MxPx’s Mike Herrera Photos from
Stefan Merriweather
YUCK and
SODAPOP March 2014 Issue #3
STAFF Editor In Chief: Edwin Monico Managing Editor: Phil Riggs Executive Editor: Caitie Hanahan Art Director: Claude Leco Creative Director: Daniel Moutray
Letter From The Editor Sunday Morning Bar Profile: The Bruery
Staff Writers: Andrew Mercado Staff Photographer: Abraham Cuenca, Daniel Cantagallo, Jessica Rodriquez
COVER Photographer: Edwin Monico
Dallas Buyers Club Review Little Pizza Interview Featured Photographer: Stefan Merriweather MXPX Interview
Photo: Mike Herrera
YUCK Review Ballyhoo Interview
Photography and articles belong to their respective photographers/writers and are used by Sodapop Magazine with permission. No reproductions are authorized without permission from Sodapop. Any questions, comments, and/or concerns can be directed to
Letter from the Editor
his month, I had the pleasure of interviewing MxPx’s Mike Herrera and we discussed an array of topics ranging from talk radio to Katy Perry.
Expect to discover more great music in this issue as we cover acts on tour in California and a unique project based out of Carbondale, Il. We are three months old at this point and each issue is a new experience. I’m still asking of you, the reader, to submit your work to us. Everyone here at Sodapop is
Words straight from the boss.
interested in what our readers are producing, whether that be music, writing, or art, and we promise to consider everything that comes to us. We have also added new staff this month, including our new Art Director, Claude Leco, and Daniel Moutray, our new Creative Director. So continue reading Sodapop Magazine and let us know what you think on Facebook and on our blog. We’d love to hear what you’d like to see in future issues! So stay tuned, we are going to be here for a while whether you like it or not.
Sunday Mornings Laura Ava We caught up with Laura Ava in her hometown of Los Angeles this month. Laura is currently a visual artist residing in Miami.
SM: Dreaming or doing? Laura Ava: Both, always. I read a lot about manifestation and try to keep my energy and thoughts in the present moment.
SM: What is your typical Sunday like? Laura Ava: I like to lay in the sun on Sunday.
SM: If you could pick an era to belong to, what would it be? Laura Ava: I would belong to the 60s and 70s. I would live as Joni Mitchell. That would be a fun life. I love her music so much! One of my all time favorite records is Blue.
Follow Laura Ava on Instagram and Vimeo.
experimental beer, some that are so thick they
The Bruery
could lift a dead man’s body. Their Saison Rue has “spicy, fruity yeast notes with a biscuit-like malt backbone, and a slight citrus hop character.” They also boast their Bourbon Barrel Aged Autumn Maple ‘13, coming in at a strong 13% ABV. That’s not their strongest beer though. The Black Tuesday, a double American/ Imperial Stout only brewed in large quantities, tops out at 19% ABV. Sodapop met up with Benjamin Weiss, marketing director of The Bruery, and he explained the drive behind their business, “We're more focused on experimenting with new styles, barrel aging, and just generally having fun with what we brew rather than create a beer that is on tap at every bar in America.” Every week they feature a new beer and, some are only released locally or privately to the members
The Bruery 715 Dunn Way, Placentia, CA 92870 Beer Locater Map
of the Preservation Society and Reserve Society, The Bruery is a gem nestled amongst a sea both of which selectively open up membership of industrial sprawl in Placentia, California right spots throughout the calendar year. The Bruery off the 57 freeway. Patrick Rue who, instead of loves beer so much that collaborates with local finishing law school, decided to brew beer and breweries like Noble Ale Works, who produced bring innovation to the craft brew world, started
a cream ale heavenly constructed to taste like
the idea for The Bruery in 2007. They now have an Orange Cream popsicle called “Tout Mais Le distribution in 23 states and can be found in Coller”, which is French for “everything but the California at Whole Foods, Total Wine, BevMo, stick”. So, if you’re ever in Placentia, visit The and Trader Joe’s.
Bruery, it’s an OC must; and if not, check out the
There is something unique about The Bruery
Beer Locator Map and find yourself a brew!
upon entering. You’re treated with a variety of
OUR RECOMMENDATION: Mischief “Belgian-style golden ale that we dry hop with west coast American hops for that hybrid flavor that we love. You get some fantastic spice and floral notes from the Belgian-style yeast strain but it's balanced with the citrus and pine flavored hops more commonly associated with American Pale Ale.” -Benjamin Weiss, The Bruery
of years. This particular role seems to rebrand would say would never change his ways. He
Dallas Buyers Club:
Transformation Through the Promise of Death By: Andrew Mercado
his past image, if not diversify his abilities.
is openly sexist, homophobic, while also not
The story begins with a crass and irreverent being inquisitive in the least; his way always Ron, an openly ignorant reprobate susceptible
goes first. But remember, something vile is
to sudden outbursts of anger. His life revolves
brewing, something that calls for the revision
around his job as an electrician, the local bar, and expansion of knowledge and beliefs. and attending events at the rodeo, and the
After coming home one day from an evening
movie opens in this setting. Him and his clique that could have been full of debauchery, Ron of friends are openly manly, womanizing, and collapses. He is awoken by two doctors, a middleardently straight. Whether or not this is the truth
aged man and a woman (Jennifer Garner), with
about the actual Ron is widely debated, as an suspicious masks on. After reading off a list of article from Slate and interviews with people symptoms and tests, they tell him he has the who knew him conflict the story that is given. All HIV virus. Bewildered, concerned, and almost of that aside, the content at hand and the way immediately angry, Ron exclaims, “I ain’t no it is presented are definitely worthy of praise. An goddamn faggot”. The doctors try to calm him opening scene shows Ron with two women,
down, and the older one tells him directly, “You
experimenting sexually, surreptitiously hidden have 30 days to live”. And of course, Ron takes this in a vacant stable at the rodeo. Fast cuts and as a challenge. His pompous, egotistical state of foreboding sounds signal the conflict is already
being is at first unwavering, but circumstances
brewing. One can see that Ron feels something ensue that set off his transformation. At night has gone wrong, and it is shown as such. This is momentarily put aside – placed in the
later that day, Ron attempts to have a good time with some friends, but proves to be too
back of the mind – in lieu of some character weak. In confidence, he tells his friend what development. Ron is shown in various instances
happened, but it is said that he still believes it
betting on rodeos, swindling people out of to be a mistake. The next day, while Ron walks Dallas Buyers Club, based on the unlikely and
the capabilities a person may possess when money, getting in trouble with the local police, into the bar, everyone around him gives him
true transformative story of Ron Woodruff, is
faced with almost certain death. Matthew drinking with his friends at a local bar, all while a cautionary glare, and when he attempts
concurrently stellar both as a history of the McConaughey, not generally known for his handling himself in a ludicrous degree of
to speak to his friends, they move away from
suffering people went through during the acting chops, has been focusing on roles of machismo and short-fused bull-headedness. him in a state of uttermost fear and hatred. He AIDS epidemic in the 80s, and an example of
consequence and importance in the past couple This is precisely the kind of person anyone
now becomes a victim of the very identity he
previously ridiculed. The consequences of these them socially and physically.
While Leto’s Rayon is static, he also shows an about family and whether or not he can help
events see him destitute, thrown out by his
extremely high degree of skill. To become this him with some money, but the question asked
landlord and betrayed by his friends. But what
HIV and AIDS were a relatively new and
frightening disease during this time; knowledge character, this flamboyant, hip swaying, fearless
before the scene cut felt like it could have been
proves to be Ron’s redeemable quality is his was limited and the correlating behavior by transgender, Leto had to totally immerse himself of some consequence. The father was cut off stubborn and tenacious drive to live.
people was ignorant, even by doctors, whom,
and employ the purest tenets of method
mid-sentence. It does not diminish the quality of
The thirty days pass quickly and he has nobody as was previously noted, are shown with masks. acting. Stories of the chameleon that is Daniel the movie too much, but it can get distracting. to turn to. But while he fades away, he gains a The virus itself can only be contracted by specific Day Lewis come to mind. Rayon’s confidence
The other flaw is something that seems
vulnerability that was heretofore nonexistent.
bodily fluids. But this situation was entirely
and barefaced pride are a big influence to Ron.
more pervasive. Jennifer Garner’s character is
There is a poignant scene that is fleeting, but in alien to people. It was a devastating blow to a
Any trial put in front of him is taken with saucy
required for the story to work, but you may wish
my opinion, important. He is sitting in the rodeo
community that was already marginalized and sarcasm and memorable lines of cool audacity.
otherwise. As Dr. Eve Saks, her reactions are
alone and the rodeo clown pops out of a container
belittled. Seething, destructive behavior spread. The amount of red tape and adversity taken bland and her facial expression does not seem
in the middle of the stadium, and they look at The ignorant had no way of even beginning to by the Dallas Buyer’s Club from the FDA and a to vary from that monotone and redundant each other knowingly. There are little symbolic understand their struggle, so what better way to disapproving society shows through in Ron and look of constipated concern. For someone as touches like this sprinkled throughout the movie tell this story than through acting and example? Rayon’s respective performances. If one’s spirits influential as her character is to Ron’s life in the that add to the quality and introspection. And
There are many things that work well in ebbs, the other picks them up. They are there movie, one would think the casting directors
Ron breaks into the gay community first by
the movie, and perhaps the best two aspects for each other in ways that they cannot be for would pick someone more emotive.
befriending a homosexual man named Rayon
are the way Matthew McConaughey and others. They share an affliction, a mutual bond
(Jared Leto) during one of his hospital visits. After
Jared Leto portray their characters and tell
Aside from the annoyances stated above, this
illustrated in scenes such as one where they are movie shines in its artifice. The script and acting
finding a way to illicitly acquire an experimental their stories through heart-wrenching scenes grocery shopping and one of Ron’s old friends between McConaughey and Leto are superb. drug, he finds himself sicker than ever. A tip from of the hospital worker he acquires his drugs from
sees them and ridicules them. Ron forces him
Their dynamic involves the kind of connection
McConaughey is more complex, showing a to shake hands with Rayon. As I said, there are rarely seen onscreen, or even in reality. All of
and sends him to Mexico, where he meets a transformation that is among the best I have many aspects of this move worthy of note, but it leaves an indelible mark that proves tough doctor that administers to him some holistic seen on screen in recent memory. When drugs. This is where the idea for the Dallas Buyers contrasting the first with the third act, one can see
some inconsistencies permeate into the fold. One of the most noticeable pratfalls of the
to shake. Catch Dallas Buyers Club before the Oscars; it is sure to impress upon people a note
Club, the movie’s namesake, comes into fruition.
that his Ron is a mastery of form, as his character movie involves some choppy editing. From of solidarity.
He teams up with Rayon to help sell the doctor’s
is both unrecognizable yet familiar, retaining time to time, scenes seemed to cut off during
drugs and hires others to help him in his cause, that same stubborn willingness to perpetuate
moments that could have been consequential.
which is initially to make some extra money, but himself, no matter how much the world around
An example occurs during a heartfelt talk
even that dissolves into a cause for help among him resists, but also showing a high degree of between the prodigal son, Rayon, and his father, a community dying off from a plague that befalls empathy that old Ron could not have shown. whom is a banker of some sorts. They talk
Final Verdict:
Little Pizza
for nine months. I was homeless for five months, I slept in tents, I woke up with my shoes stolen off my feet... And then I started working for a pub crawl and crashing with friends.”
Do you have a most memorable performance? Tell me about it. “I’ve done some big shows in Austin, but the
By: Caitie Hanahan Photos by: George Lamboley
crowd is not always the most important part. Amsterdam was more rewarding, because it was just you and tourists passing by. They don’t
I can’t be the only one who thinks the last
have to listen to you, they would stop because
decade of new music has all been variations of
they wanted to; That was the first time I could
the exact same sounds. I hear the same beats,
leave with money from playing my music.
the same guitar riffs, and the same general lyrics
Sometimes it was barely enough to eat, but [I
that I have started to question whether I might
would] feel really good about it.”
actually just be going senile and playing the same artists on repeat. Just as my last ounce of Little Pizza’s, typical blend of beatboxing sounds,
Do you prefer to be addressed by friends and
creative soul started swirling toward the drain, I drum beats, guitar riffs, catchy sound effects,
fans as Little Pizza or Ryne?
met Ryne Teston.
“Pizza. That’s just what my friends in Austin called
and some smooth assistance from the cello.
If you heard his music without seeing him live, me. That came before Little Pizza.” I arrived at his first “Pizza Party” at Hangar 9 in you would think it was a ten-man band. Carbondale, IL, and was immediately drawn
He’s more than a quadruple threat and has a Of all the places you’ve played, is there one
to the stage. His style of music was so original
huge personality to back it up. Before I had the
and refreshing, I felt like I had just discovered a
chance to get to know him, I heard he’s only 25 playing in for good?
new platform of entertainment. While the first
and has traveled to 17 countries, is always the
show went a bit under the radar, enough people
life of the party, and can charm the pants off of with me there. That’s where I found my rhythm.
had spread the good word about it, making the
anyone he meets. I got together with him for a I finished school in Austria and I went there with
country or city you’d be happy settling and
“Oh, Amsterdam. Just based on what happened
second Pizza Party a huge success. I walked into couple hours to see what all the hype was about.
like 150 euro to live for 12 days, because I had 12
the show and was greeted by Ryne’s, rather,
days extra on my flight, and I ended up staying
So you’ve spent a lot of time out of the country, maybe you have a better insight than most... What the fuck is wrong with America? “[Laughs] Our ignorance to everything else in the world. No one speaks other languages, because we feel like we don’t need to. We don’t travel as much to other countries, because we feel like we don’t need to. [Americans] don’t know what other people think of us. Everyone hates us... They think we’re stupid... I had a Canadian flag on my backpack a lot of the time, because it was when George Bush was in office.”
guy came up to me and said that he had been watching me all day from the other side of the square and he liked what I did, and he said it’d be cool if I looped some of the stuff I did. So, he came over and he showed me some stuff, he did some beat boxing loops, some crazy stuff I had never seen, a lot of effects that really got me thinking about what I could do with my guitar as far as looping. [It turns out] it was DubFX, he’s like the most famous beat boxing looper, you’ve probably seen his videos. But, [when I was there] he didn’t tell me who he was. So, when I came back, someone ended up showing me [one of his] videos and I was like ‘Holy shit, that’s the guy who told me I should loop!’ I was really jealous because he had like three or four hundred euro that day that I watched go into his bucket and I probably only made 30 or 50.”
Ryne is currently doing local shows in the Do you prefer solo performances or collabs?
What is your end goal, as a musician?
“I like to rely on myself, you can see that with
“To not have to work a job where I feel like I’m just
what I’m doing with looping. I want to be able
going through the motions to make money. To
to control the drums and the rhythm, just all of
play and be able to support myself.”
it at once. That comes probably from me being a multi instrumentalist. I can play the drums, I
Is there any question you’ve always wanted to
can play bass, I can play it all kind of decently,
answer in an interview?
but guitar is definitely my strong point.”
“Yea, ‘How did I get into looping?’. It has a good answer. I was in Amsterdam and I was playing in a square that I played at everyday. So, this
Southern Illinois area, but follow him on Facebook and catch his next show before he skips to another country. You won’t want to miss it.
Check out Little Pizza’s Facebook.
Featured Photographer
Stefan Merriweather
By: Edwin Monico
If you had to pick anywhere to be shooting, Favorite lens? where would it be?
Canon 70-200mm 2.8 L ii
It would definitely be somewhere I have never been and never knew existed. To me, one of Do you have an obsession with your phone? the most magical things about photography is
I would love to say no, but that would definitely
the discovery. A lot of times, accomplishing this
be a lie, but only because smartphones are such
takes more effort and dedication, but the results
an amazing tool for photographers. Aside from
are always well worth it.
the social media applications which easily allow me to share my work, my most recent favorite is the EOS remote application by Canon. Except for
video, this application gives you full control of your How do you feel about rainy days? Canon DSLR right from your smartphone. For As it relates to work, rainy days are not my me, this is a great tool when I am alone especially when shooting product photography.
friends. I was shooting for our Fall Lookbook the
On the other day and we had to stop in the afternoon
other hand, when it comes to communication
because it started raining. This turned a one day
on my phone I am completely the opposite. One shoot into a two day shoot. On the other hand, of my biggest pet peeves is when people want
outside of work I do enjoy rainy days here and
to argue or have a debate by text message. I’d there because it forces me to stay inside to relax much rather have a face to face conversation
and catch up on sleep.
with someone as nature intended. Do you have favorite models to work with? I can’t say that I do, but only because I don’t like What are your current projects?
to play favorites. It is really hard because I have
Kate Swim 2014 Lookbook and web. I also had so many great experiences. I wouldn’t want recently took on a full time photography position
to leave anyone out. I can think of so many
for Harveys; I am super excited about. Outside amazing moments I’ve captured with models of that, my narrative photography projects are
that are all so unique and cool in there own way.
a continuous thing and I am hoping to have a However, this does remind me of one of my not show soon to share what I have been working
so favorite moments shooting.
One time I was doing a nude shoot at this estate with a playboy style grotto. One of the models had to pee and decided to do so naked
If Sodapop threw you in the middle of London, in a potted plant on the property because the right now, and gave you 10 seconds to pick any
owner of the estate would not let us use the
gear you wanted. What would it be?
bathrooms inside of the house. Apparently the
I’d go with the Canon EOS 1D X, Canon 50mm
owner of the home saw her doing this on the
1.2 L, Canon 14mm 2.8 L, Canon 24-70mm 2.8 L
security cameras and came out of her home
USM ii and with two seconds to spare I’d grab and started filming the nude models with her 2 of the fastest memory cards you had and a
camera. One of the models became infuriated
couple extra batteries.
at this and started exchanging punches with the
woman that owned the home and then they took the fight to the ground. It was my first time ever seeing a woman fighting naked. It’s kind of funny to think about now, but it really wasn’t at all at the time it was happening.
Would you generally say most photographers are cool? Yes. Generally I would say most photographers are at least a little bit cool because they create artifacts and contribute something unique and original to the world. You might see a lot of photographs out there that are very similar, but technically it’s impossible to recapture a moment. If you own it, it’s yours forever.
Merriweather? I have no idea and I like it that way. That’s what makes it fun and exciting. Only time will tell.
Be sure to check out more of Stefan on his website, on Tumblr, and Instagram.
M X PX By: Edwin Monico
Sodapop Magazine: Mike, this is a huge privilege
history, but the reason I mention this is because
and I would like to start off the interview with
MxPx has stood the test of time. So with that
my introduction to MxPx when I was 15 in 2001.
said, are you still listening to bands like the
I was sitting in Social Studies when this kid
Descendents and All?
named Bobby handed me a broken cd case
Mike Herrera: Yeah, absolutely. I don’t necessarily
that had a dude on a skateboard and said MxPx.
listen to those bands I grew up listening to every
At the time, I was listening to stuff like Incubus,
day. There is just so much more out there as
Staind, and Slipknot. I took the cd home, put it
new music becomes available. There is a lot
on, and I was instantly blown away. That CD,
more to listen to but at the same time I still hit
as you know, was the original “Let It Happen”
my favorites. I will just wear an album out or I’ll
compilation and it changed my life. The rest is
discover a new album and I’ll wear that out if I
the vocals were out of tune and think the singer
she plays super catchy songs. Do I love every
can’t sing? Really, they were all just demos and
song she does? No. I have her last record that
we never thought they would be released . So
had “California Girls” on it which is the only one
(laughs) A&M said, “We have plans and we need I probably own. The new one, I like the new to make cash.” and it was released. At the same
single with Juicy J, I don’t know the name. I
time, I’ve come to grips with the album but I want
like that stuff but I don’t feel like I need to get
people to understand that it was never meant
further into it like I do rock, punk, rap records.
to be an album. So I’ve kind of got off topic. SM: You can’t deny a good pop song. SM: I don’t think you’ve gone off topic, this is Mike Herrera: Absolutely, speaking of, a good beautiful insight to a (B-sides) album that I hold
pop song is Call me maybe (laughs)
in high regard. Do you listen to any new music? Do you listen to Lorde by any chance?
SM: In retrospect, I really like N’sync and
Mike Herrera: With new stuff, I’m kind of, and I Backstreet Boys songs, but as a kid I thought hate to say it, but I just listen to the hit songs. If they were garbage. something is really good I will get the record but Mike Herrera: Those hit at a time where I wasn’t with Lorde, I really like the songs I’ve heard from really paying any attention to pop music and I really love it. For me Black Flag, the Descendents,
a double album for less money than a normal her but I’m not feeling the stuff to buy the record
would hear them on the radio. We were kind
NOFX, Rancid, The Clash, and the Ramones. All album would cost. We were on an A&M at the and I think I’ve heard it enough (laughs). With
of just doing our thing, so I kind of missed the
those types classic punk bands, even Screeching time and our Slowly going away to Buffalo had Weasel was a huge influence on MxPx and even
just come out - which is also another one of our Perry a lot of Punkers
Green Day and Bad Religion. You mentioned Let fan favorites - and around that time we were
boat on the early boy band
say “Oh, I love Katy
for New Kids on the
it Happen album and I don’t hate that album blowing up as band. But, everybody bought that Perry.” which I do as
Block. I was still in
or anything, but at the time they didn’t use our about the Let it Happen album and that was
well. To me its not a big
probably junior high
their first introduction to MxPx and I think in a lot deal to admit that it’s
or something when
best material in that album. At the time it came
out it had 32 songs, and at the time, albums had of ways it’s good for the people that love it, but like 14 at the most to 10 songs. So, you had like
some guilty pleasure.
what about the people who listen to it thinking It’s no wonder she’s hot,
that was going on. I
once then I can just do it better on another day,
of a CD. That, to me, is cool. We are constantly
everybody gets it. (To find his another time. I feel like each time I do it I’ll just get
releasing some sort of special 7 inch and we
Donny Wahlberg. The new
podcast go to mikeherrera.
always have different colors. You can go to http://
generation kind of forgets
net Friday 8pm est.) They Each week I have to do it and set that goal for We have a ton of
what those guys did. Like
let me say whatever I want.
Donny is just an actor now.
No censorship whatsoever. ton of work into it, I’m just speaking out of my
I don’t ever think I’m going
They just let me do my thing. mind, commenting on current affairs, what’s SM: I caught your show at the Glasshouse in
to get away from MXPX as
It’s not a music radio show,
on twitter, and crazy shit from the internet like
Pomona, CA in February and it was a pretty
a name. I’m proud of what
it’s like talk radio for punkers.
drones and amazon.
memorable outing. I’ve been to a few MxPx
songs. Jordan
better at it. It’s kind of like that with the podcast.
myself. It seems to work out, it’s not like I put a vinyl and it’s collectible.
we’ve done, but at the
shows and they’re always a blast, but this one I
same time I don’t want
SM: How do you keep up with SM: Have you read our magazine?
that to be my only thing I
this if you’re on tour? Do you Mike Herrera: I read the Sly Vinyl article. I like a fight and there was an impromptu marriage
do. I’m still writing music.
just do it from wherever you how you asked if CDs ever will be collectible
I’m doing a solo record now. With the podcast are? I’m doing now, “Mike Herrera Hour,” is a weekly Mike Herrera: Yeah, I do do it on location. I’ve podcast. We talk music, politics, we talk about been in Australia in a van talking to my friend. I everything really. It gets a little crazy sometimes have buddies from bands coming in doing it a just going off about the government, laws, issues,
lot and journalists. I only do it once a week, but
and the war. It just depends on what’s going on
every week it’s like I gotta do it again and again
in the news. I have a good time just talking to and again. It’s a challenge, but at the same time people and getting to have those first few layers
for me I feel like it motivates me to continue to
of talking about the weather or the tour or what produce something. You can’t necessarily put you’ve been doing and getting further into what out your best stuff every time you write a song. they really think about the policies of the country, A lot of times you have to be working on that the foreign policies, business, capitalism, protests, song, keep crafting, keep working on the album. activism, absolutely anything that’s interesting A lot of times I’ll do vocals for an album and then to me including health, fitness, and just living
I’ll redo the vocals. My philosophy is if I did it good
thought was particularly interesting. You stopped
and they can be if it’s a really nice packaging Mike Herrera: That was cool. We’ve had a few
marriage proposals along
year old and it’s definitely SM: Kids are fantastic. Let’s see... some more
the way. It’s been a while
great. I’m loving life. It’s
since anyone has asked
a little bit stressful at Mike Herrera: Yeah! Sex, drugs, and rock and roll. SM: Did you watch the other F-word? Mike from
to come up on stage to
do that. As long as we
the future, but when
have time I always want
I’m just thinking about where I’ve been, what I’ve gone through, what I
that to happen and it
the present, it’s the best believe, what I don’t believe anymore. I’m a pretty And Jim from Pennywise, great guy, really
was cool that I actually
ever. When I think about easy going person and for that reason I’m not straightforward. It’s like what happens when
the future it’s easy to
trying to put on a front as far as a stage presence your sort of punk rock ideals clash with being a
and he was helping us
worry, because you don’t
or a persona. The whole idea
good parent and making
out with our backline so
know what’s going to
of my podcast is to tear all
the right decisions for your
he was working for us. I
happen. There’s a few that bullshit away and have
kids and thinking about
didn’t know exactly what
different jobs that you it be an honest conversation.
things like education and
he was going to do so I
social issues and having
very stressful in the fact that you have no idea if get weird like I’m going to
to deal with other parents
just called him up. He was so nervous, sweating
about Let’s get back to that! (laughs) Like with my
he says something, he’s not lying.
podcasts, I’m pretty honest about who I am,
are Sometimes
NOFX was one of the guys. Mike Herrera: Yeah, I did. I thought it was good.
bullets, and shaking. I don’t know if it was obvious you’re ever going to make any money and being
talk about fatherhood or I’m
that maybe do not have
from the crowd or anything, but I was just a musician is one of those. Really it’s allowed me
going to talk about changing
watching him like, “Pull it together, you’re going a lot of freedom to just be with my family, to
a shitty diaper. That’s what I
are maybe more or less
to be fine.” That was our first tour of the year and
want to hear from people as
conservative than you. It’s
MxPx has gone through a lot of changes just like I want to work in the studio, that kind of thing. well though. When I listen or
just all these things that
a lot of bands these days. Tom and Yuri aren’t
normally you don’t think
choose when I want to tour, to choose when
So I choose that over money and maybe some talk to people I look up to, like
touring full time anymore so they pretty much of the right business decisions sometimes, but
Mike from NOFX for instance,
about when you listen to
just show up randomly usually for the bigger
at the same time I don’t think I’m ever going to he’s very honest with people
your favorite band. You’re
shows. They’ll do like one or two shows a year.
regret spending more time with my daughter. I about who he is as a person,
not necessarily wondering
Tom does a little bit more than Yuri. Yuri’s got
don’t care what I’ve done in life, it’s just not going about what he’s doing. It’s not necessarily what they think about the school system. For
3 kids so that’s probably a handful for him. I’ve to be a regret. How could it be? It’s just so fun.
saying that he’s telling everybody what he does
me, it’s interesting because I’m just sort of
been a father for a year now. My daughter is a
throughout his day, all day, every day, but when
getting into that. I know at some point I’m going
to have to think about education beyond just
SM: You’re about to embark on an overseas tour better that were once worse. I
family education. It’s kind of scary in a lot of at the end of April. Are you looking forward to feel like traveling is one of those ways, because I feel like that’s where people go
anything overseas? You’re going to Germany, do things. You’re sculpting yourself as
wrong and kids turn from good to bad. A lot of
you eat bratwurst there?
a person, you’re always learning
times it’s when they’re taught by these huge Mike Herrera: Oh hell yeah! Touring is all about more, you’re always doing more, systems of bureaucratic education systems.
eating for sure. I love going to see everything
you’re always getting better and
They’re not tailored for each individual kid, they’re and then eat what’s good. There’s some places having more insight on the world. just tailored for assimilation. That’s exactly the
where I won’t eat the local food because it How could you not? You witness
opposite of what most punkers want. We
just doesn’t seem clean. It doesn’t necessarily
want the best for our families. Just because we have to do with the country or the city, it’s just have an attitude sometimes and we hate the
that place. Even in my hometown I’m like, “I’m
government or parts of what the government not going there, I’m not going there.” I’m real does or corporations. It doesn’t mean you hate
picky when it comes to the actual cleanliness
every corporation, it just means there’s shit that’s because I’ve gotten sick so many times. I was going down that you don’t like that you want
in Kuala Lumpur and I love the city, but we
to talk about. Then there’s this sort of flip side went and ate this Indian food in little India and of loving other people. It fits better than people we were eating with our fingers, we ate with realize. There’s always been this question of can our hands. It was so good, but I was sick later. you be a punk rocker yet still be religious or still I kind of have to watch myself when it comes have certain beliefs. Even though I don’t believe to that. I was sick for 2 months. This happened the same things I believed 10 years ago, I still
in South America a little bit, in Mexico, but for
feel like there’s freedom in everything. I’m not the most part I enjoy the local fare. I went to liberal and I’m not conservative, I’m like right in Thailand last year, or the year before, loved it, ate the middle. I feel like everyone should have the
the shit out of everything. We’re actually going
right to fuck up their own lives. I just hate how
to Rome. It’s going to be our first time playing
everybody’s fast to dictate to others what they
in Rome on May 1st. I’ve been to Rome once on
should be doing. I’m more of a team guy. I just
vacation, but I’ve never played there. I’m stoked
want everybody to have a good time, do great
to check that off the list. Accomplishing goals is
things, solve problems together.
how we as humans validate our own existence by doing things, innovating, and making things
something, you know more about it. That’s why I love touring.
As I approached the outside of the bar, a huge, white, neon sign with black letters read: DETROIT BAR; Playing tonight: Residual Kid, Grmln, and YUCK. There were people hanging out in the front, smoking cigarettes, making small talk, calling friends and urging them to hurry, "they're almost on!" Yuck was to take the stage after Grmln. As the other band finished an energetic, sweaty, but catchy set, Yuck prepared themselves for their performance by bringing their equipment on stage, tuning their guitars, the almost ritualistic sounding mic check, and then they thanked Grmln and Residual Kid and started their set. The smoke machine let out plumes every now and then and lights cut through the smoke outlining itself with green, blue, and red slivers. A disco ball-like light fixture reflected off the metallic pickguards from one of the guitars. The soft roar of the guitars and the melodic twangs of the bass fit well with the rhythmic pit pattering of the drums; a magical combination of wits and music. The guitarists swayed in the melo-
YUCK By: Gilly Uma単a Look forward to their EP Southern Skies but for now listen to Another One
dy while the rest of the members danced along. Yuck played crowd pleaser after crowd pleaser and performed a New Order cover, followed by a chant for an encore to which they obliged. At the end of the night, Yuck delivered an energetic, emotion filled-performance that left one aching for a little more.
drumming shows the punch and power of a drummer with brutal beats, but with interesting rhythmic lilts that put it into the reggae category. JR’s skill set is defined by his jazz background.
“Before coming into this band, I didn’t know a
By: Andrew Mercado
song less than 7 minutes existed,” he jokes. There is definitely a foundation of noodling bass lines
Photography by: Adam Cuenca
reminiscent of jazz and funk jams that JR lays
The Viper Room, in West Hollywood, is known for
that, apart from his close brother and bandmate,
down during songs, albeit not as pronounced
its intimate setting and conveniently furnished
Howi, the group has close ties, “We have known
as the jam music of his formal tutelage, but
room. As you walk in, the floor is lit in night- each other since high school, so we are pretty accurate and precise in execution. Howi, though like shades resembling the gloaming moon. tight”. For over a decade, the members have not available for interview at the time, has been A projector displays clips of surrealist scenes been creating tunes with undertones of Sublime known to be a big fan of Green Day and bands from David Lynch and Stanley Kubrick movies
and Blink 182, but have created an identity that of similar vein. His guitar playing has hard riffs
onto one of the walls. The bar is opposite this can only be described through
of punk lineage and laid-back strums of reggae,
wall, accessible, yet strategically away from
with variations alternating in between, and the
their multiple influences.
the festive concert celebrations. The illustrious company of bands there include Green Day, the
technical skill to mash them together. DJ Blaze’s recent affinities of music are
Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Oasis, among many respectable, ranging from hip hop to reggae. All of these influences thrown into a pot of others. Its history of rock acts and occurrences is “Lately I have been listening to Incubus and RX as storied as Hollywood itself.
dynamic energy and smooth tunes of leisure
Bandits,” Blaze explains with reverence. During are attributes that describe most closely their the concert, Blaze provided timely background sound
Ballyhoo!, a reggae-rock band capable of pop-
scratching along with accents on the keyboard, genre of “reggae rock” should not be taken
punk energy and angst, could not have been a showing that he lives up to his idols quite well. at face value. Their tunes encompass many more perfect fit for the venue at hand. The band
His role is crucial in a live setting; infused with the elements of a good time, not just the laid-back
consists of Howi and Donald Spangler (Big D), music he is playing and hearing, he goads the
sensibilities. Pop-punk energy, vocals, and hard
brothers and partners in crime that do vocals and
crowd into further excitement throughout the rock riffs interweave between the grooving beat
drums, respectfully, Scott (DJ Blaze) on the keys
show with periodic pleas to make more noise.
and upstroke guitar strums, providing plenty
and turntables, and JR “Mista J” Gregory on the
Big D proved to be in line with his influences as
opportunity to jump around the concert floor
bass. They are old friends and family. Big D says well. As a metal and hard rock enthusiast, his
with reckless and unfettered enjoyment.
this is the mood their music engenders. Not only question that proved to reveal even more plainly does the music itself – riddled with problems the group’s playfulness, showing their candid as common as relationships and indecision
habit of open wit. They were asked to name their
– imbue one with a sense of mutual, sonically
favorite movies. “I recently saw Anchorman 2 and
channeled bond, it establishes a platform from
I laughed my ass off,” Big D says as he chuckles
which Ballyhoo! can easily connect with their fans.
in remembrance. “Spaceballs,” Blaze says tersely and with authority. “I guess I would have to say
As I surveyed the floor – the older couple ‘The Life Aquatic’,” says JR, ruminating on his embracing, singing, and dancing to their favorite
backlog of indie and mainstream cinema.
songs, the younger Asian girl dancing the entire time (gyrating lower and lower to the point of
The members of Ballyhoo! are amicable and
accidentally grazing against the shins of people entertaining, but their live show is the stage from nearby), and the crowd cheering and singing which it is magnified, becoming a huge party all in their own idiosyncratic ways – I noticed of song and dance. Be sure to catch them live,
that the live portion of Ballyhoo!’s career may
if you can. Keep an eye out for their upcoming
be their most crucial attribute. Along with DJ
live album. Their album, Pineapple Grenade, is
entitlement because of his build, and the lesson Blaze’s enthusiastic exhortations, Howi showed currently available at the iTunes store, Amazon,
mindfulness of the affinities of their fans. They he should learn. This tirade against plumped-
no sign of energetic ebbing and was constantly
know what their fans want and should hear up jerks is fittingly heavy and laced with chaos,
moving. At one point he walked up to the lip of
during their concerts. After mentioning a pair of along with a gripping solo to top it off. “Battle Cry”,
the stage and stuck out his guitar, as if to pierce
songs, “Meat Head” and “Battle Cry”, Big D said, from their newest album, Pineapple Grenade, into the atmosphere of the crowd and into their “Yeah, those songs are favorites live.” During the has a fast reggae beat with surf undertones joyously rapacious space and immerse himself show, these songs definitely stood out, not only and lyrics of unrest, uncertainty, and outright further with them. Consequently, this explains because of their intrinsically aggressive and
nonconformity. It vilifies the idea of a normal job
their future projects. When asked the question,
immersive musical assault, but because of the and celebrates the freedom to make choices the first response was from DJ Blaze, “We are band’s ability to read their audience and deliver
and be spontaneous. “Walk Away” was a favorite recording a live album.” And this, occurring soon
on the parts of the song they loved. “Meat Head” as well, and mostly because of its catchy refrain after the discussion about good live songs, centers around a driving guitar riff and irreverent
and relatable message. Fans were singing seems to follow nicely at this juncture.
vocals to get the crowd going. The lyrics talk
much of it from memory, often with a sense of
about an ignorant guy that feels a sense of
camaraderie usually seen among friends. And Winding down the interview, I decided to ask a
and the band’s official website.
Featured Photographer: Stefan Merriweather web: Tumblr: Instagram: Sunday Mornings Girl Laura Ava Staff Writer: MxPx interview and photos,
Credits Page Giving credit to all of the great contributors
Yuck photos, The Bruery article Edwin Monico Staff Photographer: The Bruery Photos Jessica Rodriguez Staff Writer: Ballyhoo article and Dallas Buyers Club review Andrew Mercado Staff Graphics: Dallas Buyer’s Club Poster Gian Bautista Staff Photographer: Ballyhoo! Abraham Cuenca Contributor Writer: Yuck Gilly Umaùa