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Thursday, December 22, 2016
Issue # 1182
Area Businesses and Leaders Honored for Efforts in Economic and Community Development
Garfield School District Christmas Card Winner
Courtesy sCAoG
Wayne County Economic Development Director Adus Dorsey presents Ryan Rees, Rachelle Williams, Brig Rees, Val Rees with award. Harward and Reese was Wayne County’s business of the year. RICHFIELD - The Six County Association of Governments (SCAOG) and Six County Economic Development District (SCEDD) held their Twenty-Seventh Annual General Board and Recognition Banquet December 7, 2016. Commissioner Gordon Topham, Sevier County and SCAOG Board Chair officiated at the event. Commissioner Rick Blackwell, Piute County and SCEDD Board Chair conducted the economic
and community development recognition segment in which businesses and community leaders were honored for their outstanding efforts and contributions to the area’s economy and community development. Local elected officials presented a “2016 Business-of-theYear” recognition award to a business from their respective county. Those honored as county 2016 businesses of the year include: Harward and Reese was
Wayne County’s business of the year. Mr. Adus Dorsey, Director, Wayne County Economic presented the award to Ryan Reese, Rachelle Williams, Brig Reese, and Val Reese. The Regional Beautification Award was presented to Richfield City for accomplishing their goal of completing and maintaining their Main Street improvement project. Richfield City Mayor David
Ogden received the traveling trophy and recognition award from Commissioner Rick Blackwell. The Region honored Emery Polelonema and Jake Hardman with Region Recognition Awards. Mr. PloleloWayne County
Courtesy GArfield sChool distriCt
In the annual Christmas card design contest open to Garfield County School District students, the school board selected the entry submitted by Shandi Syrett of Bryce Valley Elementary School. The 6th grader’s entry features the district office in a snow globe Christmas scene. Of the numerous entries, Shandi’s design was chosen based on the holiday spirit it ignited within the board. Shandi was presented a Kindle Fire tablet and a gift card to purchase electronic reading books to reward her efforts. On behalf of the district staff and patrons, we would like to congratulate Shandi and her efforts for this holiday season.
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Escalante Elementary School Puts on a Christmas Show
The Entrada Institute Receives a Major Grant from the National Endowment of the Humanities grantees who, through their projects and research, will bring valuable lessons of history and culture to Americans.” The National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965 created the National Endowment for the Humanities as an independent federal agency, the first grand public investment in American culture. The law identified the need for a national cultural agency that Photo Annette lAmb would preserve America’s The Entrada Institute Humanities Access grant focuses on rich history and cultural hericultural heritage. In the photo, Kenneth Williams connects tage, and encourage and suplocal history to family quilts during Pioneer Days activities port scholarship and innovation in history, archaeology, in Torrey. philosophy, literature, and TORREY - The Entrada District, Wayne County USU other humanities disciplines. Institute is the recipient of Extension and 4-H, Capitol The Endowment awards a $50,000 Humanities Ac- Reef National Park, local grants to top-rated proposals cess grant from the National humanities individuals and examined by panels of indeEndowment for the Humani- groups, and public officials pendent, external reviewers. ties to “spark humanities to bring the community toThe Humanities Access conversations through con- gether in celebration of the Grants are specifically fotext and connections in rural human experience in rural cused on projects that supUtah”. This Humanities Ac- America. port outstanding cultural cess grant expands opportu“NEH provides support programs for young people, nities for families to connect for projects across America communities of color, and with cultural and traditional that preserve our heritage, economically disadvantaged resources. promote scholarly discovpopulations. This term enAccording to Entrada eries, and make the best of dowment grant requires the Board President and project America’s humanities ideas nonprofit to raise $50,000 in director Annette Lamb, the available to all Americans,” non-federal, third party donaEntrada Institute will work said NEH Chairman William tions for a total of $100,000 with area partners includ- D. Adams. “We are proud to in project funds. To learn ing Wayne County School announce this latest group of more or to help us address this matching requirement, REGIONAL WEATHER FORECAST go to http://entradainstitute. FOR SOME BUT NOT ALL REGIONS REPRESENTED org/sparking IN OUR NEWSPAPER COVERAGE AREA —Entrada Institute THURS. DECEMBER 22 - WED. DECEMBER 28 MIGHT BE A WHITE CHRISTMAS, there are some flurries expected on Saturday. Highs for the week in the mid and low 40s, lows around 11 and 12 degrees on Dec. 24th & 25th. Breezes probably won't blow Santa off course, they are mild and gentle for most of the week, but pick up just a bit on Christmas Eve.
Escalante elementary school students pull faces for the camera before the show begins. This heart warming annual event is becoming quite the production, every kid gets a moment to shine and they are pretty darn adorable. Kudos to EES staff!
Garfield County Commission Meeting PANGUITCH - Highlights: Appreciation for Commissioner Dell LeFevre; Emergency meeting in DC regarding Secure Rural Schools; Managing the Paria; Escalante Economic Development Plan; Garfield Memorial presents 2017 Operating and Capital Plan; 2016 county budget hearing and opening The Garfield County Commission met for their regular meeting on December 12, 2016 at 11am. Commissioners LeFevre, Pollock and Tebbs were present (Commissioner LeFevre was not present for the afternoon budget session after lunch). Incoming Commissioner
Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn't come from a store. —Dr. Seuss
Jerry Taylor was present in the “audience.” Clerk/Auditor Camille Moore was present as were several individuals who were on the day’s agenda: Brian Bremner, Justin Fischer, Drew Parkin and Alberto Vasquez. Commissioner Pollock extended his gratitude to outgoing commissioner Dell LeFevre. “He just flew to DC. That’s just the kind of commissioner he is,” said Pollock. This was in reference to an “emergency” trip that LeFevre and Pollock took together to meet with Senator Hatch’s and Congressman Ryan’s offices in Washington, DC, to discuss continued funding for Se-
cure Rural Schools. Pollock had made the unplanned trip following his planned trip to Florida for the National Association of Counties meeting. “Once again, Garfield County is trying take the lead on getting SRS funded,” said Pollock. Commissioners said they had thought that continued funding for Secure Rural Schools would be attached to a Continuing Resolution, but when they saw that was not happening they decided to make the trip to Washington, DC, for direct meetGarf. County Comm.
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.
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