3 minute read


With Dr. Barbara Baggerly-Hinojosa
During a recent event, I noticed someone at my table cutting up his entire steak into many small pieces before he began eating. The plate was full of cut-up meat! That made me wonder if I was breaking some etiquette rule by not doing that. What is the rule about cutting up our food? Should we cut it all up at once?

According to etiquette experts at Emily Post, you are only supposed to cut one piece of food at a time. You should take the time between bites to cut your food into small pieces and eat one bite at a time. That allows you to have smaller bites and a slower pace so that you can enjoy the meal and the company at your table.

During the Fall and Winter, I love to eat warm soup and bread at one of our delicious local restaurants. I know I probably should not do this, but I love to dunk the bread in the soup. It is just so delicious. Am I breaking an etiquette rule?

We are so lucky to have such great local restaurants in the Rio Grande Valley. While it is fun and often delicious to dunk your bread in the soup, it can cause a very messy outcome. Instead, pinch off a small portion of the bread and put it in your mouth. Then, eat a spoonful of soup. It is much more graceful and less messy that way. Enjoy!

I love to meet my friends at the coffee shop, but I am always surprised by how rude some patrons can be. What is your advice for talking on the phone in the coffee shop? I see it happen all the time, and it is very annoying and rude.

Unless you expect the call to last under a minute, it is a good idea not to take a phone call while you are in a coffee shop. People may use these spaces for work while other people use these spaces for relaxation. If your phone rings while you are in a coffee shop, 1) answer and ask if you can call the person back, 2) take the call outside, or 3) pack up your things and move on. Always think about the people around you and be considerate of their presence.

Barbara Baggerly-Hinojosa, Ph.D. is a wife, mother, and educator living in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. She is a graduate of Our Lady of the Lake University with a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies. In addition, she holds an Associate of Arts degree in Education from McLennan Community College, Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Texas – Pan American, and a Master of Arts in Educational Supervision from the University of Texas – Pan American. Dr. Baggerly-Hinojosa’s current research is focused on servant leadership, gender issues in leadership, and leadership communication. www.leadershipempowermentgroup.com

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