Enterprise Mobility Solutions For Healthcare Providers
The Value of Mobile Solutions for Healthcare Most medical professionals are familiar with smartphone and tablet based applications that help them in day to day operations. Yet the applications that can transform your organization are not typically simple and readily available to download. To most effectively address your health care mobility goals, consider the mobile apps listed below. The business value and risk of each application varies. Medical References app offer limited value but almost no risk to providers. Electronic Medical Records can provide much higher productivity and care benefits but must be carefully deployed and managed to meet compliance and privacy policies.
Possible Enterprise Mobile Applications for Healthcare Category
Clinical Process Support
Medical Interpreter, Order Management, Medication management
Clinical Decision Support
Medical Terminology list app, Medical resources, 3D models and interactive materials on mobile devices
Bed management and Staff scheduling, Appointments, Billing, Insurance claims, Inventory
Electronic Medical Records
Patients Records, Medication records
Mobile BI and Dashboards
Traditional v/s Enterprise Mobility Solutions Many app stores and vendors sell thousands of medical applications. These applications rarely provide the enterprise level benefits and present significant risks when used by Healthcare providers. If not incorporated into your Enterprise mobility platform and managed as part of organizational health policies, these applications can possess unnecessary regulatory and compliance risks. Traditional application providers have started to provide specific functional solutions. Yet these solutions are typically appropriate for specific back end operations and are developed to support specific dedicated devices and cannot support integration of data from multiple sources.
Benefits of Enterprise Mobile Healthcare Solutions Deploying well designed, enterprise mobile solutions for Healthcare can deliver significant benefits: Determine best treatment: Bringing mobile patient care tools to the healthcare professionals helps providers accelerate decision making, select best treatment and enhance overall treatment quality. Reduce Complexity: Intuitive, simple to use mobile apps under one unified Enterprise mobile platform makes easier for clinical users to quickly and efficiently get the information they need to make care decisions. Empower Decisions: Delivering role based analytical data to mobile devices gives decision makers the information they need at ease and help them to make decisions quickly. Better patient care: Delivering critical information at fingertips enable care providers instantly monitor patient health status and take actions accordingly.
Key Features of an Enterprise Healthcare Mobility Platform Support for all Smartphones and Tablets to keep pace with new technologies and reduce hardware costs. Data Security through user authentication and encryption features to prevent unauthorized access to data and mobile devices. Role based policies to provide right information to right persons and enforce policies. Remote management and device configuration
Learn More For more information on Enterprise Mobility Solutions for Healthcare, visit us on the web at http://www.softwebsolutions.com/healthcare