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Thursday, December 29, 2016
Issue # 1183
Join the 2016 Audubon Christmas Bird Count at Bryce Canyon National Park
The Bryce Canyon Annual Christmas Bird Count on January 5th is open to the public. BRYCE – On January 5th, 2017 nature lovers and birders of all levels of experience will gather at Bryce Canyon National Park to participate in the world’s longest running citizen bird census. The National Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count, now in its 117th year, is an annual event that brings together volunteers across the United States, South America, Canada, and distant Pacific islands, to assist scientists in the monumental
task of assessing the health of bird populations. The event is free, and will begin at 8:30 a.m. with hot drinks and pastries in the Bryce Canyon Visitor Center. Beginners will be paired with experienced birders, and groups will be provided with everything needed to conduct the count within the fifteen-mile radius assigned to the park. Following the morning bird count, a chili lunch and souvenir t-shirts will be provided back at the Visi-
Wayne County Makes Fire District Plan
Planning Meeting Scheduled for January 13th, 2017 at 7:30 pm at the Loa Fire Dept. by Steve Lutz WAYNE COUNTY - of departmental leadership and What if you had a fire and no- fewer young people joining. body came to put it out? You These factors, all seem to be in might expect that to happen in play in Wayne County. Another some third world country but factor here is a general lack of sadly it has come close to hap- resources. Wayne County allopening in several of our Wayne cates a small amount of general County communities over the fund money to each of the six last year. It would seem that departments in the county but there are fewer active volunteer it doesn’t meet the needs that firefighters in the county than departments have identified. there have been in the past. Of To solve this problem, those that can and do respond some years ago (nobody seems to emergencies, few are trained to remember exactly when), to Utah state or national stan- Wayne County formed Special dards. Fewer still are volun- Improvement District 3, AKA teers who work in the town the Wayne County Fire Diswhere they are firefighters. trict for the purpose of financAdd to this problem the ing and improving fire services fact that most of the fire equip- county-wide. The District has ment in the county is 25 year taxing authority, but curiously old or older and that some of it has never assessed fees or fire stations are too small for taxes and in fact it never had a the apparatus and have little or District Board until this year. no space for training. In November, the Board, These are not just Wayne consisting of Dennis BlackCounty problems. The Na- burn, Rick McCartney and tional Volunteer Fire Coun- Steve Lutz called its first meetcil estimates that the ranks of ing. Steve Lutz was elected volunteers, nationwide, has Chairman with Ryan Torgerdropped at least 12% in the last son elected Treasurer and Jeri five years. They attribute this to Johnson elected Secretary. In increasing financial burdens on attendance at the first meeting volunteers and their families, was also Commissioner Newincreased training and other de- ell Harward. The main agenda partment responsibilities, lack Fire District of incentives to participate, lack Cont'd on page 7
A BIT OF SNOW FOR THE NEW YEAR. There are some flurries expected on Friday & Monday. The weekend will be cloudy with a chance of sun late Sunday. Highs for the week in the mid and low 30s, lows around -2 degrees on Tuesday and Wednesday. Wind picks up with snow on Monday around 13 mph.
CourteSy BryCe Canyon nationaL Park
tor Center, thanks to the Bryce Canyon Natural History Association. Currently the park is looking for volunteers to help with the 2016 count. If you are interested in participating, please contact Ranger Peter Densmore at 435-834-4744. Those who volunteer will receive free park admission. Additionally those in the local area who would like to contribute data by counting from their home feeders are invited to
contact the park as well. Other counts have been held locally in the Kanab, Boulder, and Escalante areas, and will also be conducted in Glen Canyon on January 4th. Information on other gatherings in Utah can be found at Additional information can also be obtained by visiting the park’s website at brca, or by calling Peter Densmore at 435-834-4744. —Bryce Canyon National Park
PANGUITCH - Are you getting ready for the Panguitch Main Street's Ice Fishing Derby? Here are few Ice Fishing Tips from the Division of Wildlife Resources to help you win big this year. Putting your bait or lure at the depth where the fish are is the key to catching fish through the ice. And using some simple devices that will help you know when a fish is biting your bait or lure is a big help too. Finding the depth where the fish are is the key to catching fish through the ice. Randy Oplinger, cold water sport fisheries coordinator for the Division of Wildlife Resources, says fish become lethargic when they're under the ice. "Fish that are under the ice usually don't take baits aggressively," he says. "Instead, they'll often mouth the bait before stripping it off the hook or rejecting it. That makes it difficult to know when a fish is investigating your bait. That's why devices, such as bobbers that float on the water or spring bobbers that attach to your fishing pole, are so important." Oplinger recommends two techniques to help you find fish and then catch fish after you've found them: - The first technique is simple — simply drop your
bait or lure to the depth where you think the fish are, and then let it sit. Keep it still. If you've put your lure or bait near a fish, there's a good chance the fish will take it. Sometimes, though, it's challenging to know if a fish has your bait or lure in its mouth. "Fish are extremely passive in the winter," Oplinger says. "They can have your bait or lure in their mouth, and you won't even know it." For that reason, Oplinger recommends lifting your rod from time to time. "If a fish has your bait or lure in its mouth," he says, "as soon as you raise your rod, you'll set the hook." If you lift your rod, and a fish isn't there, let your bait or lure flutter down to its starting point, and then watch it for awhile before lifting it again. Also, if you're not catching fish, change the depth at which you're placing your bait or lure. Sometimes, fish are below you but not at the depth at which you're fishing. - The second technique is called "lift, drop and hold." To use this technique, drop your bait or lure to the depth where you think the fish are. Then, using only your wrist, lift the
Addiction Recovery Program in Seminary Building at the Wayne High School WAYNE COUNTY Do you find yourself reflecting on the past year and not liking what you see? Are you carrying an old “you” you don’t really like into the new year? Are you looking for a way to make a change and feel the enormity of your load just too much to deal with on your own? Do you feel like there is no hope for you and that you cannot possibly change? Each of us has lives tangled with depression, anxiety, co-dependency, addictive behaviors and physical addictions of our own or someone that we love. The negative feelings and unhappiness these behaviors and addictions cause in our lives affects our mind, our bodies and our relationships with those we love most. You need to know: You are not alone. You do not have to overcome addiction or co-dependency alone. There is a divinely inspired 12 step recovery program that can help. Based on the 12 step program of Alcoholics Anonymous, The Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints has an Addiction Recovery Program that is open to all who are looking to make a difference in their life. The new year is a great time to start. The Addiction Recovery Program applies gospel
principals of repentance and the promise of the power of the Atonement of our Savior to empower you to make the changes required to overcome addictions. It is a program of hope and love. It is a step by step program of reading and applying principals and action steps that will help you do the deep self-examination that can ultimately free you from your addictions. If you participate as a supporter, you will find you better understand the behaviors of those you love who suffer from addiction. This program can help anyone looking to make improvements in their life to make their life more peaceful and satisfying. The Addiction Recovery Program is held every Thursday night at the Seminary building at Wayne High School. It starts at 7:00 and runs for one hour. If you attend community AA or NA meetings, or Al Anon or any other programs, you might find that there is additional help in these meetings. We welcome you to join us. If you have questions about the program or need any additional information, you can contact Steve or Joyce Swaner at 435-8362821 or Verland or Terri King at 435-425-3487. —Addiction Recovery Program
Panguitch Ice Fishing Derby Begins Next Week, Get Ready with DWR Tips Must Be Registered by January 1st
Ice Fishing
CourteSy PanguitCh Main Street
This happy contestant from the January 2016 Panguitch Main Street Ice Fishing Derby wants to remind everyone that you must be registered by January 1st to enter the January Derby. There are mini tournaments each weekend, January 2nd: Heaviest limit; January 7th: Single longest; January 14th: Full limit, combined total length; January 21st and 28th:Ticket drawn for weight—the weight that is the closest to the ticket drawn, wins.
Cont'd on page 2
Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. —Ralph Waldo Emerson
ALL content for THE WAYNE & GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER must be submitted on FRIDAY BEFORE NOON to be included in the following Thursday edition of the paper.