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- The New Fisher House


- House in Barrosa


- A Walk in The Park


- Boutique Hotel


DESIGN GRAFICO / GRAFIC DESIGN - What the f**k is an architecture student? 30

- Trivial Architect


- Expo K


sobre mim / about me


NOME / NAME: Sofia Margarida Ferreira Miranda CONTACTO / CONTACT: 00351 968 293 435 EMAIL: sofia.m.f.miranda@gmail.com

Agosto de 2011 : estagio voluntario na Camara Municipal de Santa Comba Dao em arquitectura. / August 2011 : Volunteer internship in architecture, Chamber City of Santa Comba Dao, Portugal


Abril de 2007 : estagio voluntario na Camara Municipal de Santa Comba Dao em arquitectura./ April 2007 : Volunteer internship in architecture, Chamber City of Santa Comba Dao, Portugal

setembro de 2014 ate a data : trabalho no regime freelancer, na legalizacao de edificios e tenho participado em parceria no projecto de ampliacao de edificios. / september 2014 until to present : working as freelancer in the legalizations of buildings and partership in building extension of projects.

Julho de 2002 : animacao sociocultural no Lar de idosos de Sao Joao de Areias por um programa promovido por IPJ / July 2002 : Sociocultural Animation in Nursing Home, IPJ

setembro de 2014 ate a data : estagio da ordem dos arquitectos no atelier territorio de ideias, castelo branco, portugal / september 2014 until to present: intership of the association of architects (OA) in the Territorio de Ideias, Castelo Branco, Portugal

Julho de 2001 : executei um trabalho como auxiliar de vitralista na empresa de vitrais de Isabel Ferrer / July 2001 : Performed work as assistant in making stained glass, Isabel Ferrer, Sao Joao de Areias, Portugal

EDUCACAO / EDUCATION Setembro de 2006 - Dezembro de 2013 Escola Universitaria Vasco da Gama, Coimbra, Portugal Mestrado em Arquitectura September 2006 - December 2013 Escola Universitaria Vasco da Gama, Coimbra, Portugal Master in Architecture

Setembro de 2008 - Julho de 2009 Slovak University of Techonology, Bratislava, Eslovaquia Programa Eramus September 2008 - July 2009 Slovak University of Techonology, Bratislava, Slovakia Erasmus Program



Lingua materna / Mother tongue: Portugues / Portuguese

Outras Linguas / Other Languages:

Pessoa criativa, auto-motivada , com espirito de equipe, capacidade de adaptacao a outras culturas e ambientes. Esse recurso foi desenvolvido atraves da experiencia de Erasmus e participacao em varios workshops , conferencias e experiencias de voluntariado.

Espanhol (Fluente) / Spanish (Fluent)

Eslovaco (Basico) / Slovak (Basic knowledge)

Ingles ( Fluente) / Enghish (Fluent)

Apresentacao grafica e alguma aptidao para a pintura e artesanato.

Bom senso de organizacao e responsabilidade . Participacao na organizacao de eventos academicos.

Competencias informaticas / Computer skills:

Adobe Photoshop (Bom / Good)

Adobe Ilustrator (Basico / Basic)

Adobe Indesign (Bom / Good)

Autocad (Muito Bom / Very Good)

Archicad (Bom / Good)

Corel Draw (Basico / Basic)

Kerkythea (Basico / Basic)

Microsoft Office (Muito Bom / Very Good)

Sketchup (Bom / Good)

Tocar Baixo e Cavaquinho em uma banda de musica.

O ex- praticante de natacao competitiva e curso P1 da Federacao Portuguesa de atividades Mergulho .

Creative person, self-motivated, with team spirit, ability to adapt to other cultures and environments. This capability was developed through the experience of Erasmus and participation in various workshops, conferences and voluntary experiences. Good sense of organization and responsibility. Participation in the organization of academic events. Graphic presentation and some aptitude for painting and crafts.

Play ukulele and bass guitar in a music band.

Former practitioner of competitive swimming and P1 course of the Portuguese Federation of Scubadiving activities.



Fisher House, Hotboro, Pennsylavnia


the new fisher house Este projecto foi realizado no ambito academico, que tinha como intuito a criacao de um atelier de pintura, anexo a Fisher House. Com base na topografia do terreno, nos materiais e na forma da Fisher House, surge entao, a New Fisher House. Que se apresenta numa forma rectangular, em madeira, acompanhando o declive acentuado do terreno. Os pequenos vaos apresentados na fachada, tem como objectivo controlar a incidencia da luz natural no interior do edificio. As opcoes tomadas na composicao do edificio incidem-se, nos materias, na forma e na topologia do terreno, criando assim uma relacao directa com o exterior e com o rio, criando a ideia de liberdade e continuidade.

This project was fulfilled during academic studies, and aimed to create a paint shop, adjacent to the Fisher House. The New Fisher House was based on topography of the land, materials and the shape of the Fisher House. The New Fisher House emerged in a rectangular shape from wood, following the sharp slope of the land. The little spans displayed on the frontage have the aim of controlling the incidence of natural light inside the building. The choices of materials shape and land topology were made in order to create a direct link with the outside and with the river, emphasizing the idea of freedom and continuity. Implantacao/ Implantation

Modelo 3d/ 3d Model


Res-do-chao/ ground floor

Piso 1/ first floor

Piso 2/ second floor

Cobertura/ roof

Axonometria/ axonometry

Corte bb'/ section bb'


Pormenores construtivos/ constructions details

Corte cc'/ section cc'


Modelo 3d/ 3d Model

House in barrosa A casa da Barrosa e uma unidade habitacional familiar, situada na localidade da Barrosa, Tabua. Esta habitacao distribui-se toda ela a cota terrea, apresentando grandes vaos e materiais tipicos das regiao. E composta por tres quartos, duas instalacoes sanitarias, uma cozinha, arrumos e uma sala de estar/jantar.

Localizacao/ Localization

The Barrosa House is a family sized housing unit, located in Barrosa, a little village outside Tabua (Portugal). This habitation is distributed on a single floor, with large spans and typical materials of the region. It is composed by three bedrooms, two sanitary facilities, a kitchen with storage room and a living/dining room.

Implantacao/ Implantation

Modelo 3d/ 3d Model



Res-do-chao/ ground floor

Corte aa'/ section aa'

Cobertura/ roof

Corte bb'/ section bb'


Alcado principal/ Main elevation

Alcado lateral direito/ Right side elevation

Alcado posterior/ Rear elevation

Alcado lateral esquerdo/ Left side elevation


Implantacao/ Implantation


A WALK IN THE PARK Walk in the Park surge em paralelo com o estudo realizado, no ambito de um projecto de investigacao, que consitia na Reabilitacao da Costa Algarvia em comparacao com a Costa da Dalmacia. A proposta incide-se numa determinada area em Albufeira, onde o objectivo e criar uma estrategia de melhoramento do espaco publico. Foi criado um percurso de ligacao de varios pontos, atraves de um transporte publico, este foi dividido em tres pontos diferente, A, B e C, sendo que a minha intervencao incide-se no B. A intervencao e organica, aproveitando o existente, Walk in the Park oferece-nos espacos e ambientes em vez de eixos, caminhos e canteiros, mantendo-se a vegetacao existente, implementando alguma especies aromaticas ecriando assim espacos com diferentes sensacoes. Walk in the Park arises parallel to the study, during the development of a research project, which consisted in the Rehabilitation of Algarve’ s coast when comparing to the Coast of Dalmacia. The proposal focuses on a particular area in Albufeira, where the aim is to create a strategy to improve the public space. A connecting route from various points through public transportation was created, it was divided into points A, B and C, of which I chose to intervene only in point B. Intervention is organic, leveraging the existing. Walk in the Park offers us spaces and environments instead of axis, pathways and flowerbeds, maintaining the existing vegetation, implementing some aromatic species, thus creating spaces with different sensations. Localizacao/ Localization

18 Analise do existente / Analysis of existing

A Walk in the Park

Planta de percursos/ routes plan

Planta de edificado/ built plan

Planta de vegetacao/ vegetation plan


19 Proposta ao existente/ Proposal to the existing

Planta de percursos/ routes plan

Planta de iluminacao/ lighting plan

Planta de vegetacao/ vegetation plan


Turial Park Hotel, Albufeira, Portugal


Boutique Hotel

Implantacao/ Implantation

Programa existente/ Existent program

Este projecto surge da necessidade da recuperacao de alguns hoteis no Algarve. A proposta incide na conversao do Turial Park Hotel para um Boutique Hotel. Um hotel com dimensoes reduzidas, localizado numa area historica e com uma variadade de servicos personalizados. O Boutique Hotel em Albufeira, mantem a estrutura do antigo edificio, com uma metrica de pilares 4x4. Esta metrica serve assim como base para a criacao de um tipo de modulo que define todas as areas do Boutique Hotel. Pretendem-se que o edificio crie um forte vinculo / relacao com a Praia dos Pescadores, pois esta praticamente inexistente. Para isso, foi criada uma nova fachada com o intuito de permitir a relacao direta entre as Praias e Boutique Hotel. This project arises from the need of recovering some hotels in the Algarve. The proposal focuses on the conversion of Turial Park Hotel onto a boutique hotel. A small size hotel located in an historic area that offers a variety of personalized services. The Boutique Hotel in Albufeira, keeps the old building structure, with a metric of pillars 4x4. This metric serves as the basis for the creation of a type of module that defines all areas of the Boutique Hotel. It's intended for the building to create a strong bond / relationship with the Fishermen's Square, as this is practically nonexistent. For this, a new frontage was created in order to allow direct relationship between Squares and Boutique Hotel.

22 Programa existente/ Existent program

cota -2.60 / elevation -2.60

Corte aa'/ section aa'

cota 1.20 / elevation 1.20

cota 5.60 / elevation 5.60

Corte bb'/ section bb'

23 Diferentes tipologias/ Different types of rooms

24 Proposta/ Proposal




1- Parque de estacionamento/ Parking 2- Lavandaria/ laundry 3- Oficinas/ workshop 4- Arrumos/ storage

1- Bar/ bar 2- Recepcao/ reception 3- Loja/ shop 4- Dormitorios/dorms 5- Ciber Point

1- Restaurante/ restaurant 2- Quartos/ rooms 3- Acessos verticais e horizontais/ Horizontal and vertical access

cota -2.60 / elevation -2.60

cota 8.20 / elevation 8.20

cota 1.20 / elevation 1.20

cota 5.60 / elevation 5.60



1- Biblioteca/ library 2- Quartos/ rooms 3- Acessos verticais e horizontais/ Horizontal and vertical access

1- Terraco/ terrace 2- Quartos/ rooms 3- Acessos verticais e horizontais/ Horizontal and vertical access

cota 12.20 / elevation 12.20

cota 15.60 / elevation 15.60

25 Diferentes tipologias/ Different types of rooms



26 Detalhes construtivos/ construction details Legenda/Legend 1- Reboco/ plaster 2- Betao armado/ concrete 3- Madeira macica/ wood 4- Soalho de madeira/ wood floor 5- Isolamento acustico/ soundproofing 6- Perfil metalico/ metalic profile 7- Isolamento termico/ thermal insulation 8- Barrote de madeira/ wooden beam 9- Ripa de madeira/ clapboard 10- Bite/ mullion 11- Caixilho de aluminio/ aluminium frame 12- Pingadeira 13- Peitoril/ sill 14- Sanitario ceramico/ sanitary ceramic 15- Azulejo/ tile 16- Tubo de esgoto/ sewer pipe 17- Puxador metalico/ metallic handle 18- Varao metalico/ metallic rod 19- Fixacao/ fixation 20- Pladur/ plasterboard 21- Calha metalica/ trough metallic

27 Modelo 3d/ 3d Model

design grafico/ grafic design


what the f**k is an architecture student? Este cartaz e o bilhete foram criados em parceria com o Arquitecto Andre Guerra, para uma exposicao proposta pelo Departamento de Arquitectura, da Escola Universidade Vasco da Gama.

This poster and this ticket were created in partnership with architect Andre Guerra, for an exhibition proposal by the Department of Architecture, from the University School Vasco da Gama.



Trivial Architect Este trabalho consiste na criacao de uma jogo de abertura da esposicao What the F**k is an architecture student?. Baseia-se no jogo trivial pursuit, adaptado a arquitectura e a escala humana. As imagens representam algumas das pecas e cartoes do jogo Trivial Architect.

This work consists in the creation of an opening game of the exhibition What the F ** k is an architecture student? and it is based on the game trivial pursuit, adapted to architecture and the human scale. The images represent some of Trivial Architect game pieces and cards.



expo k Este cartaz foi criado para a Expo K, que consitia numa exposicao baseada em exibicoes dos AMO. O cartaz apresentado, representa a recriacao do que foi apresentado na exposicao AMO Image of Europe, baseada no contexto da Europa actual. This poster was created for Expo K, which consisted in an exhibition based on views of AMO. It represents the recreation of the AMO Image of Europe exposure, based on Europe's current situation.


Sofia Margarida Ferreira Miranda 00351 968293435 sofia.m.f.miranda@gmail.com

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