Improved Alerts System for Customers of a Credit Union

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Case Study Improved Alerts System for Customers of a Credit Union Challenges Alliant Credit Union already had an alerts system in place for its customers. But the organization wanted to offer its customers an improved alerts system when they logged into their account online. The new section would need to be more user friendly as well as have responsive design since an increasing number of Alliant customers were using their mobile phones to check their accounts. Alliant also offers multiple plans and a lot of its customers have multiple accounts with the union. The existing system had a cluttered interface with many dropdown menus but unable to show all the accounts in a single screen.

Background Alliant Credit Union is the 6th largest credit union in the U.S. with over $8 billion in assets and serves 270,000 members nationwide. The Chicago-based financial cooperative was established in 1935. It’s mission is to provide benefits to employees, retirees of qualifying organizations and to any person who lives or works in a qualifying community. It is a not-for-profit cooperative, which means its members are its shareholders. Alliant offers its members various financial plans such as savings and checking accounts, loans, debit cards, and even life insurance plans.



Solutions Softweb Solutions created an alerts system for Alliant’s customers that was user friendly and had responsive design using Bootstrap as the front-end framework. Bootstrap is considered by developers as the ideal framework for developing responsive, mobile related projects. The Alerts system that we created for Alliant shows all the four sections in one integrated screen.


Alerts The Alerts section shows Account Balance, Check Cleared, Electronic Deposit and other transaction details. The user can start/stop and set alerts for each of them by selecting the accounts, amount threshold and the delivery method of the alerts (via SMS and email). He can also delete the alerts.


In the Alerts section, the user can also configure the alerts (Add/Update/Delete) in such a way that the alerts will be sent out based on its settings such as Amount Balance, Check Cleared, etc. History The History section allows the account holder to filter all the alerts received by date, account type, alert type (check cleared, withdrawal notification etc) and delivery method (email IDs and phone numbers).


Case Study Delivery Method This section allows account holders to add, edit and delete their phone numbers and email addresses on which they receive the alerts. Suspend Alerts The account holder can also deactivate the alerts if he is going on vacation or does not want to receive them for any other reason. The system also allows him to setup a Do Not Disturb feature, so that the alerts are not sent out for a selected duration of the day.

Business Benefits The credit union is able to save money by having an automated alert system where customers have full control over which alert to receive and when to receive them. Alliant Credit Union is able to retain and win over more customers by proving that it has the ability to offer the same kind of online banking services as the big banks.

Summary Alliant Credit Union needed a modern and secure alerts system for its customers to give them better control over when and what kind of alerts they received. Softweb Solutions delivered a solution that also incorporates responsive design and allows Alliant customers to view and set all the alerts for their various accounts in one integrated system.

Contact Information

Technologies Used O O O O O O O

Database: SQL Server Architecture: MVC Single Page Language: C# Web Technology: ASP .NET Front-end Framework: Bootstrap Service: WCF Languages support: English

Softweb Solutions 2531 Technology Drive, Suite 312, Elgin, Illinois 60124 US Toll Free Number: 1-866-345-7638 Email:

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