The Wayne and Garfield County Insider 12/15/2016

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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Issue # 1181

Iconic Hoodoo “The Sentinel” Falls in Bryce Canyon National Park

Escalante Grieves

Courtesy BryCe Canyon national Park

After centuries of existence, and decades of inspiring quiet awe, the hoodoo known as “The Sentinel” succumbed to the erosional forces that continue to define the landscape of Bryce Canyon. BRYCE CANYON - ly landscape found in Bryce freezing point. The life-cycle appeared like a sentry or proLarge sections of The Sen- Canyon, the 200-plus days of a hoodoo is therefore often tector of the peace gazing to tinel have fractured before. of freeze-thaw cycles that the one of gradual formation, and the east, and was a familiar and trusted form along the hoThe most major of these park undergoes each year has sudden demise. transformations occurred in by far the greatest influence. The exact time The Sen- rizon,” said Ranger Jan Stock. July of 1986 when a paddle- Unlike hoodoos shaped pri- tinel fell from its perch above “We consider this its End of like section of the formation marily by wind or flowing wa- the Navajo Loop is unknown; Watch.” As time passes and seacrumbled and was found on ter, the top riser of the Grand photos taken by visitors seem the trail below. Subsequent Staircase—known as the Pink to place the event sometime sons change, untold formayears of frost-wedging, wind, Cliffs—is a jewel whose many during the evening of Friday, tions continually await the and rain reduced the remain- facets are carved by ice. Frac- November 25th. Estimates revealing forces of erosion ing spire to a gravity-defying tures created in part during the place the section that fell at within the fins of limestone raform recognizable to more re- gradual uplift of the Colorado fifteen feet in height, having diating into the Bryce Amphicent visitors. "This is a hoo- Plateau beginning approxi- fractured at a point two feet theater and the depths of the doo people would stop and mately 70 million years ago in diameter; however rangers Paunsaugunt Plateau below. look at and wonder if it would now provide cracks for rain have yet been unable to locate Nevertheless, this one will be fall and if they would see it,” and melted snow to collect, debris from the collapse due missed. and eventually expand with to snow that has fallen since —Bryce Canyon said Ranger Joel Allen. National Park Of the many factors that rock-shattering force whenev- then. work to shape the otherworld- er temperatures fall below the “As its name implied, it

Local Family Decorates and Donates Tree in Memory of Father

diane riChins

Decorated tree donated to the Festival of Trees, a unique Utah benefit that raises funds for Primary Children's Hospital . ESCALANTE - For 45 years the Festival of Trees has ushered in the Holiday Season in Utah. The event is held at the South Town Expo center the week following Thanksgiving. More importantly, every penny raised helps children at Primary Children's Hospital. This year the family of Curt Richins felt inspired to decorate and donate a tree in honor of him. We started planing months ago. We all felt and knew in our hearts that this is what we got to do. It was a very emotional, heal-

ing experience for us. It was a way to honor a man that was so giving of his time and to help anyone that deserved it. We know he would be proud and honored that this will assist many children and their families at Primary Children's Hospital. The tree sold opening night and very fast. It was an amazing experience! We are very pleased to say that we were able to raise a few thousand dollars for this amazing hospital. It was a way to keep his giving spirit very much alive. We encourage ev-



RAIN IN NOVEMBER? Forcast says rain is coming on Friday and big winds on Thursday and Friday. Temperatures will be highs in the lower 40s. Lows will hover around the low 20s and teens and dropping to the single digits on Saturday. Wind will hit highs of 22 mph. Lots of sun in the upcoming week.

eryone, no matter how small, to just reach out and pay it forward every day. It does make a difference. It was so inspiring to hear other stories behind some of the trees this year. We are grateful for the ones that donated and gave so willingly after they learned about what we were doing. So many sent us texts and facebook messages as we documented every step to keep our spirits high. Although some of his children and grandchilren were not able to be there to help decorate we felt their love with us and they played such an important part in this as did many friends also. —Diane Richins

Escalante City Council

ESCALANTE - The Escalante city Council met on Tuesday, December 6, 2016 during their regular meeting time at 6pm. Mayor Jerry Taylor, and council members Guy Graham, Louise Barnes, Melanie Torgerson, and Greg Allen were present as well as city recorder Stephanie Steed. Mayor Taylor opened the meeting with a few comments about the day, and talked about what a difficult day it has been for everyone. He asked those present to share a quiet moment for Jimmy Woolsey and his family, and to keep his family and all who were affected by today’s events in our thoughts and prayers. Taylor noted that council member Marlene Stowe could not be present for tonight’s meeting. A public hearing was opened to accept and discuss comment regarding the Community Development Block Grant project funding. A previous notice announcing the public hearing stated: “Escalante City will hold a public hearing to consider potential projects for which funding may be applied under the CDBG Small Cities Program for Program Year 2017. Suggestions for potential projects will be solicited, both verbally and in writing, from all interested parties. The expected amount of CDBG funds for this program year will be discussed along with the range of projects eligible under this program and a review of previously funded projects.” Mayor Taylor described that the hearing was called to consider potential projects for funding applied under 2017 Escalante City Council Cont' on page 6

What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us. —Helen Keller


Yellow ribbon are tied in memory of Jimmy Woolsey on the iconic Moquis sign in Escalante. ESCALANTE – Escalante is mourning the death of father, husband, friend and neighbor, Jimmy Woolsey, who lost his life the morning of Tuesday, December 6 at the hands of a student at Escalante’s Turnabout Ranch, where Mr. Woolsey worked as a night guard. At approximately 7:30 a.m. Mr. Woolsey was with a group of students around a campfire when he was attacked from behind and fatally assaulted. The 17 year old suspect is Clay Brewer, who is being charged as an adult. His charges included criminal homicide and aggravated mur-

der, a first degree felony. Clay Brewer is currently being held at a juvenile facility in Richfield. The community of Escalante and extended family and friends have come together to support Jimmy Woolsey’s family during their time of loss through a GoFundMe campaign. As of this week almost $20,000 has been raised from 225 donors, a testament to the love shared between family and friends for the fellow everyone knew as “Jimmy Mac.” Mr. Woolsey’s funeral was held this past Tuesday. —The Insider

Bryce Valley Alumna Receives Teacher of the Year Award

B R Y C E VALLEY - Laycee Johnson was notified that she has been selected as Utah’s “Teacher of the Year” for Family and Consumer Sciences. Passion and hard work have made Laycee Johnson an outstanding Family and Consumer Science teacher for the past 19 year. Her career has encompassed 14 years at the middle school level and 5 years at the high Courtesy keela ManguM school level. Utah's Teacher of the Year, Lacyee JohnAt every son for Family and Consumer Science. school where Layat the annual Utah FACS sumcee has led the family and con- mer conferences for the past sumer science program she has 15 years Her success in reachdoubled the size of the program. ing students and sharing her Laycee has a strong track record passion with then have made of students with high test scor- her the outstanding FACS ing both at the state and district teacher that she is. Laycee will level. Over the past 10 years test be awarded this honor in Febscores from Laycee’s students ruary at the Utah FACS conhave always been above state ference. levels and at the district level Laycee resides in Toquerstudents from her classes score ville Utah with her husband among the top three schools. Ryan Johnson and their three As a result of the suc- children Jannica (14) RaeLee cesses of her programs, Laycee (11) and Bryce (7) has been invited to present her —Keela Mangum classroom ideas and techniques ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.



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