What is Rapid Application Development Model? Advantages and Disadvantages RAD Model stands for Rapid application development model. RAD Model’s working process is same as Incremental Model. In this model all the work goes in parallel way. RAD model mostly used for small projects which has complete requirement. Customer’s feedback is the main features of this model where customers can see something the work product. This model is most advanced as compare to waterfall model and iterative model.
Rapid Application Development Model’s phases are:
Business Modeling
Data Modeling
Process Modeling
Application Modeling
Testing and Turnover
Business modeling: In this phase business model designed based on business functions. Development shows the complete picture of business process functionality. Data modeling: After complete business model it used to define data objects that are needed for the business. Process modeling: Data objects defined in data modeling are convert or implement in functionality flow. Application modeling: In the phase mostly use automated tools to convert process models into code and the actual system. Testing and turnover: All the testing part performed in this phase. Testers ensures that build are as per the requirement.
Advantages of Rapid Application Development Model
Fast application development model as compare to other software development models
Limited resource required
Low cost
Mostly use for small project
Able to get customer’s feedback
Disadvantages of Rapid Application Development Model
Required professional developers and designers
Phases are depending on each other
Using Automation tools project cost may be increase
Required complete business requirements before start project
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