Multi-platform Mobile Device Management Product
Yamana is a Sanskrit word and it means governing, managing or even restraining. The word is chosen so that the basic goals of this product are conveyed in the right essence. Yamana provides users a platform for managing their mobile security needs via Mobile Device Management (MDM) features under the Enterprise Mobility as a Service (EMaaS) offerings of Softweb.
What’s the Need? Mobile technologies are at its peak and we have never seen the boom before like this. Companies are ready to accept new Tsunami’s of the Mobile technologies but yet not ready to face the severe threat of Data security and Data theft. Today organizations has done a good job by blocking the access of USB drives, CD/DVD writers, hard drives etc. Companies are ready to invest huge amount of money in security infrastructure but not able to see through the threats which are “Over the Air”.
With the enhancement in the technology, Phones and Users both are getting smart! Some of the sources of Corporate Data Vulnerability are: Web Access, PC Sync, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Voice, Video, Text, Images etc. Mobile device penetration in Indian market is raising at an exponential rate Availability of GPRS networks – 2G, Edge and 3G…4G coming in Availability of free Wi-Fi and Wi-Max connectivity Technology advances like Bluetooth and NFC Age group of 25-35 using internet over mobile About 1/3 users have used internet for first time using mobile devices
Yamana Mobile Device Management Yamana is a mobile device management service by which it gets easy to ensure that the Company’s employees use their mobile devices within the bounds of corporate policies, and it also helps to keep the Company data secured by remotely enforcing pass codes, device lock, bar calls can be done, and the device-level restrictions like Bluetooth, WiFi, etc. and application-level restrictions like barring / allowing access to Facebook, Email, Market etc.
The speedy advancements in the mobile technology are changing the dynamics of enterprise IT Smartphones are taking the place and role of traditional PCs for accessing the corporate data outside the office environment. Moreover, the increase in the power of the mobile devices leads to more exposure of the corporate data and systems making it more vulnerable to theft.
How do Data Breaches Happen?
What Commonalities Exist?
48% involved privilege misuse
98% of all data breached came from servers
40% resulted from Hacking
85% of attacks were not considered highly difficult
38% utilized malware
61% were discovered by third party
28% employed social tactics
86% of victims had evidence of the breach in their log files
15% comprised physical attacks
96% of breaches were avoidable thru simple or intermediate controls 79% of victims subject to PCI DSS had not achieved compliance
According to Verizon – 2010 Data Breach Investigation Repo
Data Security in ENTERPRISES
The need of better security and management of the mobile devices is growing tremendously Moving fast, matching up with the speed, becoming technocrats, bringing in new technologies in the Enterprises; all these make organizations more vulnerable in terms of Data Security. In today’s world where Mobile is considered as an extended part of Human body and Enterprises are trying to improve the productivity and time management of employees using technologies which can be used on the fly. Enterprises are facing a threat of Data Security. The more, we are getting into usage of Technology, the more we hear about data security breaches. Smartphones have recently become anarchy in a pocket. They have the power of a desktop system of just a decade ago, and that power is increasing quickly and exponentially. With that power is apparent responsibility, but smartphone users are often either unaware or ignorant to how much accessibility and potential damage can be done with smartphones—and the large amount and types of data that many smartphones can store. Even a peon can carry a low cost Smartphone and can scan some important document and may sell it to competitor via bluetooth or Wi-Fi. With the popularity of the smartphones,Data is becoming more and more vulnerable. Enterprise MDM products and services help enterprises manage the transition to a more complex, mobile computing and communications environment by supporting security, service, software and inventory management across multiple operating-system platforms, primarily for handheld devices such as smartphones.
Mobile Devices brings Threats to the enterprises data via – Peer to Peer connectivity
PC to Mobile connections
LAN Network Connection
Web/email access
SD card, Memory Stick
Malware and Spyware
Top-Notch Internal Customer Service No matter what the nature of your business, providing excellent customer service is the key to success. However, it is not enough to provide stellar service to your outside clients and customers. Smart companies know that providing top-notch internal customer service is just as important. Without a commitment to internal customer service and accountability, enterprises can suffer from inter-departmental conflict and segmenting, resulting in a loss of focus and forward movement. No matter what your company does, improving internal customer service should be a major focus.
Yamana and Customer Service As a regulatory and compliance tool, Yamana provides features to the enterprises to manage the mobile workforce and the devices at snap. The salient features of Yamana allow the administrator to allow specific information flow, excellent device utilization techniques and secured devices within the organization. Once the users comply with the policies on their devices, they are able to make the best use by leveraging the efficient tools provided within the ambit of the organization. At the same time, the feature to remotely manage – lock or wipe the devices also makes it simple for the management to track the device usage, lost devices and unwarranted use of the data or information or even the intellectual property of the organization.
What’s the Need of Mobility Adoption and BYOD? There are 54 million workers in the US that spend at least 8 hours/week out of their Office 23% Work are tasks that you perform for your job – independent of the location Basic benefits from embracing BYOD – User satisfaction, increased productivity, Perceived cost reduction, and Drives Innovation 6% Obstacles involved in BYOD – Information security, compliance risks, Financial risks, and support cost and complexity Source – Gartner
Yamana – Solution for Mobility Adoption Challenges Yamana is built with the fact resonant in the entire IT industry, across the world. CIOs, IT Managers, and even the CLevel executives across the globe are dealing with this dilemma – to go mobile or not! With that in the arena, Yamana was conceived as a solution for the small and medium enterprises. Such solutions are already available in the market today but with a large enterprises as the target consumers. Softweb decided to take the SME route with a special focus on the Indian market. The very root of the idea was built around the needed feature blocking / controlling mechanism so that even a small family could leverage the features of MDM for their benefits, at an affordable cost. Building upon the variety of mobile platforms was one of the greatest challenges and the needed research was done in-house by the Softweb team. For the purposes of development, all possible avenues were explored and the needed team was hired to achieve the goal. The idea of providing for multiple platforms is crucial for enterprises and organization where the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is an internal policy. The model of Yamana allows an administrator to register multiple mobile devices with varied mobile platforms under the same umbrella tool.
Some examples of Data Security Breach Accessing blocked websites from office Using official data/information Providing unauthorized access to secured data Exchanging/Sharing data using Bluetooth technology
Productive and Security-rich Tool Yamana, as a productivity tool and security-rich offering, provides a huge benefit to the enterprises’ management too. This benefit comes with the needed investment but at the same time provides a lot of peace of mind. For example, in the current scenario, an enterprise may or may not adopt the BYOD policy. This may entail a lot of costs in terms of a) new devices for the mobile workforce and b) specific platform apps for use on the mobile devices. This hurdle can be easily surpassed by adopting Yamana and allowing the employees to bring-in their own mobile devices. This will surely impact the qualitative aspects from the management perspective. Additionally, having an inventory of the mobile devices available within the organization and the ability to manage their data and working can provide a huge benefit to the managers.
The name "Yamana" means governing, managing or even restraining We strive to achieve customer satisfaction and consistent growth by continual improvement. We commit ourselves to provide effective solutions that meet or exceed our customers’ needs by creating an environment of teamwork, innovation and leadership.
Percentage of Breaches in various Industry Groups 33% Financial Services
4% Business Services
23% Hospitality Industry
4% Government
15% Retail Industry
4% Media
6% Manufacturing
3% Healthcare
5% Tech Services
4% Others
Source Verizon – 2010 Data Breach Investigation Report
Effective Solution for small, medium and large Enterprises As a solution offered to the enterprises, Yamana is largely going to impact the employees of any small, medium or large enterprise. With its unique ability to control the mobile devices, enterprise can make sure that optimum use of the mobility of its employees is done. Enabling mobility across the board by itself a huge benefit in terms of a) having a mobile workforce perform efficiently, b) reduced use of commuting, c) availability of latest information on the go and many such areas. Yamana will have a great impact on the flexibility of the workforce, responsiveness, and the ability to collaborate. It will permit them to do more and to deliver better results by prompt services.
Experience MDM in Just 7 Simple Steps Step 1
Step 2
Make Device Internet (GPRS / WIFI) Accessible
Provided Email Address
Step 3
Step 4
Reveive Email
Download Application for Registration
Step 5
Step 6
Enter Credentials
Accept Terms and Condition
Step 7 You're Done!!!
Things to KNOW
Things to know about Yamana Product Yamana is a promising Mobile Security Product for Mobile Device Management. Yamana is a web based mobile device management application, which offers scale, control and security across all devices of Apple iOS, RIM Blackberry, Google Android and Windows Phone platforms. Yamana service is useful to ensure that company employees are using mobile devices within the defined bounds by Corporate Policies. Yamana provides a multi-featured MDM Service by simple seven steps process and remotely securing your Company data and resources. Yamana helps enterprises manage the transition to a more complex, mobile computing and communications environment by supporting security, service, and software and inventory management, for mobile devices – smartphones and tablets. Yamana covers the four most important problem areas involved: device management, support, security and backup procedures. These are all areas of mobile computing that may have significant differences from the desktop environment. Yamana provides commitment of both time and money and provides end to end solution.
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