info@sofiagritsyuk.com +7 (910) 4588055
Color violence came to the gray city. Let the summer never come to an end! The "Sofia Gritsyuk" brand is unique with it's rich colors and thin gentle ornaments: orchids intertwine in light of sunshine; over foaming falls seagulls soar, in creeks mermaids hide; lilac waves of sea open spaces as if they play with pink tapes of algas, crimson buds of exotic flowers; horses of a pink merry go round. The unprecedented world of fantastic riddles opens the veils for you.
info@sofiagritsyuk.com +7 (910) 4588055
Gesco Silk 100% Size: 100Ń…100 cm Hand hemming
Silk 100% Size: 100Ń…100 cm Hand hemming
Ship Silk 100% Size: 100Ń…100 cm Hand hemming
Waterfall Silk 100% Size: 100Ń…100 cm Hand hemming
Billiards Silk 100% Size: 100Ń…100 cm Hand hemming
www.sofiagritsyuk.com info@sofiagritsyuk.com +7 (910) 4588055