Hustler 239

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Hustler H239

Winter 2015

Cover Photo Jade Modelling this years latest Gsxr750r on the Suzuki stand at motorcycle live

Hustler 239 Winter 2015

Editorial Alan Hancock (Alan H ( Ed))

Suzuki Owners Club Suite 240 Divo House 29 Belmont Road Uxbridge UB8 1QS

Editor’s Report Once again I offer my gratitude to all that have sent me their hard work, without that The Hustler would be impossible to produce. Please please get writing and send it as soon as possible. In the following pages are a collection of informative and entertaining articles, all of which have been gratefully received for publication. This exchange of experiences and skills is the very basis of our club. I feel that the more we each put in the more we all get out. Please feel inspired to send me articles about rides and trips past and present to swell the pages of our magazine. Fingers on keyboards or pen to paper please, I will take submissions at any time, the sooner the better, text as word type files or just as an email with separate JPEG (jpg) photos at the highest quality you can please. As I do not have the software to handle embedded photos in docx or pdf formats. Articles can be on any subject, club or member related. Email me if you have any questions or ideas.

Last submission date for Issue 240 1st March Neither the Suzuki Owners Club nor its National Committee are necessarily in agreement with the opinions, views or suggestions expressed in this magazine. Any such opinions, views or suggestions are entirely the author’s and publishing them does not imply the endorsement of the Suzuki Owners Club Copyright Suzuki Owners Club 2007. All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without permission of the Suzuki Owners Club.


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Chairman Pete Dibble ( Bugman )

Well yet another year has passed and we are now in the start of yet another soggy new year with exceptionally mild albeit moist weather upon us. I have a number of thank you’s so I will get them out of the way now. Firstly to you our members, thank you for all your ongoing support of the club but also your National Committee it is very much appreciated. Secondly Thank you to everybody that supported the club at Motorcycle Live 2015. Finally a huge thank you from myself and the NC to Keith Ferris, who has decided to stand down as Membership Secretary, It was with deep sadness that I had to accept his resignation and without his sterling work in bringing the database up to date and streamlining the systems since he took on the role after the EGM, the transition to me care-taking the role would have been impossible. Further thanks also has to be passed to his wife Angie as well, she tirelessly worked away in the background making sure Keith had all the additional support he required. Hopefully we will soon see an improvement in the weather so that we can all enjoy crisp winter ride outs. As usual Tink is busy in the background to work out a shows programme for the ensuing year and looking for help from members, as always your help is very much appreciated and needed in manning the show stand, and you are generally rewarded for your time by getting free access, and where available camping to enjoy the benefits of attending. Keep an eye on the Events Diary, NC on tour continues and hopefully during the coming year to a location near you. Until next time Keep safe, Ride safe, and I hope to see you all soon. Regards Peter aka Bugman Don't forget to Register on our web site

Suzuki Owners Club Suite 240 Divo House 29 Belmont Road Uxbridge UB8 1QS


National Secretary Sue Carr (Gofer750)

What a roller-coaster of a year we have had so many great events and shows, camping weekends and get together's, it has been a really amazing year for the club with lots more to come! It has been a great experience meeting members, chatting to potential members and gearing up for the NEC Motorcycle Live Exhibition, the SOC final exhibition of 2015 and what a great one it was with a great deal of support from members helping out, Suzuki GB and, of course, the members supporting the club by buying NEC tickets and visiting the stand, it was lovely to see everyone, we even had a few surprises and a visit from our member in Norway! You can read all about it in the NEC report!! Now it is the quieter time for biking we will be looking at events, camping weekends and the way forward for next year, continuing with our NC on Tour Roadshow, if you would like us to come and visit your area please let us know, email us me at the contact details at the top of the page. Please keep all suggestions, ideas and offers of help coming, we value every comment, offer and idea and are happy to discuss them at meetings or via email/phone, it is you, the members, that make this such a great club so lets make 2016 our year! I look forward to seeing as many members as we can at the shows, please contact Tink if you can help out or display your bike, all help is gratefully received. Ride safe, Sue

Touring Officer Mark Seager (Darkstar)

Hello I've got a few weekends in mind for next year including a weekend to the Isle of Wight more on that later I'm thinking of Diksmude in Belgium a couple of weekends in France and a weeks trip either to Ireland or Hamburg in Germany. Unfortunately I can't give dates as yet as my job is changing next year and I don't know what my shift will be until next year which is a pain but I will be going to Kortijk next easter. Just some news from January 2016 you will have to carry a high viz waistcoat you don't have to wear it unless you break down I know a lot of you already do use one I've carried one for years just in case. Mark


Treasurer John Carr (jlcarr)

Hello to All. Things are looking good for the club this year as with the money coming in from the dating certificates and merchandise being sold through various shows is starting to go up. We know we've had a big layout with the NEC, but that should balance itself out with hopefully the new members that will join the club and the amount of merchandise we sold on the stand, as it was a very busy 9 days for us, I would say we handed out around 500 Hustlers and BMF magazines all with membership forms in them, so we'll just have to wait and see. Now the important bit. Bank account. £2270.22 Savings.£8454.29 Charity. £555.24 PayPal. £184.57. As you can see the moneis have gone down a bit, this is due to the costs of the NEC. Once we reckon up all the costs and takings, then we can get a true figure of what we made or how much it has cost the club. But the idea of doing this show is getting our name out there and promoting the club. John Carr

Shows Trevor Trueman (Tink)

Hello and thank you to all the members who have helped over the last few months on the shows. There has been a superb turn out for all the shows so far which is fantastic. I am now trying to recruit a shows team around the UK. This is so we can have people in different areas around the country who will have a small amount of shows stock and attend events in their area. This will allow us to book more than one show on some weekends and open up new shows. So places like Devon and other areas can host shows and not have to have myself or Peter turn up with the stand. If any one likes the idea of being part of the shows team please feel free to call or email me to talk about what it will involve Thank you again Tink Shows Co-ordinator Phone 07890181013


Merchandising Officer James Weidenbruch ( Rockhopper )

What a difference a week makes….!!. I say that because with the NEC being pushed back a week this year so that all the big names could get back from showing in Milan, my whole end of year itinerary from Club orientated to personal stuff seems to have been thrown into disarray. I seem to be behind on lots of things and with the days flying past very quickly to Christmas shut down, I’m hoping I will have caught up with everything by the time that happens. The first thing I would like to say is a huge thank you to all of the SOC and NC members who gave up their own time to help man the stand and made it undoubtably the best show I’ve been to. The star of the stand had to be to our glass lit show cases that were a definite crowd puller and at last replaced the very tired and redundant display cases we had been using for far too long before. The fact that the people could see for the first time what we had to offer certaintly added to the overall good effect of the stand and undoubtedly added to the reason why we started to sell out of stock on certain items by mid week. My second big thank you has to go to Tink who took up the reins of Show coordinator from Alby White at the last AGM and has certainty proved himself to be a very capable organizer with the shows. Although Tink would be the first to admit he did very little to organise the NEC this year, he none the less did an outstanding job on the stand setup which showed with all the positive comments we received from both SOC members, the public and also from Suzuki GB officials who said how professional the stand and the people manning it looked in our SOC shirts. This can only be good for the club as we strive to build a much closer and positive relationship with Suzuki GB once more. Unfortunately I do not have accurate sales figures at this moment in time as I am still playing catch up with all the paperwork we generated at the show, but I do know we sold out on certain badges, torches, mugs, woollens, lighters, stickers etc. So come the New Year, I am going to be busy re stocking on these items and as always looking for new stock items too. Did anybody see the Suzuki boxed sets of Christmas tree baubles for sale on their stand….Interesting ah, and I wonder? My only disappointment has to be not selling our remaining corporate salmon coloured woollen hat. No, it’s not pink Sue……...!! ? Regards James (Aka Rock Hopper)


Tech Officer

John Carr (jlcarr)

Its been a busy few months since my last report on the dating certificate side, as an average we have been getting around 4 to 5 per month so that is good. Its bringing money in that's keeping the club going, I've had a few strange ones but people must realize that a dating certificate and letters will only last 6 months from the time of issues. So that's why I tell people the bike must be at least 3/4 finished before I can issue any of these, I've been asked by a lot of people can I give them a history of their bikes, but that would mean having a database the size Swansea (dvla) would hold. So I cannot give you that information on bikes in question, all the club hold is a database for the frame numbers as to the years of the bikes concerned. I have had an offer from Martin Crooks who I meet at the NEC, that if I get stuck with a difficult bike he said he would gladly help us out. That was very nice of him also Suzuki GB said the same, so things are looking up for the club. John

Events Laura Dyer (LauraD)

Well the New Year has come and the centre meets are in the diary of events. A great well done to those centres who have kept up and running planning events and asking me to post them. It is this that keeps everyone out riding as a club. Forward planning also helps keep everyone informed in the Hustler. I can only post what I am informed about so please keep me abreast of your events. A big thank you to those that organised charity ride outs before Christmas, rallying round supplying gifts to the young children who may not have been able to make it home to family or who are less fortunate and may have gone without a gift. This is a big part of the motorcycling community and something this club is very proud of. The clubs biggest charity ride co-ordinator is Alby White from the East Mids centre. Alby likes to be contacted personally so you may not always see his events on the board, however he is active and would love for people to join him and enjoy ride outs. That is about all for now. Please let me have your events. Many thanks. Laura


Public Relations Geoff Goode (Mad Cockney)

Happy New Year to you all. I hope everybody had a great Christmas and New Year, while at the same time thinking of those that have been flooded out during the constant heavy rains and storms. One of the things that I think about and affects the club is how both members and those outside see us. Every aspect of the club, every aspect of the administration, the interaction between members reflects on us and how we perceive each other. Therefore every officer, department, and activity, and member of the club is important and helps to provide that friendly and integrated feel. One of the good indicators for the club to how those outside perceive us, especially companies operating within the motorbike world, is how they address, approach us and want to be involved or associated with SOC and its members. You will have noticed that we have had some good competitions with exceptional prizes. We are now being approached to evaluate different items and to give truthful reports on these. The latest, if you have been on the forum or Facebook page, is for a new sports touring Metzeler where they have asked for us to evaluate them and put in an honest report that we can also publish in Hustler. (This is a good reason to hangout on the forum, the club's Facebook page or both as you will then hear about these and therefore may be able to participate. Even word of mouth is not always fast enough.) From a members point of view though the above are important the most important is the interaction between members. Watching the forum and Facebook page it is great to see a lot of new members popping up. Some of these new members are in or close to an existing centre or group that they can meet and join in with, but where that is not the case then we will always try to help in whatever way possible in getting people together. And people meeting up will normally attract others so adding to your circle of SOC members that become friends. Well the better weather in theory should be approaching. So hopefully we will all be meeting up on our steeds and enjoying some fun time together in the very near future. Take care Geoff


Riders Rights Micheal Griffiths ( Griffo)

Where to start for this issue ? It seems that the complaint about the legislation for daytime running lights on cars will not be altered. As most are aware that new cars have daytime running lights on. A complaint against it has not changed things. It is a European directive and funnily enough the front lights only are lit. No lights required at the rear. The other thing we have to keep tags on is the use of earphones when riding or driving. Outside the UK you cannot wear earphones at all. At present the sound level ,on a radio etc., if excessive, you can be prosecuted. A keen watch has to be made, along with representation about the use of earphones. It would cause problems for hearing your sat. nav. etc. The off road motorcycle riders are still challenging the proposed banning of 4 wheel and 2 wheel powered transport on R.U.P.P.'s (roads used as public paths) and B.O.A.T.S. (Byway open to all traffic) Many County Councils are trying to stop this activity. Please be alert to any notices being posted on the 'Green Lanes' in your area and do not hesitate in contacting me if you come across any such notices. If you ride the Green Lanes , please ride with consideration and at a sensible pace. If you come across people riding motocross bikes , just have a friendly word and explain to them that bikes have to comply with the road traffic act to be used on the lanes. It is for our and other legal users benefit. Just a reminder to all selling and buying bikes. The tax on a vehicle is your responsibility from the day you buy it and not the end of the month. Nice for the DVLA as they coin in double the tax for that month as refunds only come from the end of the month. For anybody thinking of bringing a vehicle into the UK the NOVA form is required. (Notification Of Vehicle Arrivals) The form to be submitted within 14 days of import. As it is the festive season I wish you all the best for holiday and a prosperous and high mileage new Year... Keep it rubber side down. Griffo


Membership Pete Dibble (Bugman)

Since the AGM Numbers are as follows. New Memberships 57 Renewals 51 (Numbers Correct as of 01/01/2016) We welcome all our New members and look forward to meeting you at an event, NC on tour or rally soon. We offer our deepest sympathies to Tricia Quinlan for the passing of her husband Geoff. Who was a longstanding member of the club for 24 years. Geoff sadly died on the 1st of November 2015. Regards Peter aka Bugman

London Centre John Carr (jlcarr)

The London Centre has not had a lot of ride outs this year as most of the planned ride outs clashed with shows, and as most of the London centre are part of the NC we have ended up going to the shows. But we will try our best to make up for this once we get the list of shows from Tink our ride outs will be planed at different times. As I know that I would like to get on my bike not just going to work on it but getting out with friends in the club for a day out. Centre Secretary. London Massive.

East Mids Centre Alby White (alby)

Staffordshire Centre Gordon Thompson (Barmy Burger)

Yorkshire Centre David Hebblethwaite



Southcoast Centre Laura Dyer (laura d)

I would like to start by thanking the south coast crew for supporting the centre whilst myself and Alan have been busy moving house and getting sorted. They have helped at the NEC and have run some of the south coast events. So, from Alan and myself – Thank You. September was the Brighton burn up on the sea front. October saw Mark Seager meeting south coast members at the south of England real classic show. November was the NEC show which we encouraged our members to go to. December was the long awaited Reading Toy run. Welcomed to Kevin Mosley house for a morning bacon butty then on to the start point of the toy run. Where over 2000 people meet for a well organised ride to Banardos school. Hot refreshments before the dash home at sundown. Thanks to all the south coasters for supporting these events and making it all worth while. The end of year new years Christmas dinner saw many of us celebrate together at a harvester in Crawley with South coast AT trophies going to Pk and Alan Everest also Sue Everest and Julie Seager, a fun secret santa and a good old club raffle. We are looking forward to 2016 and getting out and about. The events are on the board. Contact me if you want to know any thing. Cheers to all and a good year ahead. laura

London Centre Camping John Carr (jlcarr)

The London Centre camping weekend was held this year at a new venue, the George Hotel in Dorchester on Thames and boy what a great place. The majority of us arrived around lunch time and started setting up the tents and gazebos for the tea and coffee stop and a permanent supply of hot water in the burco. We were pleasantly surprised by how friendly the neighbourhood is, a nice lady called Fiona came out of her house that backs onto the area and said she would leave the hose pipe out for us to get water if we needed it and then later on her next door neighbour came out and asked if we wanted any power, he was happy to plug in an extension lead for us. What nice people, they even told us where the shop was and a bit about the village we were in. Friday night was a relax night with everyone heading down to the bar for meals and a few drinks and meeting some of the locals and what a lovely friendly bunch they are, asking us about the club what we get up too within the club. So it was not till late in the evening ,well, more early


morning, that we left the pub and headed back to our tents. We got up the next morning to a nice warm day so kettles went on and after a few cuppa’s we all marched down for breakfast in the George. Oh boy what a great breakfast we had the full monty, fresh fruit yoghurts, cereal as well as a full fry up and as much as you wanted, so with full bellies we returned to the camping area to discuss as to what we were going to do that day. Weather did not look to good so some people just hung around talking while others went out to Henley on Thames for a look around and a mission to find a quiz book for our Sunday night quiz! There was plenty of tea on tap and our very own entertainment duo, Richie and Jeenna, we had great fun playing games and joining in with the antics of the Stafford Centres youngest members! So Saturday was sort of a chill day, most of us had a wander around the village we were in, a lovely place, nice and friendly. We had a wonderful surprise visitor, the lovely John Storrie, thank you John for coming along and sharing so much with us. Saturday night we all spent in the pub after the manager Liam made us a barbecue, South African style, and boy what a meal we had I couldn't name any of the dishes but it was a fab meal. Then we returned to the bar for a few drinks. Sunday morning brought rain but very fine type so there was talk of going on a ride out but most of us just decided to stay put, and have a breakfast again in the pub and then back to the field for more talking and more tea or coffee so Sunday was a bit of a wash out, some went out on their bikes while others just sat around and talked the hind legs off a donkey. Tea time came around so in the pub for a meal and get ready for our quiz, as no one could find a quiz book a bit of surfing was done and, as we were in the ‘Midsomer murder’ area I looked for a quiz of that type. So 10 minutes later and we had a great quiz for later that night, sorted! By the time came around to do the quiz the bar was full, so there was our bunch as well as a load of customers and everyone put in £1 to enter and the money raised all goes to our charity the NABD, a grand total of £80 raised, thank you to everyone who took part. 26 questions later we had a winner, 2 customers who just popped in for a drink and a load of laughs between questions, answer papers were marked by other teams What a good night it was with everyone have a good time. The pub could not be more accommodating to us and everyone had a good time. We got up on Monday morning to a wet, damp day and as it was our last day it was a bit of a slow morning, so more cuppa’s and then packing up time. People filtered off at different times to head home and we hope they enjoyed themselves. A big thank you to everyone who attended, you all made it a great weekend especially John Storrie, thank you for the time you spent with us, the lovely chats, anecdotes and history shared, it was amazing! 13

Farewell to The Abbey

Kev Mosley (Boy Blue)

Sunday 11th October 2015 saw the last speedway meeting to be held at The Abbey Stadium, Blunsdon, Swindon after 66 years of action in the same stadium and home of the mighty Swindon Robins. The first meeting held on 23rd July 1949 (over 10 years before I was born and a little less before I was thought of). So why am I interested in sharing the Abbey Farewell with you. Maybe because Swindon Speedway has been a part of my life from literally before I can remember. My late mother and my father met at The Abbey in the mid 50s, married in 1957 and out I popped in 1959 (all in the right order or so my Gran always said). I was enrolled as Junior Robin at just 5 days old and have been screaming for The Robins ever since. My mothers family, East End of Londoners, were involved with speedway for many years supporting West Ham Speedway before Mr Hitler forced their departure by flattening their manor and they ended up in the Wiltshire countryside (well it was then). It did not take them long to again become involved with speedway with my late grandfather being a committee member and latterly chief marshal at Swindon and my late mother being the chief Majorette parading the riders to the start line for many a year. Perhaps the sight of mums uniform and good looks was enough to turn dads head and the rest is history so they say.

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I am very pleased to say that the family link continues with Swindon Robins as my eldest daughter, Sarah, being an ardent Robins fan, giving me the “excuse” to keep attending and this season we have been to most home matches but the 90 mile round trip means we miss the occasional meeting. In my past I have been to many away meetings at Cradley Heath, Exeter, Weymouth, Newport, Oxford, Reading, Wembley and Odsal Bradford, all teams or tracks that no longer exist along with Poole and Coventry who are still with us. I have also had the honour of riding the TLR around Peterborough track heading up the BMF Show parade, but it has to be said not sideways. From the first meeting in 1949 a challenge match to Oxford which we lost 39 – 45 we have never been one of the speedway leagues more glamorous clubs but we do not lack spirit in the teams we build. Over the years speedway has flourished at Swindon with there being many great riders coming through our ranks including the great New Zealander Barry Briggs who was world individual champion 3 times, winning 2 of them whilst riding for Swindon. I also have a particular memory of Barry Briggs as in 1964 (at the grand old age of 5) it was my honour to represent the Junior Robins and present a tyre to Barry at the end of season meeting. He promptly picked me up sat me on the bike and took me for a lap of honour of the track. This was probably my first time on a bike, so he has a lot to answer for. Many great riders have graced us at the Abbey including local boys such as Mike Broadbanks, Bob Kilby, Martin and David Ashby and of course Malcolm Holloway and Alan Rossiter. Malcolm and Alan were lads from my village who we used to see regularly and look up to and to see them ride for our home town team and now of course manage the team. Probably the greatest rider in Robins history is the fantastic Leigh Adams, an Australian from Mildura, probably the best rider never to have won the world championship but finishing second on many occasions. Leigh is a true gentleman and would never show his anger on the track unlike some of his opponents.


Speedway has undergone many births and rebirths over its time and in its time Swindon have only ever won the top honour of champions of the top league twice and I am happy to say I have been there for both. 1967 saw the Robins crowned British League Champions and 45 years later I was there for the crowning of The Elite League Champions in 2012. There have been many other honours in our history but the pinnacle for any speedway club is league champions. For the uninitiated speedway is a tribal sport of a team of seven riders completing a 15 heat programme of races with each race consisting of 4 laps of a shale track. The winner picks up 3 points, second place 2 points and third 1 point. From a home team perspective happiness is a 5-1 victory. It is very rare these days but it is possible to win a meeting 75 -15 but we have been known in recent seasons to rack up 60 – 62 points in a meeting. It is a complicated sport behind the scenes with averages, team building, loan riders etc but probably the simplest of motorsports on the track. Bikes are 500cc single cylinder of varying manufacturers where single fixed gearing is individually chosen and where, on longer tracks, 55 – 60mph is capable but there are NO BRAKES!!! The bikes are ridden broadside around the corners and despite many people’s opinion there are many overtakes and some fantastic riding abilities these days. So what happens next? Well the future of speedway in Great Britain is always on a knife edge as there is little money in our sport and waning gate receipts but things are looking up. Belle Vue are just about to start a new season in their new Manchester home, The National Speedway Stadium and we have just had a British rider Tai Woffinden crowned world champion for the second time which always creates a buzz in the sport. And for Swindon, well there is a new stadium about to be built (in 5 months apparently!!!) so we will start again next season in our new home just about 500 yards from The Abbey. If you have never been to a speedway meeting please go along and take a look. If you find yourself at Swindon there will always be a warm welcome from the first bend posse at our perch on the first bend so come along and meet us. If you cannot make Swindon there are many other tracks all over the country from Edinburgh and Glasgow to Somerset and Plymouth but none as good as my club (well I would say that wouldn’t I). There is a good 3 tier league system in operation and British Youth speedway is flourishing with good young riders being encouraged through the ranks. So we bid a final farewell to The Abbey on behalf of the Mosley family and hello to a new era of Speedway in Swindon and who knows maybe another league title soon.


North East Centre Kev Close (bandit12kev)

Well here we are at the end of another year. It's been an eventful one for the NE centre. We had two riders coming off on separate occasions, both recovered well and one of them, Ed was back on his bike in August. He proudly sent me a text saying " I've had a run on my bike , only 60 miles, but I couldn't stop smiling ". My year of biking was curtailed in August when I has a total knee replacement. The last ride I did was a superb day out with the club to southern Cumbria and a trip to Crooks Suzuki in Barrow. Back to our centre's year. We've had a busy year as usual with ride outs, fundraising nights, our " famous camping weekend" and centre meetings. The year started with a fundraiser night at the Heather Lad, Suzukioake Steve entertaining us and we raised funds to get the band for our May weekend. Ride outs started in March with a run to Rothbury and Hadrians Wall , April saw us in the Lake District on a beautiful Easter weekend. Superb weather but the traffic was horrendous but what do you expect I suppose. Early May we went south to Knaresborough and Harrogate with a short extension to Pateley Bridge. I suppose you can't not go to the Oldest Sweetshop in Britain when you're there so I came away with pockets bulging of strawberry bon bons and Edinburgh rock. Whit Bank holiday towards the end of May was our camping weekend. A superb weekend with Steve on Friday and Sunday night with his 'Suzukioake" and a great band on the Saturday night called Tubesnake. Sunday's ride out was to "Heartbeat" country and Whitby. A great ride out and some famous sights taken in. The Whale Bones, the famous Whitby abbey and 'Aidensfield" Arms . Scripps garage in Aidensfield is always a popular place to stop. We are so lucky to have great roads, fantastic scenery and spectacular sights just on our doorstep.


June's event was at Oliver's Mount " the Barry Sheene memorial races". I unfortunately couldn't make this run due to my holidays but I gather from those that attended it was an excellent event. Suzuki GB were involved and the club had a stand there. Members of the club got to go around the circuit on a parade lap and I gather some went a bit quicker than others, I wish I could have been there. Late June saw the centre heading up to the borders of Scotland. St Mary's loch and the Sami Ling Monastery. Only a couple of lads on this run. I'd just returned from holiday and my jet lag ruled me out but Rob Cooper and Keith Stapleton did the run. Keith had the misfortune of coming off the road. Now he doesn't do things by halves this guy. He just could have gone into a ditch or just toppled over but no, he had a 20 foot drop over an embankment and over a stone wall. Rob was outstanding, he called the emergency services cared for Keith, contacted me and Keith's wife, made sure the bike was taken away and secured properly and went with Keith to hospital. He stayed with him till about 7 o'clock then rode home alone, no doubt shell shocked by the whole thing. That's why the guy was given a centre award and the clubs achievement award the Suzuki GB trophy. I know we say if something happens we would all do that but this guy did it. Top Man. July's event is a big thing in the north east. Durham Police Bikewise event. This is a big motorcycling extravaganza and a great day out for the whole family. It was run slightly differently this year and we were in a marquee in the main arena area which was great as we felt more part of the event. Also our centre member Kyle Grimwood impressed the judges with his Honda CX500 cafe racer which has a GSXR front end by getting a second place in the custom class. Well done Kyle and congratulations to you and your new wife Nikki who tied the knot in August. August saw 10 of us heading back over the Pennines to southern Cumbria and Barrow in Furness. We were told Crooks Suzuki were having a demo day so we went there. We didn't get to try the bikes out as it was too busy but it was great to locate the famous shop who have supported the club for many years. September's meeting is our presentation night. The Heather Lad very kindly put a buffet on for us and we present the AT Trophy and Lady Trophy. I was fortunate to receive this years AT award with 25 events and Maureen Bell won the Lady Trophy with 14 events. We also presented Rob Cooper with a special trophy and Keith Stapleton did the honours.


September's ride out saw the club at Squires cafe in Yorkshire. A bikers Mecca and a venue to see every style make and model of bike there is on any given Sunday. So long as you pick your roads the ride there can be stunning. October's run, the last one of the year was a run up the Northumberland coast, Blyth Newbiggin and Amble. The nights close in and the weather isn't always at its best so these runs tend to be shortened or extended as required. Kev Close


NEC Show We finally made it! We found the stand, took some doing as we were in Hall 4, unknown territory for us, but what a great stand, within an arms length of some amazing stands including Davida Helmets, Bell Helmets, The National Motorcycle Museum and Suzuki GB! The stand looked glorious, display cabinets set up with merchandise, roller adverts in place, a stunning bike on display, Thank to Peter Dibble for loaning his Slingshot, Hustlers and BMF mags prepared and ready, cash tins set up and…………………………we’re off! The first weekend was so busy, we were hoarse talking to people, it was a delight learning where people had travelled from, their biking lives, discussing the SOC we gave out so many magazines and forms we were close to running out, oh boy, time to restock and prepare for the week ahead. It quietened down a little during the week but there were still busy periods and we met some very interesting people, including our member from Norway, Rune, who came and said Hello and bought a fleece, thank you Rune, it was lovely meeting you and maybe we can return the honour with a trip to Norway! The merchandise was flying off the shelves a bit of a restock on some items and the Ventura Luggage we displayed for Motohaus Powersports Limited certainly had heads turning generating lots of interest. Thank you to Bonnie at Motohaus for the opportunity to display the luggage and Peter Dibble for using his bike. It was a busy 9 days, with lots to do on the stand, lots to see around the show, we met and made some good contacts, said Hi to existing members of our discount list and paid a few visits to our friends in the owners clubs also displaying at the NEC. A big thank you to Ruth and Andy at the Honda Owners Club for their help, support and, most importantly, fun! We always have a great time with the HOC, a little rivalry and a good laugh, we did try and put our wristbands on the handlebars of their display bikes, it was not long before we were rumbled!! All in all it was a great show with many thank you’s to be extended so here goes: A huge Thank You to Tink and Mariah and Peter Dibble for setting everything up, also to Tink for organising the rota and keeping on


top of everything, many, many Thanks to everyone who helped out, especially Gordon for stepping in when Griffo and I were unwell, you really are a star! Without our members helping out we would not be able to do a show like the NEC so we are very grateful to everyone who helped. A Big Thank You to PK who came up to help armed with a display of days out from different centres, trips abroad as well as storylines telling people of what the club gets up to. He must have sat for hours printing each picture off and laminating it all as well as typing the stories out. A big Thank You to Gordon and Lois for opening up their home and making us all so welcome, big hearts and a wonderful couple. And finally, Thank You to Tim Davies for all his support at the NEC and throughout the year, you are a pleasure to work with and we look forward to many more years of reciprocal team work. Oh, another and finally, the wonderful girls on the Tea/Coffee section of Suzuki GB who tirelessly kept us hydrated, chatted to us and made us feel so welcome, they are so lovely! Well, it is over for another year, time to give all the figures to the Treasurer, pack up the merchandise, adverts and bike and head home for a well deserved rest. Welcome to all the new members who joined us, thank you to all our members who came and signed in and made our day with their tales ans lovely chats. Till next year everyone.



Events 2016

7th South Coast Centre Monthly meet. Loomies Café, Petersfield Road, Alton. GU32 1JX 10am- 12. 1st Sunday of every month. Join us for a chat over breakfast and a cup of coffee. A popular, friendly biker café. On the crossroads of the A272 /A32 you will enjoy both the ride and the meet. Contact Laura Dyer – 07980114208 7th North East Centre Monthly meet. Heather Lad, Quarrington. DH6 4QD 7.30pm- 9pm. 1st Sunday of every month. North East welcome awaits at the Heather Lad. Come along and have a laugh and a drink with the centre members. Contact Kev Close – 07949 035419 13th Excel. Carol Nash Motorcycle show. London Excel. 12-1pm Lunch time meet up for those who are going to the show. Meeting at the Fox pub warehouse K, Western Gateway, Docklands, E16 1DR 14th London Centre Monthly meet. The White House Pub, Uxbridge London UB11 1AA 11.30am. 2nd Sunday every month. The White house Pub. Uxbridge, London. Everyone is welcome. Come along for breakfast a drink and a chat. Contact John Carr – 07768797125 21th Stafford Centre Monthly meet. The Old Smithy 8-10 Castle street, Ecclesshall, ST21 6DF Meeting 12-2pm. 3rd Sunday of every month. A friendly welcome awaits at the Old Smithy. Contact Gordon Flash– 25th East Mids Centre Monthly meet. Meeting 8pm- 10pm. 4th Thursday of every month. Contact Alby White – 07762242309 March 6th South Coast Centre Monthly meet. See details for February . Contact Laura Dyer - 07980114208


Events 2016 6th North East Centre Monthly meet. Heather Lad, Quarrington. DH6 4QD See details for February. Contact Kev Close – 07949 035419 13th North East Ride Out to Rosedale Abbey and N/ Yorkshire Moors, Meet at Bowburn 9.30 am contact Kev Close 07949035419 13th Stafford Centre Ride out to Norbury Junction. Meet at the Old Smithy, ST21 6DF 10.30am Contact Gordon Flash– 13th London Centre Monthly meet. See details for February. Contact John Carr – 07768797125 13th Andrew Carter-Smith British Mini Bikes Racing Championships Racing number 247. Round 1 @ Whilton Mill. contact Andrew 20th South Coast Ride to the Pioneer Run. Meeting at Petersfield Services 10am riding the A272 to the Chalet Café in Cowfold. Then on down to Brighton Contact Laura Dyer – 07980114208 20th Stafford Centre Monthly meet. See details for February. Contact Gordon Flash– 24th East Mids Centre Monthly meet. Contact Alby White – 07762242309 25-28th Easter In Belgium. Staying in Hotel Ibis Kortrijk centrum. Please see the Board for relevant travel and stay information and to meet up with those that are going. 26th Andrew Carter-Smith British Mini Bikes Racing Championships. Racing number 247. Round 2 @ Teeside contact Andrew 23

Events 2016 27th North East Easter Sunday Egg Run. Contact Kev Close – 07949 035419 April 3rd South Coast Centre Monthly meet. See details for February . Contact Laura Dyer – 07980114208 3rd North East Centre Monthly meet. (With Pre Ride Out at 3pm) See details for February. Contact Kev Close – 07949 035419 10th Stafford Centre Ride Out to Matlock Bath, Derbyshire. Meet at the old Smithy 12 castle street , Eccleshall. leaving 10.30am contact Gordon Flash - 10th London Centre Monthly meet. See details for February. Contact John Carr – 07768797125 17th North East Ride Out to St Abbs and Northumberland meet at Bowburn 9.30am contact kev close 07949035419 17th Stafford Centre Monthly meet. See details for February. Contact Gordon Flash– 28th East Mids Centre Monthly meet. Contact Alby White – 07762242309 29th-1st North East Camping Weekend. Heather Lad, Quarrington. DH6 4QD. A great weekend with good company. Live bank, suzukioke Contact Kev Close – 07949 035419 30th North East Ride out. Contact Kev Close – 07949 035419 May 1st Andrew Carter-Smith British Mini Bikes Racing Championships Racing number 247. Round 3 @ Fulbeck contact Andrew - 24

Events 2016 8th South Coast Centre Monthly meet. (Post meet Ride out to Submarine museum) See details for February . Contact Laura Dyer – 07980114208 8th London Centre Monthly meet. See details for February. Contact John Carr – 07768797125 8th Stafford Centre Monthly meet. See details for February. Contact Gordon Flash– 8th North East Centre Monthly meet. (With Pre Ride Out at 3pm) See details for February. Contact Kev Close – 07949 035419 15th Stafford Centre Ride out. Alrewas National Arboretum. Stafford Meet at the old Smithy 12 castle street , Eccleshall. leaving 10.30am contact Gordon Flash - 22nd Andrew Carter-Smith British Mini Bikes Racing Championships Racing number 247. Round 4 @ Redlodge contact Andrew 22nd North East Ride Out to Wakefield Mining Museum. Meet at Bowburn 9.30am contact kev close 07949035419 26th East Mids Centre Monthly meet. Contact Alby White – 07762242309 28th South Coast Ride Out to Amberley Chalk Pit Museum. Meeting at Farlington Service Station 10am or at the chalk pits for 11.15am. Contact Laura Dyer – 07980114208 ONWARDS Besides the usual fixtures and ride outs, Centre camping weekends will also be held by the South Coast in June at fox and goose in Greywell. London centre in July at the George Hotel in Dorchester on Thames, Stafford centre in August Deer Park in Shropshire and the National Invader Rally on August Bank Holiday. 25

Carp and Wobbly Legs Seeing as the “ Uvver Arf ” wanted to go fishing for the weekend, it was decided ( more of an order really ) that a short stay at The Brownlow Arms at High Marnham ( Invader Rally venue) was a good plan, what with a good fishing pond next door, great food at real world prices, Timothy Taylors Landlord on draught and the prospect of some great roads over the flatlands of Lincolnshire for the SV and me it was a “win win” situation. Now before we start I'd like to apologise I have tried the best I can to not make this piece resemble the route directions written down by the walking road atlas and human satnav that inhabited every family who last drove a Morris Minor to Clacton before the planning committee of the M25 was even born. I'm sure you can name the family member. Anyway I digress. While the missus surrounds herself with piles of fishing tackle, I search the road atlas for suitable bike backroads that will include tea and butty stops, with the route mapped out, taped to the tank and the fish biting already ( the monster that got away ) I set off into the late morning sunshine en route for tea and butties in Cleethorpes. The entertainment starts once you turn right onto the road that leads from Newark up to the A57, with a mixture of eagerness, dry roads and warm sunshine its good fortune that the first really tight S bends are restricted by a group of horse riders, who respond with thank you's and friendly waves as the kill switch quietens the rather loud exhaust note, that make most folks jump so will normally send horses off in a shower of sparks off the tarmac in the direction of Aintree. Now this next part on the A57 after the toll bridge at Dunham ( free for bikes) towards Lincoln is not the most interesting and the A46 Lincoln ring road is quite busy with retail park addicts getting their weekend fix of traffic jams, Ikea and McDonalds, though it isn't far to the roundabout for the A518 the main Skeggy road, but once again with the time of day and traffic it keeps the lid on any fun and best behaviour keeps me from filtering at silly speeds, until reaching Wragby and heading for Louth on the A157, immediately the traffic vanishes and the sweet twisty road opens up in front, now a little word of caution, when I rode this it was rurally quite busy so Farmer Giles could appear without warning from hidden gateways, concentrating more on not losing hay bales off his


trailer than the little red dot in the distance travelling at warp speed towards him. Still with eyes pinned open its lovely just swinging the bike through the swoopy bends trying to be as smooth as possible, trying to emulate that smooth, calm, calculated style of Mr McGuinness. Another caution is that sign for right turn to Cadwell Park suddenly appears in the hedge, so watch for last minute braking by traffic that then turns right. Louth ring road appears all too quickly so with the sign and directions for Mablethorpe logged its off round another retail addict infested road. But once again a quick peek at the map shows impending Nirvana, little did I know that this was just to be a taster of things to come. Think Nirvana and AC/DC gigging together as a road, but that is later. I had already decided that I'd miss Mablethorpe and lunch in Cleethorpes ( “Lunch” one is on a Suzuki not a Ducati, its dinner ) So just before the main centre of Mablethorpe the A1031 goes off on the left signed for Grimsby, now here is the Nirvana and AC/DC bit, ohhhh my word those S bends are tight and with the absence of Annabels sat on their Neddy's and a little bit too heavy with the enthusiasm the back end locks up and drifts off sideways, right' find a safe gateway and let a few more pounds of pressure out of the back tyre so it keeps the heat in a little more and grips better, I'd forgotten that solo the SV is very light on the rear end and locks up very easy so dropping the pressure 6psi works a treat. This road will have you whooping and yeehaaaing into your helmet if it doesn't then you're on a Harley and you've ground away those overpriced exhausts. This road leads you through a few villages of Saltfleet and North Somercotes and they are used to us having fun so back it down and behave, the outskirts of Cleethorpes appear just after Tetney, just follow the signs for Town centre and Promenades, which will lead down to the seafront and the welcome sight of the Hawaiian Eye Café with fellow bikers already there having a chat and a brew. Suitably refreshed and ready for more, its off out towards Waltham and Market Rasen on the B1203 and another tea at Willingham Woods ( then more gateway stops but for bladder pressure and not air) only after a few miles the road is closed off by a local bobby so its head North and follow my nose in a series of straights and left turns on little back roads that pound the wrists on the clipons and try to compress knees into the chest, still my detour spits me out back onto the B1203 and off we go. A little further on at the crossroads hang a left and this brings you to the A631 and heading for Market Rasen the layby appears on the left rammed with exoctica from new H2 Kawaski's, Bimoto's and Ducatistas lunching, while


I have another cup of tea and a chat with a V-Strom 1000 owner with some very nice modified sounding pipes. So after all the bike porn on show its back onto my old SV and the homeward stretch. For those who don't know its rare for a camera van not to be at Willingham Woods, so steady Eddie... The route back goes tack in towards Gainsborough on the A631 and then the A620 out of Gainsborough to Retford, even in my truck this is a nice road, so nice they've slapped a 50mph limit on it, with a really smooth surface and sweeping wide bends its very easy to get carried away, which may have happened to the poor dude on the white 1098, that was the centre of a lot of concerned attention back in the summer. Retford is a nice little market town and is always busy so it's a relief to get out on the A638 even though its 40mph and speed camera's, but once clear of suburbia its bike heaven again with one or two particular nice sets of bends on the way to Markham Moor and the A57 back towards Lincoln and a nice warm down pootle to the thoughts of Timmy Taylors and a nice meal off the pub plat dejour specials ( posh Ducati influence) The choice of routes and distances are very much like the choices of food and real ale in the Brownlow Arms, most excellent and someone even caught some fish, didn't you dear ???? Andy Hooper. AKA Hedgemonkey

Ways to Join Credit or Debit card via the clubs Secure Server at Or Paypal to Use a membership form, available at dealers and shows & send cheque/postal order to: Suzuki Owners Club, Suite 240, Divo House, 29 Belmont Road, Uxbridge,UB8 1QS Telephone card payments with Debit/Credit cards can be taken by calling: 07811407397 Bank Transfers can be made to: Account number: 20177822 Sort code: 20-05-74 For new members the reference should be: NM and your name For renewals the reference should be RNWL Membership number and name Please notify the membership secretary when paying by bank transfer,

Please help us keep in contact with you. If your details change contact either by post, online pm or email to including your membership number


Suzuki Bulletin New Special Editions Unveiled At Motorcycle Live Suzuki has revealed a host of special edition models at Motorcycle Live, including a full range of 30th anniversary GSX-R models. It’s 30 years since the original GSXR changed the sportsbike landscape forever, and to celebrate Suzuki is launching four special anniversary models. Both the GSX-R600 and GSX-R750 will be available in the blue and white livery of the original machine, while the GSX-R1000 will be available in both the classic blue and white and red and black colour schemes. On top of the special livery, all of the anniversary models will come with a titanium Yoshimura R11 exhaust as well as other Yoshimura hard parts, including bar end weights, top yoke nut, engine case savers, oil filler plug, engine timing cover plugs, and paddock stand bobbins. They’ll also benefit from a double bubble race screen, wheel stripes, pillion seat cowl, tank pad, frame protector, top yoke protector, and fuel tank trim, as well as a special 30th anniversary decal on the fuel tank. Both special anniversary GSX-R1000 models are in dealerships now, and will cost £11,599, while the GSX-R600 and GSX-R750 models are available from early 2016, and come with an RRP of £9,199 and £10,199 respectively.

Copied from Suzuki Bulletin 29

NEC Show Tickets In the early part of 2015 the N.C. as a collective took the important decision of looking into the possibility of buying 100 NEC tickets which would have allowed us to have a free stand at this years show. After much deliberation we finally decided to keep it small and keep the stand at the 3 x 3 size that we have historically gone with. This meant that we would be required to buy 100 tickets up front at £1,750.00 and then recoup the money through our ticket sales to members and the like. The next decision was at what price to set the tickets, the face value was £17.50 and the rules stated that we where not allowed to sell at above this price. We finally agreed on a price of £15.50 which we all felt was very good value and would only leave us with a short fall of £200 to cover. A4 laminated posters were duly made and posted to every Suzuki dealership in the UK along with posters for bike meeting places, cafes and other venues. The support we received from our dealerships was on the whole very good and good contacts have been made that will carry us forward with other projects we have for 2016. Purely as a networking evolution alone, it has paid huge dividends to the club. In the end we managed to sell a total of 55 tickets, which meant although we did not manage to sell all of them, we never the less still managed to cover our costs that we would have incurred had we not gone down this route and just paid out for the stand direct from club funds. As with all new ventures like this, we had more than our fair share of double sixes thrown at us along the way and even though you think you have everything covered and know the process well from having attended many shows before, I lost count of the number of times the club had to change to plan B and deal with yet more delays and frustrations. But, as with all of these things it’s only when you can sit down after the event and go through it all that you begin to understand where we could have done things differently or just better. On the whole we did very well indeed and what we achieved in the end was excellent. As an indicator towards this and when speaking to the Honda Owners Club, in their first year of selling tickets to fund their stand they only managed to sell a third of the tickets. What they did go on to say was that future sales in following years were mostly made up from return buyers. With this in mind and having a much clearer view of the whole process from start to finish and knowing where the delays are, means we have a much better chance of succeeding if we decide to do it again.


A big factor that played against all of the bike clubs selling tickets this year was that some of the major bike manufacturers ran competitions where you could win one of 500 free NEC tickets purely by logging onto their websites and registering as an owner. On top of that, live promotions did the same sort of offer for our European bikers. I lost count of the number of Irish bikers we met that week that had taken advantage of a free pass and a Ryan Air 40 euro special day return. Would I recommend the club does this again? Yes I would. Knowing what we know now and having talked to other clubs who already do it, we are in a much stronger position to sell out next year and we have the benefit of knowing how to maximise sales by changing how we do things. As with all of these ventures it’s the members who have a big part to play in how successful we are and it’s their support that we really need. The reality is, if every member had found just one person who needed a ticket we would have been over subscribed six times over. Lets all play our part in making 2016 NEC another roaring success.

Ardingly Classic bike show 2015

Mark Seager (Darkstar)

I've been going to this show for a few years now it started quite small but now it's growing into a fairly big show with a lot of bikes and trade stands from around the Sussex and south surrey area Julie and I arrived at about 11am waiting inside by the entrance while looking at the bikes parked up after a while we went to look around the show while Julie was looking for a new helmet we bumped into PK so we walked around together I met my mechanic and had a chat about my 1400 running rough time for a coffee the sun was shining and it was warm most unusual for the time of year we spent a couple of hours walking around there is quite a lot to see plus lots of bikes for sale some ok others very rough. Soon it was time to say good bye to Pk and we left for home a really good day out


RF Achilles Heel Part Two Now here’s the rub, because although the modification cured one fault I feel that the design of the sacrificial coupling inadvertently caused another fault to occur. This being that either the material used in its construction or how it’s constructed means that it is still not able to withstand the forces that are present in this area. Unfortunately due to the age of the bike and the fact it went out of production in 1998 means there is unlikely to be any changes made to the post mod coupling assembly and therefore it’s a matter of RF owners having to continue to replace this item as and when required. One answer I know that has been adopted by several RF owners is to return the starter clutch assembly to the pre modification state of being a direct shaft drive. Obviously this puts the bike in danger of a catastrophic failure should the shaft sheer. It also requires the change of the whole alternator unit as post mod alternators are not compatible with pre mod clutch assembles. The way you can tell which is which is that pre mod alternators have green labels on whereas post mod ones have black labels on. You are also undoing a modification to a bike that was put in place to make it safer, so not quite sure how the insurance companies would view that one when you and your bike are sliding down the road due to a shaft failure. One other possible cause of failure is the process used to drive the coupling home into the generator drive hub assembly in which it sits. If the coupling is not pressed home flat and flush all round then vibration could be generated, or, if a socket is used to drive the coupling in while resting on the composite material this could also cause a possible failure of adhesion between the metal rings. While the vast majority of failures are around the outer composite area I have also been made aware of the centre spline area failing too. It seems to be a problem with lots of factors that all go together to make the coupling fail. The fact is it will fail it’s a sacrificial failsafe part by design. What you can never be sure of is just when that will happen and if any of the other factors are helping it along the way.


As for me, the bike is back together and working. I lost a week’s leave on the bike due to all the delays and inspections needed, but at least I have a better idea of what went wrong and why. For my part I am going to try a different style of riding such as not riding with the lights on, use the front brake more often than using the gears to decrease speed and keeping the battery on trickle charge at night to keep it topped up and see if it makes any difference to the life of the coupling. The main thing is I am going to see my mate Roy (Fastfitter) and find out how to do the job myself and save a lot of money. James W (aka Rock Hopper)

Wales Weekend Mark Seager (Darkstar)

We left late due to Julie not being able to get off work early so I knew we would hit traffic and did we! It took quite a while to get through it but eventually we got through after a long motorway ride we joined the A5 which was much more pleasant we soon got to Llangollen we had to have a leg stretch by then my bum was a bit numb. We still had 40 odd miles to go and it was getting dark so we had a good ride to Llandudno not a lot of traffic plus I remembered the bends that are a bit tight we soon arrived at the guest house parked up around the back and booked in. After a quick change we met up with Gordon and Lois who had arrived earlier it was around 9pm now so it was food time we went to the wetherspoons pub for a meal which was okay and a couple of beers. I started feeling tired so bed time well I had been up since 3.30 am. Next morning after a great breakfast we had a walk along the seafront to the pier which is near the great orme it was a bit wet with rain in clouds over head But it did brighten up we decided to get the tram up the great orme which was interesting we had to change half way up to another tram the view was amazing from the top with a lot of different bird species and other wildlife there is a small museum on the top and a cafe/ bar as well. Lunch time so we came down on the tram at the bottom was the oldest pub in Llandudno a lovely old pub with a good beer garden a good place to watch the world go by. We went shopping for a few bits and bobs Gordon bought some new tops I got some new foot wear. Gordon and I went for a quick drink while waiting for Lois and Julie to finish shopping. Later on we found a place to eat the food was good and not too dear afterwards we walked back to a great pub with a good selection of real ales. All to soon it was time for bed. Sunday was dry and sunny we left for home with Gordon following for a while then all of a sudden he was gone and we were on our own it seemed to take for ever to get home heavy traffic again. 280 miles later we were home what a great weekend with great company thank you Gordon and Lois. Next year back to Llangollen for the bike show all being well


32 34

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But What Bike ?? Gordon Parkin

After 20 years away from bikes and at the ripe old age of 41, I decided to return to biking. But what bike? The search started in Darlington County Durham with a look at a ER6 in pearlescent green, loved the way it looked but somehow didn't feel right. Wife and daughter with me I sat astride, the shake of the heads confirmed it wasn't the one for me. So a wasted 70 mile round trip. Had friends looking for bikes, I was looking at the Internet constantly but nothing was lighting the flame. Then the light bulb appeared above my head. What machine ignited my love of bikes back as a child in the 1970s. Barry Sheene hurtling around the track stinking of Brut and fags and draped in scantily clad women in magazines. Suzuki you fool I thought. So the make was decided. Of course all the older lads were riding them back in the day. Couldn't have a Yam that Roberts bloke rode them, and I couldn't bloody stand him . Still can't. So into the search engines of auto trader I went. Lots were appearing before my eyes. Most of which were molested ones, ones with other people's identity's attached to them. None were original, the way I wanted. Then one appeared it was 9 year old, much older than I really wanted to go. But this was a one owner, 3000 miles on the clock and a full service history and original. £2600. A bit steep I thought but if I could get it a bit cheaper, its the bike for me. But its a Friday night and the dealer is closed. Better be still there tomorrow I thought. 9 am the next morning and I am on the phone. It's still there and we are all in the car and away. 15 short miles and we are there. Suzuki Bandit 600 04 plate. Wife and daughter looked approvingly as I sat on it. Went in with a cheeky bid of 2 grand and I will take it now. A shake of the salesman's head and a bidding war started. Ending with me saying £2300 can't spend anymore. And left it with him. We left for drink in the cafe up the road, and my phone number in his hand. 30 minutes later he rang back. Could you do £2400. £2350 and you throw in some chains ,a disc lock and a MOT and its a yes. Ok came the reply.


I was back on 2 wheels. 2 years down the line and still got her. Happy as a pig in the proverbial. My own identity stamped firmly on her but not too far away from the original. Recently been looking to replace her with something a bit larger in the cc department. A Triumph Tiger 955i a bike that belongs to a friend, and has had a full make over. But do I go for it? Well I have till March to decide as I have first refusal. But can I let that perfect baby 6 go. 90% says not at this moment in time. Gordon Parkin North East Centre

Membership Rates Membership rates 1 Year single membership........£25 3 Year single membership........£65 1 year Joint membership..........£30 3 year Joint membership..........£80 Forum only membership..........£10 ( non club member) International membership........£30 3 year International .................£80


Ride To The Wall Last year a friend whose spouse is serving in the Army, contacted me and asked if I would be interested in taking part in a Motorcycle event at the National Memorial Arboretum in honour of all those that have fallen whilst in service of our country since the end of the Second World War. As a military veteran, I have in the past tended to keep my acts of remembrance private and very low key, The way my friend enthused about the Ride To The Wall persuaded me to take part in last years ride, as a one off. Back in 2007, the Nene Valley Harley Owners Group, decided to have a ride out to the NMA in order to pay their respects to those whose names appear on the Wall. From that ride out an idea was formulated, to make it an annual event and open it to the wider motorcycling community to raise funds towards the upkeep of the NMA. In 2008 the first Ride To The Wall took place starting from Drayton Manor Park. The organisers were anticipating about 200 riders, but on the day more than 2000 riders took part. Since then, year on year numbers have grown to seeing over 20,000 people coming together from across the United Kingdom , Europe and beyond, and has so far raised nearly ÂŁ400,000 for the National Memorial Arboretum. Ride To The Wall is a registered charity run entirely by volunteers. As the event has grown, in order that all participants can arrive in time for the start of the programme of events, there are now 11 start locations around the country where riders form up into marshalled convoys for the journey to the NMA. I registered to join the convoy starting at Cherwell Valley services on the M40. On arrival at the services, I made myself known to the Marshalls in order to obtain instructions for the ride up to the NMA. There were in excess of 300 bikes, many adorned with flags and pennants of the numerous groups taking part. Promptly at our start time we formed up into the usual staggered two columns of riders. It was one of those moments when you feel the hair on the back of head rising, as you realise, that this scene was being repeated at ten other locations around the country, creating a massive spectacle. Being somewhere in the middle of the convoy as we proceeded North along the M40, meant that as far as I could see in front and behind were bikes, all heading towards the NMA.


At every slip road feeding on to the motorway, more bikes were joining our convoy. On many of the bridges above the road, were groups of people waving and applauding us as we passed by underneath, again many had flags and banners supporting our cause. We proceeded onto the M42 and the M6 Toll road. Nearing the NMA we left the M6 at Weeford toll, and as prearranged were waved through the Toll gates. From here to the NMA the roads and bridges were filled with spectators cheering and waving flags. Once at the NMA, you are directed to a parking spot, from where you make your way over to one of the many stalls at the Catering village (set up specifically for the event) for a welcome brew as you watch the arrival of what seems to be a never ending column of bikes, and you can’t help wondering how they are all going to find somewhere to park. Although the event is open to the whole motorcycling community it is readily apparent that the majority of people present are either current or past members of the Armed Forces. And being counted in that number, meant that the deep seated sense of camaraderie that is unique to all those involved with the Armed Forces, soon resurfaces, so that you find yourself chatting with complete strangers in a way that suggests you had known each other all your lives. Once refreshed it’s time to make your way over to the Armed Forces Memorial for the start of the programme of events. The programme starts with an Act of Remembrance and welcome talk, and followed by performances from various Bands and Choirs, Including the Military Wives Choir. Solo performances and a Flag bearing parade, a Poppy drop from a Tiger Moth and flypast by a Dakota in D daymarkings. A Wreath laying ceremony is followed by the Procession to the wall for all to pay their respects to those whose names appear on the wall. It was at this point, on seeing the names of people I had known, events from the past that I thought I had pigeon holed and locked away deep in the recesses of my memory, burst forth to the front of my conscience and I started to well up. Looking around me it was obvious that nearly everyone was sharing that same emotion.


After a visit to the NMA shop, and further refreshment, it was time to start for home. In military speak, time to do a Starburst. Although free running the entire journey was in the company of fellow participants. And wherever on route you stopped for a break, there were numerous bikers all of whom had shared in the common experience of such a moving event. So despite never actually meeting up with my friend who suggested the event in the first place, I spent the day with lifelong friends whom I had never met until that day. And despite saying to, myself it was a one off. Once again this October I was riding in convoy up the M40 towards the NMA. And no doubt next October I will be doing so again, perhaps in the company of other members of the Suzuki Owners Club. P.K

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HUGH AND SIERRA ALMA TOURING PETE SMITHS’S VIEW - GO VISIT SECRET SPAIN I LOVED IT! I was captivated by the wildlife, the countryside and the whole freedom of Hugh’s tours. The social life of this small city, the friendliness of the people in general and Hugh’s Spanish friends in particular enthralled me. Without his help and over a short holiday, I would never have uncovered these gems. Furthermore without Hugh’s language abilities it wouldn’t have been impossible, but he made it a great deal easier for me to join in and understand more. What Hugh has shown me and the roads we traveled has made me want to buy another bike, and I’m in negotiations right now with Total Triumph (however I might go for a Suzuki again) in Taunton. I’ll never forget seeing the stunning scenery that this surprisingly large area has to offer. The idea that I can see all this again on my new bike without having carry all my baggage around is getting me so wound up I can hardly wait. I have several interests including riding a motorbike through traffic free countryside in the sun. Northern Spain, the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean coast are what I’d call over crowded compared to Salamanca. What excites me are birds of prey and what fascinates me is Roman and Arabic history. Not everyone’s cup of tea I grant you, but there are loads of other things to see and enjoy. Hugh will take you to places involving gastronomy in general, alcohol that is particularly Spanish, ancient mountain villages stranded in time, geology sites (fossils and caves), mountains with jaw dropping views and the opportunity to see some rare wildlife whilst riding the best roads in Spain! Here are a few of my personal “WOW” moments during my stay with Hugh. We saw three Golden Eagles hunting together only 20 meters above us in Los Arribes close to the Portuguese border. The Roman ruins of Caperra where the arch, built on the orders of Emperor Flavia, straddles the Ruta de la Plata and still exists intact. The mountain village with the oldest square bullring (not a misnomer in Spanish) that survives in Spain. The view from the top of the foothills of Los Gredos (over 6000ft),from where it appears you can see the curvature of Mother Earth. Roads that motorcyclists dream of, pushing through the two greatest mountain ranges in the region -100’s of miles of sheer bliss. The taste of good Jeta (crackled pig’s cheek – the front end!) accompanied by an excellent glass of Toro, (wine region – not a bull!) for the equivalent of one pound forty.


You can choose to pay a good chunk of the price of Sierra Alma tours in Euros which makes it absurdly inexpensive, and you get massive discounts if you are a motorcycle club member as well. If you deny yourself this, whatever Hugh charges you - and I think he’s giving it away, you’ll kick yourself at the very least! I’ve already booked myself on a Sierra Alma Salamanca summer tour for 2016 and I’m doing Spanish classes this winter. What are you up to?


We are specialists in general pest control (rats, mice, cockroaches, wasp nests, ants, etc.) and all types of bird control and proofing. We can carry out work on a job work basis or on regular routine treatment / inspection basis. Our experienced surveyors will carry out free inspection, survey and estimating service. Very competitively priced. Pest control surveys and treatments. Our technicians are trained to eradicate problems by identifying the source of the problem, any necessary proofing and change of management of good housekeeping and best practice of treatments. We do not just throw pesticides at the problem. Full range of bird control and proofing, including netting, sprung wires, point system and flying a bird of prey. High level roof inspections, surveys and repairs. High level working from hydraulic platforms. Staff are IPAF certificated. Rope access (abseiling) specialists. Trained and work to IRATA standards.

Aepcs ltd Member


Tech Talk Haynes reissues classic manuals

Penny Cox. (Haynes’ motorcycle editorial manager) writes. Short run digital print technology has enabled many of our older manuals to be reintroduced and with the interest in restoring bikes from the 70s and 80s these manuals have a new lease of life. These manuals are available from the following stockists if any of your members would like to obtain one. Note that all other Haynes Suzuki manuals are still in our backlist. See JJ Motorcycles Tel 01554 754449 AW Motorcycles Tel. 01302 33860 or Bitzforbikes Tel. 01706 344899 or Motorcycle Products Tel. 07984 586766 or Motorcycle Parts Centre Tel. 0118 9594341 For full list is posted on the Suzuki owners club forums it the technical section.


Spiritual Guidance Most of us were brought-up with toys based on petrol power. No thoughts were given to what type of fuel dad put in the car or motorbike. Just some used 5 star or Super. Whereas some of the 'characters' put in T.V.O. or parafin to eke-out another mile or two at low cost. No worry about the fumes or clouds of oil smoke billowing out of well worn engines. Fast forward to today and there are all sorts of problems. Well not realy if you take your time, spend a few pennies and think about what your doing and all can be well. After having a chat with Griffo, who's renovating some old bikes, and his biggest problems have been with fibre washers and O rings degenerating . Plastic and old fuel pipe also can go sad. This is solved by using decent pipes and seals. Not the eco ones. Glass fibre tanks can turn 'soft' and the residue clog the carb. Sorry but that is a scrap job. With a good tank, seal it with one of the better tank sealants, though the flexibility on the fibre can cause even the best to let fuel get at the body. Steel tanks, left with fuel in over Winter, can see the water content seep through little wormholes in the tank and your first knowledge of trouble will be blistering under the paintwork. Plastic tanks ? They tend to expand with ethanol. Sorry but there is not a lot you can do to protect them. Into the carburettor department and the brass jets can have corrosion due to the water sitting in them , if left for a while. On the older models you'll have to replace the all the non paper gaskets. Again decent ones are available at respectable dealers. Another thing Griffo found out was that the non-metal floats expanded and jammed in the carb. Problem solved with a good old fashioned brass one or for later bikes the modern float was fine. Old needles were also prone to expansion or corrosion problems. Modern bikes, well after 2003 ish and all should be well . 2009 saw the first ethanol used and bikes after then are, or should be, OK. With all the lads using older bikes ,for the winter lay-off, you can always use a proprietary brand of


petrol for the last couple of tanks full. Fully ethanol free petrol is available but expensive. About ÂŁ30 per gallon if that's the way you want to go. There is a kit called Ethanil available and this will produce four gallons of ethanol free petrol. Again not cheap at ÂŁ50 complete. As classic bikes are going up in price I don't think that this is a lot to pay. For the modern bikes, fuel injection and all that , which way to go for a Winters bike rest ? For me I'd take the route of Ethanil and get three mates to join in . When you 'retire' the bike, drain the fuel and put a gallon of ethanol free fuel in and do a thirty mile run . Park-up and hope for the best for next Spring. I have to add this is only a suggestion and not a recommendation from me or the club. It's your choice entirely. What do I do ? There a couple of old bikes that get drained and left empty, carbs and all. The modern machinery gets a run at least every two weeks. All of you have a classic good New Year and keep the black side down for this next riding season. For the year round riders. Good of you lads and lassies and keep the flag flying. Rusty



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