2013-2014 May Sno-Dak News

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Phot Credit: Shilynn Milligan // UTVUnderground.com


S pring I ssue

Photo Credit: RLT Photography

DATED MATERIAL Spring Issue 2014

SND Board Messages ............................................3-5 Snow News Wrap Up...........................................7-17 In the Dirt ..................................................18-23 1600 E Century Avenue, Suite 3 Bismarck, ND 58503-0649 (701) 328-5377 • FAX: (701) 328-5363 www.snowmobilend.org President: Laura Forbes V. President: Sheri Hoffmann Executive Director: Keri Wanner Denise Sanzo: denises@lblprinting.com ADVERTISING DIRECTOR/EDITOR Keri Wanner 1600 E Century Avenue, Suite 3 Bismarck, ND 58503-0649 (701) 328-5377 • FAX: (701) 328-5363 E-mail: info@snowmobilend.org


Publisher: Editor Graphic Designer: Marketing Specialists/ E-Magazine Designer: Production Engineers: Contributing Writers: Administrative Specialist:


Amsoil Snocross....................................... 24 Bunke Racing Wrap Up........................... 25-26 Club Reports............................................. 27-28 USXC .................................................... 30-31 Calendar of Events................................... 32

where to go...


Brian Gidley Keri Wanner Denise Sanzo Chelsey Thronson Sandy Durisin Clark Scheurman Josh Siferd Keith Moore Keri Wanner Tari Norby

CONTRIBUTORS: We welcome unsolicited materials and letters for possible publication. The Sno-Dak News accepts no responsibility for returns, losses or damage of unsolicited materials. The Sno-Dak News is the official publication of Snowmobile North Dakota. CF41, 9.SNODAK NEWS USPS 393-110) is published six times each year in the months of October, November, December, January, February and March at Bismarck, ND 58501. Periodicals postage paid at SUBSCRIPTION: Subscriptions available through membership to Snowmobile North Dakota for $20 per year. Enclose payment and mail to above mailing address. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: SNO-DAK NEWS 1600 E Century Avenue, Suite 3 Bismarck, ND 58503-0649 ADVERTISING RATES Multiple Issue Rates Fu l l Page Spre a d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 , 6 7 7 . 0 0 Page & 1/3 .............................$1,168.00 Full Page ..............................$861.00 Ha lf Page (H) ...........................$498.00 1/3 Page .............................$369.00 1/4 Page ................ ..............$245.00 1 / 6 P a g e Ve r t i c a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 8 4 . 0 0 Business Card Horizontal ..............$124.00 COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without the written permission of the publisher.

DISCLAIMER: The contents of advertisements which appear in the Sno-Dak NEWS are solely the responsibility of advertisers. Advertiser Index page 15.

Your ad could be here. Call for all your advertising opportunities: 701-328-5389


May 2014


OFFI s tingR posCE

Hi everyone


what color. Well it is th making doe The decision e end of w s in We will mis time you re n’t end. By the s the snow ter. a d won’t miss decided. Th this I will have the cold we but anks to the ather. gu and salesm an that he ys The SND me. lped board mem are getting b ready for th ers e next legislation I like goin s g to diffe we know it ession, before s rent nowmobilin th e legislation g session wil functions because yo l be here. O u ne of the items w people and meet different e they like to to legislatio will be bringing the same th do n ing you do. age in whic is to drop the They talk about h a child ca th n ride a snowmob where they eir trips and il have been or guardia e with a parent what they a n older th have seen nd an 18 years old. w a h nd a t If th y e o ir clubs ha u know a legislature ve done throughout that will the year. I support the help this intere b sting beca find them? We ill please talk to us look at it as w a new adve e I support to ill need a lot of nture to get this to explore and pass. We will kee w h a t k in a d ctivities ca py n our club of reference to ou informed in I do am always the bill. up for a n . challenge. ew My husband , Dean, and I went to the snow Remember s if y see the 20 how in Fargo to id eas that w ou have any 15 snowmo biles. Wow! I en snowmobil ould help the jo ing comm manufacture yed seeing the u please tell rs showing a board me nity what they m W ber. e ha are always 2015. I sp ve to offer in lo o k in g id for e oke to diffe as. salesman rent and reps. this is a Boy, Thanks to all what do I b hard decision m embers, SN of the board uy looking at th ? As we were snowmobil D staff and the e ing comm we met peo snowmobiles, u for making p this snowm nity why I shou le that told me o s bile e a ld buy a ce son a grea rtain snowmobil t one. I w s e e. e ill you at th They w very helpfu convention e snowmobile l. I have de ere in October cided which manu Minot. in fa I am going cture and sled to buy but now Now it nee ds to warm up, I

Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs




am ready to do some yard w ork and get tan!


President Laura Forb es


Herreid Sporting Center Herreid Sporting Center PO Box 215 Herreid,PO SD 57632 Box 215 605-437-2782 Herreid, SD 57632 605-437-2782


OFFI s tingR posCE

May 2014



to move over for each other to pass. Remember the UT V can only go 25 mph and the y would utilize their lights, where as a snowmobile also has lig hts on.

Director-At-Large Howdy all sled heads and UTV riders! Wow, what a long cold win ter but snowmobiling up in the hills of North Dakota was great! So was riding around the hills wit h a UTV tracked up for going anyw here in the snow! You can only go about 25 mph in an UTV, so this gives you a chance to take in the be auty of the snow covered areas and the wildlife. Got to love the white stuff to play in, especially when we have a long cold winter . Okay let me get to my po int. Let’s have a trial area on the Peace Garden Trail where snow mobiles and tracked UTVs share the trail system. Meeting a UTV on the tra il with a snowmobile would be like meeting a groomer; yo u have

Hope everyone enjoyed this rollercoaster of a winter season! It was crazy this season with the below zero temps and that crazy wind! Then when we think we all the snow is gone Mother Nature changes her mind and send us snow in the middle of the night, then takes it away the next day. Now is the time to start thinking about the summer season and start digging out your dirt bikes, ATV’s 4

A wonderful safety factor . Yes we would have to limit the size of a UTV, nothing wider tha n 5 feet and it would be the UTV problem how high it sets so not to hit the trees. Another benefit would be that most of signage would be utilized all year in most areas except where there is crop if the trail system can absorb the traffic of UTV during the warm months. This means less work for the volunteers to install sig ns every year. I would suggest putting a speed limit on the trails of 35 mph for safety reasons. Just thi nk how much more interest would be in trail system and to activa te the under 40 age group to assist in the trails systems. I know many of us think no way can we combine sledd ing with UTV. But it may be time to look at the big picture! Possi bly more funds from NDSPR to ass ist in the development. Remember NDPR has assisted with grubbing in the past. Possibly utilize some of the

registration fees for UTV for year round trail system. Think what it would do for the area businesses that cater to recreation. Dealers wo uld be more receptive to be at our SND Conventions, knowing the y have access to both Snowmobil es and UTV/ATV. Maybe it’s time we seriou sly look at all the possibilities. It’s up to you, voice your opinion . I have and would like to ride on snowy trails in a warm cab the ; I am getting older and am loo king for comfort and to have my family ride on a safe signed tra il. I will always want to cat ch first powder with a snow that mo and am dedicated to co bile ntinue keeping our trail system safe. To all SND volunteers, My Helmet is off to you for all the ha rd work to keep the trail system in great shape! Have a Wonderful Summ er enjoy the Great Outdoors and ! Hope to see most of you at the SND Convention in Minot this October. Happy Trails


and side by sides. We have been busy scheduling OHV safety classes and hands on classes around the state. Make sure to check www.ridesafe. nd.gov for upcoming classes in your local area. If you would like to schedule a class in your local area please contact me at 701-328-5348 or tari@snowmobilend.org.


Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs

Admin S



ERs OFFIC posting

May 2014




Di Executive

you There is no way I can show us of all ys the countless wa e; icl art ge pa e on care in this s rou me nu the in pla ex or even d un aro stories I’ve heard from duals the state on how indivi yond have went above and be mobile to assist the state snow u that yo l program. But I can tel everything prod

ships. without building relation each re It’s our goal to make su tors of the state Trail Coordinations cia so As il elected by the Tra ll the feel confident they can cations es office and get their qu best answered and do the ch as we can to assist as mu en to possible. We have chos by build those relationships n thi wi ork rw processing pape le ab ail av ing be two weeks, cting after hours and conta ow a kn trail systems when we d we deadline is coming up anrwork pe pa ed haven’t receiv you to because we want all of succeed. your We do our best to gain d we an re ca we e us trust beca ghout follow this example throu ess, sin bu D every sector of SN trail related or not.

mobile uced by the state snow thout wi program is not done hours earch I’ve spent countless mobile sometimes years of restailing ow sn en the ng ing ori monit research and I was ss phone calls, emails industry and non-profits. you tle un co at wh ce taught to practi and training. myself preach and to educate s has carefully is before I speak. All of thi Everything even th helped me develop evaluated before it usuallyBoard the graces the hands of t the are e career I have today bu ls I of Directors to ensure we e too ibl ss ble po lua st va be st the two mo presenting e. nc rie d pe an ex the learned came with information for discussion We listened to all ofvided owing s is thi of All n. tio nta pro These tools included sht what me s imple recommendation eting to ensure snowmobiling people I truly care abou ships. ne do during the annual me ding s sines fun I do and building relation w ne remains a successful bu cause the regarding atly in North Dakota and be ls program and we gre too o tw the lly ns. tio re. es ca gg These are usua us su of all appreciate the d the s thi ing that are taken for granteo key vid pro continue To tw the for are m y gra the pro d g tire an en most The new fundin same type of service, the spent siness m, s wa components in any bu er te snowmobile trail systeing mb sta ce De of month an erns including non-profits. although a change meto get addressing these conc ts en em uir that s req w ion ne lut so me so ing d develop an t-up se th ers wi mb ed me lop d ve an de rs s tee Board Volun used too, wa were presented to the events of st ho ars il, ye tra o tw ain of int and n ma tio iew d ec an the dir of Directors for rev they ation nd me om rec a , and fundraise because being rch ea res approval. te care about snowmobiling s. m the 2013-2017 Sta fro itie Program of us a part of their commun Snowmobile This was done because alldo on e us ca be d an n Pla u yo Strategic care about the work Board program gram snowmobile The team of elected SND cause the the state snowmobile pro the 0 ing ild members is chosen be ough d last biennium with a $4 bu se e clo nu and to conti rked these individuals cared en at a thousand deficit. relationships we have wo ing bil mo ow sn t en res rep to so hard to establish. d to local and statewide level. It was decided if we wante ntinue ward see this recreation co n had Thank you and we look forth all and rks Pa ta pla ko w Da ne a rth No te, wi sta The ng the rki in wo e nu to conti cares e the great Recreation Department been to be developed becaus erate of you on making this a ve ha op y ly on uld wo m because the te. gra pro snowmobiling sta umers t selected to provide cons long on the current formay so mone a place to snowmobile. before there was no too red ca ed olv inv All to give. e us ca en be pp ha res to ca The staff much to allow that for g ttle rin se ctu n’t tru wo res all of us and so began the ess cc su n m. tha gra s pro les ark ing hm anyth of the benc to the providing opportunities clubs, gram volunteers, members, course The state snowmobile pro of this d of an all ns tio ne cia do trail asso couldn’t have . ers bil mo snow



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Sno News

May 2014

Wra p U p

BRP Adds Additional Color choices for 2015 Ski-Doo Spring Only Models After feedback from its dealers and consumers, BRP is adding color options to four 2015 Ski-Doo snowmobile models: Consumers may now choose these options in additional to the original choices announced at the Club BRP dealer meeting and online. These models may only be ordered during BRP’s Ski-Doo Spring Fever promotion, which ends April 22, 2015. Consumers who reserve their sled during the promotion receive a 3- or 4-year limited warranty plus a choice of other incentives, including rMotion Quick Adjust system, electric start, $100 off a wrap kit from SCS and more. Full details are available at Ski-Doo dealers and on ski-doo.com. - MX Z X-RS (800R E-TEC engine option only, no image): Deep Black with satin hood, grey graphics - Renegade X-RS: Deep Black with satin hood, grey graphics

Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


May 2014


Sno News

Wra p U p

- Freeride: Manta Green with black suspension rails, ski spindles and graphic accents

- Summit X with T3 package: Deep Black with satin hood, red graphic accents


Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs

Sno News

Wra p U p

Polaris Snocross Racer Ross Martin Returns from Injury in Winning Style, Earning a Pro Open Victory & Taking Second in ISOC National Racing at Fargo, N.D.

Corin Todd Wins Both Pro Lite Finals & Heads to Season Finale as Points Leader MEDINA, Minn. (March 13, 2014) – Ross Martin (Judnick Motorsports) returned from a mid-season injury with a bang, winning one Pro Open final and finishing second in the other during March 7-8 ISOC National snocross racing at Glyndon, Minnesota, near Fargo, N.D. Corin Todd (Leighton Motorsports) won both of the weekend’s Pro Lite finals and is the class points leader with one weekend of racing remaining. James Johnstad (Judnick Motorsports) finished second and third in the weekend’s finals in Pro Lite, where Polaris racers stand 1-2-3 in points and hold six of the top 10 spots in the points standings. Pro Open: Martin Reaches the Podium Twice; Kamm Second in Class Points Ross Martin suffered a shoulder injury in practice prior to the Winter X Games in January and missed three weekends – six rounds – of ISOC National racing. But he returned to the track at Glyndon and finished second in his first final, then won for the first time this season in the weekend finale. Martin has competed in just eight of the season’s 14 rounds to date, yet his strong weekend at Glyndon elevated him to 10th in season points. Also earning top 10 finishes in the weekend’s first Pro Open final were Kody Kamm (Hentges Racing) in sixth, Kyle Pallin (Team LaVallee) in eighth, and Levi LaVallee (Team LaVallee) in 10th. When Martin won the weekend’s second final, Justin Broberg (Hentges Racing) took sixth, Jake Scott (Team LaVallee) was ninth, and Kyle Pallin was 10th. With one weekend of racing remaining – which will include three Pro Open finals – Kody Kamm is second in points, Kyle Pallin is third, Justin Broberg is fifth, and Ross Martin is 10th. Team LaVallee teammates Levi LaVallee and Jake Scott are 11th and 12th, respectively. Pro Lite: Polaris Dominates at Glyndon & Controls Points Race Polaris racers earned five of six podium spots in the weekend’s two Pro Lite class finals, and six Polaris racers are among the top 10 in class points – including the top three in the standings. In the weekend’s first Pro Lite final, Corin Todd won to lead a 1-2-3 Polaris podium sweep. Andrew Lieders (Team LaVallee) took second and James Johnstad (Judnick Motorsports) was third. Andrew Carlson (Carlson Motorsports) finished fifth and Trevor Leighton (Leighton Motorsports) was sixth. Todd won the second final and Johnstad was second as six Polaris racers earned top 10 finishes. Zak Mason (Leighton Motorsports) was fourth, Carlson was sixth, Lieders was eighth, and Leighton was 10th. With two rounds of racing remaining, Corin Todd leads with 517 points and Andrew Carlson is second with 507. Andrew Lieders is in third in points, James Johnstad is fifth, Zak Mason is sixth, and Trevor Leighton is in eighth. Sport Class Racers Grab Half of Weekend’s Podium Spots Ryan Springer (Carlson Motorsports) finished second in one of the weekend’s Sport class finals, and Jacob Yurk (Team Vermillion) and Braydon Love (444 Motorsports) both earned third-place finishes. Ryan Springer is currently second in Sport points, and seven Polaris racers are in the top 10. Braydon Love is third, Durk Roper (Roper Racing) is fifth, Cole Cottew (Cottew Motorsports) is seventh, Evan Daudt (Daudt Racing) is eighth, Jacob Yurk (Team Vermillion) is ninth, and Adam Weiler (Weiler Racing) is in 10th. The final event on the ISOC National schedule is the March 14-16 weekend of racing at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. There will be Pro Open finals all three days and two final rounds of Pro Lite racing.

May 2014

Sno News


Wra p U p

Polaris Cross-Country Racers Finish 1-2-3 in Pro Open & Pro 600 at USXC Season Finale;

Aaron Christensen Wins Both Pro Races & Clinches Pro Open Title

Justin Tate & Ryan Faust Run 2-3 in Both Pro Races; Dylan Stevens Wins Semi-Pro 600 MEDINA, Minn. (March 13, 2014) – Polaris cross-country snowmobile racer Aaron Christensen (AC Racing) closed out the USXC season in dominant fashion as he won both Pro classes at the Moondance Jam 100 in Walker, Minnesota, on March 8. Christensen won the Pro Open race to finish the season with three straight wins in the class and win the points title. He also won his third Pro 600 race of the season and finished second in points. Polaris racers dominated the Pro classes at Walker, finishing 1-2-3 in both races. In the Pro 600 race, Christensen won, Justin Tate was second, Ryan Faust (Faust Racing) was third, and Spencer Kadlec (Bunke Racing) was fourth. In Pro Open, Christensen won his third consecutive race, Tate was second, Faust was third, and Bobby Menne (131 Racing) returned from injury with a strong performance, finishing fifth. In Semi-Pro 600, Polaris racer Dylan Stevens earned his first victory of the season. Alex Hetteen (131 Racing) finished 10th in Semi-Pro 600 and took second in the Semi-Pro Improved race, where Taylor Bunke (Bunke Racing) finished fifth. Terry Gilomen took second in Super Stock, and in the Sport 600 Stock race, Austin Reinertson was second and Michael Feigitsch was third. Jill Tangen and Anne Pladson finished 2-3 in the Women’s race.


Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs

Sno News


May 2014

Wra p U p

Polaris Snocross Racer Corin Todd Wins ISOC Pro Lite Title, Ryan Springer Wins Sport Crown, & Kody Kamm Finishes Second in Pro Open Points

Polaris Terrain Domination® Was on Full Display at Lake Geneva Season Finale MEDINA, Minn. (March 17, 2014) – Polaris snocross racers climbed up on the podium more than racers on any other brand of sled during the season’s final weekend of ISOC National racing, March 14-16 at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. When the snow dust settled, Polaris racer Corin Todd (Leighton Motorsports) was the ISOC National Pro Lite champion, Ryan Springer (Carlson Motorsports) won the Sport Class title, and Kody Kamm (Hentges Racing) and Kyle Pallin (Team LaVallee) finished second and third, respectively, in the Pro Open points standings. Polaris racers dominated the top 10 spots in the final standings in the major ISOC classes, and several drivers improved on their 2012-2013 finishes as the Polaris Racing program maintained its winning momentum. Pro Open: Polaris Racers Take Six of Top 11 Places in Standings Polaris Pro Open racers had an outstanding weekend at Lake Geneva, earning five of nine podium spots available after three finals were run. Kody Kamm finished second once and had two thirds, reaching the podium in all three of the weekend’s Pro Open finals. Ross Martin (second on Saturday) and Justin Broberg (second on Sunday) also reached the podium. Polaris racers claimed six of the top 11 spots in the final Pro Open points standings. Along with Kamm and Pallin finishing second and third in points, respectively, Justin Broberg finished fifth in the standings, the highest position in his Pro Open career. Ross Martin, who finished second in points in 2012-2013, finished ninth in points this season even though he missed six rounds of Pro Open racing while recovering from a mid-season injury. Levi LaVallee (Team LaVallee) finished 10th in points, one spot ahead of teammate Jake Scott (Team LaVallee), while Bobby LePage (Cottew Motorsports) was 17th.

Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


May 2014

Sno News


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Pro Lite: Polaris Racers Demonstrate True Terrain Domination Polaris racers totally dominated the ISOC Pro Lite class this season. They finished 1-2 in points and claimed six of the top seven spots in the standings. They also dominated at Lake Geneva, earning five of the six podium spots available on the final weekend. Corin Todd entered the Lake Geneva weekend as the points leader with a 10-point lead over Andrew Carlson in second. Both racers went off-course in Saturday’s final, and Todd had an 11-point lead heading into Sunday’s final. Carlson did all he could, winning the Sunday final, but Todd finished third to sew up the points title and finish seven points ahead of Carlson. In Saturday’s racing, Polaris racers finished first in every qualifying race and earned six of the top 11 spots in the final. Andrew Lieders (Team LaVallee) won and was joined on the podium by James Johnstad (Judnick Motorsports) in third. Zak Mason (Leighton Motorsports) was fourth, Todd was ninth, Trevor Leighton (Leighton Motorsports) was 10th, and Carlson finished 11th. The Sunday final was a Polaris parade as Polaris racers finish 1-2-3-4, with Carlson winning, Johnstad taking second, and Todd finishing third to clinch the points title. Mason was fourth, Leighton was eighth, and Cole Cottew (Cottew Motorsports) finished ninth. As a result, Todd won the 2013-2014 Pro Lite championship, Carlson finished second in points, Johnstad was fourth, Lieders was fifth, Mason – the 2012-2013 Sport class champion – finished sixth, and Leighton was seventh. Sport Class: Springer Wins Points Title Ryan Springer (Carlson Motorsports) won the weekend’s first Sport final, took third in the finale on Sunday, and he won the 2013-2014 ISOC Sport class championship. In the Saturday final, Polaris racers finished 1-2 and earned nine of the top 12 spots. Eleven of the 15 racers who reached the final were on Polaris sleds. Race winner Springer was joined on the podium by second-place finisher Jeff Jasan (RSI Racing), while Evan Daudt (Daudt Racing) took fifth, Braydon Love (444 Motorsports) was seventh, Nickolas Lorenz (Lorenz Racing) was eighth, Cole Cottew (Cottew Motorsports) ran ninth, and Adam Weiler (Weiler Racing) was 10th. It was another display of Polaris Terrain Domination in the Sunday final as Polaris racers finished 1-2-3 and took five of the top 10 spots. Cole Cottew won the Sunday Sport final and was joined on the podium by Braydon Love in second and Springer in third. Durk Roper (Roper Racing) finished seventh, and Kyle LaCoe (LaCoe Racing) was eighth. Springer won the Sport title one season after he finished 11th in Sport points, and Love finished third in points for the second straight season. Roper was fifth, Cottew took sixth, Daudt was eighth, Jacob Yurk (Team Vermillion) was ninth, Adam Weiler (Weiler Racing) finished 10th, Dylan Jansen (Jansen Brothers Racing) was 12th, and Kyle LaCoe was 15th.


Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


Sno News

May 2014

Wra p U p

Polaris Snowmobile Racers Complete Incredibly Successful ‘Season of Champions’ With Winning Performances in Snocross, Hillclimb, Enduro and Cross-Country MEDINA, Minn. (April 29, 2014) – For Polaris snowmobile racers, the winter of 2013-2014 was a Season of Champions as they rode Polaris sleds to Terrain Domination® in virtually every racing discipline, including hillclimb, snocross, ice oval enduro, and cross-country. Polaris racers completely dominated the Rocky Mountain Snowmobile Hillclimb Assn. (RMSHA) circuit, won the legendary Soo I-500 ice oval enduro, and won the grueling Iron Dog cross-country race across Alaska. Below are highlights of the Polaris Season of Champions. Hillclimb: Polaris Rules in the Mountains Polaris racers demonstrated that their Polaris RMKs have the power and strength to dominate in the mountains on the RMSHA circuit. Polaris hillclimbers won 10 of the 12 Pro class season points titles, including all four Stock classes and all four Modified classes – where Polaris racers finished 1-2-3 in each class. At the season’s seven RMSHA events, Polaris racers won the Stock classes 27 of 28 times, or 96%. Polaris Pro racers won 85% of the King of the Hill titles (18 of 21) as Keith Curtis won all seven Stock King crowns and six of seven Modified King titles. Curtis, who was voted RMSHA Racer of the Year by his fellow racers, won five Pro class season points titles: Stock 600, Stock 800, Stock 1000, Modified 800 and Open Modified. Erin Beukelman won points titles in 800 Improved Stock, 1000 Improved Stock and 700 Modified, Tyler Crockett won the 600 Modified title, and Luke Rainey won the 700 Stock points title. Jesse Hotchkiss won points titles in all three Semi-Pro classes, and Shelley Heap won the season points titles in Women’s Stock and Women’s Improved Stock.

Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


May 2014

Sno News


Wra p U p

Polaris racers were also dominant at the sport’s premier event, the Jackson Hole World Championship Snowmobile Hillclimb, where they won every King of the Hill title, Keith Curtis won the King of Kings crown, and Polaris racers won 10 of the 12 Pro-class titles. Snocross: Polaris Fills Up the Podium On the ISOC National race circuit, Polaris racers claimed 59% of all ISOC podium finishes (first through third place) in the Pro, Pro Lite and Sport classes. Kody Kamm (Hentges Racing) finished second in Pro Open points standings, and Kyle Pallin (Team LaVallee) finished third. Corin Todd (Leighton Motorsports) won the ISOC Pro Lite points title and Ryan Springer (Carlson Motorsports) won the Sport class title. In Canada’s top racing circuit, the CSRA, Iain Hayden (Rockstar Energy Polaris) won the seventh CSRA Pro Open National Snowcross Championship of his career, and Jacob Gervais won the Pro-Lite Championship. Ice Oval Enduro: Polaris Racers Go 1-2 at the Soo Gabe Bunke (Bunke Racing) and Aaron Christensen (AC Racing) won the Soo I-500 for the third straight year. It was the fifth Soo victory of Bunke’s career, the third for Christensen. Polaris racers Ryan Faust and Travis Faust, who are brothers and Faust Racing teammates, finished second for the second straight year. Polaris racers claimed six of the top 10 finishing positions in the demanding 500-lap, 500-mile race. Polaris Racers Win & Dominate Top 10 in the Iron Dog Todd Minnick and Nick Olstad teamed up to win the 2,031-mile Iron Dog cross-country race across Alaska on a pair of 600 Switchback PRO-R snowmobiles. Five Polaris teams finished in the top 10, including the third-place team of Mike Morgan and Chris Olds. Cross-Country: Christensen Wins Pro Open Aaron Christensen (AC Racing) won the final three USXC Pro Open races of the season to win the class points title, and he finished second in Pro Stock points. Polaris racers claimed over 53% of the season’s Pro Open podium spots, over 56% of the Sport Stock podium spots, and 59% of the podium spots in Sport Improved, where Austin Reinertson won the points title. X Games: Moore, LaVallee Win Gold Medals Colten Moore dazzled the crowd and global TV audience as he won the gold medal in Snowmobile Freestyle, and he won the bronze in Snowmobile Long Jump. When Levi LaVallee (Team LaVallee) won the gold medal in Snowmobile Long Jump it was the 10th X Games medal of his career, and his seventh gold medal. In X Games Snocross racing, Kody Kamm (Hentges Racing) earned the silver medal and Justin Broberg (Hentges Racing) took the bronze.


Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


Wra p U p

Sno News

May 2014

All-New Yamaha SR Viper M-TX Proves its Mettle with Podium Finish at Pinedale HillClimb Pleasant Prairie, WI – Yamaha once again proved the skeptics wrong, this time it occurred in Pinedale, Wyoming during the White Pine Hillclimb. Pro rookie racer Gavin Balls rocked his brand new Yamaha SR Viper M-TX to a second place finish in the 700 Mod class, giving him his first pro podium of his young and promising career. More importantly, the wild romp up the hill helped further solidify Yamaha as a true contender in the Rocky Mountain Snowmobile Racing HillClimb Association (RMSHA), as well as the capabilities of the new SR Viper M-TX mountain sled. While it wasn’t the victory the team knows it’s capable of securing, it was another giant step forward for Yamaha in the western market. “They said it would be impossible,” said Yamaha Product Manager Rob Powers, referring to Gavin’s accomplishment.“ The new SR Viper M-TX is a very capable mountain sled; its powerful, balanced, extremely maneuverable, and rock solid reliable. Every weekend we are proving that on the race track and in the backcountry.” Gavin also just missed the podium in 600 Mod with a fourth place finish, and garnered a sixth place finish in 700 Improved. Pinedale marked just the third race for the Yamaha HillClimb Team. Chad Jorgensen, Nathan Titus and Bryan Pack join Gavin, and Troy Johnson of Lincoln County Customs manages the crew. “Every time we hit the hill we are making improvements,” said Troy. “We knew the Viper M-TX had potential from the very first race. We hit the Bear Lake HillClimb with zero testing, and we were qualifying in the topten.” Now that we’ve had some time to dial-in the sleds and get some seat time, you’re gonna see continued improvements from everyone on the team.” Up next for the Yamaha HillClimb team is the legendary Jackson Hole World Championship in Jackson, Wyoming, March 20-23, 2014. The team will use the additional time leading up to the race to further hone their skills and the performance of their SR Viper M-TX snowmobiles. You can follow all the action throughout the season at facebook.com/YamahaSnowmobilesUSA and at youtube.com/user/YamahaSnowmobilesUSA Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


May 2014

Sno News


Wra p U p

Yamaha Wins at Jackson Hole; Gavin Balls Romps SRViper M-TX Fastest to the Top

Pleasant Prairie, WI – The steep and rock littered ascent up the vertical face of Snow King Mountain in Jackson Hole, Wyoming has become the ultimate proving ground for both mountain man and his machine. This past weekend, it was Gavin Balls and his 2015 SRViper M-TX proving to the world Yamaha has returned to the snowmobile mountain segment in a big way, as Gavin and his Viper M-TX beat the best for the win in Improved Stock 700. Just two weeks prior, Gavin and the SRViper M-TX did what many thought was impossible, finishing on the podium in second place in Pinedale. Turns out that was just a precursor to what most would consider the biggest stage in hillclimb competition, Jackson Hole. After just missing the final field in several classes during qualifying the previous day, Yamaha racers and technicians set about making some last minute traction calibrations in hopes of turning the tide. “We had been working on our suspension and traction set-up for the past couple of weeks,” said Mountain Race Team Manager Troy Johnson. “None of our racers had seat time on the new sleds until a few weeks ago, but we were real good from the get go and just had to find that small edge to put us over the top.” That competitive edge combined with Gavin’s acute ability to find lines other hadn’t is what put the Viper M-TX atop the podium. “There was a real tricky section about two-thirds up where someone had trenched out,” said Gavin after his victorious run. “Everyone was having a hard time getting through.” However Gavin found the line others didn’t, and using the smooth and predictable power only a fourstroke can deliver, and the balanced and maneuverable control of the new Viper M-TX, Gavin nailed the line perfectly and sliced his way through to the top. The win backed up the Pinedale podium and clearly demonstrated the abilities of the new SR Viper M-TX. For an encore, Gavin went on to claim third in 700 Modified and finished in the top ten in 800 Modified; a huge accomplishment given the class was filled with more than 35 of the best riders in the world, many of whom were on more powerful sleds. Yamaha teammate Chad Jorgensen added a fourth-place finish in 700 Mod to cap off the historic weekend.


Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


May 2014

Sno News Wrap U p

“We’ve had Jackson Hole circled on our calendars since early winter,” said Yamaha Snowmobile Product Manager Rob Powers. “We knew the new Viper M-TX would open some eyes once our racers had some seat time. It was rewarding to see the hard work by everyone involved in this project (SR Viper M-TX) pay-off in a big way. Our booth at the base of the hill was filled with other racers and fans not only congratulating us, but also looking at the M-TX in a new light.” With momentum building, the Yamaha Hillclimb team will continue to test and tune in preparation for the final three Rocky Mountain Snowmobile Hillclimb Association (RMSHA) events on the calendar. The next race is slated for Crested Butte, Colorado, April 12-13. You can follow all the action throughout the season at facebook.com/YamahaSnowmobilesUSA and at youtube.com/user/YamahaSnowmobilesUSA

Yamaha rider Gavin Balls

Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


May 2014

In InThe TheDirt... Dirt...


Minneapolis, Minneapolis, April April 7, 7, 2014-Cody 2014-Cody Rahders Rahders repeated repeated hishis Round Round 1 results 1 results and and won won Round Round 2 of 2 of thethe Lucas Lucas OilOil Regional Regional Series Series XPXP Class Class and and then then followed followed it up it up with with another another second second place place finish finish in in thethe Production Production 1000 class. 1000 class. InIn what what is is already already turning turning into into a tight a tight point’s point’s battle, battle, inin both both thethe Production Production 1000 1000 and and XPXP Classes Classes early early onon inin thethe season, season, Rahders Rahders hashas been been continuing continuing to to turn turn in in solid solid results. results. Starting Starting with with qualifying, qualifying, Rahders Rahders setset thethe pole pole in in both both Production Production 1000 1000 and and XPXP Classes. Classes. With theWith drawthe fordraw the inversion, for the inversion, he started he in started the sixth in the position sixth position in the XP in class the XP andclass fourth andposition fourth inposition the Production in the Production 1000 class. 1000 class. Rahder’s Rahder’s first first main main event event of of thethe day day was was thethe XPXP class class and and within within thethe first first laplap hehe moved moved into into fourth fourth place. place. AsAs thethe laps laps wore wore on,on, hehe went went to to third, third, second second and and then then traded traded thethe lead several lead several times with timesthe with second the second place car. place Oncar. theOn lastthe lap,last there lap,was there a full wascourse a full course caution which caution brought whichonbrought a green/white/checker on a green/white/checker to finish the to race. finish the race. 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It took It took Rahders Rahders two two laps laps to to sort sort through through thethe carnage carnage around around him before him before he washe able was to able starttohisstart drive histodrive the front to theand front what andwas what beginning was beginning to be a to repeat be a of repeat the XPofclass. the XP Rahders class. and Rahders the leader and the would leader trade would firsttrade placefirst several placetimes several during timesthe during race. Onthe therace. white Onflag thelap, white theflag twolap, came thetogether two came fairly together hard but fairly both hard stayed but both on course stayedand on course Cody settled and inCody to finish settled out in thetorace finish in second out the place. race in second place. “In“In turn turn five five going going to to thethe white white flag flag wewe hithit pretty pretty hard hard and and mymy power power steering steering quit. quit. InIn thethe rhythm rhythm section section hehe made a mistake made a mistake and I think andIIcould thinkhave I could gothave him got but him it would but ithave would been have ugly, been ” said ugly, Rahders. ” said Rahders. “I had major “I hadarm major pump armand didn’t pump want andtodidn’t throwwant second to throw place second away if place I couldn’t awaymake if I couldn’t it stick make so I played it stickit so safe I played and took it safe second. and”took second.” Rahders Rahders and and R3motorsports R3motorsports would would like like to to thank thank their their sponsors sponsors forfor their their support. support. Cognito Cognito Motorsports, Motorsports, Polaris, Polaris, Superchips, Superchips, ITP ITP Tires, Tires, Fox Fox Shocks, Shocks, Method Method Race Race Wheels, Wheels, Muzzys, Muzzys, RacerX RacerX Motorsports, Motorsports, thethe UTVunderground. UTVunderground. com, com, K&N K&N Filters, Filters, Sparks Sparks Racing, Racing, Lucas Lucas Oil, Oil, Crower, Crower, new new sponsor sponsor Twisted Twisted Stitch Stitch Seats, Seats, mymy spotter spotter Nick Nick Novak, Novak, mechanics mechanics Kevin Kevin Sullivan Sullivan and and Jon Jon Kelly, Kelly, Cognito Cognito Motorsports Motorsports owner owner Justin Justin Lambert, Lambert, Gina Gina Snew, Snew, Dave Dave Stall, Stall, and and mymy mom mom and and dad. dad. 18

Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


May 2014

PHOTO CREDIT: Shilynn Milligan // UTVUnderground.com

Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


In The Dirt...


Polaris Engineered Lubricants Backs R.J. Anderson in Pro Lite and Pro 2 Truck Racing

Medina, Minn. (April 22, 2014) – Polaris Engineered Lubricants has signed on to support off-road racing driver R.J. Anderson for the 2014 and 2015 racing seasons. Set to enter the elite levels of offroad truck racing, Anderson will pilot a Polaris Engineered Lubricants-backed Pro 2 truck as well as a Pro Lite truck in 2014. With a solid background driving the Polaris RZR to off-road and desert racing championships and a championship already to his credit in the Pro Lite truck class, Anderson is one of the top young drivers in the sport. “R.J. Anderson has already experienced a lot of success both as a Polaris Engineered Lubricants -backed driver and ambassador,” said Matt Miller, Polaris Engineered Lubricants Manager. “Polaris Engineered Lubricants will provide R.J. with the quality products he needs to keep winning races and pursue championships.” The deal marks the first of a two-year contract between Anderson and Polaris Engineered Lubricants and Anderson will have the advantage of using Polaris Engineered Lubricants exclusively in his vehicles. With up to 20-inches of suspension travel and 700+ horsepower, Pro-2 trucks are some of the most powerful and capable racing vehicles on the planet. The Pro-2 class will pit 21-year-old Anderson against some of the best drivers in off-road racing. For more information about Polaris Engineered Lubricants visit www.polarislubricants.com. For more information about R.J. Anderson visit www.rj37.com.


Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs PHOTO CREDIT: UTVUnderground.com / Mad Media


In The Dirt...

May 2014

Beau Baron Takes Win at WORCS Round 4 RZRs fill the Podium in Pro Class Minneapolis, April 14, 2014-WORCS Round 4 returned to Sand Hollow OHV area in Hurricane, Utah, and Polaris Factory Racers Beau Baron and Mitch Guthrie Jr. would go one/two in the Pro Class. Sand Hollow presents the racers with a different type of terrain from most of the other WORCS races. The six-mile, hour-long course travels through sand and sandstone and is one of the more scenic races in the series. Polaris Racing/Holz Racing’s Beau Baron would grab the holeshot in his RZR XP 1000 and would race virtually unchallenged until lapped racers would slow him down giving Polaris/Guthrie Racing’s Mitch Guthrie Jr., also in a RZR XP 1000, the lead in the final lap. Guthrie, also dealing with the lapped racers, would see Baron regain the lead and steer his RZR XP 1000 to the win for his second win of the season. Guthrie would finish a solid second, Nick Thompson, also in a RZR would take third; with Polaris Factory Racers RJ Anderson and Ryan Piplic taking fourth and fifth. Baron currently holds the point lead for the series with Guthrie in second and Anderson in third.

Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


In The Dirt... May 2014


BRP RAISES THE BAR IN THE MID-CC ATV CATEGORY WITH THE LAUNCH OF ITS NEW CAN-AM OUTLANDER L MODELS Valcourt, Québec, Canada, May 1, 2014 – BRP expands its line of Can-Am all-terrain vehicles (ATV) with the new category-challenging 2015 Outlander L and Outlander L MAX models, the Outlander 6x6 ATV and the reintroduced Outlander 800R X mr model. Along with the new models, the Can-Am ATV and side-by-side vehicle line-ups also feature vibrant colour choices and other refinements. “The launch of the new 2015 Outlander L line of ATVs is a significant and sensible decision for BRP,” said Chris Dawson, vice-president and general manager, Global Sales and Consumer Experience. “It can be challenging to maintain a premium positioning and a truly superior product in the price competitive mid-range category, but our engineering and design teams have done an outstanding job creating the affordable, class-leading Outlander L family of Can-Am ATVs.” The new 2015 Outlander L 450 and L 500 ATVs — also available in the MAX platform — include the key Can-Am DNA essentials of industry-leading performance, precision-engineered handling and a rider-focused design, but also represent the most affordable SST G2 Can-Am ATVs to date. The Outlander L models come with either a purpose-built, new 38-HP liquid-cooled, single-cylinder Rotax 450 four-stroke or the established 46-HP liquidcooled, SOHC Rotax V-Twin 500 engine. BRP offers two Rotax V-Twin engine choices (650 and 1000) for the Outlander 6x6 vehicles, delivering on the promise of providing class-leading performance. However, consumer-friendly features like selectable six-wheel22

Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


May 2014

In The Dirt... drive, multipurpose dump box, 750-kg (1,650-lb) towing capacity, Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) with new lower L-gear, Double Torsional Trailing Arm Independent (TTI2) rear suspension, Tri-Mode Dynamic Power Steering and Visco-Lok† QE are what create a versatile, convenient package. Making a return to the Can-Am ATV line-up is the revamped Outlander 800R X mr model that features the oneup SST G2 chassis and the proven tire-and-wheel package from the flagship Outlander 1000 X mr model. Along with the new ATVs, BRP also introduced five new optional colour schemes for the 2015 line-up. Six new colours and other enhancements highlight the 2015 Can-Am Commander and Maverick side-by-side line-ups. The Maverick 1000R X mr side-by-side vehicle is outfitted with fully adjustable FOX† piggyback shocks and the new lower L-gear for improved CVT precision. A 2,041 kg -pound (4,500-lb) WARN ProVantage† winch is now standard on all XT-package side-by-sides. New cast-aluminum wheels were redesigned on both the Commander DPS and Commander XT platforms, while the Commander XT-P platform has updated beadlock wheels.

“The launch of the new 2015 Outlander L line of ATVs is a significant and sensible decision for BRP,”

Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


May 2014


AMSOIL Championship Snocross, powered by Ram, rewards the champions and difference makers at annual year-end banquet MINNEAPOLIS (March 18, 2014) – ISOC, the International Series of Champions, wrapped up its 2013-’14 AMSOIL Championship Snocross, powered by Ram, season this past week in Lake Geneva, Wis., with the annual year-end banquet at the famed Grand Geneva Resort & Spa. No surprise with the awards ceremony’s top award – the coveted Fan Favorite (as voted on ISOCRacing.com and ISOC’s Facebook page) – going to Monster Energy/Arctic Cat’s Tucker Hibbert. Marvelously edited highlight videos from Long Haul Productions of the 2013-’14 AMSOIL Championship Snocross season kept everyone at the banquet on the edge of their seat all night. And in the end it was agreed upon that this year was the best on record for the world’s premier professional snowmobile racing series. “No doubt this will do down as ISOC’s most successful season to date,” said Carl Schubitzke, President & Race Director of AMSOIL Championship Snocross. “The ISOC crew faced many challenges this season, but fortunately snow amount wasn’t one of them. We did, however, have to pull together races during some of the most brutally cold temperatures on record, and the ISOC team came through big time in those situations. “Again, thanks to all the series’ valuable sponsors, the ISOC crew, and – of course – the teams and riders that make AMSOIL Championship Snocross, powered by Ram, possible. Have a good summer, be safe on your dirt bikes, and we’ll look forward to seeing everyone in a few short months here at Hay Days with our 2014-’15 race schedule.”


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Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


May 2014

Up s p a e r t a W D g o n i T c n a o R s e a e Bunk Best Racing S Moorhead, Minn. (April 17th, 2014) - The 2013-2014 season not only marked the third straight win for Bunke Racing in the grueling Soo I-500, it also was the 5th time Gabe Bunke has won the race making him one of only two riders to win it five or more times. For most race teams this feat alone would make for a successful season, but for Bunke Racing it was merely the high water mark in what was perhaps the best and most accomplished season to date for the Polaris-backed cross-country and enduro team. Without doubt, the Soo I-500 is one of Bunke Racing’s biggest targets each season. The 2014 race was the second year in a row Bunke Racing’s AutoLite-sponsored snowmobiles took the Top 2 spots at the race with the No. 537 sled ridden by Ryan and Travis Faust and Spencer Kadlec backing up the winning No. 74 sled ridden by Gabe Bunke and Aaron Christensen. This second straight 1-2 finish combined with the third straight win makes Bunke Racing the modern kings of this prestigious race. “Winning the Soo for the third time in a row was unbelievable,” said Gabe Bunke. “When we started working with Polaris Racing, Walker Evans, Larry Rugland Motorsports and all of our other sponsors on this Soo project we had no idea it would be so successful. Polaris Racing’s ongoing commitment to the Soo project has definitely put us a step ahead of the competition.” Bunke Racing’s Kadlec had an impressive rookie Pro season in cross-country where he finished 6th in Pro Stock points with his best finish coming at the Moondance Jam 100 in Walker Minnesota, where he finished 4th. Kadlec also swept the Pro class at the Naytahwaush Nightriders Snodeo winning a nice cash prize for his efforts. Topping it off, his impressive ride during the closing laps at the Soo solidified the No. 537 sled’s second place finish. Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


May 2014


“Racing the Pro class is definitely stepping into the deep end, but my results showed our Polaris sleds are right on the pace to win races,” said Kadlec. “Racing the Soo was the highlight of my season. To step in as a rookie and have such a good run was a real confidence booster.” Like Kadlec, Taylor Bunke also spent 2013-2014 as a rookie, only he was racing the highly-competitive Semi-Pro class. Bunke had a standout rookie showing, finishing 8th in Semi-Pro Improved points and 19th in Semi-Pro Stock. “Semi-Pro is a big step up in speed from the Sport class,” said Taylor Bunke. “One thing I learned is there’s no room for error in this class and once I started eliminating the little mistakes my results got better.” Team leader Gabe Bunke had one of his best cross-country seasons ever, winning three Pro Open races and taking second in two Pro 600 races before his USXC season was interrupted by the Iron Dog. Bunke traveled to Alaska in February to race the 2,000-mile Iron Dog as a rookie paired with veteran Scott Faeo. The Iron Dog runs from Big Lake, Alaska, to Nome and then back to East to the finish in Fairbanks. Racing as Team 20, Bunke/Faeo finished 10th overall on their Energy Release sponsored Polaris Indys. Finishing this race is a supreme challenge and winning it puts you among snowmobiling’s most elite racers. “I’m a veteran cross-country racer but I was definitely a rookie at the Iron Dog,” said Bunke. “I knew going in that this isn’t a race you jump in and win the first time out. Having said that, our goal is to build on this and eventually win.” “Our 2014 season couldn’t have gone much better,” Bunke continued. “The new Polaris snowmobiles were amazing and in my opinion we have the best lineup of sponsors in the sport backing us. We look forward to working with them all next season and winning more races together.” For more information on Bunke Racing visit www.bunkeracing.com. Follow Bunke Racing on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BunkeRacing


Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs

Club News


May 2014


Here is a picture of the 2014 raffle grand prize , Jason Scofield and only a few of the roughrider snowmobile club members. Jason has snow checked a new ski-doo from Moritz Marine in Mandan . Thanks to Jason and all the others that purchased raffle tickets . Congratulations to all 20 prize winners.

Here is a picture with General Dohrmann of the North Dakota National Guard. The Roughrider club donated $1950.00 to the ‘TAPS’ program . The North Dakota National Guard Foundation is grateful for the generous donation of nearly $2,000 made by the Rough Rider Snowmobile Association, which will support the North Dakota Tragedy Assistance Fund.

Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


Club News

May 2014



The Ridge Runners held our 4th Annual Youth Ride in Fordville on February 16, 2014. There were 80 snowmobiles, 54 youth and 34 adult riders that rode 46 miles. At the first stop the Lankin Fire Hall and Lions Den Bar & Grill provided chips, pop and candy for all participants. At the second stop Pisek Legion Hall provided hotdogs and the Sandbar Bar & Grill provided macaroni and cheese and refreshments. At the final stop, Fordville Legion, Barbecues and refreshments were provided for all participants sponsored by the Ridge Runners Club. This event keeps growing for us and is a true joy watching all the smiling faces throughout the day. People are driving 60 miles to bring youth to the event. The week after we try do this event with adults.

Perry Brintnell


Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


May 2014

North Dakota Park’s & Recreation

Off-Highway Vehicle Youth Safety Courses schedule The North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department is scheduling Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Youth Safety Courses in the upcoming months. Youth ages 12 and older who do not possess a valid driver’s license must attend an OHV class and pass a written exam in order to legally operate a OHV on any land not owned or leased by the child’s parent or guardian. Pre-registration is required and can be made by calling the Registration Hotline at 701-328-5348. A $20 fee is charged for the classroom course and $30 for the Hands On course. Scheduled class: • May 10 - at the LaMoure Emergency Response Center in LaMoure from 10: a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided by the Community Volunteer EMS of LaMoure. • May 28 - at the Sunset Park in LaMoure from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Titan Machinery is covering the cost of all three classes for any kids that attend. • May 28 - Hands On Class at the Missouri Valley Fairground in Bismarck from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Student must bring helmet & wear proper clothing (long pants, long sleeve shirt, gloves & good shoes). If student doesn’t have a helmet we have one they may borrow. Max class size is 16 for hands on courses. Child can bring their own ATV (no dirt bikes) as long as it is of proper size under 125 CC. There are ATV’s provided. Waiver will need to be signed, so parent/guardian must be there to sign waiver. • July 19 - at the West Die Park in Oaks from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Titan Machinery is covering the cost of all three classes for any kids that attend. • August 16 - at the County Memorial Park in LaMoure from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Titan Machinery is covering the cost of all three classes for any kids that attend. Additional classes will be held throughout North Dakota. Information on upcoming classes can be found on the North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department’s web site, http://www.parkrec.nd.gov/recreation/ohv/calendar. html For more information contact the North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department at 701-328-5348 or ridesafe@nd.gov.

Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


May 2014


USXC Sees Historic Eight Race Season, All Eyes To 2015 USXC Racing Pulls-off All 2014 Events, 2015 Brings Historic I-500 Back to Schedule Spicer, MN (March 24, 2014) – Planning eight events over three months is one thing, seeing them all come true is another. When the first green flag dropped at Pine Lake, near Gonvick, MN, December 14, who knew racers would have the opportunity to compete throughout an entire season of racing action. Eight events, eight venues, and eight Minnesota cities. Truly special. The recurring theme all winter was the brutal weather facing racers, crews, and fans, that is, until the final race of the year in Walker, MN. No one in the United States seemed to be immune to harsh winter conditions in 2013-2014. As a result, it was hard to get anyone to feel sorry for USXC competitors. As always, though, the cross country racers endured below zero temps and storm laden driving conditions to and from the races to rock the courses at break-neck pace. Through the lake races at Pine Lake and Detroit Lakes, it looked like Arctic Cat and Christian Brothers Racing had engineered the perfect beast. Zach Herfindahl, 17 going on 18, set a new pace, picking up for absent teammate, Ryan Simons in the Yamaha Pro Stock Class. Brian Dick (Cat) showed that he was nowhere collecting Social Security with an impressive come-from-theback win in DL and a championship at the Seven Clans I-500. But, hold on a minute, the Willmar, MN race showed Ryan Faust’s prowess of going fast on a technical lake course, as he took the checkered flag and put Polaris on top for the first time in 2013-14. In the end Herfindahl came through and bested Aaron Christensen (Pol) for the Yamaha Pro Stock championship. With new digs, Ross Erdman, making the switch back to Ski-Doo for 2014, looked a little out of sorts in the first few races, until Park Rapids, where he looked like the old Ross, tough but smooth, especially in the ditches. The Dohrn brothers, also making the jump to Ski-Doo, started to pick up the pace and figure things out as the season moved on in Semi-Pro and Amsoil SemiPro Improved. One of the more interesting classes of 2014 proved to be the all-new Drift Racing Super Stock class. Pitting showroom grade, 600cc EFI iron head to head, this was truly the class everyday enthusiasts could hang their hats on. At first, Super Stock looked like a dog fight between two Arctic Cat competitors, Jon Arneson and Jon Koch. Once again, however, as the season progressed, things got interesting. By the Seven Clans I-500, enter: Sam Vandeputte and Nick 30

Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


May 2014

Roehl, teammates and Ski-Doo pilots mixing things up a bit with a 1-2 finish. In the end, Arneson’s consistency and week-to-week effort was enough to grab the point championship in the inaugural season of Super Stock competition. Like Super Stock, the story of the season, in most classes, was highly contested point races. Ryan Trout (Cat) took the Polaris Expert 85 class by just 20 points and Garet Grzadzielewski (Cat) barely captured the C&A Pro Trail field with a 12 point lead. The other big news of 2014, however, involved next season, as USXC Racing announced the 2015 running of the Winnipeg, Canada to Willmar, MN Seven Clans I-500. With over 500 miles of old-school competition, the 2015 I-500 will be a truly historic event. Four legs over four days, much of it covering the old 1970s I-500 route, as a whole new generation of racers will get to experience the king of cross country snowmobile races all over again. The 2013-2014 USXC Season Point Champions Were As Follows: Yamaha Pro Stock: Zach Herfindahl (Cat); Speedwerx Pro Open: Aaron Christensen (Pol); Semi Pro: Jon Arneson (Cat); AMSOIL Semi Pro Improved: Dillan Dohrn (Doo); Drift Racing Super Stock: Jon Arneson (Cat); Polaris Expert 85: Ryan Trout (Cat); FOX Expert 85 Improved: John Langaas (Cat); Ski-Doo Masters 40+: Jon Arneson (Cat); Action Graphics Sport 600 Improved: Austin Reinertson (Pol); Red Lake Outdoors Legends 50+: Jim Sobeck (Doo); Carver Performance Sport 85: Hunter Houle (Cat); Woody’s Sport 600 Stock: Chase Nordstrom (Cat); C&A Pro Trail: Garet Grzadzielewski (Cat); FLY Racing Vintage: Peter Behm (Cat); Arctic Cat Vintage Legends 50+: Gerry Mattison (Cat); TEAM Industries Classic IFS 18-50: Tom Clement (Cat); On Snow Magazine Women’s: Jolene Bute (Cat); Seven Clans Casinos Junior 10-13: Tyler Brown (Cat); Mattracks Junior 14-17: Hunter Houle (Cat); Applied High Performance Products Junior Girls 1417: Kelsey Pladson (Pol). USXC Racing is the largest cross-country snowmobile racing organization in North America. The USXC is set to hold eight races during its 2013-2014 race season which runs from December 2013 to March 2014. Follow USXC on Facebook or visit www.usxcracing.com for more information, registration, news and race results. Contact USXC at 320-894-5839 or e-mail info@usxcracing. com. For sponsorship information contact Noel Schanilec: noel@usxcracing.com. Media contact: tom@usxcracing.com

Aaron Christensen Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs


May 2014


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April 5th – Pam Murack Benefit Ride: Milnor, ND April 26th - 27th – ND Motorcycle Association Race: Dickinson, ND May 24th – 25th – ND Motorcycle Association Race: Bismarck, ND May 31st – June 1st – ND Motorcycle Association Race: Mandan, ND June 14th – 15th – ND Motorcycle Association Race: Ruthville, ND June 15th – Dakota Riders Hillclimb: Valley City, ND June 21st – ND Motorcycle Association Race: Fredrick, ND July 5th – Eagle Ridge Hillclimb: Fordville, ND July 12th – 13th – ND Motorcycle Association Race: Jamestown, ND July 26th – 27th – ND Motorcycle Association Race: Dickinson, ND August 23rd – 24th – ND Motorcycle Association Race: Bismarck, ND September 6th – 7th – ND Motorcycle Association Race: Bismarck, ND September 6th – 7th – Walhalla Ridge Riders Overnight Ride: Walhalla, ND September 20th – ND Motorcycle Association Race: Jamestown, ND September 27th – Giant Pumpkin Festival (Family Fun All Day!): Walhalla, ND TBD – Cowboy Up Ride Against Cancer: McLeod, ND


Published by Snowmobile North Dakota - An Organization of North Dakota Snowmobile Clubs

SAVE thDEakDotaAtE! rth North Dak Trails Conference August 4-5, 2014

Grand Forks, Pembina Gorge & Turtle River State Park

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SND Officers

SND Staff

PRESIDENT Laura Forbes 45 Rolling Hills Dr Minot, ND 58703 701-839-1050 dlforbes@min.midco.net

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Keri Wanner 1600 E Century Ave, Suite 3 Bismarck, ND 58503 701-328-5377 701-328-5363 (F) keri@snowmobilend.org

VICE PRESIDENT Sheri Hoffmann 4320 Camp Ave Larimore, ND 58251 701-397-5260 nwhoff@polarcomm.com DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE Marty Malachowski 4198 13th St NW Lot 33 Garrison, ND 58540 701-337-2350 lmmala@srt.com

ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST Tari Norby 1600 E Century Ave, Suite 3 Bismarck, ND 58503 701-328-5377 701-328-5363 (F) tari@snowmobilend.org

Beaver Valley Sno-Goer’s Dan Tveito PO Box 394 Linton, ND 58552 701-254-4433

Magic City Driftbusters Laura Forbes PO Box 1094 Minot, ND 58702 701-839-1050

Cattail Snoriders Ben Gullicks 931 142nd Ave SE Galesburg, ND 58035 701-3712165

Marion Snoriders Kevin Isakson 10510 63rd St SE Litchville, ND 58461 701-883-5315

Dakota Trailblazers Sherman Pladsen PO Box 1012 Minot, ND 58702 701-720-9501

May-Port Sno Travelers Greg Thykeson Box 221 Portland, ND 58274 701-371-6582

Flatland Trailblazers Dave Seltvedt 2363 46th Ave NE Harvey, ND 58341 701-324-2698

Minto Area Joy Riders Trevor Slominski PO Box 111 Minto, ND 58261

Gasmann Coulee Cruisers Crystll Kuhnhenn PO Box 14 Burlington, ND 58722 701-833-1697

Moonlighters Snowmobile Club Randy Bata 9453 104th Ave NE Langdon, ND 58249 701-256-4037

Jim River Driftskippers Gene Leininger 3181 Hwy 281 SE Jamestown, ND 58401 701-320-3631

Mouse River Sled Runners Anthony Best PO Box 523 Towner, ND 58788 701-537-0500 Nekoma Trailblazers Bob Wilhelmi 212 Main St Nekoma, ND 58355 701-949-2781 North Valley Riders Mark Briese 14399 County Rd 3 St. Thomas, ND 58276 701-257-6448

Brian Sauer 1405 9th Ave. E Langdon, ND 58249 701-370-9019 bnc@utma.com

Byron Norsby PO Box 914 Minot, ND 58702 701-728-6688 outbackautobody@srt.com

REGION 4 Shawn Cole 2055 W Main St Valley City, ND 58072 701-840-1663 scole@csicable.net

REGION 2 Mark Shipley PO Box 493 Devils Lake, ND 58301 701-662-6896 marley493@yahoo.com

Todd Rasmusson 6340 Valley Rd Lisbon, ND 58054 701-678-2862 tnrasmusson@drtel.net

Jesse Fritz 20 Country Rd Rugby, ND 58368 701-208-1253 screemn80@hotmail.com REGION 3 Perry Brintnell 12668 57th St NE Fordville, ND 58231 701-331-1096 xcr600pb@polarcomm.com



Little Missouri Snowmobile & ATV Club Mike Storley 1491 1st Ave E Dickinson, ND 58601

REGION 1 Dale Deibert PO Box 99 Surrey, ND 58785 701-721-9378 vdeibert@srt.com

TRAIL INSPECTOR Todd Thronson 1600 E Century Ave, Suite 3 Bismarck, ND 58503 701-328-5377 701-328-5363 (F) todd@snowmobilend.org MARKETING SPECIALIST Chelsey Thronson 1600 E Century Ave, Suite 3 Bismarck, ND 58503 701-328-5377 701-328-5363 (F) chelsey@snowmobilend.org

Lake Region Mark Shipley PO Box 981 Devils Lake, ND 58301 701-739-8263

Board of Directors

Northern Exposure Snowmobile Club Nick Parslow 403 Washington St Bisbee, ND 58317 701-793-4956 Northern Lights Trailblazers Joanie Bruggeman PO Box 191 Rugby, ND 58368 701-681-1361

Roaring 20’s Loren Johnson 61 Green Acres Ave Bottineau, ND 58318 701-228-4272 Rough Rider Snowmobile Association Al Hossel PO Box 4162 Bismarck, ND 58502 701-391-8713

Ransom County Driftskippers Todd Rasmusson 6340 Valley Rd Lisbon, ND 58054 701-683-4914

Sargent County Snowmobile Club Aaron Lyon 620 7th Ave Milnor, ND 58060 701-640-1251

Red River Sno-Riders Kristie Thone PO Box 2295 Fargo, ND 58108 701-277-8709

Seldom Seen Snowmobile Club Scott Gailfus PO Box 25 Rock Lake, ND 58365 701-370-0524

Ridge Runners Perry Brintnell PO Box 132 Fordville, ND 58231 701-331-1096

Kristie Thone 307 Dakota Ave Horace, ND 58047 701-277-8709 thone13@gmail.com


Rural Cass Pembina Hills Trail Riders Snowmobile Club Jason McSparron Tod Soeby PO Box 58 PO Box 825 Casselton, ND 58012 Walhalla, ND 58282 701-281-3800 701-549-3711

Red River Snowmobile Club Steve Magnuson 225 Plain Hills Dr Grand Forks, ND 58201 701-746-5370

REGION 5 Victor Evjen 7604 Brink Dr Horace, ND 58047 701-429-1657 evjen2008@gmail.com

Sheyenne Sno-Drifters Joel Iverson PO Box 342 Valley City, ND 58072 701-845-2565 Sno-Busters Drew Courtney 9425 103rd Ave SE Oakes, ND 58474 701-490-0824

Southern Valley Trail Riders Association JD Link 17290 78th St SE Wahpeton, ND 58075 701-640-8061 Tri-County Snow Dusters Bev Bachmeier 10517 55th St NE Brocket, ND 58321 Tri-County Trailriders Christian Larson PO Box 55 Park River, ND 58270 701-284-6207 Turtle River Roughriders Brandon Thorvilson PO Box 131 Manvel, ND 58256 218-791-9818 Valley Snow Drifters Gene Loftsgard 125 Manvel Circle Grafton, ND 58237 701-360-0380 Walsh Coulee Cruisers Chad Lindell 301 3rd Ave Adams, ND 58210 701-331-2459 Williston Trail Riders Russel Wyman PO Box 235 Williston, ND 58802 701-570-7355


Associate Members


Gibbens Law Office 6780 Hwy 17 Cando, ND 58324 701-968-3342

Leevers Foods 323 5th St NE Devils Lake, ND 58301 701-662-4945

Prairie Power Center 606 Main Ave Rolla, ND 58367 701-477-3036

Tesoro of Cando Hwy 281 S Cando, ND 58324 701-968-3653

Crocus View Farms 6931 88th ST NE Rock Lake, ND 58365 701-303-0143

Hampden-Edmore Cooperative PO Box 126 Hampden, ND 58388

Marketplace Motors 332 Hwy 2 W Devils Lake, ND 58301 701-662-7571

Praskas Hardware Hank 19 S 5th St Oakes, ND 58474 701-742-2034

The Bar PO Box 7 Lawton, ND 58345 701-655-3505

Bearcat’s Den 1303 3rd Ave Cando, ND 58324 701-739-7792

D Bar P Bumpers 7601 128th Ave NE Glenburn, ND 58740 701-728-6828

HWY MVP 209 Hwy 2 SE Rugby, ND 58368 701-776-5346

Mertz Lumber 715 S 7th S Oakes, ND 58474 701-742-9663

Beck’s Red Barn Lodge 1003 6th Ave Cando, ND 58324 701-968-4273

Dakota Outdoors 949 2nd Ave N Grand Forks, ND 58203 701-215-0641

Indian Triumph of Fargo 2745 Main Ave Fargo, ND 58103 701-277-4584

Mike’s Body, Paint & Glass, Inc. PO Box 328 Towner, ND 58788 701-537-5770

Blake Angus Ranch 7495 85th St NE Egeland, ND 58331 701-230-2308

Donna’s Diner 604 Main Ave Oakes, ND 58474 701-742-2013

Iverson Farms 11322 Cty 14 Langdon, ND 58249 701-370-9992

Moritz Sport & Marine 2540 Marina Rd SE Mandan, ND 58554 701-222-2000

Boehmer Snowmobile Repair 9446 62nd St NE Lawton, ND 58345

Double Deuce Bar & Grill PO Box 73 Edmore, ND 58330 701-644-2267

K & E Meats 425 8th Ave Cando, ND 58324 701-968-3138

Mostad Insurance 824 3rd St Langdon, ND 58249 701-256-2253

Keller Paving & Landscaping Inc. 1820 Hwy 2 Bypass E Minot, ND 58701 701-852-5030

Napa 803 7th St S Oakes, ND 58474 701-742-2192

Ackerman Acres Resort 318 Shelvers Place Devils Lake, ND 58301

Cool Beans 509 Main St Cando, ND 58324 701-968-4505

Action Motor Sports 1417 38th Ave SE Mandan, ND 58554 701-667-4524

C&L Electric PO Box 217 Munich, ND 58352 701-370-1555

Durum House Hwy 281 S Cando, DN 58324 701-968-4582

Calio Bar 108 Calio St Munich, ND 58352 701-682-5360

Earl’s Bar 115 Central Ave Leeds, ND 58346 701-466-2770

Cando Bar & Grill PO Box 682 Cando. ND 58324 701-968-3412

Emery Visto Imp. 1009 S 7th St Oakes, ND 58474 701-742-2167

Cando Greenhouse 520 8th St Cando, ND 58324 701-968-4290 Cando Home & Hardware 424 Main St Cando, ND 58324 701-968-3411

First State Bank Cando 415 Main St Cando, ND 58324 701-968-3331 Floral Depot 420 Main St Cando, ND 58324 701-968-4020

Cando Insur. Agency 416 Main St Canod, ND 58324 701-968-4305

Flyway Bar 107 Railroad Ave Webster, ND 58382 Forestwood Inn 504 Sunset Ave Walhalla, ND 58282 701-306-9334

Cando Lumber 518 5th Ave Cando ND 58324 701-968-3210 Computer Express 505 Main Ave Oakes, ND 58474 701-742-2632

Gary Beck Farm 8050 83rd St NE Munich, ND 58352 701-370-2006

Ken’s Auto Inc. 95 N 2nd St Strasburg, ND 58573 701-776-5346 Kendra’s Kennels 7555 69th Ave NE Cando, ND 58324 701-968-3156 KJ’s Bar 137 Main St leeds, ND 58346 701-4662045 Klemestrud Plumbing, Heating & Air Cond. PO Box 648 Devils Lake, ND 58301 Kvalevog Drywall & Painting 8210 52nd St NE Devils Lake, ND 58301 701-662-4459 Langdon Motor Inn 210 9th Ave Langdon, ND 58249 701-256-3600

Napa Auto Parts 515 College Dr N Devils Lake, ND 58301 Nelson Angus Ranch 8555 72nd Av NE Egeland, ND 58331 701-266-5207 Neuman Drug 412 Main St Cando, ND 58324 701-3531 Nicholas W. Miles PO Box 122 Devils Lake, ND 58301 Nodak Mutual Insur. 405 Main St Cando, ND 58324 701-968-4554 Outback Autobody PO Box 914 Minot, ND 58702 701-837-1890 Pain Reliever 212 Main St Nekoma, ND 58355

Ramsey Service & Repair 10489 57th ST NE Brocket, ND 58321 701-351-0883 Revolutions Power Sports 4225 36th Ave S Grand Forks, ND 58201 701-746-4997 Rolla Arctic Cat Sales 913 Main Ave Rolla, ND 58367 701-477-0826 Roughrider HarleyDavidson 3708 Memorial Hwy Mandan, ND 58554 701-663-2220 Schwan Wholesale PO Box 710 Devils Lake, ND 58301 Shake N Bake 502 Main Ave Oakes, ND 58474 701-742-3036 South Dakota Snowmobile Association PO Box 206 Gary, SD 57237 South Dakota Wheat Growers 600 7th St S Oakes, ND 58474 701-+742-2149

The Glass Shop 319 S College Dr Devils Lake, ND 58301 701-351-3342 Tom’s Lounge 210 Front St Forest River, ND 58233 701-248-3216 Walhalla Inn Box 94 Walhalla, ND 58282 Weber Trucking PO Box 116 Lawton, ND 58345 701-3698 Wheels Inc. 432 36th St S Fargo, ND 58103 701-235-6459 Wild Rice Bar 205 Main Wild RIce, ND 58047 701-239-8970 Wild Rose Foral & Enchanted Events 5002 Main Ave Oakes, ND 58474 701-742-3316 Wright Place Bar & Grill 124 Main St Egeland, ND 58365 701-266-5121

St. Michel Furniture 137 Main Ave S Rugby, ND 58368 701-776-5887 Stenson Farms 6533 99th St NE Rock Lake, ND 58365 701-266-5399 Taras Thrifty White 610 Main Ave Oakes, ND 58474 701-742-3824


Fill out the form below and mail to 1600 E Century Ave, Suite 3 • Bismarck ND, 58503 Business Name: _________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________ Main Contact: ___________________________________ Affiliated Club: ____________________________ Address: _______________________________________ Check box if $31 is enclosed City, State, Zip: __________________________________

THANKS! For Another Great Season...



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SND 1974-2014



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Snowmobile North Dakota


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