Introduction to Architecture
Architecture for people, architecture for social equity, inclusive architecture and generating respect for all through design are the terms learned in this project.
A sensitive approach to the harsh and practical issues of developing countries. First impression of urban design.
Vernacular Architecture Slum Redevelopment
Implementing contextual design for a social cause
Humans and the community they form are subconsciously connected to the surroundings they are brought up. The health of human psyche is directly proportionate to the space they dwell in. Recreating and uplifting the community life for the artisans and thus their lifestyle and economy.
Community Upliftment
Learning contextual design
Curiosity of understanding the changing architecture and design with a slight change in physical context, culture and lifestyle is reflected in this study paper.
An attempt of combining vernacular principles and modern technology for an improved development.
Drawing parallels between contextual design and Place Identity
A practical and global issue of intensification is observed in this project. A rapid increase in population often leads to haphazard growth of a city thus hampering it’s identity.
An attempt of introducing vernacular planning in modern vertical growth as a solution is tested.
Testing timelessness and flexibility of the duo (city’s identity and city’s context)
Forming and testing a frame structure to analyze, and design cities to form healthy identities. Contextual reference or vernacular being the suggested solution for the research.
Understanding impact of development on Human Psyche
The term has been used a several times as an analyzing tool for cities across the globe by different designers.
This paper proposes the term Psychogeography as a designing tool and attempts to draw a rationale for the same theory. Paper
Urban Design - Slum Redevelopment
Social Equity
IV Year - B. Architecture
A project based in the city of Pune, Maharashtra, India.
About the Project - This project is based in a highly crowded region of the city, with people dwelling in unhygienic conditions and living an under-privileged lifestyle. A re-organized plan is proposed for this congested area occupied by slum dwellers, in order to better utilize the potential of land than its present day scenario.
Need of the Project - In this project an unorganized but structured space is achieved with an improved sense of :
Approach - The proposal focuses on elements of design as well as user psychology; obtaining equal distribution of resources on one hand and, on other hand, a redevelopment proposed without relocating the users thus responding to the user’s sentiments and their attachment to the land and house.
- Improved Hygienic conditions
-Equal distribution of Open space
Design Concept
The user type being socially complex, the design concept evolves in two stages. A complex layer of social and communal impact is observed in this area. A social, cultural and functional milieu is achieved in the proposed design.
Individual level
Balconyforinteraction andfutureextension
Utilityarea-against openground
Private utility area fordailychores
Semi public area inviting interaction
Community level
Smallnichesdesignedtocreate shadedinteractionspaces
Public community area with elementslikereligiousstructuresora sittingarea,formingsocialandculturalepicenteroftheresidingcommunity
Dissertation (Research Paper) - Vernacular Architecture
IV Year - B. Architecture
A research based in the town of Malwan, Maharashtra, India.
About the Paper - A research paper addressing the issue of loss in identity of a region’s architecture and building techniques. This further leads to loss in the connection between the place and its users.
Need of the Paper - A lack of variation in architecture style across places, in respect to its local context, has given rise to the research question addressed in this paper.
Approach - A town is studied for its vernacular aspects and current issues. Then the contextual findings from past and present are inferred to propose possible solutions in order to retain the identity of the developing case example considered.
Case Example - Malwan
Increased visitors due to historical structure thus leading to tourist boom and evolution of tourism as occupation. This also led to haphazard growth of town which inturn affected the growth and progress of comunity.
Spread of community along the major connecting roads and further division into internal plots. Formation of machi market (Fish market) along coast.
Street along the outskirtsofthemarket.
Major roads to adjoining towns of achre and kasal, thus increased communication and formation of the central node of the town namely pimpal (Peepal tree).
Presence of a historical structure indicated presence of community or a settlement in this region. Further evolution of temples along the creek and coastline.
Internal streets majorlyResidentialzone
Current Development
Deteriorating conditionsoflocalsandtheir occupation (Fish Market)
Inappropriate constructionusingreinforcedconcreteincoastalregions,a resultofcopy-pastearchitecture
It is necessary to understand the importance of local identity and character of a region and breakthrough today’s trend of globalization in construction all over the world which is resulting in the fading away of the Vernacular Architecture of any region. An amalgamation of both, the beneficial aspects of Traditional Vernacular Architecture and the advanced construction techniques with modern technology can prove to be appropriate solutions to retain the identity of the region.
Final Year - B. Architecture Design Thesis - Cultural Upliftment Of Art Communities
A thesis project based in rural area of Kutch, Gujarat, India.
About the Project - Art and it’s required skill sets evolve over a period of time, influenced and inspired from its surrounding materials and context. Any art form is very local and original to the people and region it originates in.
Due to the current escalation and prosperity of an urban dweller against almost no growth in the rural art villages, practice of these art forms is wilting with time. The ever successful life in urban cities has enticed the younger generation of artists to abandon their practice and migrate, thus leading to loss of culture, art and tradition.
Need of the Project is two-folded, one being retaining the art of the communities and their linked traditions and culture. Second is the economy and quality of life for the communities residing.
Approach - In this thesis, one proposes upliftment and propagation of the art and the community performing it through various modes of design and policies for rural development.
Design Development - Main Centre
Infrastructure for resident artists and other visiting artists, on the rear, away from tourist services
Hierarchy of open space - Study of Ludia Village
In response to the surrounding residence
Linear Planning Study of Dhordo Village
Entrance responding to Access Point
Access to Site from National highway
Elements Designed along the Spine
Haat - Seasonal Market
Haat - Display and sale of arts from across the region
Exhibition space
Amphitheater - Central hub for activities and performing arts - Public Gathering Space Catchment area for rain water harvesting
Exhibition space
Central path forming the spine of movement in Tourist area.
Auditorium - Mud construction and Subterranean
Truss supporting the roofs
- Stained glass and Bamboo work
Intangible Context in Design
Traditional Construction Styles
BeforeEarthquake in 2001
Artasahobby - Part of Daily Lifestyle
Artasasourceofcommunity living
Modernization of Art and Lifestyle
AfterEarthquake in 2001
Commercialization of ArtMode of Economy
Art lost to Urbanization andGlobalization
Intensification of Mexico City
Place Identity as Design Principle
Urban Design - Post-graduation
A project based in La Condesa region of Mexico city.
About the Project - Intensification, place identity, migration to urban land, urbanization, exploitation of resources are few of the many problems faced by almost all the urbanized areas across the globe. This shift of humans from rural to urban areas and an ever increasing pressure on comparatively smaller portion of urban land has created an imbalance between the demand-supply ratio of natural resources.
Quality of life led by the residents or locals is hugely impacted, which has tangible as well as intangible impacts on the users.
Need of the Project - In this project the author throws light on the intangible aspect of place identity which is negatively impacted by the increasing pressure levels on urban land.
Land being the most important of all the resources has had major effects on development of a society as well as an individual.
Approach - This project deals with the issue of no land and loss in identity. Thus proposing a vertical configuration of street life and bringing life in the vertical developments around the world.
Thesis - Vernacular Urbanism
Urban Design - Post-graduation
About the Thesis - This research intends to introduce, explore and derive from the term of vernacular urbanism in context to the issues of globalization and loss in place identity. The aim of the research is to define a frame structure based on the concept of vernacular urbanism, which is further used to analyze a city’s urban fabric. Globalization is promoting homogeneity in identity all over the world, thus making the world feel single entity.
The identity of a city generates from human psyche based on tangible and intangible factors forming a city. In order to retain or restructure the unique image of any region or city, the best possible place to find the answer would be its local surrounding. The vernacular of a region gives the area its distinctiveness, thus making each city, town, village or region stand out in its own way.
An attempt of deriving vernacular factors affecting a city’s fabric from those affecting the architecture of a city is displayed in the research, in conclusion of which a list of relevant factors have been discussed further in this paper.
The research uses a contextually modified version of Sinek’s theory of golden circle in order to evaluate a city against the proposed frame structure of vernacular urbanism.
It also discusses and suggests the best possible way of designing with a sensitive outlook towards concepts of place identity, place making and sense of belonging.
Toreadmore, VernacularUrbanism![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/230311010149-a2f61928719f10ee8a163d35eace2240/v1/1e746f54d4fb7e36c1b682f76f398771.jpeg)