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Brinkskolan appointed School Restaurant of the Year
Finally!Afterseveralyearsof nominationsinvariouscategories,we scoredadirecthitinthe2022White GuideJunior.SchoolRestaurantofthe Year,oneofthemostprestigious awards,wenttoBrinkskolaninTäby. Themealasawholescored 95outof100,andthefooditself scored19outof20.

“Brinkskolan’swinandallourother nominationsareproofpositivethatweare doingtherightthing.Wecookgoodfood andhavecreatedasenseofparticipation andcommitmentamongbothourguests andemployees,”saysKimDuggin,site managerforTäbyschools.Täbyschools receivednofewerthaneightnominationsin thecategories:SchoolChefoftheYear, SchoolRestaurantoftheYearandGreen SchoolMealoftheYear.
Accordingtothejudges,thefoodat Brinkskolanwasthebesttheyhavehadin theten-yearhistoryofthecompetition.Inthe reasonsfortheirdecision,theywrote: “Sodexohasorchestratedthisnear-perfect experienceandtheschool,ledby headmasterMagnusJohansson,ison board–butheadchefMichaelOskarsson playsfirstfiddle,flankedbyateamofdiligent colleagueswhoaren’tjustallowed,but activelyencouragedtotakecentrestage.”

Theschoolsworkaccordingtothemeal conceptKöketbySodexo,wherethedaily ambitionistopreparetasty,healthyandecofriendlyfood.Themenusshowtheclimate impactofthefood,bothforeducational purposesandtoempowerstudentstomake climate-smartchoices.
Thedialoguewithstudentsisalsoasuccess factor.The“BreakfastChef”forumisan activitywhereoneclassatatimehas breakfastwiththeschoolchef.Theychat aboutideastheyhaveaboutfood,food wasteandthemealenvironment.Following discussionswiththeschoolmanagement, thedesireforaquieterenvironmentresulted intheadditionoftrees,plantsandan aquariumtoreducethenoiselevelinthe schoolrestaurant.
“Anotherideawehadatabreakfastmeeting is‘Worldfoodtheme’,whereweasked studentstovotefordishesfromdifferent countries.Thenwehungupflagsand informationaboutthecountries.Thisactivity wasalsopickedupaspartofschools’ educationalwork,”saysKim.
Parentsarealsoinvitedtoparticipateinthe mealtimediscussions.Meetingswereheld onlineduringthepandemic,andparents hadtocollecttastingboxes.Thesolution workedwell,andevenincreasedthe numberofpeopletakingpart.
“Winningthebestmealawardhas enhancedoursenseofprideandteamspirit. Oneofourschoolrestaurantswon,and sevenwereveryclose.Nowtheother schoolsareonthelookoutforawards.”
WGJ nominations 2022
School Chef of the Year
Michael Oscarsson Brinkskolan
Nevena Misic Hägerneholmsskolan
Green School Meal of the Year
School Restaurant of the Year
Åva Gymnasium
Read more!
Our impact on individuals
Improving everyone’s quality of life in a sustainable way
Sodexo employees are helping to improve the daily lives of millions of consumers around the world by making a sustainable difference in the quality of life for all.
As a responsible employer, Sodexo is committed to the wellbeing, health and safety of its employees. Training, support and development are essential to the commitment and recognition of its employees. Sodexo ensures that all employees have all the skills and tools necessary for advancing within the
Group. As a service provider, Sodexo offers personalized menus based on the specific needs of its customers, such as seniors or patients in hospitals.
Sodexo is also committed to offering all its customers a variety of foods from responsible sources. As a corporate citizen, Sodexo reaffirms its engagement and determination to act against hunger, through Stop Hunger, its main philanthropic cause. Sodexo’s global reach allows it to have a tremendous power of positive influence to drive progress in key areas such as food distribution or women empowerment as levers to fight against hunger.

Working life after the pandemic
To better understand and develop our services for the working life of the future, Sodexo has been working in partnership with Novus since 2020 to survey the attitudes of Swedish office workers and managers to work life, working from home and what creates discomfort and satisfaction. Working on the basis of a research-based initiative, we have presented the results in seven reports to date.
The pandemic became a catalyst for working from home. One of the reports shows that one in five people who worked from home thought it was better than doing nine-to-five in the office, while four in ten people think that work has been worse during the pandemic. The time spent commuting and travelling to work is one of the reasons why people want to continue working from home.
Read our work life reports!
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– Work life when offices open up again
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“We need new services, technological solutions and innovations to improve the work situation in hybrid working life. Leadership should have a coaching function rather than controlling one, where time and resources are invested in understanding employees’ individual drivers, conditions and needs,” says Johanna Langer, Head of Marketing for Corporate Services.
Webinar Anarchy or micromanagement
We have also looked at productivity and why it increased for some office workers during the pandemic. In our seventh report, we explored office workers’ expectations and concerns about working life in 2030. According to the study, five working life trends will be particularly key to working life in 2030: working from home, purpose and value drive, individualisation, globalisation and servicification.
Social exchange remains the most important function of the shared workplace. A shorter working week tops the wish list for what office workers want from working life in 2030, followed by more flexible working hours and being able to choose to work from anywhere in the world.
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