History - Biography
When looking back, one can notice how it all started. First there were open-minded young men and women attending non-violence and sociopolitical reform lectures back in the beginning of 1990s. At the time it was not possible under the police state, where people were deprived of their natural rights, to form any kind of organized work or groups or even speak openly about their beliefs, but those young individuals kept gathering and discussing how to change the dire situation of their people. Then, in the period between 1999-2003, in the town of Daraya, (Damascus suburb) a coherent group (of about 50 young men and women) were meeting regularly to study non-violence and promote social change through individual empowerment and organizing civil actions. Their activities in 2002 and 2003 included: Opening a small public library, first of its kind (was immediately shut down by security). Campaigning against bribery and other widespread practices of financial corruption in Syria. Cleaning the streets of Daraya, and Marching silently in protest (unlicensed by the government) against the US invasion of Iraq. >>
Even though the group broke apart after nearly half its members were sentenced to prison terms (They were called the Daraya Youth) in May 2003 for exercising freedom of speech and assembly, group members continued their interaction and intellectual activities through virtual meetings using social networks’ services on the internet. With the outbreak of the Syrian Revolution in March 2011, the Daraya Youth regrouped, and along with many other activists who shared same beliefs and goals, formed the “Syrian Nonviolence Movement.” The Syrian Nonviolence Movement (Alharak Assilmi Assouri) was formed in April, 2011, with the objective of raising awareness about social change and achieving prosperity for all Syrian people based on Social justice, democracy and mutual respects. Members of SNVM consist of highly educated and intellectual individuals who took on the task of serving the Syrian Cause, all of them hold graduate or postgraduate degrees in various fields from respected academic institutions, and currently reside within Syria and worldwide.
Mouvement de Non-violence Syrien || www.alharak.org || info@alharak.org Reg. No: W953003945 ||12-14, rue de l’Espérance, 95800 Cergy, France
Syrian Nonviolence Movement
Non-governmental organization founded by a group of Syrian young men and women who believe in nonviolent struggle and civil resistance as ways to achieve social, cultural and political change in Syria, both on society and state levels.
Creating a pluralistic society founded on the values of Justice, Freedom and Dignity, where all citizens are equal under the law with equal rights and duties, and ensuring that the state incorporates those values, protects and guarantees the interests of all its citizens, and works on eliminating all forms of discrimination whether based on ethnicity, gender, religion or sect.
Advocating and spreading the values and culture of nonviolent struggle
and civil resistance.
Providing humanitarian relief to the Syrians who were affected by 2011 popular uprising, inside and outside Syria.
Providing all means of support to the Syrian people in their strive to achieve
Freedom, Dignity and Justice, and to build a civil, pluralistic and democratic state.
S preading awareness about civic responsibility and human rights. C reating and developing cooperation frameworks with human rights organizations and international civil society organizations in order to meet the above mentioned goals.
We believe that nonviolence is a comprehensive reform approach to achieve, not only interim goals, but is in itself a continuous process of change in the society. It won’t reach its ends by toppling a regime or a person, but by reaching a critical mass in the Syrian society that acknowledges the need for change and its means, and contributes in moving the whole society towards a better state of consciousness, freedom and pluralism. We abide by the principle of nonviolence in theory and practice, and believe in the necessity to bear our share of responsibility for the injustices in our society, and in our role in making the human being an active, and not reactive, element of change. We do not have any political aspirations, nor we claim political representation of the Syrian people. We are not part and we do not support any activity based on foreign military intervention. However, we believe that trying to change the international public opinion in support of the revolution and exercising political diplomatic pressures will contribute in supporting the rightful aspirations of the Syrian people, and in expediting the process to reach a free, just and dignified society. We do not aim to achieve personal aims or demands, and we see that the popular uprising demands have met Syrian people's aspirations, both in goals and content. We strongly and categorically reject any political or ideological speech that leads to destabilizing or disturbing civil peace, in particular promoting sectarian, ethnic or religious propaganda, whether it was by individuals or groups.
Departments (bureaus): Media
Covers all activities of SNVM, ensures proper communication with activists, reporters and other media organizations. Covers news of civil disobedience activities particularly in Damascus and Aleppo cities.
Plans educational awareness projects and media campaigns, and prepares the relevant contents for it. Supervises all educational materials produced by the SNVM in order to meet the goals and guidelines of the organization.
Humanitarian relief and development
Organizes fundraising events and activities. Plans humanitarian relief efforts and initiatives intended for helping people in need inside and outside Syria. Establishes local community relief groups to support civil resistance, and collaborates with different organizations working in the same domain.
Strategic planning
Provides strategy and action plans for projects that meet the goals of SNVM. Communicates and coordinates with different field groups in planning and execution of collaborative projects.
Campaigns/ Pages/ Projects
Facebook Campaigns 5
STAY HOME! (A) The first call for a general strike (partial) - June, 2011, from (6 -10) pm Facebook event link:
https://www.facebook.com/events/107013352724430 Youtube promo clips:
Don’t Pay! (B) A call for a boycott of the public sector - Friday, July 1, 2011 Facebook event link:
https://www.facebook.com/events/141636962578203 Youtube promo clips:
http://youtu.be/hTlq3aXhUuA http://youtu.be/91yS2vjN8Xw
Leave your weapon and join us! (C) Call for military personnel to peacefully defect - August 1, 2011 Facebook event link:
https://www.facebook.com/events/249243558426895 Youtube promo clips: produced by other group
Facebook Campaigns 7
Global Syria Day: SAVE OUR CHILDREN! (A) A call to the whole world to light candles for the souls of killed children in Syria, and express total condemnation of all violations to children’s rights in general. The event was held in 27 capitals simultaneously in local languages and covered by local media agencies. Facebook events links:
Main: https://www.facebook.com/events/187108708016709 London: https://www.facebook.com/events/107984419299549 Youtube clips:
Pray for Syria! (B) A call for a world wide prayers in churches and mosques for the people of Syrian Revolution, and/ or a simultaneous candle lighting vigil. Facebook event links:
Main: https://www.facebook.com/events/162767787134653 Scotland: https://www.facebook.com/events/236940169682278 Youtube promo clips:
http://youtu.be/4cqO7SZvVOM http://youtu.be/PzbDIjpnFx8
Facebook Pages 9
Tal News (A) Dedicated news page for the syrian revolution and all SNVM activities Facebook page link:
Syrian people won’t be humilated (B) General interaction and society discussion page Facebook page link:
Quraan for revolution (C) Quraan teachings and verses are endless source of ideas stressing the importance and necessity of standing strong for man’s rights and freedoms Facebook page link:
Projects/ collective 11
Freedom days (A) SNVM is a Co-Founder of Freedom day’s group, which includes several field groups and committees who share the same belief in nonviolence and peaceful means of struggle. Most of the civil resistance activities in Damascus city were planned and executed by Freedom days group, a Calendar is used to put all projects and operations in a user-friendly time frame Facebook page link:
https://www.facebook.com/Freedom.Days.Syria Youtube clips:
http://youtu.be/MC_yr02GxAw http://youtu.be/I_2DSyjB0ko
Dignity strike (B) SNVM is one of the few groups that planned Dignity strike. It was the biggest and most effective strike that lasted almost 50 days, ranging from general strike to social and economical boycott. The strike was registered in more than 146 points all over the country. Campaign production and publicity, as well as communications with media and coordinates in Syria was the main role played by the SNVM. Facebook page link:
https://www.facebook.com/karamah.Dignity.Strike Youtube clips:
Educational clips production 13
Revolutionary scribbles (A) SNVM Production - Our scribbles are just a pen streak, folding some papers! A vision and a dream that is about to come true. They are born from the womb of the Syrian revolution: the ideas of the Syrian youth, it has a new look, where we present our ideas and visions. It is a fee space, where we shape our future as we want and as it is supposed to be. Facebook page link:
https://www.facebook.com/Freedom.Days.Syria Youtube Channel/ clips:
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDA0090CA2DC31ACA The power of the idea: http://youtu.be/KZ_OLmcOjzY
Revolutionary paper clips (B) SNVM Production - Another creative visual production that uses simple language with visual show using pieces of papers. It covers a wide range of topics that are related to civil disobedience tactics and principles of nonviolence. It also deals with urgent topics and tries to present a balanced point of view with both simple and logical/ practical arguments. Facebook page link:
https://www.facebook.com/Freedom.Days.Syria Youtube Channel/ clips:
Community Initiative 15
Syrian colours initiative While it supports the current widespread movement in Syria for toppling the current dictatorship and its president, the Syrian Nonviolence Movement has aims that go beyond the short-term. We believe each individual has an ethical responsibility to struggle for justice through nonviolent means. The long-term vision of the SNVM is to empower individuals to organize at the grassroots level and become proactive citizens. Facebook/ web pages links:
http://alalwan.wordpress.com https://www.facebook.com/alalwan.org Procedure: 6 people were randomly selected from inside Syria to represent 6 different paradigms of the current conflict. Each person will use a colour to express his opinion. The initiative lasts for 6 days. Each day an argument is presented by each colour. On day 6 an open discussion is facilitated on the website Colour selection: Red: total support to the regime and military solution Orange: supports regime but not in favor of the military solution White: reservation on regime and external opposition Black: against regime but with reservation on opposition Blue: supports civil nonviolent revolution Green: support using arms to fight the regime Why colours? This would prevent personalization of the debate Allow more freedom of speech Concentrate on thoughts and arguments
SNVM in media 17
Daily star Newspaper: Syrian civil resistance activists try to steer revolution off its violence path http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2012/Mar14/166579-yrian-civil-resistance-activists-try-to-steer-revolution-off-its-violent-path.ashx#axzz1p4bzuzb9
France 24 TV channel: Interview with one of the members of SNVM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gLcb9AWIhU&noredirect=1
Amnesty UK Event: http://web.mit.edu/amnesty/www/events.htm
LA Times Newspaper: Syrian nonviolent activists face uphill for democracy http://mar15.info/2012/02/syrias-nonviolent-activists-face-uphill-battle-for-democracy/
Daily star Newspaper: Syrias prankster army make case for non-violence http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2011/Oct31/152623-syrias-prankster-army-make-case-for-non-violence.ashx#axzz1viNRCsiB
Cnn-arabic website: Revolutionary scribbles http://arabic.cnn.com/2011/syria.2011/10/23/revolutionary.scribbles/index.html
Aljazeera international: Syria-the virtue of civil disobedience http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2012/04/20124283638298672.html?utm_content= automate&utm_campaign=Trial6&utm_source=NewSocialFlow&utm_term=plustweets&utm_ medium=MasterAccount
Syrian Nonviolence Movement - 2012