-H Club Awards for participating in two (bronze level) or three (silver or gold level) years of the program. Sign up today! To register 3rd grade or older children, please go to http://ut.4honline. com or call 435-836-1312. If you're a teen who would like to become a 4-H teen leader, contact Mary Sorenson. She'll be happy to get you involved.
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.
Spark Squad
Cont'd on page 2