2 minute read



Dr. Barbara Baggerly-Hinojosa

I am so excited about the holidays, but I really never know how to handle holiday gift-giving at the office. I consider some of my colleagues great friends and want to gift them something special during the holidays. However, not all of my colleagues are great friends, and I don’t usually give them as nice of a gift. What should I do so that feelings don’t get hurt and I am not seen as rude?

It is ok to give gifts to your closest work colleagues since they are your friends. However, I suggest you give the gifts discreetly, preferably outside the office. The last thing you want to do is hurt anyone’s feelings or, as you put it, be seen as rude. Also, keep the gift simple and moderately priced. It truly is the thought that counts.

I am planning our holiday party, and I am super excited. What is the key to holiday party planning? I want everything to be amazing for all of my guests.

I think the key to holiday party planning is to act early. Get the invitations out early. During the holiday season, people’s calendars fill up fast, so plan your holiday party guest list and send out your invitations four weeks in advance. This allows everyone to plan accordingly so that they can be present on the big day!

Tis the Season! I feel very blessed to have received several invitations to various holiday parties and events. I noticed that all of the invitations request an RSVP. Why is that?

It is a great time of year! If an invitation requests an RSVP, it is important to honor the wishes of the host or hostess who is putting in lots of time, energy, and love to prepare and host a gathering. Make sure to let the host know if you are going to attend by the deadline noted. Having a good idea of who will attend allows the host to plan the amount of food, decorations, seating, parking, etc. Make sure that if you RSVP that you will be attending, you don’t change your mind at the last minute.

Barbara Baggerly-Hinojosa, Ph.D. is a wife, mother, and educator living in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. She is a graduate of Our Lady of the Lake University with a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies. In addition, she holds an Associate of Arts degree in Education from McLennan Community College, Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Texas – Pan American, and a Master of Arts in Educational Supervision from the University of Texas – Pan American. Dr. Baggerly-Hinojosa’s current research is focused on servant leadership, gender issues in leadership, and leadership communication. www.leadershipempowermentgroup.com

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