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Teenagers’ Guide to Nutrition and Exercise

by Rolando Ramirez, Deybi Garcia, Kimberling Ceron 1

Deybi dedicates this book to his family who are very important in his life, and he thinks that this book is going to be important for them.


Rolando Ramirez dedicates this book for his family in Mexico who work very hard for his studies and his health.


Kimberling Ceron dedicates this book to her mother because she is the most important person in Kimberling’s life. She taught Kimberling the most important things about having a good nutrition.


Project This book was created as part of a project­based learning unit at Sequoia High School in Redwood City, California. ELD/ELA 2 students researched the impact of nutrition, sleep and exercise on brain function, and this book represents the culmination of their learning. Students received editing help from volunteers, including professional writers. We want to thank Betsy Snow and Shannon Schadler, Sequoia High School Media Center staff members, for their creative and helpful support during various parts of this project. Also, we want to thank Sophia Oliver, Gary Gooch, and Michelle Murray for visiting our class to participate interviews and to share their knowledge and expertise. We thank the Sequoia PTSA for the grant money to publish these books. The following is a website that contains some of the learning materials for the unit: https://sites.google.com/a/seq.org/brain/ The website is active as of May 2017. If you have questions about the project, please email the teacher, Stacy Wenzel, at swenzel@seq.org. 5

Deybi appreciates the editing help he received from Peter Von Ziegesar. 6

Rolando Ramirez appreciated the editing help he received from Ms.Wenzel.


Kimberling Ceron appreciates the editing help she received from Ms. Thompson. 8

Table of Contents Authors dedicate……………………………………………………...2 Project ………………………………………………….……............5 Editing help…………………………………………....….…………..6 Rolando R.

Breakfast ……………………………………………..……..............10 Tips ………………………………………………...…......................13 Personal Insight……………………………………………………..14 Kimberling C.

Nutrition ……………………………………………………………..15 Personal Insight………………….…………………………………...18 Tips To Maintain Good Nutrition……………………………………..20 Works Cited…………………………………………………………...22 Deybi G.

Exercise ……………………………………………………………...23 Tips for Exercise……………………………………………………....27 Personal insight……………………………………………………….28 Works Cited…………………………………………………………....29 9



Breakfast by Rolando Ramirez Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. People who eat breakfast do better in school, remember more things, and are healthier. According to Ms.Murray, the nutritionist at Sequoia High School, students need a good breakfast to be successful in school. The brain needs food, especially protein. If you don't get enough protein your brain will be confused, tired, and it won’t remember all the things it needs to remember. If teens don’t eat breakfast, their grades will go down and all that they are trying to do will be a failure. Teenagers need to eat breakfast. If they don’t eat breakfast, it will be bad for their brain and their body. Casey Seidenberg says, “S kipping breakfast makes it hard to think. You are too hungry.” She added that “Skipping breakfast can make you weigh more. It can hurt their schoolwork.” Therefore, breakfast is the most important


meal of the day because a good breakfast helps students think better, feel better, and be more successful in school. In conclusion, good nutrition from healthy foods can help us to remember things better. Also, eating breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it helps us to be healthier and be successful in school.


Tips by Rolando Ramirez ● Eat more vegetables and fruits. These are good protein sources. ● Do not drink soda. The chemicals and sugar are not good for your body. ● Apples and yogurt make a good breakfast. ● Try not to eat too many chips. Chips contain a lot of fat and salt.


Personal Insight by Rolando Ramirez Because of what Ms.Murray said, I stopped eating chips, I do not drink many sodas, and I try to eat more vegetables. For example, yesterday I ate eggs for breakfast and salad for lunch. Also, I am eating more vegetables such as green beans. Since I make a change in my


eating habits, I feel better, I can concentrate, and I can remember better.




Nutrition Helps Teenagers

b y Kimberly Ceron

Breakfast helps students do better in school. Skipping breakfast makes it hard to think. You are too hungry. If you eat breakfast, your brain grows fast and you feel better. Good nutrition helps the brain to not have a mental fatigue and be tired. This helps teenagers to have better performance in school and physical growth through nutrition. Teenagers need to eat breakfast. In Newsela the author Casey Seidenberg says “ Some people feel tired or angry when they are hungry. Eating breakfast helps them feel better. ” If teens don’t eat in the


morning, they feel tired and angry and also do less schoolwork. Breakfast is important since it contributes energy and proteins that your body needs. Numerous medical studies support that eating breakfast is the most important meal of the day because, for school students, by eating breakfast, they can improve their concentration. In the Livestrong, a website, the author, Eliza Martinez says, ¨C hoosing the right foods to refuel your body when you wake up improves your memory and allows you to focus. Skipping breakfast may make it more difficult to concentrate. ¨ T his evidence emphasizes that breakfast is very important for teenagers. Teenagers must eat breakfast to have good concentration and performance in the school. That will help them not to be angry and tired. They can also have a good growth and will not suffer mental fatigue.


Personal Insight By Kimberling Ceron In my opinion how to eat healthy sugar? In the website goodfood the author Jo Lewin says ¨ y ou know that they're all types of sugar ¨ Our bodies are the machines that process everything what we eat. This helps our bodies for a correct growth. G lucose i s the organic compound and primary source of energy in our cells that our body processes through the food we eat. The second one, Fructose, is a simple sugar naturally occurring in fruit, honey, sucrose and high fructose corn syrup. Fructose is absorbed directly into the bloodstream during digestion and has no impact on insulin production or blood glucose levels it is metabolized in


the liver. The third one, S ucrose, is crystallised white sugar produced by the sugarcane plant and can be found in households and foods worldwide. This a disaccharide made up for glucose and fructose and just a fructose is metabolized in the liver. the last one, L actose, is the sugar t found in milk. They are simple sugars can be absorbed into the bloodstream. Also the simple sugars broken down slowly and helps to increase the absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc. The foods we eat give us energy and nutrients that the body needs to keep healthy and to have a better performance in school. For these reason, we should eat a balanced breakfast that give us the nutrients to

not be tired and angry.


Tips To Maintain Good Nutrition By Kimberling Ceron

Some tips to have a good nutrition and help you to be well to learn in school: ­

Pack breakfast to eat at school when you are hungry.


Get up earlier. You will have more time to feel hungry. Then you will feel hungry enough to eat.



Eat healthy food every morning like whole wheat bread, almond milk and oatmeal cereal. It is also helps to eat some protein at breakfast.


When you go to the supermarket, look at the labels of each food that do not contain too much sugar or too much fat.


Make natural vegetables juices in your house.


Avoid eating flour and meals made with yeast as the yeast retains the fats of your body.

These tips are from my own knowledge, and some are tips my mom put into practice to keep healthy nutrition.

Works Cited 22

By Kimberling Ceron Seidenberg, C ansey . O pinion: T eenagers, g ive y our b rains a b reak. Don't s kip b reakfast! N .p.: W ashington P ost, 0 5.23.16. P rint. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E5­6VRnHJ­kkfMOVcbspNU

3bKMoPE­3gOO­8Zor2cCo/edit# A ccessed o n A pril 2 017 Lewin, J o. G oodfood . N .p.: n .p., n .d. P rint.

https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/sugar­explained .

Accessed o n A pril 2 017.

Martinez, E liza. L ivestrong . N .p.: n .p., n .d. P rint. http://www.livestrong.com/article/400836­how­is­breakfast­importa

nt­for­memory­concentration/ . A ccessed o n M ay 2 017.



Exercise and Attention by Deybi Garcia

Do you pay attention in class? Do you find that your mind wanders? Everyone has trouble sometimes, but did you know that exercising might help you pay better attention? Studies have shown that exercise improves attention. Karen Postal states that doing ¨a erobic exercise­ and you need to get your heart rate up­ also leads directly, and immediately to improved focus and concentration. Following a half hour of strenuous exercise, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex works harder to resist distractors and performance on tests of attention improves. Studies also show that, 24

immediately following exercise, problem solving, memory, and attention improve.” This evidence explains that when we exercise, our attention, memory, and concentration improve, and the more attention we pay, the more we can learn. Another example that shows that exercise improves attention is a r ecent study done by the University of Granada. Researchers there have “linked participating in physical activity with longer attention spans. Better cognitive abilities such as time perception were also higher in physically active participants. It has been generally known that physical activity lends itself to better overall health outcomes, but this study clearly illustrates a strong relationship between physical activity and longer attention spans.” With physical activity, our attention span will improve, and most students will learn better.


If you find yourself having trouble paying attention in school, you could play soccer after school or you could walk to and from school. You might learn more. 26

Tips for Exercise by Deybi Garcia

● Teenagers should exercise every day (Mr. Gooch, interview). ○ Exercises you can do are push­ups, squats, and sit­ups. ○ Other exercises you can do are walking, running, and curl­ups. ● We need to do at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. ○ Aerobic exercise, such as running, swimming or dancing, are activities that help our cardiovascular system — they get your heart rate up and make you breathe harder (Postal). ● Exercise early in the morning ( Mr. Gooch, interview) . ○ It will give you the oxygen for the brain during school.


Personal Insight by Deybi Garcia

Exercise for me is really important. When I exercise,

I feel good. Also, when I exercise, I can remember better because exercise brings oxygen that help my brain. It’s necessary to take into account that exercise can be a tool that could help to improve our attention.


Work Cited Gooch, Gary. "Exercise helps our body." Personal interview. 14 Mar. 2017. Postal, K. “ Think Better: Exercise” Head Trauma Learning Disabilities Memory Disorders. Retrieved: http://www.karenpostal.com/exercise­think­better/ Steeves, A. July 15, 2013. RECENT STUDY TIES PHYSICAL ACTIVITY TO LONGER ATTENTION SPAN. Retrieved: https://www.unh.edu/healthyunh/blog/2013/07/recent­study­ties­ physical­activity­longer­attention­span 29




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