Jan13 issue

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What Happens in Treatment? Regaining Trust in Recovery What is the Difference Between the Drugs Percocet and Vicodin? Options When Your Loved One Refuses Voluntary Substance Abuse Treatment The Paradox of Power Codependence In Men

Holidays, Loneliness, and Being Human Florida DUI Laws and Penalties Back to the Basics of Recovery - Steps Six and Seven Prevention is Not just another catch phrase Advancements in Holistic Addiction And Mental Health Treatment


A LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER Dear Readers, I welcome you to The Sober World magazine. This magazine is being directly mailed each month to anyone that has been arrested due to drugs, alcohol and petty theft in Palm Beach County. It is also distributed locally to the Palm Beach County High School Guidance offices, The Middle School Coordinators, Palm Beach County Drug Court, Broward County School Substance Abuse Expulsion Program and other various locations. Many petty thefts are drug related, as the addicts need for drugs causes them to take desperate measures in order to have the ability to buy their drugs. Drug addiction has reached epidemic proportions throughout the country and is steadily increasing. Florida is one of the leading States where people come from all over to obtain pharmaceutical drugs from the pain clinics that have opened virtually everywhere. The availability of prescription narcotics is overwhelming; as parents our hands are tied because it is legal. Doctors continue writing prescriptions for drugs such as Oxycontin, and Oxycodone (which is an opiate drug and just as addictive as heroin) to young adults in their 20’s and 30’s right up to the elderly in their 70”s, thus, creating a generation of addicts. Addiction is a disease but it is the most taboo of all diseases. As family members affected by this disease, we are often too ashamed to speak to anyone about our loved ones addiction, feeling that we will be judged. We try to pass it off as a passing phase in their lives, and some people hide their head in the sand until it becomes very apparent such as through an arrest, getting thrown out of school, or even worse an overdose, that we realize the true extent of their addiction. I know that many of you who are reading this now are frantic that their loved one has been arrested. No parent ever wants to see his or her child arrested or put in jail, but this may be your opportunity to save your child or loved ones life. They are more apt to listen to you now then they were before, when whatever you said may have fallen on deaf ears. This is the point where you know your loved one needs help, but you don’t know where to begin. I have compiled this informative magazine to try to take that fear and anxiety away from you and let you know there are many options to choose from. There are Psychologists and Psychiatrists that specialize in treating people with addictions. There are Education Consultants that will work with you to figure out what your loved ones needs are and come up with the best plan for them. There are Interventionists who will hold an intervention and try to convince your loved one that they need help. There are Transport Services that will scoop up your resistant loved one (under 18 yrs old) and bring them to the facility you have chosen. There are long term Residential Programs (sometimes a year and longer) as well as short term programs (30-90 days), there are Therapeutic Boarding Schools, Wilderness programs and there are Sober Living Housing where they can work, go to meetings and be accountable for staying clean. To Advertise, Call 561-910-1943

Many times a Criminal Attorney will try to work out a deal with the court to allow your child or loved one to seek treatment instead of jail. I know how overwhelming this period can be for you and I urge every parent or relative of an addict to get some help for yourself as well. There are many groups that can help you. There is Al-Anon, Alateen (for teenagers), Families Anonymous, Nar-Anon and more. This is a disease that affects the whole family, not just the parents. These groups allow you to share your thoughts and feelings. As anonymous groups, your anonymity is protected. Anything said within those walls are not shared with any one outside the room. You share only your first name, not your last name. This is a wonderful way for you to be able to openly convey what has been happening in your life as well as hearing other people share their stories. You will find that the faces are different but the stories are all too similar. You will also be quite surprised to see how many families are affected by drug and alcohol addiction. Addiction knows no race or religion; it affects the wealthy as well as the poor, the highly educated, old, young-IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE. This magazine is dedicated to my son Steven who graduated with top honors from University of Central Florida. He graduated with a degree in Psychology, and was going for his Masters in Applied Behavioral Therapy. He was a highly intelligent, sensitive young man who helped many people get their lives on the right course. He could have accomplished whatever he set his mind out to do. Unfortunately, after graduating from college he tried a drug that was offered to him not realizing how addictive it was and the power it would have over him. My son was 7 months clean when he relapsed and died of a drug overdose. I hope this magazine helps you find the right treatment for your loved one. They have a disease and like all diseases, you try to find the proper care. They need help. Please don’t allow them to become a statistic. There is a website called the Brent Shapiro Foundation. Famed attorney Robert Shapiro started it in memory of his son. I urge each and every one of you to go to that website. They keep track on a daily basis of all the people that die due to drug overdoses. It will astound you. I hope you have found this magazine helpful. You may also visit us on the web at www.thesoberworld.com. I Would Like To Wish Everyone A Happy Valentine’s Day. Sincerely,


Publisher Patricia@TheSoberWorld.com


IMPORTANT HELPLINE NUMBERS 211 PALM BEACH/TREASURE COAST 211 www.211palmbeach.org FOR THE TREASURE COAST www.211treasurecoast.org FOR TEENAGERS www.teen211pbtc.org AAHOTLINE-NORTH PALM BEACH 561-655-5700 www.aa-palmbeachcounty.org AA HOTLINE- SOUTH COUNTY 561-276-4581 www.aainpalmbeach.org FLORIDA ABUSE HOTLINE 1-800-962-2873 www.dcf.state.fl.us/programs/abuse/ AL-ANON- PALM BEACH COUNTY 561-278-3481 www.southfloridaalanon.org AL-ANON- NORTH PALM BEACH 561-882-0308 www.palmbeachafg.org FAMILIES ANONYMOUS 847-294-5877 (USA) 800-736-9805 (Local) 561-236-8183 Center for Group Counseling 561-483-5300 www.groupcounseling.org CO-DEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS 561-364-5205 www.pbcoda.com COCAINE ANONYMOUS 954-779-7272 www.fla-ca.org COUNCIL ON COMPULSIVE GAMBLING 800-426-7711 www.gamblinghelp.org CRIMESTOPPERS 800-458-TIPS (8477) www.crimestopperspbc.com CRIME LINE 800-423-TIPS (8477) www.crimeline.org DEPRESSION AND MANIC DEPRESSION 954-746-2055 www.mhabroward FLORIDA DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE 800-500-1119 www.fcadv.org FLORIDA HIV/AIDS HOTLINE 800-FLA-AIDS (352-2437) FLORIDA INJURY HELPLINE 800-510-5553 GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS 800-891-1740 www.ga-sfl.org and www.ga-sfl.com HEPATITUS B HOTLINE 800-891-0707 JEWISH FAMILY AND CHILD SERVICES 561-684-1991 www.jfcsonline.com LAWYER ASSISTANCE 800-282-8981 MARIJUANA ANONYMOUS 800-766-6779 www.marijuana-anonymous.org NARC ANON FLORIDA REGION 888-947-8885 www.naranonfl.org NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS-PALM BEACH 561-848-6262 www.palmcoastna.org NATIONAL RUNAWAY SWITCHBOARD 800-RUNAWAY (786-2929) www.1800runaway.org NATIONAL SUICIDE HOTLINE 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) www.suicidology.org ONLINE MEETING FOR MARIJUANA www.ma-online.org Ruth Rales Jewish Family Services 561-852-3333 www.ruthralesjfs.org MEETING HALLS Billy Bob Club 561-459-7432 561-312-2611 central house 2170 W Atlantic Ave. SW Corner of Atlantic & Congress Club Oasis 561-694-1949 Crossroads 561-278-8004 www.thecrossroadsclub.com EasY Does It 561-433-9971 The Meeting Place 561-255-9866 www.themeetingplaceinc.com The Triangle Club 561-832-1110 www.Thetriangleclubwpb.com


Passionate Caring Truthful Prepared Miracles DO Happen HOPE. BELIEVE. RECOVER.



SunsetHouse Ad_Layout 1 8/17/12 10:31 AM Page 1

Sunset House is a licensed, residential treatment program for men struggling with chemical dependency. We are committed to helping our men develop the skills necessary to lead sober and productive lives. Our goals are to safely and effectively transition our residents back into their communities with all of the tools necessary to maintain long-term, meaningful sobriety. Our clients are men looking for an affordable alternative to intensive inpatient treatment.

Early recovery can be a difficult experience; our program is intended to aid residents in body, mind and spirit at every step of the way. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, call Sunset House today at 561.627.9701 or email us at darthur@sunsetrecovery.org. www.SunsetRecovery.org

To Advertise, Call 561-910-1943


What Happens in Treatment? By Mitchell E. Wallick PhD CAP CAGC The first step to getting help for any addiction is to agree to get it. In my forty + (yes I am getting old) years of practice, I have discovered that two reasons for this are: 1. An illness whose hallmark is the feeling that we are doing well when we are not. 2. Fear of the unknown. The idea of treatment is scary. The purpose of this article is to help the prospective client address both these issues. The first area that I feel is important for us to understand is that the disease of addiction is one that affects our thinking process. Because we rationalize that we don’t have a problem, we cannot think our way out of the problem. In fact, we rationalize the fact that treatment is not only unnecessary but also is not worth the interruption it will cause in our lives. By the time an addict is ready for treatment, the pain of their illness has finally become greater than the pain of their disease. None the less, their rationalizations will interfere with their attempts at recovery. For that reason I tell my patients that: 1. If they think they need an opinion, just ask and we will tell them exactly what it should be. 2. We give a full warranty stating that if they don’t like what is turned out at the end of the rehab experience, we will return every bit of misery that they have given up. The second part of the patient’s reluctance to enter rehab is twofold. 1. The first is their fear of what will happen when they come into the rehab. Television dramatizations, horror stories from friends and acquaintances, and not knowing what to expect makes them fearful. 2. The second part of their unwillingness is the fear of giving up their best friend, the drug. Understand that there is a grieving process related to entering into recovery. The addiction has been their friend and constant companion for many years. In a very real sense the addict is going to grieve the loss of their safety net against feelings, their fear of change, and their reluctance to giving up the control which is so necessary for successful treatment to occur. In order to allay some of these fears, this next section will deal with “What to expect in Treatment”. The first part of treatment is usually intake. While the intake process may vary from program to program; the following will be pretty consistent in all programs: 1. Paper work. Mountains and mountains of paper work. These will include, but not be limited to: a. Consent to treat. This is a document that is signed giving the program permission to treat the patient. b. Releases of information. This will allow you to tell the program with whom they are permitted to communicate. Understand that you are protected by confidentiality statutes and that without the release; no information about you may be given. You may revoke this release in writing at any time. Understand, that even if you revoke this release, the program cannot be responsible for information that they have released prior to your revocation. If you are court ordered to the program, they will be required to notify the court and/or their representative that you have revoked this release. The same applies if you have left the program. (Just a word to the wise, unless you are particularly fond of jail cells, this would not be a good idea.) c. Orientation packet: Here you will be asked to sign a paper that says you have been oriented to the program. d. Patient Rights Packet: This paper will outline your rights as a patient. You will be asked to sign the paper attesting to the fact that you have received this packet. This paper will also more than likely include a grievance procedure. e. Financial agreements and payment. If there are any financial responsibilities you will be asked to sign papers indicating your understanding of the programs policies regarding payment schedules and/or your obligation for amounts not covered by your insurance. f. Other paper work as determined by the program and/or the requirements of the state in which the program is located. g. Many programs will have additional papers for you to sign. Try to remember that these papers are legal requirements. They are no different from the papers you would be asked to sign if you went into the hospital. 2. Generally speaking, the next steps in your program would be: a. Assignment of a therapist. b. Initial assessment. This initial assessment is designed to make sure you are eligible and appropriate for the level of care that the program


is able to offer you. For example, if you have been drinking heavily and the program you are attending does not provide detoxification, you may be sent to another program for this step of your treatment. c. After your initial assessment, you and your therapist, and others involved in your treatment will develop an individualized treatment plan. This plan is basically a contract, an agreement between you, your therapist and the treatment program that specifies the areas that you will be working on and the steps you will need to take to complete your treatment. You need to remember that as you progress through treatment, this is a flexible agreement. It is going to change as your treatment unfolds. You will in all likelihood begin to uncover problems about which you never recognized and/or were refusing to look at. d. You will be attending groups, have individual sessions and an opportunity to share strengths, hopes and experiences with your peers. 3. The purpose of treatment is to assist you in attacking your and resolving the issues that you must face in order to return to a quality life. These issues may include but will not be limited to: a. Psychiatric problems. Many of these problems such as depression can be treated with medication. These medications help to adjust the physiological causes that you may be attempting to selfmedicate. (Incidentally, what I tell my patients is, because you did not study medicine you are prescribing the wrong drugs for yourself.) For those who require these medications, the results are generally seen very quickly. b. Rationalizations: Rationalizations are what 12 step programs refer to as “stinking thinking”. This means that the thinking process of the addict is “broken”. Through therapy, you will learn to examine your thought process and change your way of looking at things. Here is an example of rationalization: An alcoholic walks into a bar and says to the bar tender, “set up five beers”. The alcoholic picks up the second and downs it. He does the same with beer three through five. He then says “set up five more please.” The bar tender replies, gladly, but you still have not drank the first one. “Responds the alcoholic, “but you don’t understand, I am in AA and my sponsor told me never to pick up that first drink”. c. Mistaken beliefs: These are an extension of rationalization. Mistaken beliefs include such things as: i. I am worthless. ii. I am invincible. iii. I am unique. (Most addicts incidentally die from terminal uniqueness.) iv. I am entitled. v. It is really ok to use drugs. vi. It is really ok to use alcohol. vii. I can control my use. viii. If you lived like me, you would use drugs to. ix. Marijuana is legal and used for medicine, so it should be ok. x. I am not an addict because all of my “medications” come from Drs. d. The pain of facing my past. In treatment you will learn about facing the fact that you probably did many stupid and not good things during your addiction. What you will learn is that you are a good person with a bad disease. Treatment will help you forgive yourself by: i. Facing the fact that you did not choose to be addicted. Think about it. Did you plan it? Did you do anything to cause it? The answer is of course NO so how can you be held responsible. ii. That does not mean that you get off scot free. While you may not be responsible for your illness, you certainly are responsible for managing it. 1. You are responsible for not picking up that first drink or drug. 2. You are responsible for making amends. Understand, amends are not just saying you are sorry. Amends are about changing your behaviors. You cannot undo what has already happened, but you can change your future reactions. e. Recognize that yours is a disease of the thinking process. This means that you cannot think your way out it. Instead you have to build a support system that you can rely on to think for you, till you learn to think for yourself. (If you think you need an opinion, just ask your sponsor and/or counselor and they will tell you what it needs to be. Continued on page 10

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Regaining Trust in Recovery By Marilyn L Davis

Active addiction is about dishonesty, disloyalty, manipulation and taking from people, often your family and friends. Recovery from those self-defeating behaviors is going to take time, energy, and effort to correct. Most actions, attitudes, and behaviors become mechanical and habituated over time. They become the normal way you think, act, and conduct yourself. Many people realize in their early recovery that they are still thinking and acting as they did in their use; viewing interactions with people from the standpoint of “What’s in this for me?” They find that they either embellish truths by making their recovery progress seem more than it really is, or they minimize parts of their recovery, like their feelings. These are the continued dishonest reactions in early recovery. Family and friends are probably relieved when someone is no longer using drugs and alcohol, but they are still wary because the actions have not changed enough to instill trust. But I Didn’t Use, So Why Don’t You Trust Me? Many people get self-righteous early in their recovery thinking that family or friends should only judge them by their abstinence, not their actions. One of the reasons that family and friends continue being wary and distrustful of people in early recovery is that the actions, attitudes, and behaviors have not changed. Simply because someone quits using drugs and alcohol does not mean that they are going to admit to their past wrongs, change character defects overnight, and make appropriate amends to those they have harmed. Recovery is a process, and earning or deserving trust comes slowly for most people in recovery. What Can I Do To Regain Their Trust? If regaining or earning trust is an objective in your recovery, it is first necessary to acknowledge how much pain your actions caused family and friends. This can be difficult in early recovery, when a part of you simply wants recognition and trust now that you are not using. Feeling sorry for yourself because they do not trust you at 30 days will only set up additional resentments on both sides. If all of your betrayals were the product of your use, then not using would be a sufficient amends, however, if you are honest, you will realize that your use only fueled and worsened the underlying self-defeating behaviors. To look at these self-defeating behaviors and the harm they have caused takes courage; it is evaluating you, the short-comings, the character defects, and taking stock. When you label these negative traits, you make the effort to correct them. Just like anything new that you attempt, you are not going to make changes seamlessly and gracefully. You will fall back into the old behavior and have to correct that action. Motive for Actions One way to prevent this type of reverting to old behaviors is to become more aware of your motive for your actions. Before you follow through with an action, see if you have a self-serving or self-centered motive for the action. Clearly, any motive that is self-centered and self-serving can ultimately harm others, as they were not even part of your decision-making process. Then ask yourself, how likely is it that my action will harm someone else? If you can reasonably decide that there would be no harm to others, go ahead with the action. If you are in doubt, reconsider. Learning to anticipate reactions without predicting outcomes takes time. For instance, your family trusts you enough to let you use their car to drive to a recovery supportive meeting. You understood the terms and directions; go to the meeting and then return the car. You get to the meeting and someone needs a ride home. You start rationalizing and justifying your decision to violate the terms: it is only 10 minutes out of your way; it would be helpful to this other person if you gave them a ride, and your family will understand if you are late returning the car. If you look at motive, you may discover that you wanted to look important to someone, that you were in control of your life, you could give someone a ride; you wanted them to have a particular image of you; not the adult who had to borrow a car, but someone who was nice and helpful. You disrespected your family’s directions, yet again. Moving Towards Trust The simple actions will regain trust from family and friends. Work towards becoming accountable, reliable, and dependable. When you commit to something, honor it. Have the courage to tell the person at the meeting that you would like to help them but you have a commitment to return the car after the meeting. Take five minutes, call your family, and ask permission to make a side trip. Then you need to be willing to accept their decision; after all, it is their car.


Evaluate Your Expectations Regaining trust will take time. The average family has suffered emotionally and often times, financially, from your use. They need to see that the changes in you are not just to appease them, but are genuinely ongoing so that they can feel some measure of security in their interactions with you. Expecting family and friends to take your words at face value sets you up for feelings of frustration, irritation, and possibly resentment. When you believe that they should immediately forgive you, simply because you have stopped using, also sets you up. They do not have to forgive you. Forgiveness is a gift, not an expectation. You know yourself, that there are people who have harmed you that you are not ready to forgive and the same allowances need to extend to your family and friends as it relates to you. That is a hard lesson in recovery and the trusting process, but it can make earning their trust more realistic. Trusting others is about vulnerability; it exposes people to being hurt, betrayed, and harmed. Accepting the Differences in Levels of Trust There will be some family and friends that have the ability to let bygones be bygones and will extend trust and show forgiveness as soon as you quit using. Enjoy these, knowing that other family and friends are not inclined to be vulnerable so quickly. Some family and friends never extend the same amount of trust towards you as they have done in the past because they simply will not place themselves into a position to be hurt by you again. Accepting this can help you stop trying to find the one action that will make a difference to those who will not extend their trust again. If you have asked them how you can correct and repair the relationship and have fulfilled those requirements, you have to accept that it’s not in your power to alter this relationship any more than you have done. There are also new people in your life that do not have a history of dishonesty and harm from you. They base their trust on your dependable, honest actions; showing up at meetings, sharing your experiences, and offering hope to them. Marilyn L Davis, Certified Addiction Recovery Empowerment Specialist Author: Therapeutic Integrated Educational Recovery System (TIERS) an integrated curriculum for recovery. MDavisatTIERS@aol.com

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What is the Difference Between the Drugs Percocet and Vicodin? A Drug Educational Article Presented by Suncoast Rehab Center

With so many drugs on the market today – both medical drugs and illegal drugs – it’s important to understand what these drugs are and the differences and similarities between them. This kind of understanding can help people who are addicted to these drugs understand the pitfalls of taking them, as well as educate others to recognize when their friend or family member is addicted and needs help. Today we are looking at two often confused medical drugs – Percocet (or percs, paulas, roxicontin, blue dynamite, etc.) and Vicodin (vike, vik, Watson-387). First: Percocet Percocet is basically a combination of acetometophin (Tylenol) and oxycodone. Oxycodone is an opiate, and the amount of acetometophin added in actually strengthens or reduces the strength of the effect of oxycodone. The reason Percocet is prescribed is for moderate to severe pain. However, because it is an opiate, it is very addictive. People who are addicted to Percocet often chase a high which includes numbness and extreme relaxation. However, this is one of those drugs on which it is easy to overdose because it’s hard to tell where the high ends and the overdose begins. Overdose symptoms can include extreme drowsiness, pinpoint pupils, muscle weakness, clammy skin, weak pulse, coma, blue lips, etc. That’s from the oxycodone portion of the drug. However, we are dealing with a combination of two drugs – so overdose can also come from the acetometophin portion – these symptoms could include: nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, liver failure, sweating, confusion, and jaundice.

What Happens in Treatment?

Continued from page 6

4. Ok, so what does all this mean in terms of what is going to happen. How do I succeed in treatment? a. The first step is surrendering your will. You are going to have to accept the fact that your best thinking has gotten you to where you are –and it plain does not work. b. Expect to feel emotion. It is not going to be comfortable. For many years you have probably been burying your emotions with drugs or alcohol. c. Expect to be restricted. No you are definitely not going to have the freedom that you had when you were living on your own. Sorry, structure and following directions is a real part of getting better. Yes you may not have your cell phone, carry money, not have access to your computer, etc. Tough! This is all part of shaping the new and improved quality you. 5. What if the court ordered me to treatment? Well, I understand that treatment is better than jail. Besides the fact that it is more comfortable, if you work at it and attain your recovery, you will never have to come back and do it again. Remember the very fact that you were arrested for drugs and/or alcohol, by definition you have a problem. You need help… and it is a far better deal to spend your time productively in treatment than waste time in jail. In short, three steps in treatment are: 1. Sick and tired of being sick and tired. The pain of your disease becomes greater than your fear of changing. 2. Recognizing that you need to surrender your will and follow good orderly direction. This means looking at yourself and changing the things that create problems for you. 3. Acceptance of your disease and your responsibility to manage it. If you do all these things, I can offer you my iron clad guarantee. In the event that you don’t like what we turn out, go back to doing that which you have been doing prior to treatment and we will refund every single bit of misery that you gave up. In closing, if you are fortunate enough to get into treatment, make the most of it! Mitchell E. Wallick PhD CAP CAGC is Executive Director of C.A.R.E. Addiction Recovery.


Next: Vicodin Vicodin is basically hydrocodone mixed with acetometophin. Hydrocodone is a synthetic opiate (this means that scientists start with an opiate and modify it in the laboratory to make hydrocodone), and acetometophin again strengthens or reduces the strength of the affect the hydrocodone has. Like Percocet, Vicodin is an addictive pain reliever. When the hydrocodone portion of Vicodin is made, it’s often made by mixing two substances (as I said above –it’s synthetic). These mixtures are often damaging to the liver. This is one of the differences between Percocet and Vicodin. Percocet is damaging to the liver because it contains acetometophin, both of Vicodin’s components are damaging liver. Additionally, Vicodin and Percocet affect your body differently, so if you are already on a medication for something else, a doctor is more likely to prescribe one painkiller over another – for example, if you are on antidepressants a doctor is more likely to prescribe Percocet as Vicodin can cause harmful physical and mental reactions when combined with most antidepressants. However, because they are both opiates, the overdose symptoms and the high the user is chasing are pretty similar. Though, with Vicodin, the risk of liver issues (nausea, jaundice… death) is higher than with Percocet. They are also both prescription pain relievers – used for moderate to severe pain. If you or someone you know is addicted to Percocet or Vicodin or addicted to any prescription pain pills, contact us today. We have a program with a proven track record to get addicts off of these dangerous substances and back into a safe and healthy life. You can reach us by calling 1-866-572-1788 572-1788. You can also contact us via SuncoastRehabCenter.us.

To Advertise, Call 561-910-1943


Evidenced Based Scientifically Proven Advancements in Holistic Addiction And Mental Health Treatment By John Giordano PhD. (hon.) MAC

Addiction treatment is very personal to me. Nearly thirty-years ago it was me who was having trouble getting free of drugs. My behavior when I was using nearly ruined my life and took away all that was dear to me. If it wasn’t for my family and close friends pushing me into rehab I’d probably be dead right now. I could not be more serious. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t thank the lord for giving everyone close to me the tenacity to keep pushing me in the direction they did. It helped me realize that my life was important too. Their push helped open my eyes and see the bigger picture – a life of happiness and fulfillment. At the time, this was a bit much for me to buy into considering I was a guy from the Bronx living in Miami who had dropped out of high school. But as I stand here before you I can say with complete confidence that life can be fantastic without drugs and/or alcohol. You can achieve anything you want if you choose to do so. The operative here is choice. I’ve counseled thousands of people just like you who were at their crossroad. Do I go left and continue using? I’ve seen that road first hand and vicariously through my clients at the center. I can tell you that there is no good ending to that story. Eventually you will stop using – and if you’re lucky your heart will still be pounding. Your other and best option is to stop using right now. It can be a bit concerning not being able to see what’s around the corner, but it is a far better choice. Rehab is not what some think. In fact many of my clients have told me that it is not nearly what they feared it to be. Rehab has come a long way since I was the patient. There have been more advances in treatment through science over the last thirty-years that it barely resembles what it looked like back in the day. When I was in rehab, it wasn’t working for me the way it was for others. Much of the emphasis at the time was placed on moral character. At the time I believed there were many contributing factors to addiction. I fell back on the eastern and holistic medicine I’d learned while training in karate. I found that I was responding much better when I folded these philosophies and therapies into the program I was involved with. It wasn’t long before I rationalized that if it worked so well for me why not others? So I began developing a program based on the single and succinct core principle of addiction being a mosaic with multiple facets contributing to the disease. While in rehab, I’d committed myself to helping others fight this awful disease. I took the first job I could get at a treatment center and worked my way up the ladder. Every day I learned something new and used that knowledge to develop my own holistic addiction treatment program. It became a near obsession. Eventually I opened my own center and in time partnered with Jerry Goldfarb and Gerald Goldfarb to form G & G Holistic Addiction Treatment Center. My interest was always – and continues to be – treatment. I’d developed many holistic therapies over the years, but some seemed to work better than others. In my opinion, two of the best kept secrets than have taken root recently in holistic/alternative medicine are genetically directed therapies and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. I just can say enough good things about these two therapies, especially when used in combination. Not long ago my good friend and colleague, Dr. Kenneth Blum did a study at my center. Dr. Blum is a world renowned geneticist whose seminal discovery of the reward gene – also known as the addiction gene and the alcohol gene – over twenty-years ago permanently changed the understanding and treatment of addiction. After decades of research he found that people who carry this gene (DRD2-A1) have a genetic predisposition to addiction. They cannot feel the reward and pleasure others experience in everyday life. As a consequence, people with this genotype often turn to drugs and/or alcohol – not to get high – but to alter their brain chemistry so they can feel normal. The study that Dr. Blum and I conducted at my center confirmed all of my long held suspicions. Of the people tested, 74% carried the addiction gene. The debate of nature vs. nurture as it relates to addiction has been hashed and rehashed for as long as the disease has been recognized. The extensive studies Dr. Blum has conducted, including the ones at my center, have once and for all put the debate to rest. The answer is both nature and nurture contribute to addiction. However, statically speaking, nature – or genetics in this case – appears to play a larger role in addiction than nature. I have always believed brain chemistry played a role in addiction. But until now, I didn’t have the empirical data to support my convictions. The same is true in my belief that proper nutrition and vitamin therapy could not only help balance one’s


brain chemistry but also improve it function. For over twenty-years I’ve studied vitamin therapy and formulated my own brand of nutraceuticals specifically designed for addicts in recovery. It was always a work in progress, adding new all natural ingredients and observing the results. Unbeknownst to me, Dr. Blum was developing his own formulation at the same time with the same objective. Support normal brain function while improving genetically compromised functions. We decided to put our formulations through scientific testing that would provide us with meaningful and measurable results. For the study, Dr. Blum and I agreed qEEG (a digital imaging system that shows changes in brain activity in varying colors) imaging would produce the accurate visual results we were looking for. After administering one oral dose of Dr. Blum’s formulation, Synaptose™ to the volunteer, the results were nothing short of amazing. The image showed the brain turn bright red where it was once as black as night. Similar tests showed my formulation, Mental Clarity’s ability to improve cognitive function and repair. Additional testing of addicts who have been administered Synaptose™ claim that the nearly insatiable drug cravings felt less severe; while the addicts who were administered Mental Clarity stated they felt less foggy, more energy and were more engaged in their daily routines. The results of these tests were published in Post Grad Medical Journal, a peer reviewed medical publication. But more importantly, my center is the only one in the world that makes both these genetically directed therapies available to clients with genetic predispositions to addiction. The second best kept secret in holistic/alternative medicine is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. HBOT, as it has become known, uses oxygen – one of nature’s best healers – as medicine. It’s been around for over one-hundred years and is an approved therapy for fourteen disorders by the FDA. In other countries, HBOT is used on a much broader scale for many more conditions. The Japanese boast that no one is more than twenty-minutes from a hyperbaric chamber. Professional athletes use HBOT all the time for physical recovery from strenuous workouts. My wife and I use the HBOT chamber at my center regularly. I can tell you first hand that my experience has been such that this therapy is great for just about anything that ails you. I’m sure you’ve all seen the chamber used to decompress divers with the bends. What we’ve come to learn is that oxygen at greater than atmospheric pressure has far reaching healing capabilities. The human body is an incredible machine in that it knows when and where a trauma has occurred and immediately sets out to heal the damaged areas. When copious amounts of oxygen under pressure are introduced, the body directs the oxygen to the traumatized areas in the traditional way – the blood stream – and through non-traditional venues. With HBOT, oxygen is dissolved into all of the body’s fluids, the plasma, the central nervous system fluids, the lymph nodes, and bone marrow where it is carried to areas with diminished or blocked circulation. HBOT has been proven effective in healing brain trauma similar to what addicts experience by abusing drugs. My clients tell me that after just one treatment they feel much more clear headed with sharpened acuities. Additionally there is growing evidence that HBOT is effective in the ‘off-label’ treatment of a myriad of diseases and injuries such as: brain trauma, stroke, cancer, sports injuries, migraines, depression, multiple sclerosis, autism, cerebral palsy and senility to name just a few. When genetically directed nutraceuticals are combined with HBOT, the results improve significantly. HBOT aids in the efficient transport and distribution of the nutraceuticals. Obviously in this short article, I cannot get into great detail on all the alternative and holistic treatment options available to you. What I’ve presented here is merely a small representation of what is out there. I hope that I have at least opened your eyes to the realistic and plausible options in front of you that you may not have considered until now. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me directly at 305-945-8384. Also for the latest development in cutting-edge treatment check out my website: www.holisticaddictioninfo.com John Giordano PhD. (hon.) MAC, President and Co-Founder of: G & G Holistic Addiction Treatment Center John Giordano is a counselor, President and Co-Founder of G & G Holistic Addiction Treatment Center in North Miami Beach and Chaplain of the North Miami Police Department.

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Options When Your Loved One Refuses Voluntary Substance Abuse Treatment By Amanda Meneses, Psy.D.

Navigating the world of substance abuse treatment can be an overwhelming experience. As the Admission Director at a local behavioral health hospital, I am familiar with the difficulties families face and the questions that arise as they seek help. Due to denial and a number of other factors, patients themselves can be one of the biggest barriers to receiving life-saving treatment. Florida Law offers involuntary substance abuse treatment options through the Marchman Act to address treatment needs when patients are unable to determine for themselves when treatment is necessary. The purpose of this article is to share information in order to help guide families, and reduce stress, time, and obstacles associated with the pursuit of involuntary treatment. The Marchman Act is the Florida Substance Abuse Impairment Act (Florida Statues Chapter 397). The criteria for someone to qualify for involuntary admission under the Marchman Act are: (1) When there is a “good faith reason” to believe that a person is substance abuse impaired, and as a result of which has lost the power of self-control. (2) There also must be inflicted or the threat to inflict physical harm on himself/herself or another; or (3) due to the effects of substance abuse his/her judgment has been so impaired that the person is incapable of appreciating the need for such services and of making a rational decision related to treatment. There are several ways involuntary admission can be initiated: 1. Law enforcement officials through “Protective Custody.” 2. Physician through completion of an “Emergency Admission” certificate. 3. Alternative Involuntary Assessment for Minors where a parent or guardian files an application at an Addictions Receiving Facility. The minor may be admitted short-term for assessment and stabilization. 4. Filing a Marchman Act petition through the county court system. In practice, this is the most commonly seen method of seeking involuntary admission and treatment. This is also the area in which family members have the greatest impact. The process for filing a Marchman Act petition may sound a little daunting at first, but you can take comfort in knowing that many families have helped a loved one through this method. It also unfolds fairly quickly given that Marchman Act Court is held weekly. In general, the procedure is as follows: • A parent, relative, three adults with first-hand knowledge of the patient’s condition, or a licensed service provider can file a petition with the Clerk of Court for “Involuntary Assessment and Stabilization.” • A hearing will then be set within 10 days. A law enforcement officer or court official will serve the patient in person with a notice of the hearing, and the petitioner(s) will receive a notice by mail. • During the hearing, the General Magistrate will review all testimony and may enter an order for Involuntary Assessment/Stabilization. • Following the assessment, adults will only be admitted if they meet criteria for needing detox stabilization. If they do not meet detox criteria, the assessment that was completed in the Admission Department will be submitted to the court and they will be discharged from admissions. Adolescents may be admitted without meeting criteria for detox if substance abuse is having a significant and detrimental impact on their life. • If admitted, the patient can be held at the hospital, treatment, or detox facility for up to 5 days while the assessment is completed and sent to the court. • If the assessment recommends involuntary treatment, then the petitioner is responsible for filing the petition for “Involuntary Treatment.” A second hearing will then be set, during which time treatment may be ordered for up to 60 days, with the possibility for extension. Often the patient will participate in the hearing from the treatment facility by phone. • If the patient is ordered to assessment or treatment and they are unwilling to go on their own, a pick up order may be issued whereby law enforcement will take them to treatment. It generally takes 2-3 days to process. • If the patient refuses an assessment or stabilization, then a “Show of Cause” can be filed by the petitioner or the facility. Once filed, a hearing will be set. The court must offer a “purge” (another opportunity to go into treatment). If the patient still refuses treatment, then another Show of Cause must be filed to be followed by another hearing. At that point the General Magistrate may choose to give an order for a specified period of incarceration in the county jail or at the department of juvenile justice. Seeking legal consultation can make the process simpler and in some cases more effective, but it’s not required. It is important to note that the patient will be assigned a public defender to represent them. The public defender is responsible for seeing that the patient’s preferences are expressed (which may be to avoid treatment).


A frequent concern I hear from loved ones stems from the fear that pursuing the Marchman Act may reflect negatively on the patient’s permanent record. Since the Marchman Act is a civil proceeding, it will not affect their record. However, if the patient leaves treatment, police may be contacted to return them to treatment. The patient can also be held in Contempt of Court for leaving the facility or failing to stay abstinent from substances. In this case, the “Motion of Show Cause” must be filed by the petitioner for the court to take action (as described above). There are many different program options available. It is critical to research which type of program will best fit the patient’s needs, such as a public vs. a private facility, dual diagnosis (i.e., focus on mental health and substance abuse) vs. substance abuse specific, 12-step, religious based, gender specific, etc. Financial constraints are another important element to consider in selecting a program. Private facilities are not an option for everyone due to financial obligations. Individuals and families are encouraged to contact their insurance company ahead of time to determine what levels of treatment are included under the patient’s benefit package. For example, if you’re seeking Residential Treatment, but the benefit isn’t covered under their insurance plan, then either county funded treatment or other levels of care should be considered instead. The General Magistrate will appreciate your proactive approach to help inform their decision on where to order treatment. If state or county funded treatment is the best option, it’s important to contact designated facilities in advance of the court hearing to learn about any requirements necessary to apply for a bed. You will also want to inquire as to whether there is a wait list so the court can consider accommodations for treatment prior to an inpatient bed becoming available. It is important to have a basic understanding of how insurance companies work with regard to covering substance abuse treatment. Once it has been determined that the patient has the benefit for the specific level of care, the next step is for them to be assessed at the treatment facility. This clinical information is then shared with the insurance company to determine if the patient meets their criteria for treatment. If so, they generally authorize a few days at a time. If the insurance company does not authorize treatment, then they are likely to authorize treatment at a lower level of care. For instance, at our Adolescent Residential Substance Abuse Program, an insurance company may choose to authorize treatment in a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), or Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), which is less intensive than inpatient or residential treatment. It is critical to be aware of the fact that insurance companies are not compelled to authorize treatment simply because of a court order. If this occurs and discharge is eminent, then the petitioner would be advised to contact the court to inform of the financial conflict and need for a revised plan. Lastly, one specific piece of criteria that carries the most weight with insurance companies is the patient’s prior participation in lower levels of care such as an Intensive Outpatient Program, Partial Hospitalization, outpatient therapist, or psychiatrist. Typically, failure at a lower level of care is a requirement before the insurance company will authorize a more intensive (and often more expensive) residential level of care. Notably, if the individual is using certain substances daily or in extreme excess, detox may be required before entering into a treatment program. This can often be accommodated either within the facility of choice or nearby. Substance abuse treatment options are far more numerous for adults, and there are many outstanding programs in our area. Fewer options exist for adolescents, if you are seeking voluntary or involuntary residential treatment for your son or daughter; I encourage you to consider Atlantic Shores Hospital. Our Admission Coordinators are available 24/7 at 954-771-2711. Additional useful information and forms can be found at: Florida State Statue 397 http://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2012/Chapter397 The DCF Website http://www.dcf.state.fl.us/programs/samh/SubstanceAbuse/marchman/index.shtml Baker Act & Marchman Act Q&A http://www.bakeracttraining.org/files/faq/ba-marchman_act.pdf Amanda Meneses, Psy.D., Director of Admissions Atlantic Shores Hospital 954-229-1235 atlanticshoreshospital.com

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Codependence In Men By Ken Powers

Heard at a meeting: “My father was the highest power in my family” Men think and act differently from women when confronted with addiction. They are driven to take action immediately rather than to talk about the problem with others as women do first! When repeated attempts to fix the problem fail, men become angry and frustrated thinking they are a failure. They also become confused because what has worked in the past to solve problems does not work when dealing with alcoholism. After repeated failures, guilt sets in and they become even more motivated to “solve the problem.” In a nutshell, men react by controlling, raging and taking action, women try to be better wives or mothers, do more for the addict and redouble their efforts to use nurturing to “solve the problem” There are predictable childhood roles that lead to codependency in men. Here we will explore those roles and maybe give you some insight into how each of you became who you are. The alcoholism in one of your parents may have had more to do with that than most of you realize! Is Your Identity Inherited from Alcoholism? The following childhood roles have long been accepted among program people and recovery authors. They are typically played by children from alcoholic homes. What follows will answer the question most often asked of professionals when they work with the families with alcoholic loved-ones; “But how did this happen to our family?” The Class Clown draws attention away from the pain and dysfunction at home by entertaining others. This child is “cute.” He or she is always truly immature, but plays up the immaturity to draw attention away from the big people who are the dangerous alcoholics. Inside this child is filled mostly with insecurity. The following quote from the work From Survival to Recovery describes this child beautifully. “To diffuse the battles that often raged around us, or to divert our parents from their attacks on one another or other members of the family, some of us learned to entertain. We tried to blunt family crises with jokes, stories, musical performances, or even comedy revues. We became quite talented and popular with our classmates. Society rewarded us with the laughter, applause, and attention, but in time we found that even when we desperately wanted to shed it the mask would not come off. We felt driven to perform and talk compulsively even when we were exhausted or needed comfort ourselves. Intimacy was difficult for us to achieve, because tender or passionate moments prompted us to joke or wisecrack.” (Survival, P.15) The Scapegoat Child acts out, gets into trouble, and gains attention while deflecting attention away from the alcoholic parents. There is open defiance of authority, with anger the favorite escape. This child is most likely to sport an outrageous personal appearance utilizing whatever is currently ‘in’ at the time in social circles. At the beginning of the 21st century this typically includes various body piercing, tattoos, the so-called “gothic” look, or maybe brightly colored spiked hair. This child will at any cost defy the family to the point to where schooling is affected and may even become suspended, expelled, or drop out all together. The ultimate goal of this child is to do the direct opposite of any authority figure. The Hero Child is the child who fantasizes that if he or she accomplishes enough, then the whole family will be ‘Ok’ and look ‘normal’ to the outside world. This child is overly

conscientious, conforms to rules from authority and constantly strives for approval and acceptance from everyone, especially adults. In spite of being a high achiever, the hero child feels inadequate. This child will be the member of the family who will try to make sure harmony is present at the cost of his or her own emotional needs. The Super Enabler is the child often closest to the alcoholic emotionally. This child is the family ‘workhorse’. Typically if a daughter, this child assumes the household chores left undone by both the alcoholic and the codependent parent. If a son, this child is constantly trying to protect his mother if the alcoholic is his father. Either way, inside he or she typically has low self-esteem and there is much unexpressed anger. The favorite role is that of the martyr and this child is the one most likely to be presented to members of the medical profession because another favorite attention-getting device for the super enabler is hypochondria. For The Disappearing Child, to avoid the pain of the chaos and conflict in the living room (which seems to be where most of the drama occurs), the disappearing child finds predictable ways of escaping. One is to adopt another family altogether. This is often another family on the same block where the child has formed a trusting friendship with a playmate and that playmate’s family has created a welcoming home. Throughout childhood this home is where the disappearing child heads after school after checking in with Mom, Dad, or an older sibling. The disadvantage (or possible advantage) of this escape is the loss of closeness with others in the family. The advantage, besides avoiding dysfunction, may be life-long friendships formed with these special neighbors, unless of course the process is interrupted by a family crisis or a move. This phenomenon of constantly relocating is, in program oral tradition, called “the geographical cure”. Another escape for the disappearing child is to retreat to his or her room. Here solitary hobbies like building models are favorites. Modern kids plant themselves in front of the computer playing video games, or escape with TV. Finally, there is the ultimate disappearing act…the one that happens deep inside the imagination. Here children retreat to whatever world they can conger, often complete with imaginary playmates. Taken to extreme this can lead to psychosis. Drive through neighborhoods throughout America after school and count the number of children out-of-doors playing with other children. Chances are there are significantly fewer than what most of us experienced in our own childhood. This is due in part to the fact that, for disappearing children, the reality in which this child lives is extreme and often unbearable. If you relate to these concepts, you might want to delve deeper into the subject of codependence in men. Our new book We Codependent Men–We Mute Coyotes (copyright 2011, Recovery Trade Publications) does just that. The work is available through all standard outlets in both paperback and in E-book forms. Ken Powers is a writer in the field of recovery for families of alcoholics and addicts. He writes two blogs with over 200,000 readers and just published the new book We Codependent Men-We Mute Coyotes. As a man with over 30 years working an Al-Anon program Ken is a rarity

Holidays, Loneliness, and Being Human By Michael Aanavi, PhD

Christmas, 1986. I was at my aunt’s house in New Jersey. As always, she had prepared a huge feast and had invited family, friends, and neighbors. (I’m Jewish. My aunt and her family celebrate Christmas. But that’s a whole other story.) I had been in New Jersey for a couple of days, and had brought with me what should have been enough heroin for the duration, but true to form I’d done it all on the first night, and by Christmas was in my second day of withdrawal. I hid out on the couch in the basement all day, dopesick, listening to the goings-on upstairs, wishing I was somewhere, someone else –wishing I could hold down solid food. I felt horrible, physically and emotionally. I was isolated, lonely, miserable, and full of self-loathing. I told everyone I had the flu, but my mother knew what was really going on, and gave me some of her valium. It helped –a little.

helpful in combatting feelings of loneliness, shame, and alienation –the sense that one is not like everyone else, all of whom seem to be happy and enjoying their holidays. The thing is, many people, recovering or not, really don’t enjoy their holidays. Many “normies” struggle with feelings of isolation and loneliness, whether they’re alone or with others. And like people in recovery, they may not give themselves “permission” to be honest about their holiday unhappiness –they may feel obligated to simply show up and smile. As painful as these feelings of loneliness and isolation may be, even more suffering arises from not being “allowed” to experience them; whether individually or in group settings. It can be a tremendous relief to share these feelings with others, not just for the support and connection that it offers, but also for the relief that derives from allowing oneself to have uncomfortable feelings, from simply allowing oneself to be present with them.

Many recovering addicts and alcoholics have these kinds of memories, or some version of them –feelings of isolation, shame, disconnection from others during the holiday season. And often, especially in early recovery, the experience of holidays and family isn’t so different from what it was during active addiction. Dark, short days, in and of themselves, can make for funky moods. Family dynamics –and intoxicated family members –may not have changed, and being in the midst of these familiar patterns can trigger cravings, or bring up other old feelings. Then there’s the ubiquitous, “Don’t you want some egg nog? There’s only a little splash of rum in it,” and, “C’mon, it’s New Year’s Eve, not even just a sip?” And when, as is often necessary and healthy, recovering people make the decision not to attend toxic family events and drunken parties, there’s a sense of being defective, as if, somehow, this feeling of being different, of being alienated during the holidays is one’s own damned fault.

Feelings of alienation and loneliness are natural –a part of the human experience shared by all, whether recovering or not. Many philosophical frameworks have arisen in response to this, in an attempt to make meaning of it, to find ways to bear what sometimes feels unbearable. Spiritual traditions also describe this experience, sometimes as a sense of disconnection from the divine, sometimes in the form of being disconnected from the present moment. The fact that so many philosophers and spiritual figures have grappled with this phenomenon is yet another indication not only of how pervasive this experience is, but of how normal it is, how much it is simply a part of life.

Traditional recovery wisdom suggests avoiding the pitfalls of isolation. During holiday season many recovery fellowships hold “marathon” events that can be tremendously


In the recovery world, a great deal of attention is given to the dangers of the addictive tendency to isolate and this is, of course, important, especially during the Continued on page 22

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Florida DUI Laws and Penalties - Penalties for a DUI in Florida By Myles B. Schlam, J.D.,CAP/CCJAP

Pleading guilty or no contest to the crime of Driving under the Influence in the State of Florida has statutory minimum mandatory penalties that must be imposed by the court. That means the lawmakers up in Tallahassee have decided to take away some of the discretion of the Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Courts in determining what sentence to give to someone pleading to or found guilty of Driving Under the Influence. Note that these are minimums for a Florida DUI conviction. The Court can impose more; in fact, for a DUI, the court can impose jail. However, understand that these Florida statutory minimums are required only when convicted of a DUI. If the DUI attorney negotiates a reduction of the charge from a DUI to, say, reckless driving, then the minimum mandatory penalties does not apply. If the DUI attorney negotiates a dismissal of the case, then the penalties do not apply. If the DUI attorney wins the case at trial, then the penalties do not apply. Below I have listed the possible penalties associated with a DUI conviction in the State of Florida. Possible Jail Time A standard first time DUI conviction can result in up to 180 days in the county jail. If the blood alcohol level was over a .15, or if a minor was in the vehicle at the time of the incident, then the maximum jail time is increased to 270. If there was damage to another person or his property, the maximum jail time is 365 in the county jail. A second DUI conviction is punishable by up to a year in jail. A third DUI conviction within ten years of a previous DUI can be a felony if the prosecutor so chooses, and is punishable by up to five years in prison. A fourth or subsequent DUI conviction is also punishable by up to five years in prison. For a first time DUI in Florida, the prosecution oftentimes does not seek jail time. However, when there is an accident involved, or some other aggravating conduct by the defendant, the prosecutor may seek a term of incarceration as part of the sentence for the DUI. For a second time DUI conviction in Florida that is within five years of a previous DUI conviction, there is a minimum 10 days required in the county jail. A third time DUI within 10 years of a prior DUI conviction in Florida requires a minimum of 30 days in the county jail. Fines and Court Costs The fine for a first time DUI in Florida is between $500.00 and $1,000.00. If a .15 or higher blood alcohol content is obtained, or there is a minor in the car, then the fine is between $1,000.00 and $2,000.00. A second DUI conviction within 5 years of a previous prior DUI conviction will result in a fine of between $1,000 and $2,000. If there is a .15 or higher BAC or a minor in the car, then the fine is between $2,000 and $4,000. A 3rd DUI conviction or more will result in a fine between $2,000 and $5,000. Probation and cost of supervision A DUI conviction will often include a probationary term of up to one year for a misdemeanor and five years for a felony. Cost of supervision while on probation is not cheap; usually 50-60 dollars a month during the period of probation. The other penalties of the DUI conviction, like the DUI School and the fines, are considered conditions of the probation. If the conditions are not completed while on probation, the probationer can be violated. If violated, the probationer could face up to the entire term of incarceration that he was facing before he was put on probation. For a first time DUI, that means violating probation could result in up to 180 days in the county jail. Ignition Interlock and Impoundment The ignition interlock is another costly condition of probation that might accompany a DUI conviction. Specifically, a first time DUI conviction with blood alcohol content of over .15 will result in a 6 month ignition interlock requirement. A second DUI conviction in Florida with blood alcohol content over .15 requires 24 months of the ignition interlock device. In Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties, the device is roughly $200.00 to install, and has a monthly service fee of between $50.00 - $100.00. Note: It is the interlock device is required even if you do not own a vehicle! Just the other day, a Judge in Broward stated on record that this requirement never made sense to her. A lot of judges have stated the same, but the legislature has made it statutory.


Any second or subsequent DUI conviction in Florida will result in impoundment of the vehicle, unless doing so would be a hardship to the family of the driver. There are exceptions that may apply if the vehicle is operated for business purposes. Driver’s License Suspension Even though the Florida DMV has likely already administratively suspended the license after the arrest, a DUI conviction results in a separate and distinct driver’s license suspension. On a first DUI conviction, the court will order a 6 -12 month license suspension. A second within 5 years of a prior DUI conviction will result in a five year suspension. A third DUI within 10 years of any one prior DUI is also a minimum of a five year driver’s license suspension. A third DUI within ten years of convictions for any two prior DUI’s in Florida is a ten year suspension. The fourth conviction is a lifetime Florida license revocation. The driver is eligible for a hardship license immediately on a first time DUI if the DUI School is complete. On a second DUI within 5 years of a prior conviction the driver is eligible for a hardship license after 12 months. On a third conviction within 10 years of a prior DUI conviction the driver is eligible for a hardship license within 12 months. On a third within ten years of two previous prior DUI convictions the driver is eligible for a hardship license after 24 months. On a fourth DUI conviction, no possibility exists for a hardship license. DUI School Every Florida DUI conviction will require DUI School. The first conviction will require Level 1 DUI School. A second or subsequent DUI conviction requires multiple offender school. Any substance abuse treatment deemed appropriate must be completed as a condition of the probation. The probationer must pay for all this. Community Service Every conviction requires 50 community service hours. These can sometimes be purchased with an additional fine to the court. Finally: If you are facing mandatory jail time for any of the above DUI categories, there are cases where the jail time can be converted into Treatment time in a residential rehab setting. The Defendant will usually have to admit that they have an alcohol or drug problem and are eager to seek treatment for their substance abuse problem. In most cases the amount of residential treatment time must be greater than the amount of jail time offered. For example, if the State is asking for 60 days jail time, we would normally propose a 90 day treatment plan in lieu of jail time. This is strictly up to the discretion of the Court with the consent of the State Attorney’s Office. At ASI, we specialize in Alternative Sentencing, specifically Alcohol or Drug Treatment in lieu of jail time when possible. However, in some cases, depending on the gravity of the crime, damages, injuries, etc., jail time cannot be avoided altogether. We have in most cases been successful in at least reducing jail time with the added condition of completing one of our treatment programs successfully. If you or someone you know has received a DUI in the Dade, Broward or Palm Beach counties and you think you may be a candidate for Alternative DUI sentencing, ask your Attorney to contact us. We perform evaluations on DUI defendants and then will make the appropriate recommendations to the Court and State Attorney. DUI’s are very technical and you would be smart to hire an attorney who specializes in DUI’s. If you have not yet retained an attorney and would like assistance in finding the best attorney for you, ASI can link you to our affiliate attorneys in the tri-county area. Clients who are entering one of ASI’s treatment programs are offered special discounts in most cases. Any questions or comments about the Marchman Act or other Interventions can be referred to ASI at mschlam@drugtreatmentpro.com. Myles B. Schlam, J.D.,CAP/CCJAP Advocare Solutions, Inc.- Executive Director (954) 804-6888 www.drugtreatmentpro.com *Myles B. Schlam is a nationally recognized expert in Drug Addiction and the Criminal Justice System and an Internationally Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor. He is one of 100+ Criminal Justice Addiction Professionals (CCJAP) in the State of Florida. Mr. Schlam graduated from the St. Thomas University School of Law in 2002. ASI is licensed by the Florida Department of Children and Families and operates in Palm Beach and Broward Counties.

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The Paradox of Power By Dr. Carol L. Clark

The secret to happiness lies within the Serenity Prayer, in that it helps us to understand that the only thing we are able to control in life is our own thinking. When we can truly grasp and then accept this premise, we gain awareness of our true power within all relationships – personal, business, community, and spiritual. It is by trying to control anything outside ourselves that we experience frustration and misery, so why do we try? As children, we take in messages about ourselves, often unspoken or indirect, that form the filter for our adult lives. The most common of these messages are “I’m not good enough,” “I’m not important,” “I’m worthless,” “I’m a failure,” or “I’m a bad person.” Our caregivers are usually not trying to give us these messages. They often believe that they are acting in a beneficial way, as when a parent tells the child that he needs to bring that “B” up to an “A” on his report card. The parent thinks that he is being encouraging, but the child only hears he’s not good enough, or one of those other negative messages, and so develops a personal template of either not even trying or of trying really hard but never being satisfied. (Think CEOs, actors, and political figures, for example.) The original messages were created internally from eternal circumstances, but lead to trying to control the external in an attempt to change the internal belief. In so doing, we remain disconnected from others because if we let anyone get too close, they will see that we’re not good enough and reject us. In our attempts to control the people and events around us, we further disconnect ourselves since we cannot be Connected when we are above or below someone else. Therein lie the seeds of addiction. The enduring, underlying pain of disconnection can be alleviated through addictive thoughts and behavior. When we obsess about something and compulsively act out in spite of negative consequences -be it drugs, alcohol, shopping, gambling, sexual activity, or food – we discover a relief of pain and can pretend we are in control. It is, of course, an illusion, and when it wears off, we need more and more to get the same effect – relief of pain masquerading as pleasure and covering up that emptiness of the soul. When we come to the realization that our lives are out of control and that nothing external can change our internal belief system, we can take the first steps to recovery. We can begin to recognize and heal the underlying trauma from childhood, we can make a decision to Connect no matter how scary that might be, and we can choose to live in the moment and give up control to our Higher Power, whatever that may be to each of us. When we let go of trying to control people, places and things, and accept that all we can really change is our own thoughts about the world around us, we can have true power. The Serenity Prayer: God, Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference. Be In Light, Dr. Carol L. Clark Author of Addict America: The Lost Connection

Holidays, Loneliness, and Being Human

Continued from page 18

vulnerability of early recovery. This kind of isolativeness is a behavior, not a feeling, and the distinction is, I think, an important one. It is indeed essential not to overindulge in isolative behavior; however, that doesn’t mean one won’t –nor that one shouldn’t –experience feelings of isolation and loneliness. (And, as is often the case, feelings of loneliness may have nothing to do with whether or not one is physically isolated –for example, feeling alone in a crowd is an experience of which many have spoken.) Yes, there are concerns specific to people in recovery –potentially dire consequences if, as traditional wisdom suggests, one becomes too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. But by no means is it suggested that one should never be lonely; in fact, quite the contrary. Although perhaps even more intense at holiday time, feelings of loneliness, isolation, and alienation are part of ordinary human experience from which people in recovery are by no means exempt. Recovery isn’t about getting rid of uncomfortable or unwanted feelings –rather, it’s about learning to be in daily life, on its own terms; it’s about becoming, over time, ever more human, with all the vulnerability that entails; it’s about simply feeling what and how one feels, without the suffering that arises from believing it should be otherwise. Dr. Michael Aanavi is a Clinical Psychologist, licensed acupuncturist, and recovering heroin addict in private practice of Psychotherapy in Berkeley, California (www. michaelaanavi.com). He is the author of The Trusting Heart: Addiction, Recovery, and Intergenerational Trauma (www.thetrustingheart.com).


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Back to the Basics of Recovery - Steps Six and Seven By Wally P.

Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. Some A.A. pioneers refer to Steps Six and Seven as the “second surrender.” In Step Three we ask God to “take away (our) difficulties,” even though we may only have a general idea as to what they are. In Steps Six and Seven we surrender the specific items that are preventing us from tapping into the “Power greater than (ourselves) that will solve our problem.” In the first paragraph on page 76, the “Big Book” authors provide details about this second surrender: “. . . (W)e then look at Step Six. We have emphasized willingness as being indispensable. Are we now ready to let God remove from us all the things which we have admitted are objectionable? Can He now take them all—every one? If we still cling to something we will not let go, we ask God to help us be willing.” Throughout the “Big Book,” the authors make clear we must be willing to take certain actions if we are to overcome our addictions and compulsive behaviors. On page 568, the authors state that, “Willingness, honesty, and open mindedness are the essentials of recovery,” and on page 124 the authors explain the importance of willingness when they write, “We grow by our willingness to face and rectify errors (our liabilities) and convert them into assets.” Willingness implies acceptance without reluctance. We must have no reservations about giving up the liabilities we talked about in Steps Four and Five; specifically, the resentments (page 64), the fears (page 68), and the harm we have done to others because of our selfishness, dishonesty, inconsideration, jealousy, suspicion and bitterness (page 69). As we learned in a previous article, “Healing is in the sharing, not in the writing.” During the Fourth Step, the sponsor writes down some generic names and puts some marks on a checklist. The objective is to compile an amends list, not chronicle every dastardly deed or questionable behavior the sponsee has ever engaged in. In Step Six, we ask the God of our understanding to remove the liabilities that are blocking us. If we are unwilling to let go of some of these shortcomings, the sponsor and sponsee together pray for the willingness to have these shortcomings removed.

we will cover in the next article. Wally P. is an archivist, historian and author who, for more than twenty-three years, has been studying the origins and growth of the Twelve-step movement. He is the caretaker for the personal archives of Dr. Bob and Anne Smith. Wally conducts history presentations and recovery workshops, including “Back to the Basics of Recovery” in which he takes attendees through all Twelve Steps in four, one-hour sessions. More than 500,000 have taken the Steps using this powerful, time-tested, and highly successful “original” program of action. On March 16, 2013, Wally will be conducting a “Back to Basics” workshop in Fort Myers, FL. For more information, please go to www.aabacktobasics.org.

Back to Basics Basics--101 An introduction to the Twelve Steps of Recovery

During this seventy-five minute DVD, Wally Paton, noted archivist, historian and author, takes you through all Twelve Steps the way they were taken during the early days of the Twelve-Step movement. Experience the miracle of recovery as Wally demonstrates the sheer simplicity and workability of the process that has saved millions of lives throughout the past seventy years. Wally has taken more than 500,000 through the Twelve Steps in his Back to the Basics of Recovery seminars. He has made this “Introduction to the Twelve Steps” presentation hundreds of times at treatment centers, correctional facilities, and recovery workshops and conferences around the world. This is a DVD for newcomers and old-timers alike. You can watch it in its entirety or divide it into three segments: Surrender (Steps 1, 2 and 3); Sharing and Amends (Steps 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9); and Guidance (Steps 10, 11 and 12). The accompanying CD contains twenty-four pages of PDF presentation materials for facilitators and handouts for participants. Here is everything you need to take or take others through the Twelve Steps “quickly and often.”

This prayer can be life-changing. I have personally witnessed many “psychic changes,” as the direct result of making this “petition” in the presence of the sponsee. I have seen abuse issues resolved and fear issues overcome with this simple request for willingness.

Wally has modified the “Big Book” passages so they are gender neutral and applicable to all addictions and compulsive disorders. In keeping with the Twelve-Step community’s tradition of anonymity, he does not identify himself, or anyone else in this DVD, as a member of any Twelve-Step program.

The Sixth Step question is a rewording of the third sentence in the first paragraph on page 76. It reads:

This DVD was recorded at the Public Broadcasting Service television studio in Tucson, AZ using high definition cameras, flat screen graphics, and PowerPoint overlays. It is a state-ofthe-art production that is both instructive and enlightening. “It works—it really does.”

“Are you now ready to let God remove from you all the things which you have admitted are objectionable?” If you can answer in the affirmative, then you have taken Step Six and are ready to move on to Step Seven. In the Seventh Step we turn our assets as well as our liabilities over to the “Power greater than ourselves.” Then, we ask the Power to give back to us only what we need “to be of maximum service to God and the people about us” (page 77, lines 3-4). According to the “Big Book” authors, being of service is our “real purpose.” We ask the God of our understanding to remove the blocks that have been standing in the way of our recovery. We ask that these blocks be taken away, not for our own well-being, but so we can help others. We get out of ourselves by working with those who are still suffering or who have lost their way. Once we remove those things that have separated us from the Power greater than human power, we become much more efficient and effective in our ability to carry a beneficial message. This is a selfless program and the Seventh Step prayer exemplifies this concept of selflessness. The prayer is found in the second paragraph on page 76: “. . . My Creator, I am now willing that you should have all of me, good and bad. I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character which stands in the way of my usefulness to you and my fellows. Grant me strength, as I go out from here, to do your bidding. Amen.” Even though we have identified the blocks and asked “the One who has all power” to remove them, the blocks are not cleared away until we make restitution to those we’ve harmed. We do this is Steps Eight and Nine which


To order this DVD plus CD, please contact: Faith With Works Publishing Company P. O. Box 91648 ~ Tucson, AZ 85752 520-297-9348 ~ www.aabacktobasics.org DVD+CD Price: $79.95 + $11.05 (priority s/h) Total Price: $91.00

Center for Counseling and Psychotherapy will be holding support group meetings for adult children who have suffered due to the impact of alcoholism, co-dependency, and /or parents and spouses of addicts, and anyone whose relationships have been impaired due to the effects of addiction. This group is open to the public and will meet on Tuesday, February 5, 2013 at 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM. This is a free group open to anyone wishing to learn more about the ravishes of addiction. There is also the COURSE IN MIRACLES, which is also free, and will be taught every Thursday evening (beginning the first week in February) at 7:30 PM For further information, please contact: Elizabeth Caparros, LCSW Center for Group Counseling 333 Camino Gardens Blvd, Suite #102, Boca Raton, FL 33432 561-573-3595

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Prevention is Not just another catch phrase By Janice Nargi

Everywhere you turn someone is talking about the war on drugs. Opiate addiction claims 16,000 lives annually, surpassing alcoholism in many regions of the United States. Missouri, Ohio, California, Arizona, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Massachusetts are but a few States boasting grass root movements, calling attention to the opiate epidemic, especially among the teen population. Parents and concerned citizens have taken it upon themselves to educate their communities about the fact “heroin is in your town too!” And while communities are waking up and facing the problem head on, it appears the government is lagging behind. The Federal Government recently published the 2013 budget, announcing the allocation of funds for both prevention and treatment of addictions. The government has heard the outcry for more federally funded rehabs for the under or uninsured, and those without the financial assistance for a program. In 2012 over $8.7 billion dollars were spent on treatment programs nationally; $9.2 billion dollars are proposed for early intervention and treatment services for individuals with drug problems. This represents an increase of 4.6 percent ($403.0 million) over the FY 2012 enacted funding level. On the flip side, Federal resources totaling $1.4 billion support education and outreach programs aimed at preventing the initiation of drug use. This represents a nearly 1 percent decrease ($-12.9 million) over the FY 2012 budget. These lopsided figures are representative of what is wrong with the war on drugs; it is reactionary instead of proactive. My son, who is currently 6 months clean from a horrible, almost life-ending heroin addiction, asked me what could be done to prevent addiction from occurring. “It’s everywhere, Mom. How is talking about it going to help?” Honestly, I don’t know, but we have to start somewhere. During our nine- year struggle with addiction, we were met with closed doors and buried heads. The resources were out of our reach and prevention was not heard of, as it was a disease of stigma and shame. Stevie had to be in the ‘system’ to receive federal or state level assistance; law enforcement was reluctant to arrest him before 18, as he would get a minor sentence that would not keep him off the streets. The school system didn’t have a problem, my son did. It appeared the only help we were going to get was building a “three strikes and you’re out” case against my son. And this budget reflects the same cautionary and reactive stance the government took nine years ago. What does prevention look like? Prevention starts in the home, with parents talking openly and honestly with their sons/daughters. It starts with locking up the medicine cabinet and destroying unused prescriptions. But it only starts there. Talk to an addict and they say the same thing every time. “If I had only known, I wouldn’t have done….” We shelter our children from the news when a lone gunman massacres 26 innocent people, 20 of whom were 7 or under. We shield their eyes from the destruction caused by earthquakes, hurricanes, even acts of terror. But we let them watch glorified versions of addiction as a form of entertainment. My son told me had he heard from someone his own age describe the squalor they lived in while chasing the dragon, going days without a shower, a meal, or a place to lay their head; or If he had witnessed or heard first hand the struggles the addict faced, instead of being forced to listen to those twice his age lecture him on what not to do, things might have been different. Teens all think it can’t happen to them, when in fact, it is exactly the teens it is happening to at an alarming rate. Some people say programs like DARE do not work. I think waiting until 12 years of age to educate children about drug use and abuse is too late. We need to start DARE and other drug educational programs in kindergarten with students and parent involvement. Some ideas to aide in the education and prevention of drug abuse are: Mandatory participation in a drug prevention program starting their first day in school; mandatory participation in the PTO, forums designed to keep the parents and the community informed on the status of drug activities in their community, and mandatory parent /pupil participation in order for the student to be able to participate in athletics, after school activities, dances and graduation ceremonies. We added metal detectors in schools and closed campuses; why not invite drug dogs and random drug testing into the schools as well? We have this crazy notion students have the right to privacy; when I was in school, I was basically property of my high school and searches could be conducted without my parents permission or mine. Even my own son said had the school brought in drug dogs and made an example out of him, he might have been scared straight. We added and then removed school resource officers from the schools because it was too expensive, but after the Newton Massacre, there is now a new -found outcry for armed security in our schools again. The fact is, your son/daughter is at ten times greater risk to being exposed to illicit drug use than being the target of a lone crazed gunman. And yet, we still don’t take the drug epidemic seriously enough to enact change in our schools. As more and more families are torn apart from the consequences of drug use and abuse, education and prevention take on new meaning. It is not good enough


anymore to only teach about the dangers of drug addiction and the consequences, we need to educate parents not only on the signs of drug abuse, but how to handle their drug addicted son or daughter. We need to teach the difference between tough-love and enabling, provide family support and out reach programs; we need to provide and educate on the use of narcan(used to try to reverse a drug overdose); and work to enact laws such as the Good Samaritan Law, to aide in the prevention of overdose. It appears to me the government has thrown up their hands and surrendered to the war on drugs as a lost cause. The budget reflects a “we can’t prevent them mentality “and focuses on dealing with the fall out of addiction: rehabilitation and punishment. There has to be another way. Prevention is not a cure-all, and neither is Education. However, I believe if we spent more time facing the problem head on, instead of burying our heads and pretending it doesn’t exist, we can make a difference in our communities. Grass root movements like “Not One More” in Simi Valley California, TINHIHFoundation in Tucson, Arizona, and the anti-heroin rallies in Illinois and Missouri are working separately and corporately to raise awareness, provide education and provide prevention strategies in their communities without funding from the government. It starts with one and it starts at home. It takes a village to raise a child; it takes the nation to win the war on drugs. There is no hero in heroin, only those who overcome. Janice Nargi, a single mother of two, is a registered nurse who worked in enough ER’s to know the signs of addiction, but failed to recognize them in her own son. Through her popular blog, There Is No Hero In Heroin, she has exposed the reality of teenage heroin addiction, allowing other families to benefit and learn from her experience. An active member of Al-Anon. Nar-Anon, and several online addiction recovery groups, Jan’s credentials are in the field of hard knocks. She has utilized her twenty-eight years leadership experience to form the There is No Hero in Heroin foundation, and established the annual World Wide Black Monday Event to raise awareness for loved ones lost to addiction.

I Can’t Stop Crying By KJ Foster

I can’t stop crying thinking of you dying This pain in my heart is tearing me apart What have I done to my beautiful son Feels like only yesterday your life had just begun Precocious and so smart Gifted from the very start On stage your star burned bright Guided by an inner light Your future seemed certain delight Then darkness came to call and took away it all Spiraling down a hole your addiction took control Body, mind and soul I can’t live in the why, the what or the who It doesn’t help me and it doesn’t help you There’s nothing I can do It’s all up to you The more that I try I assist you to die I love you so I want you to know I’d lay down my life To make it alright To see you get well Not living this hell I can’t stop crying thinking of you dying This pain in my heart is tearing me apart What have I done to my beautiful son Feels like only yesterday your life had just begun September 18, 2009

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The contents of this book may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without consent of publisher. Every effort has been made to include accurate data, however the publisher cannot be held liable for material content or errors. This publication offers Therapeutic Services, Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitative services, and other related support systems. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for, nor does it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health care professional because of something you may have read in this publication. The Sober World LLC and its publisher do not recommend nor endorse any advertisers in this magazine and accepts no responsibility for services advertised herein. Content published herein is submitted by advertisers with the sole purpose to aid and educate families that are faced with drug/alcohol and other addiction issues and to help families make informed decisions about preserving quality of life.

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