22 Tips to Market Your Brand Effectively On Twitter

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AGENDA • Interesting facts about Twitter • Tips to market your brand effectively on Twitter • Contact us

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INTERESTINGfacts about Twitter • Jack Dorsey was the first person to send tweet on March 21st , 2006 which read “just setting up my twttr.” • Twitter has more than 200 million users tweeting more than 140 million tweets a day. • The company added more than 100 million new registered members in the year 2010. • In October 2009, Google and Microsoft started integrating tweets into their search products. • The initial Twitter logo was created by Stone, a former graphic designer.

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Tips to market your brand effectively on Twitter • Take genuine interest in other members’ problem. Sympathize with them and provide adequate solutions. • Share important news with other members. Be the first one to share topical news for your industry. Include a link so that the information is available on major search engines. • Tweet the titles of all articles that you have written along with their URL; so that followers can easily find them.

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Tips to market your brand effectively on Twitter • Do not use auto-follow tools to respond to your followers. Instead write separate tweets in a personalized manner to generate results. • Learn the art of re-tweeting it not only helps you to stay active; but it also lets people know that you are genuinely interested in the conversation. Re-Tweet is considered as a powerful tool to build your brand, create trust and enhance your reputation as an expert in your field.

• Note that 100 relevant followers on Twitter is more worth than 1000 followers any day of the week.

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Tips to market your brand effectively on Twitter • Promote 80%of the content that your readers will find helpful; and rest 20%in self-promoting yourself. This will take you further than 100%promotion. • Before you tweet something, ask yourself if you would follow this person based on one tweet. If the answer is positive make the tweet live. • The very first step to succeed on Twitter is to get followers and the second step is to maintain them. It takes time to get followers on your tweets and even more difficult to retain them.

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Tips to market your brand effectively on Twitter • The key to succeed on Twitter is to perceive yourself as a brand and selling yourself as a brand. You need to create your worth to be followed. • Find out who is tweeting your links with Back tweets. http://backtweets.com/ • The ultimate goal of Twitter is to encourage communication. Don’t emphasize on marketing your brand instead concentrate on adding value to the conversation.

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Tips to market your brand effectively on Twitter • Keep your personal and professional life separate on Twitter. • Creating your business profile with a real name and a face of identity goes a long way in letting customers associate with your brand on a personal level. • With every Tweet you are giving two options to people i.e., either to re-tweet or unfollow your tweet.

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Tips to market your brand effectively on Twitter • Always concentrate on quality of the tweet rather than the quantity because quality will get you the right followers. • Use Twitter as a supplementary tool along with blogs and other social media efforts. • Twitter marketing is cheap, easy, and effective. If you don’t know how to use it effectively take help from a Social Media Expert. • Always leave 20 or so characters free at the end of the Tweets. This will make it easier for others to re-tweet.

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Tips to market your brand effectively on Twitter • Add Twitter icon and widget to your website and blogs. • Try HootSuite to manage multiple Twitter profiles through a single interface. It also provides analytics about the results of your activities on Twitter. • Always try to precise and direct while tweeting. It will take you a long way in succeeding on Twitter.

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Contact us

Softw eb Solutions I nc. 2531 Technology Drive, Suite 312, Elgin, IL –60124 USA Ph: +1 224-699-2111, +1 224-293-4358 , +1 224-293-4351 Fax: +1 866-345-7638 Web : www.softwebsolutions.com Email : info@softwebsolutions.com

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