Inside 1. Upcoming Events 2. September Recap 3. Birthdays 4. Curriculum 5. October 6. Class Addition 7. Important Notice
Fantasia City Newsletter
Upcoming Events
September Recap.
October 1st Independence Day school closed
This month has been absolutely extraordinary and we would like to share with you some of the wonderful things your children engaged in.
October 3rd Parents Socialization Day school opened October 15th and 16th Eid El Kabir school closed “Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment.” Maria Montessori
To begin with, the theme of the month was from our Cultural Curriculum, Countries. We took the children on a mental journey to America, France and settled in Nigeria. The children enjoyed learning about cultures around the world. They were introduced to pictures of presidents and sceneries. They had fun doing collage, coloring flags and maps, tracing out their hands and foot stamping. The opportunity to immense the children in the Nigerian culture came with our independence celebration. There was ample display of Nigerian craft, food stuff, clothing, musical instruments, games, pictures and a slide show of places in Nigeria. It was amusing to watch the children eat ofada rice, eba and ewedu Many thanks to our parents who assisted in one way or the other. Please be sure to check the bulletin board and our website for pictures and news of the event.
Happy Birthday Henry Mudiaga!!
We enjoy celebrating each child’s birthday and would love you to bring pictures of your child’s previous birthdays and a picture at birth to help the children understand the growth process. Also, invitations are welcome if every child in the class is invited.
Curriculum The curriculum remains unchanged even though our theme changes each month. The theme directs our focus in general activities and projects, it also serves to broaden our scope and knowledge in curriculum areas. Stepping Stone 1 In language, our infants are having fun exploring, identifying objects and parts of the body through songs, rhymes and other language activities. Independence, responsibility, order and concentration is being taught through practical life exercises in the areas of feeding, care of self and the environment. Infants adore outdoor times and are always excited to watch, crawl or toddle after a ball.
Stepping Stone 2 Our circle time presents the opportunity to welcome each other to school, discuss the days activities, ground rules and the months theme. Our toddlers enjoy manipulatives as they learn and gain concepts working with various materials. Language activities includes naming and exploring the features of objects (shapes, colours, sizes). The beginning sounds of the words are stressed to allow early learning of letter sounds. There are loads of materials to be counted, we include counting and one to one correspondence in our daily activities. Potty training is in progress and the children have started to achieve success in the area. Please continue to encourage them to use the potty every now and again. Soaring Eagles The afterschool class has been very much a part of all our activities and events. They do their homeworks themselves while we guide and engage them in extra tutoring, both in problem areas and in treating the topic exhaustively for more in-depth knowledge. Extra curricular activities will take off as soon as we have a minimum of 5 people signed up for a particular class. Please check the bulletin board, the website or talk to a staff member if you require more information on our programs.
Important notice Tuition payment Fees are due on the last day of the preceding month; in this case 30th September, 2013. We ask that you pay the October fees on or before the said date and come with the bank teller to school upon resumption. Bank details For Stepping Stones 1 & 2 Fantasia City Creche and Schools. GTBank. No. 0131040244 For Soaring Eagles Fantasia City Creche and Schools. Diamond Bank No. 0034608693 Please talk to Miss Juliana at the front desk or call 08182664955 to discuss fees and administration matters.
October Our theme for october is seasons/weather. As usual, we would take a mental tour to western countries to explore the weather there and then settle in Nigeria to feel our climate. We encourage you to take your child/ren on a walk when possible and discuss the weather with them.
A pleasant addition Mrs Sigei is a Montessori graduate of Montessori Centre International, South Africa. She also holds a degree in International business. Our classes are filling up steadily and Mrs Sigei would be in charge of Stepping stone 2, while our Miss Kemi would be the teacher of stepping stone 1.
happy new month!