The Sodbury Vale Benefice
Chipping Sodbury, Old Sodbury, Horton & Little Sodbury
November 2012
1 Jane is enrolled as a Companion of the Society of St Francis by Brother Damian.
Old Sodbury
Val Walker 16A Melrose Avenue, Yate, BS37 7AL 01454 318286 Tony Dixon 16 Chatterton Road, Yate, BS37 4BJ 01454 321528
Rector The Rev. Canon Jane Kenchington, 01454 313159 email
If you would like to know more about the Christian faith or are thinking about baptism or confirmation please Little Sodbury speak to Jane Nancy Nagle Winchcombe Cottage,Little Sodbury End BS37 6QE, 01454 319798
Regular Weekly Events Horton
Monday 8.45am Morning Prayer, St John’s Chipping Sodbury 7.30pm Bell Ringers’ practice Church Tower Chipping Sodbury Wednesday 8.30am Morning Prayer, St John’s Chipping Sodbury Thursday 8.45am Morning Prayer, 10.00am Holy Communion St John’s Chipping Sodbury 7.00pm Choir Practice, St John’s Chipping Sodbury Friday 10.00am Tubbie Tots Church Centre Chipping Sodbury 7.00pm Youth Club (age 11-18) Baptist Church Centre
Tina Hildick-Smith Kirrin House, King Lane, Horton BS37 6PD, 01454 320380
Church Office Open during term time Monday, Tuesday & Thursday mornings 9.00 - 12.00
Administrator - Michelle Jenkins 01454 325160
Web Site
Churchwardens Chipping Sodbury
Advertising - Sylvia Franklin St. John’s Church Centre 07788 111 726
Paul Jones-Williams 1 Meadow Mead, Yate, BS37 7UT 01454 324970 Anne Mudge 22 Gorlands Road, Chipping Sodbury BS37 6LA, 01454 880613
Dec./Jan. Deadline Can you have all editorial to Michelle in the Church Office by November 12th at the latest please. 2
Dear Friends, In the gospels, we find Jesus asking people the question, “Who do people say that I am?” And we find Peter answering bolding, telling Jesus that he recognises that Jesus is the Messiah. It’s a question that it is good for us to be asked. Who do you say Jesus is? What does he mean to you? I was asking a group of people this question recently and the replies were very interesting. Many of them had an image of a meek and mild Jesus; they admitted that their image came from childhood and hadn’t progressed much beyond that. They were dumbfounded to think that Jesus was quite a revolutionary figure. One member of the group said, “So Jesus, if he was on earth now, would be spending time with the homeless and drug addicts…” It blew their minds. November is the month when we celebrate Jesus as King (Christ the King Sunday is the Sunday before Advent begins). If we say that Jesus is our King what does that mean? It’s something rather different from the royal images we can conjure up in our minds. In the gospel reading for that day this year, we find Pilate questioning Jesus, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Pilate, who can only think about earthly monarchies, is perplexed. This Jesus, standing in front of him does not seem “Kingly” at all. And Jesus tells Pilate that his (Jesus’) Kingdom is not from this world. It is something different. Jesus as King is someone different from earthly monarchs. Jesus’s power is a different sort of power – seen in weakness on the cross. Jesus’ power is not an abusive power. He allows himself to be vulnerable; in coming to earth, he humbled himself, taking the form of a servant (says, Paul in his letter to the Philippian church). As Christians, our call is to become more Christ-like – to allow God’s Spirit to transform us into Christ-like people. That means becoming more like Jesus in terms of servanthood and vulnerability, among other things. The call to be a Christian involves bowing our knee to Jesus as the King of our lives. So, as we move into November, ponder that question that Jesus asks each one of us: Who do you say that I am? How you answer that question will determine how you allow your life to be shaped. With love and prayers, Rev. Canon Jane, Kenchington, 01454 313159,
Mother’s Union Six of us from the Benefice went on a Mother’s Union retreat at Glenfall House in Cheltenham. The Rev. Jill TalbotPonsonby led and the theme was “Eve’s Daughters”. She picked five women from the Bible, Mary, the mother of Jesus, Ruth, Esther, Martha and Mary Magdalene and paired them with Mary Sumner, Gladys Aylward, Edith Calvell, Mother Theresa and Florence Li Tim-Oi. We talked about the talents these women must have had to do what God asked of them. The main one we felt was to be able to pray. We had time on our own to reflect on those things in the lovely garden and met in the chapel for morning, mid day and evening prayers. It was so peaceful and we all came away feeling relaxed. Audrey Fasey. Dates for your diary: Monday 5 November at 2.30pm Mother’s Union Deanery meeting will be held at the Church centre Chipping Sodbury. Monday 12 November at 2.45pm the Mother’s Union meeting will be held at the Church Centre Chipping Sodbury.
Marriages: We send our congratulations to: Mark Richings & Joanne Poole Samantha Hawkins & Martin Stockin on 15 September at St John’s Church, Old Sodbury Miranda Johnson & Melvyn Wood on 12 October at St John’s Church, Old Sodbury
Funerals:We extend our sympathy to the family and friends of:
Lillie Olive Mackenzie at Westerleigh Crematorium on 17 September Lilian (Anne) Sage at Westerleigh Crematorium on 15 October
The Fellowship of Meditation You will have seen on our Sunday Pew Sheets dates of Meditation Group meetings and perhaps have wondered what we do – well, we meditate! We belong to the Fellowship of Meditation whose residential centre is in Dorchester, Dorset. It is ecumenical and welcomes anyone who wishes to deepen their commitment to God in their prayer life. We receive helpful teaching notes each month with sentences we can use weekly. The sentences hold a key word of life which stands for an aspect of God’s nature – e.g. My peace I give unto you: I am the light of the world: In your presence is fullness of joy. There are groups of the Fellowship all over the British Isles, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand so we know we are not meditating alone. We meet with other groups in retreats, and quiet days. If you would like to know more contact: Edna Barnham 01454 314409 or Roger Nailer 01454 312228.
Christmas Coffee Shop St. John The Baptist Church, Old Sodbury. Come and join us to sing Christmas Carols around the piano with Graham and Margaret Newman and hear carols sung by children from Old Sodbury School. Everyone is Welcome At
Old Sodbury Village Hall Wednesday 19th December 10.00am 4
SPECIAL PRICE M.O.T. s + Fast, Friendly & Efficient + Family Run + Mobile Fitting Service + 24 Hour Call Out + Company Cars Welcome
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Atlantis soft play, Yate Leisure Centre Sunday November 18th 12:00-12:45 After Family Communion No need to book or pay - just turn up!
Steve Blakeney Plumbing and Heating
Orchestral Concert
C.I.P.H.E. Registered Plumber Oil Installation and Service (OFTEC reg.) Bathrooms and Tiling Heating System Power Flushing Renewable Energy Solar Energy and Air Source Heat Pumps
St. John the Baptist’s Church, Chipping Sodbury. On Saturday November 24th 2012 at 7.30pm Thornbury Orchestra will be performing a programme that includes a Beethoven overture, Debussy’s Prélude à l’Aprèsmidi d’un Faune, and Dvorak’s Symphony no.6. This will be a chance to share in the excitement of hearing a full, live orchestra without having to go beyond Chipping Sodbury! Tickets are free but there will be a collection in aid of Sightsavers, a charity helping people with sight problems in the developing world. Do come and join us for what should be a wonderful evening.
Tel: 01454 294875 Mobile: 07778 362623 5
With the passing of time memories can fade. Sometimes a positive thing if the memories are particularly painful. But some memories are important to hold on to so they can inform and shape our response to the present and future. This year Armistice Day falls on a Sunday. Across our country people will stand to observe the two minute silence. “We shall remember them”. We recall the enormous sacrifice made in two World Wars. It is hard to imagine what life in this country might be like today if the evil of Nazism had not been fought against, but the cost for many was great. We should remember their sacrifice with thanksgiving, grateful for the freedom we enjoy. As we recall the sacrifices made by so many in two World Wars we are conscious of our service men and women in Afghanistan, still paying an enormously high price. As we survey our world, we see injustice, violence, suffering in which the innocent and the vulnerable (so often women and children) are caught up as helpless victims. We long to see more of God’s Kingly rule of justice, compassion, righteousness, peace become a reality in every corner of God’s world. Every time we meet as Christians for worship we pray the Lord’s Prayer “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as in heaven”. As we pray that prayer we pray it first and foremost for ourselves. I am challenged to be open to God’s Kingly rule in my own life. I am challenged to be a person of peace, a peace-maker in my relationships and areas of influence. I am challenged to speak out against injustice wherever I see it. From the Bishop of Tewkesbury, The Rt. Revd. John Went,
The Thornbury Area Music Trust welcomes all children who play a string, brass, wind or percussion instrument to our friendly music centre.
LOCATION – Marlwood Secondary School, Alveston, South Gloucestershire TIME - Saturday mornings 9.30am – noon Orchestral provision from beginner to advanced. String and wind band ensembles. Music theory, musicianship and singing Advanced Music Programme – auditioned, for those of at least Grade 5 led by visiting professional musicians.
Regular concerts at local venues. FOR MORE INFORMATION call – 01454 415454 or email Website address
Energy Performance Certificates for:
Sales, Rental & Holiday Lets, Floor Plans
Lynn Edwards MA, MCIEH, MCIH Domestic Energy Assessor Tel: 07973 166 692 or 01454 323 340 Email: 6
(a Body in Association with Gloucestershire Churches Together)
A Quiet Day for Advent on
Tuesday, 4th December, 2012 led by
Revd. John Johansen-Berg (founder of the Community for Reconciliation) at
The House of the Open Door Childswickham near Winchcombe from
10.0am to 3.0pm Cost of the Day ÂŁ10 To Reserve your Place Contact Revd. Paul Henstock TEL: 01452 525244 bring a packed lunch
drinks provided
Host a Student for Christmas? Many UK based international students will be alone and would love to celebrate with you. Inviting a student to stay will make them feel welcome here. That’s why HOST arranges for them to spend a day, weekend or 3 days at Christmas as guests in hospitable homes. This is a great opportunity to get to know someone from another country. As a volunteer host, you could enjoy introducing a student of your choice to your way of life and perhaps to their very first Christmas. Please call Regional Organiser Lynette Chappin on 02920 693903 or see 7
Walton Belshazzar's Feast & Howells Hymnus Paradisi
Richard Kenchington Domestic Structural Engineer
City of Bristol Choir & Exultate Singers & The Bristol Ensemble Saturday 10th November 2012 at 7.30pm Colston Hall, Bristol Come and enjoy an evening of stunning choral music performed by a 140-strong chorus. Grammy award-winning bass Jonathan Lemalu takes centre stage to perform William Walton's Belshazzar's Feast. Full of drama, despair and triumph, the piece is a fast-paced tale of the Babylonian king Belshazzar, and the liberation from exile of the Jewish people. Herbert Howells' masterpiece Hymnus Paradisi receives its first Bristol performance in this concert. Written in the 1930s after the death of Howells' young son. It is a work of remembrance and passion, with an ecstatic conclusion looking towards the promise of eternal life. Completing the programme for this concert on the eve of Remembrance Sunday are two thrilling orchestral pieces. The 15-year-old virtuoso violinist Callum Smart joins the orchestra to perform Vaughan Williams' The Lark Ascending, consistently voted one of the nation's favourite classical works. Aaron Copland's iconic work Fanfare for the Common Man for brass and percussion was written in response to the US entry into the Second World War. This concert will stir every emotion from contemplation to joyous rapture. Tickets are available from David Parsons (323070) or from City of Bristol Choir ticket line on 01454 778477 or, and from the Colston Hall box office on 0117 922 3686. David Parsons
MSc(Eng), CEng, MICE, ACILA Chartered Civil Engineer & Chartered Loss Adjuster
ŸSteelwork & timber design. ŸStructural surveys. ŸSubsidence specialist. ŸFoundation problems. ŸProject management. The Vicarage, Horse Shoe Lane, Chipping Sodbury, Bristol BS37 6ET
Telephone: 01454 324888
Thurlestone, South Devon Mannings,The Drive, Downs Road Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Self Catering Pet Friendly Open All Year Wonderful Sea Views Parking for 2 cars Sleeps 6-10 people 3 Bedrooms, 2 Futons
Call Bob Alcock
01454 313880 8
6 Beaufort Mews 7 Horse Street Chipping Sodbury South Glos. BS37 6DA
Crib Festival - December 5th to 9th Don’t forget we still need, plastic bottles and glass jars and, most importantly, Please do sign up to help during the festival. Planning meeting at 2.30pm Wed. 7th Nov. at St John’s Chipping Sodbury.
Telephone: (01454) 319083 Tuesday, Wednesday, & Saturday Mornings
Crib Festival St John’s Church, Chipping Sodbury Wednesday 5th Sunday 9th December 2012
An Inspiring Collection of nativity cribs, contemporary and traditional, from around the world many gifted or loaned for the exhibition
Sodbury Ringers 40th anniversary In September 2012 Sodbury Ringers celebrated their 40th anniversary. We were founded in September 1972, when an unused set of hand bells was discovered in the vestry of St John’s Church. A number of young people from the church expressed an interest in playing the bells so a group was formed which quickly grew to include young people from the surrounding district, becoming known as 'Sodbury Ringers'. The group first met in the house of founder, Alan Pidgeon, but soon outgrew this and moved to the Church Hall in Hatters Lane. Since then the ringers have moved on to practise in the church vestry, the ringing chamber in the tower and finally settled in the comfort of the upper room of the Church Centre. Having played the old bells for some years, the group raised enough money in 1985 to purchase their own set of hand bells from the Whitechapel Foundry. Over the years the make-up of the group has changed from the original youth group, through a junior and senior team in the 1980s, to our current small adult group. We have entertained at many local venues, especially homes for the elderly, where our range of Christmas music is especially popular. Our speciality is ringing 'call changes' (mimicking church tower bells) and we are often invited to ring at weddings to greet the guests and bride as they arrive. Alan Pidgeon
Experience Harvest October 2012 I’m sure lots of you were wondering why a colourful little shelter appear in the Lady Chapel at the end of September. All will be revealed!
At the beginning of October the Church was filled with bright-eyed children, a buzz of excited anticipation and muted chatter. Yes! ‘Experience Harvest’ was well underway. Classes of children from St. John’s School and Raysfield Infants’ were learning about the many aspects of Harvest and appreciating just how thankful we should be for God’s goodness. They explored the Harvests of the grain, flock, earth, garden and the sea with members of the congregation who cheerfully gave of their time to share this aspect of their faith with the children. Finally, the secret of the shelter was revealed! At the same time that Christians in Britain are celebrating Harvest, Jewish people are remembering the time when their ancestors escaped from Egypt: the Thanksgiving Festival of Succot. A Sukka ( shelter) is built in the gardens of Jewish homes where the family will eat and sometimes sleep. A small gap is left in the leafy roof so the heavens can be seen to remind them that God is always with them just as He was on that long and hazardous journey to the promised land, when a similar shelter had to be built every night. The children were told the dramatic story of the escape and were wide eyed at the parting of the Red Sea! God’s faithfulness to us all was remembered as we thought about how we should be faithful to Him by living good lives full of the ‘Fruits of the Spirit’. Pictures of fruit, one brought from each aspect of Harvest they had visited, were hung on the Sukka. They bore names of the spirit fruits they had been thinking about at each station: joy, generosity, humility, patience and peace. We concluded with a prayer asking that we always have the fruits of the spirit in our lives. The children from both schools were very interested and responsive and I am so
grateful to all the people came to help and also to Hobbs House bakery who made the beautiful Harvest loaf as well as providing bread every day for the children to try (I suspect this was their favourite bit judging by the appreciative munching!) Thanks also go to Ian’s Greengrocery, Lucy Butler Flowers and our local potter Colin Hatfield who generously donated Items to enhance our displays Jenny Baxendale
teacher and it’s exciting that he will be coming to our Benefice next February. The theme will be on the Eucharist (Holy Communion). Full details of this weekend have yet to be worked out, but please do book that weekend in your 2013 diary. JK
Benefice Retreat 2013
Dates for your diary…2013 Bishop Michael will be visiting this Benefice on Sunday 10 February and spending the whole of the following weekend (15-17 February) with us all. On 10 February, he will be confirming (and possibly baptising) some (or all!) of the people who are currently on the Exploring Christianity Course. This service will be at 9.30 am at St John’s, Chipping Sodbury. In between now and then, please remember, in your prayers, the people who are attending this course. They are mostly in their 20s and 30s, some who have been married recently, or who will be marrying next year and some are parents of the children who have been baptised recently. Others are slightly older. So far, 13 people have been coming to the course – and it’s really enjoyable and exciting!
A retreat for members of all churches of the Sodbury Vale Benefice. Friday 5th - Sunday 7th July 2013 Llangasty Retreat House in the Brecon Beacons -Stunning location! £130 per person See for more information. Please email asap if you are interested.
Puzzle for children (Young or Old!) MAZE - Start at A and see if you can find your way to B.
The following weekend is a unique event for us. Whilst Bishop Michael has been our Diocesan Bishop, he has been conducting “teaching weekends” around the diocese. He has not done such a weekend in this Benefice so far, so it’s good to be able to welcome him. One of the roles of a Bishop is to be a teacher of the faith and Bishop Michael is indeed a born A 11
St John’s Old Sodbury ~ St John the Baptist Gozo During Harvest Festival Celebration Harvest Festival was celebrated at Old Sodbury, with Harvest Services and an excellent Supper. Gifted flower arrangers, decorated the church, harvest gifts were offered at the Harvest Service on the Sunday, and by children from Old Sodbury School at their service on the Monday morning. The non–perishable gifts were taken to the Loaves and Fishes Project, run by the nuns in St Pauls, to distribute to those in need in Bristol. Fresh produce and flower arrangements were transferred to the Village Hall, serving a second time as beautiful harvest decoration at the Harvest Supper, before raising money as sale and auction items. Penny Weir from the Air Ambulance Service gave a very interesting after supper speech, thanking St John’s Old Sodbury for supporting the Service and explaining that they are funded entirely by donations. They have only a small number of paid staff, the paramedics and doctors are all volunteers. The Air Ambulance, based at Filton, serves Bristol, Bath and the surrounding counties, but will go beyond these boundaries if needed. The cost of running the service is around £1.3 to £1.5 million a year; each minute of flying time costs around £15 in fuel! Generous bidding ensued at the auction of the flower arrangements and produce, which included two fruit cakes, and novelty items this year, six huge onions, around a kilo each, which had won first prize at the Marlborough Show. A total of £862 was raised for the Air Ambulance Service. Thank you to everyone who gave of their time, items, or money, to make the celebration so enjoyable and support the Air Ambulance, and the St Paul’s project.
our many visits to Gozo we n e v e r found out the history of St. John the Baptist Church at XEWKIJA (show-key-ya) until now. The original Church was built in 1665 when it was a small village of about 400 people The village grew and the Church could not accommodate all the people ,so in 1954 the Church decided to build a new one. They built the new one around the outside of the old one. When finished they simply dismantled the one inside. The Church can now seat the whole Parish, about 3000 in one sitting. The Dome which weighs 45000 tons is supported by 8 pillars and is bigger than St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. A lift has been installed to take visitors to the roof
so they can see all around the Village Nearly all the work of building of the new church and then dismantling the old Church was carried by the villagers themselves. The new Church was consecrated on June 17th 1978 and a new set of bells hung in 2007. Chris and Jenny Evans
F. WOODRUFF Local Family Cremation and Funeral Directors
PCC Meetings Old Sodbury PCC 7.30pm Wed 7th November at the village hall Little Sodbury PCC 7.00pm Wed 14 November at the home of Terry Gwynn, White Gables, Little Sodbury Chipping Sodbury PCC 7.30pm Thur. 15 November at the Church Centre
118-120 Station Road,Yate Tel: (01454) 320005 24hr Service
Soup and a Sweet. Join us at St John's Chipping Sodbury at 1 O’clock on Saturday 10th November for Soup and a Sweet. £5.00 a person.
192 Badminton Road. Coalpit Heath Tel: (01454) 778838 24hr Service
This will be the lunch break for the Singing Day (see back page) but you don't need to be a singer to come for lunch. Pop in to see what the day is all about, or just chat with friends.
Private Chapels of Rest at Coalpit Heath & Yate
WELCOME TO THE MODA HOUSE Whether you're looking for a relaxing weekend break away, celebrating that special occasion or perhaps just visiting the area on business we can accommodate your individual requirements. Ÿ Bed and Breakfast Ÿ 11 individually styled rooms Ÿ Excellent breakfast using fresh local produce Ÿ FREE parking and FREE WiFi Ÿ Within easy reach of the M4 and M5 Ÿ Meeting room To make a reservation or for more details simply email or telephone 01454 312135 1 High Street, Chipping Sodbury, South 8 Glos. BS37 6BA.
Sodbury Vale Benefice Forthcoming Events Sat
Vintage Craft Fair
Church Centre, C/S
Wed 5th
10 - 5
Crib Festival
St John’s C/S
10 - 5
Crib Festival
St John’s C/S
10 - 5
Crib Festival
St John’s C/S
10 - 5
Crib Festival
St John’s C/S
10 - 5
Crib Festival
St John’s C/S
Wed 12th Dec Wed 19th Dec Sun 10th Feb
7.3 10.00am 9.30am
St John’s C/S Village Hall, O/S St John’s, C/S
16th Feb
17th Feb
25th May 25th May
10am 7.30pm
Chipping Sodbury School Christmas Concert St John’s Christmas Coffee Shop Confirmation Service with Bishop Michael of Gloucester Bishop Michael’s Teaching Weekend Further details to follow Bishop Michael’s Teaching Weekend Further details to follow Vintage Craft flea market Yate Choral Society Concert
Sodbury Vale Benefice Sodbury Vale Benefice Church Centre, C/S St John’s, C/S
If you don’t see your event in the list above please let me know, once it is on this calendar other people can put it on theirs! All times are subject to change look out for further details closer to the date. Michelle 01454 325160
Relief Housekeeper/Manager Our Very Sheltered Housing Scheme for 10 Residents, which is based in Chipping Sodbury, is looking to appoint 2 Relief Housekeepers/Managers to cover days off and holidays for the Manager. This would be a job share. The successful candidates will have caring natures, be good cooks and enjoy working with elderly people. You will provide two meals for 10 people each day and take responsibility for all aspects of the house when on duty. For more information and an application form please telephone 01454 318886 Applications close on 10th November
Sodbury Vale Benefice Calendar November 2012 Thurs
3rd Sun 4th All Saints’
Mon Tue
5th 6th
10th Sun 11th Remembrance Sunday
Mon Tues Thurs
12th 13th 15th
17th Sun 18th Second Sunday before Advent
Wed Thur
21st 22nd
Sun 25th Christ the King
Tues Thurs
27th 29th
10.00am 10.45am 9.00am 8.00am 9.30am 11.15am 11.15am 4.00pm 6.00pm 7.30pm 3.00pm 7.30pm 1.20pm 8.00pm 10.00am 10.45am 9.00am 9.30am 11.15am 11.15am 6.00pm 2.45pm 7.30pm 10.00am 10.45am 9.00am 9.30am 11.15am 11.15am 6.00pm 3.00pm 7.30pm 1.20pm 10.00am 10.45am 9.00am 10.00am 7.30pm 9.30am 11.15am 11.15am 6.00pm 7.30pm 10.00am 10.45am
Holy Communion Coffee Shop Benefice Prayer Meeting Holy Communion St John’s Praise Mattins Family Communion All Souls’ Service Evensong (BCP) SJP Planning Meeting Meditation Meeting Explorers’ Course Women’s Fellowship Mission Prayer Group Holy Communion Coffee Shop Benefice Prayer Meeting Parish Communion Holy Communion Remembrance Service Evensong {BCP} Mothers’ Union, Explorers’ Course Holy Communion Coffee Shop Benefice Prayer Meeting Family Communion Morning Prayer (CW) Holy Communion (BCP) Evensong (BCP) Meditation Meeting Explorers’ Course Women’s Fellowship Holy Communion Coffee Shop Benefice Prayer Meeting Charity Coffee Morning Friends of Old Sodbury Concert Parish Communion with Healing Family Communion (CW) Morning Praise Holy Communion (BCP) Explorers’ Course Holy Communion Coffee Shop
St John’s C/S Church Centre C/S Church Centre C/S St John’s C/S St John’s, C/S St James’ Horton St John’s O/S St John’s C/S St Adeline’s L/S Church Centre C/S 10 Lark Rise, Yate Church Centre, C/S Church Centre C/S Church Centre, C/S St John’s C/S Church Centre C/S Church Centre C/S St John’s C/S St James’ Horton St John’s O/S St Adeline’s L/S Church Centre C/S Church Centre, C/S St John’s C/S Church Centre C/S Church Centre C/S St John’s C/S St James’ Horton St John’s O/S St Adeline’s L/S 10 Lark Rise, Yate Church Centre, C/S Church Centre C/S St John’s C/S Church Centre C/S Church Centre C/S Church Centre C/S St John’s O/S St John’s C/S St James’ Horton St John’s O/S St Adeline’s L/S Church Centre, C/S St John’s C/S Church Centre C/S
“GROWING A SINGING CHURCH” A D A Y F O R E V E R Y O N E ! St John’s Church, Chipping Sodbury Saturday 10th November 2012 10:00am Exploring singing and parish music
Do you like to sing? If you do, come along to
The Silver Ring Choir of Bath
10.00 Coffee 10.30 Morning Session Starts 12.30 Midday Prayer 13.00 Lunch 14.00 Afternoon Session Starts 16.00 Tea 16.30 Evening Prayer 17.00 Depart
A warm welcome awaits you. We are a mixed-voice Choir and are a friendly group, singing a wide range of music, sacred through to modern. Rehearsals:
Monday evening 7.45 to 9.45. At Manvers Street Baptist Church
‘I will sing a new song to you, O God.’ (Psalm 144) Having a robed choir, a music group to lead our all-age Eucharist and a band to play for St John’s praise is a real blessing in St John’s Church, Chipping Sodbury. We are also fortunate to have the joint forces of the Benefice Choir to lift our festival celebrations and help mark special occasions.
You will gain a new group of friends and we look forward to greeting
So what about the rest of us? This day will aim to help us all participate more fully in the singing that enlivens our worship and binds our community together. We will explore some ideas about liturgy, revive some old music, refresh some familiar music and learn some new music. There will also be time for prayer, fellowship and hopefully fun.
Telephone 01179422205 or visit our website
Please come! Everyone is welcome! 16