God H elp the Girl a zine on consciousness and girlhood
byFeatures Sofia Sears Hyacinth Young English 2F
Expl or ing Consciousness (one facet at a t ime) T his zine aims to dissect and understand the highly complex, unsettling, and multifaceted experience of consciousness, and to understand exactly what it is. T his is by no means an answer to that ever-looming question. It is a piece of the perpetually unfinished puzzle. -Sofia Sears
the dark side of the moon
the poetics of space
Lif e On Mar s
on depr essi on and anxi et y.
w hat is consciousness? "Consciousness is the human skill of being present and aware. Being conscious is hard and requires practice, because as people, we are not intrinsically attuned to how our actions and behavior affect others. Consciousness does not only pertain to others, but also requires us to take a step back and examine our own life with an outside eye." "To realize who you are. And WHY you are." "The temporary detachment from our artificial reality, which results in a moment of madness. Consciousness is a revelation that occurs during that period of "madness" (with madness being a momentary disconnect from the delusion of "reality" that we have created)." "As a person you are aware of how the world is and how you are in the world." "Consciousness, to me, really means just being aware and acknowledging your current and past states of mind. Whether negative or positive."