SNDSmag 2010|4

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SNDSMagazine 2010|4

Oslo comments 4 Peace and love and rock’n’roll: Stockholm speakers 6-10 25 years of board members 15–16 Unpredictable strokes 18–21 Create your grids the smart way 22–23 Godaften! Her er pressens iPad-avis 24-25 Books & links 26-27 SNDS members 28-30 Varför är det så svårt att ta till sig positiva nyheter? 32




President Anders Tapola Smålandsposten, S-351 70 Växjö, Sverige Tel.: +46 470 770 686 E-mail:

Secretary Sissel Bigset Sunnmørsposten, Boks 123, sentrum, N-6001 Ålesund, Norge Tel.: +47 70 12 00 00 E-mail:

Web-editor Kartin Hansen Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3, DK-8260 Viby J, Danmark Tel.: +45 87 38 38 38 / 31 07 Fax: +45 87 38 31 99 E-mail:

Seminars Lars Andersson Upsala Nya Tidning, Box 36, S-751 03 Upsala, Sverige Tel.: +46 18-478 16 79 E-mail: FINLAND Communication Petri Salmén Helsingin Sanomat PB 71, FI-00089 Sanoma Helsinki, Finland Tel.: +358 91 22 24 02 Fax: +358 91 22 23 88 E-mail:

DeNMARK Vice -President/ Treasurer Frank Stjerne JP/Politikens Hus Rådhuspladsen 37, DK-1785 København V, Danmark Tel.: +45 33 47 23 99 Fax: +45 33 14 72 17 E-mail: SNDS Secretariat Lone Jürgensen Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3, DK-8260 Viby J, Danmark Tel.: +45 87 38 38 38 / 31 08 Fax: +45 87 38 31 99 E-mail:

Best of Scandinavian News Design Chairman of the Competition Committee Flemming Hvidtfeldt Århus Stiftstidende Banegårdspladsen 11, DK-8000 Århus C, Danmark Tel.: +45 20 91 17 52 E-mail: Substitutes for the board Jørn Broch, JydskeVestkysten, Danmark Pieta Forssell-Nieminen, Keskisuomalainen, Finland Kristoffer Nielsen, Morgenbladet, Norge Anna W. Thurfjell, Svenska Dagbladet, Sverige

SNDSMagazine 2010|4


Editor, Art Director Lars Pryds Mob.: +45 30 53 87 14 E-mail:

Print: Svendborg Tryk

Co-editor, Journalist DJ Lisbeth Tolstrup Mob.: +45 51 32 89 62 E-mail:

Articles and ideas for SNDS Magazine and are most welcome. Please contact the editors if you have something you want to have published.

SNDS Magazine editorial office Østerbrogade 158, 3. TH., DK-2100 København Ø, Danmark Tel.: +45 39 20 80 19

Typography: SNDS Magazine is set in Myriad Pro, Myriad Pro Condensed and Adobe Jenson Pro and designed in Adobe Indesign for Macintosh.

SNDS Magazine is published four times a year, in March, June, September and December. Deadlines are on the 15th of February, May, August and November. Published by: Society for News Design Scandinavia E ISSN 0909-1459

The front page shows Philip Ytournel’s illustration of the Roskilde Festival, made for a spread in one of Politiken’s culture sections. See more Ytournel illustrations on pages 18-21. Remember: All recent issues of SNDS Magazine can be read online as e-magazine: E SNDS is on Facebook: E E

SNDS Magazine 2010|4 Editorial

In the future »

In the future all material items will be free. In the future everyone’s house will be a total entertainment center. In the future TV will be so good that the printed word will function as an art form only. In the future there will be so much going on that no one will be able to keep track of it.« These are only a few of 41 extraordinary predictions for the future written by David Byrne* back in the Orwellian year of 1984. And just like many of George Orwell’s own visions for the future in his groundbreaking novel ”1984”, some of them have already turned into reality, and others we can see now never will. The TV, for instance, has been outdistanced by advanced personal computers, by the internet, and by the wave of tablets swarming the world with Apple’s iPad in front – at least in the countries where this new ’total entertainment center’ device has been released for sale. Will Apple – who also broke some heavy ground in 1984 by launching the Macintosh – win the tablet war with their over-hyped iPad? Well, it is hard to say what will really happen in the future. But head on to page 24 and see what former web-editor, 3D graphics specialist Gert K. Nielsen thinks about

the way news media are adapting to the new platform. Stockholm 12-14 May 2011 In the near future, Stockholm is hosting the next SNDS seminar. Seems like just a few weeks since we left Oslo, but hopefully many people will show up in May to listen to a new lineup of great speakers. We present the first names on the speaker list – one of them is Henrik Kanekrans who in 2008 faced the financial crisis by starting a new news business! With kind permission from Svenska Dagbladet we bring you a rare interview with Kanekrans (p 10). SNDS – how old are we really? Back to 1984 – this was also the year when the idea for SNDS was born. The following year, 21 brave people from all over Scandinavia met in Bergen, and chose an interim board to prepare the founding of this organization. The constitutional meeting took place in Stockholm on 25 May 1986. So, although pregnancy began 25 years ago this year, it is not until next year we can celebrate the real 25th birthday of SNDS. Appropriately the seminar returns to its birth place, Stockholm, for the celebration! For the record we’ve made a list of board members elected by the active members of SNDS over the years. Thanks to those who took their turn

in the board (p 15), and thanks also to those of you who kept SNDS alive by supporting the idea all along – many of you will find your name in print on p 28–30. Your support will also be needed and appreciated in the future. And then some … There’s more: We portray multiple award winning illustrator Philip Ytournel from Danish newspaper Politiken, just named the “European Newspaper of the Year” (p 18); we talk to a Swedish art director who has invented a smart and easy way to make complicated grids in InDesign (p 22); participants at the Oslo Opera seminar give great advice for the next seminars (p 4) and as Christmas is inevitably nearing we have tips for your shopping list or for your own wish list – your choice (p 26). Enjoy the last SNDS Magazine in 2010 – have a nice Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Hope to see you next year – and since it’s impossible to guess the future, remember: The time is always now**. Lars Pryds & Lisbeth Tolstrup Editors, SNDS Magazine *) From his magnificent album “Music for the Knee Plays”, reissued on CD in 2007. More info at **) Motto of the American/Dutch artist Bulgar Time, aka Victor IV.

THE BOOK n8 0 pages, A4 format, colour images of all winning entries in the competition THE DVD nH igh resolution image files of the winning pages / websites n Catalogues 2006-2010 (pdf) n SNDS Magazines 2006-2010 (pdf) n SNDS logos for print and web n Competition rules

PRICE: n BOOK+DVD: 30 € / 240 NOK / 225 DKK n Book only: 25 € / 200 NOK / 185 DKK n DVD only: 20 € / 160 NOK / 150 DKK To order your copy: Contact SNDS Secretariat, Lone Jürgensen by e-mail:

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

Best of Scandinavian News Design 2010 book & dvd

Oslo comments

36 hectic hours. A huge amount of hidden stories. Information and inspiration on a high level. Search for colleagues, old as well as new ones. Surprises, expectations and not enough time. Lisbeth Tolstrup nA

conference is more than anything else a modern and hectic way of exploring and developing your own professionality. For the organizers, the speakers and the participants it is also a question of quality and an ongoing competition in the search for being better in the actual landscape of modern media in a floating global society based on communication. We were all there in Oslo, demanding, enjoying and critical. So let’s face the evaluation report from Aftenposten and the comments from the participants. The primary evaluation Based on a simple questionnaire, the participants were asked questions concerning the sessions/lectures, the location, the food and refreshments, the level of information and the hosts and hostesses. Finally everyone was asked to give the seminar an “Overall rating” on a scale from 1 to 6, with 1 being ’Did not meet my expectations’ and 6 being ’Exceeded my expectations’. Looking at this Overall rating, around 60% rated the seminar with 5 or 6. 30% placed their mark in middle two (3 or 4) and only 10% pointed at the bottom marks (1 or 2). Concerning the practical things like

location, food, information and hosting the bar graph shows high scores meaning great satisfaction with these items. The content of the seminar More interesting for the further work in the seminar comittee must be the bar graph concerning the speakers and their subjects – complemented with comments from different participants. Once more the scale goes from 1 to 6. Scoring higher than 4.5 in the rating we find Simon Ewing and his lecture about the Oslo Operahouse, Juan Antonio Giner’s presentation about the tablets, and speakers Mark Porter, Terry Watson (twice) and Jacek Utko. In the comments participants suggest that the top speakers have more time for their lectures, giving them the opportunity to go deeper into their actual subjects. Finally there is a wish that powerpoint/ pdf versions of the speakers’ presentations are placed on the website for further use. In the lower half of the rating (scoring less than 3 points out of the possible 6) are the Award Show, the General Assembly of SNDS and the presentation of the project ”Hall of Femmes”. It is interesting, seen from an evaluation point of view, that two things scoring low points are related to the formal part of the seminar, while the third one is related to a retrospective documenta-

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

The missing video

ry part. I wonder if this is a sign of fear for new ways of thinking – or at least worth a discussion in the fora, where things are being developed. One comment from the audience: ”Never forget that the design is there to communicate journalism. It gets very wrong when speakers diverse between design and journalism.” Interesting point of view – especially if we look at the way news, design and education get more and more mixed up in cross-over phenomenons like edutainment and docutainment. Talking of entertainment the members are – no doubt – looking forward to a more dynamic General Assembly, just like the applicants for the competition want a more entertaining presentation of their awards – show time, folks! 50% of the sessions were rated between 3 and 4.5, which can be seen as an acceptable score, but not really breathtaking. The highest score was 4.86 – meaning none of the sessions reached above 5 out of 6. Some of the comments actually related to the problem, asking for: ”More focused subjects, better prepared, also visually. Not just examples of one’s own work but ideas of general interest that can stimulate new thoughts.” Another advice for the next seminars focus on the program as a whole by suggesting: “ … be aware of the balance between topics.” n

Sydsvenskan scored 9 awards in the Best of Scandinavian News Design 2010 competition. The small video that we, due to technical problems, never got the chance to see in Oslo, is now online. Head of design at Sydsvenskan, Benjamin Peetre, takes us on a quick tour through the editorial office and talks about how the design team and the journalists work together. Watch and listen at: E

Whether it’s crafting stunning graphic design, immersive interactive experiences, dynamic web content or professional video production, each Creative Suite 5 version gives you the confidence to design and deliver content and applications across media – reaching more people in more places, with measurable impact.

SNDSMagazine 2010|4


Filter, magasinet med de lange artikler. Filters Chefredaktör Mattias Göransson och Art Director Ola Carlsson kommer til Stockholm.

Olle Lidbom, medieanalytiker

Peace and love and rock’n’roll, and customers who make a difference Konkurrensen hårdnar. Kampen om läsarna, lyssnarna och tittarna blir tuffare för var minut som går. Nyckeln till framgång är att göra skillnad. På SNDS seminariet i Stockholm nästa år handlar om just det – Make a difference!

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

Anna Östlund

n Raconteur

gjorde skillnad direkt. Henrik Kanekrans livsstilsbilaga fick snabbt en position. Erfarna skribenter från tunga tidskrifter borgar för kvaliteten. The Times och The Sunday Times för att den når läsarna. Efter sex veckor gick man med vinst. Framgångsreceptet: att aldrig

tumma på vare sig kvalitet eller design, en etta där ”rätt” person presenteras med en provocerande rubrik. Samt kanske också ett citat från Apples vd Steve Jobs ”Stay hungry, stay foolish”. En devis Henrik Kanekrans aldrig glömmer bort … På SNDS seminariet Make A Difference i Stockholm i maj nästa år kommer han och berättar varför han lyckades där så många andra har gått bet.

Peace and Love-festivalen började som ett kompisevenemang för drygt tio år sedan i Borlänge. I somras med över 42 000 besökare och Jay Z som största dragplåster intog Peace and Love första platsen som Sveriges största musik‑ festival. Men Peace and Love är så mycket mer än tre dagars musikfest i juli. Det är ett helt eget koncept. Patric Hammar, festivalchef, och Ronny Mattsson, presschef, kommer till Stockholm och berättar storyn om

Lisbeth Knudsen, koncernchef og ansvarshavende chefredaktør, Berlingske Media, Danmark. Foto: Søren Bidstrup.

China at crossroads – new ways of presenting stories

Patric Hammar, festivalchef, Peace and Love Festival

Ronny Mattsson, presschef, Peace and Love Festival Peace and Love och hur en festival kan göra skillnad. Kunden i fokus har Berlingske Media i sitt projekt Customer Centric Model, ett projekt som pågår just nu. Syftet är att sätta kundernas behov i centrum, helt enkelt erbjuda abonnenter och annonsörer nya tjänster och produkter. Det handlar om att erbjuda konsumentvaruprodukter och tjänster men även om att det redaktionella innehållet ska utgå från kundernas önskemål. Lisbeth Knudsen, koncernchef og ansvarshavende chefredaktør, kommer till Stockholm och berättar mer om projektet och hur det har gått. Använd det du har för att göra skillnad. Har du koll på allt som går att göra i din tryckpress? Vilka format och vilka pappersalternativ du kan använda för att överraska läsarna? En representant för Manroland, en av världens ledande tidningstryckpres-

sar, visar exempel på spännande och kreativa lösningar gjorda i helt vanliga tryckpressar. Kanske precis en sådan som ditt företag har. Långa artiklar i ett litet format. Reportagetidningen Filter vågar gå mot strömmen av snuttifiering och har gjort succé både hos läsarna och annonsörerna på kort tid. Chefredaktören Mattias Göransson och Ola Carlsson, Art Director, kommer till Stockholm och berättar hur och varför Filter har lyckats. Dessutom kommer Olle Lidbom, oberoende medieanalytiker, och presenterar sju medietrender som kommer att påverka dagstidningarna. Läs mer om programmet och vilka som kommer för att dela med sig av sina erfarenheter av att Make a difference på n

media often struggle to tell recurrent, important stories in a new way. Whether it’s government elections, the Nobel Prize announcement or an emerging superpower like China, it’s challenging for newspapers and web sites to make a difference in the way they approach such stories one more time. Audiovisual essays offer an original opportunity to reach that goal. Cristobal Edwards, professor in Visual Journalism at the University of Santiago, Chile, will make an audiovisual presentation about some of the challenges that China faces. China itself is interesting with the impact it has on the world economy today. The presentation will be followed by a discussion with Cristobal Edwards. n

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

n News

Livsstilsbilaga blev en vinnare i krisen

De startade samma vecka som Lehmans krasch och risktagandet var dömt att stupa. Men Raconteur, livsstilsbilagan som distribueras med The Times och The Sunday Times, var lönsam redan sjätte veckan. Henrik Kanekrans, en av två svenska grundare, förklarar varför – och vil komme at fördjupa det på SNDS seminariet i Stockholm.

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

Malin Ekman

London. n Det är i slutet av april, det välkända askmolnet har just lättat, och ytterplaggen har åkt av de turister och karriärister som korsar Londons Liverpool Street i alla riktningar. Några kvarter bort sitter tolv tidningsmakare i en industrilokal i Shoreditch. Det har gått ett och ett halvt år sedan Henrik Kanekrans, 28 år, tillsammans med Freddie Ossberg, 29, startade medieföretaget Raconteur, samma turbulenta höstvecka 2008 som blev startskottet för finanskrisen. –Folk tyckte att vi var helt galna. ”Startar ni ett mediebolag som ska snurra runt på annonser? Tidningsmarknaden är ju död!” Men det gick. Tiden på Mediaplanet, medieföretaget som producerar bilagor och på fem år expanderade i 20-talet länder, blev Henrik Kanekrans plantskola i branschen. Efter fyra år lockade det att honom och kollegan

Freddie Ossberg att starta en egen liknande produkt med nytt fokus. –Vi såg att bilagemarknaden blev mindre och mindre ansedd. Bilagor ansågs ha ett dåligt redaktionellt innehåll vilket vi ville ändra på och höja kvalitén till en nivå likt FT, The Times och Wall Street Journal. Varför skulle inte mindre bolag kunna göra lika kvalitativa tidningar? Prins Charles som kolumnist Receptet blev initierade artiklar på teman som konst, finans och miljö. Flera är skrivna under pseudonym av skribenter på Financial Times och även prins Charles medverkar som kolumnist i ett nummer. Allt handlar om innehåll och det är viktigt att inte kompromissa med vare sig kvalitet eller design. –Att använda etablerade journalister är vårt sätt att skapa en storsäljare. Sätter vi rätt person på omslaget och en provokativ rubrik är vi hemma, förklarar Henrik Kanekrans strategin. Tolv publishers – som de med redaktionellt och kommersiellt ansvar

kallas i den brittiska tidningsvärlden – har uppdraget att hitta annonsörer och se till att tidningens innehåll håller måttet. Runt två månader innan tidningen skickas till The Times tryckpressar brukar arbetet med de olika numren påbörjas. Alla artiklar läggs ut på externa skribenter och tidningarnas finansiering ser olika ut. Ibland är det en organisation som betalar hela tidningen – till exempel den klimattidning som WWF stod bakom eller det konstnummer som sponsrades av ett galleri i Mayfair. Andra gånger säljs enskilda annonser på samma sätt som till dagstidningar. I publicistiska sammanhang är detta en känslig fråga, men Henrik Kanekrans menar att innehållet ska tillgodose läsarna och inte annonsörerna. –Det finns inget ”pay and play”-scenario. Det skulle vi förlora på, läsarna skulle inse det snabbt och tappa förtroendet. Du etablerar inte ett varumärke över en natt men däremot kan du förstöra det på en sekund. För ett litet företag – Raconteur omsatte 2,5 miljoner pund 2009 – med

Stockholm i maj Henrik Kanekrans kommer til Stockholm og fortæller om Raconteur. Foto: Malin Ekman

Previously published in Svenska Dagbladet. Printed with kind permission. Link to the original article on E Malin Ekman is a freelance journalist based in New York and one of the owners of Find her on: E E

E passion Gör det du är passionerad för och gör det bra. Den övertygelsen är så stark att Henrik Kanekrans tatuerat in en del av Apples vd Steves Jobs berömda tal vid Stanford University, på underarmen. ”Stay hungry, stay foolish”, står det. ”Livet är för kort för att inte göra det man känner för. Följ ditt hjärta, ha kul och lägg manken till. Jag har dyslexi och jag skriver dåligt. Ändå har jag startat tidningshus”, säger Henrik Kanekrans.

English summary In 2008, in the same week as the crash of the Lehmann Brothers, two Swedish guys opened up a newspaper business, that proved profitable after only 6 weeks. The concept is specialized magazine supplements, sponsored by advertising and distributed with the large English papers The Times and The Sunday Times.

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

Tror på den tryckta pressen Idag distribueras Raconteur med The Times som trycks i 710000 exemplar med 1.8 miljoner läsare dagligen och The Sunday Times som har dubbelt så stor upplaga och läskrets. Samarbetspartnern, Rupert Murdochs News International, har gett Raconteur exklusivitet och har också option på att köpa 50 procent av bolaget, som idag är helägt av Henrik Kanekrans och Freddie Ossberg. Räckvidden som kommer av kontraktet med News International är tacksam, men inte ensam orsak till att det gått bra, menar Henrik Kanekrans.

–Vi har en fördel där, absolut. Men bara för att något kommer snyggt paketerat innebär inte det att varan säljs av sig själv. Det vore naivt att tänka så. Det där har med kollegorna och hur vi jobbar att göra. Ett 50-tal tidningar har producerats under ett och ett halvt år i ett tufft klimat, där tidningar gått omkull och titlar köpts upp för samma peng som en utgåva kostar i tidningsstället. Men Henrik Kanekrans tror på den tryckta pressen, så länge innehållet är läsvärt. – Det är klart att det är riskfyllt men tror man på sig själv och har kunskap om sin målgrupp tror jag att det är en stark formel för att lyckas. n

Foto: Malin ekman

stora visioner handlar det om att sticka ut och visa vilka man är och vad man står för. –Ska jag ha möte med någon som jag vet har suttit i ett konferensrum tio gånger tidigare under dagen, vet jag att personen inte kommer att komma ihåg mig om jag gör likadant. Då hittar jag på något annat, tar med henne eller honom på en kaffe eller en utställning, berättar Henrik Kanekrans.

Wanted: Objects for silent auction n SNDS

will host a silent auction in favor for students in visual journalism and design. The silent auction will take place in Stockholm at the annual SNDS workshop, May 13 2011.

Do you have any first editions of books, magazines or newspapers? Or illustrations, photos, art or other interesting things for the auction, please send an for more information. n

Which rock song is the best? n Beatles, Springsteen, Stones, Sinead

O’Connor? Who sang your favourite rock songs? Share them with all who will come to the SNDS Make a Difference seminar in Stockholm 12-14 May 2011. We want your five favourite songs – and the music will be played at the seminar whenever there’s a chance. Send an email with your Top 5 (please include the name of the song, name of the artist, and if possible, the name of the album it was taken from) to n

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

Stockholm 2011


0DNH D IHU I GHLQ FH Create your own T-shirt! Enter, where you can find this white t-shirt. Design your own T-shirt and send it to: sndstshirt You can win a price that really makes a difference!

Keep updated about Stockholm 2011 at

Stockholm 2011

Design 0DNH your own T-shirt – win D HU and Love 2011 I a ticket to Peace I L GHQF H coolest, nicest, dirtiest and most innon The competition to create the

Create your own vative T-shirt design is T-shirt! open for entries. Enter, where you can find this white t-shirt. Download the Design T-shirt template from your own T-shirt and send it to: sndstshirt – and send your design by You can win a price that really makes a difference! email to

Keep updated about Stockholm 2011 at

Remember to include your name and contact info. You can – among other things – be the lucky winnner of a free ticket to the Peace and Love 2011 Festival in Borlänge, worth around 2000 svenska kronor. n

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SNDSMagazine 2010|4

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7 new magazine trends that will reshape the newspapers

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0DQURODQG How your printing plant can give new life to your publication


25 years of SNDS board members The place and date indicate where and when the General Assembly took place.

Bergen 12. maj 1991 Ordførende: Norvall Skreien, Bergens Tidende (N) Styremedlem: Carl Henning, Helsingin Sanomat (FI) Styremedlem: Svein Hansen, Aftenposten (N) Sekretær: Åke Edwarsson, Institut for Journalistik och Masskommunikation (S) Kasserer: Lisberth Bredahl, Berlingske Tidende (DK) Suppleanter: Olav Gorseth, Adresseavisen, Trondhjem (N); Lena Söder, Dagens Nyheter (S); Hans Møller, Jyllands-Posten (DK); Timo Virta, Helsingin Sanomat (FI)

Bergen (N) 11. juni 1985 INTERIMSTYRET Formand: Per H. Baugstø, Fædrelandsvennen (N) Britt-Marie Alsen, Dagens Nyheter (S) Finn Nielsen, Politiken (DK) Bjørn Ottersen, Institut for Journalistik (N) Stockholm (S) 25. maj 1986 Ordførende: Ernst Dernehl, grafisk designer (S) Per H. Baugstø, Fædrelandsvennen (N) Finn Nielsen, Politiken (DK) Suppleanter: Thomas Hall, Dagens Nyheter (S); Bodil Fagerheim, Verdens Gang (N); Børge T. Skovsende, Jyllands-Posten (DK)

Helsingfors 9. maj 1992 Ordførende: Norvall Skreien, Bergens Tidende (N) 1. viceordførende: Carl Henning, Helsingin Sanomat (FI) 2. viceordførende: Erling Omvik, Frederikstadblad (N) Kasserer: Ole Munk, Grafisk Højskole (DK) Sekretær: Åke Edwarsson, Journalisthøjskolen (S) Suppleanter: Olav Gorseth, Adresseavisen, Trondhjem (N); Lena Söder, Dagens Nyheter (S); Hans Møller, Jyllands-Posten (DK); Ulf Stambej, Hufvudstadsbladet (FI)

Århus (DK) 16. maj 1987 Ordførende: Ernst Dernehl, grafisk designer (S) Styremedlem: Finn Nielsen, Politiken (DK) Styremedlem: Per H. Baugstø, Fædrelandsvennen (N) Sekretær: Thomas Hall, Dagens Nyheter (S) Kasserer: Gunnar Springfeldt, Göteborgs-Posten Suppleanter: Gunilla Westerberg, Svenska Dagbladet (S); Børge T. Skovsende, Jyllands-Posten (DK); Sigurd Hennum, Aftenposten (N) Oslo (N) 7. maj 1988 Ordførende: Ernst Dernehl, grafisk designer (S) Styremedlem: Finn Nielsen, Politiken (DK) Styremedlem: Trond Degnes, Østlandets Blad (N) Sekretær: Børge T. Skovsende, Jyllands-Posten (DK) Kasserer: Gunnar Springfeldt, Göteborgs-Posten Suppleanter: Gunilla Westerberg, Svenska Dagbladet (S); Bjarne Fristed, Aarhuus Stiftstidende (DK); Norvall Skreien, Bergens Tidende (N)


Helsingør 13. maj 1990 Ordførende: Børge T. Skovsende, Jyllands-Posten (DK) Styremedlem: Svein Hansen, Aftenposten (N) Styremedlem: Bengt Eklund, Ny Teknik (S) Sekretær: Norvall Skreien, Bergens Tidende (N) Kasserer: Svend Grønborg, Horsens Folkeblad (DK) Suppleanter: Rie Jerichow, Berlingske Tidende (DK); Per H. Baugstø; Fædrelandsvennen (N); Peter Melin, Svenska Dagbladet (S)



Aalborg (DK) 2. juni 1994 Ordførende: Svenåke Boström, Sundsvalls Tidning (S) 1. viceordførende: Ulf Stambej, Hufvudstadsbladet (FI) 2. viceordførende: Arne Edwardsen, Bergensavisen (N) Sekretær: Zarah Lüsch, Helsingborgs Dagblad (S) Kasserer: Jens Bøgh, Jyllands-Posten (DK) Suppleanter: Bertil Johansson, Svenska Dagbladet (S); Peter Björkas, Vasabladet (FI); Kjeld Thorbjørn, Horsens Folkeblad (DK); Jonn Karl Sætre, Kvinnheringen (N) Trondhjem (N) 10. juni 1995 Ordførende: Svenåke Boström, Sundsvalls Tidning (S) 1. viceordførende: Ulf Stambej, Hufvudstadsbladet (FI) 2. viceordførende: Arne Edwardsen, Bergensavisen (N) Sekretær: Lena Grape Lilliehorn, Östgöta Correspondenten (S) Kasserer: Jens Bøgh, Jyllands-Posten (DK) Suppleanter: Peter Björkas, Vasabladet (FI); Inger Johannesson, Norrländska Socialdemokraten (S); Søren Stidsholt Nielsen, Fyns Amts Avis (DK); Jonn Karl Sætre, Kvinnheringen (N)


most important

for the

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

Gøteborg (S) 21. maj 1989 Ordførende: Børge T. Skovsende, Jyllands-Posten (DK) Styremedlem: Kerstin Wigstrand, Dagens NyheterSverige Sekretær: Norvall Skreien, Bergens Tidende (N) Kasserer: Svend Grønborg, Horsens Folkeblad (DK) Suppleanter: Rie Jerichow, Berlingske Tidende (DK); Peter Melin, Svenska Dagbladet (S); Per H. Baugstø; Fædrelandsvennen (N)

Stockholm 8. maj 1993 Ordførende: Svenåke Boström, Sundsvalls Tidning (S) 1. viceordførende: Ulf Stambej, Hufvudstadsbladet (FI) 2. viceordførende: Arne Edwardsen, Bergensavisen (N) Sekretær: Zarah Lüsch, Helsingborgs Dagblad (S) Kasserer: Ole Munk, Grafisk Højskole (DK) Suppleanter: Bertil Johansson, Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm (S); Peter Björkas, Vasabladet (FI); Kjeld Thorbjørn, Horsens Folkeblad (DK); Erling Omvik, Fredriksstad Blad (N)

Per H. Bagstø (N) 1985-1986 (interim)

Ernst Dernehl (S) 1986-1988

Børge T. Skovsende 1989-1991

Norvall Skreien (N) 1991-1993

scandinavian cooperation There is long and fruitful tradition for crossing the Scandinavian borders to work with newspaper design. Two now former SNDS presidents, B.T. Skovsende and Ernst Dernehl, actually worked together when Ernst Dernehl from Sweden was asked to help redesign Skovsende’s Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in the early 1990ies. Foto: Preben Tolstoy

Svenåke Boström (S) 1993-1996

Ulf Stambej (FI) 1996-1997

Ole Munk (DK) 1997-1999

Anna Östlund (S) 2003-2007

Anders Tapola (S) 2007-

Sundsvall (S) juni 1996 Ordførende: Ulf Stambej, Hufvudstadsbladet (FI) 1. viceordførende: Svenåke Boström, Sundsvalls Tidning (S) 2. viceordførende: Arne Edwardsen, Bergensavisen (N) Sekretær: Lena Grape Lilliehorn, Östgöta Correspondenten (S) Kasserer: Jens Bøgh, Jyllands-Posten (DK) Suppleanter: Inger Palm, Svenska Dagbladet (S); Peter Björkas, Vasabladet (FI); Søren Stidsholt Nielsen, Fyns Amts Avis (DK); Stig Grimelid, Dagens Næringsliv (N)

Oslo (N) 16. maj 1998 Ordførende: Ole Munk, Ribergaard og Munk Design (DK) 1. viceordførende: Peter Björkas, Vasabladet (FI) 2. viceordførende: Stig Grimelid, Dagens Næringsliv (N) Sekretær: Lena Grape Lilliehorn, Östgöta Correspondenten (S) Kasserer: Frank Stjerne, Jyllands-Posten (DK) Suppleanter: Karin Teghammar-Arell, Göteborgs-Posten (S); Tuula Tsokkinen, Kaleva (FI); Søren Stidsholt Nielsen, Fyns Amts Avis (DK); Unar Vegstein, Vårt Land (N)

Billund (DK) 23. maj 1997 Ordførende: Ole Munk, Ribergaard og Munk Design (DK) 1. viceordførende: Peter Björkas, Vasabladet (FI) 2. viceordførende: Arne Edwardsen, Bergensavisen (N) Sekretær: Lena Grape Lilliehorn, Östgöta Correspondenten (S) Kasserer: Jens Bøgh, Jyllands-Posten (DK) Suppleanter: Karin Teghammar-Arell, Göteborgs-Posten (S); Tuula Tsokkinen, Kaleva (FI); Søren Stidsholt Nielsen, Fyns Amts Avis (DK); Stig Grimelid, Dagens Næringsliv (N)

København (DK) 11. september 1999 Ordførende: Pål André Berg, Verdens Gang (N) 1. viceordførende: Peter Björkas, Vasabladet (FI) 2. viceordførende: Stig Grimelid, Dagens Næringsliv (N) Sekretær: Anna Östlund (S) Kasserer: Frank Stjerne, Jyllands-Posten (DK) Suppleanter: Karin Teghammar-Arell, Göteborgs-Posten (S); Tuula Tsokkinen, Kaleva (FI); Søren Stidsholt Nielsen, Fyns Amts Avis (DK); Unar Vegstein, Vårt Land (N)

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

Pål André Berg 1999-2003

15 E

designin scandinavia competition E



Reykjavik (ISL) 8. april 2000 Ordførende: Pål André Berg, Verdens Gang (N) 1. viceordførende: Peter Björkas, Vasabladet (FI) 2. viceordførende: Stig Grimelid, Dagens Næringsliv (N) Sekretær: Anna Östlund (S) Kasserer: Frank Stjerne, Jyllands-Posten (DK) Suppleanter: Karin Teghammar-Arell, Göteborgs-Posten (S); Tuula Tsokkinen, Kaleva (FI); Søren Stidsholt Nielsen, Fyns Amts Avis (DK); Unar Vegstein, Vårt Land (N) Tampere (FI) 8. september 2001 Ordførende: Pål André Berg, Verdens Gang (N) Viceordførende: Hannu Pulkkinen, Ilta-Sanomat (FI) Seminaransvarlig: Anna Östlund, Journalistgruppen (S) Kasserer: Frank Stjerne, Politiken (DK) Sekretær: Stig Grimelid, (N) Suppleanter: Karin Teghammar-Arell, Göteborgs-Posten (S); Tuula Tsokkinen, Kaleva (FI); Søren Stidsholt Nielsen, Fyns Amts Avis (DK); Unar Vegstein, Vårt Land (N) Malmö (S) 7. september 2002 Ordførende: Pål André Berg, Verdens Gang (N) Viceordførende: Hannu Pulkkinen, Ilta-Sanomat (FI) Seminaransvarlig: Anna Östlund, Journalistgruppen (S) Sekretær/Infoansvarlig: Torfinn Solbrekke (N) Kasserer: Frank Stjerne, Politiken (DK) Suppleanter: Mikael Marklund , Medievärlden (S); Fredrika Sundberg, Åland (FI); Søren Stidsholt Nielsen, Fyns Amts Avis (DK); Ingrid Meisingseth, Adresseavisen (N)

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

Stavanger (N) 24. maj 2003 Ordførende: Anna Östlund, Confetti (S) Viceordførende: Hannu Pulkkinen, Ilta-Sanomat (FI) Seminaransvarlig: Anders Tapola, Smålandsposten (S) Sekretær/Infoansvarlig: Torfinn Solbrekke (N) Kasserer: Frank Stjerne, Politiken (DK) Suppleanter: Marita Granroth, Hufvudstadsbladet (FI); Mikael Marklund , Medievärlden (S); Søren Stidsholt Nielsen, Fyns Amts Avis (DK); Ingrid Meisingseth, Adresseavisen (N)

Helsingfors (FI) 14. maj 2005 Ordførende: Anna Östlund, Confetti (S) Viceordførende: Marita Granroth, Hufvudstadsbladet (FI) Seminaransvarlig: Anders Tapola, Smålandsposten (S)


Trondheim (N) 13. maj 2006 Ordførende: Anna Östlund, Confetti (S) Viceordførende/Kommunikation: Marita Granroth, Hufvudstadsbladet (FI) Seminaransvarlig: Anders Tapola, Smålandsposten (S) Sekretær: Ingrid Meisingseth, Adresseavisen (N) Kasserer: Frank Stjerne, JP/Politikens Hus (DK) Suppleanter: John Hällström, Upsala Nya Tidning (S); Ari Kinnari, Aamulehti (FI); Lars Pryds, Jyllands-Posten (DK); Ida Sætersdal (N) Stockholm (S) 26. maj 2007 Ordførende: Anders Tapola, Smålandsposten (S) Viceordførende/Kommunikation: Marita Granroth, Hufvudstadsbladet (FI) Sekretær: Sissel Bigset Leira, Sunnmørsposten (N) Seminaransvarlig: Lars Andersson, Upsala Nya Tidning (S) Kasserer: Frank Stjerne, JP/Politikens Hus (DK) Suppleanter: Anna W Thurfjell, Svenska Dagbladet (S); Petri Salmén, Helsingin Sanomat (FI); Lars Pryds, Ingeniøren (DK); Elin Madsen, Bergensavisen (N) København (DK) 26. maj 2008 Ordførende: Anders Tapola, Smålandsposten (S) Viceordførende/Kommunikation: Marita Granroth, Hufvudstadsbladet (FI) Sekretær: Sissel Bigset Leira, Sunnmørsposten (N) Seminaransvarlig: Lars Andersson, Upsala Nya Tidning (S) Kasserer: Frank Stjerne, JP/Politikens Hus (DK) Suppleanter: Anna W Thurfjell, Svenska Dagbladet (S); Petri Salmén, Helsingin Sanomat (FI); Jørn Broch, JydskeVestkysten (DK); Elin Madsen, Bergensavisen (N) Oulu (FI) 23. maj 2009 Ordførende: Anders Tapola, Smålandsposten (S) Viceordførende/Kasserer: Frank Stjerne, JP/Politikens Hus (DK) Kommunikationsansvarlig: Petri Salmén, Helsingin Sanomat (FI) Sekretær: Sissel Bigset Leira, Sunnmørsposten (N) Seminaransvarlig: Lars Andersson, Upsala Nya Tidning (S) Suppleanter: Anna W Thurfjell, Svenska Dagbladet (S); Jørn Broch, JydskeVestkysten (DK); Elin Madsen, Bergensavisen (N) Oslo (N) 1. oktober 2010 Ordførende: Anders Tapola, Smålandsposten (S) Viceordførende/Kasserer: Frank Stjerne, JP/Politikens Hus (DK) Seminaransvarlig: Lars Andersson, Upsala Nya Tidning (S) Kommunikationsansvarlig: Petri Salmén, Helsingin Sanomat (FI) Sekretær: Sissel Bigset, Sunnmørsposten (N) Suppleanter: Anna W. Thurfjell, Svenska Dagbladet (S); Jørn Broch, JydskeVestkysten (DK); Pieta Forsell-Nieminen, Keskisuomalainen (FI); Kristoffer Nielsen, Morgenbladet (N)




København (DK) 4. september 2004 Ordførende: Anna Östlund, Confetti (S) Viceordførende: Hannu Pulkkinen, Ilta-Sanomat (FI) Seminaransvarlig: Anders Tapola, Smålandsposten (S) Sekretær/Infoansvarlig: Ingrid Meisingseth, Adresseavisen (N) Kasserer: Frank Stjerne, Politiken (DK) Suppleanter: Marita Granroth, Hufvudstadsbladet (FI); Mikael Marklund, Medievärlden (S); Lars Pryds, Jyllands-Posten (DK); Ida Sætersdal (N)

Sekretær/Infoansvarlig: Ingrid Meisingseth, Adresseavisen (N) Kasserer: Frank Stjerne, Politiken (DK) Suppleanter: John Hällström, Upsala Nya Tidning (S); Ari Kinnari, Aamulehti (FI); Lars Pryds, Jyllands-Posten (DK); Ida Sætersdal (N)

Start now collecting your best mobile applications, web pages, printed pages, magazine spreads, or any other great stuff, which was published in 2010 and combines news and design. Deadline for the next Best of Scandinavian News Design competition is January 26, 2011.


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SNDSMagazine 2010|4


Philip Ytournel Born in Middelfart 1972 French mother and Danish father Graduated 1997, Designskolen Kolding Married. Two young daughters

Unpredictable strokes Philip Ytournel. That’s a pretty perfect name for a gentle, yet bad tempered, artist working for a newspaper that has always flirted with a francophile attitude and taste – Danish Politiken. The paper has just been announced ”European Newspaper of the Year” – based on pages, among others, showing Philip Ytournel’s drawings. In this year’s Danish newspaper design competition “Årets Avisside” the only Gold Award winner was – Ytournel.

n In the selfportrait that opens this article (p 18) you find Ytournel gazing perplexed into space. But it only takes a call from an annoying editor saying “the colour you have chosen is too pale” and his eyes will be rolling and he will visit the editor with wild gesticulations while spitting a lot of nasty words and throwing stacks of paper to the ground. Ytournel began his career as a graphic designer with ambitions of revolutionizing everything. But he quickly realized that being a graphic designer is “incredibly boring, restraining and frustrating”. He then turned to Politiken with new ambitions to change the world of infographics in 1999. And in 2007 it was finally time to be a revolutionary member of the exclusive group of Politiken artists. This was not without complications since Politiken has a long tradition of fine classic ink-artists. And Philip is a dedicated Mac-user, and many of his illustrations are created digitally.

Breaking taboos But 38-year old Ytournel has convinced even the most sceptical reader that he knows how to kick life into the 126 year old broadsheet paper. There are

absolutely no limitations to the small twisted situations or sexual taboos with which Ytournel confronts the reader. But also a funky ageing Tom Jones and a Pac-Man pastiche are subjects that appeal to him. The only limitations Philip Ytournel operates with are self-imposed. The strokes from his hand are light-modern one week and solid-dirty the next week. He mostly prefers do to a precise black and white artwork on paper, scan it and then add colour and type in Illustrator. But then suddenly he might decide that for the next fourteen days he will draw only directly on the screen and finish in less than 60 minutes. In other words neither the editor nor the reader knows exactly what to expect from his hand. The editor-in-chief decided on a poster frontpage on the opening day of the Soccer World Championships in South Africa. Ytournel was assigned for the job. He wanted to emphasize the moment of Zen before the world’s eyes would focus on the big event. And he wanted to draw attention to the hardworking staff that made the event possible. But Philip also insisted that the referee should be white. But for political reasons the editor-in-chief insisted on a black referee. In October this page won the only gold medal for print in the Danish newspaper design competition. But you can’t buy Ytournel off E


11. juni 2010 Årgang 126. Nr. 250 Pris 25,00 Kundecenter Politiken 70 15 01 01 1. udgave

Tegning: Philip Ytournel 5 708730 910150


gold winner The poster front page published on the opening day of the Soccer World Championship 2010. The page, showing only the paper’s nameplate and Philip Ytournel’s drawing, was the big winner – the only gold award – in this year’s Danish newspaper design competition ”Årets Avisside 2010”.

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

Søren Nyeland


coffee Do you have tea? A big coffee chain in trouble.


with champagne! He still shakes his head furiously when he talks about the unjust obstruction from above. However, Philip has recently confessed that: “I do have the best job in the world”. n

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

n In November, Politiken was an-


nounced ‘European Newspaper of the Year’ in the category ‘nationwide newspapers’. The chairman of the competition Norbert Küpper says that the prize was given for the design, concept and online activities of Politiken. Among previous winners are Svenska Dag­ bladet, The Guardian and Die Zeit.


tom Jones Still going strong at 70 – more or less. With the release of a new album in July.

Pac-man pastiche Books will be the new warzone of the digital pirates.

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

Viagra New research shows that viagra works as doping in sports.


Create your grids the smart way Do you struggle with creating complicated or basic grids for your publication, limited by the standard settings in Adobe InDesign? Stockholm based Art Director Abraham Georges did just that, got tired of it, and invented the Grid Calculator – probably the only one of its kind in the world. Lars Pryds

Q n A n

Abraham Georges, in short, what does Grid Calculator actually do? It allows the user to quickly and easily set up a grid-based layout. It also creates all the layers needed, paragraph style and gathers everything the designer needs in one place (the plug-in), so you will not need to jump through different menus which is the normal way of working in InDesign. Grid Calculator removes the hardest part of the layout which is the math and all the manual work, the user can focus on the actual layout and the content.

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

Q n A n


When will Grid Calculator be most helpful for the user – in the planning phase or the daily production? Both, actually. Due to the speed of creating layout it’s the ultimate sketching tool. But since it will create the sketches with perfect accuracy, one could easily edit the layouts afterwards, instead of having to redo or cheat with the layout due to limited time.

Q n A n

What kind of publications will be able to use the plug-in? Grid Calculator is not limited to one type of project; it doesn’t matter if

you’re working with books, magazines, business cards or sketching on a website – our tool will be able to do the job.

Q n A n

Which one special feature of the plug-in are you most proud of? The feature I am super excited about (which will be coming out in version 2.0 in December-January) is something called Custom Grid System, especially when used together with a new feature called Grid Calculation. What it does is to allow the user to plan a grid from scratch. The default way in InDesign only allows the user to create grid systems from a pre-set document size. Many designers are struggling with the ability to align body text with captions, subheads, headlines etc. With the Custom Grid System you can plan your layout/grid so that all the elements will fit. If planned right it’s impossible to misalign even the smallest element. I was inspired to implement this feature after an email discussion with Erik Spiekermann because he wanted to have a way of determining the document size, margins, leading and then the type size for the leading needed, and let the user truly customize the layout in a much more flexible way. The Custom Grid System is the one closest to my heart because I didn’t think there was a smart way of doing it – turns out there were!

Q n A n

How did you get started on developing the Grid Calculator? The first version of Grid Calculator Basic Edition (stand alone application) was released in late 2008. What started the development was that creating layout and getting all the numbers correct was something I hated to do. I studied at Berghs School of Communication in Stockholm and we learned about grid systems but every time I were to create a grid based layout I just became very frustrated. One day I decided that there must be a smarter way of creating grid systems via some kind of software to help do the calculations. That is how the Basic Edition got started. I never planned to actually create a plug-in (Pro Edition), it didn’t cross my mind but customers started asking for a plug-in that would work directly in Adobe InDesign and that started the

Q n A n

What other projects are you and Designers Bookshop working on at the moment? Actually, we have not in any way done any marketing or advertising about our plug-in yet, that will be the most important step after releasing the 2.0 version. After more than 2 years of intense work it’s time to let people know about us and our plug-in. What we stand for is the following: We create professional solutions for Art Directors by combining our expertise in design with the technical needs of our clients.

I think that Adobe is doing a great job but not a perfect one. Developers understand the technical side but not the design aspect and it’s the same thing with designers, most of them understand design but not the technical side. Designers Bookshop understands both – and that is our strength. We are a certified Adobe Silver Solution Partner and our goal will be to focus on how we can create the solutions that Art Directors (and other creative users) so desperately need. Grid Calculator Pro Edition is one of those products that the market was screaming after even though many didn’t really know it. I will probably most likely focus on informing companies and schools about our product and then we’ll see what happens. I’m curious to see where the future will take our company – and the plug-in! n

Abraham Georges Founded company Designers Bookshop, Stockholm, 2008Graphic Design, Berghs School of Communication, Stockholm, 2007-09 Stockholm School of Arts, Stockholm, 2006-07 Package Design, Broby Grafiska, Sunne, 2003-06 Internships: Jensen Pamp McCann, Saatchi & Saatchi, Embrink Design, C2 Brand Implementation

Grid Calculator


Grid Calculator Basic Edition (Mac/Windows) $37 Pro Edition, plug-in for Indesign CS3-CS5 (Mac/Windows) $399 (upgrade $199) More info at E

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

development of the plug-in. Creating this plug-in has been the most difficult project I’ve ever done, but it is all worth it when I hear how much it helps designers around the world – that puts a smile on my face and makes me really excited.


Good evening! Here’s th Everybody’s talking about the iPad. Everybody’s developing for the iPad. Everybody wants to buy one for themselves, for their kids, wife or husband. Newspaper editors even send people overseas to countries where the ”thing” has been released for sale, if their own country is at the bottom of Apple’s list. But how do the newspaper apps shape up? Gert K. Nielsen, visual editor and web wizard, has tried out some of the stuff on his (imported) iPad. Gert K. Nielsen

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

n Why


does the sound of radio news from the 1930ies sound in my ears when I switch on the iPad to read the news and magazine apps already available on this great tool? Pernille Tranberg of Berlingske Media and Søren Prien of Bonnier Publications, both Head of Editorial Development in their companies, put it very well at a presentation in November. Their topic was ‘The newspaper and the magazine on the iPad’. ”We have a lot of great content in our printed newspaper/magazine products, so most of all it’s a question of distributing it on yet another platform. And then came the important addition to that statement: ”We cannot afford anything else …”. Just like the reading of telegram news on the radio was a case of ’great content’ transferred to the wrong media, the large media houses apparantly think that readers will want to read content created for the printed media, which has been magically converted to the iPad. ”If we were to hire just a single journalist for our iPad edition, the business model is lost,” said Pernille Tranberg. And Søren Prien added: ”Our concept is so simple, that one or two multimedia graphic artists will be able to convert the content.” How many chances will we get? Well, things worked fine for the Danish Radio news during the first 80 years

– today Danmarks Radio is the largest news media in Denmark. The question today is how much time is left, and many chances do the publishers get to win the readers over, when they all the apps available are pure experiment – or worse: shovelware priced as premium content. When I buy and install a news app, the content I buy is available for free on the ”ordinary” (and free) internet. If I buy a magazine, I have to wait for 20 minutes for the download of several hundreds of megabytes of data, with the risk of transmission failure along the way. (The November issue of Wired was a whopping 466 MB). When the download finally has completed, I have to mysteriously navigate through something that was never designed for a 9,7 inch screen. When the funny feeling of trying something new disappears, I guess there will be almost no joy left for the user. Were bigger footware I’m amazed and full of admiration for the fact that so much content has already been published for the iPad, even before it has been officially released in this country. It is also worth noticing, that Danish projects are not that bad, compared to apps from other publishers. But I would really like to see someone dress up and try to ad some real extra value to their app. From my point of view it’s all about visual interactivity – after all you have invested in a pressure sensitive screen capable of rendering graphics in perfect 3D etc. Or try to learn from some of the apps that really sell – games like Angry Birds or Plants vs. Zombies.

It does raise a thought that future users (like my own kids) love to read newspapers and leaf through magazines – on paper. But on the iPad, they don’t want to waste time on boring stuff they (and I) cannot even found out how to navigate in. So when editors-in-chief and others seem to think that the iPad will be able to save the newspapers and magazinmes in the years to come, their exaggerated cutting in the costs seems out of place. Hopefully we’re not going to see the same defensive approach we saw the media took to the internet in the 1990ies? n This article was previously published in Journalisten Translation: Lars Pryds

he news of the iPad paper* *) For many years ”Godaften, her er pressens radioavis” was the opening salutation from the speaker in every news bulletin, broadcast by Danmarks Radio. It would translate in to something like ”Good evening, welcome to the radio news from the press”.

Gert K. Nielsen has worked as a graphics editor, visual wizard and web editor before founding his own company, GrafikGert, in 2009. He is an expert in visual journalism, infographics and 3D visualization. E

ipad-ready Bonniers’ ”Illustreret Videnskab” and ”Berlingske Business” are already there with an iPad app, even though the iPad is not yet for sale in Denmark.

Great news apps

Flipboard Collects my Facebook- and Twitterupdates as a magazine.

Eureka – Science journalism, interactive graphics from The Times. No expenses spared.

Not so Great news apps

Svenska Dagbladet A single edition for 24 DKK. I’ll go with PressReader.

How it works Pages converted into jpg-format. No go.

Pernille Tranberg, Head of Editorial Development at Berlingske Media, via email: There is definitely real added value already in version 1 of our iPad app. Compared to the web there is newspaper content. Compared to the newspaper there is live up dated web content. There is a really cool and new user experience, photos published only to the iPad and more features are on their way. We take one step at a time developing the app in constant dialogue with our vusers. At this time, absolutely nobody can tell if iPad will win the tablet war.”


Hans Lauring, in a comment to Gert’s blog post on ( ): It would be really cool, if the extra content used the possibilities of the platform. But it can also be simple things that make existing content more accessible, like a digital archive, advanced search, hypertext/hyperlinks, a less constrained way to navigate pages and galleries (across issues) and not least a better user interface. … and then I have not even mentioned the newspaper apps with a single word. I quite agree here. Content that newspapers have already given away for free, served in a new wrapping is not interessing.


SNDSMagazine 2010|4

Comments: iPad news and magazine apps


All I want for Christmas …

… is something I can use when I go back to work. Here’s a handful of new books that will make you more clever than ever, to give to your graphic best friend or put on your own wish list. Have a good read!

for the type nerd

Are you the right type?

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

n If


you’re really interested in type, you don’t just want to use beautiful typefaces in your publications. You want to know everything about the fonts – who designed them, why they did so, and how the fonts ended up in different designs. Simon Garfield has written a book about just that – and it’s a joy to read. For instance – find out why easyJet chose Cooper Black for their logotype and learn who actually drew the letters in the original “Beatles logo”. The book is a whopping 350 pages, easy to read without ever feeling the content is easygoing – there’s thorough research behind it, and you’re much wiser about things afterwards. The first 50 pages are available as a free download in Apple’s App Store (I actually read them on iPhone while waiting for the printed copy to arrive), so you can try before you buy. Simon Garfield: Just My Type: A Book About Fonts 352 pages, 21 x 13 cm. Profile Books ISBN: 978-1846683015 · £7.49

for the branding expert

Brand Identity Essentials n There’s

literally a 100 things to consider when creating or maintaing the graphic identity of your company – or of the different versions your publication appears on. And they are all in this book. The logo may be the most essential part of any company’s identity, but as the opening illustration in the book shows, the logo is just the tip of the iceberg – the all important rest of the brand is below the surface. Short, instructional texts accompanied by illustrative examples guide you through the different aspects of keeping your brand alive. The 100 topics on the list, like “Standards of Hierarchy”, “Narrative Applications”– and my personal favourite, “Logos With a Sense of Humor” make this book worth every penny. Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak: Brand Identity Essentials – 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands 208 pages, 26 x 22 cm. Rockport Publishers ISBN-13: 978-1-59253-578-1 · £18.99

for the historian

Graphic design – the full monty n The

first known use of the term ‘graphic design’ appeared in 1922 in an article in the newspaper Boston Evening Transcript. The story of graphic design, however, originates far longer back in time. This book starts with the origin of the alphabet, circa in the year 34,000 BC, and covers all important aspects all the way up through time to the present day. The book has 20 chapters, taking us on a tour through the wonderful “Illuminated Manuscripts”; the birth of printing in the 15th century (“The Black Art”), on to the “Style of the Street”(the Art Nouveau movement around 1900; and of course the Bauhaus, Swiss Typo­ graphy, Punk, New Wave and Post Modernist movements – right up to “Printing With Pixels”. So for a few long night, read your way through the history of graphic design. Patrick Cramsie: The Story of Graphic Design 352 pages, 26 x 20 cm. British Library ISBN: 978-0-7123-0696-6 · £17.50

Prices given in £ are the cheapest ones found on just before the time of printing. The flag icons indicate language used in the book.


useful graphic links

Lars Pryds

for the collector

The big book about small print

n Need

n In Denmark, two copies of

Alle tiders tryk 338 pages, 29 x 22 cm. Det Kongelige Bibliotek ISBN: 978-87-7023-068-1 · DKK 349,E Forening for Boghaandværk Membership · DKK 450,(Student: 300,- / Pensioner 350,-) E

for the apple fan

Jobs in Danish n For

the ultimate Mac fan, what would be better than taking a look at what goes on inside Steve Jobs’ head? Former Wired editor Leander Kahney tried to do just that in his book from 2008 with the snappy title, “Inside Steve’s Brain”. Now the book has been translated into Danish and an extra chapter added to the original manuscript, filling out the gap to the present day, not least with Steve Jobs’ struggle with cancer and of course the arrival of the iPad. Based on interviews with people close to the charismatic Apple boss, we get close to the way he works with innovation, with the Apple brand, and with refining the products that the world loves so fanatically. Designers tell us how they had to work for months just to get the three dots in the lefthand corner of every Mac window to function exactly the right way. Leander Kahney: Steve Jobs – manden bag Apple 285 pages, 23 x 16 cm. LibrisBusiness ISBN: 978-87-7843-920-8 · DKK 299,E Inside Steve’s Brain 294 pages, 19,5 x 13 cm. Atlantic books ISBN: 978-1-84354-912-3 · £ 4.94

an open, editable vector file of the official Volkswagen, Daimler, or Carlsberg logotype? And it’s simply not possible to find it on the company websites? Don’t despair. Try a search at, and you will find what you need. You may have to check the official site to see if you’re downloading the latest version, but the EPS files are perfect – and free. E

E-magazines – for free n Issuu

offers you a free and easy way to publish your brochure, portfolio, or magazine online. Upload your PDF, and the world can read it in the form of an e-paper, complete with animated page flip options and fullscreen viewing. Also great for embedding your publication on your own website or blog. This sharing site was actually launched by four Danish guys back in 2007, and now also has offices in New York. SNDS Magazine, by the way, is published on issuu :-) E

Social designers network n Tired

of seeing all your great graphic posts to Facebook disappear in the flood of other people’s comments about the weather, silly funny stories or links to absolutely useless online apps? Try mingling with the right people at design: related – the social network for people with a special interest in design. Get inspired by the many member portfolios or by the official design: related blog, for instance in the recent interview with Phil Pascuzzo, who redesigned the iconic Twitter bird. E –pryds


Do you have lin ks to great graphic sites yo u want to share? Send it to pryds@mac.c om

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

all printed material must, by law, be given to Det Kongelige Bibliotek – the Royal Library. This makes way for a huge collection of print and examples of graphic design – like books or posters. One of the Library’s not-so-known departments is “Småtrykssamlingen” or the “Collection of small print” – items that are only a few pages or even a single sheet of paper, for instance price lists, annual reports, company information or event programs. The collection holds 6 million items – on 6 kms of storage shelves! A few of these both funny and artistic small prints have been selected for a book, published by the Royal Library in cooperation with Forening for Boghaandværk (Association for Book Craft). The beautiful reproductions are extra­ ordinary glimpses of a daily life that may otherwise have been forgotten – these leaflets, lists, and brochures have been thrown out by the people who originally got them a long time ago. It is really like finding a hidden treasure – and a gives you a new way of looking at that promo leaflet someone hands you in the street! Sign up for a 2010 membership with Forening for Boghaandværk, and get this book and all other publications published exclusively for members this year – for only a little more than the book itself will cost in bookstores.

Logos in vector format


SNDSMagazine 2010|4

Members 2011


DANMARK Knud Refsing Andersen Morgenavisen JyllandsPosten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Michael Arreboe Politiken Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Lisbeth From Birkholm Morgenavisen JyllandsPosten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Henrik Birkvig Den Grafiske Højskole Emdrupvej 72 DK-2400 København NV Danmark Jørn Broch JydskeVestkysten Banegårdspladsen DK-6700 Esbjerg Danmark Børn og Unge Blegdamsvej 124 DK-2100 København Ø Danmark Mikael Christensen CCI Axel Kiers Vej 11 DK-8270 Højbjerg Danmark Malene Djurhuus Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Knud Enevoldsen Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Gert Gram Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Ole Gravesen Politiken Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Jeppe Hamming TV 2 NET Rugaardsvej 25 DK-5100 Odense C Danmark Steen Hansen Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndals­ vej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Eva Rymann Hansen TV 2 NYHEDERNE, Denmark Rugaardsvej 25 DK-5100 Odense C Danmark Ida K. Hermansen Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Per Hoffmann Dagbladet Børsen Møntergade 19 DK-1014 København K Danmark Agnete Holk Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Ove Hougaard Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndals­ vej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Christina Hundahl TV 2 NET Rugaardsvej 25 DK-5100 Odense C Danmark Flemming Hvidtfeldt Århus Stiftstidende Banegårds­ pladsen 11 DK-8000 Århus C Danmark Anette Hyllested Fynske Medier Banegårdspladsen DK-5100 Odense C Danmark Thorgerd Broni Jensen Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Brian Jensen Felde Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Christine Juul Petersen Morgenavisen JyllandsPosten Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Steen Kilde Christensen Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Rina Kjeldgaard Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Henrik Kjær Berlingske Tidende Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 København K Danmark Søren Knudsen Folketidende Tværgade 14 DK-4800 Nykøbing F. Danmark Karina Kofoed Politiken Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Jørgen la Cour-Harbo Nordjyske Stiftstidende Langagervej 1 DK-9220 Aalborg Ø Danmark Lotte Lambæk JydskeVestkysten Banegårdspladsen DK-6705 Esbjerg Danmark Bjørn Weddum Larsen Dagbladet Børsen Møntergade 19 DK-1014 København K Danmark

Anette Claudi Lorenzen Politiken Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Ole Munk Ribergård & Munk Grafisk Design Postboks 47, Ved Stationen 1 A DK-3060 Espergærde Danmark Trine Münster-Swendsen Morgenavisen JyllandsPosten Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Anne-Louise Møller Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Peter Møller TV 2 NYHEDERNE Rugaardsvej 25 DK-5100 Odense C Danmark Søren Stidsholt Nielsen Fyns Amts Avis Sankt Nicolai Gade 3 DK-5700 Svendborg Danmark Jan Nielsen Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Søren Nyeland Politiken Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Dorthe Nørgaard Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Lotte Overgaard Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Per Palmkvist Knudsen JP/Politikens Hus Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Kim Pedersen EB Interactive Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Torben Pedersen Ringkjøbing Amts Dagblad St. Blichersvej 5 DK-6950 Ringkjøbing Danmark Birgitte Pehn CCI Axel Kiers Vej 11 DK-8270 Højbjerg Danmark Annelise Ploug Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndals­ vej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Lars Pryds Berlingske Nyhedsmagasin Østerbrogade 158, 3. th DK-2100 København Ø Danmark Gerda Rasmussen Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Viggo L. Ravn Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Lars Refn Ingeniøren Skelbækgade 4 DK-1503 København V Danmark Maj Ribergård Ribergård & Munk Postboks 47, Ved Stationen 1 A DK-3060 Espergærde Danmark Søren Rødkjær JydskeVestkysten Banegårdspladsen DK-6700 Esbjerg Danmark Jørgen Schultz-Nielsen Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Henrik Sejrkilde Dagbladet Holstebro-Struer Lægårdvej 86 DK-7500 Holstebro Danmark Honorary Member: Børge T. Skovsende Ranunkelvej 49 DK-8471 Sabro Danmark Frank Stjerne JP/Politikens Hus Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Jens-Kristian Søgaard Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Lone Sørensen Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Grøndals­ vej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Poul Erik Thomsen JydskeVestkysten Banegårdspladsen DK-6700 Esbjerg Danmark Lisbeth Tolstrup Tolstrup Pryds Grafisk Tegnestue Østerbrogade 158, 3. th DK-2100 København Ø Danmark Niels Veileborg Computerworld Carl Jacobsensvej 25 DK-2500 Valby Danmark Stine Vikman Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Trine Vu Hung+Vu Baumgartensvej 63 DK-5000 Odense C Danmark

Michael Werge Ritzaus Bureau St. Kongensgade 14 DK-1264 København K Danmark FINLAND Gunilla Ahlholm Vasabladet Sandögatan 6 FI-65100 Vasa Finland Johan Alén Kansan Uutiset Vilhonvuorenkatu 11 D FI-00500 Helsinki Finland Katju Aro Avotakka asiakaspalvelu, FI-00081 A-Lehdet Finland Anna Back Metsäkustannus Oy/Metsälehti Soidinkuja 4 FI-00700 Helsinki Finland Peter Björkas HSS Media AB Sandögatan 6 FI-65100 Vasa Finland Pieta Forssell-Nieminen Keskisuomalainen P.O. Box 159 FI-40101 Jyväskylä Finland Markus Frey Kauppalehti P.O.Box 189 FI-00101 Helsinki Finland Marita Granroth Hufvudstadsbladet Mannerheimvägen 18 FI-00101 Helsingfors Finland Björn Heselius Hufvudstabladet AB Pb 217 FI-00101 Helsingfors Finland Kati Hiekkanen Vasabladet Sandögatan 20 FI-65100 Vasa Finland Juha Hirvaskero Savon Sanomat PL 68 FI-70101 Kuopio Finland Terhi Hlavaty Turun Sanomat PB 95 FI-20101 Turku Finland Marjatta Honkasalo Satakunnan Kansa PL 58 FI-28101 Pori Finland Heidi Hölsömäki University of Tampere Tammelan puistokatu 1-3C 35 FI-33500 Tampere Finland Lassi Jaakkola Keskipohjanmaa PL 45 FI-67101 Kokkola Finland Tuomas Jääskeläinen Bonnier Siltasaarenkatu 18-20 A FI-00530 Helsinki Finland Ari Kinnari A-lehdet FI-00081 A-Lehdet Finland Ville Koponen Image Kustannus Oy / Mondo Pl 212 FI-00811 Helsinki Finland Jaana Korhonen Kaleva PL 170 FI-90401 Oulu Finland Suvi Lantta Keskisuomalainen P.O. Box 159 FI-40101 Jyväskylä Finland Tarja Lehto Satakunnan Kansa PL 58 FI-28101 Pori Finland Anniina Louhivuori Väli-Suomen media Oy PL 159 FI-40101 Jyväskylä Finland Arto Lyytikäinen Etelä-Suomen Sanomat Ilmarisentie 7 FI-15200 Lahti Finland Jussi Lähdesmäk Kaleva PL 170 FI-90401 Oulu Finland Jussi Lähdesmäki Kaleva PL 170 FI-90401 Oulu Finland Nando Malmelin ­ A-lehdet asiakaspalvelu, FI-00081 A-Lehdet Finland Marja Meskus-Mansisto Kaleva PL 170 FI-90401 Oulu Finland Konstantin Neugodov Helsingin Sanomat PB 71 FI00100 HELSINKI Finland Sonja Palosaari Kaleva PL 170 FI-90401 Oulu Finland Kristofer Pasanen Infomaker PL 15 FI-00401 Helsinki Finland Hannu Pulkkinen University of Tampere Tammelan puistokatu 1-3C 35 FI-33500 Tampere Finland Riitta Raatikainen Savon Sanomat Oy PL 68 FI-70101 Kuopio Finland Jenni Räinä Pohjois-Suomen Media Finland

NORGE Anette Aasheim Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Ole Erik Almlid Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Torkjell Arntzen Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Anita Arvidsdatter Askeland Bergens Tidende Postboks 7240 N-5020 Bergen Norge Ståle Aspdahl Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Morten Auberg Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Jørn Aune Andøyposten Postbox 143 N-8483 Andenes Norge Asbjørn Bakke Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Karl-Martin Bakke Institutt for Journalistikk Boks 1432 N-1602 Fredrikstad Norge Honorary Member: Per H. Baugstø PerbDesignConsult Tverveien 17 N-4621 Kristiansand Norge Tom Helge Berglie Berglie A/S Arne Stangebyes Gate 18 N-1607 Frederikstad Norge Adam Billyeald Dagens Næringsliv Grev Wedels Plass 9 N-0107 Oslo Norge Gaute-Håkon Bleivik Haugesunds Avis Postboks 2024 N-5504 Haugesund Norge Arne Blix Adresseavisen Box 6070 N-7003 Trondhjem Norge Kristin Bratlie Klar Tale Kongensgate 22, Pb.1180, sentrun N-0107 Oslo Norge Sindre Bremnes Nationen Postboks 9390 Grønland N-0135 OSLO Norge Anne Brun Dagens Næringsliv Grev Wedels Plass 9 N-0107 Oslo Norge Jan Bruun Dagbladet PB 1184 sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Frank Roar Byenstuen Hamar Arbeiderblad Grønnegata 64 N-2300 Hamar Norge Tom Byermoen Verdens Gang/ Multimedia Postboks 1185, Sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Margit Katharine Bøhn Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Klaus Børringbo Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge

Iver Daatland Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Arne Edvardsen Bergens Tidende Postboks 7240 N-5020 Bergen Norge Svein Eide Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Kari Einertsen Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Lill-Ann Ellegård Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Elisabeth Hamre Elliott Fiskeribladet Fiskaren Norge Sigrun B. Engen Adresseavisen Box 6070 N-7003 Trondhjem Norge Bjarne Dramdal Erichsen Dagens Næringsliv Grev Wedels Plass 9 N-0107 Oslo Norge Sigurd Eriksen Bonnier Øvre Vollgate 6 N-0158 Oslo Norge Heidi Ertzeid Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Eirik Fardal Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Andreas Finborud Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Trond Fjellseth Romerikes Blad Roseveien 1, Kjeller N-2001 Lillestrøm Norge Claes Frisk VG Nett Postboks 1185, Sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Erlend Fristad Vårt Land Postbox 1180, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Signe Fænø Vårt Land Postbox 1180, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Anne Gjertsen Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Britt Glosvik Kommunal Rapport Postboks 1940, Vika N-0125 Oslo Norge Birgitte Gretland Dagens Næringsliv Grev Wedels Plass 9 N-0107 Oslo Norge Trond Jan Grimeland Firda Pb. 160 N-6800 Førde Norge Annette Lysberg Gundersen Trønder-Avisa AS P.B. 2590 N-7738 Steinkjer Norge Øystein Hage Fiskaren Bontelabo 2, 2. Etg. N-5003 Bergen Norge Olav Hasselknippe Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Kurt Haugli Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Trond Birger Heitmann Fædrelandsvennen Box 369 N-4633 Kristiansand Norge Per Chr. Helme Postboks 7108, St. Olavs Plass N-0130 Oslo Norge Ann-Kristin Hindal Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Ingvild Hjertaas Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Knut Hjortland Bergens Tidende Postboks 7240 N-5020 Bergen Norge Tonje Høyberget Dagens Næringsliv Grev Wedels Plass 9 N-0107 Oslo Norge Ida Håkonsson Postboks 7108, St. Olavs Plass N-0130 Oslo Norge Tor Idland Østlandets Blad Boks 113 N-1404 Ski Norge Torborg Igland Fædrelandsvennen Box 369 N-4610 Kristiansand Norge Elise Vikdal Jensen Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Walter Jensen Bergens Tidende Postboks 7240 N-5020 Bergen Norge Britt E. Johansen Adresseavisen Box 6070 N-7003 Trondhjem Norge Odd-Ø. Johansen Postboks 7108, St. Olavs Plass N-0130 Oslo Norge Thomas Johanson Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge

Kjell H. Jokstad CCI Europe Greverudveien 6 A N-1415 Oppegård Norge Tone Jørstad Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Steinar Karlsen Budstikka Billingstadsletta 17 Postboks 133 N-1377 Billingstad Norge Reidar Kristiansen Vårt Land Postbox 1180, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Kjell Kvamme Vårt Land Postbox 1180, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Arild Kveldstad Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Njaal Kværnes Østerdølen PB 125 N-2480 Koppang Norge Sissel Bigset Sunnmørsposten Postboks 123 N-6001 Ålesund Norge Monica Lid Drammens Tidende Postbox 7033 N-3007 Drammen Norge Terje Lien Kommunal Rapport Postboks 1940, Vika N-0125 Oslo Norge Hanne W. Lier Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Øivind Lindemark Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Tormod Lingeberg Trønder-Avisa Havnegata 20 N-7738 Steinkjer Norge Bente Ljones Bergens Tidende Postboks 7240 N-5020 Bergen Norge Ole Kristian Lyngstad Hamar Arbeiderblad Grønnegata 64 N-2300 Hamar Norge Håvard Madland Dagens Næringsliv Grev Wedels Plass 9 N-0107 Oslo Norge Peter Markovski Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Trond Mathisen Hamar Arbeiderblad Grønnegata 64 N-2300 Hamar Norge Ingrid Meisingset Adresseavisen Box 6070 N-7003 Trondhjem Norge Anette Mellbye Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Kristoffer Nilsen Morgenbladet Karl Johansgt 25 N-0159 Oslo Norge Jonas Nilsson Adresseavisen Box 6070 N-7003 Trondhjem Norge Aleksander Nordahl Dagens Næringsliv Grev Wedels Plass 9 N-0107 Oslo Norge Sigmund Nordal Dagbladet PB 1184 sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Vibeke Normann Vårt Land Postboks 1180, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Petter Olsen Stavanger Aftenblad Postboks 229 N-4001 Stavanger Norge Ingrid Oppen Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Are Møster Ottesen Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Liv-Jorunn Haaker Ottesen Sunnmørsposten Postboks 123 N-6001 Ålesund Norge Torry Pedersen VG Multimedia Postboks 1185, Sentrum N-0107 OSLO Norge Stephen Petrie Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Alf Roar Rasmussen Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Frode Rekve Institutt for Journalistikk Boks 1432 N-1602 Fredrikstad Norge Hilde Rindal Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Olav Sindre Rise Sunnmørsposten Postboks 123 N-6001 Ålesund Norge Bengt Røst Østlandets Blad Boks 113 N-1404 Ski Norge

SNDSMagazine 2010|4

Marjo Saarela A-lehdet asiakaspalvelu, FI-00081 A-Lehdet FINLAND Petri Salmén Helsingin Sanomat PB 71 FI-00089 Sanoma Helsinki Finland Matti Taipale Satakunnan Kansa PL 58 FI-28101 Pori Finland Jaana Teräväinen University of Tampere Hatanpaan vt 12 E 83 FI-33100 Tampere Finland Timo Toivonen Ilta-Sanomat PL 45 FIN-0089 Sanomat Finland Juha Tolonen Kaleva PL 170 FI-90401 Oulu Finland Jussi Tuulensuu Kauppalehti Optio P.O.Box 189 FI-00101 Helsinki Finland Sami Valtere Helsingin Sanomat PB 71 FI-00089 Sanoma Helsinki Finland Sari Vanninen Karjalainen Oy Kosti Aaltosentie 9 FI-80140 Joensuu Finland Markus Viitakoski PIGME Vapaudenkatu 8 FI-40100 Jyväskylä Finland Elina Vilpakka Etelä-Suomen Sanomat Ilmarisentie 7 FI-15101 Lahti Finland Toni Virolainen Etelä-Suomen Sanomat Ilmarisentie 7 FI-15200 Lahti Finland Miia Ylisuutari Aamulehti PL 327 FI-33101 Tampere Finland Elina Ylitervo Pohjois-Suomen Media Finland

29 E

SNDSMagazine 2010|4


Jan Erik Røsvik Sunnmørsposten Postboks 123 N-6001 Ålesund Norge Tore Røsvoll Adresseavisen Box 6070 N-7003 Trondhjem Norge Alexander M. Schindler Klar Tale Kongensgate 22, Pb. 1180, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Erik Sivle Dyngeland Fiskaren Bontelabo 2, 2. Etg. N-5003 Bergen Norge Per Christian Sjølie Dagbladet PB 1184 sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Arnold Skjønberg Dagbladet PB 1184 sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Tor Brekke Skjøtskift Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Liv Skotheim Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Christina Skreiberg Mediebedriftenes Landsforening Kongens Gate 14 N-0153 Oslo Norge Anneli Solberg Bergens Tidende Postboks 7240 N-5020 Bergen Norge Kai Arne Soot Postboks 7108, St. Olavs Plass N-0130 Oslo Norge Christian Fr. Stabell Os og Fusa-Posten Postboks 272 N-5201 Os Norge Laila Beate Stabell Os og Fusa-Posten Postboks 272 N-5201 Os Norge Eir Stegane Bergens Tidende Postboks 7240 N-5020 Bergen Norge Tor Stenersen Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Pia Strømstad Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Mads Størdal Vegstein Vårt Land Postbox 1180, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Arne Størksen Bergens Tidende Postboks 7240 N-5020 Bergen Norge Elisabeth Svendby Dagbladet PB 1184 sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Ole Sylte Dagbladet Postboks 1184, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Jens Erik Syversen Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Atle Syvertsen Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Synne Søhoel Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Live Fedog Thorsen Dagens Næringsliv Grev Wedels Plass 9 N-0107 Oslo Norge Svein Helge Torgersen Drammens Tidende Postbox 7033 N-3007 Drammen Norge Sveinung Tvedt Askøyværingen Postboks 47, Ved Sta­ tionen 1 A N-5321 Kleppestø Norge Eli Tveita Dagbladet PB 1184 sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Morten Uglum Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Henrik Ulrichsen Tønsbergs Blad Postboks 2003 N-3103 Tønsberg Norge Gaute Ulvik Haugan Trønder-Avisa Havnegata 20 N-7738 Steinkjer Norge Olav Urdahl Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Kristin Valla Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Unar Vegstein Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Mads Størdal Vegstein Vårt Land Postbox 1180, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Erik Vestgård Nationen Postboks 9390, Grønland N-0134 Oslo Norge Ingjerd Wahlberg Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Torfinn Weisser Trønder-Avisa Havnegata 20 N-7738 Steinkjer Norge Wenche Willich Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge

Thor Woje Romerikes Blad Boks 235 N-2003 Lillestrøm Norge Morten Salthe Postboks 229 N-4001 Stavanger Norge SCOTLAND Terry Watson Palmer Watson 3rd Floor 44 Hanover Street Edinburgh EH2 2DR Scotland United Kingdom SVERIGE Michael Ahlberg Hallandsposten Fiskaregatan 21 S-30181 Halmstad Sverige Jenny Alven ­ Svenska Dagbladet S-105 17 Stockholm Sverige Dan Andersson Infomaker Box 347 391 23 Kalmar Sverige Lars Andersson Upsala Nya Tidning Box 36 S-75651 Uppsala Sverige Magnus Aspegren Infomaker Box 347 391 23 Kalmar Sverige John Bark Bark Design AB Vildkattsvägen 10 S-133 36 Saltsjöbaden Sverige Tomas Björnberg Infomaker Box 347 391 23 Kalmar Sverige Torkel Bohjort Hälsingetidningar Box 1059 S-821 12 Bollnäs Sverige Svenåke Boström Sundsvalls Tidning S-851 72 Sundsvall Sverige Åsa Boustedt Infomaker Box 347 391 23 Kalmar Sverige Lotta Ek Dagens Nyheter Gjörwellsgatan 30 S-105 15 Stockholm Sverige Pelle Ekman Madiagnos AB Box 2212 S-103 15 Stockholm Sverige Bengt Engwall Norrköpings Tidningar S-60183 Norrköping Sverige Elisabeth Eriksson Södermanlands Nyheter S-61179 Nyköping Sverige Carl-Åke Eriksson Upsala Nya Tidning Box 36 S-751 03 Uppsala Sverige Stefan Forsberg Sundsvalls Tidning S-851 72 Sundsvall Sverige Magnus Gylje Svenska Dagbladet Sverige Mårten Hennéus Dagens Nyheter Gjörwellsgatan 30 S-105 15 STOCKHOLM Sverige John Hällström Upsala Nya Tidning Box 36 S-751 03 Uppsala Sverige Gun Britt Iderheim Smålandsposten/Sydostpress S-351 70 Växjö Sverige Maria Janson Svenska Dagbladet S-105 17 Stockholm Sverige Lars Jansson Dagens Industri Torsgatan 1 S-11390 Stockholm Sverige Mikael Johansson Barometern-OT Södra Långgatan 33 S-391 88 Kalmar Sverige Lars Johansson Helsingborgs Dagblad S-251 83 Helsingborg Sverige Danijela Komad Norrköpings Tidningar S-60183 Norrköping Sverige Mikael Larsson Ek Barometern-OT Södra Långgatan 33 S-391 88 Kalmar Sverige Sven Lidman Lidman ProduktionAB Värtavägen 8 S-11524 Stockholm Sverige Lena Lilliehorn Östgöta Correspondenten S-58 189 Linköping Sverige Anders Lindgren Svenska Dagbladet S-105 17 Stockholm Sverige Staffan Löwstedt Svenska Dagbladet S-105 17 Stockholm Sverige Mikael Marklund TU Service AB, att. Medievärlden Box 22 500 S-104 22 Stockholm Sverige

Maria Nilsson Kristiansstad Bladet Box 537 S-29135 Kristianstad Sverige Carsten Nilsson Kunskap i Medier Sekreterarbacken 5 S-128 38 Skarpnack Sverige Jacob Nordström Nordström & Frank Repslagargatan 17 A S-11846 Stockholm Sverige Alexander Odelius Odelius New Media AB Svartmangatan 9 S-111 29 Stockholm Sverige Jesper Odelius Odelius New Media AB Svartmangatan 9 S-111 29 Stockholm Sverige Andy Olsson Infomaker Box 347 391 23 Kalmar Sverige Åsa Pallarp Beckman Upsala Nya Tidning Box 36 S-751 03 Uppsala Sverige Markus Pedersen Barometern-OT Södra Långgatan 33 S-391 88 Kalmar Sverige Benjamin Peetre Sydsvenska Dagbladet S-20505 Malmö Sverige Marie-Charlotte Petersson Kyrkans Tidning Box 15412 S-104 65 Stockholm Sverige Helen Rasmussen Expressen Gjörwellsgatan 30 S-10516 Stockholm Sverige Jenny Rydqvist Sydsvenska Dagbladet S-20505 Malmö Sverige Hampus Råde Norra Västerbotten Box 58 S-93121 Skellefteå Sverige Karin Sandqvist Sydsvenska Dagbladet S-20505 Malmö Sverige Emma Stenvall Norra Västerbotten Box 58 S-93121 Skellefteå Sverige Lennart Strand Mälardalens Högskola Boks 325 S-631 05 Eskilstuna Sverige Anna Sundkvist Östersunds-Posten Box 720 S-83128 Östersund Sverige Niclas Sörenson Infomaker Box 347 391 23 Kalmar Sverige Anders Tapola Smålandsposten/Sydostpress S-351 70 Växjö Sverige Clas Thorensson Upsala Nya Tidning Box 36 S-75103 Uppsala Sverige Anna W Thurfjell Svenska Dagbladet S-105 17 Stockholm Sverige Carina Ungh Norra Västerbotten Box 58 S-93121 Skellefteå Sverige Eva Vaihinen LO-Tidningen Box 1372 S-111 90 Stockholm Sverige Petra Villani Sydsvenska Dagbladet S-20505 Malmö Sverige Gunilla Wernhamn Göteborgs-Posten S-40502 Göteborg Sverige Anna Wetterhall Svenska Dagbladet S-105 17 Stockholm Sverige Anna Östlund Torggatan 8B S-784 44 Borlänge Sverige Ulf Åkerlind Barometern-OT Södra Långgatan 33 S-391 88 Kalmar Sverige Malin S Ånell Svenska Dagbladet S-105 17 Stockholm Sverige

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SNDS Magazine 2010|4 The President

Varför är det så svårt att ta till sig positiva nyheter? SNDS ordförande Anders Tapola n Nya plattformar dyker upp så gott som

varje dag och mediebranschen försöker i alla fall att möta upp. Särskilt de senaste två-tre åren har utvecklingen gått rasande snabbt. Inte minst vad det gäller mobiltelefoner och iPads, eller som de också kallas, om man nu inte skall göra reklam: tablets (iPad:en har för övrigt ännu inte lanserats i Skandinavien). I Denver under SND:s årliga seminarium hörde jag Roger Black säga: “Se till att varumärket syns, oavsett om det är en pappersprodukt eller en elektronisk produkt!”. Roger Black visade faktiskt att det är möjligt. I hans exempel känner du hela tiden igen dig, för typsnitten är desamma som i pappersprodukten och antalet spalter förändras till och med om du vänder på din mobiltelefon eller iPad. Allt är uppbyggt av riktigt smarta templates. För övrigt konstaterade Lars Pryds att ”Det mangler noget fra Finland i dette nummer, men man kan jo ikke vinde hver gang.” Så då blir det lite finska nyheter nu: Finland är nämligen rankat som

världens bästa land att leva i. Jo, det är faktiskt sant, enligt en stor undersökning gjord av Newsweek. Det måste vara något fel – trodde man förstås i Finland. Ilta-Sanomat lär till och med ha granskat undersökningen väldigt noggrant och hörde av sig till Newsweek om att ett misstag var gjort. Och i så fall borde förstås Schweiz vara världens bästa land att bo i, enligt kvällstidningen. I svenskspråkiga Hufvudstadsbladet ifrågasattes också undersökningen under rubriken ”Vi dricker och skjuter – men är ändå bäst?”.

This is

noT a t-shirt (it just looks like a t-shirt)

design: anders tapola

foto: Lena Gunnarsson

Då undrar jag förstås hur det kommer sig att det ska vara så svårt att ta till sig positiva nyheter? Är det typiskt finskt, månne? För varför sku vi? Eller varför sku jag … ? Nja, förmodligen är det mer ett nordiskt beteende ändå. Jantelagen uppfanns trots allt allt av dansken Aksel Sandemose, som skrev ”En flykting korsar sitt spår” på norskt riksmål. Och jag kan försäkra er om att Jantelagen lever ännu i allra högsta välmåga i Sverige. Kan vi inte slänga Jantelagen i soptunnan en gång för alla! I Stockholm den 12–14 maj är budskapet Make a Difference. Det låter betydligt mer positivt. Välkomna dit och låt er inspireras! Och glöm för allt i världen inte bort att delta i tävlingen att designa din egen t-shirt på samma tema (jag är för övrigt en riktig t-shirt-freak med drygt 250 i garderoben). Ladda ner en t-shirt här och börja skapa med en gång: P.S. Gillar för övrigt skarpt att Marshall Matlock – legendaren som har varit ansvarig för SND:s Best of News Design i herrans många år nu – har signalerat endast två intressen på sin Facebooksida: The Font Bureau Inc och SND Scandinavia (!) n

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