Softweb Solutions Inc. 2531 Technology Drive, Suite 312, Elgin, Illinois 60124 Toll-Free Number: 1-866-345-7638 Fax: 866-345-7638 Article Title: Upcoming version of Drupal – Drupal 8 Keywords: Drupal Application Development, Drupal Web Solutions, Open Source Drupal Developers Content: Drupal is a flexible open source CMS used for website designing, website development and theme designing. Open Source Drupal is all set to release its latest updated version – Drupal 8. Recently Drupal 7.9 was released in the month of October, 2011 and now Drupal 8 is already in the development process. Drupal 7 was a huge attempt and its release took almost three years. It had 1000 contributors, with 30 people being responsible for more than 50% of improvements. But there were some limitations in it like – lack of high band-width communication, too many critical bugs, and lack in overall performance. These areas are expected to be improvised in the upcoming Drupal 8. Some big changes are planned for Drupal 8. Most of the templates and theme functionalities in the present version will be revamped for this upcoming version, along with implementing new form input types and elements for converting Drupal to HTML 5. Other changes expected to be seen are – the improved process of designing Drupal themes, the improved Drupal core support for using multiple languages for content, structure and interface. It is expected that upcoming Drupal 8 will be more flexible, mobile friendly with responsive themes, and the front end performance will be much improved. The areas which will be given priority are – Performance, Accessibility, Documentation, Usability, testing and no critical bugs. Drupal creators have also decided that they will include few components of symfony2. Some components from PHP frameworks will also be present wherever it will fit well together. Two Symfony2 components are already being selected to be included in the next version of Drupal. Some other features that will be included in Drupal 8 are – users will be able to pull information from any source, configuration management, content staging, and flexibility in the types of code it can output.
Also, creators of Drupal are in a discussion of the need to have a strong ecosystem around Drupal. They will be also focusing more on - some advanced improvements in and initiatives such as the Git migration, web services, HTML 5, configuration management and UUIDs. For customized Drupal applications or Drupal web solutions, contact us at The solutions delivered by us are flexible and scalable with latest themes and attractive designs. Summary: Drupal creators have already started working for the upcoming release of it – Drupal 8. The features and changes in this release are being discussed here in this article.