PVPG Priority List

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Peaceful Valley River Walk Itemization for Projects 1. Access A. River access points B. Permeable walking trails that are narrow & ADA accessible C. Pedestrian bridge underneath Maple Street bridge D. Boat launch at west end of Water Street for low impact water craft (canoe/kayak) E. Address parking issues (angled parking, van shuttles, or round-a-bout drop-off site at end of Water Street) F. Designated beach access sites G. Designated camp sites 2. Activities A. Fishing B. Kayaking/Canoeing C. Picnicking D. Camping E. Dog Walking 3. Amenities A. Outdoor classroom for school field trips (covered gazebo with power outlets, locking cabinets for science) B. Dog friendly park with fountains, stations with poop bags & dumping bins C. A few picnic tables D. Educational signage and/or kiosks: history; red band trout spawning areas; native flora & fauna E. Recycling/Waste receptacles at strategic sites (art infused design) 4. Landscape A. Remove retaining wall & sandbags B. Address flooding issues on Water Street through landscape design and channel restoration or side channel development or berm development closer to sidewalk C. Remove invasive plants and replace with native plants D. Plant edible perennials, shrubs & trees E. Thin trees to allow visibility at west end of Water Street F. Irrigate from river 5. Safety A. PM police patrol B. Tasteful low-impact lighting

6. Structures A. Pedestrian footbridge underneath Maple Street Bridge B. Outdoor Classroom C. Picnic Tables D. Fire Pits

Peaceful Valley: Glover Field Plan-Itemization Itemization for Projects 1. Access A. Restore/enhance trails around Glover Field B. Stops such as boulders or post to stop cars, shopping carts, etc. C. Parking Lot stays as is, no expansion D. View Points from Main and NE Glover Field towards falls E. River access at NW corner of Glover Field for kayaks, etc. F. Connection to Hunnington Park from NE view point via hiking trail 2. Activities A. Playground moved to south of parking lot B. Fire Pit could start out small-grow to more artistic and formal C. Amphitheater where existing backstop is located D. Grassy Field protection, no enhancement E. Mobile Sports Goals such as baseball backstop and soccer goals F. Community Gardens located along Cedar next to Parking lot/playground 3. Amenities A. Picnic Tables along trails B. Waste/Recycling Receptacle Stations at strategic locations C. Power Outlets D. Dog Stations at trail heads E Drinking Fountain F. Informational Kiosks at points of interest G. Trail Head Signage H. Bike Racks I. Lighting (Photovoltaic Cells) along Main for lighting J. Rest Rooms 4. Landscape A. Grassy Field stays as is, no enhancement B. Shade Trees for structure, parking lot and along trail and natural areas C. Slopes stabilized with shade tolerant ground cover D. Pruning of existing vegetation E. Native Vegetation for all planting F. Parking Lot Trees G. Spring Enhancement clean-up, plant with water cress, ferns, etc. H. Tiered Steps (View Point) I. Basalt Retaining Walls will be repaired

5. Safety A. Chain link fencing will be removed in favor of lower view enhancing fence B. Non-obtrusive lighting along trail for safety, powered by solar and C. Slopes will have fence to protect and prevent erosion D. Stops (cars, shopping carts, etc.) 6. Structures A. Peaceful Valley Community Center: keep, change, fix-up, eliminate B. Removal of all sheds C. Amphitheater D. Fire Pit E. Tiered Steps (View Point)

Peaceful Valley: Glover Field Plan-Itemization Itemization for Projects 1. Access A. Restore/enhance trails around Glover Field B. Stops such as boulders or post to stop cars, shopping carts, etc. C. Parking Lot stays as is, no expansion D. View Points from Main and NE Glover Field towards falls E. River access at NW corner of Glover Field for kayaks, etc. F. Connection to Hunnington Park from NE view point via hiking trail 2. Activities A. Playground moved to south of parking lot B. Fire Pit could start out small-grow to more artistic and formal C. Amphitheater where existing backstop is located D. Grassy Field protection, no enhancement E. Mobile Sports Goals such as baseball backstop and soccer goals F. Community Gardens located along Cedar next to Parking lot/playground 3. Amenities A. Picnic Tables along trails B. Waste/Recycling Receptacle Stations at strategic locations C. Power Outlets D. Dog Stations at trail heads E Drinking Fountain F. Informational Kiosks at points of interest G. Trail Head Signage H. Bike Racks I. Lighting (Photovoltaic Cells) along Main for lighting J. Rest Rooms 4. Landscape A. Grassy Field stays as is, no enhancement B. Shade Trees for structure, parking lot and along trail and natural areas C. Slopes stabilized with shade tolerant ground cover D. Pruning of existing vegetation E. Native Vegetation for all planting F. Parking Lot Trees G. Spring Enhancement clean-up, plant with water cress, ferns, etc. H. Tiered Steps (View Point) I. Basalt Retaining Walls will be repaired

5. Safety A. Chain link fencing will be removed in favor of lower view enhancing fence B. Non-obtrusive lighting along trail for safety, powered by solar and C. Slopes will have fence to protect and prevent erosion D. Stops (cars, shopping carts, etc.) 6. Structures A. Peaceful Valley Community Center: keep, change, fix-up, eliminate B. Removal of all sheds C. Amphitheater D. Fire Pit E. Tiered Steps (View Point)

Peaceful Valley Park Itemization for Projects 1. Access A. Paths – around and over the pillars B. Access on both sides of bridge abutment C. River view platform on abutment D. Access pedestrian bridge 2. Activities A. At south end of bridge (by Wilson Street) – art/play sculpture to emerge from earth B. under bridge (troll or mastodon or something thematic) for climbing and aesthetics C. Horseshoe pits to be resurfaced and moved west towards Clarke 3. Amenities A. Restore John Thamm murals B. New bridge decorations (banners, mylar, peace signs, etc.) C. Dog support stations D. Install temporary restrooms E. Below sculpture – informal stage/viewing area F. Remove playground equipment (or move to 4A) and replace with sand volleyball court G. Remove current basketball and tennis courts, with tennis court to be replaced by two Basketball courts – one adult and one for children – both to be fenced in. H. Child-focused playground to be located between Clarke and Main on Maple I. Itemizations of items for different areas (ex., chess tables, signage, bench, etc.) J. Sculpture at Water Street – perhaps to draw attention to an interpretive sign K. Remove play structure – or integrate with bridge abutment as path continues To the west I. BBQ grill/picnic area II. Chess/Checkerboard tables To the north I. Interactive play area on grassy expanse II. Green screen/solid fence along east of park and existing building

4. Landscape A. Plantings – to soften pillars and deter vandalism B. Landscaping to enhance knoll by former drinking fountain C. Grassy Knoll – Main and Stairs-Art sculpture, interpretive sign D. Stair Corridor- Landscape stream or dry streambed E. Stair Corridor- Rehabilitate native and traditional vegetation (save lunaria) 5. Safety A. Safe lighting without glare B. Close current restrooms and use for storage (game equipment, gardening stuff, etc.) C. Stair Corridor- Exchange light fixtures to down-lighting 6. Structures A. Hoopfest Basket Ball Court B. Restrooms C. Playground D. Maple Street Bridge Sculpture

Peaceful Valley: Neighborhood Connections & Corridors Itemization for Projects 1. Access A. Add maps at east and west entries to Peaceful Valley to indicate streets, historical items, points of interest, boat launches, designated park areas, etc. B. At the west entrance to Peaceful Valley by the Sandifur Bridge add a Kiosk for information, historical significance, park information and policies and other pertinent information. C. West entrance to Peaceful Valley add metal sign post to indicate various trails, (John Wayne, Centennial, Fish Lake) D. Construct Foot Bridge over Latah Creek parallel to and on the north side of Marne Bridge to avoid unsafe crossing on Marne. E. Remove brush and rocks as necessary along river’s edge from wet entrance of Peaceful Valley to the Avista Park below the WWP building. F. Natural trail connecting Glover Field to Huntington Park 2. Activities A. Biking B. Walking/Running C. Sight Seeing D. Education 3. Amenities A. For East and west entries to Peaceful Valley fabricate and erect metal poles with metal Peaceful Valley entry signs (see Charrette sketches of East entry) B. Erect metal poles and entry signs (see item 1) at top of Cedar Street stairs and top of Riverside stairs and add SOFT lighting. C. Add historical information signs throughout Peaceful Valley with regards to homes, significant Naïve American sites, geographical points of interest, native species names, etc. D. Add major art to east and west entrances and focal points throughout Peaceful Valley, (like giant metal feathers in CDA) E. Find old street light fixtures from downtown and retrofit for Peaceful Valley or add new street lights with appropriate historic character and place strategically around valley.

4. Landscape A. Plant vertical, columnar street trees at east entry to Peaceful Valley along Main Avenue. B. Prune trees and underbrush along Cedar Street stairs for enhance visibility and night safety. 5. Safety A. Add signage to east and west entries of Peaceful Valley that indicate “Share the Road� with joggers and bicyclists. B. Indicate crosswalks on the street (paint or alternate paving material) at east and west entries to Peaceful Valley, Cedar Street and Main Avenue intersection. C. Construct concrete bump-outs at intersection of Main Avenue and Cedar Street by crosswalk (see item 4) for traffic calming. D. Low impact lighting for Cedar Street staircase 6. Structures A. Signage B. Lighting on Stairs

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