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Thursday, December 21, 2017
Issue # 1234
Mormon Gold Miners Take Center Stage in New Discovery Road Episode
CoUrtEsy mPnHa
Youngsters at the Mound Valley School in Jiggs, Nevada gather for a history lesson from a real cowboy and find themselves in a Discovery Road cameo role. MT. PLEASANT - In its newest episode, “Saints of Gold,” Discovery Road, the TV series sponsored by the Mormon Pioneer National Heritage Area (MPNHA), examines the little-known story of Mormon gold miners and their central role in the California Gold Rush. Discovery Road host James Nelson takes viewers on a tour of Marshall Gold Historic State Park with its replica sawmill, original
buildings and museum, located along the American River where gold was discovered more than 150 years ago. While prospectors of the day were largely intent on building their fortunes, the Mormons in California focused on the future of their faith and the struggling Mormon communities back in Utah. Most brought the gold dust and nuggets they found back to BrighamYoung, their religious and territorial leader.
That gold was melded into coins which helped the struggling territorial economy find firm footing. In this episode viewers get to see some of the rare and valuable Mormon coins and hear stories from coin experts about the unique markings and inscriptions on the coins. Nelson then takes the story to Marysvale, Utah, where some local people became Gold Miners Cont'd on page 2
Q&A: Why fossil scientists are suing Trump over monuments downsizing by Emily UndErwood
CoUrtEsy soCiEty of VErtEbratE PalEontology/ColtEr Hoyt. PrintEd witH PErmission.
Paleontologist P. David Polly, standing with the fossil-rich Circle Cliffs region of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument behind him, most of which has been removed from monument status in President Donald Trump's proclamation. The area is rich in Triassic fossils, primarily in the Chinle Formation. In a move likely to lead to a precedent-setting court battle, President Donald Trump earlier this week dramatically downsized two national monuments in Utah. On 4 December, he lifted strict protections from about 85% of the 61,000-hectare Bears Ears National Monument, which was created by former President Barack Obama last year. And he cut in half the 760,000-hectare Grand Staircase-Escalante Monument, created by former President Bill Clinton in 1996. Both monuments are known for exceptional sites holding the remains of ancient human settlements, unique ecosys-
tems, and troves of fossils. Trump said the cuts were needed because past presidents had “severely abused” their authority under the federal Antiquities Act in creating the monuments, which typically bar industrial activities. The law “requires that only the smallest necessary area be set aside for special protection as national monuments,” Trump said in remarks in Salt Lake City. “Unfortunately, previous administrations have ignored the standard and used the law to lock up hundreds of millions of acres of land and water under strict government control. These abuses of the Antiqui-
THURS. DEC. 21 - WED. DEC. 27
SNOW IS A NO SHOW, cloudy and mostly cloudy for the next week. Temperatures will be traveling from the mid-30s, to the mid40s, with nights dropping to the single digits. Winds will higher on Thursday, around 19 MPH. No snow or rain in the forecast this week. Santa better have tires for that sleigh...
ties Act give enormous power to faraway bureaucrats at the expense of the people who actually live here, work here, and make this place their home.” The Trump administration has said it might also downsize two other monuments—Oregon’s Cascade-Siskiyou and Nevada’s Gold Butte—and allow more industrial activity in a half-dozen others, including several marine preserves. Many conservation biologists, archaeologists, and paleontologists oppose the moves, saying it could open the way to damage of sensitive sites by mining, grazing, and recreational activities. And Native American tribes, environmentalists, outdoor companies, and Fossil scientists Cont'd on page 3
Historical Photos, Cultural Heritage, and Preserving the Past WAYNE COUNTY Photos bring history alive for people of all ages. However they’re particularly important as a way to share cultural heritage with children. Whether enjoying family pictures or examining historical photos taken in familiar locations around rural south-central Utah, the National Endowment for the Humanities Spark Squad project will be igniting conversations about local history over the next three years. Cultural heritage is the legacy of a particular group of people with specific attributes such as native people of the Fremont Culture or the first pioneer families of our small towns. This legacy is built by preserving the past, maintaining traditions, and nurturing future generations. Christmas gatherings provide a wonderful opportunity to tell family stories, collect and organize photos, and share traditional crafts and foods. During the next few months, we’ll be sharing photos from local history in the Insider, as part of 4-H youth activities, and in evening community events. Join in the fun by trying to guess the 5Ws (who, what, where, when, and why) of photos we’ll be sharing. For example, examine the photo of the three boys holding fish. Who is in the photo? What kind of fish did they catch? Were the fish
New Burglaries in Wayne County LOA/BICKNELL – Wayne County experienced a couple new burglaries last week, one at the Loa Post Office on the morning of December 9, followed by another at Wayne High School on December 10. On December 9, 2017 the Wayne County Sheriff’s office was called to the Loa Post Office at about 7:30am. Sheriff Taylor was dispatched and assisted by Deputy Ellett and Deputy Jensen, and U.S. Postal Service Inspectors. They determined that forced entry was made into the building, and numerous packages and boxes addressed to residents of Wayne County had been stolen. Postal Clerk Kelsey Brinkerhoff was first to arrive at work that morning, and discovered the results of the break in. Postmaster Mary Ellet said of the thefts, “It’s been quite shocking. They took 34 parcels. We were able to narrow a few things down because the thieves opened the boxes and threw the contents along the side of the road. The Sheriff’s office brought the items back and we were able to identify quite a few of them.” The following day, on December 10, Deputy Ellett was dispatched to Wayne County High School in Bicknell on another alleged burglary, assisted by Sheriff Taylor and Deputy Jensen. The investigation deBurglaries
Cont'd on page 7
We cannot live only for ourselves, A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men. —Herman Melville
CoUrtEsy Entrada institUtE
Three kiddos with their catch of the day. Anyone know who they are? caught in a lake or river? Where was the photo taken? When was this photo taken? Why are they wearing overalls? How did these kids catch the fish? Did they catch them with a storebought pole, a hand-made pole, or by hand? Share the photo with your friends and family. What are their thoughts? Spoiler Alert… here are the answers. This is a photo of Arlo, Steven, and Clifton Forsyth. The photo was taken in the mid 1940s along what’s now Highway 24 between the Old Grist Mill and Red River Lodge between Bicknell and Torrey.
The boys are wearing overalls because that’s what most rural kids wore during this time period. The children caught these trout in the Fremont River with their bare hands. Thanks to Lyman Forsythe for the photo. Digitization is one part of a larger process of preservation that’s at the core of promoting cultural heritage. Taking photographs of buildings before they’re demolished, scanning old photos that are slowly fading, and preserving treasured Preserving the Past Cont'd on page 2
Merry Christmas from Garfield County School District
GARFIELD COUNTY - With Christmas season upon us, the school district held their annual Christmas card contest for district students. After sorting through 145 entries, the school board selected their final drawing. This year’s winner is Abigail Holman, an 8th grade student at Panguitch Middle School. Abbee is the daughter of Kelly and Joann Holman. Each year the district selects a student winner whose artwork is the centerpiece of the district Christmas card. These cards are sent to all school districts in Utah as well as all employees and community partners. Abbee received as her prize a new Kindle FIRE 7 to reward her efforts. We would like to congratulate Abbee as this year’s Christmas card winner for this holiday season. Merry Christmas from Abbee and Garfield County School District. —Garfield County School District
CoUrtEsy garfiEld CoUnty sCHool distriCt
Eighth grade student Abigail Holman and GCSD Superintendent Tracy Davis stand with Abbee's winning entry in this year's district Christmas card artwork contest. ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.