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VISIO MAGAZINE v. 2 / i. 5 sept/oct 2021

VISIO Founder & Editor in Chief Adriana Green

Staff Contributors Thomas Hannah Elizabeth Adan Matt Yeroschenko Emmet Morrison

In-House Astrologer Leanne Vanderham

Contributors Nina Baumann, Sabahat Solangi, Rupinder Kainth, Leigha Stiles, Eoin O'Dowd, Angela Zheng, Labdhi Shah, Jeannie Tyrrell, Claudio Parentela

Artist Spotlights Andrew Kyle Wilcox Emmett Morrison Elijah Russ @VisioMag


Next Issue The next issue will be surrounding the theme of "TIME." The TIME Issue will be available November 16th 2021. VISIO / "The DUALITY Issue" / Volume 2 Issue 05 - Sept/Oct 2021 Visio is an independently run print and digital magazine dedicated to showcasing lirerature and art as well as assisting contributors in developing a cohesive portfolio and relevant publishing history. Published bi-monthly. Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7M 7N2. Printed in Canada. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Advertising: Inquiries should be directed to Subscriptions (PRINT): US & Canada, $14.06 (one year, six issues). Single copy $15.00 plus shipping; subscribe at Opinions expressed in this issue are those of the contributors and respective creators. All rights reserved.

Left: Labdhi Shah

Cover Art & Back Cover: Rupinder Kainth

the audiovisio podcast

WHAT'S YOUR VISION? At AudioVisio, We strive to ask the "big" questions, commonly reserved for scientific minds, to allow creatives to be sparked with the light of curiosity, acting as a catalyst for change and solutions previously elusive unless otherwise prompted.

The minds and lifestyles of creative individuals holds keys, lessons, and truths that deserve a moment of consideration, application, and a platform to achieve resonance.

Art sparks creativity. Creativity sparks curiosity. Curiosity allows for the use of scientific method.

Let's forge together "left" & "right" brain within the creative crucible that is The #AudioVisio Podcast.

New episode every Sunday.

Available on Spotify, YouTube, & Buzzsprout. // The AudioVisio Podcast @AudioVisioPod

new episodes every sunday @ 11:00am


Personally, I'm starting to better understanding how to take my inner child by her hand, and to allow my shadow-self to rest, and listen, and learn. And on a macro level, it seems as though humanity at large is looking inwards, deeming what is right and wrong with a seemingly new rule book.


Split. Double. Binary. Good v Evil. Light v Dark.

Every good quality has a bad side, and nothing good is produced or comes into the world without also producing equal evil or bringing equal evil into the world. To achieve wholeness in the self is to integrate both light and dark aspects of the self.

From "Modern Man in Search of a Soul":

"Every creative person is a duality of a synthesis of contradictory aptitudes." - Carl Jung

I hope this issue allows you take your own first step forward into that terrifying dark we call "inside ourselves." Because most things are quite scary if you're don't know what you're looking at.

But once you do, you'll face all demons with loving-kindness, and know a way to show to them out with grace. - Adriana Green


Pretending You Are an Adult and a Teenager at the Same Time Because You Are Neither or the Story of Turning 25 Nina Baumann | Instagram: @emotionalexhibitionism You will fantasize about getting into a car crash. Just a tiny one, so only for a moment, you could escape the responsibilities you took on voluntarily but can't seem to get rid of. You will apply to jobs you don't want because you found your childhood friend's Linkedin the other day and it made you wonder when the next class reunion will take place. You will spend your last money on CBD flower that is supposed to help you feel less like the world is ending while complaining about not having money to go to yoga classes. Smoking it will make you wish your middle school crush was there, so they could see how cool you are now and make you wonder if this is the first step towards the serious drug addiction you know you will develop at some point in your life. You will write a mediocre song and upload it to Instagram because you don't care about what people think anymore and you are an artist, after all. And art is supposed to be raw. You will cry yourself to sleep because no one seems to care about your newfound freedom to express yourself as much as you do. You will start listening to Taylor Swift and it will feel like an act of rebellion. When it comes up on shuffle you press skip, laughing it off as if you didn't just write we're happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time on your bedroom wall. You will want to leave before the pre-game turns into an actual party and you will wonder why no one ever invites you out anymore. You will take a long shower after sleeping with that person you fantasized about for two years. It will burn your skin and it is supposed to. You will try to get rid of the taste of smoke and a stranger's spit, asking yourself why being pushed against a wall didn't make you feel at home in your own body again. Or for the first time ever. You will plan on becoming a minimalist or living in a van because you despise consumerism but really you just don't have any money. Or sense of identity. And how are you supposed to have those things in a world that doesn't want you to? You will still buy that dress you never plan on wearing because it reminds you of the person you will never be. You will look at pictures of when you were seventeen, dreaming yourself into that old version of yourself. The loud, fearless fool, you kind of lost along the way. When you listen to the songs you danced to at that time your stomach will turn and you will never understand how the best time of your life can both feel like a nightmare and the only thing that could make you happy right now.


Classic // Perfect Elizabeth Adan // @EdgeOfElizabeth

the queens are naked in the cloverbed and when I look they listen

it'd be tragic to ask the flower blades to blossom again

women hate you because you're classic and you're perfect with black hollow centers little yellow daisies on their toes

so all listen to wedding doves and the ones who got here early we changed the clock hands back an hour without telling the ones with wings all cooped up without harm open mouth and a closed suitcase

of course I'm here for the hooting and for breaking out of the dungeon asleep in the lobby holding hands with a smoldering husk of a dragon

for whatever reason

little blossoms how they swing

little devils how they help me girls always whining and crying in the street floating like petals with bleeding brown edges accumulating in the metal trap grates of the gutter

all classic and it's all so perfect


red alert Elizabeth Adan // @EdgeOfElizabeth you just walked out naked into the world to start a wildfire every circle the lighthouse makes hits me with a ray of magic perennial fear in the form of footsteps it watches, listens at the bedroom door my heart aches as the doorknob rattles and a cold sweat engulfs my fear what are these days that we cling to and devour like violets? the cold white light hits my freckled face and the ticking clock takes a second too long to tick again red sounded like an alarm urgent laughing as you ran away into the mist holding hands, the both of you laughing the woods are darker in the daylight you take a step as evil echoes on the line how did you know which door was open? red stops and waits and the phone keeps ringing


Empathy Sabahat Solangi // @sabahatsolangi

I don’t know what it feels like to be you, But I know what it feels like to not enjoy December anymore. I don’t know what it feels like to be you, But I know what it feels like to lose all the fragments of your being in places you once knew. I don’t know what it feels like to be you, But I know what it feels like to lose the count of all the seasons you survived. I don’t know what it feels like to be you, But I know what it feels like when you walk thousands of miles to escape the labyrinth of your own thoughts. I don’t know what it feels like to be you, But I know what it’s like to fall and get up every day, Like Sisyphus condemned by the gods. I don’t know what it feels like to be you, But let me sit with you, Because I see survival is all you’ve known. Because I see you’re afraid of being alone. Because I know you think that fear is irrational. Weak. Groundless. Baseless. But maybe, Just maybe, God created us, because he too, was afraid of being alone.


INNER TRIUMPH Sabahat Solangi // @sabahatsolangi It won’t let me breathe, It lives inside me and when I am alone it comes out and ties a knot around every fiber of my being that even breathing becomes hard. It won’t let me talk, When someone asks me what’s wrong. It won’t let me eat, When I put food in my mouth, it gushes it all out with all the force in the world. It won’t let me sleep, It hugs me good night with its scary little paws and I shiver in my bed all night long. It won’t let me get up in the morning, It holds my hand and takes away all my strength, It holds me so tight that I fall back into my bed. It won’t let me see, It puts all my feelings and thoughts and tangles them into each other until it is all foggy and I can’t recognize myself anymore. It won’t let me walk, It holds my feet with all its strength until I fall on my knees and cry like a little baby. But it still hasn’t won. I still get up and drink my coffee in my favorite mug, I water my lily flowers and they smile back at me, I take the longer route to school so that I get to see my favorite corn field. I hug my friends and tell them it’s alright, I tell them it’s okay it lives inside me too. All these years, And it still hasn’t won. And it still hasn’t won.


Duality Jeannie Tyrrell // @tyrrell_jeannie

What Could I Not Say About Duality? The Alter Egos Alternate Routes. This Grandiose Intrusion Of Some Other Self. Intense. Pressurized. Reconstruction. Kinda Like Manufacturing Useless Diamonds. I Can Feel The Mind Squeezing In Another Disgusting Ego. Hannah Montana Is Pushing Her Drugs. Subway By Day, Dream Job By Night. Is This A Joke? Are We OK? Why Can't We Be Real?


mixed media


Like young lambs in fertilized spring Our memories linger but distort in thought To warped wolves shedding our sheered clothes Like snake’s skin we change & dance around dying dawn fires Reignited in night I always said I’m split down the middle Like a Hyde & Jekyll but In reality a half-started jigsaw Puzzled & hardly finished though Well off the blocks & swimming under The womb’s water warm in its caresses But all is diluted in growing repetition Like an ageing memory or lost loved one fading Only remember forever we own our moments so Swim down deep with me baby & avoid second glances We can breathe endlessly Alone in a crowd of our manys & watch them from the present’s deepness Struggling to recognise our faces in the surface’s reflection.

mixed media


With the weathering sun upon him He grows old with the morning in his rickety wicker chair One of a pair they bought when buying Their forever home on borrowed money When they were younger when they were greener With plans of living small & loving large They would stay up late cooking & drinking & watching their peaceful world turn Over their blessed heads from their then sturdy chairs & throw parties on the weekends Overhearing their friends watching them Pour champagne to spill spinning when dancing together Smiling & willing the sun to sleep in Under their waking village & kitchen’s content mess ‘

They’re cut from the same cloth those two’ Though torn at times & fighting like cats & dogs Scratching & biting But the water in their lungs stayed on fire Two lightening souls struck together Sharing the oxygen igniting each other Even stronger through His temporary unemployment Their occasional melancholy & her permanent sickness. ~ They sat together in their rickety wicker chairs A pair still bound but older now His wavering resilience & her failing heart still beating for him Braving the final suns setting over their home & themselves ‘I wish things could stay like this forever’ He only nodded staring at his feet Soon it would be her night & he would sit alone finally old & in half.

mixed media



rupinder kainth @prestigiouscreativity


artist statement Duality comes in many forms and allows us to explore the best parts in life and the worst parts in life. This piece of work shows that duality is an ongoing process that helps us reach individuality and helps us reach many different forms of ourselves. Whether that version is bad or good, with growth you will see both at play, whether you appreciate that version or not and that is why I called this painting, Tao. One thing that influenced this painting is the yin and yang sign. With acrylics I made sure to make one part of my skull very vibrant and one side just black and white to represent the yin and yang sign. I figured out that us humans love to categorize feelings, behaviours, and actions, but sometimes things just don’t fit in a binary and that is okay too. The last thing that inspired this painting is the term Tao which originates in Chinese philosophy. Tao explains the good and bad in every aspect of our life. This term explains that good simply cannot exist without the bad, and if we just had one and not the other harmony is out of reach.

bioGRAPHY Rupinder Kainth is a gender apathetic, twenty-one-year-old university student achieving her BA in psychology. Creating art of many mediums from acrylic work, watercolour, to creating clothes and engaging in cosplay. Engaging in many mediums of art allows Rupinder to never feel like she’s stuck or forced to create a certain way because she believes you can make art out of anything. Most of Rupinder’s work is based around growth, which heavily relates to Rupinder’s life.

ART Claudio Parentela /// @ClaudioParentela62


Eternal Bloom // Elizabeth Adan @edgeofelizabeth


Angela Zheng // @insta_angela5


leigha stiles

DESIGN Women throughout history have faced scrutiny in large. The concept of the “strong woman” dates back to the 13th century and has yet to be fully accepted within society. A strong woman is considered to do masculine things but women can be both feminine and masculine. The gender roles and female stereotypes within society limit how we women and others view ourselves. Therefore causing inner conflict that may evolve into dualism. This can bring about pressure to conform to society or to oppose it and be true to oneself. With this in mind I created my wearable sculpture to represent the duality that women do possess. I started by first etching images of my naked body onto waterless lithography plates.

I printed the images onto the fabric and then used the metal plates themselves to create a suit of armour. Using my skin as armour creates duality by representing the soft and delicate parts of my body and contrasting it with the hard and jagged plates. The facial expression I portrayed also evokes the idea of women being emotional/weak while still being assertive/strong. The images can be construed as sensual yet deceiving and conniving. With this piece I aim to convey that women are more than sexual objects and are not one dimensional. There is a long history and wide understanding of women’s duality, which shows the complexity of the modern day woman.


Leigha Stiles (b. 1996 Pembroke, Ontario) is a multi-disciplinary artist working primarily in printmaking and new-media currently focussing a series including multiple mediums. Stiles is a BFAH graduate from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. Her work explores themes of female sexuality, mental health and expressive self-portraiture. Her work has been exhibited in different venues including Union Gallery 2016-2019, the Print Pulse 30: Travelling Exhibition, Cezanne’s Closet fundraising event, the Undergraduate Review, Queen’s Feminist Review as well as Viso Magazine.




LIBRA SEASON With Libra Season coming up aka the time of year where the Sun moves through the sign of Libra. Beginning on September 22nd, which also marks the fall equinox, the start of the fall season, a time of equal day and night! So I of course am going to be talking about Libra and its connection to Duality for this issue, what better timing! The Sun will be in Libra from September 22nd up until October 23rd of 2021. Libra definitely has its connections to duality, I’d like to also give an honourable mention to Gemini, I’d say Gemini even has more of a dual nature than Libra. As it is represented as the Twins, and often stuck with the stereotype of being twofaced. But in reality their true nature is an adaptable, versatile multi-tasker. Really all three signs Libra, Gemini and Aquarius have this incredible ability to adapt, a main reason being they are air signs, constantly finding ways to open up to new ideas and new spaces to fill in. Although there is a connection between Duality and Libra, as the sign of the scales mainly represents balance

and harmony, Libra season always begins on the same day as the Fall Equinox which is a day within the year that has an equal length of day time and night time. Which ties back into the duality of night and day, light and dark. Libra is the sign of balance, harmony, justice, fairness, peace, mediation and judgement. When it comes to the teachings of duality, it's said that every aspect of this world (or universe) has an opposite or competing force, which creates a harmonious balance. The two opposing forces of course would need to maintain equilibrium to experience harmony. Even when it comes to Astrology, there is duality within the Zodiac Signs, there are the elements; Air, Fire, Earth and Water. Each element being associated with either being “Masculine” or “Feminine” not specifically talking about physical genders here but rather the energy or characteristics they hold. Which you could relate to the well known Yin Yang Yin being equivalent to Feminine and Yang being Equivalent to Masculine. In astrology Air and Fire signs are known to be Yang or Masculine whereas Water and Earth signs are known to be Yin and Feminine. Air/Fire signs are more direct, action oriented, and outgoing whereas Water/Earth signs are more reserved, self-contained and introverted. As someone who studies and practices astrology, I’m a strong believer in duality and often question the idea that duality does not exist, or that it is an illusion. Nonduality is definitely an interesting idea in my opinion, and I think there is some truth in it. In a sense we are all connected as human beings, but we are dual in nature. Just looking at the current times and each being’s differing opinions, perspectives, ideas and lifestyles. I don’t think you can really avoid duality in life, as if you will never run into another human being that thinks differently than you, or has a completely opposite personality as you. As if you will never experience both emotions of happiness and sadness, as if you will go through life and not experience both life and death.

Astrology There’s the idea that duality separates us, but I think it's humans that separate humans, through the lack of acceptance and forgiveness. The idea that because something is different or disagrees with you, means they are “bad” or that you cannot hold love for them is really just so out of whack in my opinion. I think humanity has created a love for dividing, we love to create our own little groups, societies, communities and egotistically coming up with the idea that this group is better than that group, or I’m “higher” than you are, or you’re not like us so you’re not as great bullshit. I personally feel like humanity is currently struggling with finding acceptance in differences, how have we been programmed to believe that if something is different it is wrong? Where is the logic in that? How can’t we see that we are all free to our own beliefs and perspectives. We have been blessed with free will. There is this beautiful dialectic in this world, allowing us human beings to debate, to explore, to discuss different ideas, different knowledge, different teachings, to challenge each other so we may find deeper truths and connections. The division begins when one decides to show hate, disrespect and discrimination toward another being that does not think or act the same way. The division begins when we choose to shame, guilt trip or lash out on someone rather than finding that little spark of acceptance and compassion within you. The beautiful thing about Libra and the lesson Libra brings - is to allow opposing forces to coexist in harmony and transmute into each other.

How can you come to a compromise? How can you strategically find a solution that pleases all parties? How can you listen to both sides of the story with a fair and open mind? How can you be more considerate of others and the fact that not everyone is like you. This is how we find union, not from completely disconnecting from duality itself but from fully accepting that duality exists and is exactly what we need. Imagine if everything was just the same, all the time, and everyone was the same as you? What would you do without your own unique quirks, who would you be? Do you really want everyone to think the same as you? Believe the same as you? Dress the same as you? Where would you ever find new ideas or new perspectives? How would there ever be progression or evolution? Would anyone even question anything?


"Take what resonates & leave the rest. These horoscopes are timeless and are meant to be read exactly as you come across them. Loving reminder that this is just my guidance/advice and is meant to be for entertainment purposes. The power will always lie within you, as you are the master of your own fate." - leanne


Tarot Card Guidance for each Zodiac Sign Aries 2 of Pentacles There’s likely a need to maintain a balance in your life, Aries. With Libra being your opposing sign, there is much you can learn from Libra. Possibly a need to be more compassionate and considerate for others? Have you gotten a little too caught up in yourself? Have you been neglecting your relationships and friendships? How can you bring in more love - more love toward yourself and more love toward humanity?

Taurus The Hermit Time to retreat and reflect Taurus. Have you been feeling confused, lost, unsure? There is a need to go within and connect with your inner and higher self. Self-reflection and introspection will serve you well at this time. Potentially a need to get to know yourself better, to explore your beliefs/perspectives, and to even face your inner demons. Self-mastery is calling you, have you been ignoring your darkness, your shadow self? It's time to say hello to your shadow.

Gemini The Hierophant Have you been studying and researching lately? I mean when aren’t you? Some higher learning and wisdom is knocking at your door but it's up to you whether you will answer or not. Have you been relying on someone else a little too much lately? You may be constantly looking to others, when what you really need is to look within. Your own experiences and lessons will give you many of the answers you seek.

Cancer Knight of Cups There may be a need for emotional balance or regulation! Things may feel a bit overwhelming lately and the message here for you is to not let disappointments get the best of you. Not everything is always going to go according to plan and it's important you find new ways to pull yourself out of any deep darkness or feelings of fear, sadness and anxiety. It's important we learn to sit in our sadness so we can get to the root cause and begin to heal and nurture it. So ask yourself Cancer, where do you need love, nurturing and healing?

Astrology Leo 3 of Wands Something is in the works! Your hard work and planning is paying off. You’re discovering what you truly desire and it's a beautiful thing. Your reminder is to take things slow, to make sure you are seeing things clearly. Ask yourself if you’re seeing the bigger picture? The long term consequences or results. Make sure you’re not bypassing or missing anything. Make sure you’re prepared and planned!

Virgo King of Wands Ready to start leading Virgo? Creativity and motivation is flowing through you, you’re feeling clear in your visions and feeling ready to start taking aligned action. You may be realizing you actually need help and may need to hire people or reach out to a friend/mentor for some assistance. This is your reminder to not be so fearful of reaching out for help, you can’t always do everything on your own. Bigger and better things are coming your way and sometimes you really just need a supportive team behind you.

Libra Nine of Swords Get out of your mind and into your heart Libra! Seems like a whole lot of over-thinking, creating scenarios and intrusive thoughts going on. As beautiful as your ability to strategically analyze all the pros and cons, sometimes you need to get out of your busy mind and connect back with your heart. Your over-thinking is just causing more anxiety - a great way to work through this is getting honest with yourself - what are your deeply rooted fears and anxieties? How can you face them head on with your inner strength and perseverance?

Scorpio The Empress Seems like you could use a little more self-love Scorpio. There’s a need to connect more with nature, femininity and beauty. Has your confidence been low lately? Potentially a need to show yourself more love and acceptance. Have you been overly judgmental toward yourself and/or others? There may be a need to move past jealousy, and comparison, stop looking to others and start looking within. You were uniquely created, you are beautiful just as you are. It’s time you start seeing all that you are.

Astrology Sagittarius Ace of Swords Open your mind Sagittarius! As if I even need to remind you. There may be a new perspective, idea or belief that you will come across. Be open to it and don’t just shut things down right away. May this be your reminder to stay open to exploring new things, you may find a lot of clarity when you open yourself up. Potentially allowing yourself to meet new people or have discussions with those who think differently than you do. Mental breakthroughs are coming and soon you will understand things more clearly, continue searching, continue learning, you got this!

Capricorn 2 of Cups It's time to open yourself up and be a little more vulnerable Capri. Have you been holding in your feelings lately? It's time to find healthy ways to communicate these emotions. May you work through any trust issues and allow yourself to get vulnerable with someone you feel safe with. Get to the root of your fears, open up so you can experience true love. Closing yourself off ain’t going to help you to receive love! Ask yourself how you can begin to exchange more in your relationships?

Aquarius 4 of Pentacles Have you been a little overly greedy lately Aqua? Thinking a little too much about yourself and not enough about others? This is your reminder to maintain a balance with your relationship with self and your relationship with others. Are you nurturing your relationships? Do you show up the same way your friends/partner show up for you? Are there any imbalances within your relationships? You may be trying to protect yourself by distancing yourself from others but be careful of burning any bridges. Be cautious of any scarcity/lack thinking patterns surrounding love and finances. You are WORTHY of everything you desire.

Pisces 7 of Pentacles Your hard work is paying off! Whatever you’ve been nourishing, it's beginning to flourish! If you’re feeling like you’re not reaping the rewards just yet, ask yourself if there’s anything you may have missed. What could you potentially still invest in or improve that would help build your future success and fulfillment? Don’t just gravitate to the easiest and quickest option make sure you’re building sustainably. There’s absolutely no need to rush, take things step by step, continue to live humbly, intentionally and with love.

final thoughts


Oh, hello there beautiful ladies, gentlemen, and/or enbies. It’s me, Matt from the end of the magazine (and also the AudioVisio podcast) and I noticed a thing. Where do we start? I think, if we zoom in far enough, and if we ask the right questions, everything in the universe can be binary. Subatomic particles carry one of two fundamental spins, I think, but don’t quote me on that because I’m not a scientist. Each of the genes in our DNA is actually a switch, and switching any one of them on or off will yield different results. In this way, we’re the sum of a whole bunch of binary variables. Like, at least two, or twelve, or a hundred variables, but probably a lot more than that. As you may recall, I’m not a scientist. As we zoom out, we start to see other binarities – this is a word I believed I was inventing as I typed it, but alas it exists! These binarities guide the path of our existence on a more human scale. The binarity that fundamentally guides humans, along with any other tribal or communal animal, is the Us-Versus-Them. Us-Versus-Them… we need that. We would not and could not survive without it. Us-Versus-Them allows us to differentiate between safe/familiar and dangerous/different. It allows us to spot suspicious creatures and to be wary of them. It also allows us to identify familiars and that begets further cooperation. It makes sense. Until it doesn’t. The binarities that underpin our existence and simplify our perception of the world have become an outdated hindrance to progress. As we’ve become effortlessly connected to everybody on the planet, we’re seeing the blacks and whites of a binary perspective become muddied and grey. An easy, obvious example of this is the gendered person, where for most of history we accepted one of two options with very few exceptions. Now, the truth is it’s always been a greyscale landscape, but we didn’t behave as though that were true. But progress looks like greyscale, and despite the luddites trying to resist it, the gender and sexuality spectrums have become highly grey. Super grey. And the simple truth is everything is grey. Nothing is really black and white, and that most certainly includes human beings. We’re the product of so many variables that, even if we were to break things down to their fundamentally binary constituent black and white parts, the average will always, obviously be grey. There’s too much going on for us to be anything different. But have you seen TV? Or the internet? We’re being pushed toward binarity. Every thought and every issue and every opinion is being tied to our very identities. Every opinion and every belief that you have, despite the awareness that everybody harbours a bazillion varying beliefs that aren’t even consistent day-to-day, is being recorded and used as a defining characteristic. In this way, our modern sociopolitical landscape is slowly but returning to a black and white binary sort of state. At a time of such great progress, built on the bones of millions of years of progress, and with the potential for the exponential perpetuation of that progress, here we are: regressing. These are supposed to be fun.

visio creative crucible & literary/arts magazine

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