Written by: Caterina Comini - Francesco Compagnoni - Lorenzo Di Leonardo Elena Gibelli - Federica Laurencio Tacoronte - Sofia Peracchi - Isacco Toniutti
2.1 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7.1 2.7.2 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12.1 2.12.2 2.13 2.14 2.15.1 2.15.2 2.16.1 2.16.2 2.17
8 18 20 22 25 27 33 35 36 37 39 43 44 50 51 52 53 55 56 62 65 67 68 3
2.18.1 2.18.2 2.19.1 2.19.2 2.20 2.21.1 2.21.2
70 73 75 76 78 79 81
F5 F6.1 F6.2 F6.3 F7 F8.1 F8.2 F9.1 F9.2
84 86 89 92 95 97 100 105 108
INTRODUCTION This annex is related to the project IDeals, a transmedia narrative inspired by ONU’s SDG concerning legal identity (16.9). From the transmedia strategy, composed of four artefacts, the group has chosen to develop and prototype only a part of the webtoon app (the second act). This annex reports the entire script of the second act of the story. The script is divided in blocks (scenes), which take place in the present storyline or in the past (flashbacks related to the protagonist’s backstory). Some of the situations described are similar, but the scenes’ outcomes are determined by the VUP’s choices. In order to follow along with all the blocks and the possible paths, refer to the interactive narratve architecture, presented in IDeals’ book (section 3.3).
PRESENT SCENES The present scenes take place when Echo is already an adult. The story is set one hundred years later the introduction of the passport system, and the situation is on the edge of a new shift. These scenes belong to the second act of the story: Echo, the protagonist through whom the VUP experiences the narrative, has already explored part of the storyworld and met Cedrik and Lea Sanders, but she still has to make most of the decisions that will define her specific storyline (and the consequent ending). Some of the dialogues here collected are interactive, and for this reason they present different responses for Echo: during the game, in fact, the VUP has to choose one of the answers to continue the game, and in doing so, he or she will define Echo’s opinions and values, and consequently her backstory and the future events of the present narrative.
[Echo si sveglia quando il sole non è ancora sorto. Dal letto guarda fuori dalla finestra, vede il fumo ininterrotto volare via dalle fabbriche della Cava. C’è trambusto, ma per lei è rincuorante. Echo giace nel letto pensando all’intervista che lo aspetta] Echo: [pensiero] If they hadn’t paid me this much, I wouldn’t have done it for sure. It’s a salary for an entire day of work in the factory, for Cael’s sake. [Echo si alza e si lava la faccia, fissando il suo riflesso in uno specchio rotto. L’orologio sulla mensola segna le 6.15.] Echo: [pensiero] I should hurry [Echo si volta verso la sua rella. Prende l’unica maglietta appesa, una t-shirt gialla e bucherellata ai bordi, e si infila un paio di pinocchietto in tela blu. Le stanno larghi sulle cosce. Echo sbuffa] 8
Echo: [pensato] Hopefully nobody will notice. [Echo afferra la macchina fotografica, se la mette al collo, esce di casa e comincia a farsi strada tra le baracche, arrampicandosi sui tetti e infilandosi tra le cataste di rifiuti. Si ferma sul tetto di una casa per fissare il cielo: tra le coltri di nuvole scure compare qualche raggio di luce. Colpiscono il volto di Echo, che chiude gli occhi, contemplando l’orizzonte per pochi attimi di pace.] Echo: [sussurro] “ It’ll come the day when the Sun will shine upon every secret, and the Truth will be unveiled. It will be the day of a new beginning.” [può essere una frase tratta da il testo sacro] [L’ombra di Echo è lunghissima, la sua figura è stagliata contro il cielo che inizia poco poco a schiarirsi] [Echo sospira e ricomincia la discesa] [Echo si infila tra due tetti e vede dall’alto Cedrik. Intorno un via e vai di gente: camerieri, badanti, sguatteri, facchini si affrettano verso gli Ascensori.] [Echo balza a terra e si dirige verso Cedrik, vestito anche lui con abiti casual, pantaloni larghi con tasconi e una canottiera larga.] [Si avvicina. Echo la saluta con un cenno della 9
mano ed Cedrik fa un leggero cenno con la testa.] E.: Have you ever thought about becoming one them? A Luckey, I mean. C: [guarda i facchini con disappunto e scuote la testa] E: I wonder what it’s like being chosen by the scouts and working in the Acropoli every day... C: Don’t be blinded by the lights, Echo. They are slaves, just like us. They only wear fancier suits. E: [guarda gli Ascensori] It would be easier though. Better jobs, better pay. More money for my drugs. C: At what cost? Learn how to behave like a Human, just to end up serving them again, over and over, everyday? I’ll take the Cave everyday, thank you. E: You work for one of them. C. I don’t work for her. She is my friend. Lea is different, you’ll see. [Cedrik le porge il biglietto, si avvicinano a una delle porte, si scambiano uno sguardo d’intesa e passano la carta. Un sonoro beep precede l’apertura. Si guardano nuovamente, Echo è nervosa ma Cedrik sorride]. 10
[La sala che appare è ampia, e luminosa, tutto è ricoperto da metallo perfettamente smaltato: le loro ombre vengono proiettate indietro.] [Cedrik entra sicuro ed Echo lo segue mentre anche tutti gli altri Mobs si affrettano ad entrare. In poco tempo si trovano schiacciati contro le pareti circolari della capsula, in prossimità di uno degli oblò] [L’ascensore parte, Cedrik è tranquillo mentre Echo è visibilmente agitata, guarda fuori e la Cava appare dall’alto. Sopra l’ultimo anello, fanno capolino i sobborghi di Chasmore, composti di piccole case a due piani, ordinatamente disposte sul terreno pianeggiante.] [L’ascensore rallenta e si ferma, le porte si aprono e i Mobs iniziano ad uscire. Si trovavano nella piazzetta adiacente all’Agorà, la grande piazza di fronte al Municipio: la vedono da lontano contornata dai grattacieli.] C: Lea doesn’t live here. We still have some ground to cover. [C. prende per il braccio E che si sta perdendo nel guardarsi intorno, incuriosita dalle forme 11
delle case, dai vestiti ecc. Si staccano dal flusso di gente diretto verso l’Agorà e svoltano per altre strade. Stacco sulla panoramica della città] [Cedrik e Echo arrivano davanti a una casa. la facciata sembra una scatola arzigogolata di legno incastrata nella parete. Alcuni rampicanti emergono dall’intonaco screpolato e circondano l’ingresso. Attraversano la strada e Cedrik indica la porta e la scritta: Sanders Books.] [Cedrik si arrampica sui rilievi della facciata fino a raggiungere la scritta in rilievo. Si guarda intorno attento ma le strade sono deserte. Cedrik apre un cassetto nascosto dal quale estrae una chiave. Scende con un balzo e apre la porta.] [All’apertura segue il tintinnio di una campanella posta sull’architrave. La stanza è buia e si intravedono solo le silhouette di Cedrik ed Echo. Cedrik fa scattare l’interruttore e la stanza si illumina: centinaia di libri sono ammassati in colonne quadrate in mezzo alla stanza e corrono lungo le pareti sopra a una serie di mensole. Sulla sinistra, un bancone in legno segna la zona destinata alla cassa. Una tenda appena oltre separa la libreria 12
dell’appartamento dove vive Lea.] C. We’ll need to wait for a while. You can take a look around if you want. Lea won’t mind. [C. si siede su una poltrona e prende una delle riviste accatastate sul pavimento. Mentre sfoglia, ghigna a qualcosa che Echo non vede]. [Echo prosegue nella stanza fino ad arrivare ad un arco, dietro il quale filtra un po’ di luce. Lungo le pareti salgono a perdita d’occhio migliaia di volumi, raggiungibili solo con una lunga scala appesa ad una delle mensole. Nella parte più alta, i libri lasciano spazio ad una serie di finestre basse e larghe.] [I capelli rossi di Lea si intravedono dalla finestra. La donna sorride a Echo e le fa cenno di tornare verso la sala principale. Echo raggiunge nuovamente Cedrik e Lea sbuca dalla tenda dietro al bancone] L.: Welcome. I’m so happy you could come. Did you have any problem with the tickets I gave you? C: [Si alza e va ad abbracciare Lea] Everything went well. They didn’t even look at us. L: [con un sorriso triste] I don’t doubt it. Echo, 13
please, sit. [si issa sulla scrivania e prende un taccuino appoggiato di fianco alla cassa] You don’t have to be nervous. C: [guarda Echo e ghigna] I think she’s VERY nervous. E: [scrolla le spalle] No one has ever asked me for an interview before... L: [sorride] Try to consider this more as a friendly chit chat than a formal interview. I know it’s not easy to trust a human but I’m on your side. I just want everyone to finally recognize your rights. [Cedrik si volta verso Echo e le mette una mano sulla gamba] C: If you trust me, you can trust Lea. Have you read anything on her paper as I suggested you? E: I didn’t have much time... C: Maybe after the interview I can show you some of them L: [annuisce] Have you read about the attack to Sinclair Chemicals? E: I heard someone talk about it… They stole the pin printer, right? To create the pins used to work in the factory. L: Exactly. Also, during the attack, two guards died. They were humans and they were 14
defending one of the many tools used to exploit mobuls. Do you think the end justifies the means, in this case? E:
s1: I can’t say I’m not happy to have two less exploiters hanging around. s2: No one deserves to die. They were just following orders, maybe the thieves didn’t even want to kill them. However, I am glad the Shift was able to shake things up a bit. s3: No, because violence is never the an swer. Poor souls. They were people, just like us.
L: (in case s2-s3) I agree (in case s1) Sure they were not helping you in any way. However, I am sure you know this is not the first attack of the Shift. How well do you know them? E: Well, I heard about them, like everybody, but It’s not like I know them. L: Sure, sure. What I meant is… do you know how many other attacks they carried out in the past years? 15
E: I am not sure. L: 4, last year alone. Do you think they managed to change something? E:
s1: They’re gonna. They got the ball rol ling, and eventually they will take over this government that have been exploi ted people like us for decades. s2: They are making a bit fuss, that’s for sure. I admire their courage to stand up for our freedom. However, it’s not like they have proposed any long-term solu tion to our conditions. s3: They will end up dead or in prison, I’ll tell you that. I hope so, at least, because if they don’t this world will burn with fire and fear.
L: (if s1) [laughing] I might almost think you are one of them! (if s2) Well, we are talking about them, aren’t we. They must be doing so mething right! (if s3) That sounds dramatic, but I am afraid you are right. So, just out of curiosity, what do you think 16
could be the right way to proceed. What should mobuls do? E:
s1: Get angry. Get tired of this exploi tation and rebel. A revolution is upon us. We better be on the winning side of history. s2: [mumbles] We should protest, but in a peaceful way, to show we are not all like them, we are not like the Shift. We can be good, and resourceful, and coope rative. We must show humans we are worthy of equal rights. s3: I guess we need the right people. Influential people, who can give us a voice.
L: That’s interesting. I wouldn’t have taken you for this kind of mobul... I am surprised. Is there something else I should know about you? E: I am good with photographs, I guess… L: Fascinating. [si gira verso Cedrik]. You didn’t tell me you had such a remarkable friend. C: [guarda Echo intensamente] She is full of surprises, that’s for sure. I guess she has quite the stories to tell. 17
L: I may not agree with you Echo, but I understand where you are coming from. [Lea scrolla le spalle e si volta per prendere una busta dal retro del bancone] Echo, thank you very much for your time. Here’s what I promised you. E: [prende i soldi] Thank you. [si volta verso Cedrik] Time to go? [C. annuisce e i due escono dalla libreria salutando Lea. Lea osserva le loro figure allontanarsi lungo la strada] [ellisse, sono sul bus.] C: I didn’t take you for a revolutionary. E: I am not. I just admire what real revolutionaries do. C: [ghigna] You’re not the first person I’ve heard saying those things, you know? E: Really? Who else? C: Someone you might like. An old friend of mine. Her name is Nylah and she… She is part of the Shift now. 18
E: [she stops in the middle of the street] Are you serious? C: [sorride malizioso] Yeah. E: And are‌ are you in it too? C: [scuote la testa] Nah. Politics are not really for me. I am more of a people person. So‌ do you wanna meet her? E: When? C: What about now? [Echo alza un sopracciglio e sorride] E: Do you know where she is? C: Well, everybody knows the Shift is using the old tunnels in the Cave to hide. And there is an entrance that is always surveilled. If someone steps in there, the Shift knows. You should go there. It may be a good place to start.
L: So photographs, uh? Would you be interested in another job for me? E: [intrigata] What would that be? L: I have another interview scheduled in the next few days. It’s kind of an important one, and I would like to take some pictures of it. E: Who is the interview with? L: August Sinclair. C: [si batte la mano sulla gamba] Ah! I can’t believe you landed that one! L: [sospira soddisfatta] Neither do I, Ced. That’s why I want pictures. If I don’t, people may think I made it up! E: I would love to come. He is the owner of Sinclair Chemicals, right? The company that got attacked by the Shift? L: [annuisce] I need to capitalize on this momentum. I have a few sharp questions ready for him… C: [ghigna] Good. L: I’ll let you know the dets. For now, [si gira e prende una busta da dietro il bancone], here’s 20
what I owe you. E: [prende i soldi] Thank you. [si volta verso Cedrik] Time to go? C: [annuisce]Bye Lea. Always a pleasure. [i due escono dalla libreria salutando Lea. Lea osserva le loro figure allontanarsi lungo la strada]
[ellisse “the few days later”. Un rumore proveniente dal tetto sveglia Echo. La ragazza si alza ed esce per controllare. Per terra c’è una capsula postale attaccata ad un piccolo paracadute. Echo apre il tubo ed estrae un biglietto] [Il biglietto recita: I’ve got another job for you. Come as soon as you can. R.B.M.] E: [pensato] Always better than the factory. [Echo si veste ed esce di casa] [ellisse “an hour later”. Echo sta lavorando nella stanza-giardino di Rufius, ma improvvisamente si piega su di sè] E: [whimpering] Damn it. I forgot my drugs. [minigame] [Rufius la trova in preda agli spasmi, costretta a cambiare forma costantemente. Lo scienziato si affretta verso il suo armadio dei medicinali 22
e recupera una siringa che inietta alla ragazza. In pochi secondi, i sintomi rallentano fino a scomparire, ma ormai la ragazza ha perso conoscenza.] [Stacco, fuori si è fatto più buio. Echo si sveglia in un letto. Rufius è al suo fianco] R: Why didn’t you say anything? I know the Faceless Syndrome. I’ve studied it, for Cael’s sake. I know how to help you. E: [parla dolorosamente] What did you do? R: I gave you a concentrated dose of a serum derived from one of my plants. It’s more immediate and more efficient than any medicine you might buy at unfair prices down in the Cave. [sbuffa e scuote la testa. Si volta e prende delle fiale che porge a Echo] Here, take them. E: Why would you give them to me? R: Because you’re the kind of person that wouldn’t use them for profit but just to survive. E: [abbassa lo sguardo e prende le fiale] Thank you. I don’t know how to repay you. R: Work for me and you’ll have as many as you need. Just be careful with them, it’s an extremely powerful drug: it can prevent 23
symptoms for a week, but for the first hours after the administration you’ll be tired and have difficulties to mutate shape. I mean, you can try, but it’d be painful. E: I won’t then [sorride]. Thank you, Dr. Maddox. I owe you. I owe you big time, and I don’t wanna bother you any longer. I am okay now, all thanks to you. I’d better go. I’ve stayed here long enough. [Echo si alza con fatica ed esce. La sua figura si confonde con l’oscurità.]
[Ellisse “a week later”. Echo fissa gli ascensori] E: [pensato] I might get used to this. [Echo cammina nell’Acropoli e raggiunge Sinclair Chemicals headquarter,una torre di vetro così alta che non riusciva a scorgerne la fine. Si trova in una piazza con delle fontane danzanti. Lea la saluta: la sta aspettando davanti all’entrata. Le due entrano e si ritrovano alla reception, dove sono installati dei fari di riconoscimento per mobs ed Echo si sente minacciata.] L: [mette una mano intorno alle spalle di Echo] Don’t worry, you’re with me. You’ll be fine. [Le due si avvicinano alla reception] L.: Good morning. My name’s Lea Sanders. I’m here to see Mr. Sinclair… for the interview. Receptionist: Lea Sanders… Yes. 10 o’clock. L: Yes. Where do we have to go? R: We? [La receptionist squadra Echo e la sua 25
ombra] L: Is there a problem? R: We can’t allow things like them in here L: Excuse-me? R: This is not the Cave, Miss. You should know better. They are not allowed. S: She is. [Le tre donne si girano, un’ombra cala su Echo: è Sinclair]
[La receptionist si ricompone subito come sull’attenti] R: Mr Sinclair, I-I didn’t… S: Don’t worry, I am sure it won’t happen again though S: [si rivolge a Lea e Echo] Now ladies, please, follow me. [Sinclair accompagna le due ragazze nel suo ascensore privato fino al suo ufficio all’ultimo piano. L’ufficio in sé è piuttosto spoglio e sobrio, ma con opere d’arte raffinate] S: You need to excuse my receptionist. She doesn’t understand mobuls, she doesn’t get how useful and…. special they can be. L: Even those who attacked your factory? S: [sorride calmo] I didn’t know the interview already started. L: You didn’t say “off the record”. S: Fair enough. Miss Sanders, please sit. And you too, Miss… [si gira verso Echo]. 27
L: [Lea si siede e fa cenno a Echo di seguirla] This is Echo. She is my photographer. E: [si siede stringendo forte la macchina fotografica] Nice to meet you, Mr. Sinclair S: It’s my pleasure. [si rivolge a Lea] Miss Sanders, you said you wanted to talk about the latest attack of the Shift, am I right? L: We can start with that, sure. How did you react when you found out about the theft? S: I was angry, how could I not be? Two people died and a machine precious for me and for many mobuls got stolen. L: Are you gonna replace it? S: We are gonna change the pins, as soon as possible. I have to admit, however, this is a real wake up call. L:[confusa] What do you mean? S: I mean that the mobul situation cannot be ignored any longer, and I want to do what I can. In my factories, for example, I keep reasonable hours and an healthy environment for them to work. L: Someone could say that a fairer way to improve the situation would be to raise your employees’ salaries. S: That’s not the point, Miss Sanders. The salaries legislations are imposed by the 28
government, I just follow the rules. What I mean is that this cannot be a permanent situation anymore. Things are changing and a definitive solution is needed. L: What do you propose, Mr. Sinclair? S: I just want everyone to be equal. Mobuls and humans. No more discriminative passports. No more distinctions. L: [sorpresa] I am surprised to hear you say that… Are you perhaps sharing like I am the idea of taking down our flawed passport system? S: Not quite, but I am working on something. The attack made me understand how much a solution is needed. Only people like me and you, from the higher ground society provided us, have the means to effectively bring the change. For us, and for all the people that may get hurt in the Shift’s violent attempt to destabilize our society. L: We’ll stay tuned then. But before getting into politics again, I have to ask, what about that mouse on your shoulder? S: Ah, Miv? This is quite an interesting story... [stacco che mostra il fuori dell’edificio.] L: I think I have everything I needed. Mr. Sinclair, do you mind if we take some photos now? 29
S: Not at all. I can’t wait to see Miss. Echo at work. E: [abbassa lo sguardo] It’s just Echo... L: I’ll let you work. I need to review my notes. [Lea si siede sul divano al lato opposto della stanza. Sinclair nel frattempo si mette contro la vetrata del suo studio, dietro la scrivania. E comincia a scattare fotografie] S: You look familiar, you know? E: People say mobuls all look the same, in the end. S: You clearly aren’t like everyone else. E: How can you say that? S: You look very professional. It’s a shame that mobuls talented like you get discriminated due to their nature. Don’t you think it’s unfair? E: s1: Laws haven’t been fair for quite a whi le. That’s what Lea is trying to change. s2: Yes, I do. It surely makes me angry. s3: What is not fair is that even though we could do so much with our abilities, lack of education and opportunities con fines us to factory work S: (if s1) She sure is a fighter. I am just not sure that’s the right way to go. 30
(If s2) I can only imagine that. (if s3) I understand your anger, but the real problem here is the inborn di sparity between mobuls and humans. What if I told you I am working on something that would make all the differences disappear? Something that would make humans and mobuls equals, from this day to eternity? E: s1: I would say that homologation is not the answer. We don’t need to be like everyone else, Mr. Sinclair, we just need to be recognised as worthy, intelligent creatures, with the same rights as hu mans. s2: It seems almost too good to be true. However, I agree, a permanent solution is what we need. s3: I guess it’s about time we get over that flawed ID system S (if s1) Dear Echo, rights can be taken away at any time, you need something irreversible. Otherwise, in a hundred ye ars, you’ll be right back where you started. (if s2 / s3) I am glad we see eye to eye. 31
The most difficult task, however, is to convince the public. Looking ahead, trying to prevent what is bound to happen, is not a work for everyone. People need guidance. They need a leader. You and I, I think we could help each other. E
s1: We don’t need a leader, Mr Sinclair, we need to protest for our rights. And that’s up to us. I don’t think that you, in your glass tower, could be the leader we need right now. s2: Yeah, people don’t often know what’s best for them. You surely have more per spective than any of us. Still, I don’t un derstand how I could help… s3: We don’t need leaders, politics, empty words. What we need is a practical solution
I see.
S: You know, Echo, I’ve been looking for a mobul like you, with your energy, your point of view. Of course, nowadays those who seek for change often get deceived by the Shift’s empty promises of revenge and freedom. E: But they do believe in a more just world. S: Actually, in a way I agree with them. Sometimes, the end must justify the means. But they can’t see past their need of vengeance, they don’t recognize the critical role of public opinion. [Sinclair fa una pausa, poi guarda negli occhi Echo] S: You know, it all comes to which vision you believe in. Who do you think is the best option for bringing the change you are longing for, me or the Shift?
s1: I can’t betray my people, mister Sin clair. The Shift is made of mobuls like me, we may not have your influence or 33
money, but we do have something deep we share that I could never share with you. s2: You are right, sheer rage isn’t enough
S: I understand it’s not easy to trust a human like me from where you come from. Maybe Lea’s fight is the answer, maybe not. I guess only the future will tell. E: I guess so. S: [sorride] Once you’ll see my work in action, I hope you will understand that in the end, it will be the only real solution. E: We’ll see about that.
S: Well, I am working on an awareness campaign and I could use an intelligent mobul like you‌ Would you like to help? E. Gladly [sorride] S: Great. Maybe you can get Lea to help too. You know, even if most mobuls see me as a gelid tycoon exploiter, I actually care about them. I just want what’s best for them. E: I am sure of it. [Lea sopraggiunge e mette una mano sulla spalla di Echo] L: Are you ready? Do we have everything? E: I think so L: Thank you very much for your time, Mr. Sinclair. We can find our way out. [Sinclair e Lea si stringono la mano e le due escono. Mentre si allontanano,una delle fiale di Rufius scivola dalla borsa di Echo. Sinclair se ne accorge ma non dice nulla.]
[Echo si sta avventurando nella galleria, in un vicolo che sembra portare da nessuna parte. Improvvisamente alcuni ribelli sbucano dall’oscurità.] E.: [è spaventata ma mantiene la calma] I am looking for Nylah. Ribelle 1: And you are…? E: Echo. Cedrik sent me [The rebels look at each others] R: Fine. [Fa un cenno a uno dei suoi compagni, che si avvicina a Echo e la benda. Immagine nera] [Compare il covo. è una caverna naturale, piena di vita. I mobs si muovono indaffarati, specialmente intorno alla stampante delle spille, che troneggia nel mezzo della stanza. In un angolo, un Apostolo di Cael con le sembianze di Leeanna è in piedi su uno sgabello intento a predicare attorniato da seguaci.] [Echo viene strattonata di lato, e portata al cospetto di Nylah, che al momento stava 37
dando lezioni di difesa personale ad un gruppo di nuove reclute] R1: Nylah, you’ve got visitors [Nylah alza la mano e le reclute si fanno da parte, lasciando lo spazio libero] N: I don’t think I’ve ever had the pleasure… Surely I would have remembered a pretty face like yours. It’s an original one, I can see that. E [Echo slightly blushes] My name’s Echo. Cedrik sent me. N: Good old Cedrik. Always showing me the most interesting things. Gotta thank him for this one [Appoggia due dita sotto il mento di Echo e le sorride maliziosa] What are you doing here, Echo? How can I help you?
[Ellisse “the next morning” Echo sta camminando nella Cava, e raggiunge Bootleg.] B: Echo, I thought I got rid of you for a while. I sent you to the most remunerative job I had. E: I thought so too. Unfortunately my pin is expired due to my… side jobs. I need a new one. Whatcha got for me? B: You’re out of luck, sweetheart. I’ve got nothing for your standards. E:[grugnisce con disappunto] No extra jobs? B: All filled up. However… E: What? B:There is always another way. Somebody else you could ask… You know, the people who can actually make the pins right now. E: You mean the Shift? B: Ding ding ding. We’ve got a winner. E: And how on earth do I get to the Shift? B: You were not born yesterday, Echo. Everybody knows they are hiding in the old tunnels of the Cave. E: I still need to find them, though. 39
B: Lucky for you I have a lead. There is an entrance that is always surveilled. If someone steps in there, the Shift knows. Ask for Nylah. She may take an interest in you. E: Fine, I’ll give it a shot. Better than doing nothing anyway. B: [le fa l’occhiolino] Go get’em. [Ellisse “An hour later”. Echo è di fronte all’ingresso delle gallerie, in un vicolo che non sembra portare da nessuna parte. La giovane sposta la lamiera appoggiata al muro e si avventura nella galleria. Improvvisamente alcuni ribelli sbucano dall’oscurità.] E.: [è spaventata ma mantiene la calma] I am looking for Nylah. Ribelle 1: And you are…? E: Bootleg sent me [The rebels look at each others] R: Fine. [Fa un cenno a uno dei suoi compagni, che si avvicina a Echo e la benda. Immagine nera] [altra immagine nera. Poi la benda si toglie e compare il covo. è una caverna naturale, piena di vita. I mobs si muovono indaffarati, 40
specialmente intorno alla stampante delle spille, che troneggia nel mezzo della stanza. In un angolo, un Apostolo di Cael con le sembianze di Leanna è in piedi su uno sgabello intento a predicare attorniato da seguaci.] [Echo viene strattonata di lato, e portata al cospetto di Nylah, che al momento stava dando lezioni di difesa personale ad un gruppo di nuove reclute] R1: Nylah, you’ve got visitors [Nylah alza la mano e le reclute si fanno da parte, lasciando lo spazio libero] N: I don’t think I’ve ever had the pleasure… Surely I would have remembered a pretty face like yours. It’s an original one, I can see that. E [Echo slightly blushes] My name’s Echo. Bootleg sent me. N: Good old Bootleg. Always sending me the most interesting workers. Gotta thank him for this one [Appoggia due dita sotto il mento di Echo e le sorride maliziosa] What are you doing here, Echo? How can I help you? E: Bootleg said you could give me a pin to work. N: Did he really? Did he also say I have a price? E: Isn’t the Shift supposed to help mobuls? This 41
sounds like blackmail to me… N: I never talked about money, my dear. Your pretty face may be enough. I guess Bootleg knows me better than I’d like to admit. Also, he usually sends me the type of person he knows I may actually like... E: And what would that be? N: People like me. I don’t think you just want a job, Echo. I think you are better than that.
E: If it’s about your mission, I think you might be fighting the wrong people right now. N: Why would you say that? E: It’s about Sinclair. Sure, he runs many factories, but I met him and he really want to bring change around here. N: You met him? That’s indeed a surprise. Nonetheless, here you are, talking with those who robbed his factory.
E: I may have developed an interest in the Shift. That’s true. N:[Sorride maliziosa] I hope you’ll develop an interest in me too. E: Why would I do that? N: Because I kinda run the games around here, and I am always looking for new toys to play with…..[Echo mantiene lo sguardo fisso e deciso su Nylah] Walk with me. [Le due si allontanano dalla sala lungo uno dei cunicoli, illuminati da luci flebili] N: What we are doing here is bigger than me, than you, than any of us. We reached a point where a change is needed, and we need to assure it’s in mobuls’ favour. We cannot leave anything to chances and we need to make sure that those who exploited us pay for their sins. As the Book says: “the titans of injustice will succumb under the weight of Truth, and a imperturbable storm will overturn our 44
balance.” E: I didn’t take you for a religious person. N: [corruccia la fronte] I’m not. I just… get it. There’s some reason in it. I never found peace in it, though. E: I’ve never found peace, period. N: [chuckles] What’s your story? E:
s1: Born in the streets, raised in the Sin clair Orphanage, affected by Faceless Syndrome. Easy and painful. s2: A private one.
(if s1) You’re one of many. You’re like us: destroyed, angry, strong. (if s2) Easy tiger. I don’t bite.
E: I’ve seen enough mobuls like us die or disappear, Nylah. I don’t wanna see it anymore. N: I think you came to the right place then. We wanna fight for our freedom and liberate mobuls from the exploitation of the system. It seems something you could be interested in.. E
s1: I’ve always admired what the Shift is doing for us. I just wish I’d met you sooner 45
s2: Yeah, it is... but are all these attacks really necessary? All those victims? s3: shouldn’t the Shift invest more energy in solving the passport issue instead of causing more problems and upsetting the police?” (if s1) [sorride maliziosa] Me too, sweetheart. (if s2) A couple of dead guards are nothing compared to all the mobuls that died because of this system. (if s3) It would be pointless and you know it. They just don’t listen to us.
[Il silenzio cala tra le due, sole nel cunicolo] E: What about you? What’s your story? N: [Sospira pesantemente] I’ve seen my brother die when I was young, and I’ve had to take care of my parents ever since. To do that, I was forced to sell every bit of me I had left, if you know what I mean. E: [abbassa lo sguardo costernata] Yeah. N: Things got worse and worse, but someone eventually saved me. The founders of the Shift. They took me in, protected me, educated me, 46
they gave me purpose and a mission: to save our future by destroying the system that’s exploiting us. Don’t you think it’s only fair to do it? E: s1. It’s more than fair. It’s what humans deserve. s2: I am afraid that in this way we’ll just become exactly like the ones we are trying to destroy. s3: What’s the point in destroying a system without a way to replace it? N: (if s1) [si ferma e prende le mani di Echo] From the first moment I saw you, I’ve felt your spark. You are like me (if s2) I understand. (if s3) That’s a problem for later. We need a tabula rasa, first. If we start from scratch, what we’ll create will surely be better than the system we have now. Come. [Nylah riconduce Echo nel salone principale e da un baule estrae una spilla e una dose di cura] N: Here. Take it. E: I thought you wanted something in return.
N: I do. I want you to join me. I won’t force you though, it’s your decision. If you decide to join us, you will get all the drugs you need, without having to work 10 hours a day… after all, many of us suffer from the same syndrome... However, if you’ll work with us, you would put yourself in danger everyday, in a different way of course. I guess, in the end, it comes down to what you want to risk your life for. N: Take your time to decide. It’s not an easy choice. Also, maybe you have some others jobs to attend.. E: I get deals from a guy named Rufius Maddox and a journalist named Lea Sanders, from time to time. Anything to avoid the factory. N: Lea Sanders, uh? The activist? E: Yeah, that’s her. You know her? N: Let’s say I am an admirer of her work. [scrolla le spalle] But back to our deal… I must inform you that, to be accepted in our ranks, you’ll need to prove your loyalty to the Shift. E: And how will I do that? [Nylah walks to a board, where many photographs and documents are hang. 48
She points at the photograph of a young policeman] N: This is Marcus Hics. He is a policeman very close to Minor Apothecary Gilbert Collins and he is responsible for the security in the Cave. He is the one who carried out all the latest repressions against mobuls. He is cold and ruthless, and he is causing a lot of suffering to many of us. E: What do you want me to do? N: I want you to kidnap him. E: [Sorpresa fa un passo indietro] Me? On my own? N: Nah. I’d trust you to come with us, if you accepted. Wanna join the Shift? Bring me this piece of shit. E:
s1: Fine. It’ll be worth it. s2: I am not sure kidnapping someone is the right thing to do.
N: Ah, of course, about August Sinclair. You need to cut all ties with him. E: Why? He is trying to help us for a change. N: Don’t be fooled by his manners. That man embodies everything we are fighting against. Humans can’t be trusted. It’s in their nature. In the end, it all comes to us or them. Who would you rather believe in, your people or one of those who is exploiting us? E:
s1: You don’t even have to ask. You are right, we need to stick together, we are the only ones we can really trust. s2: I thought the Shift was about getting rid of people who tell us what to do, and yet you are just like them. I am sorry but I won’t get anymore impositions from you.
[Nylah sorride soddisfatta] N: You are making the right choice, Echo. I am looking forward to work with you. [Nylah accarezza il braccio di Echo. Echo la guarda negli occhi] E: Me too. N: Once you’ll bring him to me, I’ll be waiting for you with a couple of cold beers and an empty roof where we can celebrate. [sussurrato nell’orecchio] Alone. I’ll let you know the dets. [Qualcuno chiama Nylah] N: I have to go now. I hope to see you soon. [passa un dito sul labbro inferiore di Echo] [Nylah fa un fischio e fa cenno a due ragazzi giovani e alti di avvicinarsi]
N: I can’t deny I am kind of disappointed to hear that. E: I am sorry. I agree with you, we need change, but the Shift is going in the right direction. [Nylah incrocia le braccia] N: You would have made a remarkable rebel. That’s a shame. I guess it’s time for you to go [Nylah fa un fischio e fa cenno a due ragazzi giovani e alti di avvicinarsi. Echo estrae la spilla dalla tasca e la porge a Nylah] E: Here. Sorry if I bothered you. [Nylah prende tra le mani il palmo di Echo e lo richiude] N: Keep it. Not everyone is ready to fight, but our job is still to help and protect mobuls. You need that pin, you deserve it like everybody else.
[Ellisse, “the next day”. È mattina presto, Echo sta camminando lungo la Cava indossando la tuta da lavoro. Improvvisamente il suo beeper comincia a suonare] E: It may be from Lea… Damn it, if I go to the post office now I’ll be late from work… for Leeanna’s sake, at least I can try. [E svolta bruscamente e comincia a correre] [Panoramica sulla città. Echo è arrivata al centro postale, che si trova nei pressi degli Ascensori. È alto e circondato da centinaia di tubi. All’interno, centinaia di mobs e anche qualche umano corrono indaffarati tra uno sportello e l’altro. La hall centrale sembra una cattedrale, con i tubi in rame ossidato che si arrampicano sempre più fino a scomparire nel buio. Il centro è infatti incassato nella roccia stessa su cui si regge l’Acropoli nord. al suo armadietto, usa il beeper per sbloccarlo, prende la mailpod e se la infila in borsa per poi ripartire veloce come era venuta. Una volta 53
fuori dal centro, mentre cammina verso la fabbrica, apre la capsula e legge il testo: L: “Echo, I need your help. I am working on a reportage about the conditions of mobuls in the Cave and I need some pictures to attach to it. I am also organizing a protest regarding mobuls’ rights, I could use these pictures in that occasion too. 10-15 pictures should be enough. The worse the subjects, the more potent the photos will be. Here’s some photo paper and a down payment. Once I have the photos, I’ll give you the rest. Bring them by the bookstore at anytime. I hope to see you soon. Lea.” [Echo stringe il denaro e la carta fotografica sorridendo] E: And even today, we work tomorrow.
[Echo torna a casa, si cambia e mette la carta all’interno della macchina fotografica. Esce di casa e si avventura nella Cava, magari silhouette di lei da dietro, davanti a una strada brulicante di mobuls] [minigame]
[Echo sta scattando foto nella Cava quando qualcuno la chiama.] N: You sure know how to disappear, but eventually I will always find you. [Echo riconosce subito la sua voce e sorride. Si volta e vede Nylah ferma in mezzo alla strada] E: I don’t doubt it. [Nylah si guarda intorno e corruccia la fronte] N: Let’s roll. There are too many people here. [If 2.12.2 = T] [da lontano, le sta osservando Caius, l’autista di Sinclair affianco alla sua auto. Dall’auto, tira fuori una specie di radiolina per camionisti] C: Mr Sinclair. I think Echo is not fit for her task. S: Yes, I found her together with a confirmed member of the Shift. C: As you wish, I’ll leave them be. [Le due si ritrovano sedute su un tubolare, sopra ad alcuni tetti] N: I came to give you some details about your
mission. E: Couldn’t you have sent one of your errand boys to do that? N: [sorride] Let’s say I have a special interest in this mission… E: Good. So, what do I have to do? I imagine that kidnapping a policeman won’t be easy… N: Yeah… You could say that. We worked out a plan, though. How do you feel about graffiti artists? E: I kind of admire them. N: Good, because for this mission you’ll become one. You’ll deface a house in the Cave near to Marcus’ post. Once he notices you, you run away, making him chase you. His partner will try to cut your way with the car, but we’ll take care of him, don’t you worry. If you’ll see his partner come up to you, you can be sure it will be me in his shape. I’m just sorry you’ll have to see me in such an unflattering suit. [Le due si guardano sorridendo] N: Your only job will be to let Marcus catch you, eventually. He will bring you back to the car, where he will find us ready to take him out and drag him into our HQ. E: It sounds like a good plan. When will this happen? 57
N: In about an hour. E: [fischia e chuckles] Well, I’m glad I had a heads-up. N: [Prende il viso di Echo tra le dita] Only because you’re my new favorite. Let’s go. We gotta move. [ellisse “An hour later”. Echo, con un cappello calato sul viso, sta dipingendo una casa] [minigame] [Echo è da sola, lo sguardo perso davanti a lei, si volta leggermente: Nylah è fiancheggiata da due mobs e davanti a lei Marcus è seduto legato a una sedia, lo sguardo basso e impassibile. Nylah si accorge che Echo la sta guardando e le sorride maliziosamente poi si rigira verso Marcus, fa un cenno a uno dei due mob che avanza da un calcio sulle scarpe a Marcus. Il poliziotto alza lentamente la testa verso di lui, ha lo sguardo vitreo. Il mobul sghignazza ma non riesce a nascondere l’agitazione.] [Marcus sposta lo sguardo verso Nylah] What do you want? [Nylah ghigna divertita], I’m happy to see you 58
too, Marcus. M.: I don’t have time for games, get to the point. [Nylah è sempre più divertita, fa un passo avanti, gli appoggia le mani sulle cosce e si protende in avanti; i loro occhi sono a pochi cm di distanza.] N: Ok, ok, calm down.. Let’s say I want to organize a big event in a public space, there’ll be security. I am sure Gilbert Collins wouldn’t count only on you and the few men in your team. He would hire someone else, wouldn’t he? You know… to be sure to have us under control. [Marcus fa un sorriso forzato sospirando ironico ma Nylah fa finta di niente e continua] My question is… Who would he hire? You already know that, right? M: [Marcus mantiene gli occhi fissi su Nylah, continua a sogghignare] You know I ain’t that kind of man. I would never help you. N: [Nylah sembra indisturbata dalla sicurezza di Marcus e continua a guardarlo sorridendo] Of course you are not.. [Si rimette eretta e si allontana nuovamente di qualche passo dando la schiena a Marcus] You’re a strong man, firm, ferocious, but I know what happened to you. I 59
know what you’ve been hiding all these years. [Marcus si fa serio ma non distoglie lo sguardo. Nylah si volta nuovamente verso di lui e continua.] N: You see, I have had many birdies around the city, during all these years, listening and reporting to me. I know things… I know you haven’t always been the policeman you are today. [solleva le braccia e guarda i mobuls attorno a lei divertita. Marcus continua a guardarla seria] Would you like to know where your mother is? [Marcus si irrigidisce e la guarda con sguardo torvo] ..I have no mother. N.: Yeah, I figured you’d have said that. I have to admit, you’ve been quite good at hiding a family like that. Poor mother... shameless, always wandering around and committing crimes. I wonder if your colleagues and your dear Gilbert Collins know about your origins… maybe I should go have a talk with them about it [fa finta di andarsene con sguardo innocente] M.: Wait!! [Nylah è di spalle, sorride per un istante, poi si volta decisa verso Marcus. Il poliziotto ha la schiena ricurva, lo sguardo abbassato in basso] I’ll give you what you want.. just…..don’t tell anybody…..[Rialza 60
lo sguardo, adesso nuovamente serio e contenuto] I have no mother. [Nylah raggiunge Echo ancora in appoggiata sul muro in disparte, i suoi occhi sprizzano gioia e malizia] N: Hey sweetie, what are you doing here all by yourself. We made it, we finally got the information we have been searching for. E: [Echo la guarda con fare indifferente ma i suoi occhi sono soddisfatti] Well, I’m glad I could help... What’s your next move? N: [N. spalanca gli occhi facendo la finta sorpresa] You better say OUR next move. You’re one of us now. I’ll tell you everything when the time comes, there’s no rush. For now...[Le mette un braccio attorno alle spalle e si allontanano insieme] What about those beers?
[La lente si muove a destra e sinistra, Echo si muove sicura senza distogliere l’occhio dall’obiettivo. Davanti a lei si staglia la Cava in tutta la sua imponenza. Echo allontana finalmente la macchina e il suo occhio e si sofferma sul panorama.] Caius: Hey Echo! [Echo si volta di soprassalto, Caius, l’autista di Sinclair, l’aveva colta di sorpresa.] Name’s Caius. Mr. Sinclair sent me to remind you about that agreement of yours about the campaign [Echo lo guarda impassibile e annuisce freddamente] Yes I recall. C.: [annuisce] Come with me, a car is waiting for us. [Le da le spalle e si dirige verso le baracche, Echo lo segue]. If 2.7.2 = T [da lontano, Nylah è sopra a un tetto e ha osservato tutta la scena e sembra delusa] N: I expected much, much more from you Echo. You chose your side. 62
[Echo sta guardando fuori dal finestrino, è seduta nel retro, Caius guida incauto la veloce macchina bianca verso l’Acropoli.] C: [Caius si rivolge a E. in maniera distratta e stringata] So it’s not that difficult, you’ll just have to be there for a spot that will be recorded, doing whatever they are asking you to do. [Echo continua a guardare fuori dal finestrino. Caius sbuffa e continua la sua corsa]. [L’auto si ferma improvvisamente verso un palazzo, i due scendono e Caius fa un cenno a Echo verso una porta laterale. Echo annuisce al suo cenno e si dirige verso la porta, entra e si ritrova in un grande spazio chiuso. Su un grande telo verde è stata ricostruita una baracca mobul. I fari e le telecamere sono poste di fronte ai pochi oggetti di scena. L’ambiente ricreato è povero, malsano e sporco] [Improvvisamente il regista, prima rivolto verso il set, con la coda dell’occhio vede Echo e si dirige frettolosamente verso di lei. Le prende un braccio e la porta frettolosamente verso gli altri] D: Here you are. Finally! We were waiting for you, everything’s ready. [Gli altri membri 63
della crew si girano verso di lei indispettiti] Here’s what you have to do. You’ll have to impersonate different roles and characters. It will be our job to put them all together. Remember we could have used whoever we wanted‌ [la guarda con uno sguardo superiore e facendo dei gesti sbrigativi con la mano] but Mr Sinclair wants you because he can see a true sparkle in you. Apparently you do share our beliefs and you do believe in our campaign. So be a good sport, go sit there and be convincing. [la indirizza con una spinta decisa verso il centro del set].
[Echo gira con sguardo irritato verso il regista che l’aveva spinta.] E: No way! I won’t do it if not as myself. D: [ride] To be honest, Echo, can you really define what “yourself” actually is? You’re a mob, for Leanna’s sake. You are everyone and nobody! Just do what Mr. Sinclair want you to do, please. [E fa un passo indietro, con espressione furibonda] E: Who do you think you are? Uh? You think you know mobuls, but as all humans, you are a fool! You don’t have the faintest idea of what is like, changing form, mutating your shape. It’s like being skinned alive, every time. [Il silenzio è calato nello studio] E: You humans think we use our shapeshifting powers to deceive others, but it’s not like that. It’s not pretending to be someone else, it’s becoming somebody else. It’s borrowing their strength, their being, not to use them, but to be better because of them. It’s supporting and 65
sustaining each other, in the most intimate way possible. You just don’t get it, and as usual, you humans hate what you don’t understand. I’m sorry, I am not gonna help you. [E. se ne va dallo studio, lasciando il dietro di lei il regista basito.]
E: Shapeshifting fool humans, but not mobuls. We need something else to get under their skin. D: Listen, just say what you really think and what you hope for mobs and humans. Mr Sinclair trusts you and I trust Mr Sinclair, so I guess I trust you. Do your best. I’m here to help you. Take your time and tell me when you’re ready. [Echo si gira verso il regista e guarda un po’ intimidita la telecamera, si scrolla via l’espressione preoccupata e sul suo volto appare un’espressione determinata e decisa, fa un cenno deciso al cameraman e inizia] E: Hello everybody, my name is Echo. You probably don’t know me... but know that I’m a mobul. [cambia rapidamente la forma della mano per dimostrarlo]... See? And still, I trust humans. We need change and we need all the help they can give us, we need to look past those boundaries that separated us to be whole, as a unified society... [Il regista la guarda soddisfatto e sorride mentre la ripresa continua a procedere]. 67
[Ellisse: a few weeks later. Echo si trova da Rufius e mentre sta pulendo i pezzi dello shadowmeter si perde davanti alla televisione] Journalist: The activist group Reform for Mobuls declared its demonstration will go on. despite the fierce opposition of Apothecary Collins, head of security, who just spoke to our reporters. [cambio scena nel servizio, inquadrato Collins] Collins: After the recent attacks of the Shift, we cannot trust any mobs and we should prevent them from coming in the Acropolis, let alone its very heart, the Agorà . [Rufius entra nella stanza e si rivolge ad Echo] R: You are not going, are you? E: To the demonstration? R: Yes. It’s going to be dangerous and it will be pointless, as many other were before this one. E: Well, actually‌ I am even helping organizing it. R: I am too old for those dreams, I gave up mines too long ago. 68
[Si avvicina e prende in mano lo shadowmeter] R: Now, I think we can call it day. Thank you again for those measurements, I feel like I am close to a breakthrough with the shadowmeter. [Echo si avvicina alla porta] E: Text me if you find anything R: And you, stay out of trouble, do it for me. [Con un sorriso beffardo] E: I can’t make any promise.
[Echo entra negli old tunnels e arriva al covo dello Shift. Ci sono diversi mobuls seduti davanti a Nylah.] N: Thank you everyone for coming. This is an important moment for our movement, and I’m glad to see you all here. [scambio di sguardi tra Nylah e Echo] N: As you all know, Operation Blaze is almost ready, but this time we are gonna do something new. We are gonna announce it. [Mormorii si scatenano tra i mobuls “What?” “They are gonna catch us” “That’s insane”] Mobul: What’s the point? We would only make their job easier! N: [ghigna] No, we wouldn’t, because we are gonna be always a step ahead of them. We are gonna make them believe to be ready, more prepared than ever before, and we are gonna turn that arrogant, presumptuous assumption of theirs, right against them. 70
[Nylah inizia a girare intorno al gruppo di persone] N: They are picturing us as anarchists, terrorists, but they know nothing about us, my friends. We are a liberation movement. We want to set people free, but to be free, people need to be aware. Aware of us, aware of what we are fighting for. Mobuls need to know that a big shift is upon us, and that is going to change everything. They need to go home, take out their fucking calendar, and circle that day in red, to remember this, to cherish this: that’s gonna be the end of the world as they know it. N: [Nylah ritorna verso la lavagna, davanti alla quale stava prima] Now, when are we gonna do that? When are we gonna announce Operation Blaze? [Nylah punta a una foto di Lea appesa al muro. N: Next week Lea Sanders, an activist I am sure you are all familiar with, will hold a protest is front of City Hall in favour of better rights for Mobuls. I know, that’s sweet of her, isn’t it. And since she is a human, she may actually get people to listen. That’s why we are gonna take over the demonstration, hijack the stage and play our video. Our voice will be heard! 71
[gli altri urlano in assenso.] N: Good. Now, Echo, come here. [Echo la raggiunge davanti a tutti] For those who doesn’t know her, this is Echo and she is gonna play a fundamental role in our plan. E: Am I? N: Yeah. [Nylah le circonda le spalle con un braccio, poi si rivolge di nuovo al pubblico] You see, our little Echo here is…. let’s say friendly with Lea. She knows her ways around her, and that’s why she is gonna be our inside man. She is gonna go backstage, to play our message to the city.. .while we make a mess out of that fucking square! [I ribelli urlano ancora ] N: Do you accept the mission, Echo? s1: I’ll be right there with all of you. s2: I am not sure this is a good idea. I’d rather talk to you in private about this, Nylah.
[Echo è nell’ufficio di Lea e la sta aiutando con le preparazioni per la dimostrazione.] L: So, what do you think? Do you like this lineup for the presentations? E: [pensierosa] Yeah. I’ve meaning to talk you about something though. L: What’s up? Are you having doubts about presenting your reportage? Because I think it’ll be one of the focal points of the presentations… E: No, no, I am totally fine with that… In fact, I think it’s a big honor, to show my photographs to such a big crowd L: But? E: [sospira] I need to ask you a favor. I would like for August Sinclair to talk at the demonstrations. L [corruccia lo sguardo e incrocia le braccia] Why? I don’t think he may be the best thing for him to show his face at this protest. Might ruin his reputation, you know? Also, since when are you such a big friend of August Sinclair? 73
I thought you hated working in his factory. E: I guess I got to know him a lot better since that interview. I wouldn’t imagine it either, Lea, but he really cares for us. He really care for peace. A long-lasting, sustainable peace. L: And he would like to talk during my protest? E: Yes. He is a big admirer of what you are doing for Mobuls and since this protest is gonna be the biggest one yet, he thinks he’ll be also for you good to show the public that you have such an important figure backing you up. He would like to talk right before you, in order to give the right resonance to what you are gonna say. What do you think? L: It may actually be a good idea. And are you sure he is okay with all this? The protest, my ideas? E: More than okay! And you’ll be able to talk to him on the day of the protest too, before all the presentation. You’ll see: he’ll show you that he is not just the frosty tycoon everyone thinks he is. L: Fine. I trust you, Echo, and I trust your judgement. [scribacchia qualcosa sul foglio a cui stava lavorando] You can tell Mr. Sinclair he will speak right before me, but he’ll need to be there before the protest even start. I would love to have a little chat with him. 74
N: Are you sure you’re okay with turning your back on Lea? E: [con fierezza] Yeah. We must be strong for those who can’t be yet. This world need a revolution, and soon we’ll be able to walk tall in this city. I wanna fight with you. N: [felice e determinata] It’s not just me, it’s all of us. And as soon as Operation Blaze gets done, you’ll meet the Creator. E: The Creator? N: The mobul who started it all. The founder of the Shift. The person who changed our lives forever. I can’t wait. [Nylah si volta, chiamata da un’altra persona] E: Neither do I.
N: What’s wrong? [non si muove, rimane davanti a tutti] What you can say to me you can say it to everybody here. E: I don’t understand why you want to hijack Lea’s protest. She wants the same things we want. She is own our side! She is a human, that’s true, but she is one of the good ones. [Risata generale, Echo rimane impassibile] She just wants to help us. [silence. Panoramica sul pubblico ammutolito] Mobul 1 (magari quello che l’aveva portata al covo la prima volta): Why don’t you go running back to her then? M2: YES! M3: we don’t need you here, you traitor! M4: TRAITOR! M1: I don’t think you have what it takes to be one of us. You prefer to side with a human than with your kind. How could we ever trust you again? I say we take her to the dungeons, until all Operation Blaze is over. If we will she’s is surely gonna spill everything to Lea or the police. 76
N: Uriah, calm down. She disagrees on something, it’s not like she is a traitor. Or are you Echo? E: [balbetta] N-no, I just thought thaN:[alza la mano ] It doesn’t matter know. What matters is that you’re clearly not gonna help us and we’ll need to find another way to carry out our plan. Without you. I have to ask you to leave. I can’t let you know any more details about this. You already know too much. E: [Abbassa lo sguardo] I’m sorry. N: Me too. I thought more of you, Echo [Echo si allontana con tutti che la seguono con lo sguardo]
[Ellisse: “a few days later”. Cedrik ed Echo sono nell’Acropoli e stanno camminando verso l’Agorà. Attorno a loro, altri mobs stanno raggiungendo la manifestazione, c’è già una grande folla davanti al municipio. Loro cercando di farsi strada.]
[Un grande schermo pubblicitario trasmette lo spot di Echo. Echo lo guarda e sorride. Qualcuno le fa tap tap sulla spalla] M: Excuse me, are you Echo? The Mobul in that spot? E: Yeah, that’s me. Why? Who are you? M: My name is Miah. I just wanted to thank you for all the work you are doing with Sinclair E: [Sorpresa] Oh.. Thank you Miah. M: Is he going to be there? E: Who? M: [ride imbarazzata] Him. Sinclair. Is he gonna speak today? E: He should be here any second now. M: [sorride felicissima] I can’t wait. He is not like all the others. He is different. He cares, and I know he is gonna be the one who will save us, eventually. I am glad you see it too, and I thank you for speaking in his favour. That’s exactly what we needed. C: Echo, we gotta go. E: You’re right. It was a pleasure talking to you 79
Miah. I hope to see you later. Stay safe! M: You too! [Cedrik strattona Echo verso il palco]
[Mentre cammina verso City Hall, Echo incrocia lo sguardo con diversi membri dello Shift in strada e sui tetti dei palazzi vicini.] [Arrivati nell’Agorà, i due vedono per la prima volta il maestoso Municipio della città. Al centro della piazza si erge un palco improvvisato circondato da alcuni camion che fungono da backstage e un grande schermo alle spalle. Davanti al Municipio, un cordone della sicurezza è pronto a contrastare eventuali violenze. Gilbert Collins è dietro di loro pronto a impartire ordini. La piazza è in fermento. Lea corre incontro a Echo e Cedrik] L: Finally! I’d started to wonder if you were still coming. C: Sorry. We are here now. What do we have to do? L: [controlla la cartella che ha in mano] Echo, go backstage and get ready for your speech. Ced, come with me, there are a few things I need you to manage. Come on. [Echo i guarda due allontanarsi e si avventura verso il palco] 81
FLASHBACKS The flashbacks refer to Echo’s childhood and the events she experienced there with her friend Brek. Echo’s backstory, however, is shaped by the VUP’s decision, so it changes together with the present narrative.
[Echo è nel giardino dell’orfanotrofio, chiuso e circondato da un’alta staccionata. Si muove guardandosi attorno e, quando nessuno la nota, individua un soggetto, avvicina la macchina all’occhio e clicca l’interruttore: la macchina emette un fascio di luce che squarcia l’ambiente buio e tetro.] B. [da un angolo del cortile chiama Echo] Echo, hurry up! You should take a photo of this! [E. sorride e si dirige verso l’amico già appostato nell’angolo.] B. You have to be fast, I’ll do the mutation and I want you to take the exact moment between the two forms. [B. le lancia un ultimo sguardo di intesa. E. si fa subito seria, avvicina la macchina all’occhio clicca il pulsante mentre sulla lente si vede il riflesso di una forma indefinita. Ne segue un sonoro bzzz. E. allontana la macchina con aria preoccupata, di fronte a lei un topo la guarda. E. inizia a cliccare nervosamente il pulsante, 84
ne segue una raffica di suoni indefiniti bzz bzz bzz.] [Appare nuovamente B. con le sue sembianze umane] B: What happened? Was I too fast for you? [ironizza notando la preoccupazione sulla faccia dell’amica] E.: I.. No…. I don’t know, something’s not right, maybe it’s the flash capsule, I think it’s burned. B. [la guarda con gli occhi attenti] What’s the problem then... We just have to change it with a new one!
[E. abbassa la testa malinconica e lo guarda forzando un sorriso, sa benissimo che l’amico è conscio del problema] E: Come on Brek, I’m not stupid, we won’t find anything like this around here, and certainly we don’t have the money to buy a new one. [sforza una risata ma abbassa subito nuovamente lo sguardo triste.] B. [le mette una mano sulla spalla] Who said we were going to buy it [sorride malizioso] Come with me. [B. la prende per il braccio e si affretta vicino a una finestra, fa un cenno a E. ed entrambi si sporgono dal basso e guardano dentro l’ufficio dell’addetto alle registrazioni all’interno dell’orfanotrofio.] Woker: [Si sente la voce dell’addetto] Still, still…. Click [la stanza si riempie di luce all’improvviso, dalla macchina esce una spilla con la foto impressa sopra. La mano dell’addetto la prende, si avvicina con sguardo serio alla piccola Mobs 86
seduta su un seggiolo. Alle sue spalle un piccolo fondale bianco ] A: You take care of this [le appende la spilla sul petto dalla parte del cuore] you’ll show this pin with the photo I took you every time anyone is asking you, do you understand me? And remember you can get in the lunchroom only with this face. [La bambina lo guarda intimidita e annuisce. L’addetto si gira verso la finestra per guardare fuori. E. e B. si gettano immediatamente giù. E. è agitata, B. le da una leggera gomitata al braccio, E. si gira verso di lui. B. sorride deciso.] B: Tonight? E: Tonight. [è notte, le silhouette di P. e B. si intravedono furtive per il corridoio. B. si ferma all’improvviso davanti a una porta, si gira sicuro verso E. B: Stay here, squeak if you hear anything [E. sorride ma ha la faccia preoccupata.] [B. entra nella porta] B: [pensa] here we are… where are you??? [guarda le 4 mura della stanza, indugia verso il cartellone dove sono apposte le foto di alcuni bambini (forse vede anche E. da piccola???), 87
abbassa lo sguardo e vede una cassettiera. Si avvicina veloce e la apre.] E. [dalla porta sussurra] Brek, hurry! B: [B. fruga tra gli oggetti all’interno e tira fuori una capsula] Found ya! [Si lancia verso la porta, B. ed E. corrono via esultanti e ridendo di soppiatto.]
[E. abbassa la testa malinconica e lo guarda forzando un sorriso, sa benissimo che l’amico è conscio del problema] E: Come on Brek, we don’t have the money to buy a new one. [sforza una risata ma abbassa subito nuovamente lo sguardo triste.] B. [le mette una mano sulla spalla] Who said we were going to buy it? [sorride malizioso e fa un cenno verso la finestra dove si intravede un lampo di luce prodotto dalla macchina dell’addetto alle registrazioni e fotografie dell’orfanotrofio.] [E. si scrolla via la mano di B. dalla spalla e lo incenerisce con uno sguardo severo] I won’t do anything like that. And you won’t do it either. [B. alza le mani con sguardo indifferente] Ok ok, chill! It was just an idea, we will find another way. [E. si tranquillizza guarda verso la porta d’ingresso concentrata e si dirige dentro pensando] When she gave me the camera, Lyd explained me also how the capsule works. 89
I can do it, but I’ll need some knowledge and materials first. [E. si intrufola nella biblioteca degli educatori. Scorre il dito tra i titoli dei manuali in uno scaffale. Il dito si ferma, torna indietro. Echo afferra un libro e lo apre decisa, sfoglia le pagine, si sofferma su una in particolare. La sua faccia si allarga in un sorriso deciso] [E. mentre è nella mensa strappa il foglio di alluminio che ricopriva il suo piatto e lo sminuzza in tanti piccoli pezzetti] E: First some aluminium… [E. si reca nella lavanderia, si accovaccia sotto il lavandino di nascosto e afferra furtiva una tanica di candeggina] E: Then some bleach… [E. si intrufola nella cucina durante la notte, apre la saliera] E: Some sylvsalt and….[Si avvicina alla macchina del caffè, guarda la scatola dei filtri, ne afferra uno e sorride] That should do it. [B. e gli altri bambini giocano nel cortile insieme mentre E. è ricurva in un angolo indaffarata a mescolare e sminuzzare i 90
materiali raccolti. A un certo punto un lampo di luce si espande dall’angolo dove E. è appostata] E: I did it!!! [E. salta in piedi, le mani alzate in trionfo e lo sguardo alto al cielo.] [I bambini continuano a giocare indifferenti. B. invece è fermo con la testa girata verso E., la guarda intensamente e sorride]
[E. abbassa la testa malinconica e lo guarda forzando un sorriso, sa benissimo che l’amico è conscio del problema] E: Come on Brek, I’m not stupid, we won’t find anything like this around here, and certainly we don’t have the money to buy a new one. Whatever, it wasn’t important. [E. si allontana da B. con la testa bassa verso la fotocamera non funzionante.] [B. continua a seguirla con lo sguardo dubbioso ma a un tratto la sua attenzione viene attirata verso un lampo di luce proveniente dalla finestra dell’addetto alle registrazioni e foto dei nuovi mobuls. L’addetto era davanti a una piccola mobul appena arrivata] [B. guarda intensamente la scena e il suo labbro superiore disegna un sorriso malizioso e deciso.] [Il giorno successivo E. è seduta in un angolo, lo sguardo è perso in cerca di dettagli e cose da fare. I suoi pensieri vengono distratti dalla discussione tra l’addetto e la responsabile] 92
A.: I told you, I was sure to have another one of those, it was right in the drawer of my studio. R.: I don’t want to hear excuses, go immediately to the market! We need to pin the new mobul arrived this morning. B.: Ehi you! [E. trasale, davanti a lei B. è inginocchiato con un ghigno sulla faccia. Protende in avanti le mani chiuse in due pugni.] Guess what! [E. appare infastidita] What? What happened? [B. sorride malizioso] Choose. [E. arriccia il naso reprimendo uno sbuffo, guarda le due mani ne sceglie distrattamente una. [B. guarda la mano scelta ancora chiusa, alza lo sguardo verso E., la sua espressione è leggermente irritata, si scrolla via il broncio sorride e spalanca la mano mostrando la capsula sul suo palmo] [E. corruga la fronte incredula] Where did you take it? [B. continua a ghignare] This is not your concern. Just take it, it’s for you. [E. cerca di reprimere un sorriso e allunga la mano, ma si ferma tutto d’un tratto dubbiosa. Ritira subito la mano, alza lo sguardo e guarda intensamente Brek] 93
E.: You stole it, didn’t you? [B. è deluso e leggermente irritato] I told you it’s not your concern but what if I did? They can easily buy a new one. [E. alza la voce, balza in piedi. Ha gli occhi spalancati] You don’t have any right to do that, they look after us, they CARE about us. And this is how you repay them? You steal from them? [lancia uno sguardo schifato alla capsula ancora nella mano di B. e se ne va infuriata a grandi passi.] [B. ha lo sguardo fisso, incredulo, gli occhi spalancati. Gira lentamente la testa solo dopo alcuni secondi, E. ormai è lontana. B. chiude nuovamente il pugno e stringe la capsula.]
Bambinaia: Everyone, go to bed! Tomorrow you must be in perfect shape for mr. Sinclair! [I bambini corrono ridacchiando ognuno al proprio letto, Echo è già sotto le coperte mentre Brek veloce ancora affannato si arrampica scomposto sul letto a castello per arrivare sul letto sopra a quello di Echo. La bambinaia sussurra un ultimo deciso SHHHH, spegne le luci e chiude la porta.] [I bambini sono eccitati e ognuno continua a parlare con il suo vicino riguardo all’arrivo di Sinclair] “I can’t wait to see Mr. Sinclair again!” “Last time I talked to him, he gave me a piece of candy” “wow I wish I could have talked with him too” “I’m looking forward to meet him” “I heard his car can fly!!” “Damn I heard HE can fly” “I hope he will bring toys like last time!” [B. invece è immobile disteso sul letto, le mani 95
dietro la nuca con lo sguardo perplesso fisso sul soffitto.] E.: This Mr. Sinclair seems a great guy. [B. sbuffa] Right. You’ve never met him…. you didn’t miss much anyway. [E. si sporge perplessa dal letto in cerca della faccia di B.] Aren’t you excited? Don’t you like Mr. Sinclair? [Lo sguardo di B. è sempre immobile sul soffitto come se fosse perso nei suoi pensieri. Le sue sopracciglia si irrigidiscono] Something’s not right about him. He’s a human but he is so kind to us… [E. è sempre più perplessa] What’s wrong with that? Can’t a human just be generous with us? [B. emette un sospiro con i denti stretti in un sorriso forzato] No, they can’t. It’s not in their nature. [E. curva le sopracciglia e abbassa lo sguardo, rimette la testa sul materasso e guarda il sotto del letto di Brek; sopra di lei Brek si rifà serio e continua a guardare il soffitto.]
[I bambini sono disposti tutti in fila in parte alla porta, controllati dalla bambinaia che è in piedi davanti a loro con le braccia conserte, le sopracciglia alzate e uno sguardo severo che indugiava prima su uno poi su un altro. I bambini hanno le mani dietro alla schiena e lo sguardo fisso in avanti. Da dietro la porta si sentono le voci della direttrice e di Sinclair] W: Welcome Mr. Sinclair we were all waiting for your arrive S: It’s always a pleasure coming here! [I passi si fanno sempre più rumorosi finché la porta non si spalanca e Sinclair appare con gli occhi semichiusi e un grosso sorriso benevolo sulla faccia. Dietro di lui il maggiordomo ansimante trasportava le casse piene di vecchi giocattoli e dolciumi. I bambini spalancano gli occhi e si girano verso il maggiordomo. Uno dei bambini più piccoli non riesce a trattenere l’emozione, rompe la fila e corre ai piedi di Sinclair, tutti gli altri lo seguono mentre la bambinaia cerca di rimettere 97
l’ordine spostando uno e l’altro inutilmente. Sinclair non sembra disturbato e felice prende i giochi dalle scatole ancora tra le mani del maggiordomo e inizia a distribuirli alle mani alzate dei bambini. A un certo punto con la coda dell’occhio nota due bambini, in piedi uno accanto all’altro, uno aveva lo sguardo rigido e impassibile, l’altra curioso e discreto: Echo e Brek erano gli unici a non essersi precipitati a terra come tutti gli altri. Incuriosito, allunga una gamba e scavalca la calca di bambini che ormai avevano assalito il maggiordomo e i giocattoli restanti.] [S. si piega verso i due ragazzi e sfodera un caloroso sorriso] S: Aren’t you happy for these new toys? [Echo abbassa lo sguardo mentre Brek lo guarda negli occhi, lo sguardo fisso e deciso] B: I’m not for sale, I’m sorry. [Sinclair irrigidisce impercettibilmente le sopracciglia ma ritorna subito sorridente. Brek lo nota e allunga la bocca in un sorriso beffardo] B: I’m not going to be another one between your exploited workers. [S. non sembra disturbato dall’affermazione] S: they work, they re not exploited… When 98
you’ll grow up you’ll be able to choose, but what work will you do if you choose not to work for me? Mobuls are always changing, it’s in your nature, and there aren’t that many jobs they can take. [Brek si fa nuovamente serio] I’m not saying that this society is fair, but maybe it would be less chaotic without all these… changes. [lo sguardo di Brek inizia a essere irritato] [Echo fino a quel momento aveva ascoltato in silenzio il botta e risposta ma notando la faccia di Brek si intromette decisa] E: Yeah and what would humans do without us? [Sinclair e Brek si girano improvvisamente verso Echo con le sopracciglia ricurve] You can’t mutate and you can’t even do half of the things we can do! [Echo aveva lo sguardo deciso e dritto verso Sinclair.] [Egli dopo un attimo di incertezza sorride nuovamente] S: Maybe you’re right [si fruga tra le tasche, estrae alcuni dolciumi e li getta ai piedi dei due ragazzi; rivolge ad entrambi un ultimo sorriso e se si dirige verso la dirigente ancora alle prese a mettere ordine tra i bambini. Echo e Brek lo seguono con sguardo rigido, poi si guardano e si scambiano un sorriso d’intesa.] 99
[I bambini sono disposti tutti in fila in parte alla porta controllati dalla bambinaia che è in piedi davanti a loro con le braccia conserte, le sopracciglia alzate e uno sguardo severo che indugiava prima su uno poi su un altro. I bambini avevano mani dietro alla schiena e lo sguardo fisso in avanti. Da dietro la porta si sentono le voci della direttrice e di Sinclair] W: Welcome Mr. Sinclair we were all waiting for your arrive S: It’s always a pleasure coming here! [I passi si fanno sempre più rumorosi finché la porta non si spalanca e Sinclair appare con gli occhi semichiusi e un grosso sorriso benevolo sulla faccia. Dietro di lui il maggiordomo ansimante trasportava le casse piene di vecchi giocattoli e dolciumi. I bambini spalancano gli occhi e si girano verso il maggiordomo. Uno dei bambini più piccoli non riesce a trattenere l’emozione, rompe la fila e corre ai piedi di Sinclair, tutti gli altri lo seguono mentre la bambinaia cerca di rimettere l’ordine 100
spostando uno e l’altro inutilmente. Sinclair non sembra disturbato da loro ma anzi felice prende i giochi dalle scatole ancora tra le mani del maggiordomo e inizia a distribuirli alle mani alzate dei bambini. A un certo punto con la coda dell’occhio nota Echo, ancora in piedi leggermente fuori dalla calca, aveva lo sguardo curioso fisso sulla calca dei bambini sbraitanti che allungavano le mani verso i nuovi oggetti.] [Incuriosito, allunga una gamba e scavalca la calca di bambini che ormai avevano assalito il maggiordomo e i giocattoli restanti e si presenta sorridente davanti ad Echo, si abbassa verso di lei e la guarda negli occhi, Echo diventa rossa e abbassa subito lo sguardo] S: Aren’t you curious like all the others? [Echo rimane con la testa ferma] You know, there’s a big world out there, full of new objects and people. I really hope you will see it.. You know, my dream is that one day mobuls and humans will live happily together but right now.. with all those… mutations, it’s impossible [il sorriso di Sinclair si fa più cupo e triste, assorto nei suoi pensieri] [Echo alza leggermente la testa, passano alcuni secondi ma poi timidamente sussurra] 101
E: I wish there was something I could do about that… I’m tired of all these mutations, especially when….. [Echo abbassa nuovamente lo sguardo dubbiosa e ripensa alle parole di Brek “You don’t have to tell anybody about your disease, remember that”] S: Please go on [Sinclair le sorride e le appoggia una mano sul braccio] [E. alza la testa verso il sorriso rassicurante di Sinclair] Especially when you can’t control them. S: [Sinclair spalanca gli occhi, si fa serio e sussurra] The Faceless Syndrome… [Echo si fa ancora più rossa e abbassa di nuovo lo sguardo] You see, this disease it’s the proof of how dangerous and uncontrolled these mutations are. Everyone’s should be themselves, and themselves only. [Echo alza la testa lo guarda negli occhi e annuisce sicura, Sinclair le sorride] S: We will do something about it, I promise [le accarezza la testa e se ne va verso la dirigente che osservava la scena a pochi metri di distanza] [I due bisbigliano qualcosa e Sinclair si volta sorridente verso Echo. La dirigente lo guarda dubbiosa.] 102
Bambinaia: Lights off! Everyone, go to bed! [I bambini corrono ognuno al proprio letto ridacchiando, la bambinaia li guarda severamente poi spegne la luce e chiude la porta] [Brek si sporge dal letto sopra Echo] Pssst! Pssst! [Echo si raggomitola maggiormente dentro il letto e fa finta di niente. Brek fa una faccia infastidita si ritrae e spunta nuovamente con il suo cuscino che scaglia contro la nuca di Echo] E: Hey! Why did you do that?! B: I saw you talking with Sinclair today! I warned you not to trust him! I hope you didn’t say anything important! [Echo lo guarda infastidita] Maybe you’re wrong about him, he’s a good person and he actually cares about us! He can help me with my disease… [Brek la guarda deluso] B: What’s wrong with your “disease”? Your body has an unborn longing for changes. That’s not a bad thing! [Echo lo guarda disgustata] Oh so you think I should enjoy it? B: [si fa serio, il suo sguardo è sempre più triste e deluso] There’s nothing wrong with 103
our powers. There is nothing wrong with us. Would you prefer to be a human? Fixed in one appearance? E. con decisione:Yeah. That sounds way easier. [Si sistema le coperte e si gira dall’altra parte richiudendo gli occhi.] [Brek fa una smorfia, i suoi occhi si abbassano e la sua testa si ritrae sul suo letto] B: If that’s what you really think, maybe we shouldn’t be friends anymore. E: I’m glad we agree at least on this one.
[Un giorno i bambini stavano tutti in cortile, correndo spensierati durante una delle pause. Un bambino grassoccio che si era allontanato dall’orfanotrofio stava rientrando di nascosto con in mano un panino mezzo mangiato. Apre la porta, gira l’angolo furtivo ma si trova davanti la bambinaia. Echo e Brek stavano parlando insieme quando dal corridoio centrale si alzano delle urla “Leave mee! Leave me please!” I ragazzi si girano e si precipitano di corsa all’interno per assistere alla scena. Brek ed Echo si affrettano spinti dalla stessa curiosità. Una delle bambinaie aveva colto in flagrante uno dei bambini che era uscito di nascosto dall’orfanotrofio. La bambini procedeva a grandi passi tirandosi dietro il bambino grassoccio per l’orecchio/capelli/ braccio] Worker: Speak no more! It’s time you learn the lesson, how many times have we told you not to get out from here? Child: Pleaseee let me go please 105
W: You’ll learn this time! Ooooh I bet.. sure you’ll do [Lo stava trascinando verso il sottoscala, i bambini guardavano la scena impotenti, Brek aveva lo sguardo fermo e rigido sulla bambinaia mentre Echo lo seguiva tristemente] Do you think that she’s gonna... [Brek la interrompe, aveva la mascella irrigidita] She will… [La bambinaia senza allentare la presa dal bambino aprì la porta nel sottoscala, e tirò fuori lo squeezer] [E. era sempre più incuriosita. Il bambino si era ammutolito tutto d’un tratto e aveva gli occhi spalancati. La bambinaia lo aveva scaraventato all’interno] [Il bambino continuava a piangere ansimando tremante] P-Please… don’t…. please. [La bambinaia aveva intanto afferrato un telecomando e iniziò a girare una leva circolare. La gabbia iniziò a restringersi sempre di più. Il bambino singhiozzante ben presto si ritrovò schiacciato all’interno, le mani e le gambe fuoriuscivano dalle fessure. Intanto continuava a supplicare. La bambinaia con sorriso beffardo continuò a girare la manovella. Il bambino iniziò le prime mutazioni, restringendo il collo 106
prima poi il corpo e quindi la testa con gli arti. La gabbia si faceva sempre più piccola. La bambinaia continuava la sua punizione mentre tutti i bambini guardavano impotenti la scena tutto intorno. Brek aveva lo sguardo sempre fisso e rigido sulla gabbia. Echo aveva gli occhi spalancati e increduli] E.: Why doesn’t she stop? B.: She won’t. We are not even close to the end. He will be forced to become a rat first. Unless.. [Echo guardava Brek con preoccupazione, conosceva l’amico] [Brek si lanciò in avanti, deciso ma trovò il braccio di Echo che aveva anticipato la sua mossa mettendosi davanti a lui. Lo guardo seria.] Don’t. I have a plan.
[Un giorno i bambini stavano tutti in cortile, correndo spensierati durante una delle pause. Un bambino grassoccio che si era allontanato dall’orfanotrofio stava rientrando di nascosto con in mano un panino mezzo mangiato. Apre la porta, gira l’angolo furtivo ma si trova davanti la bambinaia. Echo e Brek stavano parlando insieme quando dal corridoio centrale si alzano delle urla “Leave mee! Leave me please!” I ragazzi si girano e si precipitano di corsa all’interno per assistere alla scena. Brek ed Echo si affrettano spinti dalla stessa curiosità. Una delle bambinaie aveva colto in flagrante uno dei bambini che era uscito di nascosto dall’orfanotrofio. La bambini procedeva a grandi passi tirandosi dietro il bambino grassoccio per l’orecchio/capelli/ braccio] Worker: Speak no more! It’s time you learn the lesson, how many times have we told you not to get out from here? Child: Pleaseee let me go please 108
W: You’ll learn this time! Ooooh I bet.. sure you’ll do [Lo stava trascinando verso il sottoscala, i bambini guardavano la scena impotenti, Brek aveva lo sguardo fermo e rigido sulla bambinaia mentre Echo lo seguiva tristemente] Do you think that she’s gonna... [Brek la interrompe, aveva la mascella irrigidita] She will… [La bambinaia senza allentare la presa dal bambino aprì la porta nel sottoscala, e tirò fuori lo squeezer] [E. era sempre più incuriosita. Il bambino si era ammutolito tutto d’un tratto e aveva gli occhi spalancati. La bambinaia lo aveva scaraventato all’interno] [Il bambino continuava a piangere ansimando tremante] P-Please… don’t…. please. [La bambinaia aveva intanto afferrato un telecomando e iniziò a girare una leva circolare. La gabbia iniziò a restringersi sempre di più. Il bambino singhiozzante ben presto si ritrovò schiacciato all’interno, le mani e le gambe fuoriuscivano dalle fessure. Intanto continuava a supplicare. La bambinaia con sorriso beffardo continuò a girare la manovella. Il bambino iniziò le prime mutazioni, restringendo il collo 109
prima poi il corpo e quindi la testa con gli arti. La gabbia si faceva sempre più piccola. La bambinaia continuava la sua punizione mentre tutti i bambini guardavano impotenti la scena tutto intorno. Brek aveva lo sguardo sempre fisso e rigido sulla gabbia. Echo aveva gli occhi spalancati e increduli] E.: Why doesn’t she stop? B.: She won’t. We are not even close to the end. He will be forced to become a rat first. Unless.. [Brek si lanciò in avanti e in un attimo si trovò sopra la bambinaia. Le sue mani le tenevano ferme le braccia lasciandola incapace di usare il telecomando, la sua testa si era trasformata in quella di una volpe e aveva addentato saldo la spalla della bambinaia che intanto urlava e si dimenava cercando di scrollarsi addosso Brek]