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5 dimensions of diversity, equity and inclusion

We believe that utilising the full potential of our diverse workforce will make us a stronger, more innovative company that can contribute more effectively to diversity. This is why we train all our managers in inclusive leadership.

Some key figures for Sweden

• 57.98% of our total workforce are women

• 49.5% women in senior positions

• 46.2% women in the Swedish management team


Target: 40% women in senior positions by 2025, and to ensure a 40–60% gender balance in management teams.

Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity

We are committed to ensuring a safe and inclusive work environment with acceptance and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer employees who feel excluded so that they can come to work as they are.


Our ongoing commitment: by 2025, 100% of our employees will have access to initiatives that support the inclusion of people with disabilities.

Culture And Origin

We are committed to fostering a culturally diverse, fair and inclusive experience for our employees, providing skills to work effectively across cultures and creating a sense of belonging for all our employees.


We are committed to having a positive impact on the employee experience by having employees of all age groups in order to engage, retain and attract talent from different generations

Cooperating with AlphaCE

Alpha CE is a training and matching company working towards an inclusive labour market. Mahmoud from Syria is one of the people who got a full-time job as a chef at Sodexo after a successful recruitment process via Alpha CE.

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Ensure A Diverse Workforce And Inclusive Culture That Reflects And Enriches Communities We Serve

Aid equipment that benefit people in other countries

Sodexo runs aid equipment services on behalf of a number of regions and municipalities in Sweden. Requirements in respect of aid equipment are stringent in Sweden, based not only on function, but also on wear and tear. There is a severe lack of aid equipment in many other countries, and people with disabilities risk being confined to bed. When we realised that leftover items here could be very useful elsewhere in the world, the choice was easy.

Aid equipment that don’t meet Swedish standards are used in other countries thanks to our cooperation with Vaggan and Human Bridge. Aid equipment that aren’t fit for purpose are discarded.

“It is an honour to work with aid equipment, it contributes to something important. Helping others feels good, and it is in line with Sodexo’s values. That is one of the things I value as a Sodexo employee,” says Jan Möller, Site Manager for SodexoAid Equipment Services in Östergötland.

During the year, our aid equipment services in Stockholm donated everything from crutches to beds to the Vaggan organisation. About half a trailer a month has benefited children in Latvia and Lithuania, for the most part. Vaggan has been sending aid to Ukraine as well since Russia invaded.

Our aid equipment services in Linköping cooperates with the Human Bridge aid organisation. Most of our donations have gone to countries in Africa, with a third going to Ukraine. The demand for wheelchairs is particularly high, and in 2022 we were able to donate 120 wheelchairs to Human Bridge. 80 walkers, walking frames and crutches were also donated.

Aid equipment services have also been sent via Blågula bilen, which donates equipment and supplies to people in Ukraine. Three lorries carrying wheelchairs, walkers, shower chairs and transfer aids – devices that help staff to move people – have benefited people in Ukraine.

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