INSIDER Panguitch • Panguitch Lake • Hatch • Bryce • Tropic • Antimony • Henrieville • Cannonville • Escalante • Boulder • Fremont • Loa • Lyman Bicknell • Teasdale • Torrey • Grover • Fruita • Caineville • Hanksville
Thursday, December 27, 2012 • Issue # 976
Scott Brown to Serve As Interim Capitol Reef Superintendent CAPITOL REEF N.P. - Capitol Reef National Park Chief Ranger Scott Brown assumed the duties of interim Superintendent on December 16, 2012. Scott follows Dave Worthington, Chief of Resource Management and Science, who served for three months in the position following the retirement of previous Superintendent Al Hendricks. It is expected that Scott will serve in the role until a permanent selection is made for the Superintendent’s position later this winter. Scott is a 22 year veteran of the National Park Service having served at many different park units including three in Utah: Canyonlands National Park, Zion National Park, and Capitol Reef National Park on two separate occasions. Scott has been the Chief Ranger at Capitol Reef National Park since 2006. For more information, you may visit the park’s web site at, visit us on CapitolReefNPS, www.twitTwenty-two year NPS veteran Scott Brown will serve as in-, or terim superintendent of Capitol Reef National Park. contact the park at 435-4253791. PANGUITCH - Clint Moore and Zac Orton of Panguitch participated in the World Series of Team Roping Finale VII in Las Vegas, Nevada on December 14 and 15. Finishing 7th in a field of —Capitol Reef N.P. 500 plus teams, they won $60,000.00, gist buckles, leather jackets and other prizes. Teams participating came from the United States, Canada, Australia and Germany. The team qualified for the event earlier in the year at World Series Sanctioned Ropings. PROVO - If Utahns are who heads an energy consult—Camille Moore paying more to heat their ing firm in Provo, sees it as a homes this winter than they stopgap measure. “It’s a step in the right should have to, one reason may be the state’s outdated residen- direction, and some is better than none. You know, the stantial building codes. New homes built in Utah dards are going to increase and for mid-April, 2013. Stakehave to meet minimum stan- they’re going to get harder and holders will share their goals dards for energy efficiency harder as we go forward in the and aspirations for enhanced from 2006, and experts say a years to come. And so, it just partnerships and cooperative lot has changed since then in kind of is a Band-Aid now, to efforts between the Grand terms of building materials fix part of the problem, but it Staircase-Escalante National and techniques. The legislature doesn’t solve the issue.” Monument and local tourism, Parduhn says homeownsquashed potential updates the recreation, and associated last two years, but will be asked ers either pay a little more up business interests. front for a house with greater to pass them again in January. Dr. Tim Casey, Professor Kevin Emerson, a senior energy efficiency - or else they of Political Science with the policy associate with Utah pay even more later, for retroNatural Resources Center at Clean Energy, says there are fits to help bring down their Colorado Mesa University will benefits for the state’s econo- high energy bills. come to southern Utah in early The Salt Lake Home my as well as individual hom2013 to establish a visitor exBuilders’ Association is among eowners. perience baseline for portions “This specific standard - the groups now on board for of the Monument along and since we’d be moving from the code updates. But Emerson accessed via Hole in the Rock vastly outdated 2006 standard - says others are suggesting no Road. Dr. Casey is a lead rewould be cutting energy waste code improvements be made searcher and field coordinator and associated energy costs for a number of years. at the Natural Resources Cen“In effect, what they’re by 30 percent for the average ter and has extensive experiadvocating is they want to keep home in Utah.” ence working with BLM on Emerson says the newer the code at a set point for the The Arizona State University research team in Kanab, Utah, December 18, 2012. Front, from similar social science projects codes include what he calls next - possibly up to the next left to right, Dr. Gyan Nyaupane, Nichole Hugo, and Cassandra Castellanos (Arizona State on the Colorado Plateau. He “common sense” requirements decade. We think this is unacUniversity). Back row, Moren Stone (Arizona State University), Keith Howells (Southern has been responsible for facililike sealing home heating and ceptable just because it keeps Utah University), Surya Poudel, and Angela Tsinnie Farnsworth (Arizona State University). tation of public meetings and cooling ducts and using better- energy savings off the table focus groups regarding public quality windows. Some home for people who invest in new lands since 2006. His team KANAB - Two social sci- searcher from Southern Utah doing in their communities. will study who visitors are, builders say those improve- homes.” Utah Clean Energy es- ence research programs have University. The study will Unlike traditional problem- where and how they are recments will make their houses less affordable, particularly for timates that by not adopt- been launched this winter in identify critical relationships solving or deficiency-based ap- reating, and most importantly, ing more modern residential the communities surround- between community develop- proaches, we will be focusing why they are recreating. first-time buyers. Earlier this year, a non- building codes, buyers of new ing Grand Staircase-Escalante ment, tourism, and conserva- on the successes and strengths The Colorado Mesa Uniof individuals, communities versity team will also put partisan advisory board, which homes in the state will waste National Monument. This De- tion. Dr. Nyaupane, also affili- and organizations, which I together focus groups with included builders, produced a a total of $56 million worth of cember and January will see a team of Arizona State Uni- ated with Arizona State Uni- hope will provide a new vision local political leaders, area compromise to take to the leg- energy over the next 10 years. —Chris Thomas, Utah versity scientists visit south- versity’s Global Institute of for the future of these commu- residents, business owners, islature - updating only parts News Connection ern Utah to explore how the Sustainability as a Senior Sci- nities and the region.” of the codes. Dave Parduhn, outfitter and guides, recreThe ASU research team ationists, and visitors. The first Monument can play a part in entist, is an international exstimulating regional tourism pert in the “appreciative inqui- will be conducting interviews focus group is scheduled for and creating benefits for local ry” technique, which seeks out with local business owners March in conjunction with the communities. Early next year, the best qualities in individu- and stakeholders from com- GSENM Outfitters and Guides Colorado Mesa University als and organizations. Appre- munities ringing the south- Workshop in Escalante. The researchers will be studying ciative inquiry projects build ern boundary of the National Colorado Mesa University visitor use of Monument re- a working network of partners Monument from December researchers are looking to insources along the Hole in the that function cooperatively to 16 through December 22. The volve the public in the planidentify and reach a future that team will be back in January to ning process, to open dialogue Rock Road. Led by Dr. Gyan Nyau- contributes positively to the interview leaders and commu- between the Monument and nity business interests in Gar- the public on recreation issues, pane, Associate Professor and interests of all stakeholders. During fieldwork in field County in early January. and to gather data needed to Graduate Program Director in the School of Community Kanab, Dr. Nyaupane said “I These interviews, combined better understand the public’s Resources & Development, am very excited for this study with an analysis of community desired outcomes for recrethe Arizona State University and look forward to meeting assets, will lead to community ation management in the Hole team includes two professors with community members in stakeholder meetings in early in the Rock Road area. and five ASU graduate stu- Southern Utah to learn about all spring. A one-day Apprecia—René Burkhoudt, dents and an undergraduate re- the good things they have been tive Inquiry summit is planned GSENM
Time for More EnergyEfficient Homes in Utah?
Team Ropers Clear 7th in World Series Finals in Las Vegas
Social Scientists Focus Research on Communities and Visitors
LOA weather
Wayne Phone: 435-836-2622 Garfield Phone: 435-676-2621 Fax 1-888-370-8546 PO BOX 105, Escalante, Utah 84726
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away. —Philip K. Dick, U.S. science fiction author (1928 - 1982)
THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER is owned and operated by Snapshot Multimedia, LLC and is distributed weekly to all of Wayne and Garfield Counties, Utah. Its purpose is to inform residents about local issues and events. Articles submitted from independent writers are not necessarily the opinion of Snapshot Multimedia, LLC. We sincerely hope you enjoy the paper and encourage input on ideas and/or suggestions for the paper.
ALL content for THE WAYNE &GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY before 5:00 pm to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.
The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER
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Angels Among Us Dear Editor, There are angels among us that need to be recognized and thanked for their work and service in our communities. Torrey has an angel by the name of Diane Borgerding who doesn’t need to be asked to serve on community events, but willingly volunteers of her
time and talents. You will find her on every committee from serving on the fair board art show, the angel tree, or the Red Rock Races, or any worthy committee that needs help. Wayne County and Torrey thanks you Diane for your service and dedication. Sincerley, Janet Hansen
Naughty or Nice? A Parents’ Holiday Guide to Teen Transgressions by Stephen Wallace, SADD
With many kids gearing up for a holiday at home, their parents may soon be wrestling with the question of the season, “naughty or nice?” In making the calculation about their teenager’s behavior, it’s a good question and a fair point. The answer lies in the fact that much of what adolescents think and do, by developmental design, walks the line between naughty and nice … or at least normal. What does that mean? At a time of breathtaking physical and psychosocial development, teens are charged with accomplishing three critical tasks: establishing an identity of their own; becoming more independent from their parents; and forging more adult-like relationships with peers. In the aggregate, their progress on these tasks forms a young person’s sense of self, a harbinger of decision-making, confidence and overall mental health. According to Teens Today research conducted by SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), high Sense of Self (SOS) teens are more likely to avoid alcohol and drug use, while low Sense of Self teens are more likely to use alcohol and “harder” drugs such as ecstasy and cocaine. In addition, high SOS teens are more likely than their low SOS counterparts to report feeling smart, successful, responsible and confident. On the mental health side of the ledger, low SOS teens are more likely than high SOS teens to report regular feelings of stress and depression. Significantly, there is a parental overlay that offers guidance for moms and dads everywhere. For example, 62 percent of teens with a high SOS report that their relationships with their parents make them feel good about themselves, while only about one-third of low SOS teens report the same. In addition, teens with a high SOS report overwhelmingly that they feel respected by their parents (93 percent) and close to their parents (85 percent), while teens with a low SOS report significantly different levels of respect (8 percent) and closeness
(12 percent). In other words, parents have skin in the game! Understanding the relationship between each developmental task and behavior likely to accompany it is important, as is supporting the progress of our teens on their developmental journey. Identity: As young people seek to answer the question “Who am I?,” they regularly – and sometimes frequently – try on different roles, which in turn changes their behavior and may make them appear to be “strangers” on any given day. Independence: A drive toward independence dictates that our teens push us away, or at least hold us at arm’s length. Paradoxically, they need us more now than at any other time during the lifespan besides early infancy. Peer Relationships: The peer group is paramount, and teens often filter through it what they hear from us. Even so, we are the number one reason our teens make good choices. Parents can help their teens achieve a high Sense of Self by: Supporting a wide sampling of interests, activities and age-appropriate behaviors; Encouraging separation from parents and age-appropriate independence in decisionmaking; Teaching peer-to-peer social skills and facilitating (positive) peer relationships; Focusing on productive parent-teen communication. Perhaps most important, we can remind each other that, in many ways – and within limits – our adolescents are doing what they are supposed to be doing. They’re not crazy (and neither are we). In the end, they’re likely a healthy mix of naughty and nice. Stephen Wallace, senior advisor for policy, research and education at SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), is an associate research professor and director of the Center for Adolescent Research and Education (CARE) at Susquehanna University and has broad experience as a school psychologist and adolescent/family counselor.
ST. GEORGE - Each Friday, the Bureau of Land Management and its’ partners host the popular Brown Bag Lecture series. The lectures provide unique opportunities for members of the public to learn more about the benefits of the area’s natural resources and public lands. Speakers including geologists, range specialists, biologists, archaeologists, rangers and other specialists who will delve more deeply into subjects tied to the Arizona Strip and surrounding public lands. For those who want to learn more before venturing out or are otherwise unable to access some of these remote and rugged landscapes, the lectures are an excellent way to bring the resources and related issues to the community’s doorstep. The noontime lecture series are hosted at the Interagency Information Center, located at 345 E. Riverside Drive in St. George, Utah. Programs begin at noon and last for one hour. Admission is free, but
space is limited for this popular lecture series. Obtain tickets in advance from the Interagency Information Center to reserve a seat. The lecture series is sponsored by the Dixie/Arizona Strip Interpretive Association, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service. For more information about the upcoming lectures call the Interagency Visitor Center at 435-688-3200. January 2013 Brown Bag Schedule January 4: “What’s Bugging You?” Enjoy Entomologist Bill Hoy for an eclectic overview of some of the creatures that compose 80 percent of Earth’s living species. At any given time, Hoy estimates there are some 10 quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) individual living insects on earth. Join Hoy as he leads us through some fascinating, hairraising, skin-crawling information on bugs & their essential role in our ecosystem.
Don’t Drink and Drive this Holiday Season
The holiday season can be a dangerous time of the year due to an increase of impaired driving. According to the Utah Safety Council, on average, 42 people die each year in Utah from alcohol-impaired driver crashes. The following are some easy steps that any driver or passenger can follow to enjoy a safe and festive holiday without jeopardizing your life and the lives of others: * Do not drink and drive. Convince friends to stay overnight, ride with someone else, or call a taxi for them. Also, be aware of other drivers who may have had too much to drink. Alcohol-impaired drivers drive at inconsistent speeds, change lanes frequently, disregard traffic signs and drive outside of lane markers. * If you know of someone who is about to drive while impaired, take their keys and help them make other arrangements to get to where they are going safely. * Plan a safe way home before the festivities begin. * Before drinking, designate a sober driver and give that person your keys. * If you are impaired, use a taxi, call a sober friend or family member, or use public transportation so you are sure to get home safely. * If you see a drunk driver on the road, don’t hesitate to contact local law enforcement. Saving lives on our roads is a top priority and it takes everyone’s help. Make smart decisions and plan ahead to better assure a safe way home. —Utah Safety Council
Utah Unemployment Rate Inches Down
SALT LAKE CITY— Utah’s nonfarm wage and salaried job count for November 2012, as generated by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, expanded by 3.1 percent compared against the employment level for November 2011. This is a 12-month increase of 37,800 jobs and raises total wage and salary employment to 1,266,700. The seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate is Utah’s other primary indicator of current labor market conditions and registers 5.1 percent, down from last month’s 5.2 percent. The current United States unemployment rate, as compared to last month, fell two-tenths of a percentage point to 7.7 percent. The Utah economy has been performing well throughout 2012, and this month’s employment estimates are finally reflecting that. A growth rate of 3.1 percent is equal to Utah’s long-term yearly average (measured since 1950) and is a milestone in gauging Utah’s employment recovery from the recession. This is the first time the economy has achieved average employment growth since late 2007. —
December 27, 2012
Join us on New Year’s Eve for our Prime Rib and Seafood Buffet
in Marysvale Canyon 3718 N. Hwy 89, Marysvale, UT 435.326.4252 We will be closed from January 1 - February 7 for annual maintenance, and re-open Friday February 8, 2013.
Featuring carved USDA Aged Choice Prime Rib, Fried Shrimp, Grilled Salmon, Chicken Pasta Alfredo, Roast Pork Loin with Pork Pan Gravy, Tempura Battered Fish, Expanded Salad Bar, Seasonal Salads, House Smoked Salmon, Shrimp Cocktail and More. Sautéed Vegetables, Side Dishes and Our Fabulous Dessert Bar and Bottomless fountain drinks
Adults $29.99, add $10.00 to include AYCE Crab. Buffet Time: 3:00-9:00 p.m. Call 435-326-4252 or check Facebook for more info.
Merry Christmas from all of us at Hoovers Grille
BLM Seeks Public Comment on Proposed May 2013 Oil and Gas Lease Sale RICHFIELD - The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Richfield Field Office is now seeking public comment on an environmental assessment (EA) analyzing the BLM’s proposal to offer 12 parcels covering 14,660 acres in the Richfield and Kanab Field Offices at the May 2013 quarterly oil and gas lease sale. Additional information about the proposed parcels is included in the EA, which is available for public review and comment. An electronic copy of the EA can be found at: enbb/files/CCDO_EA_12-1412.pdf . A hard copy can be obtained in person at the Richfield Field Office, 150 East 900 North, Richfield or the Kanab Field Office, 669 South Highway 89A, Kanab, Utah. The public review and comment period for this EA is open until Jan. 25, 2013. Please note that the most useful comments are those that identify issues relevant to the proposed action or contain new technical or scientific information. Comments which contain only opinions or preferences will not
receive a formal response, but may be considered in the BLM decision-making process. Please reference the “May 2013 Oil and Gas Lease Sale” when submitting comments. Written comments should be mailed to: Richfield Field Office Attn: Stan Anderson 150 East 900 North Richfield, UT 84701 Before including your address, phone number, email address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. BLM will not consider anonymous comments. All submissions from organizations and businesses, and from individuals identifying themselves as representatives or officials of organizations or businesses, will be available for public inspection in their entirety. The BLM manages more
than 245 million acres of public land – the most of any Federal agency. This land, known as the National System of Public Lands, is primarily located in 12 Western states, including Alaska. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2011, recreational and other activities on BLM-managed land contributed more than $130 billion to the U.S. economy and supported more than 600,000 American jobs. The Bureau is also one of a handful of agencies that collects more revenue than it spends. In FY 2012, nearly $5.7 billion will be generated on lands managed by the BLM, which operates on a $1.1 billion budget. The BLM’s multiple-use mission is to sustain the health and productivity of the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. The Bureau accomplishes this by managing such activities as outdoor recreation, livestock grazing, mineral development, and energy production, and by conserving natural, historical, cultural, and other resources on public lands. —BLM Richfield Office
BLM Initiates 2013 Lecture Series
January 11: “Antonio Armijo” Join Historian Leo Lyman as he recounts the travels of this 1829 Spanish explorer who at the young age of 25, led sixty men and a string of one hundred mules across 1,200 mile of little-unknown desert and mountains between Santa Fe and Southern California. January 18: “Southern Parkway Project Paleontology” Surveys along the proposed route for the Southern Parkway have revealed discovery of several highly significant fossil localities. Dinosaur Discovery Center Curator Andrew Milner will describe two significant sites located within the Lower Jurassic Kayenta Formation (195-193 million years old); one which records uniquely, well-preserved plants, and the other contains nearly 600 dinosaur tracks. January 25: No program. Please join the 10th Annual St. George Winter Bird Festival, January 24 – 26. —BLM Arizona Strip District
Ebenezer's New Year’s Bash
Join Us At Ebenezer’s Barn & Grill As We Celebrate the New Year! Featuring:
FESTIVAL OF SOUNDS Monday, December 31 9 pm to 12:30 am
$2 Per Person or $5 Per Family (Family Atmosphere) HWY 63
B R Y C E C A N Y O N C I T Y, U T A H 8 4 7 6 4
The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER
December 27, 2012
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Wayne County Page Loa Elementary Snippets
The Wayne Theatre
by Lisa Stevens
Teachers and students celebrated the last week of school this year with a Christmas singalong and classroom parties. Music teacher Mrs. Lori Chappell said, “Music is my favorite part of the Christmas season, and how great that I get to share that with the students at Loa Elementary School! I love the way quality music makes people feel. It is uplifting, and makes you want to be a better person. We should all surround ourselves with good things and classical music is certainly that.” The students have enjoyed using jingling bells to accompany the song Jingle Bells, as well as listening to and watching Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker. Mrs. Chappell has implemented many fun ways to teach musical terms to her students. “We have a cube that we roll with musical terms; the
students roll the cube and then burn Santa’s bum! He will fly whatever ends up on top, we out of the chimney. It is funny. sing that way.” The fifth grade DATES TO REMEMBER…! students are currently learning to • Jan 2- (W) School Resumes play Boomwhack• Jan 10- (R) End of 2nd Quarter ers! For those who • Jan 15- (T) Bookmobile have never heard of boomwhackers they are lightweight, hollow, color-coded, plastic tubes, Ow, ow. Ho Ho.” I would like to thank all of tuned to musical pitches by the teachers at Loa Elementary length. They produce musical and our amazing secretary Cartones when struck together, with a mallet, on the floor, or rie Brinkerhoff. Every week I send out emails asking for against almost any surface. Ms. MarJean Davis shared items to include in this article this story her second grade stu- and I am never disappointed. dent, Aspen New, wrote, titled; Thank you for sharing with me “How to Help Santa Get Un- and the community how wonstuck from the Chimney!” “I derful, creative and intelligent will help Santa get out of the your students are, and THANK chimney by pulling his legs. YOU for the fantastic job you And if that doesn’t work we are doing in helping our chilwill get on the roof and pull dren become wonderful, creand pull Santa. If that doesn’t ative and intelligent people! work we will start a fire. It will
PG-13 Running time: 1 hrs. 55 min.
PG-13 Running time: 2 hrs. 20 min.
SHOwTIMES 12/28 (FRI) - 5:30PM 12/29 (SAT) - 5:30PM 1/2 (WED) - 5:30PM 12/28 (FRI) - 8:00PM 12/29 (SAT) - 8:00PM 1/2 (WED) - 8:00PM
General Admission: $6.00 Seniors 59 and over & Children 11 and younger: $5.00
11 East Main • Bicknell, UT 84715
Wayne Sports
by Lauren Jackson Just a quick update on Badger Sports: The Wayne boy’s basketball team played Milford last Saturday the 22nd and completely dominated. The score was 72 to 47with Ty Rees scoring 38 of the points, Broc Taylor 17, and Marc Simmons 10. Nice job boys! Next, girl’s basketball won both of their games against Cross Creek and Diamond ranch and Early Area History Course the wrestlers won their duel at Piute. Good job, Badgers! The Early Area History Course will begin The Holiday Classic is January 4, 2013 at 1:00pm at the home approaching this weekend, the 27th and 28th of December. Be of Steve Taylor in Fremont (800 East 200 sure to come out and support! South). The class will be held at 1:00pm each Friday and continue through June 2013 including two field trips. There is no charge for the course and it isn’t necessary to be at each class. Each lesson is prepared to stand alone. Questions - call Steve Taylor 435-836-2747.
Good Ice Fishing, Close to Home Dozens of waters in Utah provide good ice fishing You have warm clothes and waterproof boots. Your ice fishing equipment is ready to go. And you have a basic idea of how to locate fish and catch them through the ice. Yellow perch provide Utah’s ice anglers with plenty of action. Fish Lake, and Mantua, Pineview, Hyrum, Rockport and Starvation reservoirs are good places to catch yellow perch. Yellow perch provide Utah’s ice anglers with plenty of action. Fish Lake, and Mantua, Pineview, Hyrum, Rockport and Starvation reservoirs are good places to catch yellow perch. So what’s standing between you and a great ice fishing experience this winter? Maybe only one thing: Knowing which waters in Utah to fish. Fortunately, many waters in Utah provide good ice fishing year after year. “In my opinion, Utah has some of the best ice fishing in the country,” says Drew Cushing, warm water sport fisheries coordinator for the Division of Wildlife Resources. Cushing has fished through the ice in states across the country. “Utah provides a wider variety of quality fish to catch than any place I know of,” he says. “And many of these opportunities are probably close to your home.” Cushing gave Utah County as an example. If you live in the county, you can fish for white bass at Utah Lake in the morning, and then turn around and head to Strawberry Reservoir to catch trophy-sized cutthroat trout in the afternoon; all in the same day!
Fishing reports Visiting the DWR’s fishing report is one way to learn which type of fish are in which waters and where fishing is the best. DWR biologists, officers and outreach personnel update the report every one to two weeks. Other Internet sources — such as and — are also good places to visit. And don’t forget your local fishing tackle shop or sporting goods store — people who work at these stores are often the first ones to know about good fishing in their areas. Cushing says the following waters are producing great fishing for the following fish: Yellow perch Larger perch: Fish Lake Hyrum Reservoir Rockport Reservoir Smaller, but more abundant perch: Pineview Reservoir Mantua Reservoir Starvation Reservoir “Catching perch at Pineview can be fairly easy,” Cushing says. “Just locate the spot on the bottom where the perch are, and then put your bait in front of the fish.” Bluegill Larger bluegill: Pelican Lake Steinaker Reservoir Smaller, but more abundant bluegill: Mantua Reservoir Largemouth bass Pelican Lake Mantua Reservoir Rainbow, cutthroat, brown or tiger trout Deer Creek Reservoir Steinaker Reservoir Starvation Reservoir
Wayne High School Yearbooks Buy your yearbook NOW! Yearbooks paid for on or before December 21, 2012 will be $35.00. Books purchased January 3-April 1, 2013 will be $40.00. April 1, 2013 is the LAST day to buy a book! Drew Cushing/Utah DWR
Yellow perch provide Utah’s ice anglers with plenty of action. Fish Lake, and Mantua, Pineview, Hyrum, Rockport and Starvation reservoirs are good places to catch yellow perch. East Canyon Reservoir Strawberry Reservoir “Strawberry provides fantastic fishing for big trout, and lots of them,” Cushing says. Birch Creek Reservoir Scofield Reservoir “Both of these waters provide good fishing for big tiger trout,” Cushing says. Lake trout Flaming Gorge Reservoir Fish Lake “You have a good chance to catch some big fish at these waters,” he says. Burbot Flaming Gorge Reservoir Crappie Pineview Reservoir Cushing says crappie can be tricky to catch. “They suspend at various depths,” he says, “so they can be tough to find. “But if you catch a crappie at a certain depth, keep fishing that depth,” he says, “and you should do well. Pineview has a good population of crappie.” Kokanee salmon Causey Reservoir, and Por-
cupine Reservoir Cushing says the best ice fishing for kokanee salmon happens at the two waters at the start of the ice fishing season. “When ice first forms on these waters,” he says, “salmon fishing can be fantastic for about two to three weeks.” White bass Utah Lake This is another water where the best fishing happens early in the ice fishing season. “Fishing for white bass is usually best from the time the ice forms until about mid January,” Cushing says. “The harbors at the lake are the best places to catch them through the ice.” Some of the best fishing of the year Cushing says the arrival of winter doesn’t mean fishing is over until the spring. “Winter can be the most fun and productive, and the least expensive time of the year to fish,” he says. “New lakes, new opportunities and new species of fish are out there for you to enjoy. Get out there, and take advantage of it.” —Utah DWR
Senior photos and baby pictures are due to the Yearbook Staff on or before February 1, 2013. PARENTS: Purchase an ad for your senior! $5.00 for a picture and twenty words. Senior ads are due on or before February 1, 2013.
Dr. Scott Andersen, DDS The Tooth Ranch 374 S. 300 E., Bicknell
NEW days/hours
M&F 8:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m. call for appointment 435-425-3391
Donna’s Keepsake
Fabric Sale! From now until the end of December all fabric will be $5.00 per yard. (This excludes minky and kits.) All Minky fabric is $2.00 off per yard. Kits are $5.00 off. Royal’s Food Town, 135 W. Main St., Loa
The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER
Page 4
December 27, 2012
Garfield County Page Chrome Books and Personal Devices Garfield School District continues to increase students’ access to technology through the use of Chrome Books. In a previous article, I informed the public that the District purchased 150 chrome books. Since that time, Google has given the students in the District an additional 40 new Chrome Books. Students will now have access to 190 Chrome Books throughout the District. With the fact that many students received electronic devices for Christmas, I have been asked if students can bring personal devices from home and connect to the District network at school. The answer to this question is, “yes”, students can bring devices from home and connect to our network as long as they comply with the “Bring Your
Own Device” policy. Parents and students will need to read the policy, fill out the attached form and submit the form to the building Principals. The first paragraph of the policy states: GCSD Student/Parent Policy for use of a Privately Owned Electronic Device GCSD allows students to use privately owned electronic devices to access the GCSD wireless network in all secondary schools. This wireless access provided to the devices is designed to enhance the students’ educational experience and outcomes. Connecting to the GCSD Wi-Fi network with personal devices is a privilege, not a right, and
it is not a requirement for district students. Permission to bring and use privately owned devices is contingent upon adherence to GCSD guidelines. If a privately owned device is used by a student to disrupt the educational environment, in the sole opinion of GCSD, that student’s privileges may be limited or revoked.
200 North 400 East • Panguitch, Utah • 676-8811 Family Practice Dr. Richard Birch Dr. Todd Mooney Dr. Mitchell Miller Becky Roberts, FNP Tim Dennis, PA-C
A complete copy of the policy can be found on the District website at: If you have any questions related to the “Bring Your Own Device” policy please contact me in the District office or your local building administrator.
—Superintendent Ben Dalton
Merlo Haynes Woolsey ESCALANTE - Merlo Haynes Woolsey, known to his family and friends as Haynes or "Brig" passed away peacefully at his home in Escalante, Utah on December 23, 2012 after a courageous battle with cancer. Haynes was born May 23, 1927 in Escalante, UT to Earl and LaVern Hardy Woolsey. He married Iola Elizabeth Griffin on June 5, 1946 in Beaver, UT. Haynes was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He attended Escalante High School through the 10th grade. Throughout his teens he herded sheep for various people in the Escalante area. He was a sawyer for Alvey Lumber Company at their mills on the Red Rocks and Posey Lake. He worked on the Glen Canyon Dam for a couple years before returning to Escalante. He was employed with Tenneco Oil Company as a Production Foreman for over 25 years and retired from the oil field in 1987. The love of his life was Iola and his grandchildren! Haynes was an avid fisherman. He never disclosed however, his secret fishing holes! He was an expert in repairing fishing reels and many a fish was caught with one of his hand-tied flies. He also enjoyed hunting with his grandkids. Everyone in Escalante would know that the mail was ready when they would see Haynes walking up main street in his cowboy hat to retrieve his letters. Haynes always was a strong and stubborn man! He was insistent on gathering, cutting, and stacking his own wood; in fact, he cut his last round in June of this year. Haynes is survived by his children, Merlo Kay (Kathy) Woolsey of Fruita, CO; Christine (Richard) Tatman of Myton, UT; Eric (Sheri) Woolsey of Escalante, UT; brother and sisters, Earline (Homer, deceased) Nelson of St. George, UT; Marjorie (Howard, deceased) Shurtz of Sacramento, CA; Hal J. (Jo) Woolsey of Salt Lake City, UT. 11 Grandchildren, 13 Great-Grandchildren, and 1 Great- Great- Grandchild. He is preceded in death by his wife Iola Elizabeth Griffin. Graveside services will be held on Friday, December 28, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. in the Escalante Cemetery. Funeral Directors: Magleby Mortuary, Richfield, Salina and Manti. Online guestbook at
Dr. Robert Pearson
No Jan.
Ear, Nose Throat .................................. 676-8842
Dr. Randy Delcore
Orthopedist............................................ 676-8842
Dr. Eric Maxwell
No Jan.
Audiologist............................................. 676-8842
Dr. Brad Webb
7th & 21st
Dr. Robert Nakken
Orthopedist............................................ 676-8842
Dr. Ronald Crouch
No Jan.
Urologist................................................ 676-8842
Dr. Ben Adams
Dr. Aaursh Manchanda
Cardiology............................................. 676-8842
Dr. Michael Stults
General Surgeon............................ 435-586-8192
Our Pharmacist, Tim Smith, will provide Coumadin testing and results at outlying clinics. Please call clinic for available dates and times. Coumadin testing and results at the Garfield Memorial Clinic will be by appointment. To schedule an appointment for Mammography, please call 435-676-1267. Future 2013 Mammo Dates: January 23 - Panguitch February 20 - Panguitch March 7 - Panguitch UCCP
Clinics - Call For Appointments
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Alleviating Minor Eye Problems Generally, you will need to seek professional care from an optometrist or ophthalmologist when you have pain in the eyes, when your vision changes, or when your eye continues to be red or feel irritated. Many nonprescription eye products also caution you to discontinue using them and seek professional care if the condition persists for more than 72 hours. Self-Treatable Problems Dry eye is common, and many OTC products are available to treat it. They include drops and gels for daytime use and small tubes of ointment for nighttime use. Examples include Refresh, GenTeal, and TheraTears (daytime) and Refresh PM and Refresh Lacri-Lube (nighttime). You may have redness of the eye from the common cold and allergies. Products such as Visine can remove minor redness, although you should not use them if you have narrow-angle glaucoma, and you must stop using them after 3 days to prevent a condition in which the product actually causes the redness, known as rebound conjunctivitis. You may have an allergic condition of the eyes, caused by the same sources that produce hay fever (e.g., pollen, spray cleaners, cat dander). Your eyes itch, water, and burn. Products such as Opcon-A, Naphcon-A, and Zaditor can provide relief. Be sure not to administer any products to children below the lowest ages specified on the label. You may have a loose foreign material in the eye, such as dirt or an eyelash. Collyrium for Fresh Eyes and Bausch & Lomb Advanced Relief Eye Wash are products that can gently cleanse the eye. Eye Infections Infections of the eye or surrounding skin should always be seen by an eye care professional. This includes pinkeye, styes, infections of the eyelids, and other suspected infections. Physicians may need to prescribe antibiotics or other safe and effective products. Objects Lodged in the Eye If you believe an object has become lodged in your eye from working with wood or metal or from any other activity, visit an emergency room if a physician cannot see you immediately. You should not wait, as your eye may not register the discomfort after a short period, making you think the object is gone. Home Remedies Home remedies for the eye can be extremely dangerous, as they will not be sterile and may cause pain and permanent loss of vision. For example, boric acid is an old home remedy for eye infections, but its use can be hazardous, especially for infants. This substance may be included in very small amounts in legitimate eye products, but making your own boric acid eye treatments at home can cause serious harm. As always, read and follow all directions on any label. If you need further information, ask your pharmacist for assistance. Remember, if you have questions, Consult Your Pharmacist 95 East Center St. l PHONE (435) 676-2212
March 13 - Milford March 19 & 20 - Kanab March 24 - Escalante UCCP
Garfield Memorial Clinic, Panguitch ................................................... 435-676-8842 (Mon - Fri) Kazan Clinic, Escalante . .........................................................435-826-4374 (Mon., Wed., Fri.) Bryce Valley Clinic, Cannonville ................................................ 435-679-8545 (Tues. & Thurs.) Circleville Clinic, Circleville . ...................................................... 435-577-2958 (Tues. & Thurs.) Physical and Speech Therapy . ............................................................................435-676-8840 Mammography .....................................................................................................435-676-1267 Diabetic Counseling(Jan Frandsen) ..................................................................... 435-676-8811 Garfield Memorial Hospital Long Term Care Center ............................................435-676-1265
For Your Health
Steve Marshall, Shaunna Rechsteiner-Pharmacists
Speech Therapy Flora Howard Certified Nurse Midwife DeAnn Brown, CNM Anesthesiology Lewis Barney, CRNA
Panguitch, UT 84759 FAX (435) 676-8850
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The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER
December 27, 2012
Every1Counts By Cynthia Kimball
A small rock sits on my coffee table. Attached to it is a quote from church leader Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding grudges, or wanting to cause harm—please apply the following: Stop it!” (Uchtdorf, 2012). A friend of mine taught a lesson about the latter and the rock with the quote was her handout. As you start a new year, Uchtdorf’s quote is perfect. But let’s first break it down. Instead of the word “hate” replace it with the word “love”. Love for all mankind. At least a Christlike love. And it’s been said that you don’t have to love someone’s sins, but to still love the sinner (that would include each one of us since the only perfect person who ever walked was our Savior, Jesus Christ). The word “gossip: can be replaced with not uttering any unkind word about anyone to anyone. That means if it’s negative, don’t even think or speak it. Don’t be an instrument in the spreading of gossip. Let it end with you. Unless, you’re spreading positive gossip. If so, continue and spread it to everyone you know. Be known for spreading the good kind of gossip.
tHe lAuGhiNg pOiNt!!
New Year’s Resolution: Stop It, Then Start It
Ignoring is harsh; thus, do not go out of your way to ignore someone. Instead go out of your way to notice someone. Anyone. People you know. People you don’t. And all you have to do when you find them? Smile. Smile and be kind and be kind and smile. Just make them matter and feel important. Ridiculing can enter into bullying territory if you’re not careful. Often times someone will say a hurtful joke or be sarcastic and then say, “Oh, what, you can’t take a joke?” and is then teased even more. Instead of teasing, find as much good in a person as you can and each time you see them let them know. Then tell others about their attributes as well. Holding grudges is not forgiving someone. And it actually does you more harm. When you hold grudges it won’t just impact you negatively, but the person you have a grudge toward and possibly even that person’s family and friends, etc. Instead, forgive and do it as-soon-as possible. Remember, you don’t have to love a person’s sins, but do love them (even the Bible tells us so. See John 13:35). Causing harm, well, our country just experienced harm
caused from a school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT. Ann Curry, of NBC, has since suggested to let this tragic event inspire acts of kindness and even tweeted, “Imagine if all of us committed 20 mitvahs/acts of kindness to honor each child lost in Newtown.” (MyFox8News. com, 2012). And now the world is paying it forward and instead of doing 20 acts of kindness, they’re doing 26 for the children and adults who lost their life in Sandy Hook (, 2012). So in 2013, and even before, “When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding grudges, or wanting to cause harm— please apply the following: Stop it!” Then “start it” with love, spreading positive gossip, noticing people, finding good/attributes in others, forgiving, and doing acts of kindness. Now that’s a New Year’s resolution list! Cynthia Kimball is a professional speaker and trainer through her company Every1Counts, LLC, and a doctoral student in Workforce Education Leadership. She also writes frequently through Deseret Connect. E-mail:
High Cost of Free
Jury Questions
When my 88-year-old mother was called for jury duty, she had to submit to questioning by the opposing lawyers. “Have you ever dealt with an attorney?” asked the plaintiff’s lawyer. “Yes. I had an attorney write my living trust,” she responded. “And how did that turn out?” “I don’t know,” she said. “Ask me when I’m dead.”
Outraged by the high charges that the computer service wanted for repair work, one employee asked her co-worker which service she used. “My sons,” was the reply. “They both have degrees in Computer Science.” “So you get that kind of work done for nothing,” the friend marveled. The co-worker smiled. “Actually, I figured that it cost me about $140,000 for my kids to fix my computer for free.”
A client brought a litter of golden retriever puppies to my veterinary clinic for inoculations and worming. As the look-alike pups squirmed over and under one another in their box, I realized it would be difficult to tell the treated ones from the rest. So, I turned on the water faucet, wet my fingers, and moistened each dog’s head when I had finished. After the fourth puppy, I noticed my talkative client had grown silent. As I sprinkled the last pup’s head, the woman leaned forward and whispered, “I didn’t know they needed be baptized, too.”
To Play: Complete the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9
Selecting A Fiduciary By Jeffery J. McKenna
When creating an estate plan, one of the first issues that you will need to consider is who will serve as the fiduciary1 of your estate once you are no longer willing or able to manage your estate on your own. This article discusses some of the key concerns that should be addressed when you select your fiduciary. For most people, the choice comes down to either a professional fiduciary or a trusted family member who is also a beneficiary of the estate. While a family member may be the best in many situations, consider the following questions to see if you really are comfortable with a family member as your fiduciary: * Does the family member have the expertise to handle the sometimes complex estates that must be administered for the benefit of all the beneficiaries? * How will selecting a family member affect that family member’s relationship with the other beneficiaries? * Will the family member be able to ignore the temptation to look out for their own interests at the expense of the
interests of the other beneficiaries? The role of a fiduciary can be extremely daunting for an untrained person and often decisions will be made which may not be in the interest of the beneficiaries. For example, a family member who serves as a fiduciary is often entitled to compensation for his or her efforts. Paying this family member for his or her services, while not giving equal funds to another beneficiary, may lead to feelings of unfair treatment because the selected family member will end up receiving more than his or her share of the estate. On the other hand, if the family member you select opts not to receive any compensation, this family member may begin to resent serving as the fiduciary because of the uncompensated time and effort the family member is giving. In either of these scenarios, relationships between the family member fiduciary and the other beneficiaries may be unnecessarily strained. In addition, the decisions that a fiduciary must make are often difficult decisions. For instance, a fiduciary often needs to decide when assets should be sold and for how much the assets should be sold. The factors to be considered can be very technical and a family member trustee who is also handling other responsibilities such as another full-time job may not be able to focus the attention or time necessary to make a good decision. Finally, a fiduciary has a duty to ensure that the estate is handled appropriately, in-
cluding a duty to account for all assets, and can be liable to the beneficiaries if mistakes are made. Mistakes by a nonprofessional can be more costly than hiring a professional in the first place. A professional fiduciary can relieve family members from the stress and liability associated with serving as a fiduciary. Any number of individuals, such as a trust officer at a bank, a CPA, or an attorney can serve as your fiduciary. These individuals should be familiar with fiduciary relationships and the work necessary to meet those fiduciary obligations. In addition, a professional fiduciary should be trained and experienced in the policies and procedures that are necessary to ensure that the estate is administered according to your wishes and according to the law. Often, the best, and least expensive fiduciary is the attorney who helped establish the estate plan in the first place, as this attorney is usually someone you already trust and someone who already has an understanding of your wishes and desires. In sum, there will come a time when you will not be able to manage your estate. An experienced, professional fiduciary offers a variety of solutions, has received specific training, is objective in dealing with your beneficiaries and is duty bound to follow your wishes as closely as possible. Managing an estate is often a full-time job. A professional fiduciary can give your estate the attention it needs. Jeffery J. McKenna is an attorney licensed in three states and serving clients in Utah, Nevada, and Arizona. He is a partner at the law firm of Barney, McKenna Olmstead & Pack, with offices in St. George and Mesquite. He is a founding member of the Southern Utah Estate Planning Council. If you have questions or topics that you would like addressed in these articles please email him at jmckenna@barney-mckenna. com or call 435 628-1711
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Answers for this week
New Father
“Just relax,” the hospital staff kept telling the young father-to-be, but it was to no avail. His wife was in labor and he was a nervous wreck. After what seemed like a week, a nurse came out with the happy news, “It’s a girl!” she announced. “A girl! Thank God!” said the new dad. “She’ll never have to go through what I just went through!”
Used Car
My wife had just bought a five-year-old car. The first time I drove it, I told her something seemed to be wrong with the suspension. I parked the car and then proceeded to give it a “shock test.” I clasped one hand over the other, squared my shoulders, pushed down with all my weight on one corner and quickly released it to see if it bounced more than once. I repeated this several times. A pedestrian standing behind me observed, “I doubt that even CPR could start that car.”
AG MARKET NEWS Producers Livestock Auction, Salina, Utah Tuesday, December 18, 2012 Receipts: 824; Last Week: 1,554. Last Year: 937. Feeder Steers: mixed but mostly steady on similar. Feeder Heifers: mixed but mostly 2.00-3.00 lower. Holstein Steers: mixed but mostly 2.00-3.00 lower. Slaughter Cows: weak to on similar kinds; Slaughter Bulls: steady. Feeder Steers: Medium and Large Frame 2: 200-250 lbs 161.00-172.00; 250-300 lbs 162.00-183.00, pkg 187.00; 300-350 lbs 160.00-173.00; 350-400 lbs 160.00-172.00; 400-450 lbs 157.00-175.00; 450-500 lbs 145.00-156.50; 500-550 lbs 139.50-153.00; 550-600 lbs 133.00-144.00; 600-650 lbs 131.00-139.25; 650- 700 lbs 121.50-131.75; 700-750 lbs 124.00-139.25; 750-800 lbs 121.50-131.75; 800-850 lbs 124.75-137.75; 850-900 lbs 125.00-130.25; 900-950 lbs 123.25-132.75; 950-1000 lbs scarce. Holsteins Steers: Large Frame 3: Bull Calves: scarce; 200-300 lbs scarce; 300-500 lbs scarce; 500-700 lbs 81.0095.00; 700-900 lbs 79.5087.00; 900-1000 lbs 65.0074.50. Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large Frame 1-2: 200250 lbs scarce; 250-300 lbs 130.00-146.00 300-350 lbs 135.00-141.00, pkg 155.00; 350-400 lbs 135.00-145.00; 400-450 lbs 127.50-142.00; 450-500 lbs 126.00-138.50; 500-550 lbs 125.00-135.00, pkg 140.00; 550-600 lbs 120.50-133.50, pkg 136.50; 600-650 lbs 122.00-130.50; 650-700 lbs 122.00-129.75; 700-750 lbs 121.00-123.50; 750-800 lbs 121.50-126.75; 800-850 lbs scarce; 850-900 lbs 122.00-122.50; 900-950 lbs 111.50-121.00; 950-1000 lbs scarce; Heiferettes: 60.2596.00. Stock Cows: scarce. Slaughter Cows: Boning 80-85% Lean: 64.50-73.25; Breaking 75-80% Lean: 67.25-74.75; Commercial: scarce; Cutter 85-90% Lean: 53.50-63.50. Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1000-1500 lbs 79.50-87.00; 1500-2000 lbs 80.75-90.75; Yield Grade 2 1000-1500 lbs scarce; 15001945 lbs 78.25-79.75; Feeder Bulls: 800-865 lbs scarce.
The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER
Page 6
December 27, 2012
New Years Eve Party At the Triple C Arena
Monday, December 31, 2012 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. $5/person or $25/immediate family Good eating: Navajo Taco’s, Hamburgers, Cobblers Entertainment: Eric Dodge, Bingo, Money Pit, Inflatables
by Marlene Haws ~ 826-4859 • It seems as though birthdays are almost as popular in December as Christmas shopping! The Coleman twins, Don and Dan had a birthday on Christmas Day! Beth Christensen had one on the 21st. Marian Spencer and Frank Coleman are having one today, Thursday 27th. Happy Birthday to each and every one! Don and Lillian Coleman also celebrated their 55th Wedding Anniversary on December 17th and Brent and Patrice Cottam celebrated their 35th on the same day. Congratulations to them! Jay and Derlynne Brooks and family had their Christmas together early this year. Derlynne said she was going to sleep all day on Christmas Day, but I’ll bet she didn’t! Marilee and DeLane Griffin went to St. George for DeLane’s doctor appointment. They visited with Brenda Griffin while they were there. She is doing well. A large crowd attended the program at the elementary school last Wednesday night. It featured delightful sugar plum fairies, elves, etc. singing and dancing their way through a very entertaining annual Christmas program. Mar-
lene Stowe is their program coordinator and she said she had a lot of help from teachers, parents, etc. which always makes for a great show. And the kids are so CUTE! Lenza Wilson and his mom, Susan Shurtz had the Christmas Light Train out again on Saturday night. Have any of you looked it up on You Tube? (Escalante Christmas Light Train 2012.) People from the towns around us are making a special trip here just to see it! Lenza added a new trailer just last weekend. Thanks, Lenza, for livening things up for us! Margo Smith went to Logandale, Nevada for a one night stay with her daughter and son-in-law, Heather and Dallas Larsen and family. She said it was a short stay but it was either that or no time at all together for Christmas. Richard and Victory Crawford went to Mississippi to see their son, James, his wife Marci, and their family a few weeks ago. They have a new baby girl and Richard and Victory were able to be there to see her get a name, Ann Elizabeth, and a blessing. She has two big sisters, Amelia and Kayla. James is studying to be an Optometrist and will
be back in Utah next August to do his internship. Congratulations to James! Remember Jerry and Nancy Emery? (Jerry helped Brent Griffin in the store last summer.) Victory was able to go visit them while they were in Mississippi. She said they really had a good time. Richard was doing genealogy while they were in the area. On their way back home they took a little detour and went to El Paso, Texas to visit their daughter Becky and her husband, Gabe Tilley, and family. Gabe is in the military. I’ve forgotten just how many miles Richard said they drove,
but I do remember he said that was probably their last trip driving that far! Carrie Griffin and her son Darrell have had Darrell’s daughter, Justine, here for a visit. Justine lives in Morgan and has two little girls, Jessie and Joslyn. Angelique Griffin is their grandma. Carrie has been in Cedar City and spent Christmas with the family of Boyd and LaNell Cottam. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and, since the world didn’t come to an end, I hope the New Year will be very good to all of you. Happy 2013!
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The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER
December 27, 2012
Garfield: 676-2621 • Wayne: 836-2622
HOME FOR RENT IN LOA Nice home for rent in Loa located at 244 S. 100 W. All kitchen appliances are included, 3 BR, Bathroom, Laundry Room, Lg. Family Room. For more info, please contact Stan Chappell at Garkane Energy (435) 836-2795. 12/27
House for rent in Loa - 3BR new tile, coal furnace, 2 car carport, outside corrals. No smoking, no indoor pets. $500 a month. Call Sharon @435-691-1991 to get an application. 12/27
MATTRESS KING - Twins from $79.95, Queens from $139.95, Kings from $349.95. In Richfield. Can deliver. (435) 201-4368. Sofas, Sectionals, Recliners available. *Call me* rtn
APTS FOR RENT IN LOA - 3BR, 1BA apartments. $475/ month, security deposit required. Contact Mel, (435) 491-0899 12/27
HOUSE FOR RENT - Wayne School District has a house for rent. The house is located at 393 W 200 N in Bicknell, behind the high school. The rent is $400 a month. There is also a $400 security/cleaning deposit, which includes a non-refundable $100 carpet cleaning fee, plus a fee to pay for any heating oil that is in the tank at the time the rental agreement is signed. For more information call the District Office at (435) 425-3813. rtn
SERVICES BUILDER - Need a contractor? Give Preston a call! Licensed and insured General Contractor. 435-616-5074 or 435-836-2205 1/10
House For Rent In Loa- 4BR, 3BA home in Loa, large fenced yard. Pets OK with extra deposit. $850/ mo., $400 deposit. Available mid-Jan. (435) 491-1517.
HOUSE FOR SALE INTorrey - Sleeping Rainbow Estates 40-50 Native Trees, 3 BR 2 Bath, Incredible Views, 2000 Sq ft. with 2000 sq ft. detached garage. 2 Acres. Call Lowell at 4253824 or cell (435) 896-7092 rtn
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the Insider
Monday nights at 7:00 P.M.
676-2621 Garfield 836-2622 Wayne
Hatch Town Hall
HELP WANTED Employment Opportunity Wayne School District is accepting applications for a part time Activities Custodian to help clean the High School/Middle School gyms and auditorium after school-sponsored activities. This position would be for 2.5 hours after each activity. Most of these activities are “at home,” sporting events during the typical sports seasons, (Usually from Sept. to April). This season could include 30 to 40 activities per school year. Applicant must be able to perform all physical, strenuous tasks related to typical custodial job descriptions. The position will require the applicant to pass a background check. Wages will be $10.16 per hour. Wayne School district is an equal opportunity employer, and reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications. Interested persons may pick up an application at The Wayne School District Office. This position will be open for application until 4:00 p.m. Thursday, January 3, 2013. Employment will begin immediately thereafter for the successful applicant. 12/27 POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT POSITION AVAILABLE: Bryce Valley High School is hiring a part-time Paraprofessional. This position will be 19.5 hours weekly, no benefits. SALARY: Beginning paraprofessional hourly rate according to 2012-2013 Garfield County School District Classified Salary Schedule ($9.16 hourly). QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must have at least a High School Diploma, two years college education preferred, or may complete the Para Pro Test. Must be fingerprinted and satisfactorily pass an employment background check and work well with children. APPLICATION: Interested individuals should submit a Garfield County School District classified application. For new applicants, there should be a completed application, resume`, 3 current letters of recommendation, and a transcript. Please direct questions to Principal Jeff Brinkerhoff, 435-679-8835, and application packets to: Bryce Valley High School, P.O. Box 70 721 West Bryce Way, Tropic, Utah 84776 Online application available Applications will be screened and the most qualified candidates will be granted interviews. DEADLINE: Open until filled Garfield School District is an equal opportunity employer. Garfield School District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications. 12/27
Hanksville Elementary Custodian/ Maintenance Position Wayne School District is accepting applications for a maintenance/custodian position for Hanksville Elementary School. This position is for part time, year-round employment. Applicants must be in good physical condition and be willing and able to complete various strenuous physical tasks, typical of a maintenance or custodial position. Some general tasks will include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Grounds keeping, typical yard work, lawn mowing, watering, weeding, lifting, etc. 2. Simple maintenance such as: changing light bulbs, changing air conditioning filters, sprinkler repair and maintenance, etc. 3. Daily school janitorial/cleaning during the school year 4. Deep cleaning during the summer and at various times during the school year. 5. Ability and willingness to be trained and use approved cleaning and maintenance chemicals appropriately Applicant must be willing to work a flexible schedule as school needs dictate. Applicant must demonstrate initiative and be able and willing to work alone and without direct supervision before and/or after regular school hours. The hours for this position include: a. Twenty hours per week during the regular school year. b. Summer hours (June through August) include a total of 180 hours, with daily/weekly schedule to be determined in consultation with the school administrator. Starting salary is $10.16 per hour. There are no benefits with this position beyond retirement and Social Security requirements. Interested applicants must pass a fingerprint background check. Applications may be picked up at The Wayne School District office, or at Hanksville Elementary School. You may obtain further information for this position by contacting Mrs. Corri Robinson, Head Teacher at Hanksville Elementary School. Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. Friday, January 11, 2013. Wayne School District is an equal opportunity employer and reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications. 1/10
Barney Trucking is looking for truck drivers in the Panguitch, UT area. Great pay and benefits. Valid CDL with Doubles endorsement required.To apply, go to or call 435-529-4422. SHORT OPENING DATES: Capitol Reef National Park has job openings for several positions: Facility Services Assistant, GS-5 $ 15.00 per hour, permanent with benefits, Open: Thursday, Dec. 20 and closes in five days. Administrative Support Assistant, GS-5, $15.00 per hour, permanent with benefits, Open: Friday, December 28 and closes in five days. Visual Information Specialist, GS-9, $22.74 per hour, TERM with benefits. Open: Friday, December 14 and closes in seven days. For more information and to apply, go to the website: search under Torrey, Utah as location. Check the USAJOBS website DAILY for other job openings. For questions, contact Human Resources at Capitol Reef National Park at 435-42512/27 4121.
Advertise in
the Insider 676-2621 Garfield 836-2622 Wayne
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PUBLIC NOTICE Six County Association of Governments will hold a public hearing to consider potential projects for which funding maybe applied under the CDBG Small Cities Program Year 2013. Suggestions for potential projects will be solicited, both verbally and in writing, from all interested parties. The expected amount of CDBG funds for this program year will be discussed along with the range of projects eligible under this program and a review of previously funded projects. The hearing will be held at 11:00 am on January 2, 2013 and will be held at Sevier County Administration Building room B-24, 250 North Main, Richfield. Further information can be obtained by contacting Todd Thorne at 435893-0714. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities by calling 435-893-0714. Individuals with speech and/or hearing impairments may call the Relay Utah by dialing 711. Spanish Relay Utah: 1-888-346-3162. Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on DECEMBER 27, 2012. NOTICE TO WATER USERS The applications below were filed with the Division of Water Rights in Wayne County. These are informal proceedings per Rule R655-6-2. Protests concerning an application must be legibly written or typed, contain the name and mailing address of the protesting party, STATE THE APPLICATION NUMBER PROTESTED, CITE REASONS FOR THE PROTEST, and REQUEST A HEARING, if desired. Also, A $15 FEE MUST BE INCLUDED FOR EACH APPLICATION PROTESTED. Protests must be filed with the Division of Water Rights, PO Box 146300, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6300, or by hand delivery to a Division office during normal business hours ON OR BEFORE JANUARY 16, 2013. Please visit or call (801)-5387240 for additional information. CHANGE APPLICATION(S) 97-2378(a38468): Richard D. and Amy O. Woodbury propose(s) using 0.5 ac-ft. from the Underground Water Well (existing) (SE of Boulder) for IRRIGATION; DOMESTIC. 95-5301(a38612): Mark S. and Chrisann A. Hawley propose(s) using 0.0095 cfs or 0.5 ac-ft. from the Pleasant Creek (Notom) for IRRIGATION; STOCKWATERING. Kent L. Jones, P.E. STATE ENGINEER Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on DECEMBER 20 & 27, 2012. DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAX LIST OF WAYNE COUNTY FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 To all persons whose names appear on the following delinquent tax list. You hereby take notice that unless the delinquent taxes upon the property and in the amount indicated below, together with penalty are paid before 12 o’clock noon on the 31st day of January, 2013 the real property upon which such taxes are a lien, excepting only such property as is held by the county under a proper preliminary tax sale, will be sold to Wayne County, State of Utah, to satisfy taxes and costs and the personal property and improvements will be attached to the real property of said owners and sold according to law. Interest shall accrue as of January 1, 2013 unless the delinquent taxes, together with the penalty, are paid before 12 o’clock noon on January 31, 2013. Colleen Rees, Treasurer of Wayne County, State of Utah 03-0025-0038 / L-38 ALBRECHT DERRELL & PATRICIA N $791.64 04-0005-0003 / DS-3 ANDERSEN TROY CHRISTIAN $211.64 02-0003-0632 / O-632 AQUARIUS PROPERTIES LLC $73.72 02-0003-0633 / O-633 AQUARIUS PROPERTIES LLC $26.82 02-0003-0637 / O-633-1 AQUARIUS PROPERTIES LLC $14.26 02-0006-0638 / O-638 AQUARIUS PROPERTIES LLC $26.85 02-0037-0851 / O-845-1 ARBA MANAGEMENT LLC $3,903.25
02-0074-0982 / O-969-7 BOULDER MOUNTAIN INN LLC A UT LMT LIAB COMP $256.80 C/O GRAYDON BRIGGS 04-0048-0005 / EVR-5 BOULDER MTN INN LLC $468.11 C/O GRAYDON BRIGGS 03-0075-0132 / B-132 BUTTERWECK JOANNE T TRUSTEE $621.81 T & C TRUST DT 11-07-2001 03-0070-0061 / B-61 C & S PASSIVE INVESTMENTS LLC $814.02 01-0017-0094 / O-88-5 CADWALADER EDWIN B& $722.70 EMMA JO SALT CADWALADER 02-0051-0899 / O-898-1 CANNON MONIKA P TRUSTEE $1,824.20
Public Notice Bryce Canyon City Annual Meeting Schedule Bryce Canyon City Town Council will hold meetings as follows: The first and third Tuesday of every month (January’s meeting will be held on the 8th and 22nd) Location: Public Safety Building, 70 West 100 North Time: 1:30 p.m. All agendas and notices will be posted at the Public Safety Building, Post Office, and Sinclair Service Station. Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on DECEMBER 27, 2012. Boulder Town 2013 Meeting Schedule Boulder Town public bodies will hold meetings at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center, 351 N. 100 E., on the following days in 2013: Council-first Thursday of each month, except July, when the meeting will be held the second Thursday (Jan. 3, Feb. 7, Mar. 7, Apr. 4, May 2, June 6, July 11, Aug. 1, Sept. 5, Oct. 3, Nov. 7, Dec. 5) Planning Commission second Tuesday of each month (Jan. 8, Feb. 12, Mar. 12, Apr. 9, May 14, June 11, July 9, Aug. 13, Sept. 10, Oct. 8, Nov. 12, Dec. 10) Board of Adjustment - third Wednesday of each month as needed. Published in The Wayne and Garfield County Insider on DECEMBER 27, 2012. 02-0028-0817 / O-804-1 CLARK TEASDALE LAND COMPANY LLC $133.00 C/O PHILIP CLARK 02-0070-0963 / O-951-3 CLARKE MERRILL $155.18 02-0074-0981 / O-969-6 CLARKSON LARRY $1,020.78 01-0007-0044 / O-44 CLINGMAN KEITH $308.77 03-0023-0001 / L-1 COOPER RAYLYNNE $1,713.12 02-0045-0905 / O-887-6 CROWTHER JOSH $413.27 01-0093-0607 / O-589-7 D & D PETROLEUM INC $1,164.62 02-0026-0812 / O-770-4 DAVIS KING INVESTMENT CO $1,541.46 C/O JEREMY JACKSON 04-0011-0013 / T-NF-4-1 DAVIS TORY J $652.42 04-0015-0031 / RR-A-31 DAVIS TORY J & JENNIFER L $279.28 01-0060-0475 / O-475 DELEEUW ALFRED G & AUDREY J $130.00 TRUSTEES 02-0026-0765 / O-765 DIAZ AVIS & AMANDA $534.25
03-0115-0024 / TE-22-2 AUNE HARALD & JANE M $410.86
02-0073-0971 / O-966-4 CANNON MONIKA P TRUSTEE $311.33
02-0037-0858 / O-847-3 BAILEY MARK E & LYNN A $24.32
04-0043-0003 / SKV-3 CARL PAULA $416.81
02-0026-0766 / O-766 DIAZ AVIS & AMANDA DIAZ $337.77
03-0049-0097 / LY-97 CHAPPELL PAUL J & $583.98 GARRETT E CHAPPELL
01-0094-0604 / O-595-4 EKKER A C $13.29 C/O SHAWN EKKER
03-0049-0105 / LY-89-1 CHAPPELL PAUL J & $633.96 GARRETT EMIL CHAPPELL 04-0044-0003 / WH-3 CHRISTENSEN SANDRA DENISE $29.76 02-0057-0940 / O-937-1 CHRISTENSEN TERESA & GREG $57.53 02-0045-0904 / O-887-9 CLAPP CODY $406.60 01-0015-0087 / O-80-7 CLARK ELVIN & MARYANN $540.03
02-0026-0791 / O-766-1 DIAZ AVIS & AMANDA $241.80
01-091A-0585 / O-585-A EKKER ARTHUR C $107.94 C/O SHAWN EKKER 01-0093-0576 / O-590-11 EKKER DENNIS & SHERRY $74.40 01-0093-0590 / O-590 EKKER FAMILY LC $678.30 01-0095-0604 / O-601-11 EKKER FAMILY LC $65.97 01-0095-0630 / O-601-30 EKKER FAMILY LC $59.59
The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER
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December 27, 2012
LEGAL NOTICES Wayne County Tax Notices, cont’d 01-0098-0604 / O-606-4 EKKER FAMILY LC $178.51 01-0099-0612 / O-610 EKKER FAMILY LC $145.91 03-0023-0033 / L-1-1 ELLETT STEPHEN & MARIA $80.00 01-0093-0610 / O-590-1 FAULKNER NICHOLAS L TRUSTEE $2,483.90 01-0093-0611 / O-590-2 FAULKNER NICHOLAS L TRUSTEE $49.51 01-0010-0058 / O-63-1 FINANCIAL SOURCE INC A UT CORP $143.28 C/O SAM HEATON 04-0023-0015 / SR-15 FORTNER KENNETH B & $409.98 CAROLYN 04-0023-0018 / SR-14-2 FORTNER KIM VICTOR & $399.61 GLORIA M 01-0093-0608 / O-589-8 FOUTZ DONALD & CONNIE $54.26 04-0050-0001 / SL-1 GILES THOMAS R TRUSTEE $135.43 GILES ALISA TRUSTEE 04-0050-0002 / SL-2 GILES THOMAS R TRUSTEE $130.98 GILES ALISA TRUSTEE 04-0050-0003 / SL-3 GILES THOMAS R TRUSTEE $130.98 GILES ALISA TRUSTEE 04-0050-0008 / SL-8 GILES THOMAS R TRUSTEE $130.98 GILES ALISA TRUSTEE 04-0050-0009 / SL-9 GILES THOMAS R TRUSTEE $130.98 GILES ALISA TRUSTEE 04-0050-0014 / SL-14 GILES THOMAS R TRUSTEE $135.43 GILES ALISA TRUSTEE 04-0050-0015 / SL-15 GILES THOMAS R TRUSTEE $135.43 GILES ALISA TRUSTEE 04-0050-0016 / SL-16 GILES THOMAS R TRUSTEE $135.43 GILES ALISA TRUSTEE 01-0095-0608 / O-601-14-1 GOODGE GERALDINE JOHN M OSBORN $232.43 LUEANN ADVEM SHIRLENE KILLIAN
02-0054-0914 / O-914 HANKS WALTER E & SHIRLEY C $96.73 02-0070-0952 / O-952 HANKS WALTER E & SHIRLEY C $59.23 02-0071-0960 / O-960 HANKS WALTER E & SHIRLEY C $46.76 01-0080-0549 / O-549 HANSEN CARL & NINA 1/3 INT $25.58 SHARON T ANDERSON KELLY J TAYLOR 02-0023-0748 / O-742-1 HANSEN SHARRON K & $850.41 VELINA MILLER & PATRICIA JENSEN 04-0023-0055 / SR-55 HARRACH LINDA S $211.64 04-0024-0028 / SR-28 HARRACH LINDA S $665.04 01-0095-0624 / O-601-6 HATCH H STEVEN & CAROLYN $293.35 01-0093-0577 / O-590-10 HATCH HANKSVILLE ENTERPRISES LC $257.93 01-0095-0601 / O-601 HATCH HANKSVILLE ENTERPRISES LC $19.71 01-0095-0628 / O-601-28 HATCH HANKSVILLE ENTERPRISES LC $57.31 01-0099-0607 / O-607 HATCH HANKSVILLE ENTERPRISES LC $242.42 01-0095-0629 / O-601-29 HATCH STEVEN & CAROLYN $56.82 04-0042-0003 / PRS-3 HEALOW MICHAEL D $591.60 03-0118-0002 / H-2 HENRY MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES LLC $2,413.27 04-0059-0002 / RKS-2 HENRY MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES LLC $29.76 ROOKIE SUBDIVISION 02-0021-0705 / O-705 HICKMAN IVA MAY & $215.62 CHRISTOPHER PAUL ET’AL 04-0010-0008 / HM-8 HIDALGO JOE $31.64 03-0094-0008 / TO-8 HOLT RICKEY LYNN TRUSTEE & $376.61 DEBORAH RIGBY HOLT TRUSTEE
02-0066-0948 / O-946-2 GREENTECH MINING INC $753.17
01-0013-0083 / O-84-1 HORROCKS GAROLD K & MARY $1,550.48 DORENE
04-0048-0002 / EVR-2 GRIFFITHS MARCIA $508.90 #32 WINDRIFT CONDO
01-0015-0088 / O-80-8 HORROCKS GAROLD K & MARY $333.43 DORENE
02-0029-0818 / O-818 GRIFFITHS REX T & CAROLYN O $142.08
01-0020-0092 / O-89-2 HORROCKS GAROLD K & MARY $18.76 DORENE
02-0021-0712 / O-712 GUNDMUNDSON MIGNON L & $571.98 RONALD
01-0024-0141 / O-141 HORROCKS GAROLD K & MARY $79.39 DORENE
03-0020-0159 / L-146-2 GURR STEVEN KENT & $472.06 SHARON MARIE
01-0025-0144 / O-143-1 HORROCKS GAROLD K & MARY $28.75 DORENE
03-0111-0038 / TE-1-4 HALES KELLY B & JEANETTE M $263.25 02-0071-0963 / O-960-3 HANKS MAYNARD A & NEDRA $45.14 TRUSTEE 02-0071-0968 / O-960-7 HANKS WALTER E & SHIRLEY $517.35 02-0053-0909 / O-909 HANKS WALTER E & SHIRLEY C $62.89 02-0053-0910 / O-910 HANKS WALTER E & SHIRLEY C $20.31
01-0091-0586 / O-581-1 HUNT CARL & JANICE $40.91 01-0093-0588 / O-588 HUNT CARL & JANICE $13.29 01-0093-0580 / O-588-8 HUNT CARL A & JANICE J $288.78 01-0093-0581 / O-588-7 HUNT CARL A & JANICE J $29.76
01-0008-0035 / O-47-2 JACKSON STANTON & TERRI $186.69 01-0018-0096 / O-96 JACOBSEN DAVID R & ANN L $388.81 02-0027-0809 / O-797-2 JANSEN DANIEL J & CONNIE R $232.62 04-0049-0003 / TLM-3 JB ROBINSON PROPERTIES LLC $894.49 03-0045-0023 / LY-23 JENSEN J RAY & INEZ DELEEUW $130.00 02-0039-0857 / O-857 KNEE LURTON JOEL III $57.60 01-0081-0555 / O-550-1A LIERD DENNIS CONSTRUCTION INC $1,296.13 01-0081-0554 / O-550-1 LIERD DENNIS II CONSTRUCTION INC $167.96 01-0020-0093 / O-91-1 LOPER RICHARD $638.57 05-0300-0026 / OSTATE-742-2 LUCERO PATRICIA LYNN $95.81 02-0021-0758 / O-734-1 MACCREA GEORGE FAMILY $353.51 ORDER ET’AL 03-0073-0120 / B-95-1 MARSH ALAN R TRUSTEE & $441.72 ANNE L ROTHMARSH TRUSTEE
02-0034-0844 / O-838-5 NYAME DUA LLC $306.81 01-0015-0090 / O-81-1 OVIATT VERLYNN J & CLIFFORD E $129.05 02-0029-0812 / O-820-7 PATROBAS LLC A UT LLC $534.25 04-0017-0028 / RRS-28 PAUL SANDRA ENCE $295.75 03-0117-0020 / C-20 PETERSON JACK & CHRISTY H $624.34 02-0009-0669 / O-669 PINE CREEK RANCH INC A NV CORP $1,045.00 C/O JANE WHITE 05-0300-0048 / O-QBS-2 QUALITY BUILDING STONE INC $313.75 VELINA MILLER 01-0094-0598 / O-598 RE JOHN W III & MARGARET E WILSON R $92.47 01-0096-0603 / O-603 RE JOHN W III & MARGARET E WILSON R $240.44 01-0094-0607 / O-599-1 RE JOHN W III & MARGARET E WILSON-R $287.69 01-0093-0609 / O-589-9 RED DESERT INC $483.79 03-065A-0179 / B-174-2 REEVE BRIAN L $236.98 03-0028-0081 / L-81 REYNOLDS JOSEPH C & LARENE L $656.86
04-0032-0001 / HT-1 MCBRIER FREDERICK P & MARY J $298.74
03-0009-0075 / F-T-75 RILEY JAMES R & HEIDI L $10.00
04-0032-0002 / HT-2 MCBRIER FREDERICK P & MARY J $322.85
01-0093-0586 / O-587-6 ROBERTS STAN WARREN & $416.55 ELLY MAE
02-0023-0753 / O-742-8 MCGILVRAY ALLEN D $10.00
02-0026-0795 / O-766-5 ROBISON RON $784.86
01-0096-0606 / O-603-3 MCLACHLAN CRAIG $63.78
03-0071-0115 / B-108-1 RODERICK APRIL BOBBIE $169.23
03-0012-0055 / F-55 MILLER PAUL A & BRIAN E $340.07
04-0014-0001 / TRR-B-1 RUSSELL LANNY $176.04
04-0048-0009 / EVR-9 MILLIGAN MARCI L $456.48 03-0093-0048 / TO-48 MITCHELL LAMAR J & KATHY M $756.27 04-0011-0003 / T-NF-3 MITCHELL RILEY ANN TRUSTEE $541.59 03-0011-0091 / F-91 MOOSMAN CECIL DELL $326.66 03-0011-0093 / F-93 MOOSMAN CECIL DELL $256.50 01-0096-0607 / O-604-1 MORRILL STEVEN & LEMIYA $333.72 01-0093-0606 / O-589-6 N&D LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY $1,691.75 03-0111-0036 / TE-1-3 NELSON BILLY JR $155.18 03-0027-0066 / L-66 NEW BRADY $987.35 03-0010-0084 / F-84 NICKLE DAVID ROSS & JOLYNNE $136.31 04-0023-0014 / SR-14 NORMAN NAOMI F $331.64 03-0047-0069 / LY-69 NOYES KENNETH C & ARDELL C $135.99
01-0093-0582 / O-588-6 HUNT CARL A & JANICE J $29.76
03-0047-0078 / LY-73-2 NOYES KENNETH C & ARDELL C $491.77
01-0093-0597 / O-588-2 HUNT CARL A & JANICE J $26.46
02-0033-0842 / O-835-2 NYAME DUA LLC $896.69
04-0014-0002 / TRR-B-2 RUSSELL LANNY $422.55 04-0040-0002 / CCS-2 SADERHOLM ERIC PATRICIA DAVIN $12.57 02-0020-0698 / O-698 SALL DONNA & DUANE PLATT $2,184.56 TRUSTEES 6-9-94 01-0086-0571 / O-571 SHAW MAY $211.64 02-0020-0702 / O-702 SIMMONS STEPHEN R $10.00 02-0020-0740 / O-706 SIMMONS STEPHEN R $10.00 03-0093-0064 / TO-49-3 SIMPER SCOTT G $421.60 02-0043-0879 / O-876-4 SLOTNIK JOANNE C & $21.33 STEVEN TRIMBLE 04-0025-0026 / SR-26 SOVEREEN KENT $211.64
01-0099-0610 / O-608 STATE OF UTAH $312.45 C/O HIGH DESERT LAND A& DEVELOP LLC 01-0099-0611 / O-608-1 STATE OF UTAH $588.98 C/O HIGH DESERT LAND & DEVEL LLC 02-0029-0822 / O-821-2 STATE OF UTAH $114.68 SCHMIDT ROBERT A SR 02-0030-0825 / O-826-5 STATE OF UTAH $671.54 SCHMIDT ROBERT A SR 03-0111-0033 / TE-33 STEVENS ROBERT C & RHEALETA J $223.73 02-0057-0941 / O-937-2 STOKES JOHN & TERESA $12.88 02-0058-0941 / O-937-2A STOKES JOHN & TERESA $12.88 03-0041-0005 / LY-2-2 STRONG BECKY $141.70 01-0034-0195 / O-195-2 STRONG BECKY V $129.05 04-0002-0007 / CV-7 STRONG BECKY V $138.04
03-0042-0121 / LY-109-1 VANDYKE JOE & FERN M $338.49 POTTER 03-0042-0109 / LY-109 VANDYKE RENE ALBERT JUDY $293.90 LEFEVRE 02-0074-0983 / O-969-8 VELVET RIDGE LLC $453.60 C/O GRAYDON BRIGGS 03-0011-0073 / F-73 WASSMER SHAWN C & LESA J $332.92 03-0071-0118 / B-109-2 WAYNE THEATER LLC THE $1,295.89 03-0032-0153 / L-139-1 WEAVER KEN CONSTRUCTION INC $800.69 02-0044-0888 / O-882-3 WEISBERG JONATHAN & PAMELA $638.61 02-0051-0898 / O-898 WEISBERG PAMELA & JONATHAN $690.66 01-0095-0612 / O-601-18 WELLS DONALD L & SHARLET R $413.05
04-0002-0009 / CV-9 STRONG BECKY V $138.04
01-0095-0617 / O-601-23 WELLS DOUGLAS R & MONA L $170.30
01-0085-0559 / O-565-2 SWARTLEY NELSON S $182.83 GENEVIEVE TAYLOR
03-0118-0011 / H-11 WELLS WILLIAM & JENNIFER $49.51
01-0085-0578 / O-569 SWARTLEY NELSON S $21.06
01-0093-0614 / O-590-5 WELLS WILLIAM R & JENNIFER $769.19
04-0025-0047 / SR-47 SWIDNICKI MICHAEL A $10.00 01-0031-0181 / O-164-2A TAYLOR DANIEL BUD & $201.23 LENORE P 02-0003-0636 / O-628-1 TAYLOR DARRYL B & DOROTHA C $10.00 01-0064-0498 / O-479-7 TAYLOR DOROTHA & LORA ROBINS $10.00 03-0026-0042 / L-42 TIPPETTS LAVERE $426.64 C/O DAVID TIPPETTS 03-0076-0131 / B-137-1 TORGERSON LARRY K & ELIZABETH $82.14 03-0076-0132 / B-137-2 TORGERSON LARRY K & ELIZABETH $82.14 02-0043-0874 / O-876-2 TRIMBLE STEPHEN & $10.00 SLOTNIK JOANNE C 03-0116-0028 / TE-28 UDALL BRADEN R & KATHRYN G $1,028.08 02-0091-0990 / O-990 UMINA MICHAEL PAUL $828.06 03-0095-0033 / TO-33 UPTAIN DARLA LYNN $706.32 02-0037-0849 / O-844-2 UTZ PAUL HANSEL 50% & $700.53 WILLIAM S JONES 50% 03-0042-0122 / LY-109-1A VANDYKE JOE $207.81
01-0094-0587 / O-597 WELLS WILLIAM R & JENNIFER $685.95 01-0094-0596 / O-596 WELLS WILLIAM R & JENNIFER $46.42 01-0095-0607 / O-601-14 WHIPPLE CURTIS & CHYLENE $661.69 04-0033-0001 / MR-1 WHITE MELINDA $604.91 03-0118-0014 / H-14 WILKINS CYNTHIA $343.79 01-0089-0575 / O-575 WILKINSON CHRIS & SANDY $797.31 01-0021-1004 / O-101-3 WILSON CORY C $184.21 01-0094-0591 / O-591 WILSON KIM E $10.00 03-0098-0074 / TO-74 WRIGHT MICHEL & BIRGIT $10.00 01-0081-0552 / O-552 YOUNG MARY LOU 1/3 KELLER $137.78 GARY JANELLE CHARLENE 2/15 02-0037-0856 / O-843 ZAK GROUP LLC $1,309.18 Parcel Count = 214 Total Delinquencies = $84,887.90
The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER
December 27, 2012
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LEGAL NOTICES GARFIELD COUNTY DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAX LIST OF GARFIELD COUNTY FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 To all persons whose names appear on the following delinquent tax list. You hereby take notice that unless the delinquent taxes upon the property and in the amount indicated below, together with penalty are paid before 12 o’clock noon on the 31st day of January, 2013 the real property upon which such taxes are a lien, excepting only such property as is held by the county under a proper preliminary tax sale, will be sold to Garfield County, State of Utah, to satisfy taxes and costs and the personal property and improvements will be attached to the real property of said owners and sold according to law. Interest shall accrue as of January 1, 2013 unless the delinquent taxes, together with the penalty, are paid before 12 o’clock noon on January 31, 2013. Jeannie Henrie, Treasurer of Garfield County, State of Utah 16-0081-0894 / WR-106-1 4-D KIDS LLC $243.20 DESERT RAIN MANAGEMENT 10-0016-0077 / CCD-32-3 7070 HOLDINGS LC $14.29 08-0080-0004 / TBMS-4 ADAIR CHARLES $40.02 08-0080-0005 / TBMS-5 ADAIR CHARLES $40.02 23-0018-0032 / CCE1-32 ADAMS LAURIE EDMONDSON & $150.52 MICHAEL J. ADAMS 16-0081-1223 / WR-725-3-1 ADAMS MARJORIE ELLEN $148.41 ADAMS WARREN DARRYL 23-0081-0208 / WR-208 ADAMS MICHAEL J & LAURIE $89.25 23-0081-0211 / WR-211 ADAMS MICHAEL J & LAURIE $551.04 16-0081-1426 / WR-734-1 ADAMS WENDY $272.38 16-0081-1427 / WR-734-2 ADAMS WENDY $272.38 08-0073-0318 / T-201-1 AHLSTROM M DOUGLAS $228.16 & ET’AL 05-0038-0046 / HA-46 ALLEMAN DENISE $10.00 C/O VANESSA WRIGHT 14-0053-0122 / HU-4-21 ALLEN STEVE $30.06 16-0081-1284 / WR-749-1-9 ALLRED CURT $259.26
01-0001-0157 / A-76-1 ARCHIBALD A STUART TRUSTE $124.23 % ALFRD GONZALES 23-0081-0727 / WR-528-B-1 ARCHIBEK EUGENE B $33.93 EVANS WENONAH L 16-0057-0105 / MCS2-90 AREBALO ALBERT $1,001.23 07-0063-0070 / P-70 AUER MICHELE S $460.76 02-0005-0189 / B-70-B AUSTIN JOHN H TRUSTEE $725.31 SMALLEY JACQUELINE A TRUSTEE 17-0027-0488 / ER-53-B-6-2 AUSTIN MARK $926.71 AUSTIN KATRIN 02-0005-0274 / B-23-5-1 AUSTIN MARK M $404.59 04-0022-0005 / E-5 AUSTIN MARK M $255.96 04-0022-0283 / E-283 AUSTIN MARK M $168.41 04-0022-0447 / E-2-1 AUSTIN MARK M $1,105.76 04-0022-0455 / E-212-1 AUSTIN MARK M $144.00 23-0040-0027 / HC-27 AYOTTE RONALD M MARK LRUS $51.22 C.DAVID C. 14-0046-0015 / HRE-C-15 B PROPERTIES LLC TRUSTEE $15.84 14-0046-0016 / HRE-C-16 B PROPERTIES LLC TRUSTEE $16.24
08-0073-0447 / T-101-1-1 BARNSON KYLE $184.52 BARNSON LAFAUN MARIE 07-0063-0979 / P-26-2 BARRON TONYA $200.08 16-0074-0184 / TC1-184 BARROWS NATHAN A $218.57 15-0075-0177 / TCD-177 BC RESORTS LLC $3,509.42 15-0075-0249 / TCD-177-2 BC RESORTS LLC $319.22 15-0075-0250 / TCD-177-3 BC RESORTS LLC $738.32 08-0073-0284 / T-122-1 BEAGLEY STEVEN G $310.00 15-0075-0242 / TCD-204-4 BEARNSON BRAD H $16.00 23-0006-0044 / BDE-44 BEAVER DAM VILLAGE OWNERS ASSOCIATION $384.72 04-0022-0336 / E-336 BECK DIANA MARIE $802.35 BECK DAVID O 16-0057-0029 / MCS1-29 BELT DIANE D TRUSTEE $1,249.42 & ET’AL 23-0081-0521 / WR-521 BENTLEY HETTIE ANNE $347.34 BENTLEY BLAKE 23-0081-0637 / WR-224-B-2 BENTLEY RODNEY S & JERRIL $1,396.78 JO 16-0083-0050 / YPA-A BERTOLDO HEATHER A $229.09 16-0083-0001 / YPA-1 BERTOLDO HEATHER A & JOHN $295.33
16-0060-0055 / PCS-55 BOWDLE LARRY STANLEY $447.30 BOWDLE ELAINE RUTH 23-0018-0031 / CCE1-31 BOWERMAN SHAWN $86.52 BOWERMAN DEBRA 02-0011-0010 / BKRE-10 BOWERS RUSSELL W TRUSTEE $180.66 BOWERS DONETTA TRUSTEE 07-0063-0396 / P-396 BOWLEY RICHARD MURRAY $192.36 BOWLEY MARY J 23-0004-0003 / ARH-3 BOZARTH HENRY $384.72 BOZARTH YONG 16-0074-0146 / TC1-146 BRACKIN JON R $247.78 04-0022-0564 / E-35-A BRAMBLE JUSTINE MARIE $656.41 04-0022-0209 / E-209 BRAMBLE MARLEY $406.35 HUTCHINSON JOHN HOWARD 05-0038-0173 / HA-56-B-1 BRIAN HEAD READY MIX LLC $616.59 07-0063-0785 / P-460-3 BRIDGES RUSSELL $207.29 07-0063-0786 / P-460-4 BRIDGES RUSSELL $784.11 16-0081-0093 / WR-93 BRINDLEY RYAN $39.42 BRINDLEY DANETTE 08-0073-0066 / T-66 BRINKERHOFF JEFFREY $10.00 BRINKERHOFF ANDERA 07-0063-0593 / P-136-B BRINKERHOFF KENDELL W $776.57 BRINKERHOFF MARILYN P 14-0053-0230 / HU-6-26 BRISTER ROBERT D $30.06 BRISTER EMILY LOUISE 14-0053-0495 / HU-15-1 BRISTER ROBERT D $30.06 BRISTER EMILY LOUISE
01-0001-0049 / A-49 ALLRED GARY $18.96
14-0046-0017 / HRE-C-17 B PROPERTIES LLC TRUSTEE $16.24
04-0022-0444 / E-189-A ALVEY SAMUEL PRESTON $465.32 & ET’AL
07-0062-0007 / NS-7 BAGY DAVID ALAN $369.31 BAGY CANDY ANN
04-0022-0186 / E-186 ALVEY THOMAS A $484.16 ALVEY TAMMY KAY
07-0062-0008 / NS-8 BAGY DAVID ALAN $110.40 BAGY CANDY ANN
23-0054-0008 / LFE1-A-8 AMAYA SERGIO LOPEZ $647.02 & ET’AL
16-0060-0119 / PCS-119 BAKER BERKLEY $128.76 BAKER DORIAN
23-0054-0009 / LFE1-A-9 AMAYA SERGIO LOPEZ $647.02 & ET’AL
16-0060-0120 / PCS-120 BAKER BERKLEY JAMES $418.76 BAKER DORIAN
14-0072-0123 / SRE-123 ANDERSEN KEITH W $31.40
23-0081-0628 / WR-219-3 BAKO MICHAEL J $436.81 BAKO THERESE M
04-0058-0104 / MG-104 BOARDMAN CONSTANCE J TRUSTEE $10.00
16-0081-1294 / WR-757-A-6 BALL GARY W $393.82
16-0074-0133 / TC1-133 BOECKMAN SUSAN M $1,298.56 BOECKMAN LARRY M II
14-0053-0296 / HU-9-17 BOLLINGER ETHYL MARIE TRU $50.13 E
14-0047-0032 / HRE-D-32 BROWN JEFF $10.00
14-0046-0008 / HRE-C-8 BALLARD WILLIAM COURTNEY $16.96 04-0035-0006 / EWS-6 BARKER KENNETH $30.46 08-0073-0283 / T-12-A BARKER TERRY R $158.06 BARKER CAROLYN I
23-0056-0018 / LVR-18 ANDERSON MORRIS G TRUSTEE $431.56
05-0038-0170 / HA-108-1 BARNEY KERRY $276.76 BARNEY CINDY
14-0053-0416 / HU-13-12 ANDERSON REBECCA J $30.06
23-0067-0005 / PLFA-5 ARCHER JACQUETTA K $56.84 23-0067-0006 / PLFA-6 ARCHER JACQUETTA K $56.84
11-0024-0258 / ECD-258 BARNEY VAY L & JESSIE H $22.07 C/O PATRICIA WALLICK
23-0081-0205 / WR-205 BESS REX E & EMMA S $422.19 PO BOX 726 23-0081-0212 / WR-212 BESS REX E & EMMA S $1,090.26 P.O. BOX 726 23-0081-0616 / WR-212-1 BESS REX E & EMMA S $422.19 P.O. BOX 726 14-0053-0386 / HU-11-24 BITTNER ELMER E & JAN L $30.06 C/O NANCY KUHLMANN
28-9999-0006 / ERTED/6 BROMIDE MINING LLC $11,550.31 AVRAHAM AZOULAY MAG 17-0027-0511 / ER-52-B-19 BROOKS DEAN $2,855.96 14-0064-0396 / PC-126-3 BROPHY BRAD $694.78 BROPHY DAWN 16-0057-0107 / MCS2-92 BROPHY BRADLEY E $729.27
14-0055-0035 / LHS-35 BLACK ANDY G $224.01 BLACK JOELANN
16-0082-0067 / WTS-67 BROSMAN SANDRA $83.86
07-0063-0672 / P-281-1 BLEVINS JOHN WILLARD III $616.85 & ET’AL
16-0060-0015 / PCS-15 BROWN BRITANI $431.79
14-0053-0299 / HU-9-20 BOLLINGER ETHYL MARIE TRU $50.13 E 11-0024-0206 / ECD-206 BOULDER MOUNTAIN DEVELOPE $46.70 % ROBERT TERRIL 02-0005-0181 / B-65-1 BOULDER MOUNTAIN LODGE LLC $1,300.29 % BANK OF AMERICAN FORK 14-0053-0193 / HU-5-23 BOWDLE BLAIZE CHASE $30.06 14-0053-0178 / HU-5-8 BOWDLE DALE $30.06
14-0046-0003 / HRE-C-3 BROWN STEVEN R $17.09 BROWN JESSE S
16-0081-1058 / WR-474-3 CARLOS MARK N $88.71 CARLOS PAMELA S
14-0046-0004 / HRE-C-4 BROWN STEVEN R $18.07 BROWN JESSE S
20-0033-0052 / ERTS4-52 CARRILLO EVER $97.43
14-0046-0005 / HRE-C-5 BROWN STEVEN R $16.96 BROWN JESSE S
16-0074-0145 / TC1-145 CARROL BENNY DALE & JACQU $247.78 NE KAY
14-0046-0006 / HRE-C-6 BROWN STEVEN R $16.96 BROWN JESSE S 14-0046-0007 / HRE-C-7 BROWN STEVEN R $16.82 BROWN JESSE S 14-0046-0009 / HRE-C-9 BROWN STEVEN R $17.22 BROWN JESSE S 14-0046-0010 / HRE-C-10 BROWN STEVEN R $16.69 BROWN JESSE S 14-0046-0011 / HRE-C-11 BROWN STEVEN R $18.20 BROWN JESSE S
02-0013-0005 / BS-5 CATMULL RANDY & BRENDA L $82.53
07-0063-0263 / P-263 BUEHNER DEBRA DAVIS TRUSTEE $611.32
02-0005-0135 / B-33-1 CATMULL RANDY J $855.41 AND ET’AL
07-0062-0011 / NS-11 BULLCREEK TINA FRANDSEN $526.79
02-0005-0136 / B-33-1-1 CATMULL RANDY J $138.00 CATMULL BRENDA L
16-0081-1111 / WR-550-3 BUNDY DAVE H $312.79 & ET’AL
02-0013-0004 / BS-4 CATMULL RANDY J & BRENDA $82.53
12-0042-0124 / HCM-124 BURKETT TINA L $615.58
02-0013-0006 / BS-6 CATMULL RANDY J & BRENDA $82.53
14-0053-0050 / HU-2-11 BURNDAHL RUSSELL J ELDA M $30.06 TRUSTEES, BLAINE R. & NOEL R 14-0053-0051 / HU-2-12 BURNDAHL RUSSELL J ELDA M $30.06 TRUSTEES BLAINE R. & NOEL R 07-0063-0561 / P-561 BURNINGHAM DOUGLAS TRUSTE $328.51 BURNINGHAM MARY BETH TRUSTEE 23-0054-0044 / LFE1-B-34 BURNINGHAM SHERRIE $647.02 14-0064-0849 / PC-344-A-1 BURNS ANDREW $126.86 BURNS DIANNA
02-0013-0007 / BS-7 CATMULL RANDY J & BRENDA $82.53 02-0013-0008 / BS-8 CATMULL RANDY J & BRENDA $248.33 16-0081-0383 / WR-383 CEDAR FLAT LLC $27.62 16-0081-1009 / WR-383-A CEDAR FLAT LLC $14.37 12-9999-0003 / HCM/3 CEDAR MOUNTAIN MATERIALS LLC $561.32 % NEIL JACOBSON
07-0063-0108 / P-108 BURNS BRANDY $820.79 & ET’AL
16-0081-0929 / WR-114-5 CHAFFEE PAUL B $87.62 ARRIGO ROSEMARY C
16-0081-0930 / WR-114-6 CHAFFEE PAUL B $96.80 ARRIGO ROSEMARY C
16-0081-1260 / WR-737-7 BUSTER NATALIE E & BERRY $324.86 RESA J.
08-0073-0329 / T-206-3 CHAPPUIS MARCEL C $355.16
08-0073-0289 / T-125-4 BYBEE JASON $840.28 BYBEE LAREE 07-0063-0645 / P-230-2 CAMERON PROPERTIES LLC $289.53 % GAYLE HARMAN 08-0073-0435 / T-84-1 CAMPBELL LEVI GOLDBARG $228.16 02-0011-0051 / BKRE-51 CANDLAND JAMES M $180.66 CANDLAND SHERI
16-0057-0087 / MCS2-75 CARLE DONALD $104.24
14-0046-0002 / HRE-C-2 BROWN STEVEN R $18.78 BROWN JESSE S
02-0011-0039 / BKRE-39 CATMULL JOHN E $20.32 CATMULL ROBERTA A
08-0073-0109 / T-109 BRYCE VALLEY LODGING LLC $353.45
14-0045-0001 / HRE-B-1 BROWN JESSE S $15.53 BROWN STEPHEN R
14-0046-0001 / HRE-C-1 BROWN STEVEN R $17.49 BROWN JESSE S
02-0005-0137 / B-33-2 CATMULL RANDY $138.00 CATMULL BRENDA
17-0027-0415 / ER-52-B-5 CAPRINE INVESTMENTS LLC $20.75
23-0007-0001 / BDV-A-1 BROWN SHASTA $384.72
23-0081-0763 / WR-529-G-1 CASA PER LACUS LLC $1,119.89
14-0046-0014 / HRE-C-14 BROWN STEVEN R $14.24 BROWN JESSE S
14-0053-0502 / HU-15-8 BROWN JEFF $10.00
14-0045-0002 / HRE-B-2 BROWN JESSE S $15.84 BROWN STEPHEN R
03-0015-0149 / C-48-2 CARTER GEOFFREY $552.99
16-0057-0084 / MCS2-72 CARLE DONALD W $149.35 16-0057-0085 / MCS2-73 CARLE DONALD W $297.40
08-0073-0330 / T-206-4 CHAPPUIS MARCEL C $366.73 02-0005-0243 / B-98-1-2-1 CHATWIN TROY $27.92 % BEVIN MCCABE 08-0080-0037 / TBMS-37 CHERVICK TIMOTHY MICHAEL $88.01 23-0040-0025 / HC-25 CHEW SHERISE $51.22 4901 W 93RD AVE 23-0040-0026 / HC-26 CHEW SHERISE $51.22 4901 W 93RD AVE 11-0024-0007 / ECD-7 CHIEF LONGTAIL INC $437.62 07-0063-0147 / P-147 CHILDS MARK $960.39 CHILDS HEATHER 23-0007-0041 / BDV-A-41 CHOICE LENDING USA $2,229.74 04-0058-0155 / MG-155 CHRISTENSEN CHRIS $972.70
16-0057-0086 / MCS2-74 CARLE DONALD W $81.24
07-0063-0453 / P-453 CHRISTENSEN SCOTT E $1,432.78 CHRISTENSEN JOYCE D
07-0063-0777 / P-453-1 CHRISTENSEN SCOTT E $138.58 CHRISTENSEN JOYCE D
The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER
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December 27, 2012
LEGAL NOTICES Garfield County Tax Notices, cont’d 03-0015-0068 / C-68 CISNEROS JESSICA TRUSTEE $101.24 03-0015-0131 / C-44-1 CISNEROS JESSICA TRUSTEE $1,231.28
23-0007-0062 / BDV-A-62 COOK MARTIN $1,789.35 COOK RENE 14-0064-0525 / PC-262-B-4 COON PATRICIA A $230.88
09-0002-0044 / AC-2-5 CITY LIMITS RANCH LLC $121.49
07-0063-0536 / P-536 COOPER JAMES N $996.11 COOPER KATHLEEN B
16-0074-0060 / TC1-60 CLARK ARIA ARNOLD $109.93
07-0063-0713 / P-373-1 COOPER OPHELIA N $15.51
16-0074-0061 / TC1-61 CLARK ARIA ARNOLD $109.93
07-0063-0507 / P-507 COOPER THAN W $1,164.62 COOPER GAYLENE
16-0074-0062 / TC1-62 CLARK ARIA ARNOLD $109.92 12-0079-0036 / USS-36 CLARK JAMES M $529.38 C/O MARY MUSE 02-0011-0038 / BKRE-38 CLARKSON DALE E TRUSTEE $180.66 CLARKSON PATSY W TRUSTEE
16-0081-1297 / WR757-A-6-3 CORNELL DANIEL C $141.19 CORNELL DARLA I 23-0036-0038 / FG-38 CORONEOS DOROTHY M TRUSTEE $1,072.21
04-0022-0164 / E-164 CLERY JAMES DAVID $464.29
05-0038-0094 / HA-94 CORWIN TAMMY JO $589.21 CORWIN RANDALL M
08-0073-0019 / T-19 CLEVELAND DACK $375.88 CLEVELAND KATIE
12-0042-0029 / HCM-29 CORWIN TAMMY JO $132.40 CORWIN RANDALL M
14-0072-0042 / SRE-42 CLUCAS DONALD LAINE $31.40
14-0072-0043 / SRE-43 CLUCAS DONALD LAINE $31.40 08-0080-0023 / TBMS-23 COLOR COUNTRY COMMUNITY H $40.02 08-0080-0026 / TBMS-26 COLOR COUNTRY COMMUNITY H $40.02 08-0080-0034 / TBMS-34 COLOR COUNTRY COMMUNITY H $88.01 08-0080-0035 / TBMS-35 COLOR COUNTRY COMMUNITY H $88.01
16-0081-0994 / WR-36-1 COTTONWOOD LEDGES LAND CO LLC $15.60 SORENSON DAVID E 16-0081-1000 / WR-37-1 COTTONWOOD LEDGES LAND CO LLC $14.37 SORENSON DAVID 16-0081-0988 / WR-275-5 COTTONWOOD LEDGES LAND COMPANY LLC $36.15 SORENSON DAVID 03-0015-0079 / C-79 COX PAUL $246.08 AND ET’AL 15-8888-0001 / TCD-PP-1 COX PAUL $45.53
08-0080-0036 / TBMS-36 COLOR COUNTRY COMMUNITY H $88.01
15-8888-0002 / TCD-PP-2 COX PAUL $248.29
08-0080-0038 / TBMS-38 COLOR COUNTRY COMMUNITY H $105.99
08-0073-0044 / T-44 COX PAUL G & DBA HELIVIS $362.27 ION
08-0080-0039 / TBMS-39 COLOR COUNTRY COMMUNITY H $105.99
14-0053-0405 / HU-13-1 CRAWFORD R TERRY $30.06
06-0043-0172 / HE-93-1 COLOR COUNTRY MOTORS LLC $54.80 % DELON FLETCHER 13-0041-0092 / HCD-41-1-1 COLOR COUNTRY MOTORS LLC $177.05 % DELON FLETCHER 12-0042-0075 / HCM-75 COMPTON DANNIE CHARLES $184.06 16-0081-1266 / WR-748-2 CONN JOHN EDWARD $303.73 MUELLER BART L 16-0081-0715 / WR-715 CONN WILLIAM B $42.80 16-0081-1155 / WR-711-2-4 CONN WILLIAM B $196.16 16-0081-1176 / WR-714-1 CONN WILLIAM B $29.68 16-0081-1177 / WR-714-2 CONN WILLIAM B $14.37 16-0081-0714 / WR-714 CONN WILLIAM B & DIANA $26.62 16-0081-1178 / WR-715-1 CONN WILLIAM B & DIANA $1,338.85 16-0081-1245 / WR-735-B CONNOLLY BETTY L & BARBAR $198.13 JEAN 14-0064-0430 / PC-160-C CONNOR ROBERT J TRUSTEE $384.40 & ET’AL
14-0053-0406 / HU-13-2 CRAWFORD R TERRY $30.06 14-0053-0407 / HU-13-3 CRAWFORD R TERRY $30.06 14-0053-0408 / HU-13-4 CRAWFORD R TERRY $30.06 14-0064-0617 / PC322-A-3-3-1 CREED RAY JR $30.29 CREED ELEANOR C 04-0022-0472 / E-251-1 CRONIN ERVIN $561.61 CRONIN DEBROAH J 04-0022-0651 / E-302-1-1 CROSIER RYAN P $236.27 CROSIER AMBER K 08-0073-0441 / T-211-4 CROWTHER NATHAN R $180.73 14-0053-0089 / HU-3-27 CULLEN IRENE $30.06 % IRENE STOKLOSA 14-0053-0090 / HU-3-28 CULLEN IRENE $30.06 % IRENE STOKLOSA 23-0036-0026 / FG-26 CURTIS LELAND J $150.52 CURTIS JACQUELINE R B 23-0065-0042 / PLE-1-42 CUSIMANO MARK $362.55 14-9999-0008 / PC/8 DALTON MICHAEL & CHRISTIN $60.83 SAND AND GRAVEL 16-0081-1010 / WR-384-A DAVID JOHN S $14.81
14-0064-0463 / PC-195-1 DAVIDSON TERRY L $10.00 DAVIDSON JILL R
04-0022-0406 / E-145-1 DROWN THOMAS $385.64 DROWN BRENDA
16-0070-0119 / SL-14-1 DAVIS EDWARD A $21.81
16-0060-0047 / PCS-47 DUNCAN JAMES M $60.00 DUNCAN HEATHER L
14-0053-0213 / HU-6-9 DAVIS KEVIN $19.76 DAVIS DEBRA ANN LIVELY-
11-0024-0418 / ECD-63-3-1 DUNHAM DAWNETA $91.08
14-0053-0506 / HU-15-12 FELIX HAZEL $30.06 % BRIAN & SHELLY FELIX 16-0003-0004 / AH-4 FIELD JOHN P & KAREN A $71.82 16-0003-0006 / AH-6 FIELD JOHN P & KAREN $476.04
11-0024-0049 / ECD-49 GARROSS ROBERT $14.27 11-0024-0050 / ECD-50 GARROSS ROBERT $14.27 11-0024-0373 / ECD-50-1 GARROSS ROBERT $14.27 16-0074-0159 / TC1-159 GATHERUM ROY D & VICKI $247.78
14-0053-0415 / HU-13-11 DAVIS KEVIN $30.06 DAVIS DEBRA ANN LIVELY-
03-0015-0102 / C-17-1 DUNHAM EDGAR LEE $390.30 DUNHAM DAWNETA
16-0003-0005 / AH-5 FIELD JOHN P & KAREN A $476.04
14-0061-0022 / MVS-22 DAVIS PHILIP L $198.63 DAVIS KIM
23-0081-0554 / WR-170-1 FINDLAY INSURANCE COMPANY $91.17
14-0053-0555 / HU-1-26 FISHER ELLARD W $30.06 FISHER RUTH E
14-0053-0192 / HU-5-22 FITZGERALD JOHN T TRUSTEE $30.06
16-0074-0023 / TC1-23 GEOFFRION LARRY E $295.33 CAVE ELIZABETH E
03-0015-0032 / C-32 FLETCHER JOHN C $331.34 & ET’AL
14-0053-0375 / HU-11-13 GERSTLAUER PENNY $30.06
14-0064-0678 / PC-348-A-3 FLINT BUDDY $293.92
04-0058-0129 / MG-129 DURRETT MELISSA $152.00
16-0083-0016 / YPA-16 DEAN DENNIS TRUSTEE $1,908.74 & ET’AL
14-0010-0008 / ARE-7 EBAN-BUONTO BELLIZEMA $238.85
23-0081-0806 / WR-544-2 EBAN-BUONTO BELLIZEMA $120.68 14-0064-0051 / PC-51 EL SPLENDIDO CANYON RANCH $45.31
16-0070-0016 / SL-3-1 DEFLORENTIS CHRISTOPHER E $21.81
16-0081-0060 / WR-60 EL SPLENDIDO CANYON RANCH $5,083.31 C.
16-0070-0025 / SL-3-10 DEFLORENTIS CHRISTOPHER E $21.81
16-0070-0004 / SL-1-4 ELAM MONA JEN TRSUTEE $21.81
16-0070-0139 / SL-16-1 DEFLORENTIS CHRISTOPHER E $21.81
11-0024-0357 / ECD-298-1 ELT HOLDINGS LLC $889.45
16-0070-0140 / SL-16-2 DEFLORENTIS CHRISTOPHER E $21.81 23-0008-0004 / BDV-B-4 DEMAREE WILLIAM A & JANIC $384.72 17-0027-0444 / ER-67-3 DEMAY LAURA L $423.13 FULLMER KEITH SIDNEY 07-0063-0381 / P-381 DENIKE JOHN R $462.66 C/O KIM BARTON 16-0081-1298 / WR757-A-7-1 DESCHAMPS MAUREEN DONNELLY $601.19 07-0063-0843 / P-511-1 DICKINSON RANDALL A $572.18 DICKINSON BRANDI
06-0043-0097 / HE-55-1 ENGLAND DOUGLAS EDWARD $78.07 & ET’AL 06-0043-0131 / HE-81 ENGLAND ROBERT MORRIS $109.44 & ET’AL 11-0024-0265 / ECD-265 ESCALANTE CATTLE ASSOCIAT $22.76 % SAM SPENCER 16-0003-0091 / AH-91 ESPINOSA TONY $726.39 07-0063-0088 / P-88 EVERETT LEGACY LLC $437.45 07-0063-0206 / P-206 EVERETT MARC L $645.92 EVERETT BRANDY 12-0079-0011 / USS-11 EXCELL DOUGLAS $154.70
06-0043-0109 / HE-7-A FORD MARY ELIZABETH $156.20 C/O DUSTIN SORENSEN 23-0019-0027 / CCE2-27 FORSYTH JEWEL $1,099.83 06-0043-0105 / HE-63-2 FOUNTAIN CAROLYN RENEE BR $78.07 16-0074-0179 / TC1-179 FRALEY BRUCE A $295.33 FRALEY DAWN E 16-0074-0180 / TC1-180 FRALEY BRUCE A $1,493.66 FRALEY DAWN E 16-0012-0010 / BP-10 FREEMAN KELLY J $1,068.87 20-0032-0044 / ERTS3-44 FRENCH KEITH E $113.20 C/O MARGIE FRENCH 16-0057-0028 / MCS1-28 FRIEND SHARON TRUSTEE $85.82 C/O ROGER FRIEND 16-0057-0116 / MCS1-27-1 FRIEND SHARON TRUSTEE $1,208.06 C/O ROGER FRIEND 17-0027-0067 / ER-67 FULLMER KEITH SIDNEY $289.33 DEMAY LAURA L 23-0065-0046 / PLE-1-46 GALLOWAY WILLIAM BRYAN TRUSTEE $90.14 14-0064-0476 / PC-206-2 GALVAN ARTHUR P $518.22 16-0060-0109 / PCS-109 GARDNER JAMIE TRUSTEE $447.30 & ET’AL 12-0042-0043 / HCM-43 GARFIELD LAND & CATTLE LLC $4,721.95 % MIKE THIEME 05-0038-0050 / HA-50 GARFIELD LAND AND CATTLE LLC $2,834.94 % MIKE THIEME
20-0032-0041 / ERTS3-41 DIMENTO PAUL $113.20 DIMENTO LISA AMADOR
14-0064-0407 / PC-133-3 EYRE GRETHA $277.51 EYRE WARREN
16-0081-1206 / WR-721-1-1 DOCKSTADER T DAVID JR $254.01
05-0038-0133 / HA-50-1 GARFIELD LAND AND CATTLE LLC $343.90 % MIKE THIEME
16-0081-1104 / WR-550-23 FAYAD JOSEPH B TRUSTEE $463.88
05-0038-0134 / HA-50-2 GARFIELD LAND AND CATTLE LLC $877.69 % MIKE THIEME
16-0081-1105 / WR-550-24 FAYAD JOSEPH B TRUSTEE $603.07
14-0053-0185 / HU-5-15 GARNER BRYAN EARL $30.06
07-0063-0739 / P-415-2 DODDS BUD J $680.24 DODDS JULIE A 04-0022-0516 / E-298-2 DODGE WILLIAM PAUL $1,106.03 DODGE JOLENE CECILE 23-0081-0661 / WR-235-57-1 DONNELLAN PATCH $826.65 AND ET’AL 23-0081-0627 / WR-219-2 DOYON JIM $1,660.01 DOYON ELAINE 22-0077-0007 / TCDB-3-2 DRIEDONKS ROBERT R TRUSTEE $5,224.52 DRIEDONKS TERRI A TRUSTEE
16-0081-1112 / WR-550-30 FAYAD JOSEPH B TRUSTEE $463.88 14-0053-0504 / HU-15-10 FELIX HAZEL $30.06 % BRIAN & SHELLY FELIX 14-0053-0505 / HU-15-11 FELIX HAZEL $30.06 % BRIAN & SHELLY FELIX
14-0053-0186 / HU-5-16 GARNER BRYAN EARL $30.06 14-0053-0188 / HU-5-18 GARNER BRYAN EARL $30.06 03-0015-0070 / C-70 GARROSS ROBERT $167.39 06-0043-0053 / HE-53 GARROSS ROBERT $189.39
16-0025-0002 / D&GS-2 GILLIE DAVID $293.37 14-0053-0215 / HU-6-11 GIULIERI LOUIS C $30.06 % DENNIS GIULIERI 14-0053-0216 / HU-6-12 GIULIERI LOUIS C $30.06 C/O DENNIS GIULIERI 01-0001-0183 / A-29-3 GLEAVE BRADLEY CALVIN $121.42 GLEAVE STEPHYNIE SABRINA 07-0063-0492 / P-492 GLEAVE LADEAN $200.08 01-0001-0011 / A-11 GLEAVE SCOTT S $130.24 01-0001-0101 / A-11-2 GLEAVE SCOTT S $242.30 05-0038-0128 / HA-43-B GOLDSBERRY JOLYN TRUSTEE $748.03 01-0001-0156 / A-74-4 GONZALES ALFRED JAMES $121.42 14-0053-0187 / HU-5-17 GONZALEZ KAREN APRIL $30.06 14-0064-0750 / PC-51-C-11 GOOCH PAUL R $70.68 GOOCH CHANTRA S 02-0014-0002 / BF-2 GOOD GRACES LLC $947.53 20-0031-0025 / ERTS2-25 GOODMILLER CHARLES $143.71 GOODMILLER BETTY G 14-0053-0069 / HU-3-7 GOSS KENNETH R & SHERYL $24.91 14-0053-0286 / HU-9-7 GOSSETT JON $50.13 NYBO KYLE 14-0053-0287 / HU-9-8 GOSSETT JON $50.13 NYBO KYLE 14-0053-0288 / HU-9-9 GOSSETT JON $50.13 NYBO KYLE 12-0042-0098 / HCM-98 GRAYDON MARK $98.92 12-0042-0151 / HCM-102-5 GREEN DAMON TRUSTEE $1,477.72 04-0022-0089 / E-89 GREEN RICK L $681.82 04-0022-0090 / E-90 GREEN RICK L $407.60 04-0022-0102 / E-102 GRIFFIN ALAN LAMONT $405.19 & ET’AL 12-0042-0127 / HCM-127 GUESMAN JAMES E $1,812.17
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LEGAL NOTICES Garfield County Tax Notices, cont’d 16-0084-0055 / YPB-55 GURSHIN BRADLEE M TRUSTEE $908.31 GURSHIN SUZANNE V TRUSTEE 07-0063-0317 / P-317 HALL JAMES H SR $1,201.95 HALL SHELLIE M 16-0003-0080 / AH-80 HAMEL ELAINE B $476.04 23-0007-0053 / BDV-A-53 HANCE HENRY W JR TRUSTEE $371.47 14-0053-0384 / HU-11-22 HANLEY WENDI RUTH $30.06 16-0081-1203 / WR-719-8 HANNAH VINCENT E $1,573.67 HANNAH LORETTA Y 16-0057-0040 / MCS2-101 HARDY KENNETH W $314.35 HARDY DAINIS J 16-0057-0041 / MCS2-102 HARDY KENNETH W $686.52 HARDY DAINIS J 14-0064-0523 / PC-262-B-2 HARLAND CADE $213.31 HARLAND KIMBERLY 14-0053-0322 / HU-10-22 HARMON REX J $30.06 AND ET’AL 14-0053-0323 / HU-10-23 HARMON REX J $30.06 AND ET’AL 14-0064-0851 / PC-344-A-3 HARNED JAMES $542.88 HARNED JANETTE P 02-0025-0003 / GS-3 HART CHRISTOPHER S $14.27 HART DIANE MILLS 10-0016-0043 / CCD-43 HARVELL ROBERT A TRUSTEE $55.53 HARVELL SHARON E TRUSTEE 23-0081-0724 / WR528-A-8-2 HASSENZAHL WILLIAM VERN T $688.80 HASSENZAHL RENE ROLIN TRUSTEE 14-0055-0032 / LHS-32 HATCH MARK E $224.01 07-0063-0087 / P-87 HATCH MARY ELLEN T $904.09 % MARK HATCH
14-0047-0006 / HRE-D-6 HUNTER DICK AND MAGGIE $15.84 14-0047-0007 / HRE-D-7 HUNTER DICK AND MAGGIE $15.53
14-0047-0009 / HRE-D-9 HUNTER DICK AND MAGGIE $15.53
14-0047-0010 / HRE-D-10 HUNTER DICK AND MAGGIE $54.59
14-0064-0540 / PC-270-3-1 HIGGINS G THOMAS $133.05
14-0047-0011 / HRE-D-11 HUNTER DICK AND MAGGIE $54.59
14-0064-0727 / PC-364-1 HILLDALE MEADOWS LLC $20.79 16-0060-0060 / PCS-60 HIRSCH MARK C $534.76 HIRSCH JAMIE E 23-0081-0571 / WR-170-B HOBSON MICHAEL K TRUSTEE $58.71 %BILL HOBSON 23-0018-0012 / CCE1-12 HOBSON MICHAEL TRUSTEE $150.52 23-0018-0030 / CCE1-30 HOBSON MICHAEL TRUSTEE $150.52 23-0081-0573 / WR-170-B-8 HOBSON MICHAEL TRUSTEE $58.71 23-0081-0577 / WR-170-C-2 HOBSON WILLIAM D $198.86 23-0081-0560 / WR-170-16 HOBSON WILLIAM DAVID $103.91 16-0060-0019 / PCS-19 HOCKENJOS FREDERICK JR $271.51 16-0060-0020 / PCS-20 HOCKENJOWS FREDERICK JR $447.30 16-0081-1051 / WR-474-23 HOLABIRD ROBIN $49.36 23-0006-0015 / BDE-15 HOLPER PATRICIA TRUSTEE $384.72 23-0006-0016 / BDE-16 HOLPER PATRICIA TRUSTEE $384.72
07-0063-0357 / P-357 HATCH MCKAYLE F $734.64
23-0006-0017 / BDE-17 HOLPER PATRICIA TRUSTEE $384.72
14-0064-0280 / PC-280 HATCH STEVEN HEATH $25.78 HATCH MCKAYLE F
23-0006-0022 / BDE-22 HOLPER PATRICIA TRUSTEE $384.72
23-0006-0028 / BDE-28 HOLPER PATRICIA TRUSTEE $384.72
14-0047-0013 / HRE-D-13 HUNTER DICK AND MAGGIE $54.59 14-0047-0014 / HRE-D-14 HUNTER DICK AND MAGGIE $54.59
16-0081-1461 / WR785-C-1-3-2 HUSSON ERIC $143.68
04-0022-0538 / E-320-5 KLC FUTURE LC $340.04
16-0074-0147 / TC1-147 HUTCHINS RICHARD L & ALIC $246.82 23-0081-0200 / WR-200 HYATT IVAN WAYNE TRUSTEE $536.99 HYATT KENTON SILLO TRUSTEE 23-0054-0003 / LFE1-A-3 INNOVISION LLC $647.02 % CHRIS GROBL 07-0063-0675 / P-29-1 IRVINE WILLIAM J $405.47 IRVINE PATRICIA A
11-0024-0289 / ECD-289 HEAPS MONTE $10.00 & ET’AL
14-0053-0486 / HU-14-50 HRUBY CAROL L & THERESA A $30.06
14-0047-0005 / HRE-D-5 HUNTER DICK AND MAGGIE $54.59
06-0043-0002 / HE-2 JOHNSON THORLEY C $509.69 02-0011-0049 / BKRE-49 JONES ADA $180.66 07-0060-0015 / MSE-15 JOSIE J BENNETT & CINDY L $646.93 04-0058-0107 / MG-107 KAMP STEPHEN J TRUSTEE $81.00 KAMP CINDY BENNETT TRUSTEE 04-0058-0108 / MG-108 KAMP STEPHEN J TRUSTEE $81.00 KAMP CINDY BENNETT TRUSTEE 14-0053-0513 / HU-15-19 KARAS MICHAEL $30.06 KUNKLE ERIC
16-0081-1308 / WR-778-A LEWIS GERALDINE J TRUSTEE $875.60 LEWIS LINDA CAROLE 14-0064-0031 / PC-31 LEWIS WILLIAM B $318.08 LEWIS MILDRED 23-0040-0032 / HC-32 LISIEWSKI RONALD 1/2 & TH $51.22 S LISIEWSKI 1/2 16-0082-0041 / WTS-41 LISTER WADE $83.86 LISTER KIM 16-0082-0051 / WTS-51 LISTER WADE E $83.86 LISTER KIMBERLY A 06-0043-0094 / HE-49-5 LITTLEFIELD NANCY $310.50 & ET’AL 23-0067-0035 / PLFA-35 LOCHHEAD PAUL S $20.00 LOCHHEAD AMY K
05-0038-0088 / HA-88 MACK VIRGINIA E TRUSTEE $832.40 12-0042-0019 / HCM-19 MACK VIRGINIA E TRUSTEE $189.35 02-0011-0064 / BKRE-64 MACK-DURRET MELISSA $180.66 14-0053-0529 / HU-16-1 MAILLAND KEVIN $30.06 14-0053-0530 / HU-16-2 MAILLAND KEVIN $30.06 14-0053-0169 / HU-4-68 MANCHUSO TONY J $30.06 04-0022-0630 / E-67-1-1 MANSELL THOMAS $3,995.21 11-0024-0011 / ECD-11 MARQUARDT ZURICH EMIL & T $224.10 CHURCH OF THE RETURNING LIGH 04-0022-0248 / E-248 MARSH SHARON DALE $17.10 MARSH THELMA W 11-0024-0121 / ECD-121 MARSH THELMA & SHARON DAL $30.51 14-0064-0444 / PC-184-1 MARSHALL ED $1,262.98 MARSHALL AMY 04-0022-0247 / E-247 MARSHALL EDWARD G $1,131.91 04-0022-0613 / E-98-A MARSHALL EDWARD G $722.24 14-0064-0614 / PC-322-A-3-2 MARSHALL ROBERT A $30.29 & ET’AL 14-0064-0905 / PC-51-C-1-1 MARTIN TOM $366.68 MARTIN SUZANNE 16-0081-1076 / WR-474-5 MAURICE JUSTIN $49.36
16-0081-1460 / WR-737-14-1 KUNKLE ERIC $167.43 KARAS MICHAEL
16-0074-0124 / TC1-124 LONG LLOYD K & MARIANNE $295.33
16-0081-1047 / WR-474-2-1 MAURICE JUSTIN P $49.36
07-0063-0296 / P-296 LAMB JENNIFER M $429.01
16-0074-0125 / TC1-125 LONG LLOYD K & MARIANNE $1,581.31
16-0003-0001 / AH-1 MAXWELL BRIDGETTE LLC TRUSTEE $1,292.36
14-0053-0289 / HU-9-10 MAYS DONALD A $10.00 MAYS JANET F
16-0074-0114 / TC1-114 LARSON JAMES $295.33
14-0064-0541 / PC-270-5 JOHNSON TERRY $136.82 & ET’AL
16-0074-0120 / TC1-120 LEWIS CHRISTOPHER M $628.22 GIACOBBI JENNIE
14-0053-0176 / HU-5-6 LONG FAYE E $30.06 C/O FAYE E EAGAN
06-0043-0121 / HE-71 JOHNSON CLAYTON $129.11 JOHNSON HEATHER
14-0055-0033 / LHS-33 JOHNSON MICHAEL $200.01 JOHNSON LISA
07-0063-0829 / P-5-1 LESLIE MARTHA $390.82
17-0027-0445 / ER-67-3-1 KNAIZUK CAMRON $423.13 KNAIZUK DERECK
11-0024-0366 / ECD-46-2 LARSEN KENT SANDIE $436.69
02-0005-0155 / B-48-3 JOHNSON JERALD C $395.27 JOHNSON KANDICE N
08-0073-0106 / T-106 LESLIE DIANNA L $166.79 BRINKERHOFF RONELDA
23-0040-0012 / HC-12 LOGAN BRADLEY D & KARIN $51.22
07-0063-0844 / P-512-1 JOHNSON BETTY ANN $947.70
06-0043-0096 / HE-52-1 JOHNSON DIANALYN $467.21
16-0074-0050 / TC1-50 LEMOS SABRINA $1,684.24 ARRIOLA LISA
08-0073-0254 / T-254 KLC TROPIC FARMS LC $38.08
14-0053-0244 / HU-8-8 LANDRUM J MICHAEL $30.06
16-0081-1144 / WR-711-21-2 HOYT MITCHELL $146.31
04-0022-0317 / E-317 KLC RECREATION LC $158.55
28-8888-0001 / ERTED-PP-1 JNB MARINE LLC $5,804.64
14-0064-0007 / PC-7 HEAP MAX P $12.39 C/O MARSH SHARON DALE
14-0053-0206 / HU-6-2 HUGHEY SANDRA L $29.91
04-0022-0353 / E-353 KING EUGENE $32.73
04-0022-0537 / E-320-4 KLC FUTURE LC $369.48
02-0005-0129 / B-30-1 JOHNSON STANLEY $90.64
07-0063-0848 / P-516-1 HENRIE CHRISTOPHER W $749.40
23-0066-0025 / PLES-25 KIDD MICHAEL J & PEGGY C $93.75
23-0007-0010 / BDV-A-10 HURLEY JOHN $10.00 HURLEY BETH
16-0081-1132 / WR-700-3 HOYT GAYLAN $174.77 HOYT JO LYNN H
23-0054-0013 / LFE1-B-3 HENKE COLLEEN M $647.02
04-0022-0322 / E-322 KENT’S CANYON COUNTRY LC $2,494.66
04-0022-0080 / E-80 HAWS JOHN CLAUD JR $386.19 HAWS OPAL JOY R
04-0022-0321 / E-321 KENT’S CANYON COUNTRY LC $206.61
16-0060-0018 / PCS-18 HUNYADY DIANA STEFANI $271.51
16-0074-0008 / TC1-8 JOHNSON MICHAEL $295.33 LOW JIM
07-0063-0579 / P-10-1 HELLMS RANDALL $209.19 POULIOT JODI
01-0001-0184 / A-43-1-1 KING KENNETH $141.72 KING SUSAN
07-0063-0702 / P-361-4 HOPKINS CINDY $523.37 & ET’AL
16-0012-0005 / BP-5 HUGHES CHRISTINE $2,817.18 RADOMSKI CARL
20-0032-0046 / ERTS3-46 HUNTER MICHAEL $110.46 HUNTER MEREDINE
14-0064-0556 / PC-277-C-2 HAWKES JOHN A $176.93
07-0063-0011 / P-11 HELLMS RANDALL $2,367.99 POULIOT JODI
07-0063-0981 / P-578-4 KEN & REN MOBILE CONCRETE INC $406.93
11-0024-0182 / ECD-182 KING EUGENE $14.27
23-0006-0029 / BDE-29 HOLPER PATRICIA TRUSTEE $384.72
16-0019-0003 / CSE-3 HUGHES CAMERON $770.88 HUGHES MELISSA
08-0010-0001 / TRABC-1 LEECH GREGORY $189.98 LEECH MEGAN
14-0047-0015 / HRE-D-15 HUNTER DICK AND MAGGIE $54.59
14-0064-0552 / PC-277-A HAWKES JOHN A $806.91
07-0063-0009 / P-9 HELLMS RANDALL $537.02 POULIOT JODI
23-0081-0180 / WR-180 KELLY TIMOTHY $193.40 KELLY CHARLENE
16-0074-0115 / TC1-115 LARSON JAMES $295.33 07-0063-0026 / P-26 LARSON PETER J R $351.02 16-0069-0024 / RFE-24 LAS VEGAS MORTGAGE INC $314.35 23-0008-0038 / BDV-B-38 LATTA JAMES K $2,280.64 LATTA BRENDA L
16-0060-0041 / PCS-41 LONZARICH GILBERT GEORGE $534.76 LONZARICH JERIE LEE 14-0044-0008 / HRE-A-8 LOOPER GREG $18.92 LOOPER TINA 15-0075-0146 / TCD-146 LOOSLI CURT $126.41 15-0075-0159 / TCD-159 LOOSLI CURT $15.69 15-0075-0161 / TCD-161 LOOSLI CURT $15.69
16-0081-1232 / WR-727-2 LAUTENSCHLAGER ANDREA $219.90 & ET’AL
16-0081-1233 / WR-727-3 LAUTENSCHLAGER ANDREA $181.55 GREER EDITH
16-0081-1213 / WR-724-3 LORENTZEN PAUL NEALY $445.21 & ET’AL
14-0064-0715 / PC-360-6 LAWRENCE LORETTA $54.59 14-0050-0003 / HRE-G-3 LE JAMES $18.20 16-0074-0104 / TC1-104 LEAVITT EARL FAMILY TRUST $295.33 % MICHAEL & VERA LEAVITT 16-0081-1061 / WR-474-32 LEAVITT PENN W $120.20 LEAVITT NANCY A 16-0081-1117 / WR-550-8 LEDFORD DAVID L TRUSTEE $464.79 LEDFORD JANICE A TRUSTEE 08-0080-0006 / TBMS-6 LEE DEWAYNE $40.02 LEE LAUREN S
16-0060-0014 / PCS-14 LORENZ JON J TRUSTEE $15.30 LORENZ JANICE Y TRUSTEE 19-0025-0256 / ECDA-23810 LUTTMER GRANT TRUSTEE $522.10 LUTTMER MARGARETHA ANASTASIA TRUSTEE 05-0038-0033 / HA-33 MACK CASSANDRA $335.39 AND ET’AL 04-0058-0130 / MG-130 MACK JENNIFER $152.00 04-0058-0131 / MG-131 MACK JENNIFER $152.00 04-0058-0132 / MG-132 MACK JENNIFER $152.00
02-0005-0242 / B-98-1-2 MCCABE BEVIN $17.51 05-0038-0041 / HA-41 MCEWAN CHARLES SCOTT $713.42 07-0063-0659 / P-254-A-2 MCEWEN STEVEN E $552.16 MCEWEN LESLIE D 16-0003-0092 / AH-92 MCGUINNESS KENNETH $567.26 11-0024-0143 / ECD-143 MCINELLY DAVE C $24.34 MCINELLY YOLAND 24-0001-0003 / CTCD-1-2 MCQUILLAN DALE R $963.06 23-0008-0040 / BDV-B-40 MCWILLIAMS AMBER SWEET $384.72 23-0081-0769 / WR-529-M MEADE MARISA K $1,695.77 ESCOBAR RAUL A 20-0032-0029 / ERTS3-29 MEADOWS BOB $113.20 MEADOWS KELLY 14-0064-0751 / PC-51-C-12 MEAK SOKUNTHEAR R $259.68 16-0083-0025 / YPA-25 MELLO JOSEPH C AND JUDITH $1,184.72 16-0083-0049 / YPA-20-1 MELLO JOSEPH JR TRUSTEE $295.33 MELLO JUDITH TRUSTEE 23-0081-0594 / WR-179-A-8 MERS SHANNAN $91.17 05-0038-0010 / HA-10 MESSER TERRY ARNOLD $5,068.59
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LEGAL NOTICES Garfield County Tax Notices, cont’d 20-0032-0035 / ERTS3-35 MILLARD KELLY L $10.00 16-0081-0978 / WR-21-1 MILLER GINA $101.83 GIORGIANNI MICHAEL
02-0011-0048 / BKRE-48 MUTCHER TIM $989.93 KETCHUM JULIE 02-0011-0069 / BKRE-69 MUTCHER TIM $180.66
14-0064-0889 / PC-341-2-1 MILLER RICKY K $241.76 MILLER LINDA SUE
04-0022-0442 / E-181-A-1 MYINT FLORA KHINTHAN $568.49 MYINT KEITH L KYAW
04-0058-0162 / MG-157-1 MYINT KEITH L KYAW $152.00 % FLORA MYINT
23-0018-0016 / CCE1-16 MILTON JOANN $576.72 REESE KIMBERLY ANN 16-0016-0001 / DS-1 MILTON JOSEPH BRADLEY TRUSTEE $797.14 MILTON KRISTINA M TRUSTEE 04-0022-0470 / E-249-1 MITCHELL ALAN GUY $328.57 & ET’AL 06-0043-0107 / HE-63-2-2 MITCHELL MICHAEL JAMES $133.07
16-0083-0036 / YPA-36 NEILSON CURTIS D AND TERE $1,492.55 23-0036-0002 / FG-2 NELSON CLARENCE TRUSTEE $244.98 AND ET’AL 23-0066-0018 / PLES-18 NELSON GUY W & CATHERINE $1,184.56 16-0060-0066 / PCS-66 NESSINGER ALBERT $447.30 NESSINGER BEVERLY
23-0036-0039 / FG-39 MOFFORD SAM $437.61
14-0053-0274 / HU-8-38 MONTANO REGINALD G TRUSTEE $30.06 & ET’AL
20-0032-0043 / ERTS3-43 NEVILLE SHARON A TRUSTEE $113.20
01-0001-0012 / A-12 MONTIGUE AVERA $439.75 % ROBIN MONTIGUE BURTON
23-0008-0027 / BDV-B-27 NEWMAN MICHELENE M TRUSTEE $2,700.74
16-0081-0914 / WR-114-1-10 MOON ZANE J & PATRICIA A $90.90
06-0043-0125 / HE-75 NEZ RANDY $22.84 AGUERO ZELIA
16-0081-0924 / WR-114-1-9 MOON ZANE J & PATRICIA A $90.90 14-0064-0200 / PC-200 MOONEY TODD S $1,321.43 MOONEY VALYNDA 02-0014-0001 / BF-1 MOORE EVA $912.88
06-0043-0128 / HE-78 NEZ RANDY $137.85 AGUERO ZELIA 16-0070-0043 / SL-5-5 NORTH COUNTY CAPITOL TRUS $21.81 RANDALL CURTIS TRUSTEE 07-0063-0045 / P-45 NOWERS ROGER $108.88 NOWERS JILL
16-0060-0040 / PCS-40 MOORE TERRENCE W $447.30
04-0022-0379 / E-115-1 OLSEN TERRY B $741.35 GOERDEL MARLA V
07-0063-0668 / P-263-2 MORREALE JOHN $455.95 % JOSEPH FLETCHER
16-0060-0043 / PCS-43 ORTIZ DAVID $534.76
16-0081-1257 / WR-737-4 MORRIS JOHN THOMAS $477.91 16-0081-1258 / WR-737-5 MORRIS JOHN THOMAS $324.86 23-0081-0726 / WR-528-A-9 MOSCATI GALEN R $1,390.49 MOSCATI MARY K 23-0037-0047 / FG-B-47 MP RANCH LLC $216.10 23-0037-0052 / FG-B-52 MP RANCH LLC $216.10 23-0037-0069 / FG-B-69 MP RANCH LLC $216.10 07-0062-0004 / NS-4 MUIR JOYCE P $148.26 16-0081-1091 / WR-550-12 MULLEN DONALD D $316.11 20-0032-0026 / ERTS3-26 MUNOZ MARK A $113.20 20-0032-0027 / ERTS3-27 MUNOZ MARK A $113.20 20-0032-0028 / ERTS3-28 MUNOZ MARK A $113.20 11-0024-0010 / ECD-10 MURCKO JOHN $10.00 11-0024-0396 / ECD-10-1 MURCKO JOHN $10.00 16-0081-1409 / WR-737-9 MURPHY BRUCE C TRUSTEE $167.43 MURPHY ESTHER C TRUSTEE 02-0011-0047 / BKRE-47 MUTCHER TIM $180.66 KETCHUM JULIE
16-0082-0006 / WTS-6 OSOJNAK BRUCE $127.59 03-0015-0047 / C-47 OTT SHERRELL $150.68 & ET’AL 03-0015-0071 / C-71 OTT SHERRELL $364.52 & ET’AL 03-0015-0072 / C-72 OTT SHERRELL $360.99 & ET’AL 03-0015-0073 / C-73 OTT SHERRELL $362.19 & ET’AL 03-0015-0074 / C-74 OTT SHERRELL $365.72 & ET’AL 03-0015-0146 / C-70-2 OTT SHERRELL $471.56 & ET’AL 07-0063-0465 / P-465 OWENS TRAVEL CENTER LLC $328.10 % ED OWENS 07-0063-0469 / P-469 OWENS TRAVEL CENTER LLC $855.79 % ED OWENS 07-0063-0800 / P-469-1 OWENS TRAVEL CENTER LLC $4,992.72 % ED OWENS 07-0063-0912 / P-469-1-2 OWENS TRAVEL CENTER LLC $27.44 % ED OWENS 23-0037-0058 / FG-B-58 PACKARD MARK D $216.10 PACKARD PAUL 23-0037-0065 / FG-B-65 PACKARD RONALD C $190.00 PACKARD ROMA JEAN 15-0075-0204 / TCD-204 PALMER GREGORY $459.13 PALMER CHERAMI K
16-0069-0006 / RFE-6 PALMER PAUL H $2,207.24 16-0012-0002 / BP-2 PALMER PAUL H TRUSTEE $342.89 PALMER TREASA TRUSTEE 16-0084-0049 / YPB-49 PALMER PAUL H TRUSTEE $1,902.78 PALMER TREASA TRUSTEE 23-0081-0696 / WR-528-A PANGUITCH DIAMOND LLC $469.88 23-0081-0707 / WR528-A-19 PANGUITCH DIAMOND LLC $348.79 23-0081-0708 / WR528-A-19-1 PANGUITCH DIAMOND LLC $1,644.44 23-0081-0722 / WR528-A-8-1 PANGUITCH DIAMOND LLC $381.30 23-0081-0723 / WR528-A-8-1-1 PANGUITCH DIAMOND LLC $295.72 23-0081-0862 / WR528-A-21 PANGUITCH DIAMOND LLC $393.85 16-0074-0153 / TC1-153 PANTER DAVID L $872.29 PANTER DENISE L 16-0074-0154 / TC1-154 PANTER DAVID L $295.33 PANTER DENISE L 16-0074-0018 / TC1-18 PARKER JAMES M SR & JACQU $971.70 NE M 14-0071-0010 / SPE-10 PARKIN SHAWN D $996.71 PARKIN VONNIE P 14-0072-0097 / SRE-97 PARKS EVAN A & MARGARET O $31.40 08-0073-0296 / T-139-1 PARRY ARLENE B $350.32 16-0074-0020 / TC1-20 PARRY DOUGLAS SCOTT $295.33 08-0060-0001 / TPS-1 PARRY RICHARD K TRUSTEE $161.76 PARRY SHIRLEY R TRUSTEE 08-0060-0002 / TPS-2 PARRY RICHARD K TRUSTEE $161.76 PARRY SHIRLEY R TRUSTEE 08-0060-0003 / TPS-3 PARRY RICHARD K TRUSTEE $161.76 PARRY SHIRLEY R TRUSTEE 08-0060-0004 / TPS-4 PARRY RICHARD K TRUSTEE $161.76 PARRY SHIRLEY R TRUSTEE
08-0060-0012 / TPS-12 PARRY RICHARD K TRUSTEE $180.73 PARRY SHIRLEY R TRUSTEE 08-0060-0013 / TPS-13 PARRY RICHARD K TRUSTEE $180.73 PARRY SHIRLEY R TRUSTEE 08-0060-0014 / TPS-14 PARRY RICHARD K TRUSTEE $32.31 PARRY SHIRLEY R TRUSTEE 23-0014-0015 / BSE-15 PEARCE DAVID $106.00 14-0053-0141 / HU-4-40 PEKAR PAUL TRUSTEE $30.06 14-0053-0142 / HU-4-41 PEKAR PAUL TRUSTEE $30.06 14-0053-0143 / HU-4-42 PEKAR PAUL TRUSTEE $30.06 14-0053-0144 / HU-4-43 PEKAR PAUL TRUSTEE $30.06 14-0053-0167 / HU-4-66 PEKAR PAUL TRUSTEE $30.06 07-0063-0154 / P-154 PERINE JORLI TRUSTEE $553.86 07-0063-0155 / P-155 PERINE JORLI TRUSTEE $526.06 14-0064-0733 / PC-39-B PERINE JORLI TRUSTEE $1,173.90 14-0055-0037 / LHS-37 PERKINS EASTON $224.01 14-0053-0494 / HU-14-58 PERKINS JAMES O’DELL $289.81 PERKINS JACQUELINE ANN 14-0053-0481 / HU-14-45 PERKINS JAMES O’DELL & JA $30.06 ELINE PERKINS 14-0064-0735 / PC-4-2 PERKINS NATALIE $527.49 16-0074-0031 / TC1-31 PERKINS RICHARD $295.33 PERKINS TERRI 14-0064-0820 / PC-4-3 PERKINS WILLIAM R $14.46 14-0064-0473 / PC-2-1-1 PERKINS WILLIAM RALPH & $43.88 NARALIE PERKINS 14-0064-0004 / PC-4 PERKINS WILLIAM RALPH AND $253.88 NATALIE 14-0064-0005 / PC-5 PERKINS WILLIAMS RALPH $36.31 NATALIE PERKINS 17-0027-0380 / ER-35-1 PERRON WILLIAM E $53.47 PERRON YVONNE 14-0053-0055 / HU-2-16 PERRY MICHAEL $30.06 NAVARRO CARLA
16-0081-0103 / WR-103 PETERSON DEE $254.89
14-0053-0075 / HU-3-13 PETERSON GUY $30.06 PETERSON EMMA 14-0053-0076 / HU-3-14 PETERSON GUY $30.06 PETERSON EMMA 14-0053-0077 / HU-3-15 PETERSON GUY $30.06 PETERSON EMMA 11-0024-0036 / ECD-36 PETERSON KEVEN $14.27 BREWER JENNIFER 14-0064-0659 / PC-341-4 PETERSON MICHAEL K $516.49 PETERSON JODIE E 14-0064-0185 / PC-185 PETERSON NANCY A TRUSTEE $335.87 PETERSON MICHAEL A TRUSTEE 14-0064-0897 / PC-185-3 PETERSON NANCY A TRUSTEE $281.52 PETERSON MICHAEL A TRUSTEE
16-0081-1500 / WR-474-50 PIERCE CHARLES JR $49.36 ORTGIES KAREN 16-0081-1066 / WR-474-37 PIFER JIM & MILDRED R $49.36 14-0044-0003 / HRE-A-3 PINKERTON RODNEY $18.92 GRIGG CANDICE 14-0044-0004 / HRE-A-4 PINKERTON RODNEY $18.92 GRIGG CANDICE 14-0044-0014 / HRE-A-14 PINKERTON RODNEY $18.92 GRIGG CANDICE 14-0044-0020 / HRE-A-20 PINKERTON RODNEY $14.20 GRIGG CANDICE 23-0081-0675 / WR-495-4 POLI GOLD LLC $81.48 % VERONICA POLIDORI 23-0081-0676 / WR-495-A POLI GOLD LLC $81.48 % VERONICA POLIDORI 23-0081-0679 / WR-496-1 POLI GOLD LLC $85.18 % VERONICA POLIDORI 23-0081-0681 / WR-502-B POLI GOLD LLC $81.48 % VERONICA POLIDORI 23-0081-0682 / WR-502-B-1 POLI GOLD LLC $73.94 % VERONICA POLIDORI 23-0081-0691 / WR-513-A POLI GOLD LLC $106.63 % VERONICA POLIDORI 23-0054-0085 / LFE2-33 POLI-GOLD LLC $647.02 % VERONICA POLIDORI 23-0054-0086 / LFE2-34 POLI-GOLD LLC $647.02 % VERONICA POLIDORI 23-0054-0087 / LFE2-35 POLI-GOLD LLC $647.02 % VERONICA POLIDORI 23-0081-0505 / WR-505 POLI-GOLD LLC $89.82 % VERONICA POLIDORI
14-0064-0461 / PC-192-A-3 POPOVICH CHRISTOPHER M& $192.17 UDIA S 04-0022-0573 / E-42-A PORTER MARVIN J & GLORIA $491.38 04-0022-0292 / E-292 POTEET GREG F $184.65 POTEET ELSIE A 11-0024-0244 / ECD-244 POWELL POINT RANCH LLC $14.27 11-0024-0247 / ECD-247 POWELL POINT RANCH LLC $16.23 01-0001-0179 / A-40-3-2 PRATHER GERALD $10.00 PRATHER NANCY 02-0011-0067 / BKRE-67 PRAZEN ARIANA $180.66 02-0011-0054 / BKRE-54 PRAZEN JUSTIN $180.66 PRAZEN ARIANA 02-0011-0055 / BKRE-55 PRAZEN JUSTIN $180.66 23-0081-0574 / WR170-B-8-1 PREMIER CHILDREN’S TRUST $58.71 MICHAEL HOBSON TRUSTEE 23-0018-0033 / CCE1-33 PREMIER CHILDRENS TRUST $150.52 MICHAEL HOBSON,CAROLYN CURTI 05-0075-0001 / PES-1 PRESTIGE ESTATES LLC $121.30 05-0075-0002 / PES-2 PRESTIGE ESTATES LLC $121.30 05-0075-0003 / PES-3 PRESTIGE ESTATES LLC $121.30 05-0075-0006 / PES-6 PRESTIGE ESTATES LLC $121.30 05-0075-0007 / PES-7 PRESTIGE ESTATES LLC $121.30
23-0081-0506 / WR-506 POLI-GOLD LLC $67.19
05-0075-0008 / PES-8 PRESTIGE ESTATES LLC $121.30
23-0081-0508 / WR-508 POLI-GOLD LLC $84.57
05-0075-0009 / PES-9 PRESTIGE ESTATES LLC $121.30
23-0081-0510 / WR-510 POLI-GOLD LLC $21,319.06 % VERONICA POLIDORI
05-0075-0010 / PES-10 PRESTIGE ESTATES LLC $121.30
23-0081-0514 / WR-514 POLI-GOLD LLC $82.84 23-0081-0672 / WR-495-2 POLI-GOLD LLC $73.94 % VERONICA POLIDORI 23-0081-0673 / WR-495-3 POLI-GOLD LLC $73.94 % VERONICA POLIDORI 23-0081-0674 / WR-495-3-1 POLI-GOLD LLC $81.48 % VERONICA POLIDORI 23-0081-0677 / WR-495-B POLI-GOLD LLC $81.48 % VERONICA POLIDORI 23-0081-0688 / WR-510-6 POLI-GOLD LLC $70.89 23-0081-0689 / WR-510-7 POLI-GOLD LLC $108.36
05-0075-0011 / PES-11 PRESTIGE ESTATES LLC $121.30 05-0075-0012 / PES-12 PRESTIGE ESTATES LLC $121.30 05-0075-0013 / PES-13 PRESTIGE ESTATES LLC $121.30 05-0075-0014 / PES-14 PRESTIGE ESTATES LLC $121.30 05-0075-0016 / PES-16 PRESTIGE ESTATES LLC $121.30 05-0075-0017 / PES-17 PRESTIGE ESTATES LLC $121.30 05-0075-0018 / PES-18 PRESTIGE ESTATES LLC $121.30 05-0075-0019 / PES-19 PRESTIGE ESTATES LLC $121.30
12-0042-0223 / HCM-15-3 POLING TOM $10.00
14-0053-0129 / HU-4-28 PRESTON VIRGIL R & LOLA A $30.06
23-0040-0045 / HC-45 POLLACK STEVEN J $51.22 POLLACK REBECA M
23-0081-0590 / WR-179-A-4 PRISBREY AARON & KIMBERLY $82.04
16-0081-1429 / WR-734-4 POLLOCK CAMAE J $272.38 & ET’AL
07-0063-0485 / P-485 PROCTOR GEORGE W $711.49 PROCTOR THORA P
07-0063-0017 / P-17 POPOVICH CHRISTOPER MARK $1,046.45 POPOVICH CLAUDIA SUE 14-0064-0191 / PC-191 POPOVICH CHRISTOPHER M& $1,295.76 UDIA S
16-0081-1099 / WR-550-19 PULSIPHER DUSTY $464.79 16-0074-0012 / TC1-12 PURCELL THOMAS M $210.13 PURCELL DOLORES 16-0074-0013 / TC1-13 PURCELL THOMAS MACK II $295.33 PURCELL DOLORES
The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER
December 27, 2012
Page 13
Garfield County Tax Notices, cont’d 07-0063-0198 / P-198 QUARNBERG RODNEY RAY $840.52 QUARNBERG KIMBERLY ANN 04-0022-0490 / E-262-5 QUINONES EDUARDO $554.89 QUINONES WENDY 14-0064-0475 / PC-206-1 RALEIGH DONALD SCOTT $25.25 RALEIGH CAMILLA D 14-0053-0434 / HU-13-30 RANCILIO RICHARD $30.06 & ET’AL 14-0053-0435 / HU-13-31 RANCILIO RICHARD $30.06 & ET’AL 14-0053-0436 / HU-13-32 RANCILIO RICHARD $30.06 & ET’AL 04-0022-0223 / E-223 RANDALL KIM $653.31 04-0022-0631 / E-223-1 RANDALL KIM $285.26 23-0040-0031 / HC-31 RANDAZZO ROSEMARY MO’ILANI TRUSTEE $51.22 23-0009-0003 / BDV-C-3 RAPONE A P & HELEN $1,889.27 11-0024-0420 / ECD-63-3-3 REARDON JANICE $91.08
23-0081-0535 / WR-535 RITAM LLC $199.98 DIELEMAN ROBERT D TRUSTEE 23-0081-0542 / WR-542 RITAM LLC $38.10 DIELEMAN ROBERT D TRUSTEE 23-0081-0545 / WR-545 RITAM LLC $3,747.06 DIELEMAN ROBERT D TRUSTEE 23-0081-0787 / WR-535-A RITAM LLC $75.58 DIELEMAN ROBERT D TRUSTEE 16-0083-0015 / YPA-15 RITCHIE JONATHAN $1,235.30 RITCHIE BARBARA 16-0084-0059 / YPB-59 RITCHIE JONATHAN $295.33 RITCHIE BARBARA 16-0081-0721 / WR-721 RIVERA DAVID $10.00 RIVERA BECKY 04-0022-0063 / E-63 ROBERTS ESCALANTE PROPERT $10.00 23-0037-0048 / FG-B-48 ROBERTS JAY & BARBARA GAI $172.10 23-0037-0051 / FG-B-51 ROBERTS JAY R & BARBARA L $940.43 DSEY ROBERTS
08-0073-0192 / T-192 REECE ANTHONY B $57.43 REECE HEIDI L
07-0063-0772 / P-444-2 ROBERTS KEVIN $1,997.24 ROBERTS SHEILA
06-0043-0022 / HE-22 REECE THOMAS M $376.11 REECE LENETTE
06-0043-0098 / HE-55-2 REECE THOMAS M $103.84 10-0016-0034 / CCD-34 REECE THOMAS M $29.33 & ET’AL 10-0016-0084 / CCD-43-1 REECE THOMAS M $38.90 & ET’AL 15-0075-0034 / TCD-34 REECE THOMAS M $19.90 & ET’AL 15-0075-0245 / TCD-35-1 REECE THOMAS M $19.15 & ET’AL 06-0043-0015 / HE-15 REECE THOMAS MICHAEL $114.72 REECE LENETTE 14-0051-0004 / HRE-H-4 REHER NANCY KAY $16.11 % WILFRIED REHER 16-0074-0181 / TC1-181 REJMAN STAN & DAWN BACA $295.33 16-0074-0190 / TC1-190 REJMAN STAN & DAWN BACA $295.33 02-0005-0235 / B-95-B-1 RELAX X LLC $136.37 02-0005-0236 / B-95-B-2 RELAX X LLC $14.27
01-0001-0150 / A-73-3-4 ROBINSON LEWIS KIRT $18.38 ROBINSON MARILYN H 16-0074-0105 / TC1-105 ROCK DENNIS A JR & CHERYL $295.33 14-0064-0859 / PC-141-1 RODRIQUEZ JULIO $50.62 RODRIGUEZ EMILY 14-0053-0225 / HU-6-21 ROSE HARVEY L AND PATSY R $30.06 C/O DONALD ROSE 16-0047-0007 / MCE-7 ROSE MICHAEL DAVID TRUSTEE $580.66 ROSE CINDY GAY TRUSTEE 16-0047-0008 / MCE-8 ROSE MICHAEL DAVID TRUSTEE $580.66 ROSE CINDY GAY TRUSTEE 16-0047-0009 / MCE-9 ROSE MICHAEL DAVID TRUSTEE $3,675.58 ROSE CINDY GAY TRUSTEE 17-0027-0371 / ER-332-1-1 ROSEN PHYLLIS DRESSER $140.28 11-0024-0208 / ECD-208 ROUNDY FERREL GLADE $441.87 C/O QUINN ROUNDY
14-0053-0290 / HU-9-11 RICE VERLYN V $50.13 % RODNEY L. RICE
11-0024-0214 / ECD-214 ROUNDY FERREL GLADE $854.11 C/O QUINN ROUNDY
14-0053-0291 / HU-9-12 RICE VERLYN V $50.13 % RODNEY L. RICE
02-0005-0256 / B-83-1-3 ROUNDY KYLE J $1,455.12
02-0005-0257 / B-83-1-4 ROUNDY KYLE J $261.17
14-0064-0604 / PC-322-1 RICHARDS FRANK KAY $14.46 RICHARDS ANN 14-0064-0021 / PC-21 RICHEE STACIA ANN TRUSTEE $29.08 14-0064-0489 / PC-21-A RICHEE STACIA ANN TRUSTEE $39.22 14-0055-0048 / LHS-2-5 RILEY RICHARD $224.01 RILEY KIMBERLY
02-0005-0263 / B-83-1-4-1 ROUNDY KYLE J $364.08 12-0042-0121 / HCM-121 RUDOLPH MICHAEL & JANICE $346.56 04-0022-0100 / E-100 RUMAN JAMES $237.31 KAYE CHERI 14-0044-0013 / HRE-A-13 RUSHER ALTA J $18.92 02-0005-0038 / B-38 S&S BOULDER ENTERPRISES LLC $501.59
23-0081-0783 / WR-534-1 SALANTI HAZEL R $14.68
16-0081-0687 / WR-687 SEVEN FOLD LLC $668.09
04-0058-0101 / MG-101 SMITH NICHOLAS $162.27 SMITH JULIE
11-0024-0326 / ECD-199-1 SPENCER SAM $38.46
23-0054-0015 / LFE1-B-5 SANCHEZ BERNARDO $239.02 SANCHEZ DEBRA
16-0081-0688 / WR-688 SEVEN FOLD LLC $17.22
11-0024-0201 / ECD-201 SPENCER T SAMUEL $511.22
14-0053-0496 / HU-15-2 SANDERS DANNY M & KATHY $30.06
12-0042-0198 / HCM-88-3 SEVERIN RONALD B $110.52 SEVERIN JAMES
07-0063-0761 / P-436-C SMITH WAYNE LYLE $313.90 SMITH BARBARA JEAN
14-0053-0497 / HU-15-3 SANDERS DANNY M & KATHY $30.06 16-0074-0035 / TC1-35 SANDERS ROBERT L $295.33 SANDERS REBECCA 16-0074-0036 / TC1-36 SANDERS ROBERT L & REBECC $1,099.47 16-0074-0037 / TC1-37 SANDERS ROBERT LEWIS & RE $295.33 CA LYNN 07-0063-0028 / P-28 SARGENT BYRON R TRUSTEE $14.60 SARGENT LYNDA M TRUSTEE 23-0018-0055 / CCE1-55 SARGENT KENNETH $150.52 SARGENT MELVIN 23-0081-0865 / WR170-B-8-2 SARGENT KENNETH $58.71 SARGENT MELVIN 05-0038-0098 / HA-98 SAWYER CLIFTON $548.86 SAWYER DONNA 07-0063-0809 / P-473-1 SAWYER DUANE J $404.84 SAWYER HELEN A 12-0042-0172 / HCM115-C-5 SAWYER DUANE J & HELEN D $183.93 12-0042-0174 / HCM115-C-7 SAWYER KENNETH C $227.77 SAWYER LYNETTE S 07-0063-0759 / P-436-A SAWYER NEIL A $434.37 12-0042-0175 / HCM115-C-8 SAWYER NEIL A $166.44 19-0025-0261 / ECDA-23815 SCHAAFSMA PIETER D $522.10 SCHAAFSMA KEITH TODHUNTER 19-0025-0263 / ECDA-238-3 SCHAAFSMA PIETER D $522.10 SCHAAFSMA KEITH TODHUNTER 07-0063-0398 / P-398 SCHANUEL MAYE $634.59 & ET’AL 23-0008-0059 / BDV-B-59 SCHNIPPEL MARK ALLEN AND $384.72 JACQUELINE RAE TRUSTEES 14-0047-0033 / HRE-D-33 SCHUETTE JAMES $10.00 14-0064-0631 / PC-322-B-4 SCHULZ REGINA $30.29 16-0081-1395 / WR-374-2 SCHWALBACH WAYNE FRANCIS $10.00 16-0057-0139 / MCS3-5 SCHWARTZ STEPHEN H IRA A $18.15 23-0081-0618 / WR-215-1 SCOOTS CREEK WATER USER’S $25.17 ASSOCIATION % M. D. PHILLIPS 02-0065-0001 / SHS-1 SCOTT ALAN DALE $193.20 SCOTT JULIA ANNA 16-0081-1205 / WR-721-1 SECURITY MAINTENANCE INC $20.93 C/O LINDA FIELDING 16-0081-1229 / WR-725-8 SECURITY MAINTENANCE INC $44.98 C/O LINDA FIELDING 17-0027-0406 / ER-52-B-11 SEEMAN ERNEST L TRUSTEE $3,783.83 SCHADECK TERI L TRUSTEE
07-0063-0763 / P-442-B SOLORZANO RUBEN H TRUSTEE $200.08 SOLORZANO VALERIA TRUSTEE 20-0031-0034 / ERTS2-34 SONGER JAYMIE L $141.27
11-0024-0196 / ECD-196 SPENCER THURMAN SAMUEL $573.60 SPENCER DEBRA A 02-0005-0091 / B-91 SPRING ANSELM $855.33
14-0064-0014 / PC-14 SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $14.68
14-0064-0375 / PC-1-2 SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $21.15
23-0036-0001 / FG-1 STANOVICH JOSEPH & KAROLY $370.16
14-0064-0472 / PC-2-1 SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $129.22
16-0082-0008 / WTS-8 STATE OF UTAH $83.86 % OSOJNAK BRUCE
14-0064-0474 / PC-2-2 SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $31.53 14-0064-0579 / PC-3-1 SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $55.74 14-0064-0580 / PC-3-2 SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $57.04 14-0064-0734 / PC-4-1 SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $77.77
20-0032-0048 / ERTS3-48 SHIRK MERLE D $113.20 SHIRK SHARON R
16-0081-0036 / WR-36 SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $84.69
06-0043-0163 / HE-113 SHUMWAY DARYL $383.22 % TERRY & NIKKI GILES
16-0081-0037 / WR-37 SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $47.83
16-0081-0916 / WR-114-1-12 SIDENER ROBERT E & DEBORA $90.90
16-0081-0038 / WR-38 SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $52.59
04-0022-0439 / E-179-1 SIDWELL MARY $276.74 PERKINS SHONNA
16-0081-0039 / WR-39 SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $728.26
04-0022-0179 / E-179 SIDWELL MARY LYNN $196.45 07-0063-0630 / P-202-2 SILVA MICHAEL T TRUSTEE $200.08 SILVA KAREN L TRUSTEE 16-0067-0001 / RRES-1 SIMMONS WILLIAM C $503.97 14-0053-0411 / HU-13-7 SIMPSON JON KELLY $30.06
16-0081-0065 / WR-65 SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $86.92 16-0081-0069 / WR-69 SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $25.39 16-0081-0070 / WR-70 SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $40.79
14-0053-0535 / HU-16-7 SIMPSON JON KELLY $30.06
16-0081-0995 / WR-36-2 SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $14.37
08-0073-0333 / T-227-2 SLATER JOHN MATTHEW $178.55
16-0081-1011 / WR-39-1 SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $34.14
16-0081-1342 / WR-89-A SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $112.77
14-0072-0122 / SRE-122 SMILKE CLAUDINE T $31.40
16-0081-1350 / WR-89-I SORENSEN DAVID E TRUSTEE $112.77
23-0018-0013 / CCE1-13 SMITH DEVIN S $150.52 23-0018-0014 / CCE1-14 SMITH DEVIN S $150.52 23-0018-0015 / CCE1-15 SMITH DEVIN S $150.52 07-0063-0363 / P-363 SMITH DONALD H $769.33 SMITH ELAINE S 14-0064-0518 / PC-262-5-1 SMITH LENDELL RAY $14.46 PAPPAN PAULETTE J
02-0005-0261 / AJS-2 SPALDING BLAKE $21.65 04-0022-0238 / E-238 SPENCER KARL $27.09 SPENCER ANNE 11-0024-0095 / ECD-95 SPENCER KARL & ANNE $64.11 11-0024-0254 / ECD-254 SPENCER KARL & ANNE $14.27 11-0024-0257 / ECD-257 SPENCER KARL & ANNE $14.27
16-0082-0058 / WTS-58 STATE OF UTAH $83.86 % BRUCE OSOJNAK 16-0082-0077 / WTS-77 STATE OF UTAH $320.00 % LARRY E MCHALEY 16-0081-0108 / WR-108 STATE OF UTAH % 4 D KIDSL $310.25 % ENCORE MANAGEMENT SERVICES 16-0081-1397 / WR-108-1 STATE OF UTAH % 4-DKIDS $292.76 16-0081-0385 / WR-385 STATE OF UTAH % RONNIE W $359.84 CHRISTINE CASE 16-0081-0107 / WR-107 STATE OF UTAH% 4 D KIDSLL $149.92 02-0011-0037 / BKRE-37 STEADMAN MICHAEL $281.35 STEADMAN TRACI 11-0024-0087 / ECD-87 STEED STEPHEN L $284.06 14-0053-0487 / HU-14-51 STEVENS CHARLES J JR & FE $30.06 SUMMIT INN SERVICES% TOM STEVENS 23-0019-0026 / CCE2-26 STEVENSON CHARLES $150.52 STEVENSON THERESA 16-0074-0074 / TC1-74 STIGLITZ EDWARD LEE $295.33 16-0074-0075 / TC1-75 STIGLITZ EDWARD LEE $800.27 03-0015-0157 / C-34-1 STOCK ALAN GERALD $68.68 STOCK KIRSTEN 10-0016-0086 / CCD-64-2 STOCK ALAN GERALD $179.20 STOCK KIRSTEN 16-0074-0048 / TC1-48 STOUT BOYD C & JONNA P $1,374.49 ATTN: KEN STOUT 16-0074-0047 / TC1-47 STOUT JONNA AND STEPHEN $295.33 ATTN: KEN STOUT 16-0074-0064 / TC1-64 STOUT STEPHEN AND JONNA $428.96 ATTN: KEN STOUT 14-0061-0013 / MVS-13 STOWE BRIAN G $837.32 STOWE CHISTY L 16-0003-0028 / AH-28 STRONG RANDALL L & TRACI $476.04 16-0003-0029 / AH-29 STRONG RANDALL L & TRACI $2,346.11
14-0064-0519 / PC-262-5-2 SMITH LINDELL RAY $641.60 SMITH PAULETTE J
04-0022-0094 / E-94 SPENCER KARL F $1,045.86 SPENCER ANNE C
10-0016-0003 / CCD-3 STUBBS JARED $14.29 % SHANE STUBBS
14-0064-0528 / PC-262-B-7 SMITH LINDELL RAY $17.22 SMITH PAULETTE J
04-0022-0284 / E-284 SPENCER KARL F $2,184.61 SPENCER ANNE C 04-0022-0509 / E-284-1 SPENCER KARL F $412.90 SPENCER ANNE C
10-0016-0004 / CCD-4 STUBBS JARED $17.56 % SHANE STUBBS 17-0034-0681 / EWR-681 STUBBS JARED $15.28 % SHANE STUBBS
04-0022-0635 / E-284-3 SPENCER KARL F $450.96 SPENCER ANNE C
17-0034-0693 / EWR-683-A STUBBS JARED $14.50 % SHANE STUBBS
14-0064-0529 / PC-262-B-8 SMITH LINDELL RAY $26.36 SMITH PAULETTE J 07-0063-0014 / P-14 SMITH LYNN E $525.05 SMITH SHANE R
The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER
Page 14
December 27, 2012
LEGAL NOTICES Garfield County Tax Notices, cont’d 17-0034-0694 / EWR683-A-1 STUBBS JARED $14.13 % SHANE STUBBS
16-0057-0014 / MCS1-14 TRE BAMBINI LLC $285.82 % JELINDO A TIBERTI
23-0006-0040 / BDE-40 SUTHERLAND JEANNIE $1,456.95
16-0057-0015 / MCS1-15 TRE BAMBINI LLC $398.72 % JELINDO A TIBERTI
27-0010-0021 / BCC-6-13 SYRETT BEVERLY JEAN $48.54 07-0063-0066 / P-66 SYRETT MAURIETTA $81.79 C/O KRIS BAILEY 23-0065-0030 / PLE-1-30 TAGGARD SCOTT & LORI $141.15 14-0064-0254 / PC-254 TALBOT DONALD A $27.51 & ET’AL 07-0063-0055 / P-55 TALBOT DOUGLAS R $78.81 TALBOT VICKIE R 07-0063-0901 / P-55-1 TALBOT DOUGLAS R $23.68 TALBOT VICKIE R 15-0075-0222 / TCD-222 TALBOT KIMBERLYBRAYTONRYA $81.06 PRENTIS, MAKENZIE & CARL BURGER 04-0026-0016 / EGL-16 TALBOT RYAN S $86.46 TALBOT KIMBERLY 04-0026-0017 / EGL-17 TALBOT RYAN S $86.46 TALBOT KIMBERLY 20-0031-0020 / ERTS2-20 TAMRON ENTERPRISES LLC $245.63 08-0073-0193 / T-193 TAPAR PAUL $14.74 TAPAR GLADYS 08-0073-0196 / T-196 TAPAR PAUL $581.20 TAPAR GLADYS 15-0075-0026 / TCD-26 TAPAR PAUL $26.88 TAPAR GLADYS 14-0053-0226 / HU-6-22 TEMPLETON STEVEN J $30.06 14-0053-0114 / HU-4-13 THE HAWKINS FAMILY PROPERTIES LLC $30.06 14-0053-0115 / HU-4-14 THE HAWKINS FAMILY PROPERTIES LLC $30.06 14-0053-0124 / HU-4-23 THE HAWKINS FAMILY PROPERTIES LLC $30.06
16-0057-0049 / MCS2-13 TRE BAMBINI LLC $314.35 16-0057-0053 / MCS2-16-1 TRE BAMBINI LLC $162.18 16-0057-0054 / MCS2-17 TRE BAMBINI LLC $4,263.91 16-0057-0100 / MCS2-86 TRE BAMBINI LLC $314.35 08-0073-0199 / T-199 TROPICAL NANO LLC $556.48 08-0073-0204 / T-204 TROPICAL NANO LLC $785.02 14-0053-0485 / HU-14-49 TROTTER CARL $207.02 TROTTER JUDY 07-0063-0893 / P-79-A TROUT TOD S $10.00 23-0016-0019 / CCE-2-B-19 TROUT TOD S $10.00 23-0081-0643 / WR-227-A TUCKER JAMES R TRUSTEE $365.05 23-0066-0040 / PLES-40 TUCKER JAMES R TRUSTEE OF $669.18 MES R TUCKER FAMILY TRUST 23-0066-0041 / PLES-41 TUCKER JAMES R TRUSTEE OF $1,800.89 MES R TUCKER FAMILY TRUST 07-0063-0826 / P-496-1-2 TURNER JAMES THOMAS $685.16 17-0027-0043 / ER-43 UMINA MICHAEL PAUL $31.14 17-0027-0044 / ER-44 UMINA MICHAEL PAUL $31.14 20-0045-0002 / ERTDS-1-2 URANIUM ONE TICABOO INC $906.23 28-9999-0002 / ERTED/2 URANIUM ONE UTAH INC $19,493.01
14-0053-0128 / HU-4-27 THE HAWKINS FAMILY PROPERTIES LLC $30.06
14-0064-0138 / PC-138 UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY $207.07 C/O TOM SIMKINS
16-0081-0913 / WR-114-1-1 THIELMAN JEFF $90.90
04-0022-0576 / E-46-4 VENUTI ROBIN TRUSTEE $158.55 & ET’AL
05-0038-0001 / HA-1 THIEME MIKE $3,111.93
14-0010-0015 / ARE-19 VILLEGAS JOE $188.34
07-0063-0519 / P-519 THOMPSON DAVID ALLEN $610.49 & ET’AL
16-0081-0113 / WR-113 THORNTON EDWIN E $56.88 % CHARLENE CARRICK
16-0084-0065 / YPB-65 VOHWINKEL MARSTEN B LOREN $1,852.91 & MARTIN B.
16-0057-0114 / MCS2-99 TIETJE BONNIE NEAGLE $314.35 C/O LAMAR NEAGLE
23-0026-0010 / DTV-10 W D HOBSON REAL ESTATE PC $103.68
07-0063-0121 / P-121 TIMPANOGAS EQUITY MANAGEM $289.53 ASSOC A UTAH CORP TEMA 16-0010-0022 / BE-22 TISDAIL ARTYV T & LEUIE-L $246.14 TISDALE TRUSTEES 23-0007-0034 / BDV-A-34 TOBLER RICK $10.00 & ET’AL
23-0026-0014 / DTV-14 W D HOBSON REAL ESTATE PC $103.68 23-0026-0018 / DTV-18 W D HOBSON REAL ESTATE PC $103.68 23-0026-0019 / DTV-19 W D HOBSON REAL ESTATE PC $103.68
23-0081-0591 / WR-179-A-5 TOWNE DWAYNE $91.17 TOWNE VICKIE
23-0026-0020 / DTV-20 W D HOBSON REAL ESTATE PC $431.56 COMMON AREA
23-0081-0711 / WR-528-A2-A TOWNE DWAYNE & VICKI $967.13 23-0081-0595 / WR-179-A-9 TOWNE DWAYNE & VICKIE $91.17
07-0063-0900 / P-496-1-3 WALSH KIMBERLEE $200.08 16-0060-0093 / PCS-93 WALTER CHRISTOPHER KYLE $534.76
16-0057-0013 / MCS1-13 TRE BAMBINI LLC $147.91 % JELINDO A TIBERTI
16-0060-0100 / PCS-100 WALTER CHRISTOPHER KYLE $534.76
16-0067-0002 / RRES-2 WALTER CHRISTOPHER KYLE $431.34 16-0067-0004 / RRES-4 WALTER CHRISTOPHER KYLE $431.21 16-0081-1483 / WR-396-2 WALTER CHRISTOPHER KYLE $27.00 % R MARK WALTER 16-0081-1368 / WR-93-1-8 WALTER JOSEPH K $96.15 WALTER NINA NIMFA 16-0060-0076 / PCS-76 WALTER PATRICIA G TRUSTEE $534.76 WALTER R MARK TRUSTEE 16-0060-0107 / PCS-107 WALTER PATRICIA G TRUSTEE $447.30 WALTER R MARK TRUSTEE 16-0060-0113 / PCS-113 WALTER PATRICIA G TRUSTEE $447.30 WALTER R MARK TRUSTEE 16-0061-0003 / PCRS-3 WALTER PATRICIA G TRUSTEE $948.14 WALTER R MARK TRUSTEE 16-0081-0390 / WR-390 WALTER RUSSEL J TRUSTEE $3,140.74 WALTER PATRICIA G TRUSTEE 16-0081-1485 / WR-397-A-1 WALTER W SCOT $39.06 16-0081-0397 / WR-397 WALTER WILLIAM SCOT $4.37 WALTER JILL P 16-0081-0399 / WR-399 WALTER WILLIAM SCOT $7.08 WALTER JILL P 16-0081-1433 / WR-399-5 WALTER WILLIAM SCOT $4.37 WALTER JILL P 16-0081-0393 / WR-393 WALTER WILLIAM SCOTT $5.12 WALTER JILL P
04-0022-0408 / E-145-3 WILSON SHERWOOD $31.85 16-0069-0011 / RFE-11 WINDERMERE 2006 LLC $32.66
16-0074-0080 / TC1-80 WHITE LOUIS MARC $206.00 WHITE NATALIE 23-0008-0019 / BDV-B-19 WIERCINSKI JONATHAN P TRUSTEE $384.72 14-0064-0870 / PC-347-4 WILLE MARK L $209.92 WILLE DEBORAH MARTIN 08-0073-0402 / T-22-1 WILLIS SEARS M $13.52 WILLIS KAREN
12-0042-0178 / HCM-15-1 WOODWARD WILLIAM F $152.27 WOODWARD DONNA L
16-0070-0042 / SL-5-4 WISE DENNIS $21.81
23-0081-0870 / WR-170-A-1 WD HOBSON REAL ESTATE PC $395.31
04-0070-0001 / EPMS-1 WHITAKER JOHN $493.51 BROWN JANET M
16-0081-0918 / WR-114-1-3 WOOD JOHN A & JOYCE D $90.90 TRUSTEES
16-0070-0041 / SL-5-3 WISE DENNIS $21.81
04-0022-0262 / E-262 WHITAKER JOHN $843.64 BROWN JANET
14-0053-0220 / HU-6-16 WOOD BRANDON & SHELLY $30.06
16-0070-0040 / SL-5-2 WISE DENNIS $21.81
16-0057-0088 / MCS2-76 WESTOVER RUEL B $314.35 WESTOVER MONIQUE
14-0053-0219 / HU-6-15 WOOD BRANDON $30.06 WOOD SHELLY
16-0070-0036 / SL-5-1 WISE DENNIS $21.81
20-0031-0006 / ERTS2-6 WELKER JEFFREY D $82.20
14-0053-0064 / HU-3-2 WOLFE GEORGE W & ALMA S $30.06
14-0053-0136 / HU-4-35 WOJTASIK LESZAK $30.06
14-0044-0016 / HRE-A-16 WOOLSEY SHERRON H STOUT $18.92
14-0053-0048 / HU-2-9 WOJTASIK LESZEK $30.06 ZUREK BOZENA
07-0063-0743 / P-419-2 WORTHEN STEVE $573.46 WORTHEN SARAH
14-0053-0049 / HU-2-10 WOJTASIK LESZEK $30.06 ZUREK BOZENA
16-0074-0028 / TC1-28 WOJTASIK LESZEK $295.33 ZUREK BOZENA 14-0064-0799 / PC-83-C-1 WOLF MOUNTAIN PRODUCTS LL $678.78 ATTN BRYCE BURNS 14-0064-0801 / PC-83-C-3 WOLF MOUNTAIN PRODUCTS LL $545.02 ATTN BRYCE BURNS 14-0064-0798 / PC-83-C WOLF MOUNTAIN PRODUCTS LLC $545.02 14-0064-0800 / PC-83-C-2 WOLF MOUNTAIN PRODUCTS LLC $532.45 02-0011-0068 / BKRE-68 WOLFE ERIC L & JENENE M $311.85
07-0063-0691 / P-33-2 YATES LENETA BARNES $720.05 YATES PAUL 12-0042-0021 / HCM-21 YOUNG EDITH DIANE SCOTT $14.45 YOUNG ROBERT L 12-0042-0081 / HCM-81 YOUNG HOWARD $366.84 16-0003-0026 / AH-26 YURTINUS AUDREY L $1,581.07 & ET’AL 16-0003-0027 / AH-27 YURTINUS AUDREY L $476.04 & ET’AL 16-0081-1089 / WR-550-10 YZQUIERDO ROBERTO $316.11 Parcel Count = 1,061 Total Delinquencies = $450,999.13
23-0081-0184 / WR-184 WARNER CLAUDE $446.73 23-0008-0067 / BDV-B-67 WARNER DONALD H $384.72 WARNER COLETTE M 23-0081-0181 / WR-181 WARNER LLOYD C & LUANA N $319.14 TRUSTEES 23-0081-0598 / WR-181-2 WARNER LLOYD C & LUANA N $16.70 TRUSTEES 23-0081-0215 / WR-215 WARNER LLOYD C & LUANA TR $1,048.16 EES
We would like to wish all of our customers a verry merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for another year serving all of you.
23-0040-0039 / HC-39 WATSON JOHNNIE & CAROL TR $51.22 EES
—Stewart and Arjean Ivie
2013 winter-Spring Schedule Headquarters P.O. Box 250 79 N. 100 W. Bicknell, UT 84715 Phone: 435-425-3170 FAX: 435-425-3176
Becky Lopshire
Library Technician:
Faun Jackson
Office Hours 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Library Hours: 1:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Monday thru Thursday Closed on holidays. DAY
12:30 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. 1:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. - 3:15p.m. 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Torrey Teasdale Fremont Loa Lyman Bicknell
56 E. Main Street 122 S. State (Old Church) 200 W. 100 S. (LDS Church) 18 S. Main (Courthouse) 179 S. Center (LDS Church) Library (79 N. 100 W.)
Mark your calendar for the following dates:
8:45 a.m.. - 11:15 a.m.
Elementary School
1:30 p.m.. - 3:00 p.m.
Elementary School (50 S. Center St.)
Jan. 14, 28
Feb. 11, 25
Mark your calendar for the following dates:
Jan. 15, 29
Feb. 12, 26
Mar. 11, 25
Mar. 12, 26
Apr. 8, 22
May 6, 20
(34 S. 100 E.)
Apr. 9, 23
May 7, 21
The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER
December 27, 2012
This page is a membership service, provided by the Wayne County Business Association
WCBA Board of Directors RayLynne Cooper - President Jessica Alvey - Vice President Amy Jackson - Financial Officer Loreli Anderson - Program Officer West Taylor - Development Officer Ted Winder - Past President Ty Markham - At Large Director LeEllen McCartney - At Large Director Gary Bagley - At Large Director
WCBA Phone: 435-836-3600 email: web: Facebook:
Buy Local
Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
The board of trustees of the Wayne County Business Association salutes its 2012 members and thanks the readers of the Garfield/Wayne County Insider for their support and patronage of our local business community.
A Sign For All Seasons All Wells Drilling AmericanWest Bank Anderson’s Cabinets & Furniture Aquarius Motel & Restaurant Aquarius Restaurant Aquarius RV Park Austin’s Chuckwagon Bakery Austin’s Chuckwagon Deli Austin’s Chuckwagon General Store Austin’s Chuckwagon Lodge and Cabins Backcountry Outfitters Bev King . Kiva House Therapeutic Massage Biz Workx Blackburn Auto Body & Propane Boardman Art & Design Bonnie Kaufman - REALTOR Utah Realty Advisors Brian Auto Parts & Service Brian Farm Service Center Brooke’s Country Boutique Broken Spur Motel Brown Brothers Construction Co Bull Mountain Market Bullhead Sand & Gravel, Inc. Cactus Hill Motel Cactus Hills Ranch Café Diablo Capitol Clips Capitol Reef Café Capitol Reef Inn & Café Capitol Reef Media/The Bit Farm Capitol Reef Nat. Park Visitor Center Capitol Reef Nat. Park/Gifford House Castle Rock Coffee & Candy CC Construction Chimney Rock Restaurant Cliffstone Restaurant Color-country Animal Welfare Cougar Ridge Lodge Country Café Coutique Cowboy Homestead Cabins Coyote Outfitters Creative Spirit Gallery & Gifts Custom Fit, Asst. Director, SBDC Double T Construction Eartheart Eduscapes/Lamb Learning Group Entrada Institute Foutz Management Fremont River Guides Fremont River Photography Fremont River Ranger District Fremont River Software LLC Gallery 24 Garkane Energy Gates Services Grundy Gals Honey Taffey Harmony Aromatherapy Harward & Rees High Desert Land & Development Hondoo Rivers and Trails Howard Johnson Integral Family Solutions Integral Recovery, LLC IWebConn Internet Services Jackson Excavation Kindred Spirits, LLC Kiteley’s Place La Cueva Restaurante Mexicano Laforborn Guest Ranch Late Bloomers Lee Austin Linda’s Floral & Gifts Little d Construction Loa Builders Supply Lotus Community Development Mane.E.Acs Hair Salon Maria’s Grill McCartney Law Office
Milbury & Hodge Moosman Construction Muley Twist Inn Notom Ranch Bed and Breakfast P&C Environmental, LLC Pace Tax Services Pine Shadows Cabins Polar Pipe Power Plant Fitness Prehistoric Artwear Pro Construction & Landscaping Red Cliff Pub & Pizza Red Desert Candy Company Red Ridge Hair Design Red Rock Ranch Red Sands Motel RedRock Women’s Music Festival Road Creek Lodge Robber’s Roost Bookstore Rodeway Inn, Capitol Reef East. S + S Management and Consulting Ron New & Sons Construction Co. Royals Foodtown Sammond Construction Sandcreek Cabins Sandcreek RV Park Scenic Byway 12 Serenity Springs Assisted Living Shane’s Carpet Cleaning Service Sheri’s Hair Design Signature Immunologics, Inc. Sinclair Capitol Reef Slacker’s Burger Joint Snuggle Inn Stan’s Burger Shak Stan’s Chevron & Convenience Store Stevens Locker Still Mountain Retreat Guide Stuff ‘N’ More Sunglow Family Restaurant Sunglow Motel Susan Kendall, LMT Sweetwater Gypsies Tenzo Productions The Beauty Mark The Flute Shop The Flute Shop & Motel The Lodge at Red River The Mill Cabins The Rim Rock Inn The Rim Rock Patio The Rim Rock Restaurant The Saddlery Cowboy Bar & Steakhouse Thousand Lake Lumber Thousand Lakes Auto Repair/Glass Thousand Lakes Jeep Rentals Thousand Lakes RV Park Thousand Lakes RV Park Gift Shop Thousand Lakes Services and Cabinets Three R Painting Tooth Ranch/Scott Anderson, DDS Torrey Days Inn Torrey Greenhouse Torrey Grill Torrey House Press Torrey Pines B & B Inn Torrey Schoolhouse B & B Torrey Town Cabin Torrey Trading Post and Cabins Torrey Trading Post and Cabins - Gift Shop Tosconos Pizzeria Tour Guide Services Van Dyke Legal Services, P.LL.C Wags to Whiskers Wayne Community Health Center & Pharmacy Wayne County Economic Development Wayne County Senior Citizens Wayne County Travel Council West Investment Advice, LLC Whispering Sands Motel
The Wayne & Garfield County INSIDER
Page 16
Practical Money Matters
Retirement Plan Limits Increase in 2013 by Jason Alderman
Benjamin Franklin once declared, “Nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Although I don’t have any updates on the former, where taxes are concerned I do have news: As it does every year, the Internal Revenue Service announced 2013 cost-of-living adjustments to many of the amounts you and your employer can contribute toward your retirement accounts. These new limits mean most people will be able to contribute more money in tax-advantaged accounts for their retirement savings. Here are highlights of what will and won’t change in 2013: Defined contribution plans. The maximum allowable annual contribution you can make to workplace 401(k), 403(b), 457(b) and federal Thrift Savings plans increases by $500 to $17,500. Keep in mind these additional factors: People over 50 can also make an additional $5,500 in catch-up contributions (un-
changed from 2012). The annual limit for combined employee and employer contributions increased by $1,000 to $51,000. Because your plan may limit the percentage of pay you can contribute, your maximum contribution may actually be less. (For example, if the maximum contribution is 10 percent of pay and you earn $50,000, you could only contribute $5,000.) Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). The maximum annual contribution to IRAs increases by $500 to $5,500 (plus an additional $1,000 if 50 or older – unchanged from 2012). Maximum contributions to traditional IRAs are not impacted by personal income, but if your modified adjusted gross income (AGI) exceeds certain limits, the maximum amount you can contribute to a Roth IRA gradually phases out: For singles/heads of households the phase-out range is $112,000 to $127,000 (increased from $110,000 to $125,000 in 2012). Above
$127,000, you cannot contribute to a Roth. For married couples filing jointly, the range is $178,000 to $188,000 (up from $173,000 to $183,000 in 2012). Keep in mind these rules for deducting traditional IRA contributions on your federal tax return: If you’re single, a head of household, a qualifying widow(er) or married and neither spouse is covered by an employer-provided retirement plan you can deduct the full IRA contribution, regardless of income. If you are covered by an employer plan and are single or a head of household, the tax deduction phases out for AGI between $59,000 and $69,000 (up from $58,000 to $68,000 in 2012); if married and filing jointly, the phase-out range is $95,000 to $115,000 (up from $92,000 to $112,000 in 2012). If you’re married and aren’t covered by an employer plan but your spouse is, the IRA deduction is phased out if your combined AGI is between
VISITING SPECIALISTS FOR JANUARY Brent Fox Dr. Bingham Dr. Colbert Dr. Adams Dr. Pearson Dr. Duerkson Dr. Hammond Dr. Stephanz Dr. Heath Dr. Hunsaker Dr. Rick Obray Dr. Jon Obray Dr. Crouch Dr. Snihurowych
Audiology Cardiology (Referral only) Dermatology Dermatology Ears, Nose, Throat Electrodiagnosis Nephrology Nephrology OB/GYN Opthalmology Pain Management Pain Management Urology Urology
$178,000 and $188,000 (up from $173,000 to $183,000 in 2012). For more details, read IRS Publication 590 at www.irs. gov. Retirement Saver’ Tax Credit: As an incentive to help low- and moderate-income workers save for retirement through an IRA or companysponsored plan, many are eligible for a Retirement Savers’ Tax Credit of up to $1,000 ($2,000 if filing jointly). This credit lowers your tax bill, dollar for dollar, in addition to any other tax deduction you already receive for your contribution. Qualifying income ceiling limits for the Retirement Savers’ Tax Credit increased in 2012 to $59,000 for joint filers, $44,250 for heads of household, and $29,500 for singles or married persons filing separately. Consult IRS Form 8880 for more information. Jason Alderman directs Visa’s financial education programs. To Follow Jason Alderman on Twitter: www.twitter. com/PracticalMoney.
December 27, 2012