social commontating weekly

Self-centred Centrists as the
Where the SELF is all important
in promoting the status quo
Self-appointed: The problem lies with those not smart enough to understand it all - I’m well educated you know.
Self-righteous: You do still have to remember to save even when times are tough – it’s easy to save money when you have money.

Self-serving: Voters of the left and the right. Flip flop, flip flop
Self-indulgent: One has to look after oneself or you can’t be helping others when the time comes - the time never comes.

Self-anointed: I know I speak for others when I say…… You don’t.

Self-important: I love posting, posting, posting my affiliation to good causes - cherry-pick the issues that make me look good
Self-confidence: Talk loudly about “change”knowing it won’t happen cause they never get their hands dirty

Self-centred: Gather round everyone look at what I have a achieved - a big dose of superiority.
Self-declared liberals: I’m practically a communist but the Left are a bit too radical

Self-motivation: Come on, you can be as good as me - just imagine
Self-congratulatory: We showed solidarity by hosting Eurovision – We did expect the top 10 at least