Core Exercises to strengthening the body pillar In the U.S., about 75% of yoga participants are women, as are 90% of Pilates participants -- but men are catching on as "core strength" is the new rage in fitness. It’s had been reported, that men tend to prefer exercises and activities like bench press, that can be directly measured by reps and weight, however, the tide may be turning as pro-athletes are looking to "core strength" to prevent injury. 1. Glute Bridge: Lie face up on the ground with your arms to the side, knees bent and heels flat on the ground. Lift hips until knees, hips and shoulders are in a straight line. Hold for two-to-three seconds. Repeat several times. 2. Lateral Pillar Bridge:
Lie on your side with your forearm on the ground under your shoulder. Push your hip off the ground . Create a straight line from your ankles to your shoulder. Hold this position for 15-to 30 seconds. Repeat several times. SoccerDroid eMagazine - June 2015 Pg. 1-2
3. Plank with Arm Lift: Start in a push-up position with your feet and shoulders apart. Without moving your torso, lift your right arm up and slightly to the right. Hold for one to two seconds. Then switch to the right arm and do the same. Repeat several times. Core-strengthening exercises seek to bolster all the muscles of the torso from top to bottom and front to back, creating a balance that enables athletes to stand tall, limbs in alignment down to their feet and hands. The particular exercises that strengthen core muscles involve stretching and balance routines that also enhance flexibility....Many sports-medicine specialists expect corestrength exercises to become the third leg of public-health recommendations in regard to workouts. Just as cardiovascular exercise is promoted for heart health and resistance training for strong bones, experts expect corestrengthening movements to gain public-health favor for avoiding muscularskeletal pain and injury, particularly of the neck, back and hips. "In the sports and fitness worlds, the benefits of core strength exercise are accepted facts," says Bill Sonnemaker, a personal trainer and spokesman for IDEA Health & Fitness Association, an educational association for fitness professionals.
By MindBodyGreen SoccerDroid eMagazine - June 2015
Pg. 2-2