PRESIDENT’S FOREWORD It is no secret that many law students aspire to work in the realm of social justice and equity. Whether that be pioneering change for women in the law, or a desire to meaningfully impact Australian government policy through bettering its immigration laws, the opportunities are endless. At Monash Law, we would like to empower you to embark on these meaningful journeys, and our hope is that this Guide will assist you on that path. It is with the greatest pleasure that I introduce to you the 2021 Social Justice & Equity Guide. During my time as LSS President, I am committed to ensuring that each student has access to varied opportunities in an array of fields. When thinking of law, many minds go immediately to the likes of Harvey Spectre in a white-collar city office. However, the opportunities for you as law students are far more abundant than merely that stereotype. There are tonnes of opportunities in Legal Aid and public or community sectors that will highlight the extent of legal options at your fingertips. You will have the chance to volunteer at a CLC (community legal centre) or undertake units that will teach you about the discrepancies in International Law and the intricacies of Environmental policy. If you are keen to know more, then I encourage you to scour this guide for information! This guide contains information about the range of community-based opportunities that may be on offer to you throughout your degree. Our fabulous team has worked hard to collate such information, including personal anecdotes, that will be particularly enlightening. Throughout our degrees, we learn that sometimes our peers have a great deal to teach us. It is invaluable to discuss lived experiences with older students, and we hope that this Guide reflects those in a way that will allow you to explore your interests further. You have a chance to take ownership of your future now, and whilst we are with you every step of the way, you decide how much you gain from your degree. You can choose to immerse yourself in areas of law that expose you to the wider struggles of the community, which will undoubtedly assist you in gaining a broader understanding of humankind. The legal profession is inherently a person-oriented one, and so I encourage you to step out of your familiar territory to see life from different perspectives. Context and relativity are beautiful, yet complex, and to understand your place in this world takes time and initiative.