Lunes 2

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Menú semanal / Weekly menú MARTES / TUESDAY ALMUERZO/LUNCH  Snacks de arroz / Rice Snacks  Daditos de ricotta con oliva y amapola/ Cubes of ricotta with olive and poppy  Sopa de arvejas y pollo / Peas and chicken soup  Ravioles de verdura y pollo con salsa matriciana  Tallarines y verdeo con salsa de hongos Ravioli with vegetables and chicken with salsa ------matriciana and scallion noodles with mushroom sauce  Fideos frescos a la Scarparo / Fresh noodles to Scarparo/ Green Gnocchi with cream and parmesan  Ñoquis verdes con crema y parmesano  Berenjenas rellenas / stuffed eggplant  Ratatouille y queso blanco / Ratatouille and cheese

CENA/DINNER  Budin de verdure / budin de verdure  Sopa de choclo / corn soup  Milanesa de choclo con pure/ Corn schnitzel with mashed  Torre de Zucchinis, tomates, pimientos, Albahaca fresca y grouyere / Tower of zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, Fresh basil and grouyere


Bastones de muzarella / mozzarella sticks Copa Waldorf / Waldorf Cup Sopa moñitos multicolor / soup Merluza a la vasca con arroz chino / Hake Basque Chinese rice  Pizza de champiñones y tomates / Hake Basque Chinese rice



Strudel de pera y roquefort / pear and Roquefort Strudel Brusquitas de cebolla al vino / Brusquitas wine onion Minestrone Colita de cuadril rellena con acelga a la crema / Tail of rump stuffed with spinach with cream Tortilla de zapallitos / zucchini omelette


Panini Sopa de semola y acelga / semolina and spinach soup Milanesa de pollo con papas al orégano / Breaded chicken with potatoes oregano Pastel de calabaza, muzzarella y tomate / Pumpkin pie, mozzarella and tomato

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