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Celebration of Culture & Citrus
HARLINGEN Photography provided by Tiffany Miranda On May 7, the Greater Harlingen Chamber of Commerce and Visit Harlingen hosted their annual Margarita Fest. The celebration is the community’s unique blend of Mexican culture and the citrus farming industry that Harlingen is so proud of. Attendees enjoyed a margarita contest, a tequila trail, vendors, live music, salsa lessons, food trucks, and live entertainment.

Accomplished Initiatives
Greater Chamber of Commerce Initiative
Primera, Santa Rosa, Los Indios, Combes and Rio Hondo are able to utilize all resources that the Harlingen Chamber offers. Creation of Training Center for Small Businesses & Entrepreneurs
Free courses for any entrepreneurs and for any business wanting to learn more about social media marketing or how to build a business. Creation of a Resource Center for Non-Brick-and-Mortar Businesses
Business professionals provide educational material for small businesses and entrepreneurs at our Resource Center which is no cost.
One Voice Community
This quarterly event is where highly-respected professionals discuss on pressing issues which includes medical issues, governmental issues and even emergency preparedness. Chamber Library
This is an online Chamber Library that provides valuable resources that businesses can utilize to benefit them which can range from educational videos to articles on marketing. Non-Profit Committee
This Non-Profit Committee gathers at the Greater of Chamber of Harlingen to discuss the real needs of the city and how we can ca to effectively address them. Triangle Committee
This committee is a partnership with The Chamber, Economic Development Corporation and the city which are all located in Harlingen. All together they discuss important matters for Harlingen. Upcoming Initiatives
Small Business Mixer
Small Business Mixer is a mixer intended to bring small businesses together to market, promote and network with the Harlingen Community. Small Business Summit
This is a professional development convention right here in the great City of Harlingen. You can expect breakout sessions, great speakers that inform you on how to improve your business.