GENERAL MANAGER Novotel and in family hospitality businesses. In the digital marketing, publications and sponsorship role is Romina Schiavi who joined the Club in November. A journalist by training, Romina has a strong background in digital marketing. She is a sailor and keen dragon boat paddler.
David Harries General Manager
The last six months have seemed more of a vortex than a progressive change.
Safe WA
From early December (5th) the government reintroduced COVID tracing for all businesses and we will be using the Safe WA app and QR code. We will also have paper records. All members and guests entering the licensed premises will need to register, just as we did at the height of the pandemic tracing. This time we will have to record the time that we arrive. Sailors will be required to complete registers also for on-water activities and when entering the licensed areas. The facilities office will communicate the requirements to contractors. On-water group will communicate with sailors and F&B will be informing members and guests of the requirements at the entries to the buildings and marquees. There will be an adjustment phase as we become accustomed to the requirements.
Staff and Organisational Changes
Through the review of the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan and looking toward the 2021-2025 plan, the Management Committee has reviewed the roles and functions of staff to see us through the next few years. One of the long-recognised roles that has been seen as a necessity is that of a dedicated facilities role. This was role approved earlier in the year and the position filled in November by Kerry Culshaw. Her role is to oversee the maintenance, contracts, tendering and special projects. Importantly, Kerry has been tasked with introducing the asset maintenance systems so we have established and planned maintenance programmes rather than the past practices of reactive maintenance. Members will be informed of progress
on this front. This will assist the Planning Committee with future capital and infrastructure needs. This is particularly important with the renewal of our current Riverbed Lease looming on the horizon in June 2027, a regular Agenda Item for the Planning Committee and has been a discussion point within the Finance Committee and Management Committee for some time in various forms. A Facilities Office has been established in the Centreboard Clubhouse. Signage is being set up. This office will be the base for Pens & Moorings and still supported by Jess Oakley although as the Facilities Administrator rather than Pens & Moorings Secretary. Travel Lift Bookings and contractors contact and documentation will also be situated in the Facilities or Marina Office as will general maintenance. The bosuns structure remains the same with Robbie Wilson as Head Bosun supported by David Locke, Gasper Burger and Paul Scorer operating the travel lift. Kerry and Robbie will be supporting the Works Committee and Security Committee. Fiona Whife has resigned her position as Food & Beverage Manager after twelve years in the position. I would like to express our appreciation and thanks for the work she has done in that time; the revenue she has generated which subsidises members pen fees and which contributes toward the ongoing improvements to the infrastructure and equipment members enjoy. The innovations she has introduced such as the Beachside and Promenade Marquees have enhanced the financial opportunities that benefit members. Michael Ribaudo commenced as Food and Beverage Manager on 1st December. Michael has a strong background in food and beverage having worked at the Crown, QT Hotel,
SOUNDINGS | December 2020 ~ February 2021
Environmental News
The Club is now an accredited International Clean Marina and Fish Friendly Marina. To achieve this level of accreditation, organisations have met stringent environmental guidelines and standards across all aspects of their activities. This underpins and supports our national Marina Industries Association award last year for the best environmental initiative for a marina which is recognition of the hard stand and the water recycling plant that was established as part of the jetty 4-5 project. Other recent initiatives we have introduced are Green Batch recycling bins which is part of the recently established 10 cent refund Container Deposit Scheme (CDS). Shortly, members will receive Green Batch Cards with the QR code and bar code that attaches CDS and other recyclable containers to the SoPYC facility account. We are partnering with Rotary Club of Melville in setting up Green Batch as our CDS provider. CDS proceeds will be shared the juniors and bosuns club so all containers that meet the scheme criteria and are lodged using the SoPYC scheme number will benefit these groups’ activities. We are endeavouring to provide onion or orange bags to help boat owners manage the acceptable Green Batch CDS and recyclable items which will be identified or the rear of the card.
Goolugatup Sailing Carnival
As members will know, the pandemic travel restrictions led to the cancellation of the Australian Youth Championships being hosted by the Club with assistance from Royal Perth Yacht Club. The Goolugatup Sailing Carnival is the alternative event and runs from 4th January, 2021 until 14th January, 2021. This will be an event that involves off the beach, keelboats and power boats. We expect it will be