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So FN Dope Magazine Issue 14
Article by Merc B. Williams
It’s so much going on in the world I have no idea where to start. I most definitely hope all of you are safe and your families are safe as well. Like we’re seriously in an entire pandemic. Who’d have thought I’d be wearing a mask and not stealing from somebody. Lol. Just kidding. No but seriously these are wild and crazy times right now. Wildfires. Hurricanes. Shootings. Police brutality. Climate change. Trump(*insert eye roll*). Election season. The first woman VP on the presidential ballot AND she’s BLACK. Breonna Taylor’s killers still haven’t been arrested....Sigh. Sports are back and in the fight for social injustice with all of us.(well except the NFL. I don’t trust them. That’s for another post). It just really seems like every month of 2020 has been one long year in itself. I’ve deleted and rewritten this so many times because I’m sure I, like everybody else is just overflowing with a multitude of emotion at this time. So this time I just felt compelled to encourage y’all. We can all use it during these times. Myself included. Between furloughs, losing friends and family during these times, not being able to perform on any stages it’s been rough. But as always we will get through it and come out better for it. I truly believe that. Anyway I hope this lifts you and your spirits. Y’all stay up, stay blessed and stay free! And WEAR YOUR MASKS!! Y’all share that...
1. You are enough.
2. You’re more than a conqueror.
3. What’s for you is for you.
4. You have not because you ask not.
5. Everything you need is already inside of you.
6. The universe is waiting on you to be what you’re supposed to be so somebody else can get their breakthrough through you.
7. You don’t need permission to be great.
8. Do the work. The rest will take care of itself.
9. Do not get weary in well doing.
10. Love yourself. Unconditionally.
11. Freedom is the goal. Be free.
12. Forgive yourself. Forgive others.
13. Logic over emotion but still allow yourself to “feel”
14. Acceptance over understanding.
15. Peace is paramount over all things. Protect it at all costs.
That is all. Love y’all.