Serial Organizer B. Snow 2015

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Ms. Snow | i2 | Journalism

SE RI A L for the classroom

Episode 1: the alibi Hook: Where were YOU six weeks ago today? How do you know? How reliable is YOUR memory? Ronald Lee Moore (Coincidence that six weeks ago today would be roughly Jan. 13 the EXACT day, 16 years ago when Hae Min Lee disappeared.)


Sarah Koenig : Rabia Chaudry: Adnan Syed: Jay (name released via Reddit): Stephanie : Asia :

discuss: What does Sarah Koenig fact check after her conversation with Rabia? How does Adnan’s case come to her and why does she take it on? How does Koenig describe Adnan physically? What words does she use to describe his response to Jay’s story? The title of this episode is “The Alibi.” Explain why. What is the crucial window of time that the State’s case relies on? Describe your reaction to Sarah Koenig’s language and tone, using examples from this episode. How do you feel about her reporting-- do you trust her? Is she reliable? What is important about the snow?



Ms. Snow | i2 | Journalism

SE RI A L for the classroom

Episode 2: the relationship describe: A’isha Pitman (sp?) Don Adnan’s relationship with Hae. List what they had in common. How did they stand before she disappeared?

discuss: At the end of this episode, about whom does Hae write in her last diary entry? What is call-waiting? (How would Hae and Adnan talk so that their parents wouldn’t hear the phone ring?) Sarah Koenig reads Hae’s diary to all of us for what purpose? What is the significance of the ‘need for a ride’ from Hae after school? What is the red flag Koenig identifies. Where will you add this on your evidence chart?



Ms. Snow | i2 | Journalism

SE RI A L for the classroom

Episode 3: leakin’ park

Ronald Lee Moore

Leakin’ Park. Detective Ritz Detective Macgillivary Mr. S What is Leakin’ Park known for? What did they find at the scene?

discuss: Who found Hae’s body. Recall how Koenig reveals him. How does her storytelling add to the suspense? Now that we have finished episode 3, reflect on your feelings towards Adnan, Koenig, and the order in which information has been revealed. How does this series fit the traditional patter of a mystery novel? Is this intentional?



Ms. Snow | i2 | Journalism

SE RI A L for the classroom

Episode 4: Inconsistencies

describe: Yassar Ali, anonymous caller Jenn Pusateri Cell phone records Jay, according to Adnan Jay, according to Jay

discuss: What major piece of missing information does Jay reveal? Are Jay and Anand friends?



Ms. Snow | i2 | Journalism

SE RI A L for the classroom

Episode 5: Route Talk

Ronald Lee Moore

The route What Jay claims The Best Buy parking lot Significance of pay phone Dana

discuss: How does Adnan’s reaction to the route make you feel towards him? The only call to someone Adnan knew. Why is Nisha call so important? What is the significance of cell phone towers not matching? What is the significance of, “There’s a shrimp sale at the crab crib.”



Ms. Snow | i2 | Journalism

SE RI A L for the classroom

Episode 6: the case against Adnan Syed describe: How does Sarah feel about Adnan?

discuss: The relationship between Sarah and Adnan is as a journalist to a subject. How does Sarah guard the relationship? She describes that “this is the closest to hostile that Adnan had ever got.” Why does say irriates him about people thinking he’s nice?



Ms. Snow | i2 | Journalism

SE RI A L for the classroom

Episode 7:

the opposite of the prosecution

Ronald Lee Moore

Deirdre Enright --not a small talker, “busiest, most curious” people Sarah’s met --Says motive is black hole What does Deirdre say about innocent clients? What is the first order of business for Deirdre’s team? What evidence was found around Hae’s body, and what was/n’t tested?

discuss: The concept of the Innocence Project is somewhat depressing by its very nature. What do I mean by that? Deirdre is concerned wih racial profiling, the reference to his “dark side” The case is very thin What does Sarah really need from Deidre, regarding the case, and emotionally? As legal matter, they only have to prove Adnan isn’t their guy, but better yet, they’ll provide an answer as to who did it. How do you think she can start to mount a case?



Ms. Snow | i2 | Journalism

SE RI A L for the classroom

Episode 8: The Deal WIth Jay

EXCERPT: “What is Jay’s deal? And by that I don’t mean his plea deal, that he plead guilty to accessory after the fact in a first-degree murder, testified against Adnan, and got no prison time as a result. What I mean is, “what did you make of Jay?” Which, of course, is code for “what am I supposed to make of Jay?” How did he come across, sitting up there on the witness stand?

describe: Christina Gutierrez-- her career, her defense, her tactics. Miss Stella Armstrong (and other members of the jury and their positions on the case from what they remember) Jim Trainum Kevin Urick

discuss: How do Christina’s actions affect Adnan’s fate? Discuss how you feel about Trainum’s statement, “Rather than trying to get to the truth, what you’re trying to do is build your case, and make it the strongest case possible.” What is Sarah’s favorite piece of tape from her reporting, and why?



Ms. Snow | i2 | Journalism

SE RI A L for the classroom

Episode 9: To be suspected

Ronald Lee Moore

The payphone! Cathy Laura Estrada Sandoval Summer Detective O’Shea Krista

discuss: Adnan’s adaptability to his situation, including his behavior in prison Describe your reaction to Adnan saying, ““I have a life, it’s not the life I planned, or imagined, but, I have a life.” At this point I’d like to discuss how social media has affected this case as well as its reception. Can you pinpoint what it is exactly that has made this story so popular, so alluring, so addictive? Is it the case itself, the lack of evidence, or the fact that the collective that cares is so vocal? How does this change your idea of storytelling and journalism? Describe the impact his will have on your storytelling.



Ms. Snow | i2 | Journalism

SE RI A L for the classroom

Episode 10:

The best Defense is a good defense

describe: The people in Baltimore Adnan’s mom’s thoughts. The role of Adnan’s faith. Summary As It Relates to Mr. Syed How does Adnan’s first trial end? How did Jay get his lawyer?

discuss: Discuss the details/implications that Koenig referes to exactly when she says, “... its possible that had this bench conference not happened, Adnan’s whole life could have been different. How does this make you feel? What is the “the magic information” that Christina had?



Ms. Snow | i2 | Journalism

SE RI A L for the classroom

Episode 11: Rumors

Ronald Lee Moore

Adnan’s “other” side Ali Anonymous Male #1-- what does he reveal? Atif Iqbal Charles Ewing Jane Efron

discuss: Why does Koenig insert her experience into the story again? What is her purpose for doing so? What is the context for Adnan saying, “Can you imagine what it’s like to be afraid to show compassion to someone out of fear they won’t believe you? I was so ashamed of that.” WIth one episode left, how do you anticipate Koenig’s ending?



Ms. Snow | i2 | Journalism

SE RI A L for the classroom

Episode 12: What we know

describe: Describe Sarah Koenig’s state of mind at the beginning of this episode. What was one thought kids entertained for Hae’s wherabouts once reported missing? The meeting between Adnan and Don. Josh Julie Snyder Dana Chivvis Ronald Lee Moore


“Guess who else doesn’t remember trying to call Hae after the 13th-- ______.” The loophole from AT&T... what piece of evidence does this relate to and how? “What’s the utility of which lie?” (comment on the various lies and your thoughts on which wiegh most heavily? What does Deirdre’s call reveal in this episode? Why wait so long to reveal this? What is Sarah Koenig’s verdict, and what is yours?




Now What? What motivation does Sarah Koenig have to take this on? What motivates you to tell a story? So much of what we talk about when we do story ideas is broad--folks bring up issues such as mental illness, depression, injustices on campus, etc. Serial shows us an example of how researching a story beforehand is necessary for a solid, meaningful pitch. Brainstorm questions you might ask regarding your most recent story idea to make our pitches pack more punch. Write an outline to represent how Koenigs story comes together. How does her organization lend itself to the suspense, or audience buy-in?

Final project: If you were to write one more episode, what would it include, and where would you fit it in to her timeline?

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