When they have got you by the balls

You’ve got to just put up with it
Of course you can survive with no heating and a white sliced loaf
Resilience: Giving you the skills needed to be exploited successfully

Keep building food banks when you should be robbing supermarkets

Keep packing those boxes, it’s good for your sense of pride
Forced innovation, enjoy spending time listening to another shit idea

Due to the changing landscape we will make you reinvented yourself to match our expectations

Uncertainly? Be certain of that, so stop complaining
Living with constant change, change your meds and take a bigger dose

Get on your bike and keep cycling, at least the exercise will do you good

Cook for a quid and if you do we will give you a newspaper column
Challenge you to live on a tenner a week, it will be fun, maybe even make a TV show about it
It’s only austerity so just get on with it, remember the war