Software Testing on a Philosophical Note

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Software Testing on a Philosophical Note

The world does not take easily to the ones who question and seek changes

Software testing has a lot of mystery surrounding it, QA team members often personified to be the virtual demons in the lives of the Development teams and why not? They raise questions and doubts. They point out mistakes and make life hell till the time mistakes are not sorted. Â

“If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake”


This is the scheme of things, this is the way it is for Software Testing

But it is questions that lead to revelations, revelations to introspection and introspection to knowledge, a chance to correct; a chance to change. Change in this case brings credibility to the software itself!

“Nothing is forever except change”


AI, digital assistants, chatbots, IoT & drones become mainstream newer testing genres emerge

A lot of discussions ensue on how to test, what to test and the different types of testing. As new ways of doing things emerge, test strategies evolve and newer niches of testing take shape too. We have the brand-new methods of testing for the contemporary approaches. Â And all this just when we thought testing for mobiles and the wearables was it. The principle of life is that nothing is stagnant and changes drive the human fold.

The Changing Technologies to Test

Internet of Things

Mobile Tech

Big Data

BI & Analytic s


The Changing Avatars of Testing

Crowdsource Testing

Globalization Testing

The Changing Approaches for Testing

Extreme & Continuous Testing

Agile & DevOps

Test automation

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

Henry Ford

But working together is no mean feat !

Being a part of this universe simply means that we remain connected. Together it is for testing and development too and this is the reason why DevOps and Agile fit into the picture. Walking hand in hand simply means we comprehend and uncomplicate situations on time and without many repercussions.

“Sometimes we’re tested. Not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths.”


Defects and failures are the inherent outcomes of testing. Proper test strategies & plans devised to take corrective actions and remedy the situations become very critical.

Before it is too late!

Mature Ops takes the pointing out of mistakes by the testing teams on a positive note. The quest to find bugs and errors by the QA teams is not taken as negative criticism but in fact a chance to remedy at the onset; rather than later, after it is too late and the software has been implemented already or the app has been released.

“ Ancient Hindu Philosophy

“Karma is the universal law of Cause & Effect. You reap what you sow”

The testing cycle in itself is a journey the teams embark upon, The errors are but the karmic results in true sense

Much like our lives itself, with a fair share of ups & downs, challenges to combat and things to learn. A prudent test strategy comes up with judicious workflows to set the problems right before release. The acumen almost derives from the theory of Karma as the software developed & released faces the fate in sync with what happened during development.

“The important thing is to not stop questioning”

Albert Einstein

The cycle then of a software from conceptualization to the time it starts fulfilling its purpose, needs to be introspective and reflective

The tests it undergoes are but to bring out its true worth undoubtedly and not to be taken as a hindrance. Â It is important that the QA teams in a Software Testing & QA Company pose purposeful questions in the tests they devise and that the development teams strike out any discrepancies found. Â


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