3 minute read


By Colleen Hook, Executive Director, Quinta Mazatlan

You are invited to take a stroll in the woods as the signs of spring will greet you. Finding the quintessential “sign of spring” can raise a bit of debate, however.

Perhaps it should just be nature’s show of flowers. Every year at this time, as the sun progresses northward toward its summer solstice, it triggers an age-eternal response to begin growing flowers. As hungry bees, butterflies, and other insects emerge from their wintertime “sleep”, plants respond by producing nectar near their pollen. The flower petals and scents we humans enjoy so much in springtime are meant to be invitations for pollinators to stop by for a meal.

Some spectacular floral blooms are found on our native cacti. The Strawberry Pitaya, Horse Crippler and Rainbow Cacti have begun blooming in shades of purples, pinks, oranges and yellows. Their rich petal colors are as mesmerizing as the intricate arrangement of their pistils and stamens inside the bloom.

Out in the meadow and other sunny areas, wildflowers will be blooming. Look for Prickly poppy, Verbena, Cowpen Daisy, Lazy Daisy, and Tiny Tim. Their sudden emergence in Quinta Mazatlán’s Ebony Grove looks like they have been invited to an annual “Sun over Mazatlan” plant gala.

Once the eyes have finished dancing with the flowers, the heart turns its attention to other compelling signs of spring. This time of year, migratory birds begin their journey home to raise their young up north. Over 520 bird species have been seen in the LRGV, with a bird count of over 672 seen in Texas. When they stop through the forest at Quinta Mazatlan, their chorus of birdsong can trip one’s heartsprings

But the “quintessential” sign of spring is the sudden, very subtle transformation of a brown gray landscape into a vibrant forest of green. Trees suddenly seem to come back to life, displaying fresh new leaves in various shades of light green. An impressive example, are the long green leaves of the Honey Mesquite tree. It is this time of year when trees seem happiest! Together with the experience of feeling the softness of the new green leaves of the Montezuma Bald cypress, or the white flower clusters on the Spanish Dagger, a walk in the Thornforest at Quinta Mazatlan…is simply therapeutic

Or…perhaps…is it that the quintessential sign of spring, is the impact of nature’s beauty…on the human spirit. Join us at Quinta Mazatlán for special programs: Yoga in the Park, Saturday Tai Chi, Thursday Night Speakers, STEM Saturdays, Nature Mindfulness

Walks, Draw with the Artist in Residence-Jessica Monroe, Volunteer and More. For up-to-date information, please follow Quinta Mazatlán on Facebook.

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